What to take from food on a long trip. Getting ready for the trip - what food to take with me

17.09.2019 Desserts and cakes

The popularity of bus transportation has been steadily growing in recent years.
Bus routes compete with rail transport on intercity and international routes.

For example, a bus tour is very popular among those wishing to see Europe. With it, you have the opportunity to visit several countries in a limited period of time and at an affordable price.

A traveler can spend more than one day on the road. Although there are stops on any route, most of the journey is on the move.

When going on a trip, it is very important to take with you items and gadgets that can brighten up your travel leisure.

Another important question is what to take with you on a trip from food to the bus.

It is assumed that hot full-fledged food is accepted by bus tourists during stops. The purpose of the food taken with you is to satisfy the feeling of hunger between stops or simply organize a snack for pleasure.

  1. Products should not be perishable. All products taken with you must be transported in the cabin. The temperature regime does not allow having products that are demanding on storage conditions.
  2. The food taken should not give off a strong odor. The bus is a public transport, each passenger has the right to certain comfort. Acrid odors not only cause discomfort among others, but can also cause suffocation for allergy sufferers.
  3. It is worth choosing products that leave as little waste (crumbs, cleaning) as possible.

The number of products taken on the bus

How much to take this or that product, each person determines independently, based on their appetite.

General rule: Take into account the time for which the bus trip is planned.
If you have to spend the day on the road, then the amount of food will be more than during the night flight.

What's on the road?

1. Nuts. Any pre-peeled nuts or pumpkin seeds are suitable for the road.
2. Dried fruits. Choose options that do not cause excess gas in the intestines. Raisins or dates are good. You should be more careful with dried apricots and prunes.
3. Galette cookies. Unsweetened and slightly crumbly biscuits are ideal travel options.
4. Processed cheese is a great addition to cookies.
5. Fruit or cereal bars.
6. Pre-sliced ​​bread. Can be used for making sandwiches.
7. Sausage - This product is controversial due to its characteristic odor. But if a sandwich without sausage is unacceptable for you, then you should take dry, uncooked smoked varieties with you.

8. Fruits and vegetables. These healthy products need to be washed first. It is not known whether such an opportunity will be on the bus. Suitable option: citrus fruits, apples, bananas.

By the way, it is better to choose apples with green peel, they are less capable of causing gas formation in the intestines.

Of the vegetables, you should give preference to cucumbers and carrots. In addition to saturating the body, they are a source of water.

About liquid

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of water for the human body.
Going on a bus trip, you should bring some plain water with you.
Juices, sugary carbonated drinks will certainly quench your thirst at the moment you drink them. However, after a while, the thirst will feel even stronger.

An additional disadvantage of carbonated drinks is the ability to cause stomach discomfort.

About hot drinks

It is not safe to drink hot drinks while the bus is in motion.
Wait until it stops or use special glasses to prevent spills.

Before the trip, it is necessary to clarify whether the bus is equipped with water heating equipment. This is usually the case on international routes.

If the bus has water for boiling and heating devices, then the tourist will have to grab tea leaves, coffee, sugar and a glass.

Otherwise, you can take with you a thermos with hot water or ready-made tea.

Special attention

If a person with health problems or a passenger with a small child is going on a bus tour, then to the main products it is necessary to add baby food, suitable for road conditions, or special food.

Before the upcoming trip, women are always puzzled over the question - what to take with them on the road? And even more so to collect such products that will not deteriorate on the way. The article discusses examples of snacks in various types of transport, and what products are best for a child so as not to harm the baby's health.

Food on the road by car

Heat is the most common cause of food spoilage, especially such as boiled sausage, chicken legs or.Therefore, it is worth carefully considering the menu on the road.

The list of products may vary, as it all depends on the length of the trip. For short distances, you can take yogurt, sandwiches with cheese or sausage, French fries.

If the trip is long, then it is better to refuse from the above products - they deteriorate in 3-4 hours.

You can take with you:

  • chicken fillet in batter - due to the low water content, it stays fresh for a long time;
  • fruits - bananas, apples, pears.
  • nuts - any variety will do;
  • snacks - crackers, chips only if there are no stomach problems;
  • smoked sausage sandwiches without cheese;
  • cookies without filling;
  • crispbread;
  • vegetables - tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes;
  • vacuum-packed meat cuts, but so that it is enough for one meal.

And of course, water without gases.

