HIPP fennel tea for breastfeeding: a guide for newborns and nursing mothers. How to give fennel tea to newborns

28.08.2019 Egg dishes

Fennel ordinary - one of the first plants, which became famous for medicinal.

He was highly valued by Hippocrates, Avicenna, Pliny, and used to treat various diseases.

Due to its pleasant sweetish taste, fennel has found application in the preparation of medicinal drinks, and primarily in tea.

Fennel - what it is and what it looks like

The herbaceous plant fennel belongs to the umbrella family. Among its relatives are dill, anise and cumin.

It is closest in its properties to dill, it is not by chance that other names have stuck to it among the people: "pharmaceutical dill" and "Volosh dill". What is the difference between fennel and dill you will learn from ours.

But the ancient Greeks gave him the name "marathon plant" - because he endowed people with energy, health, strength and guaranteed success where excellent physical shape was required.

Fennel can reach a height of two meters, it stem straight, ribbed, with a slight bluish bloom... Small yellow flowers are collected in umbrellas.

The type of fruit (up to 1 cm long, 4 mm wide) is called the "droop", it splits into two halves. Fennel root is fusiform, length is about 40 cm.

In the aerial part, a rather large bulb is formed from the petioles (by the way, according to culinary experts, this is the most valuable part of the plant).

Unfortunately, it really ripens only in the hot Mediterranean countries - Italy, Greece, Turkey. However, recently "zoned" fennel has also been growing in Eastern Europe, China and India.

The following video will tell about fennel:

The chemical composition of the fruits, seeds, root of this plant

All parts of the plant are of interest from a medical point of view.

Its stems are a source of vitamins A, C, B. The leaves contain a lot of carotene, ascorbic acid, and rutin.

Essential oils are concentrated in fennel fruits... In addition, they contain sugar and proteins. The seeds contain many vitamins and various microelements (copper, iron, manganese, calcium, phosphorus).

The root is also rich in useful substances (cosmetologists especially appreciate it). In general, the plant, with a mass of advantages, is also distinguished by its low calorie content (31 kcal per 100 g), therefore it is recommended as a means for weight loss.

It is easiest to buy this plant, both for medicinal and culinary needs, in the market or in a large supermarket. How much does fennel cost? In the European part of Russia, the average price is 130 rubles. per kg.

When buying (especially if the healing properties of a plant are important to you), you need to choose specimens in which the grass (stem, leaves) is green, juicy, elastic, but in no case sluggish.

You can store fennel in the refrigerator for five days, after which the plant almost completely loses its aroma.

Types and varieties

There are two types of plant: pharmacy and vegetable (Italian). In the first, seeds and greens are especially highly valued, in the second, bulbs (or, as they are also called, heads of cabbage), reaching 10 cm in diameter in the best specimens.

Breeders from different countries develop varieties that are most adapted to the local climate and better meet the needs of consumers.

In European countries these are varieties of Italian selection "Florentine", "Bologna", "Carmo". In Russia - "Udalets", "Casanova", "Rondo", "Corvette".

Historians say: Avicenna owns the aphorism that 4.5 grams of fennel seeds, consumed by a person between the beginning of spring and the beginning of summer, make it possible to forget about any diseases for the whole coming year.

But what useful properties of tea with fennel are especially appreciated by modern medicine. Thanks to this plant,:

Medicinal properties for women

Fennel is very useful for the fair sex - we have already talked in a separate section about how tea with this plant is used by nursing mothers and how important it is for babies.

During menopause, tea can be useful for a woman to overcome internal discomfort, relieve painful syndromes.

There is evidence that fennel can be used "for the breast", that is, to increase the bust, which will certainly interest women who would like to solve the problem without using "chemistry" and surgical intervention.

The secret of fennel is that it enhances the production of the female hormone estrogen, which has a positive effect on the development of the mammary glands.

but during pregnancy (especially in the later stages) some restrictions come into force: they either refuse tea with fennel altogether, or drink it a little, otherwise there is a risk of provoking premature birth.

