How to handle Kombucha. Instructions for the care and preparation of drink Kombucha

08.05.2019 Desserts and Cakes

Kombucha drink is characterized by its healing, toning and taste properties, which have been known since ancient times.

Today, not only supporters of folk methods of treatment, but official medicine recognizes its benefits for the human body.

To make it as useful as possible, you need to properly grow and maintain it.

How to care for Kombucha: conditions of detention

Depending on what conditions are created for the tea fungus, not only its taste, but also useful characteristics and chemical composition will change. In order for Kombucha to develop properly, it is necessary to adhere to the conditions of its maintenance:

1. Kombucha can live well and develop in a spacious glass container, for example, in a three-liter jar. This may be other dishes, but it must match the size of the fungus.

2. The glass container with the mushroom should not be in a bright place. A direct hit of sunlight slows the growth of Kombucha, so you should not put a container on the windowsill.

4. After the mushroom is cooked, do not close the container with a tight lid. In this case, there will be a lack of oxygen required for respiration of the fungus. It will be enough to fold 3-4 times clean gauze and put it on top of the container.

7. Before pouring water, it is necessary to dissolve sugar and tea brew in it. Do not pour the tea on top of the mushroom or put it in the water, which remained undissolved sugar. As a result of such actions, he will get burned and cover with brown spots. The same applies to tea leaves. Petals or granules from brewed tea should be completely removed.

8. To ensure the normal functioning of the tea fungus, from time to time it is necessary to wash it with clean water. Water can be tap water, but it is better if it is boiled or spring water.

9. Care must be taken to prevent kombucha from dying. This may be the result of a long stay in the same solution. A sign may be a color change on the top of the fungus. It becomes a brown shade. In this case, it must be removed from the tank, rinsed in clean water, remove and discard the upper part.

10. If you haven’t been around for a long time or you just forgot about the mushroom, then it can be left without liquid. He will begin to live again if he is poured with tea solution or sweet water. The mushroom has the ability to be stored dry.

How to care for Kombucha: what is poured into it

As you use the drink from Kombucha, there is a need to replenish the habitat in which it is located. In order for him to be healthy, his proper feeding becomes a regular procedure. To do this, you need to prepare a tea solution, diluted with sugar. In a boiled, 1% tea solution, dilute the sugar in a ratio of 1 to 10. In such a prepared solution, you can move the fungus itself or add this solution to the one in which it already lives.

It is necessary to ensure that the prepared solution is not very strong or saturated. This will slow down the growth of the fungus. Concentration can be reduced by adding boiled, cooled water.

Feed the fungus or the replacement of the solution is carried out continuously, about once every 3-4 days. With a decrease in ambient temperature, this procedure is reduced to once in 6-7 days. In order to make the mushroom drink more saturated, the feeding process can be carried out more often.

How to care for Kombucha: how to wash and share

Kombucha needs constant care and attention. It is not enough just to put it in a container, pour out the drink and feed it from time to time. So what kind of care does Kombucha require?

So that the fungus does not die, it must be periodically washed. Usually it washes cool, better running water, and clean water. It is necessary to wash it very carefully, because if the pressure of the water is strong, it can damage the structure of the fungus.

Also, during washing it should be kept gently. Mechanical damage can damage integrity and it will die. Having finished “bathing”, the mushroom returns to its familiar environment, is poured with a weak, sweetish solution of tea.

In summer, at higher ambient temperatures, the fungus is more active than in winter. To wash it and change the tea solution comes more often. The washing process is recommended once every 3-4 weeks in the winter and at least once every 1-2 weeks in the summer.

In addition to the constant care for the mushroom, major cleaning of the tank in which it lives is necessary. The jar containing the fungus should be thoroughly cleaned, removing mucus, possible algae and other substances. After that, the bank is filled with a new tea solution and a new product is being prepared.

The reproduction of Kombucha is very simple. To do this, separate the upper part of the fungus and move it to a clean container with warm water. A new fungus should stand in a dark place at room temperature for at least one day. As soon as the film of the fungus begins to rise and delaminate, you can move the young mushroom to the sweet tea solution. 2-3 days after the mushroom is moved, it will noticeably increase in size and the drink can be consumed. The life span of a tea fungus when it gives out the highest quality drink is a couple of months.