Travel food by train

It is much more convenient to travel by train for one simple reason - there is hot water. The menu can be more varied than when traveling in a car.

You can take with you:

  • instant soup;
  • mashed potatoes in powder;
  • noodles;
  • instant porridge;
  • oven baked chicken;
  • hamburgers;
  • tea, coffee or cocoa;
  • hard boiled eggs;
  • bread.

The list can be supplemented with food prepared for traveling by car.

At bus stops, it is advisable to buy pies only with jam or berries. As you already know, meat spoils quickly. But you don't know how much grandmother is sitting on the platform and how fresh the filling is. To avoid poisoning, it is best to exclude such purchases.

Travel food by bus

The food list for the bus trip is not much different from the food list for the car. Here it is necessary to be guided by the rule: the less the smell from the food, the better. We all remember very well how fried chicken or boiled eggs smells in the heat. Agree, it's not very pleasant.

Plus, it can get seasick on the road. Mint candies work well with this.

  • water;
  • lemon;
  • sugar;
  • mint.

It fixes the result of the lollipops.

Food on the road for a child

For children of all ages, you can take fruit purees. The main thing is without adding milk or cottage cheese. From sweets, you can add marmalade. It tolerates high temperatures well.

Grab breakfast cereals such as cereals or chocolate balls. The main thing is that they are without filling.

Any of the above examples will do.

Summer food on the road

In the heat, it is worth following the rules of the three "NOT":

  • not greasy;
  • not dairy;
  • not fragrant.

Of course, milk cannot harm if it ferments, but it is better not to experiment. The gastrointestinal tract is different for everyone, and if one does not have anything, then the other may suffer greatly and the rest will be ruined. Otherwise, everything is similar to what was listed earlier.

Snacks on the road

If you want something more satisfying, then you can cook:

  • sausages in dough, but preferably in the first couple of hours;
  • homemade shawarma without mayonnaise;
  • and other cupcakes;
  • canned food, but not preserves;
  • stew;
  • canned peas or corn.

If you travel frequently, it is advisable to purchase a cooler bag.

But you can get out of the situation differently: put a frozen bottle of water in your bag with food. Be sure to wrap it in a towel, otherwise all food may get wet.

It is also convenient to use vacuum containers. Food in them stays fresh longer.

Remember these important rules and travel safely.

In the summer, everyone goes somewhere, this is a time of constant movement. Parents through traffic jams strive for children who live with grandmothers and nannies outside the city, young people tend to hang out at their parents' free dacha, vacationers are loaded onto long-distance trains and spend long hours at airports, having prudently arrived in advance. At this time, food on the road becomes more relevant than ever. For several reasons at once. First, eating at a train station or in a parking lot is not the best option. It is not always tasty, most likely not healthy, there is a risk of getting an eating disorder, which can ruin the minimum - mood, maximum - your trip. Secondly, if you are going on vacation, you need money on vacation, spend a completely serious amount in a roadside cafe or at the airport ... it's a pity, especially if you imagine that on vacation for this amount you will most likely get a fresher, high-quality and Tasty food. So let's not be lazy and prepare for the journey not only bags and suitcases, but also a delicious snack.


Convenient portioned baked goods can be either sweet or salty - with the addition of bacon, aromatic herbs, fried onions, and cheese. Bake muffins in paper tins, which are sold in kitchen supplies, and bring them with you in a paper bag or container.

Cold pasta

Small pasta seasoned with fresh tomato sauce or olive oil with herbs, olives and chopped vegetables is a great option for a snack. This dish can also be eaten cold in summer, in containers such food will definitely live for several hours.

What to take on the road from food: spring rolls

It just seems that making rice paper spring rolls is difficult. As easy as pie! Rice leaves are sold in Asian food stores. Dip the leaf into warm water, it immediately becomes soft and elastic, then put thinly sliced ​​vegetable slices on it (you can add shrimp or good crab sticks), wrap it in the form of a pancake and - in a container. The only thing - take with you a delicious sauce in a small jar - nutty or spicy-sweet chili sauce, then your snack will turn out to be no worse than a restaurant snack!


The sausage is canceled! We use homemade lean baked meat - roast beef, chicken breast, turkey. If you buy a fresh baguette, vegetables, lettuce leaves and delicious cheese, your sandwich will bring you not only taste, but also aesthetic pleasure! And the children - loyal fans of McDonald's, will certainly be glad to have a homemade burger on a round bun with sesame seeds. Respect them, you know exactly what kind of meat is in a homemade cutlet.