For men

It will be useful for men to know that fennel is one of the powerful aphrodisiacs... Teas and decoctions of this plant contain substances that enhance the sexual activity of the male body.

For children

Fennel tea is one of the first herbal drinks a child gets to know. Babies are given it to relieve painful colic (we talked about this in a separate article).

Further use of the plant in the children's wellness menu helps to strengthen the child's immunity, his nervous system, normalize digestive processes.

Children often refuse medicines because they do not like their taste; on the contrary, the child will definitely like fennel tea, because it is sweet and has a “confectionery” aroma, reminiscent of candies and caramels.

This medicinal plant provides the young body with a supply of vitamin C, useful for colds (cough). He has antimicrobial, disinfecting properties, there is a prebiotic inulin, which helps the intestines to recover from any problems.

The use of tea with fennel has a beneficial effect on the formation of the child's bone apparatus.

Indications for use

Here are the cases where fennel's effectiveness will be most noticeable:

  • with pancreatitis;
  • flatulence;
  • intestinal cramps;
  • slow metabolism;
  • insomnia;
  • bronchitis;
  • poor appetite.

Sometimes patients have a question: fennel weakens or strengthens, because it is recommended for both constipation and diarrhea.

Experts more often agree that the diarrhea itself cannot be stopped with fennel (the plant has a slight laxative effect), but to restore the intestinal flora, the drink may be useful.

As for constipation, the help of the plant in this case is obvious - you can drink tea with fennel, as well as consume the plant bulbs fresh.

Making fennel tea is easy. If you buy its seeds or extract from a pharmacy, the package will definitely contain a detailed description or instructions on how and what to do.

If you cook the tea yourself, do this: pour a teaspoon of medicinal raw materials with a glass of boiling water and leave for ten minutes. After that, the drink must be filtered.

To defeat a cold, you can drink about five glasses of this drink a day. Honey goes well with fennel, you can put a little in tea.

But how to prepare the broth: pour a couple of tablespoons of raw materials with boiling water (200 ml), and then keep in a water bath for two minutes. Infuse, like tea, for 10 minutes.

If you need to achieve an expectorant effect, you can add other medicinal plants to fennel - mint, coltsfoot, anise.

For the digestive system, tea with the addition of ginger will be useful. The drink is prepared as follows: a piece of fresh ginger and a pinch of fennel seeds are thrown into a glass of boiling water. They insist. You need to drink such tea either directly with meals or before meals.

Men who have problems with potency may benefit from a tincture with fennel seeds (100 g), celery greens (100 g). They are poured with alcohol or vodka, placed in a dark place for a month, but every day the container with the tincture must be shaken.

Properties, instructions for correct brewing, and are also discussed in detail in this publication.

The medicinal properties and contraindications of tea with lemon balm, the benefits and harms of the drink, as well as brewing recipes are presented in the article.

Application in folk medicine, cosmetology

Traditional medicine uses fennel to treat pustular diseases, conjunctivitis (a decoction is prepared from the seeds for washing the eyes), to get rid of nausea.

Gargling helps with throat ailments and loss of voice. Lotions help to heal wounds on the skin.

In cosmetology, fennel-based products are used for the face (to remove puffiness under the eyes, remove pimples and blackheads), for hair - to restore their health, shine and strength.

Cooking also considers fennel "their" plant. Its seeds are used as a spice for making sauce for fish, and a delicious seasoning for meat dishes is obtained from the onion.

Many people enjoy eating fennel soups, marinades, pickles.

How can it be replaced

We can talk about a full replacement of fennel with some other plant when it comes to cooking (in the healing sphere, fennel has no one hundred percent analogue).

But in the kitchen stalked celery is sometimes used instead of a plant bulb, and cumin instead of seeds... Also, dill or anise is taken as a "understudy".

Contraindications and possible harm

There are a number of reasons why fennel tea is contraindicated:

  • pregnancy;
  • tachycardia;
  • epilepsy;
  • allergy.

Even healthy people need caution: if you drink too much fennel tea, an overdose can occur, causing an upset stomach or an allergic reaction.