How to care for Kombucha: mistakes beginners

Drink their tea fungus is not only tasty, but also useful. However, all the taste and medicinal properties of the fungus are preserved if properly cared for. Beginners "mushroom pickers" make some mistakes that prevent the Kombucha from producing a drink:

1. Placing a young Kombucha in a glass container, do not wait for an instant result. There is a period of growth and maturation. Be patient and let the mushroom grow.

2. An attempt to put sugar on top of the fungus and thereby increase its productivity will lead to negative consequences. The consequence of this can be a burn of the fungus and its death. Sugar is added exclusively in a diluted state.

3. The mushroom must be constantly bathed. In no case can not tear off the lower, nondescript layers of the fungus, and leave a beautiful top. It is the lower layers that produce those elements, which result in a delicious drink.

4. The mushroom should float only horizontally, with the smooth side up. If it is turned upside down, then it must be returned to its normal position, since otherwise there will be no drink.

5. It is necessary to constantly refresh the water from the fungus after drinking a drink. If the water does not refresh, the acidity in the tea solution will increase. If you do not want to drink a drink, then simply pour out a part of it and pour fresh solution.

6. It is impossible to use metal utensils under the solution, since the fungus produces acid. The reaction of acid and metal will cause the product to deteriorate.

7. Most often, the fungus dies when it is poured into another still-uncooked tea from a mug or teapot. If you accidentally “cooked” a mushroom, do not throw it away right away, remove the upper part, maybe it will survive and please you with a healthy drink for a long time.

Medusomitset (This is the scientific name of Kombucha) looks like a thick film of white-yellow-brown-pink color, floating on the surface of a nutrient fluid - an infusion of sweet tea. Sugars in the liquid can be different (glucose, sucrose, fructose), the variety of tea also does not matter.

Researchers have noticed that Medusomitset practically does not consume components of tea infusion (aromatic, tannins and other substances), however, it is extremely sensitive to its absence. For example, without tea, it does not synthesize ascorbic acid, which is necessary for the functioning of the tea fungus.

If favorable conditions are created for the tea fungus, then on the fourth or fifth day of growth it begins to produce a pleasant and very useful drink that resembles a strong, highly carbonated kvass (“tea kvass” or “combucha”). Carbon dioxide bubbles which are saturated with drink and acetic acid together produce yeast and acetic acid bacteria. Tea and some yeast give a specific flavor to the drink.

Instructions for the preparation of drink Kombucha

  1. First of all, it is necessary to determine the capacity in which the mushroom will be located. Usually at home using a 3-liter jar. If there is such an opportunity, then it is advisable to take a jar with a wide neck (do not use metal utensils to prepare and store the drink).
  2. Cooking a not very strong sweet tea (about 5 tablespoons of sugar and 2 teaspoons of black or green tea brew per 1 liter of water) tastes good. Brewing tea is recommended for at least 15 minutes.
  3. Strain the tea. Sugar must be completely dissolved, and particles of tea leaves should not be.
  4. Let the tea cool to room temperature. Culture will die if you put it in a hot solution.
  5. For young mushrooms: you should add a little infusion of the fungus from the jar to the tea where it was previously contained as a “starter starter” (the amount of the infusion should be about 1/10 of the total volume of the liquid).
  6. Put the mushroom in the jar. Cover the neck of the dish with gauze or paper napkin and fasten it with a braid or rubber band so that the kombucha can breathe, but so that small midges and dust cannot penetrate into the jar. We put the jar in a dark, warm place - the ideal temperature for a mushroom is about 25 ° C.
  7. After 4-10 days of infusion, the Kombucha is ready to eat. The fermentation time depends on the air temperature in the room - the higher the temperature, the faster the drink will be ready.
  8. When the drink reaches the desired, according to your taste, acidity, remove the Kombucha with clean hands, rinse it under cold running water and lower it into a jar with cold sweet tea prepared in advance by the same pattern.
  9. Pour the finished drink in a glass container with a tight lid filling it to the brim. To get maximum pleasure from the drink, let it ripen for several more days in a cool place (at least 5 days) - bacteria without air access ceases to function, and yeast continues to work if the container is tightly closed, the gas resulting from yeast activity will not be able to exit. and you get a delicious fizzy drink. Before drinking, strain through cheesecloth or a plastic (non-metallic) strainer.

