How to cook chicken salad stoned. "chicken stoned" - salad for all occasions

10.05.2019 Restaurant notes

Salad "Chicken under the buzz" has long been popular on holiday tables. This salad came to my menu 12 years ago, we always prepared it for corporate. And now with pleasure I share with you the recipe of this dish.

For the preparation of the salad "Chicken stoned" we need (for 2 servings):

chicken breast - 1 pc .;

egg - 2 pcs .;

tomato - 1 pc .;

rye crackers - 1 pack;

mayonnaise for refueling;

poppy - 2 tbsp. l .;

salt - to taste.

Prepare products for salad. Boil chicken breast until tender and then cool. Eggs boil hard boiled and cool. Chicken breast chopped or chopped into fibers.

Put crushed eggs on top of tomatoes, smear with mayonnaise and lightly tamp.

Then lay out a layer of rye crackers, lightly tamp. Rusks can be taken with any taste.

Remove the ring to form a salad and serve the dish to the table. This salad does not require a long soak. That is so delicious and bright salad  under the name "Chicken stoned" is obtained.

Enjoy your meal!

Salad with smoked chicken  and tomatoes are simple, but at the same time quite unusual and very tasty, very light, despite the presence of smoked chicken in it. Tomatoes and cheese that make up can remind everyone of the famous Italian tomato appetizer, and chicken and croutons complement the taste and make the dish more bright and savory.

If you just love a tasty meal, but at the same time do not feel much enthusiasm from the process of cooking, this recipe  you will be satisfied. But even if you are among those who like to pokoldovat at the stove and at the same time know a lot about good cuisine, you still can not leave a salad with tomatoes and smoked chicken.

2 smoked chicken legs;
4-5 medium tomatoes;
100 grams of cheese;
1 loaf;

Smoked chicken leg  disassemble, cut meat into cubes. Put on a platter and smear with a thin layer of mayonnaise.

Cut the tomatoes into cubes and lay them on top of the meat. We grease with mayonnaise.

Rub cheese on top

Cut the dough into cubes and fry in a dry frying pan for about 10 minutes. Until the bread dries and becomes golden brown.

Spread crackers on a layer of cheese. Top squeeze the mayonnaise with a snake, which we sprinkle with poppy seeds.

Our light, savory, bright salad with smoked chicken and tomatoes is ready.

His comic name salad “Chicken high” got thanks to a layer of poppy covering the appetizer. Trying it appetizing dish  and the truth to some extent, you feel a real taste delight (or more simply, "high")

. The basis of the recipe is smoked chicken, which is covered with tomatoes, eggs and crackers. You can cook this dish in one salad bowl, but the final “Chicken under the high” salad will look much more effective if you lay out the ingredients immediately on portion plates using a forming ring.

  • smoked chicken breast - 300-350 g;
  • fresh tomatoes - 2 pcs .;
  • eggs - 2 pcs .;
  • bread - 3-4 slices;
  • olive oil - 1-2 tbsp. spoons;
  • poppy - 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • mayonnaise, salt, pepper - to taste.

  1. Crackers in this case, you can buy ready-made, or make them yourself, following our recipe. After removing the crusts, cut pieces of bread into cubes of about 1x1 cm. Sprinkle with salt / pepper, sprinkle with butter and spread on a baking sheet covered with parchment. We send in the red-hot oven for 10-15 minutes, maintain the temperature at around 180 degrees. By the way, there is another way to make crackers - you can not bake bread cubes, but fry them in a frying pan (like croutons for the legendary Caesar salad).

  2. Chicken cut into small pieces. Trambuya, distributed over the plates, using a molding ring or a mold-template of hand-made cardboard or foil. Apply a layer of mayonnaise

  3. 300w "title =" (! LANG: Making Smoked Salad chicken breast"width =" 560 "/\u003e
  4. Fresh Tomatoes  we chop cubes, we stack on a chicken layer. Sprinkle lightly with salt / pepper. At this stage, do without mayonnaise
  5. . 300w "style =" font-family: inherit; font-style: inherit; font-weight: inherit; "title =" "Chicken stoned" step by step recipe  with photo "width =" 560 "/\u003e
  6. After boiling, cool and remove the shell, chop the eggs very finely or rub on coarse grater. Spread on juicy tomatoes. We add a little salt, grease with mayonnaise. 300w "title =" "Chicken stoned" step-by-step recipe "width =" 560 "/\u003e
  7. Next, distribute ready-made and already dried breadcrumbs. 300w "title =" (! LANG: Salad Recipe"Курица под кайфом"" width="560" /> !}
  8. Sprinkle the top of a multi-layered snack with poppy seeds. To better “entrenched” on the salad
       You can pre-apply a thin mayonnaise layer on the croutons. 300w "title =" (! LANG: Ready Salad"Курица под кайфом"" width="560" /> !}
  9. Carefully remove the molding ring (or the template form). As an ornament you can add ready meal  contrasting greens and bright sour berries (cranberries or red currants) .http: // 300w "title =" ( ! LANG: Ready Smoked Chicken Breast Salad" width="560" /> !}

Salad with smoked chicken breast "Chicken under the high" is ready! Serve it interesting dish  immediately, until the croutons did not have time to soften under the mayonnaise layer. Good appetite!