Fennel has been used as a medicinal herb for decades. Many doctors believe that it is thanks to fennel that vision can be restored and many diseases can be cured. Today, due to the fact that the appearance, methods of application and smell of this herb are similar to dill with anise, they use it in the same way.

Everyone knows that tea, with the addition of fennel and dill, will improve the digestive tract, remove bloating, irritation, and improve digestion itself. In lactating women, fennel increases the amount of milk. And what is the use of tea with fennel for a newborn child - not only experienced parents, but also beginners know.

If we talk specifically about the benefits of fennel tea for a newborn toddler, then many questions can arise here. This tea solves problems well - it soothes the nervous system of the crumbs and helps to deal with colic (by the way, fennel "fights" with colic much better than other remedies), strengthens the baby's immune system, which is very important for him, because he is still weak, he it is necessary to grow and strengthen.

Benefits, appearance and ingredients of tea

Actually, tea with fennel is the same dill water familiar to everyone, which our mothers and grandmothers used as needed. But it turns out that today it is quite difficult to buy real dill water. The only exceptions are pharmacies that manufacture prescription drugs. True, this is not always convenient for potential buyers (the pharmacy is located far from home, there is no time to go there or any other problems). But dry tea with the addition of fennel extract is available to everyone.

Tea with fennel for a newborn can be either in bags (they are poured with boiling water and infused for several minutes), or in the form of granules (they are diluted with warm boiled water). And in terms of pharmacological properties, the varieties of products are absolutely identical.

Parents should pay special attention to the constituent elements of tea. And this is not without reason, because there is a lot that is necessary for a small organism: useful trace elements, vitamins, protein, ascorbic acid, sugar, carotene. All this will be useful to the little one at the very beginning of his life.

A huge plus of fennel tea is, oddly enough, its smell. It is very delicate, similar to the sweetish light aroma of anise. The kids really like it. In the course of research carried out by specialists, it was found that newborn crumbs are very sensitive to various odors and can refuse something just because they did not like the smell.

How to choose the right tea and the dosage of the decoction?

When mom chooses this product on supermarket shelves or in pharmacies, she should pay attention to the fact that the composition is free of gluten, artificial colors and flavors, and, of course, sucrose. And in some cases, it is more correct to refuse tea, which contains lactose.

Important! The main ingredients of any ready-made fennel tea for newborns are its extract and glucose.

In addition to the fact that mom knows how to brew fennel and in what form to take it, she needs to understand what dosages can be offered to a newborn.

The main thing is to remember: no matter what choice mom makes for her toddler (dill water, tea or broth), for the first time just one teaspoon will be enough. Then watch for a while how the baby feels. If after such a tiny portion there is no redness, no rashes appear on the skin, you can very carefully increase the portion.

Experts suggest giving babies a teaspoon of dill water three times a day before feeding. If the baby is artificially fed, the same amount of water can be added to the mixture. Such a dose will be enough for the first month of a child's life, and then the amount of medicine can be slightly increased - up to 6 teaspoons.

Fennel tea and decoctions prepared in the home kitchen are allowed to be offered to the baby when he is one month old, the dosage should also be minimal.

Fennel and colic: who wins?

Baby colic cannot be called a disease. They do not need to be treated at all, they will slowly pass by themselves. Any pediatrician will agree with these words. Pediatrician - yes, but not a tiny one. A newborn miracle cannot yet understand that it is enough just to be patient and wait a little. Therefore, crying of babies so often occurs. Mom, who does not sleep at night, spending time at the crib of her baby, is ready to do everything possible and impossible to make her child's health even a little easier.

In this case, a huge problem is that such small crumbs should not be given almost anything that modern pharmacology has to offer. It is in this case that the fennel plant will come to the rescue. Let's figure out what it is and how to properly give it to kids?

Fennel is a plant that belongs to the umbrella family. The familiar dill lives in the same family. Back in the days of Avicenna and Hippocrates, who successfully used fennel to cure digestive ailments, this plant enjoyed unprecedented popularity. It can be used both raw and thermally processed, with all parts. Fennel has carminative properties, which makes it possible to relieve colic and bloating in both infants and adults.

