Borsch with smoked ribs recipe. Borsch with smoked ribs - a delicious dish to your table

Cooking instruction

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    1. Put the ribs and legs in a pan, fill with water and put on a stove to cook. After boiling, cook for 40 minutes. Periodically remove the resulting foam on the surface. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add bay leaf and allspice peas.    Crib Cooktop Timers

    2. Remove the ribs and legs from the broth, let cool. Then remove the fillet from the bones and cut into small pieces.
       Crib How to Cook Veal Broth

    3. Filter the broth.

    4. We clean the beets and cut into strips with a thickness of about 1.5 mm and a length of about 3 cm. Pour it into a saucepan, add 100 grams of water and pass with a closed lid over low heat for 20-25 minutes. Stir occasionally. Beets during this time should almost cook, but not lose color.
       Stewpan tool The stewpan is both universal and prosaic: you can stew, fry, simmer and whip sauces in it. And there cannot be many stewpanes: size and weight are important in different situations.

    5. Onion cut into small cubes, grate carrots on a coarse grater. Fry everything over medium heat until soft. But do not overcook. The bow should be translucent.
       Crib How to chop onions

    7. Cut the potatoes into strips about 3-4 mm wide.

    8. Then add the chopped meat and potatoes to the broth. After boiling, reduce the heat to medium and cook until half-cooked potatoes. Next, add onions with carrots and cabbage. Cook until cabbage is ready. Then add the beets along with the liquid in which it was passaged. Season with salt, sugar, vinegar. After boiling, cook for 10 minutes on low heat so that the borscht is slightly bubbled. If the borsch is too thick, then add water and bring to the desired consistency.

How to cook ukrainian borsch? You can even pose a more general question - how to cook borsch? Many housewives are sure that they know the answer to this, at least the last, question. And in Ukraine, in general, every housewife believes that she is the one who can cook the real one, right borsch. And all the other options are “that way,” that is, it’s not worth mentioning.

And generally speaking, ukrainian borsch  only real is considered, red beetroot soup, on meat broth, or lean, with beans. Can still be considered real. fresh cabbage borsch, or, say, with tomatoes. In the summer in Ukraine they don’t use tomato, but practice cooking borschwith fresh tomatoes.

We will consider how to cook borsch with smoked meats, although many housewives do not recognize such options. they say that smoked borsch  or with ham  - this is pampering. In real borsch, they put pork, bones and meat, or beef, best of all - brisket. But, if it is a meat borsch, then it should be thick and rich.

We respect the opinion of individual homegrown culinary masters, but still return to our borsch with smoked meats.


Beets, 2 root crops;

White cabbage, 200 g;

Onions, 1 onion;

Garlic, 2 tbsp. l chopped slices;

Tomato puree, 2 tbsp. l .;

Bay leaves, 2 pcs.;

Black pepper, 8 peas;

Vegetable oil, 3 tbsp. l .;

Ham, 100 g;

Smoked beef, 200 g;

Smoked pork belly, 100 g;

Smoked sausages, in a natural gut, 3 pcs.;

Broth made of meat or bones, 2 l.

As you can see, there are many components, even 4 kinds of meat. So let's see how to cook borsch  from different types of smoked meats, and even so that it turns out real, delicious. Technology, in principle, should be generally accepted, but, of course, there are nuances characteristic of this particular option. Therefore, in order to build a good, high-quality   step by step recipe  - this is exactly what we need.

1. Cook, as always, beetroot soupbut this time we boil the beets without removing the skins and cool them. Let him wait in line.

2. We take a saucepan, best enameled, in which our borsch will cook, pour the broth mentioned in the recipe there, and put on the stove to boil.

3. While the broth is warming, we take all our smoked meats and cut into strips. First remove the skin from the sausage. Throw smoked meat and sausages into a boiled broth. Meat with sausages should be cooked 15 minutes before the next step;

4. Shred the cabbage, put it on a heated frying pan without oil, and fry it until it gets a golden hue;

5. Pour the oil specified in recipe, and we pass the onion in oil, which we previously clean and cut into cubes or straws. In the same place, along with onion, after it is browned, we pass the tomato;

6. After 15 minutes of cooking the meat ingredients, add cabbage, onions and tomato to the pan. Cook another 10 minutes.

7. While the borsch is cooked, three beets are cooked on a coarse grater, or we cut it with beautiful straws. After the planned 10 minutes, add beets, spices, salt to the pan. Cook for another 5 minutes, and before being removed from the fire, throw the chopped garlic mentioned in recipe  and close the pan with a lid.

After the cooking process is completed, let the borscht brew for a while, as   fresh, just removed from the fire, is not yet ready to be eaten. He must mature, and this takes time. Matured, infused   yummyeat, and many ask for supplements. Especially if, pouring borsch on plates, you sprinkled it with fresh herbs and did not forget about sour cream.

