Brine recipe for lightly salted tomato. Salted tomatoes in a jar

18.04.2019 Buffet table

Now it's time to cook light-salted tomatoes, right? Where without them, right?

In my opinion, cucumbers and tomatoes are the “pure classic” of our Russian cuisine, what do you think?

So, as usual, I share what I did myself and what I was pleased with as a result.

From this article you will learn:

Delicious instant salted tomatoes - the most delicious recipes

Salted tomatoes in a pan - cook in brine

Prepare in no two days. Very convenient, fast, simple, and most importantly - it turns out delicious!

We will need:

  •   (eight small pieces)
  • dill and parsley,
  • hot pepper and allspice,
  • bay leaf,
  • garlic,
  • sugar (tbsp),
  • salt (teaspoon)
  • water (approximately one liter).

Take any container convenient for you. You can jar, you can pan, you can bowl.

I like to do in a saucepan, I don’t like to get out of a can ... Poking around, picking there ... you remember all the tomatoes, as usual ... But you do as you like best.

So how to cook:

  1. Wash tomatoes, cut in half,
  2. Cut the garlic into "petals" or crush in a garlic squeezer,
  3. In the container at the bottom, put half the prepared greens, garlic, pepper, bay leaf,
  4. Put prepared tomatoes on top.
  5. Prepare the brine (boil water with sugar and salt) and immediately pour the hot brine on the tomatoes.
  6. Put the rest of the greens on top and press down with a “weight.” For this purpose, I use a can of water placed on a plate.
  7. Cover your “structure” with gauze to prevent dust from getting there and leave it at room temperature (you can directly on the kitchen table) for two days.

In two days, get out and try!

Remove remaining tomatoes in the refrigerator.

Salted tomatoes in a bag

The next recipe is from the category of "instant cooking".

These are salted tomatoes cooked in a bag. Great appetizer, I tell you, friends!

Quick, easy, delicious. You don’t need to use the dishes or prepare the brine ... Once - and it’s done! Grace!

As usual, I share my “trick”: I add some more cucumbers and Bulgarian pepper to such tomatoes. So they become even tastier! Give it a try!

So we need:

  • About one kilogram of tomatoes,
  • If you use sweet (Bulgarian) peppers and cucumbers, then they are 3-4 pieces each, not more, depends on their size and your taste,
  • One whole head of garlic (this is for my taste, if you are not a fan of spicy garlic taste - no problem, add less!),
  • Greens (dill, parsley, cilantro) - the more the better
  • Salt (see for yourself)
  • Ground black pepper.


  1. Use a sturdy and durable bag for this. I use with a zip-fastener, it is very convenient!
  2. Wash all the vegetables and greens thoroughly, cut the vegetables as you like (I cut very, very large, it turns out beautifully, and there will be no vegetable "porridge"),
  3. Put vegetables, herbs in a bag, add chopped garlic, salt, black pepper,
  4. Tie (fasten) the bag and gently shake its contents so that all the ingredients are mixed together,
  5. Put the bag for a day in the refrigerator, periodically remove it and turn it over so that the brine soaks the vegetables evenly.

If you want the tomatoes to cook faster, then you do not need to put the bag in the refrigerator, leave it at room temperature, and in a few hours you can already eat light-salted instant tomatoes!

My advice to you:  if you don’t finish eating all the tomatoes at once (although I don’t think so ... they are so delicious!), then it’s best to take them out of the bag and put them in a jar or other container.

I noticed that if you continue to store them in a bag (even in the refrigerator!), They seem to be "suffocating" or something ... That is, they become lethargic, ugly, tasteless and ... no, in general ...

Salted cherry tomatoes - recipe

I like this recipe! Cherry tomatoes in themselves have an interesting taste, and salted ones are even tastier! And we will add more greens and garlic to them ... mmm ... a fairy tale!

And such tomatoes look very beautiful, decoration for any table will be.

Well, the fact that they perfectly fit absolutely ANY dish, I generally keep quiet ...

We will need:

  • Cherry tomatoes - take 500 grams,
  •   parsley - over a large bunch,
  • Garlic - to your taste, I take three cloves,
  • Salt, ground black pepper.