Advice to parents! Fennel for newborns is not a preventive measure. Do not give it to a baby who does not have colic. In some cases, there will be no negative consequences. But in others, there may be some addiction to this product, as a result of which the child will become addicted to this product. The consequences will not be very good: the digestion of the crumbs will be carried out without any problems only if he uses fennel tea.

Contraindications to the use of fennel

We must immediately draw the attention of young parents to the fact that, on the one hand, this is a useful and harmless plant. On the other hand, babies should be given it with great discretion.

Important! Never give teas or fennel teas to a newborn if he has epilepsy or is allergic to this plant.

In order for mommy to understand whether the baby has an allergic reaction or not, the first time you need to give him a small dose of broth (about 3-5 ml). If after a while there are no rashes or redness, the baby is in good health, you can gradually increase the dose a little, but do not stop watching the reaction.

How to brew fennel correctly for newborns

There are so many ways to brew medicinal herb to get a healing drink that relieves discomfort in the tummy of a toddler. Consider the simplest recipes, thanks to which you can easily get the necessary broth.

Fennel green tea

Pour one tablespoon of chopped greens with boiling water (200-250 ml) (both dried and fresh are useful). Insist for half an hour. Then strain the resulting tea and cool to room temperature. The baby can drink. This tea is added to expressed breast milk or to a mixture. The main thing to remember is that infants can be offered no more than 50 ml of this herbal tea per day.

Fresh fennel tea

To make such a healthy tea, you just need to chop the fennel fruits very finely with a knife. For a glass of boiling water, just a teaspoon of this "tea leaves" will be enough.

It is not at all necessary to prepare a lot of this tea. Better to brew a new batch later. After the brewing process, it is necessary that the infusion stand for at least half an hour. Now strain, cool (if necessary) and give the baby a drink. Only 10-15 ml is enough for one feeding.

Let's prepare an infusion of fennel seeds

Grind one teaspoon of fennel seeds in a mortar or coffee grinder. Pour a glass of boiling water over them. Let it stand for thirty minutes. Strain and cool to room temperature. For one feeding, the baby can be given one teaspoon. Babies tolerate this infusion very well and the result can be seen very quickly.

Fennel Tea Producers: Which Choose?

Purchased teas are made taking into account all the needs of the baby's body: they do not contain harmful components, so parents do not need to worry about their naturalness.

Product from "Humana" containing fennel, caraway seeds, fennel fruit oil, lactose and maltodextrin, are recommended for babies over one month of age. Here you need to pay attention to the child's individual intolerance to the components.

Tea "Bebivita" granular, dissolves quickly. It contains fennel and dextrose. It is offered in a 200 gram jar, usually not packed in sachets. Eliminates bloating and intestinal colic in babies.

Tea "Grandma's basket" offered in beautiful boxes of 20 sachets each. Applicable even for the smallest consumers (over a month old). Contains only fennel fruits.

So, it is already clear that fennel is one of the best natural remedies for intestinal colic in babies. Only use it carefully. With the judicious use of fennel for a newborn, you can greatly improve his condition and fully experience the joy of motherhood.

Newborn babies often have colic due to the unformed microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. Because food is not processed, gases are generated. They are air bubbles that, by stretching the intestines, cause unbearable pain to the baby. Colic usually occurs in children under six months of age.

With colic, a child can be helped in two ways: carminative agents and massage. Fennel is a carminative. It is a herbaceous plant (like dill). Fennel has a pleasant smell and is intended for human consumption.

Beneficial features

The plant contains such important vitamins as: PP, E, K, C, A. The composition also contains various mineral components, glycosides and essential oil. The plant has a positive effect on breastfeeding babies. Possesses the following properties:

  • has a positive effect on the immune system;
  • fights against excessive gas formation;
  • has a calming effect;
  • has a good effect on the digestion of the child;
  • relieves spasms in the intestines.

To eliminate colic, various teas and teas made from fennel seeds, roots or herbs are used. And if your child has diaper rash or becomes restless, then you can also do baths using fennel.

