Is it possible to salt carp for drying. Taranka from a crucian at home recipe

How to dry crucian correctly and clearly? Having a husband of an amateur fisherman, crucians and other river fish I have almost always. But how to salt the crucian to the beer so that all friends in one voice say that I am the goddess of culinary industry - this is a more serious question. Many people think that salting carp is not a particularly intricate science, but they don’t even know how badly and deeply they are mistaken.

Many of us are residents of that era, in which we relaxed quite easily and comfortably not on Turkish beaches or alpine mountains, but in nature, in the country. Hammock, fishing rods and a small tent helped people to relax, have a great time. It is we, the people of that last century, who are so short on weekends in nature or get-togethers with friends, with a glass of beer and a fat roach. Bonfire, songs with a guitar and the lack of modern gadgets - this is the rest, which we can only dream of! However, we, the mammoths of the old school, are trying to find time for these pleasant, romantic meetings that feed the body and soul with positive energy for a long time. Accordingly, for gatherings with friends, it is not enough to run into the store and buy a few bottles of beer. Such a vobla, as from the Soviet movie with Batalov, can no longer be bought in the supermarket. Therefore, I decided to learn wisdom, how to dry carp correctly and clearly. Having a husband of an amateur fisherman, crucians and other river fish I have almost always. But how to salt the crucian to the beer so that all friends in one voice say that I am the goddess of culinary industry - this is a more serious question. Many people think that salting carp is not a particularly intricate science, but they don’t even know how badly and deeply they are mistaken. How to dry carp? - asks my girlfriend, - yes elementary, Watson! - she answers laughing. I took the salt, rubbed the fish well, hung it by the tail - and it was done. But the more I listen to her, the clearer I understand that she says sheer nonsense. And since my girlfriend thinks the vast majority. So I decided on the advice of the grandfather of the fisherman to tell everyone the most interesting secret how to dry crucian fish properly and in an organized way.

Crucian - why is he?

My choice fell on the crucian carp completely. They are a great example for our theoretical lessons. This tasty little fish belongs to the carp family. It has two main varieties: silver crucian carp and golden crucian carp. This fish can be of enormous size - about 5-6 kg. Of course, such huge fish, as a rule, are grown in private ponds and reservoirs, but their relatives in the wild do not lag behind in the wild. Carp meat is tender and sweetish in taste. However, this aspect is directly dependent on the diet of these representatives of the water world, and their place of residence.

Drying carp - the most profitable time

Optimally correct and profitable salting carp at home occurs in winter and spring. It is at this time of the year the fish is the most fat, which helps to get dried carp with fragrant and elastic meat. Another important nuance when salting a crucian for drying is the choice of salt. Buying salt for the implementation of our planned event, pay attention to the large salt. Fine salt in this case would be absolutely not appropriate, and preference should be given to large sea salt. First, it is very good for health, contains an increased amount of minerals and iodine for proper functioning of the thyroid gland. And, secondly, coarse salt best of all removes moisture from the product salted by it, without burning and drying the meat itself.

Preparation of crucian - step by step instructions

So, let's take a closer look at how to salt a crucian at home. For the proper accomplishment of this process, let's prepare the product, in fact, which will be discussed further. As you understood, we will sort crucians. Small fish lay in one direction, medium-sized individuals - in the other, but the huge fish put aside. Why postpone? Yes, because drying carp we will produce only medium and small sizes. Big fish set aside for the preparation of other culinary masterpieces.

Now I will tell you how to salt carp in different sizes for effective drying. So, take a small fish and wash it under running water, freeing it from mucus and river mud. Scales can not clean. We rub Karasikov with salt very carefully and scrupulously. Do not forget to sprinkle the gills and pour more precious white powder into your mouth. For convenience, you can fold the small fish in a deep pan in layers and completely sprinkle with coarse salt. Mix thoroughly and leave to rest.

Preparation of medium-sized crucians for salting and drying will take a little longer than small individuals. Here we would like to get rid of the scales, although not necessarily. Without fail it will be necessary to gut carp, get rid of entrails. Another important aspect for getting a gorgeous salt carp is the obligatory cut along the ridge of the fish, starting with the head and ending with the tail. After freeing the crucian from the entrails, rinse it thoroughly under running water. Next, dry it a little with a kitchen towel. Take the fish and thoroughly rub it with salt, push the white gold in the belly, gills and mouth of a crucian. Put the fish in a remote place, so she pulled the salt. It should lie in this form for at least 4 days.