Salad "Chicken on high"

"Chicken high" - a salad that not only has original namebut also boasts its great taste. This dish is valuable because the ingredients included in it, there are absolutely any hostess in the kitchen. But there is still one small nuance, which many, having begun to prepare, forget. And after all, it was thanks to him that the salad “Chicken under the high” got its ambiguous name. But more about that later. In the meantime, let's still find out what products are part of the dish.


The first and main ingredient is, of course, chicken. That is what we will introduce "in a high." For the salad, it is better to take the flesh, and for this purpose nothing less than a breast will do. You can use other parts of the chicken, but then be prepared for the fact that you have to tinker with bones, picking off the flesh. Chicken can be taken both smoked and boiled.

There are no smoked questions: bought, cut the meat into pieces and proceed to cooking. But to boiled need to come with special attention. First, it is better to boil in advance, so that she has time to cool down and give excess water. Secondly, the broth in which the chicken is cooked should be salted at the end, then the meat will retain its juiciness and taste. Well and, thirdly, do not overdo it. Since the salad is dressed with mayonnaise, extra salt is absolutely not needed here.

So, the chicken is ready. By the way, for the usual salad it will take about 300-450 grams. This is either one large breast, or a pair of chicken legs. By the way, already sliced, it is better to fry in an almost dry frying pan until golden brown: so it will taste better.


The second ingredient that requires the recipe for the chicken “high” is the bread. But not any, but white. His choice should also be approached carefully, because the quality of the pieces of loaf in a salad will depend on its taste.

It is not necessary to take a very fresh loaf, it will be bad to cut or crumble. And since we will fry the bread, it should be cut into ideally even cubes. It is unlikely that this will work with fresh pastries. Therefore, it is better to take the most ordinary loaf, maybe even yesterday, and even better - a long baguette.

Cut the bread with a sharp blade and a thin blade. You will see: working with such an instrument is a pleasure! So, cut half a baguette or loaf into neat cubes, and then fry in a hot frying pan with a minimum amount of butter. The resulting color should be golden. By the way, it is possible to prepare a bun for the salad “Chicken under the high” in the oven, and even slightly dried on the desired mode. The main thing is not to miss the time and not to make coals instead of crackers.

What else?

The remaining products that we need are tomatoes, eggs, mayonnaise. Three things ripe tomatoes is enough. Pay attention to the vegetables were not overripe. In this case, they will start up the juice and make the dish too wet, but oh, how it doesn’t like Chicken under the high! Salad should be perfect.

To cut tomatoes need the same knife as the bread, that is very sharp. Before you begin cutting the rest of the products, take care of the preparation of eggs. They need to be cooked. And it is desirable to do this in advance, so that they have time to cool down. Remember the simple secret? Eggs are cooled under cold waterthen they will not cause any disturbance during the cleaning. Cut them and tomatoes into small cubes and, without mixing, set aside.

Main secret

All the ingredients seem to be listed: chicken, tomatoes, eggs, white bread, mayonnaise ... What have you forgotten about? What is this mysterious product, thanks to which “Chicken high” - lettuce, in principle, unpretentious - got this name?

Open the poppy. Yes, yes, he is. Of course, now there are a lot of different packages with pastry poppy seeds on sale, it is widely used in the preparation of cakes, buns, cakes and, as you already understood, salads. Well, now it is not difficult to guess why our chicken was stoned. To fully experience the taste of salad, poppy is better to take a little more. Sprinkle them will be the top layer, but after all, everything in the plate will all mix up.

Salad "Chicken high": a recipe

Now that all the products are ready, you can proceed directly to the formation of the salad. It is laid out in layers. And this can be done both in a deep salad bowl and on a flat dish: the choice is always the hostess. The first (bottom) layer lay the chicken, cut into cubes (if it is boiled - fried until golden brown). We smear a little with mayonnaise, and even better - we make a thin mesh out of it.