So, prepare:

  • Tomatoes and greens, finely chopped greens, chop the garlic.
  • Then, each tomato, so that it is well salted, we pierce in several places with a toothpick (you can make a cross-shaped incision in the place where the stalk is).
  • We put the tomatoes in a bowl, add greens, salt, pepper, garlic, mix thoroughly.
  • Now close the bowl with foil and leave at room temperature for a couple of hours, periodically stirring its contents.
  • Then we remove the bowl in the refrigerator for the whole night, no less.

By the way, you can immediately cook your “cherry” in a package, if it is so convenient for you!

Serve them well and just like that, and pouring a little vegetable oil on top, olive oil is great here.

As greens, I like to add basil and rosemary to such tomatoes, sooo aromatic!

Just don’t overdo it, basil and rosemary have a rather strong aroma and taste, and I can easily “hammer in” all the charm of this dish!

Another “trick” for those who like a spicy taste: instead of salt, add soy sauce - A very cool taste!

And yes, such salted tomatoes can also be prepared from ordinary ones, if the “cherry” is not at hand.

Dont be upset. And boldly cook from those that are! From experience - pink tomatoes according to this recipe are also very good!

Salted tomatoes with mustard

Another recipe for lovers of piquant taste is salted tomatoes with mustard.

Everything, as usual, is quite simple:

  • It is necessary to prepare tomatoes (better to take small ones): wash them and cut them in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stalk with a “cross”, you can make several punctures with a toothpick near the stalk,
  • Put the tomatoes in a container (a glass jar is suitable) along with garlic, spices, herbs,
  • Pour salt, sugar and mustard powder on top (see as you like, as you like) and pour boiling water over it.
  • Tie a container with tomatoes on top with gauze and leave at room temperature.
  • That's it! As a result, you get delicious mustard tomatoes

The fermentation process takes three to four days, but less can be, it depends on the size of your tomatoes.

So get one little thing in a couple of days, try, as you like, is it ready?

How to cook fast salted tomatoes - video

I advise you to watch this video, here you will find a very large selection of recipes for making lightly salted tomatoes.

These are the recipes I offer you today, friends.

Write in the comments your recipes and “chips” for preparing salted tomatoes, it will be very interesting to me!

Cook with Pleasure and Stay Healthy!

  With you was Alena Yasneva, bye!

   Calorie content:   Not specified
   Time for preparing:   Not specified

Be sure to try these salted tomatoes, a quick recipe in a saucepan is simple and anyone can make such tomatoes. Lightly salted tomatoes acquire their real, full-bodied taste two days after salting. But this does not mean that you can’t try them before. If you pickle in the evening, then the next day for dinner you can already put on the table a plate with light-salted tomatoes. They will taste sweet-salty, with a slight spiciness that vinegar and rings of hot pepper give to tomatoes. After standing in the brine for another day, the tomatoes become softer, they are better saturated with spices, the aroma of herbs, garlic and acquire a well-perceptible salty taste. In the summer, such an appetizer disappears imperceptibly and very quickly: to boiled or, buckwheat, fried and stewed meat, cutlets and just like that, with fresh bread is very tasty!


- ripe meaty tomatoes - 600-700 gr;
- allspice peas - 6-7 pcs;
- garlic - 4 large teeth;
- salt - 1 tbsp. l (cookery, with a slide);
- table vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp. l;
- bay leaf - 2 pcs;
- water - 2.5 glasses;
- parsley - half a bunch;
- celery, dill - 3-4 branches;
- hot peppers - 2-3 rings.

Recipe with photo step by step:

  Wash dill, parsley and celery. We remove the sagging and yellowed leaves. Put in a saucepan along with rings of hot pepper and slices of garlic. If the garlic cloves are very large, cut into plates so that the brine quickly picks up taste and pungency.

  To speed up salting, we chop the tomatoes with a toothpick around the stem. Or we make a shallow cruciform incision on the opposite side.

  We put the tomatoes in a pan on a pillow of spicy herbs and spices. If the tomatoes do not fit in one layer, we lay twigs of greens between them.

  Cooking marinade. Pour cold water into a pan or bowl, throw a lavrushka, allspice or black peas.

  Pour the desired amount of coarse salt (extra for marinades is not suitable), stir and put on high heat. As soon as it boils, remove from heat, cool.

  Pour the marinade tomatoes with herbs. Pour a spoonful of table or wine, apple cider vinegar.

  We cover the tomatoes with an inverted dish, slightly crushing the tomatoes so that they are completely in the marinade. Leave for several hours at room temperature, then rearrange in the refrigerator.