The fungus at a ripe age reaches a thickness of a few centimeters (its area depends on the area of ​​the container in which it lives) and allows you to drink the infusion daily straight from the jar that contains the mushroom (of course, you need to remember to replenish the infusion with a new portion of cold, sweet tea).

It is convenient to have two identical jars in stock: one will live kombucha, and the other you will pour the finished drink. In the refrigerator, glass hermetically sealed containers with an infusion of soot mushroom can be stored for quite a long time, retaining their healing and taste properties.

You can clearly see how to prepare Kombucha on the page - Making a drink and caring for Kombucha (+ video)

Important rules for the care and maintenance of Kombucha.

  • You must keep the kombucha in a glass container that fits in size, usually a standard 3-liter jar. It can not be kept in dishes from metals other than stainless steel, since the acids produced by the culture can react with metals.
  • It is better to keep a jar of mushroom in a dark place. It is possible to allocate for it a special drawer in the kitchen - with ventilation and without foreign smells. Cold and direct sunlight inhibit the development of Kombucha, so it is best to keep it away from the window.
  • Usually Kombucha contain at normal room temperature. The optimum temperature for Kombucha is about 25 ° C. Temperatures below 17 ° C are harmful, as it reduces the activity of the fungus and blue-green algae can build up in it.
  • A jar of Kombucha should not be covered with a lid, as the mushroom must breathe, it is simply covered with a clean napkin or gauze so that dust and insects (which, by the way, are not very indifferent to it) cannot reach it.
  • Kombucha must be placed in boiled (!) Water with sugar and tea leaves already dissolved in it: in raw water there are many soluble calcium salts (water hardness salts) that form calcium gluconate with precipitates with gluconic acid.
  • You can not pour sugar on Kombucha and put it in a solution with undissolved sugar - this causes burns on his body in the form of brown spots.
  • You can not make too strong tea - excessive concentration of tea inhibits the growth of Kombucha.
  • It is impossible that leaves or granules of tea leaves remain in the tea solution for tea fungus - this is very harmful for the tea fungus and can cause wounds on its body.
  • It is necessary to periodically wash Kombucha in clean water (it is possible from the tap, but if possible, with clean or spring water). In the summer, this should be done in one to two weeks, and in the winter - every three to four weeks.
  • Do not put the mushroom in hot tea.
  • If the upper part of the tea fungus starts to turn brown - this is a sign that the fungus begins to die (sometimes it happens if the tea fungus stands in solution) - you should rinse it, separate and discard the top layer and try to take care of your pet more carefully.

It is necessary to take into account that in summer the Kombucha "works" faster than in the winter, and it is necessary to change the solution accordingly more often.

If you pour the tea fungus infusion into a free container and leave it to infuse at room temperature, then after one or two weeks a thin translucent layer forms on the surface of the liquid - a colony of microorganisms, which eventually also turns into an adult fungus.

Kombucha storage.

Put the kombucha on a dry plate and turn over once a day so that it does not become covered with mold (at this time it is important to protect the access of blackflies to the Kombucha, who like to lay their larvae on his body). Kombucha will dry to a thin plate, which can be removed in a cupboard or refrigerator. When you need kombucha again, you need to put it in a jar of sweet tea - it will come to life there during the week and be ready to work again.

A three-liter jar in which a slippery thick pancake of a strange color floats can be seen in many kitchens. Those who are not personally acquainted with the product that produces Kombucha, such a sight plunges into gastronomic shock, and those who have tried it at least once know that the taste of the drink compares favorably with its appearance. But the mushroom is bred not only for the sake of its taste.

For information on how you can benefit from the use of Kombucha, and how to care for him, read today on the site.

But first, let us say that although kombucha is often called a Japanese mushroom, sea kvass, medusomitset and tea medusa, it, by and large, has nothing to do with either the sea or Japan.

Many years ago there was a linguistic error that gave rise to a lot of misconceptions - Kombucha was confused with tea from seaweed. In fact, Kombucha is a symbiosis of completely “land” acetic acid bacteria and yeast. And the birthplace of this drink is not Japan, but ancient China.