The next layer is tomatoes, also with mayonnaise mesh. On them carefully lay eggs. They can not be lubricated, and immediately sprinkle croutons, that is, roasted diced loaves. By the way, instead of home-made toasts, some suggest using purchased Kompashki type crackers. This is at your discretion, but the croutons from the pack may be too stale, which will negatively affect the quality of the dish. So, pour the last layer with mayonnaise and sprinkle with poppy seeds. "Chicken high" - a salad that will surprise everyone. And he is ready!

Little secret

By the way, if you decide to form a salad on a flat plate, it can be done very beautifully. To do this, you need a special round shape without a bottom, and through it we will lay out the ingredients. Then, carefully removing the form, we get a salad in which all layers will be viewed. If there are small ringlets, then “Chicken under the high” can be served in portions. We decorate the salad with greens and cherry tomatoes.

Lettuce got its joke for its name “Chicken High” thanks to a layer of poppy covering the appetizer. Trying this delicious dish and the truth to some extent, you feel real taste delight (or more simply, “high”). The basis of the recipe is smoked chicken, which is covered with tomatoes, eggs and crackers. You can cook this dish in one salad bowl, but the final “Chicken under the high” salad will look much more effective if you lay out the ingredients immediately on portion plates using a forming ring.

And if after cooking, you still have an extra portion of smoked chicken, we recommend making a equally tasty sunflower salad.


  • smoked chicken breast - 300-350 g;
  • fresh tomatoes - 2 pcs .;
  • eggs - 2 pcs .;
  • bread - 3-4 slices;
  • olive oil - 1-2 tbsp. spoons;
  • poppy - 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • mayonnaise, salt, pepper - to taste.

Salad "Chicken high" recipe

How to make a salad with smoked chicken breast

pre-apply on thin croutons mayonnaise layer.

  • Carefully remove the molding ring (or the template form). As a decoration, you can add a ready dish with contrasting greens and bright sour berries (cranberries or red currants).

  • Salad with smoked chicken breast "Chicken under the high" is ready! We serve this interesting dish immediately, until the croutons do not have time to soften under the mayonnaise layer. Good appetite!

    Salad with smoked chicken and poppy "high"

    • Smoked chicken - 350 grams.
    • Egg - 2 pcs.
    • Tomatoes - 2-3 pcs.
    • Bread - 200 grams.
    • Olive oil - 2 tbsp. l
    • Mac - 3 tbsp. l
    • Mayonnaise.
    • Salt pepper.

    Taste delight

    The joking name of the salad “Dipped” or “Dicky Chicken” originated from an ingredient not typical for snacks like poppy. This at first glance exclusively confectionery product not only serves as a decoration of the dish, but also gives it an unusual flavor notes, emphasizing the main ingredients favorably.

    But the salad “Chicken high” is so called not only because of poppy dressing, this appetizer has simply amazing taste, capable of bringing true pleasure to all who try it.

    Salad "Chicken high" is very easy to prepare despite the apparent complexity and spectacular appearance. You can make it in several ways at once, for example, put the ingredients in layers on a flat dish or in a deep glass salad bowl.

    Portioned salad “Chicken under the high” with poppy seeds looks great when the ingredients are layered with the help of a cooking form without a bottom. And if there is no time to wait, for example, the guests suddenly came, then the products can be simply cut and mixed, sprinkling chicken salad with high poppy seeds.

    By the way, by original recipe  Salad "High" is prepared with smoked chicken, but it can be replaced with boiled or grilled, use not a dry breast, but a fat chicken leg. Also, the recipe can be changed by making a salad. Dipped with smoked pork, ham or sausage.

    As for the rest of the ingredients, the basis of the recipe for the chicken “high” salad is ripe fleshy tomatoes and boiled eggs. Sometimes the salad "Chicken high" is prepared with cheese.

    Almost always in the recipe of the salad “Under the high” there are crackers, with them the dish turns out to be even tastier, more crisp and satisfying. Croutons can be made on their own or take ready, croutons with the taste of cheese or smoked meat are ideal.

    Prepare a salad “Chicken under the high” will help the recipe with photos, and guests or household will certainly appreciate this culinary masterpiece.


    The recipe for the salad “Chicken high” with poppy seeds is classified as simple, but the finished dish has excellent taste and spectacular design, so it is easy to attribute to the holiday menu.

    1. Cook hard boiled eggs, then grind with a fork or with a grater.
    2. Cut a few slices of bread (rye or wheat bread, if desired) into 1x1 cm cubes, cutting off the crusts. Put them on a baking sheet or in a baking dish, salt and pepper, drizzle olive oil, mix and send in preheated to 180C oven for 10-15 minutes. If there is no time, then it is easier to take ready-made crackers.
    3. Smoked chicken cut into medium cubes or slices.
    4. Tomatoes (preferably fleshy, with a minimum of juice) cut into cubes.