After a day, light-salted tomatoes are almost ready. Inside, they are still sweet, dense, finally salted and will reach full readiness in a day or two. Enjoy your meal!
  But how to cook

Delicious light salted tomato recipe  for you, our dear readers. Salted tomatoes in a jar  excellent in that they lack preservatives, a small amount of salt is used and they are very fast. In addition, tomatoes are salted in brine, which means that they can be stored in the refrigerator much longer than those cooked in a saucepan or in a bag, which must be eaten immediately.

Mistresses note: pickling tomatoes it is better to choose a variety with a dense peel and small size. Pour the tomatoes necessarily with warm brine, but not hot, so that the tomatoes do not burst, and externally lightly salted tomatoes  They looked beautiful, like fresh.

Salted Tomato Recipe with Garlic and Herbs

5 from 1 reviews

Salted tomatoes in a jar

Type of food: Billets

Cuisine: Russian


  • Water - 1 liter,
  • strong tomatoes - 1 kg,
  • garlic - 5 cloves,
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp. l.,
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.,
  • black pepper peas - 5-7 pcs.,
  • tarragon (tarragon) at will - 3-4 branches,
  • hot pepper
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.,
  • greenery.


  1. First, wash the tomatoes and remove the ponytails.
  2. After that, in each tomato in the place where the peduncle was, we make a shallow puncture with a toothpick.
  3. Then, at the bottom of a clean, sterilized jar, put half the greens, peeled garlic and a small piece of hot pepper.
  4. Then, spread the tomatoes and the rest of the seasonings on top.
  5. We prepare the brine: for this, boil for 2-3 minutes water with salt, sugar, peas of peppers and bay leaf. Cool to a warm state.
  6. Next, pour the tomatoes with cooled brine, cover with gauze and leave at room temperature for two days.
  7. After this time, we cover the jars with a capron lid and put them in the refrigerator for storage.
  8. Salted tomatoes are ready.

Enjoy your meal!

Salted tomatoes in a jar

A delicious recipe for lightly salted tomatoes for you, our dear readers. Salted tomatoes in the jar are excellent in that they lack preservatives, a small amount of salt is used and they cook very quickly. In addition, tomatoes are salted in brine, which means that they can be stored in the refrigerator much longer than those cooked in a saucepan or in a bag, which must be eaten immediately. Note to the hostesses: for pickling tomatoes, it is better to choose a variety with a dense peel and small size. Pour the tomatoes necessarily with warm brine, but not hot, so that the tomatoes do not burst, and outwardly light-salted tomatoes looked beautiful, like fresh. Recipe for salted tomatoes with garlic and herbs 5 from 1 ...

If you decide to pickle tomatoes, but you don’t want to wait a month for their readiness, then you just need to learn at least one quick recipe for this wonderful, tasty and healthy vegetable.

Salty tomatoes are a great snack, you can enjoy it with your family and also put it on the table in front of the guests.

There are recipes that will make your tomatoes salty in just a few hours.

Several salting recipes will be presented here. All of them are not difficult. You can try cook salty tomatoes  in different ways, and you can choose one recipe that you like best or seem the easiest to execute.

In order to make instant salted tomatoes, you will need:

  • Salt.
  • Brine.
  • Spices.
  • Tomatoes

In the process of cooking, you must adhere to some rules that will make your tomatoes tasty.

First of all, you need to carefully choose the tomatoes themselves, which you will pickle. First, take these about the same size vegetables  (small) and it is desirable that they be of the same variety. This condition must be observed for the simple reason that if the tomatoes are very different, then they will be salted unevenly. Those that are larger in size may remain slightly salted or not salted at all.

Tomatoes need to choose not only one size, but also one color. Because each color has its own taste. In addition, tomatoes of different color will require a different amount of time for salting. Especially for a long time you have to wait for the effect of green tomatoes.

The best tomato variety that is suitable for quick salting is plum. Firstly, they are perfect in size, and secondly, they can be perfectly fit even in small cans, well, and thirdly, they just have a wonderful taste.

Another suitable for quick salting variety of tomatoes - cherry. They are very small, they have delicate skin and a delicate taste that even gourmets will appreciate. But they must be handled very carefully so as not to damage and not get tomato paste with skins floating in it instead of salted tomatoes. Salts for their preparation need a little, because they are tiny and quickly absorb the brine. And the spices in their preparation is better not to use.