Snack in pita bread or in pita - food on the road by car

Lavash, pita, tortilla are a very convenient base for cooking to go. Inside, you can put-wrap-smear what you love. Fresh and baked vegetables, curd cheese or pesto, cold meats or smoked fish. Pita pocket can accommodate

There is a journey ahead of you, all your things are already packed, tickets are on hand, there are several days left before departure, and you are thinking about what to eat on the road? It's good if the whole route takes a couple of hours and you can get by with a bottle of mineral water, but if the path is not close and you have to spend in transport from 12 hours to several days?

Especially for those who go on a similar journey, we have compiled a list of products that will help you eat hearty and healthy, without wasting a lot of time, money and effort.

Before purchasing or preparing food for the trip, check if it follows a few basic rules:

  • products must have a long shelf life and tolerate temperature changes normally;
  • all foods should be ready to eat with little or no additional preparation;
  • products should not crumple, crumble, lose shape;
  • it is better to pack food not in bags, but in containers with tight lids;
  • food should be tasty and healthy at the same time, and also not take up much space and not weigh several kilograms.

Food on the train

If you have to spend more than a day on the train (and this is easily possible in the vastness of our vast homeland), do not rely too much on the restaurant car. Of course, you can eat in it, but, firstly, it will not be cheap at all, and secondly, it is tasteless and not too safe.

Also, leave the option of buying pies and chicken on the platform from old women as a last resort: when a three-day-old pie with a poorly defined filling will affect your body, both the ill-fated platform and the enterprising old woman will already be far away.

The advantage of traveling by train is a large amount of luggage that you can take with you and which will fit perfectly in a cooler bag that can store even dairy products and refreshing drinks. And one more thing: there is always boiling water in any carriage, which means you can brew quick cereals, tea, mashed potatoes and pasta in glasses.

You can take with you on the train:

  • smoked sausage,
  • hard cheese (it is better to cut both of them in advance),
  • bread or sheet pita bread,
  • cucumbers, tomatoes,
  • hard fruits (it is better to take bananas a little underripe),
  • canned food (with a key!).

In addition, you can take boiled eggs, fried or smoked chicken, boiled potatoes, but all this must be eaten on the first day, and the rest ruthlessly thrown away.

For tea, it is worth grabbing sweets, waffles, corn sticks, but at the same time avoiding chocolate, which will melt, and cookies, which will quickly crumble.

For a snack, it is worth grabbing dried fruits, washed and dried in advance.

From drinks it is worth stocking up with bottled water, preferably without gas, tea or coffee in a thermos. But with regard to beer, it is worth remembering that drinking alcoholic beverages on trains is prohibited.

Food on the plane

Flying in an airplane is much easier in terms of groceries. Firstly, there are few places where you can fly longer than ten hours, and secondly, you will be fed on the way. In addition, it is forbidden to import food into many countries, so there is no point in stuffing your luggage with sandwiches.

If you are not sure about the service of the airline you are traveling with, take with you mineral water or juice (bought at the airport after security), chocolate or snacks that can satisfy a slight hunger, and in extreme cases, salads in transparent containers are suitable.

By the way, remember that animal products such as milk, cheese and meat are not allowed as carry-on baggage on connecting flights, so security may ask you to eat them all before boarding. Yoghurts also belong to liquids, which can only be transported in containers up to 100 milliliters and packed in a transparent bag. All food products that you take with you to the salon must be packed in the same bags.

Products in the car

Traveling by car is convenient because you can plan your own route, stop at cafes and hypermarkets along the highway and replenish your stock of groceries.

By the way, it is worth choosing a cafe, focusing not on the sign, but on the number of cars in the parking lot in front of it. The best and most inexpensive cafes are usually those where truckers dine, so the line of trucks in the parking lot guarantees tasty and fresh food and low prices.

  • It is worth taking a supply with you into the car itself. drinking water, a thermos with tea or coffee, energy drinks for the driver (if he drinks them), sandwiches for the first time, sweets for tea, fruits and vegetables, sausage and cheese. If you have a thermo bag, you can also carry yoghurts or cereal milk.
  • Also a great option for long trips is a small gas burner, which you can use to quickly cook soup from a bag or reheat what you have taken with you from home.
  • In addition, you can take baked goods into the machine with you, as you will not constantly shift food, and it will not wrinkle or crumble.