So you now know how to cook  with smoked meats of various kinds. And when you are asked to name best recipes cooking, You will name this one among others. At least we have such hope.

Borsch is a dish that everyone is familiar with firsthand. Many prefer it to other types of soups. If you came up with more recently, then borsch earned great popularity back in the days of the peasantry. Probably all because there is no need to look for overseas ingredients, just look for a moment in the garden - and all the necessary products will be on the table. Fresh beets, carrots, potatoes, cabbage, onions are simple vegetables from which you can cook amazingly tasty and nutritious food. Well, if you add fatty and fleshy ribs to the recipe, and even smoked, you get a fragrant, rich and satisfying borsch with smoked ribs.

This dish can be loved by your family

Each housewife, most likely, has cooked borscht more than once; in some families there is even a custom that he should be on the table at least once a week. Moreover, each one turns out to be different. Some people prefer to add fresh cabbage, others prefer sauerkraut, some people like borsch with spices, and some only like natural products. There are a large number of borscht, so the tastes are different. Not only a single hostess prepares borscht according to her own taste - many countries have their own recipe with some zest known only to them. In Germany, France, Poland, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Russia and other countries, an ingredient is added to borscht that makes it special and very tasty.

Smoked ribs in borsch

Despite the huge number of the most varied recipes for borsch, it remains almost the same. If someone loves lean and low-fat borsch, then he cooks on vegetables alone. Some do not imagine a dish without meat, then first of all you need to cook meat, and then start cooking vegetables.

Many modern housewives managed to somewhat diversify the taste of ordinary borsch, deciding to cook it on smoked ribs, or other smoked meats. Agree, such options are quite reasonable and even economical. For example, after a holiday or Sunday, there are always some smoked meats, brisket, sausage, after a picnic - smoked ribs. I don’t want to throw away such products, but I don’t want to eat on the second day, on the third or fourth day they will become inedible at all. But for adding, they will just come off, and the borscht will turn out to be tasty, rich and very appetizing.

Cooking technology

To cook borsch from smoked ribs, you need to prepare:

  • Beets;
  • carrots;
  • onion;
  • a small head of cabbage;
  • potatoes;
  • tomato paste;
  • spices and fresh herbs.

When all the components are assembled, you can proceed. Pre-put a pot with water 2/3 volume to warm up. Then 2 peeled whole onions are added to it. They wait until the water boils, and during this time they prepare a carrot. It is rubbed on a coarse grater or cut into strips of small size, the beets are prepared in the same way. When the water boils, put the washed smoked ribs in the pan. All the ingredients are allowed to boil well and only after that they put the carrots and beets, having previously removed the onions from the water.

While all the ingredients are boiled and boiled in water, cabbage is prepared. It can be taken fresh or "old". Cabbage is prepared simply - chopped and put in a pan. When the ribs are well boiled, the borscht will be filled with smoked aroma, they are taken out until the bones are boiled and crumbled. Then potatoes are diced and sent into the water, followed by chopped greens, salt, other seasonings and tomato paste. The meat from the ribs can be removed, cut and also put in borsch.

Some, to make borscht more satisfying, add lean or regular beef, put parsley or celery root from vegetables. For a larger flavor, you can put a little garlic, a couple of peas of black pepper, bay leaf, savory, olive oil, various spices.

Add brisket and smoked meat to the dish

For cooking borsch with smoked brisket, they observe the technology of cooking dishes with smoked ribs. True, instead of or along with smoked brisket, you can add beef, beet kvass.

The recipe for cooking borsch with brisket has its own secret. Some vegetables need to be fried, namely onions, then the beets are stewed with it, adding a little broth of meat to the overcooking. The fried ingredients are added almost at the very end. Among other things, chopped greens and garlic are mixed in a separate bowl and put in a dish about 10 minutes before the end of cooking.

To cook a hearty and appetizing borsch with smoked meats, you will need to buy several types of meat:

  • Beef with bones;
  • pork
  • smoked brisket and pork ribs;
  • sausage.

Vegetables, herbs and spices are the same as for a dish with smoked ribs or brisket. True, you can add tomatoes, bell peppers, cloves, lemon juice and other spices that can be found on the kitchen shelf. Next is the cooking process.

The meat is coarsely chopped, poured with cold water and boiled in water over low heat. The most interesting thing is. It should cook for quite some time. If you cook it quickly, then the taste will not be borscht itself, but meat. It is meat that should saturate the dish with taste.

Before sending to the pan, smoked meats need to be chopped and fried, and only then add to the boiled meat. Next is the turn for vegetables. They are cut one by one and put into a pan. You can pre-fry vegetables on fire, but this is at the request of the hostess. At the end of cooking, bring the borscht to the desired taste, adding spices and salt.