Also choose tomatoes should be elastic, wholewithout any dents or damage. As pulp may squeeze out of the damaged fruit or drain juice. If this happens, then the desired dish will not work. During cooking, you should not add too many spices to the tomatoes, otherwise you risk not feeling the taste of the vegetable itself. It is strictly forbidden to pierce tomatoes during salting, as is done with cucumbers. If you pierce the tomatoes, then just ruin everything.

To make your tomatoes pickle faster, you need to add more salt to the brine and bring the brine to a boil. Hotter brinethe faster the tomatoes will pickle. Therefore, it is best to pour them directly with boiling water. Jars with tomatoes salted in a quick way need to be closed with ordinary lids, not rolled up. Since such tomatoes need to be eaten quickly and should not be stored for a long time. A quick method of salting does not involve long-term storage.

The recipe for quick salting of tomatoes No. 1. It is called "Salty tomatoes with spices"

For cooking, you will need the following components:

  • Water (1.5 liters).
  • Tomatoes
  • Two cloves of garlic.
  • Coarse salt (2.5 tbsp.spoons).
  • Vinegar (1 teaspoon).
  • Sugar (2 tablespoons).
  • Cinnamon (on the tip of a knife or teaspoon).
  • Leaves of black currant (2-3 pcs.).
  • Dill (twigs with seeds).

Cooking method

First you need to wash the tomatoes very carefully. Then peeled garlic cloves  need to be cut into thin plastics. Press the garlic lightly with a knife to squeeze a little juice out of it.

Now we take water (a small amount), it should be slightly salty, and warm. In this water for approximately 30 minutes need to soak dill and currant leaves. After that we take the jar. In it, lay out our chopped garlic at the bottom. On it we lay out dill branches and currant leaves. The water in which they were soaked must be poured into a jar (approximately 2-3 tablespoons).

Now we begin to prepare the solution. We take water, add salt, sugar, cinnamon and add vinegar. We boil it all. While our pickle is preparingcarefully put the tomatoes in a jar. When the brine begins to boil, you need to pour tomatoes on it, close the jar with a lid and after 3-6 hours our salty tomatoes will be completely ready.

“Salty tomatoes with garlic, bay leaves and onions”

To bring this recipe to life, we need:

The method of preparation of salted tomatoes with onions, parsley and garlic

To the bottom of the can first spread the dill branches, then peppercorns, leaves of currant, bay leaf. Then we add here the onion previously sliced \u200b\u200binto thin rings. If you took garlic cloves of large or medium size, chop them and sprinkle with fine salt. After half an hour, you can put them at the bottom of the can. If your garlic is small, then you can add it to the jar as a whole and without salting out at the same time.

The washed tomatoes are carefully placed in a jar so as not to squeeze, crush or scratch. Now boil the brine (water, salt and sugar). When it boils well, fill them with our tomatoes. Next, close the lid and leave to salted for 4-6 hours.

Salting time selection  depends entirely on your taste. If you want to cook very salty and softened tomatoes, then it is better to keep them in a jar for 6 hours. If you like less salty and more resilient tomatoes, then 4 hours will be enough for you, since during this time they will have time to salt enough.

In order to diversify your tomatoes, salted in a quick way, to make them more spicy, vibrant, piquant, you can add some ingredients to the recipes. For example, some hot pepper. Enough 1-2 circles for three liters of tomatoes. Thanks to the addition of hot pepper, the taste of your dish will become bright and rich.

If you like pickled tomatoes rather than salted, you can add vinegar. On a three-liter can one tablespoon is enough  this ingredient. Mustard. She will make the familiar taste of salted tomatoes piquant. Dry mustard can simply be dissolved in brine, or put the powder on the bottom of the can.

Another wonderful for quick salting ingredient - bell pepper. Before putting it in a jar of tomatoes, it must be put to the bottom. It will be enough to take one ring of pepper - large, wide and dense. It will need to be cut into ribbons. You can supplement the taste of salty tomatoes with a nut leaf. One or two leaflets can be laid out at the bottom of the can.

These simple tips and recipes will come in handy for you to make savory instant tomatoes with your own hands. Follow all the rules, experiment with the ingredients, pick your favorite recipe and you can delight yourself and your loved ones with goodies that you won’t have to wait long.