And one more thing: it is better to store all products in the trunk, having previously packed them in sealed containers. So they will not interfere with you in the cabin, but also will not be saturated with the smell of gasoline.

In case a child travels with you, know that it is extremely important not to bring down his diet so that the long-awaited rest does not turn into hard labor. You can read about what is worth taking on the road for your baby in the special material "Food for a child on vacation".

Try to pay attention to the freshness of the food and not regret throwing away what arouses even the slightest suspicion. After all, you have a resort ahead of you with dozens of exotic dishes, and it would be a shame to come to it with an upset stomach.

Last summer I was lucky enough to travel a lot, which was accompanied by constant travel from one city to another. Since I was a budget tourist, I could not afford to eat in cafes and restaurants. Another problem is that in the summer I want to be in shape and ordinary sausage sandwiches did not suit me. Then I asked my girlfriend, who understands proper nutrition, for a couple of tips.

What to cook for the road if you keep yourself in shape

Often vtake the road foods harmful to the figure, such as:

  • flour;
  • sweet;
  • fatty species meat, sausage and sausages.

All this did not suit me for the above reason. My girlfriend immediately asked me to clarify how long will the road be because many healthy foods go bad quickly. For example, boiled chicken breast will not be stored in a container for a long time. If I go on a short trip then I can afford perishable foods such as:

  • low-fat cottage cheese, kefir or yogurt;
  • boiled chicken fillet;
  • cooked cereals in a container (buckwheat, oatmeal and others);
  • a few boiled eggs.

All of these foods will be complete meals on the road. But if long road, then the gaze should fall on such products:

  • vegetables, most of them do not deteriorate for a long time;
  • fruits such as bananas, apples, oranges and others (but don't take peaches);
  • protein bars homemade.

Recipe for the perfect snack on the road

To fully cover my protein and carbohydrate needs on the road, I cook protein bars... In the Internet great amount recipes for this dish, but I use my simplified version... To prepare according to my recipe you will need:

  • walnuts;
  • milk;
  • muesli;
  • skimpy protein;
  • dried apricots.

I grind and mix all the ingredients to make something like dough. You can add cocoa to taste. Then I shape the dough into convenient bars and put it in the oven. In thirty minutes I get perfect snack.

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For me, the train, the station, the move - the usual things. Just imagine, on my account there are 83 cities (traveling and working). I spend more time in a train car than in a gray office. How to eat properly in unfamiliar conditions, so as not to provoke stomach problems, I know firsthand. Therefore, legally I will tell culinary secrets to you.

On the road: full readiness

Have you bought a ticket and the trip is about to take place? Do not rush to dream, it is better to stock up on goods. Buy ingredients for the dishes you will be cooking and special accessories... These are containers (or small vessels), a thermal cup, a thermos, kitchen towel, liquid hand sanitizer. Hygiene is the most important thing. Even if you cook deliciously, but forget to wash your hands, you yourself know what can happen.

I also advise you to purchase cooler bag. If you don't want to waste money, I suggest making it yourself. Take a bag with large handles and put the isolon into it. The cooler bag is ready. Put food there, it will be stored longer, despite the air temperature.

Healthy food on the road

I strongly recommend that you forget that food can be bought at the train station or from a stranger. For example, a grandmother who sells pies. This is dangerous. The body needs useful trace elements and vitamins. It doesn't matter where you are: in a luxury restaurant or in a compartment. Therefore, on the road, take with you:

  • chicken breast with herbs;
  • berry smoothies;
  • marshmallow;
  • canneloni with cottage cheese;
  • pears;
  • fruit puree;
  • canapes with cucumber.

Take a bottle of still water to stay hydrated.

In winter, this list of dishes will be irrelevant. Because our body needs something else (magnesium, zinc, iodine). And instead of tonic drinks, you need warming ones. Hot tea, jelly, coffee.

In winter take on the road:

  • meat steak;
  • Rye bread;
  • carrot juice;
  • milk omelet;
  • rice balls.

I have no time to cook the first, second and dessert. The situation gets worse when you urgently need to pack your bags. Therefore, I have listed you a list of simple and healthy dishes that you can eat on the road without causing discomfort to yourself and your fellow travelers.

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First, the "saying". I used to dislike taking food with me on a trip. I wanted to starve on the road. And then one day I went from Volgograd to distant Tyumen by train. I was accompanied by my mother and friend, who tried to put something in my suitcase of edibles. I flatly refused, saying that I would not eat for two days. At the second knocks, I howled, and for some reason there was no dining car on the train. It's good that my mother secretly shoved two pies into my suitcase. Since then I I always take food with me and not being capricious.