    Following the recipe with a photo, lay out the salad “Under the high” on a dish, if possible using a culinary form.

    1. First layer lay out chicken fillet, tamping it with a spoon, it is good to smear it with mayonnaise on top. If desired, before laying you can mix meat and mayonnaise.
    2. Spread the tomatoes on top of the chicken, lightly salt and sprinkle with freshly ground black pepper.
    3. The next layer is crushed eggs, they also need to be smeared with mayonnaise or mix with it in advance.
    4. Put the croutons on the egg layer.
    5. Sprinkle the “Dipped” salad with poppy seeds abundantly on top, with the mayonnaise net over the crackers the poppy will keep better, but you can not do it. By the way, the poppy can be pre-fry in a dry frying pan, so it will turn out more crispy and make the dish even more interesting.

    If the form was used, it should be removed and you can immediately serve the salad “Chicken high”, until the croutons are sodden.

    If the recipe of the salad with poppy "Dipped" is used to prepare holiday dishthen the appetizer can be additionally decorated with greens, bright sour berries (cranberries or currants), make flowers from tomatoes, etc.

    By the way, slightly changing the recipe, you can make a salad "Chicken high" with cheese. The latter must be crushed on a grater and add a layer in front of crackers, smeared with mayonnaise. Cheese can be both hard and creamy, if you want to add to the taste of tenderness.

    If you follow the recipe from the photo, then in the preparation of the salad "Chicken high" will not be anything complicated. And if you want, if you do not want to lay out the layers, you can simply mix all the ingredients, so the croutons crush least of all, retaining their delicious crunch.

    "Chicken high" - a salad for all occasions

    "Chicken high" - salad, which not only has the original name, but also boasts its great taste. This dish is valuable because the ingredients included in it, there are absolutely any hostess in the kitchen. But there is still one small nuance, which many, having begun to prepare, forget. And after all, it was thanks to him that the salad “Chicken under the high” got its ambiguous name. But more about that later. In the meantime, let's still find out what products are part of the dish.

    The first and main ingredient is, of course, chicken. That is what we will introduce "in a high." For the salad, it is better to take the flesh, and for this purpose nothing less than a breast will do. You can use other parts of the chicken, but then be prepared for the fact that you have to tinker with bones, picking off the flesh. Chicken can be taken both smoked and boiled.

    There are no smoked questions: bought, cut the meat into pieces and proceed to cooking. But to boiled need to come with special attention. First, it is better to boil in advance, so that she has time to cool down and give off excess water. Secondly, the broth in which the chicken is cooked should be salted at the end, then the meat will retain its juiciness and taste. Well and, thirdly, do not overdo it. Since the salad is dressed with mayonnaise, extra salt is absolutely not needed here.

    So, the chicken is ready. By the way, for the usual salad it will take about 300-450 grams. This is either one large breast, or a pair of chicken legs. By the way, the boiled chicken, already cut into slices, is better to fry in an almost dry frying pan until golden brown: it will be more tasty.

    The second ingredient that requires the recipe for the chicken “high” is the bread. But not any, but white. His choice should also be approached carefully, because the quality of the pieces of loaf in a salad will depend on its taste.

    It is not necessary to take a very fresh loaf, it will be bad to cut or crumble. And since we will fry the bread, it should be cut into ideally even cubes. It is unlikely that this will work with fresh pastries. Therefore, it is better to take the most ordinary loaf, maybe even yesterday, and even better - a long baguette.

    Cut the bread with a sharp blade and a thin blade. You will see: working with such an instrument is a pleasure! So, cut half a baguette or loaf into neat cubes, and then fry in a hot frying pan with a minimum amount of butter. The resulting color should be golden. By the way, you can prepare a bun for the salad "Chicken high" and in the oven, and even in microwave oven, slightly dried on the desired mode. The main thing is not to miss the time and not to make coals instead of crackers.

    The remaining products that we need are tomatoes, eggs, mayonnaise. Three things ripe tomatoes is enough. Pay attention to the vegetables were not overripe. In this case, they will start up the juice and make the dish too wet, but oh, how it doesn’t like “Chicken under the high”! Salad should be perfect.

    To cut tomatoes need the same knife as the bread, that is very sharp. Before you begin cutting the rest of the products, take care of the preparation of eggs. They need to be cooked. And it is desirable to do this in advance, so that they have time to cool down. Remember the simple secret? Cool eggs under cold water, then they will not cause concern during cleaning. Cut them and tomatoes into small cubes and, without mixing, set aside.