Basic fennel recipes

  1. Tea recipe. Fennel-based tea for treating a child is not difficult to prepare. To do this, you need to crush a few grams of its seeds (no more than three) and fill them with boiled water (about 190-210 ml.). After half an hour, strain the drink with the help of improvised means and add a little boiled water (slightly chilled) to it.
  2. Broth recipe. The decoction is traditionally made from the roots of the plant. For cooking, you need to grind the main ingredient and pour boiling water over it (about 190-210 ml.). Boil the crushed roots for two minutes and then let it brew. After 10 minutes, strain with the help of available tools and cool to the temperature you need.
  3. Tincture recipe. The tincture is made from the herb fennel. Chop greens and pour boiling water over. Strain after one hour.
  4. Dill water recipe. It is believed that “dill water” based on fennel essential oil is the most effective for children. To prepare this water, you need to dissolve the essential oil of the plant (take 0.05 grams) in a liter of boiled water (room temperature). Store this medicine in the refrigerator. Shake well before use.

In general, before "dill water" was very common, it could be easily purchased at any pharmacy. However, now it is difficult to find it anywhere, and even if you find it, the price will not please you.

Remember to prepare these recipes just before use!

The dosage of this home medicine should be followed to ensure the treatment is safe. Allergy in the form of itching or rash is possible. If your baby has abdominal problems, then, after consulting with your pediatrician, you can start treatment with this remedy after seven days of age. On the 1st day - 1/2 tsp. If there is no allergic reaction, then it is allowed to use three tsp. per day (one at a time before feeding). After the child is one month old, you can increase the dose to 6 tsp. in a day.

If this homemade folk remedy causes an allergic reaction, then its use should be stopped immediately.

There are also many products with fennel content that can be purchased at the pharmacy. There they are also made in the form of teas and "dill water". But, in addition to those medicines that you can prepare at home, there are powders intended for the preparation of solutions. When buying medicines at a pharmacy, read the instructions carefully, because the concentration is different everywhere.

"Plantex". The most popular medicine containing fennel is Plantex. It comes in the form of a powder made from the fruit of fennel. It also contains essential oil, glucose, lactose and fragrance. The instructions say that for cooking, you should dilute one packet of powder in one hundred milliliters of milk or boiled water, then stir this mixture.

"Hipp". Also popular tea is "Hipp". This tea has gained its great popularity in many countries. It is produced in Germany from organic raw materials. This company presents a separate line of fennel teas for babies as young as one week old. This tea is the most popular and of the highest quality. When using this product, the following application guidelines should be observed:

  1. First week: consume no more than 1 tsp. throughout the day, over time, gradually increase the portion to 50-100 milliliters per day;
  2. In the period from the fourth to the sixth month: the portion should be brought to 150 milliliters per day;
  3. During the period from the seventh to the twelfth month: the serving size must be within the acceptable range (150-200 ml per day).

Water procedures

For restless children, special water procedures with fennel content are done. Recipes for water treatments with fennel:
  1. Sedative action. Use the herbs fennel and chamomile (one tablespoon each) and add wheatgrass and licorice root (two tablespoons each).
  2. For skin problems. Use fennel seeds, oregano and thyme (2 tablespoons each).

To prepare, you need to pour the contents of the recipe into a jar and fill it with boiled water. After a couple of hours, the resulting mixture must be filtered and used for water procedures in small doses.

Digestive problems are not uncommon in infants. It often happens that the prescribed drugs do not help. In these cases, traditional methods of treatment come to the aid of loving mothers. After all, before they used only chamomile and fennel - and it always helped! It is equally important that this medicine can be prepared quickly, and the beneficial effect will not be long in coming.

Video: medicinal properties of fennel

29 03.16

Yesterday evening, Roma and I were walking around the park and found a box with fennel (still packed), apparently someone dropped it, carrying a full package from the store. I understood - this is a sign, it's time to write about this wonderful drink.

The best medicine for all kinds of diseases is prevention. For this purpose, it is best to use traditional medicine, one of which is fennel tea.