The benefits of Kombucha

The first mention of the tea fungus can be found in the ancient Chinese medical and philosophical treatises, where it is called "the elixir of health and immortality." The Chinese believed that the drink, which produces a mushroom body, stabilizes digestion and helps the energy of Qi to be harmoniously distributed throughout the human body. Over time, many other beneficial properties were discovered in the tea fungus.

It is believed that it has a slight antibiotic effect, that is, it helps fight staphylococci, pneumococci and streptococci. Naturally, this does not mean that with bronchitis, pharyngitis, meningitis, sore throat, pneumonia and conjunctivitis, you need to give up medications and drink only the infusion of tea fungus. However, it does help to increase the effectiveness of drug treatment.

Kombucha drink perfectly tones, as it contains theine (tea caffeine) and catechins. It is recommended to drink it in the morning instead of tea and coffee - it is quickly absorbed into the blood due to its carbonation, so the cheerfulness is felt almost immediately.

Kombucha: care and benefit

Infusion of tea fungus contains vitamins PP, C and group B, microelements, proteins and amino acids, monosaccharides and disaccharides, respectively, it nourishes the body perfectly, increases efficiency, enhances brain activity.

This drink is recommended to use for those who are engaged in intellectual work, does not sleep much and does not have the ability to adhere to proper diet. However, it should be remembered that Kombucha is contraindicated for people with a sore stomach, especially those who have increased acidity.

Kombucha drink helps to suppress appetite, so it is often included in the diet. But again, because it irritates the stomach walls because of its high acid content: acetic, citric, oxalic, they should not be abused by those who refuse hot and thick foods (soups, cereals) and prefer raw food. .

The infusion of tea fungus contains enzymes necessary for the body: lipase (promotes the breakdown of fats), protease (responsible for the breakdown of proteins) and amylase (breaks down starch). Accordingly, this drink contributes to the absorption of food and removes the substances it does not need from the body. In addition, he effectively fights constipation.

Kombucha also contains lactic acid, which removes the body from harmful bacteria that "live" in the intestines. In addition, it helps to cope with stress, increases the efficiency of physical exercises and contributes to the discovery of the so-called "second breath" with prolonged and intense exertion. Therefore, a drink from Kombucha is recommended to be used by those who work hard and hard, often walking long distances, doing jogging in the morning and generally any kind of sport.

According to some reports, Kombucha helps reduce blood pressure. However, this is a controversial issue, since this drink contains a small amount of ethyl alcohol, therefore, it first dilates the vessels, and then they narrow down sharply, which leads to the opposite effect. So hypertensive patients should not abuse the infusion of Kombucha, especially one that has been aged for 5-6 days or longer.

Kombucha perfectly quenches thirst, and for quite a long time, so it is recommended to drink it during the heat. In addition, it does not remove useful substances together with sweat, but detains them in the body.

Kombucha: care and benefit

Excellent infusion of tea fungus and with a hangover. By the way, a few decades ago it was precisely this that was most appreciated in him among the male population of our country. The effectiveness of the fight against hangover syndrome is due to the content in the fungus of substances that neutralize toxins, and, again, the presence of ethyl alcohol in it in some way "hangover" sufferers.

It is believed that the substances contained in the tea fungus help to get rid of toothache (infuse the mouth rinse), and also strengthen the gums and prevent the development of periodontal disease and stomatitis.

However, it is worth remembering that if you already have problems with the oral cavity, then after drinking the drink and after using it as a rinse, it is necessary to rinse your mouth with warm boiled water. That is, this drink "heals and maims" - due to the presence of saturated acids, it eats away weak tooth enamel and small wounds in the mouth.

Use the infusion of tea fungus and for the prevention of arthrosis, arthritis, rheumatism. In this case, it is recommended to drink it in an hour after eating half a glass three times a day.

Kombucha will help with sunburn. If you are burned, moisten the affected skin with Kombucha extract with a cotton ball. Repeat this procedure 2-3 times, and then you will not only relieve pain, but also prevent peeling of the upper layer of the epidermis.