What do I prepare for the trip without fail

It's about what I take with me when I travel by your car or train... Because they feed on planes, but on the bus I don't take anything except pies (I feel embarrassed to eat in the company of a stranger sitting right next to me).

So I always cook chicken cutlets with cheese and wrap them in foil, are kept fresh for more than a day, it has been checked more than once already.

Also I do French fries... This is a good option, because it just is there, and it cooks quickly in the deep fryer.

Well, instead of bread, I always take toast... Very practical.

If the road is short

Well, if mine short trip, then I do not collect anything global with me, only these products:

  • Dried fruits... A very healthy snack, you get full of them quickly.
  • Patties with potatoes... Also tasty, satisfying and inexpensive.
  • Fruits... I prefer apples and pears (I never take anything juicy like peach).
  • Smoked cheese... Which goes like a pigtail and unwinds into small strips.

The products are "uncomplicated" and quite affordable.

What foods are not included in my daily diet

I personally have a negative experience of using drinking yoghurts and kefir on the road... If the product is good, then it quickly sours, so these products I never take.

Also, I will never take with me seeds, chips, salted pistachios... Not only are these not particularly healthy products, but you can also manage to crumble.

Also in my daily diet there are no traditional eggs, I too am afraid of them to be poisoned.

Well, from drinks, I will never take anything carbonated with me, only clean drinking water.

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Friends call me a frog-traveler, because I constantly go somewhere, and friends are surprised how such trips do not tire me. The secret is simple - I always prepare well for any trip, think over in detail the composition of my bag and make sure that I have everything I need, but at the same time there is nothing superfluous. In particular, I correctly calculate what to take on the road from provisions, so that I can eat enough and not get stomach pains. Now I'll tell you what I recommend to prepare for the trip.

What healthy and nutritious things to cook for the trip

To feel good on the road and be full of energy, it is important to think over your ration correctly. I advise you to take with you high-calorie, but healthy and non-perishable products... The following snacks are always my favorites on a trip:

  1. Dried fruits- an excellent source of fiber and healthy carbohydrates as well as natural sugars to maintain energy. Unlike fresh fruits, dried fruits do not spoil, do not flow and take up much less space.
  2. Nuts and seeds- beautiful a source of vitamins B and E, natural protein and healthy calories. It is better to take "noble" nuts, including cashews, almonds, walnuts.
  3. Cereal bread- fabulous source of fiber and quick escape from hunger. It is best to buy whipped, hard bread made from sprouted wheat, oats, buckwheat and other cereals.
  4. Lavash, baked with feta cheese, shabby pumpkin, crushed meat or other ingredients. I borrowed this recipe from Moldovan cuisine. Lavash sheets are laid out on a baking sheet in turn and laid in layers of various ingredients to taste, after which it all folds in half and baked. Such a dish does not deteriorate for a long time and it is very convenient to eat it on the road.
  5. Pure mineral water without gas is the best drink that does not dehydrate the body, unlike tea and coffee.

What foods should be discarded on a trip

I advise you not to take with you on the road different types of baked meat and sausages especially if you are using public transport. At first, it spoils and secondly, the rest of the passengers are not required to inhale the smell of what you eat, this is uncivilized.

Also worth refuse dairy products, like yoghurts and curds, they are very deteriorate quickly especially at high temperatures.

I do not advise pack for a trip fresh fruits, because even hard apples, with any impact, can let the juice start to deteriorate, which will be a very unpleasant event on the road.

Personally, I also against taking with you all sorts of buns, muffins and pies, because everything that is prepared on yeast white dough has a very negative effect on digestion and leads to bloating, this creates additional inconveniences on a trip.

Additional accessories to take on the road

In order not to experience discomfort from eating on the train, I advise put in a purse:

  • wet wipes;
  • a clean large paper towel, or small towel to have something to set a table or close your knees;
  • bloating pills and poisoning, just in case.

I hope that thanks to my advice, you will feel good and well-fed on the trip.

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Frequent business trips by train make you wonder more and more about snacks on public transport. Honestly, in places like this I can't stand the pronounced smells of food... I am irritated by boiled eggs, cutlets, sausage, cheese ...