Fennel is one of the oldest medicines with pronounced healing properties. The funds based on it are:

  • Antispasmodics
  • Diuretics
  • Expectorants
  • Disinfectants,
  • Promote increased lactation,
  • They have a mild laxative effect.
  • Antimicrobial and antifungal,
  • Increase the secretion of the digestive glands,
  • Improves digestion.

Easy to handle

This drink is good for children from birth when they have gas and bloating, and it also helps with intestinal colic. Fennel tea normalizes all digestive processes, relieves spasm from the intestinal muscles.

If the child has constipation, then an enema with fennel decoction will quickly solve this problem. With flatulence, tea can be enhanced with cumin.

Very often in pharmacies you can find tea for newborns, which is called dill water, since fennel belongs to the same umbrella family as dill.

There are also various modern names for this drink, but regardless of the name, they all have similar instructions for use.

For adults, indications for the use of fennel-based products are gastritis, dyspepsia, spastic colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, nervous agitation, etc.

The drink has the ability to increase lactation, so it will be very useful for nursing women.

Thus, the benefits for our body from drinking fennel tea can hardly be overestimated.

How to brew

Making fennel tea is easy. A couple of tablespoons of seeds are poured with a quarter liter of boiling water and kept for one hour. The resulting drink has a pleasant smell and taste, so adults and children drink it with great pleasure.

It should be noted that to prepare a decoction for babies, it is recommended to pre-wash the seeds and cook them in a clean, boiled container.

When applied to the eye area, tea lotions are applied for 10 minutes.

Recipe for slimness

It is necessary to crush 20 grams of raw materials, pour boiling water (200 ml) and boil for about 5 minutes, then insist half an hour and the drink is ready for use.

Weight loss occurs due to a mild diuretic effect and a decrease in hunger, and a mild laxative effect helps prevent constipation.

You need to use it within reasonable limits, in courses. It should be remembered that these recipes are only suitable as a supplement to physical activity and a balanced diet.


This drink has a minimum list of contraindications:

  • Individual intolerance,
  • Epilepsy,
  • During pregnancy and lactation, it is necessary to consult a specialist
  • If the heart rhythm is disturbed, use caution
  • In case of an overdose, bleeding, indigestion and stool disturbances may occur.

Fennel is a useful plant that allows us to fight various ailments. Means based on it can be prepared independently or purchased ready-made in a pharmacy.

Until next time, your Evgenia Shestal


Greetings, everyone on mine. Today I will talk about fennel tea.

Fennel - even the ancient Greeks noticed and used the properties of a wonderful herb in relieving a variety of ailments. By the way, its second name - "marathon plant" - it owes exactly to the Greeks. Since then, fennel has remained a plant of success.

The ancient Saxons included fennel in the list of nine sacred herbs that eliminate the nine root causes of disease. Among the people, the herb is also called pharmaceutical dill and is used for a variety of purposes. Most often it is used in the form of a tea broth.

A bit of history

A kind of "ode" to fennel tea was written and published in Prague back in 1563 by PA Matiol, the court physician of Ferdinand the first. The treatise was named "The Power and Action of Fennel".

In his work, he cited all the healing properties of the plant known at that time, which are still recognized today and are used in scientific medicine, homeopathy and very widely in folk medicine.

If we shift the work into modern language, we get the following:

fennel helps with eye inflammation, nervous anxiety, bloating, indigestion, insufficient lactation. Fennel tea is especially good for coughs, asthma and whooping cough, lung diseases and headaches.

Let's take a closer look at where and what application of this wonderful plant will be irreplaceable.

Fennel tea for newborns.

A drink for a child, first of all, should taste good, otherwise the child will simply refuse to drink it. Tea made from fennel will appeal to all children, without exception, it is very tasty

In addition, its use will perfectly strengthen the immune and nervous systems of the child, eliminate a very unpleasant and frequent phenomenon in infants from the first days of life - the formation of gas and intestinal colic.

Natural natural ingredients that make up the tea bring all digestive processes back to normal. The intestinal musculature relaxes, the spasms go away.