Kombucha drink has a diuretic effect, so it is believed that with prolonged and active use, it removes sand and small stones from the kidneys. However, if you have any kidney diseases, then before using this infusion, you should consult with your doctor.

Kombucha helps to restore power after colds. The nutrients contained in it in large quantities saturate the body with the elements it needs, therefore, the rehabilitation period is reduced almost by half.

Kombucha care

You can buy Kombucha via the Internet - there are sites that send it by mail or are delivered to your home by courier. In addition, you can ask for help to your friends - those who already have it will be happy to share this useful product with you, since the mushroom body reproduces perfectly and requires regular division into layers with proper care.

Kombucha: care and benefit

Kombucha is less demanding to care than dairy, but this does not mean that you can forget about it. It should be remembered that he does not like direct sunlight, so do not store it on the windowsill. Rinse with warm boiled water and fill it with a new solution according to the following scheme: in the summer - every 3-4 days, in the winter - every 5-6 days. In addition, the mushroom body does not tolerate boiling water and very hot water, and also begins to die if you place it where the temperature is below 17 degrees.

A jar of Kombucha cannot be closed with a lid - it must breathe. Cover the container with gauze folded in 3–4 layers and fix it with an elastic band to prevent dust from entering the liquid and insects from getting through. By the way, when you pour out the finished drink, do it, too, through gauze or through a strainer, so that the exfoliated particles of the fungus are not in your drink.

In addition, regularly inspect the fungal body - too dark, brown top says that it begins to fall ill. Small holes that appeared on it, as well as a change in position, are considered a disturbing factor - a healthy fungus easily stays on the surface, and a damaged mushroom sinks to the bottom or rises on an edge.

It is impossible to consume the infusion of a sick Kombucha, as this is fraught with serious poisoning. If the bottom layer of the mushroom body is still healthy, then carefully separate it, rinse it, fill it with warm boiled water (25 degrees), hold it in it for 1-2 days and start breeding again, that is, put it in a sweet tea solution and leave it on for 3-4 of the day At first, the mushroom may lie at the bottom, but when the fermentation process enters into full force, it will rise to the surface.

Preparation and use of Kombucha

Despite the name, Kombucha can be poured not only with a solution of black tea. Many use and

What is useful Kombucha Kombucha - a remedy for all diseases. Contraindications. How to care and use How to care for your face with the help of Kombucha
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Home Kombucha or kombucha - how to care and use. Benefit and harm

Home Kombucha - it is possible that in our time some do not know what kind of "beast" it is, and in the 70s he lived in almost every home. He lived because it is a living organism, and it is necessary to properly care for it.

In this article, you will learn about the benefits and contraindications of this drink. And

This drink, besides being tasty, sour and slightly carbonated, is also extremely useful. And its taste is always different, it depends on what is not clear. It is believed that the environment, the mood of the owners of the house and what words they say. A couple of days ago, my mother brought a mushroom from a friend, I decided to find out everything about him and at the same time write an article on my blog.

He was brought by a Korean scientist, even before our era, his name was Combo. Therefore, one of the names of the mushroom kombucha.

And now it is produced even on an industrial scale in the USA and Europe, and everyone can buy a bottle of combuchi (as they call it). And grow your own. It seems like we are beginning to slowly produce it for sale.

We always called him just a mushroom, but he has a lot of names

What is the benefit of Kombucha.

The ancient Chinese called the tea jellyfish "elixir of immortals." And in Russia they used to say that those who drink tea brew will be healthy for up to a hundred years! And the truth is that his tonic effect is very strong. Just drank a glass. But that's not all, read

  • Still, it contains probiotics, and they help to establish proper digestion, with their help the body better absorbs proteins and fats. Accelerate metabolism - metabolism. And so, as the drink improves digestion, it contributes to rapid weight loss.

  • It helps to balance the acid-base balance, and this in turn will help to avoid many diseases.

  • It strengthens the immune system, as it helps in the gastrointestinal tract sufficient amount of beneficial bacteria.

  • Accelerates the elimination of toxins. What improves the body as a whole. It also helps our skin, since toxins that are not eliminated in time, contribute to the appearance of acne and black spots.