The nuances of cooking borsch with smoked meats

Each mistress in her own way knows how to cook borsch with smoked meats, and she is unlikely to need the above recipes. But those who will only try to cook it should take note: which must be observed in order for the result to please the whole family.

So, we must remember that when cooking meat, you must monitor the water. As it boils, add, the noise from the meat and excess fat on the surface of the water must be removed with a slotted spoon. It is not recommended to rush with cooking meat: let it boil for as long as possible, but ordinary, and not smoked. Thus, the borscht will turn out to be more appetizing and satisfying.

So that fresh greens do not lose color, add it a couple of minutes before the end of cooking. In addition, borsch will be more delicious if it stands for several hours. As a seasoning, put a spoon of sour cream in a plate with borsch, which will give it a peculiar and more pleasant taste.

Borsch, in my opinion, is the most favorite and most frequent soup on our table. When there is borsch in the house, everyone will always be full. Here is my recipe for borsch with smoked ribs.

I present to you the recipe for borsch with smoked ribs. In principle, the process of cooking borsch is always almost the same. Each mistress has some secrets of her own, of course. I like cooking borscht with smoked ribs with tomato paste, and not with fresh tomatoes, because the taste and color are more saturated. I pour the borsch with smoked ribs on plates and plentifully add sour cream. Borsch with sour cream can not be ruined. Separately, I put ribs on a plate. Eat with brown bread and hot. Bon Appetit!

Servings Per Container: 8-10

A simple recipe for borsch with smoked ribs of home cooking step by step with a photo. Easy to cook at home in 2 hours. Contains just 86 kilocalories.

  • Preparation time: 13 minutes
  • Time for preparing: 2 h
  • Calorie Count: 86 kilocalories
  • Servings Per Container: 5 servings
  • Occasion: For lunch
  • Complexity: Simple recipe
  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Type of dish: Soups, Borsch

Five Serving Ingredients

  • Smoked Ribs - 600 Gram
  • Beets - 2 Pieces
  • Carrots - 2-3 Pieces
  • Onion - 2 Pieces
  • Cabbage - 1 Piece
  • Tomato Paste - 50 Gram
  • Potato - 1 Kilogram
  • Salt - To taste
  • Pepper - To taste
  • Greens - To taste
  • Sour cream - To taste

Step cooking

  1. Pour water into a saucepan at 2/2, volume, stand on fire and add peeled onions there.
  2. When the water begins to boil we drop the carefully washed smoked ribs there.
  3. Wash carrots and grate or shred straw. We clean the beets and also cut into small cubes. When the broth boils well, take out the onions and add the beets and carrots.
  4. My cabbage and shred.
  5. Peel and dice the potatoes. Add cabbage and potatoes to the soup.
  6. And the ribs, meanwhile, are removed from the broth, otherwise they will be digested.
  7. Add greens to the pan, add salt to taste and add tomato paste.
  8. Cook until vegetables are ready for 15-20 minutes. Borsch is ready! Serve with sour cream.

Pour water into the pan for 2/3 of the volume, stand on the fire and add the peeled onions there.

When the water begins to boil we drop the carefully washed smoked ribs there.

Wash carrots and grate or shred straw. We clean the beets and also cut into small cubes. When the broth boils well, take out the onions and add the beets and carrots.

My cabbage and shred.

Peel and dice the potatoes. Add cabbage and potatoes to the soup.

And the ribs, meanwhile, are removed from the broth, otherwise they will be digested.

Add greens to the pan, add salt to taste and add tomato paste.

Cook until vegetables are ready for 15-20 minutes. Borsch is ready! Serve with sour cream.


  • Smoked Ribs - 600 Gram
  • Beets - 2 Pieces
  • Carrots - 2-3 Pieces
  • Onion - 2 Pieces
  • Cabbage - 1 Piece
  • Tomato Paste - 50 Gram
  • Potato - 1 Kilogram
  • Salt - To taste
  • Pepper - To taste
  • Greens - To taste
  • Sour cream - To taste

The main ingredients:
Meat, Offal, Ribs

If you liked this recipe, you can try to make it at home. And it’s better to understand how Borsch with smoked ribs is prepared, you will be shown a specific description of each action with a photo. This is a wonderful dish that millions of people love. Its preparation is quite simple and inexpensive. The recipe presented on our website is classic. But perhaps you can easily add your personal preferences to the ingredients. Borsch with smoked ribs is a tasty and easy way to please your loved ones and bring a holiday to your home comfort. Do not forget to calculate the calorie content of the resulting culinary product, so as not to harm your health and not gain weight.

Borsch, in my opinion, is the most favorite and most frequent soup on our table. When there is borsch in the house, everyone will always be full. Here is my recipe for borsch with smoked ribs.

Servings Per Container:

Time for preparing:
2 h. 0 mines


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