In pharmacies, special children's fennel tea is now sold to help parents of newborns. It contains the prebiotic inulin to normalize the bowel function.

The drink contains no sugar, preservatives or dyes at all. But it contains a lot of useful and necessary vitamin C. If the baby is more than three months old, such tea can be given.

In addition to normalizing the processes in the gastrointestinal tract, tea contributes to the fact that calcium is absorbed by the body well, therefore, the skeletal system of a small person is formed correctly.

As for adults, the infusion is also good for any digestive problems: gastritis, dyspepsia, spastic colitis, irritable bowel syndrome. It has a mild laxative effect.

Pour boiling water over one to two teaspoons of fennel seeds with a glass of boiling water. Let it brew, the tea is ready.

Fennel for weight loss.

We decided to get rid of extra pounds, and fennel will help in this matter.

Chewing on fresh or dry plant seeds will greatly decrease your appetite. In addition, the seeds will remove excess fluid from the body.

Fennel strengthens, improves the functioning of the liver and pancreas, helps to process fats and sugar.

It is no secret that diet is stressful for any organism, therefore it is important to maintain peace of mind during such a period.

Possessing a sweet and spicy pleasant aroma, fennel tea helps to relax the nervous system and calm it down. And this is already half the success in the fight against weight.

If losing weight is not part of your plans, but it does not hurt to relieve nervousness, you can safely brew yourself fennel tea.

It's easy to prepare. All you need to do is crush about twenty grams of seeds, pour a glass of boiling water over them, put them on fire and let them boil for four to five minutes. We remove from heat, insist for half an hour, and then drink, lose weight, calm down.

Fennel eye tea.

Centuries ago, people piously believed in the ability of fennel to heal blindness. Perhaps such miracles have happened, but we do not know about it.

Here are lotions made from fennel tea are good for washing dry and inflamed eyes, with conjunctivitis. During holidays in countries where the sun is especially active, when you have to be under its rays and in salty sea water for a long time, tea lotions will come in handy.

The burning sensation and all painful symptoms will go away. Infusion sometimes cleanses the skin from fungal infections. Therefore, collecting your luggage for the trip, do not be lazy, grab a bag of dry fennel in your suitcase, it will help you out more than once.

It will be enough to pour a tablespoon of seeds with a glass of boiling water, let them cool and rinse them with eyes, or apply cotton swabs for five to ten minutes.

Fennel for Women's Health.

Traditional medicine has used fennel infusions from time immemorial to normalize a woman's cycle and increase milk flow in a nursing mother. "Is it really this too?" - you ask. Imagine yes!

Numerous studies have confirmed these properties of the plant. The thing is that it acts like female sex hormones - estrogens, thanks to which, during the use of fennel infusion, lactation and the female cycle are regulated.

Fennel tea is made by steeping one or two small spoons of seeds in a glass of boiling water. With insufficient milk production, a woman is recommended to drink three to four glasses.

During menopause in women, which, as you know, is also associated with hormones, the drink will facilitate the flow of not the most pleasant period in a woman's life.

The infusion can be consumed with sediment. Although there is an opinion that fennel eliminates toxicosis during pregnancy, nevertheless, you should refuse to drink this tea, or drink it in moderation, within reasonable limits.

We banish flu, colds, coughs.

Upper respiratory tract diseases can also be treated with fennel. The property of infusion to clear the respiratory tract of mucus is used quite often.

The flu caught by surprise, tortured by a cough - prepare tea from five grams of pounded seeds in a glass of boiling water, let it brew for about ten minutes, covered with a lid, strain and be treated for health.

Smaller dosages of the drink will serve as an excellent prevention of any colds and flu. It is enough to drink only fifty milliliters a day to always stay in the ranks. They can also gargle with pain and hoarseness. The antimicrobial properties of the plant are on the list of its advantages.

The combination of fennel with coltsfoot, anise is a powerful expectorant, indispensable for dry bronchitis and pneumonia.

Sand, gallbladder - all this is a continuation of the list of ailments subject to fennel.