  • Kombucha drink contains glucosomines, they help prevent and treat all forms of arthritis to increase the production of hyaluronic acid by the body. This acid helps preserve the structure of cartilage and prevents pain in the joints.

  • Hyaluronic acid helps the connective tissue retain moisture, it helps to retain the structure of the tissue and reduces the effects of free radicals. Hyaluronic acid contains collagen, and this slows down the appearance of wrinkles, improves skin firmness and elasticity. So you can use the drink as a tonic for the face.

  • Gluconic acid - helps fight cancer, prevents its appearance and slows the growth of cancer cells, if they have already appeared.

  • This wonderful drink contains natural antibiotics. And if you have a sore throat, then you need to rinse it with a infused drink for at least 5 days. The body of the tea jellyfish itself can be applied to wounds, they heal faster. Treats burns.

  • They can prevent tooth decay! If you rinse your mouth with Kombucha infused with green tea.

  • Those people who constantly use a drink from kombuchi, notice that it gives extra energy, has a positive effect on falling asleep and night sleep, helps with colds and lowers blood pressure.

And it is also used in cosmetology, and Professor Boris Uvaydov not only speaks about this in the video below.

If you are interested in this topic, I recommend to watch the movie of Dr. Boris Uvaydov. He is a research scientist and consultant to clinics in the United States and Mexico, a professor of naturopathy, a psychotheratept, a doctor in nutritional psychology, and a specialist in non-drug therapy.

TEA MUSHROOM magical properties skin rejuvenation, weight loss

And one more, very interesting video. About a woman who uses kombuchu literally everywhere. Once a mushroom even saved her from a trophic ulcer!

She applied the body of the fungus itself and quietly slept all night, there was no pain, and the wound healed gradually. And yet, instead of tea you can put the mushroom in herbal tincture. But honestly, I do not know how he lives there, and whether he will function normally.

So it is better to put nutrients in the drink itself and make, for example, tincture of cold and sore throat. We take:

  • 100 grams of drink combucha

  • Ground red pepper half a teaspoon

  • Honey one teaspoon

Take a tablespoon 3 times a day.

Drink a drink every time 30 minutes before a meal - this will improve digestion. And before bedtime - you will sleep like a baby.

Kombucha An ancient cure for disease - a new way

Enumerate the benefits of Kombucha can be infinite, but like any strong medicine, it has a number of contraindications.

What are the contraindications of Kombucha.

Diabetes - due to its high sugar content.

Increased acidity of the stomach, again due to sugar, but instead of sugar in the solution for kombuchi, you can put honey. With honey, you neutralize the acid in the drink.

Fungal diseases. But if you use a fermented drink from kombuchi, then it will help, on the contrary, because in this form it is opposed to diseases of this kind.

And you can not drink a drink from Kombucha if a person suffers from hypotension (low pressure), a stomach ulcer.

Allergic reactions - they are possible in some people, but it is purely individual.

Do not add sweeteners to Kombucha, it will not accept them.

I wrote all this just in case, since I am not a doctor, but there is an authoritative opinion of the same doctor Uvaydov that there are no contraindications at all.

What is kombucha.

It consists of yeast - microorganisms, and acetic acid bacteria. They feed on the environment in which they are located. And yeast eats sugar, emit alcohol, carbonic acid and other substances, and bacteria feed on the fact that they secrete microorganisms. As a result of their vital activity, acetic and hyaluronic acids are secreted, and a number of useful substances, which I wrote about above, contain vitamins B1, PP, C malic acid, and polysaccharides.

Kombucha preparation of the drink and care.

So, they took the kombucha with leaven (this is a small amount of liquid in which the mushroom floats) from a familiar grandmother. Now we need to pick tara for it. The best 3-liter jar is best suited for this. My her as follows. And prepare the nutrient solution.

  • First, prepare the brew, where it is 2 teaspoons per liter of water. Tea is better to take green, without additives, insist brewing at least 15 minutes. Since the mushroom is still small, thin, pour half a three-liter jar.

  • We take the water that is necessarily boiled, cooled or slightly warm, we add there brewing, filtered from the tea leaves, and somewhere 5 tablespoons of granulated sugar per liter of water. All thoroughly mixed.