    Main secret

    All the ingredients seem to be listed: chicken, tomatoes, eggs, white bread, mayonnaise ... What have you forgotten? What is this mysterious product, thanks to which “Chicken high” - lettuce, in principle, unpretentious - got this name?

    Open the secret: this is a poppy. Yes, yes, he is. Of course, now there are a lot of different packages with pastry poppy seeds on sale, it is widely used in the preparation of cakes, buns, cakes and, as you already understood, salads. Well, now it is not difficult to guess why our chicken was stoned. To fully experience the taste of salad, poppy is better to take a little more. Sprinkle them will be the top layer, but after all, everything in the plate will all mix up.

    Salad "Chicken high": a recipe

    Now that all the products are ready, you can proceed directly to the formation of the salad. It is laid out in layers. And this can be done both in a deep salad bowl and on a flat dish: the choice is always the hostess. The first (bottom) layer lay the chicken, cut into cubes (if it is boiled - fried until golden brown). We smear a little with mayonnaise, and even better - we make a thin mesh out of it.

    The next layer is tomatoes, also with mayonnaise mesh. On them carefully lay eggs. They can not be lubricated, and immediately sprinkle croutons, that is, roasted diced loaves. By the way, instead of home-made toasts, some suggest using purchased Kompashki type crackers. This is at your discretion, but the croutons from the pack may be too stale, which will negatively affect the quality of the dish. So, pour the last layer with mayonnaise and sprinkle with poppy seeds. "Chicken high" - a salad that will surprise everyone. And he is ready!

    Little secret

    By the way, if you decide to form a salad on a flat plate, it can be done very beautifully. To do this, you need a special round shape without a bottom, and through it we will lay out the ingredients. Then, carefully removing the form, we get a salad in which all layers will be viewed. If there are small ringlets, then “Chicken under the high” can be served in portions. We decorate the salad with greens and cherry tomatoes.

    Salad "Chicken on high"

    The original salad "Chicken high" - very tasty with unusual name. Preparing a salad of the most available products. But there is one secret ingredientLooking at the photo is easy to guess what is at stake. About poppy seeds that cover this layered salad.

    The basis of the recipe is boiled chickenalthough you can use and smoked chicken. All the ingredients are in perfect harmony with each other and, in combination with mayonnaise, give an amazing taste. Juicy tomato gives a bright red layer in this salad, golden croutons covered with poppy seeds make this salad unlike others. Try to surprise guests and loved ones by preparing a chicken-under-high salad.

    Salad can be served for any occasion or cooked for homemade lunch and dinner. I like this recipe for its fast cooking and a small amount of ingredients.

    Ingredients for 2-3 servings:

    • Chicken fillet - 250 g;
    • 3 eggs;
    • Tomato - 160 g;
    • Mac - 1.5 tbsp. l .;
    • White bread - 50 g;
    • Salt to taste;
    • Ground black pepper to taste;
    • Mayonnaise to taste;
    • Bay leaf - 2 pcs .;
    • Carnation - 1 bud;
    • Black pepper peas - 5 pcs.

    How to cook a salad "Chicken high" with poppy seeds

    For croutons, I use homemade white bread. It should not be fresh, as it will crumble when chopped. Bread cut into small cubes. If desired, you can use rye bread, it's up to you. Lay the sliced ​​bread on a baking sheet and dry in the oven until golden brown.

    Now prepare the chicken. Boil water in a saucepan with a little salt. Add bay leaf, black peppercorns, cloves. In the boiling water, dip the washed chicken fillet. Boil until tender over low heat (10-15 minutes). After, get a skimmer from the broth and cool.

    And actually, let's do cutting. Wash and dry the tomatoes. Cut in half, remove the flesh so that the salad is not wet. Cut into a small cube.

    Salad will need boiled chicken eggs, which, previously, boil in salted water for about ten minutes. Cool, peel and chop not very large.

    Chilled chicken fillet cut into small slices.

    All the ingredients are prepared, let us make a salad. For laying salad, it is desirable to use a round or square molding ring, but you can also have a deep salad bowl.

    I used a square ring, so I laid it on a flat plate. Now put the sliced ​​chicken fillet on the bottom. Salt lightly, pepper, tamp and pour a little mayonnaise.

    Then add a layer of tomato. Tomatoes only salt and pepper. Mayonnaise is not necessary. Place the chopped eggs on the tomatoes. Salted and season with mayonnaise. Top with white croutons. Gently remove the ring.

    And now, the time has come to open the secret ingredient. Sprinkle poppy seeds on top. Decorate at your discretion. Salad "Chicken high" with poppy seeds is ready.