What to cook for the trip odorless

On average, a train journey takes 6-8 hours. Considering that I am not hungry when I start my trip, then I eat only once on the road. What I eat most often:

  1. Yoghurts, curds- I take it in any weather conditions. I'm not afraid of the heat, because I transport food in a thermo-bag. I will share a secret, I have it for children, and therefore small in size.
  2. Fruits- I like to crunch an apple or a pear.
  3. Nuts, dried fruit bars- it is convenient to eat, the products are hearty, healthy and, most importantly, odorless.
  4. Cookies, sweet croutons- in the evening with tea, what could be better ?!

The way back home from a business trip is always more difficult. There is no time for full fees. As a rule, all you have time to do is run into a shop or order food with delivery... It also happens that you have to order salads. But my obligatory requirement in this regard is packing. I give preference disposable vacuum packaging. As they say - ate and threw away. No rustling bags, wrapped instruments in napkins, foil ... It is convenient and expensive to look at.

What to cook for the road from clothes

It is difficult to spend all 8 hours of the trip in things that crush and crumple. Relaxing and, for example, lying on the shelf for sleeping in a business suit, or in a skirt will definitely not work. Just imagine how you can get off the train ?! I always take a tracksuit on a trip. I even call it in a special way - tourist. I have it:

  • not easily soiled;
  • free;
  • dark gray;
  • light;
  • comfortable;
  • made of wrinkle-resistant fabric.

But this clothes like: jeans, pajamas, a bathrobe, I do not recommend taking. Jeans are uncomfortable and often you have to unbutton the top button. As for pajamas and a bathrobe, it is not cultural in these things to be in public things.

I wish you all comfortable trips and cultural neighbors !!!

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For work, my husband and I often have to leave our hometown, and sometimes even the country, for several days. Frequent flights and transfers have long become a habit - I learned how to get ready for the trip in just 20-30 minutes. And while I am packing my things, the thought of what to prepare for the trip is already ripening in my head.

What to cook for the trip: 5 of the fastest and most delicious meals

Sometimes I have to experiment with different products, because I don't always have the right ingredient in my refrigerator. But, as my personal practice has shown, practically any ingredient can be substituted. So, I'll tell you about my own experiments with dishes suitable for a hearty snack on the road.

What else to prepare for the trip

Husband likes to take on the road pies, but only when he knows about the trip in advance. I AM try to avoid meat filling and I usually make them with potatoes, onions or mushrooms - this way they will last longer. If the move is short-lived, we can prepare crab salad or steamed cutlets. But for all this you need to take additional containers and a plug. Sometimes this is not very convenient.

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I cook very good. None of my friends believe that three years ago I could not even cook rice... She mastered the profession of a cook very quickly when she gave birth to her first child. It came in handy in a hurry to read recipes and watch videos (no one taught me). Now nobody asks me if I can cook or not. They just boldly order me restaurant dishes. You will definitely understand me when you have there will be a big family... Then cooking will become both your hobby and your least favorite pastime.

This summer we were going to fly to Turkey. My husband looked at me in surprise and said: "It's a pity, they won't cook so tasty for me abroad." If you are going to travel - think about the so-called "Dry soldering".

Getting ready for the road

I pack my bags with ease. I am amused by the thought of the sea, waves, a carefree day and the absence of traffic jams. But, there is another problem: I can hardly stand any road. Travel time is punishment. I once complained about these symptoms to a doctor. She opened my eyes. My food depends on what I eat.Vital energy... Before the road, you need to make a special diet.

I advise you to exclude fatty foods, alcohol, energy drinks, dishes with aphrodisiacs. If the road is short (on the way you will be less than nine hours) then arrange yourself a fasting day. Drink only still water. This will make the road easier to move. But, this wonderful recipe has one drawback: a hungry man. Don't starve him, and you don't need to have an unplanned one day diet(if you like a tasty meal).

What to cook for the trip: my recipes

Be sure to visit the supermarket, because not all of the products on my list are on the shelves of the refrigerator.

Get ready for the road:

  • iced tea based on mint and peach, mint soothes, peach juice has a pleasant delicate taste;
  • curd apricot pie, cottage cheese is easily digestible, contains calcium, before leaving, divide the dessert into portions;
  • muffins with different fillings (cheese, strawberries, blackberries);
  • home pita bread with meat;
  • homemade starter culture, and pour the liquid into glass container.

Give up from hamburgers and dry sandwiches. Protect your health no matter how far you are from your kitchen.

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