  • Sugar should be completely dissolved; there should be no tea leaves, as sand crystals and tea leaves can harm our combatant and provoke a burn.

  • Mushroom bathe in the water, it is better not from the tap, and filtered. If there are ugly scraps, pinch them off. It is necessary to wash it once a month. And after that we put our wonder of nature in this solution.

  • We cover with gauze and put on a rubber band on top so that nothing extraneous can penetrate there, otherwise the midges are very fond of it. After that we put in a dark place, and insist 2-5 days. If the room is hot, the drink will ripen faster, if the temperature is low, the ripening will take much longer. And it also depends on what kind of drink we like, if you have a long drink.

  • When our sea mushroom is ripe, filter it through cheesecloth or plastic strainer. And put in the fridge for a couple of days. And you can immediately drink. We perform the operation described above with our commander. We charge and wait for new ripening.

  • When the mushroom grows thick more than 4 centimeters, you need to separate one pancake, for a new drink.

Watch the video tutorial, there everything is told in detail.

Kombucha at my home)

I will write about my experience. Mushroom is much tastier on green tea. He has grown up with me, has become plump and matures now within 2 days. Because the kitchen is very warm, because they turned on the steam heating.

How to apply Kombucha for face skin.

Kombuchi tincture can simply wipe the face like a tonic, make deep cleansing, and on the basis of it you can make masks and lotions. Infusion of the fungus has a pronounced anti-aging, smoothing, soothing and toning effect.

But for such purposes, the fungus must insist 30 days! After the tincture for cosmetic purposes is ready, you can refrigerate it and use it as needed.

How to make a deep facial cleansing.

For this we need:

  • Your usual skin cleanser (lotion, tonic, gel or facial wash)

  • Terry towel

  • Cotton napkin

We clean the face with our usual means. Terry towel soak in hot water and apply to the face for 2-3 minutes, so that the skin gets steamed or steamed, as is usually done with deep cleansing of the face.

After that, we take a napkin and moisten it in the tincture of Kombucha, slightly squeeze, lie down and apply on face. From above we cover the napkin with a heated terry towel.

When 5 minutes have passed, we get up, wash the combuche with water and smear the face with a moisturizing cream. It is necessary to carry out the procedure once a week, 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Lavender-based lotion for problem skin based on Kombucha.

The antiseptic and healing properties of kombuchi make it an effective tool in the fight for healthy and beautiful skin. And will help regulate the work of sebaceous glands.

  • 30 - day tincture of kombuchi 250 milliliters

  • Dry lavender flowers 2 tablespoons

  • Small enamel pan and glass jar

Heat the tea mushroom tincture in a saucepan to 60-70 degrees. Fill the mushroom lavender, and insist 30 minutes. We wait until we cool down, close the jar lid and insist in the refrigerator for three weeks.

When the right time passes, filter through gauze.

Wipe face and neckline with lotion in the morning and evening.

You can also add a lavender lotion on the basis of Kombucha in the bath.

The magical properties of Kombucha.

Yes, they say that they have such, you just have to whisper your desire to him and he will fulfill it.

So, I told almost everything that Kombucha Kombucha is useful for, how to care for it, how to apply and treat it. Now I will drink it constantly, especially since I really like its taste!

Where to get kombuchu? First ask older acquaintances, and young ones too, for sure someone has one at home. If not, look on the Internet, I saw ads where they offer to buy it.

Kombucha extract

Care for Kombucha at home

The tea (Japanese) mushroom, also called the tea jellyfish, is an unpretentious creature, which needs a little bit for successful growth and productive activity:

  • glass container;
  • indirect sunlight;
  • adequate food;
  • heat;
  • pure water.

Highlight for a Japanese miracle three-liter jar, fill the container with a weak, cooled, sweet tea, put it where it is warm. Do not leave the jar on the windowsill: the jellyfish do not like it. Pour ready kvass on time, replacing it with a fresh batch of tasty tea. Sometimes bathe the Japanese in clean water. For this sweet creature will gratefully give you a nutritious drink, full of freshness, benefits, health.

How to store

As a home for the Japanese jellyfish is a three-liter jar. Glass is a material that does not change the properties of the liquid contained in it. The diameter of the container is convenient, the body will fill its entire surface. It is easy to look after a can, it is convenient to change solution. Through the walls of the glass container you can clearly see what your useful pet needs.

Choose a bright place for a jar of home jellyfish that is not illuminated by bright sunlight (this is harmful for the creature). The optimum temperature for successful growth of the fungus is from 23 to 25 degrees. A brief decrease in temperature can easily be tolerated by a janitor, but a long cold snap is destructive for him. Growing up, the creature builds up layers, which can then be separated from each other. If the process is properly looked after, one pet can be grown a little for further use.

What to feed Kombucha

An organism similar to a jellyfish produces a drink not by itself. In symbiosis with it on its lower layers, darker and almost opaque, a large colony of yeast microorganisms lodges, which will revitalize the nutrient solution, make it comfortable for the fungus and useful for children and adults. Invisible creatures emit carbon dioxide, which is needed by the jellyfish, while aerating the liquid. Both your pet and the army of bacteria living under the cover of a layered circle need food.

The simplest composition on which you can grow a healthy Japanese - high-quality tea with sugar. It is important to remember: welding particles and insoluble grains of sugar should not fall on the body of the fungus. Instructions for feeding a slippery pet is simple:

  • brew a half liter of weak sweet tea;
  • cool the tea to room temperature;
  • strain thoroughly;
  • fill the tea drinker with the solution;
  • after 4-5 days, the liquid can be drained and used;
  • instead of the merged drink, add a new sweet tea to the jar.

How to wash kombucha

Your pet loves to swim. To wash the body of a jellyfish fungus with cool drinking water is needed more often than it is warmer in your home. In the hot summer, this is done once every five to seven days, in autumn and winter it is possible less often - once or twice a month. Pour plenty of water into a basin, bucket, or other container. Put the pet in there, let it swim for a couple of minutes. Rinse the upper and lower sides of the body with gentle hand movements. Sometimes it is necessary to remove the flakes that have gone from the bottom. You can wash the jellyfish mushroom under the water flowing from the tap, but do it gently, carefully, so as not to injure your pet.

Maintaining the health of Kombucha

In order for the use of the healing drink to be beneficial and enjoyable, it is important to know how to care for the kombucha while maintaining the health of this exotic creature. A few important rules will help you:

  • to feed the pet you need only fresh tea;
  • cover the jar with gauze to keep it from dust and fruit flies;
  • regularly take care of the jar and bathe your jellyfish;
  • protect from mechanical damage;
  • monitor the room temperature;
  • observe if the algae filament or mildew has appeared in the liquid - in this case, the fungus needs urgent help.

Growing Japanese jellyfish is also simply because it is resistant to various misfortunes of life. Ill pet can be cured, and sometimes the dead - to revive. An enduring body can even be without moisture for some time. To heal or revitalize a dry Japanese mushroom - bathe it. While he is taking a bath, do a general cleaning in the dwelling. Thoroughly rinse and sanitize the jar, make fresh tea, first a little. When the mushroom comes to itself - you can add more food.

How to propagate Kombucha

The jellyfish mushroom multiplies by division. With good care, the creature builds up layer after layer, some of them eventually begin to move away from the mother's body. To grow a new mushroom, you need to separate the exfoliating part, settle in a new jar with tea solution, carefully care. It is impossible to divide the body across, mushroom jellyfish at the same time inevitably die. It is also not necessary to separate the lower layers, which are poorly preserved and are ill for a long time.

Care after dividing

For the cultivation of a young pet instruction is not required. If you understand how to care for Kombucha, it is easy to grow a new one for you. You should not immerse the young process in a large amount of tea, let them master their half-liter of solution. Gradually, the amount of fluid can be increased. By dividing the Japanese jellyfish can be rejuvenated. If the taste of the drink has changed, separate and discard several lower layers of the fungus. Mushroom kvass from young Japanese jellyfish will delight you in winter and summer.


An interesting and useful organism, similar to a jellyfish - a Japanese mushroom - lives in a jar on the kitchen table. To use the creature does not need complex instructions. With little care, he produces a healthy drink, similar to kvass, especially delicious from the refrigerator. In order for an unusual pet to live well with you, learn the rules of caring for Japanese exotics.