The dry way of salting fish

Now I will tell you how to pickle crucians for dry drying. To do this, take a wooden box and lay on the bottom a piece of material, preferably natural. Spread the fish in layers and sprinkle with salt. Put a wooden plank on top of the fish, on which we place a heavy load - a stone or something rather bulky. Fish, thus, will be under the yoke, which will not allow air to be salted. This will not allow bacteria to develop, and will also improve the quality of salted meat. Please note that our wooden structure should be in a cool place.

Wet way salting carp

There is another way to salt a crucian properly and effectively. It is quite interesting and extravagant. Here crucians are salted using their own brine. That is, the fish itself will allocate the brine we need for the formation of a tasty and flavorful meat. Adhering to this method, we take the deep capacity of their enameled material so as not to oxidize. We put there the carcass fish belly up. Sprinkle them with salt and sugar. Are you surprised? Not worth it - sugar gives the meat a more expressive taste, emphasizes its natural aroma and sweetness. In addition, with the help of sugar, the fish will become more tender. Next, press down the fish with a yoke as in the previous recipe. Leave for 7 days to be well salted. Only in 2 days will begin to stand out the brine we need, so be patient, gentlemen.

Now you know how to salt carp for drying in several ways. Which way you choose is up to you. As for me, they are all equally effective and efficient. However, see for yourself.

Salting caviar carp

If you have a large fish that contains caviar, I will tell you how to pickle crucian caviar in an entirely difficult way. So, for the implementation of the planned process you will need the following components:

  • Carp roe - 400-500 grams;
  • Salt - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Water - 2 l;
  • Bay leaf, black peppercorns, allspice peas.

Having prepared all the ingredients we need, we proceed to work. It is quite easy to salt the eggs of crucian, but adhere to all my instructions. So, we take water, pour it into a saucepan and set it on fire. Add salt, bay leaf and black and allspice to it. Do not overdo it with salt so that the caviar does not turn out salty and tasteless. Spices give caviar flavor and a pleasant taste and aftertaste.

While the water boils, prepare caviar. It needs to be cleaned from the film, which envelops the eggs. A colander is perfect for this procedure. Just wipe the caviar gently over the colander: then the eggs will pass through the holes, and the film will remain on its walls.

Having coped with this task, pour the cleaned caviar in boiling water. Constantly stir it. This procedure should be carried out for 2-3 minutes. During this time, the caviar will acquire a pleasant yellowish color. Leave the eggs to cool in water for 15-20 minutes.

After the required time has expired, you need to filter our product. To do this, take a clean container, hoist a colander on it and cover it with a gauze cloth. It is desirable that the fabric was folded in three to four layers to achieve the desired effect. It is also mandatory to moisten the cloth with water, for the best passage through it of moisture. Next, stir the eggs thoroughly and thoroughly in the water so that it floats. Pour the contents of the bowl onto a cooked colander with a cloth. Then all the water will drain into a container under a colander, and an acre will remain in it. Then gently lift the gauze fabric to completely release the caviar from the water. Next, transfer the almost ready-made caviar into a container for further preservation of this product. Some add to the caviar sunflower or olive oil. However, if you are a lover of natural taste, you can leave it that way.

Proper drying of carp

Fishermen with great experience and experience use several recipes for drying carp. I borrowed several methods from them that I’m happy to share with you:

  • The most effective method of drying fish is a typical method that we have used for centuries. According to this method, we string the already salted fish onto a wire or fishing line through a hole in the eye. Thus, the carp will dry well and acquire the fragrant taste of meat that we love to eat with frothy, cold beer;
  • The second method is to string fish on a rope. For this, a large needle is taken, a rope is passed through it, and then, as you understand, the fish is strung together for fish. Simple and fast;
  • And this is the most extravagant and unique method for which a plastic hanger is used. The lower part of such a structure breaks down and the fish is passed through to the hanger. Strange but true;
  • You can also string and dry the fish on a clip.

In principle, the methods and methods of drying a crucian are vast. There are a lot of skilled craftsmen in our country, and even more creative flights for this brotherhood. Therefore, all ways are not considered. Choose, again, only you. Dare!

How to save vobla?

After reading the previous lines, you already know , how to pickle and dry crucians, how tasty salted caviar. However, having put in a lot of effort and having done all the above activities, it is a shame not to know how to properly save the vobla you have made. Therefore, listen to the advice that will be useful today.

First, you need to store your amazing dried roach in bags of material. In no case do not use for storage of plastic bags, this will lead to the fact that the fish will not lie for a long time, suffocate and rot.

Also, you can wrap the fish in paper and put in the refrigerator. So it can lie for quite a long time without losing its properties and capabilities. However, not always in the fridge there is enough free space. Therefore, it is better to use a fabric bag. In such a camouflage vobla can be stored for a year until the next catch.

So, I tried to convey to you many of the intricacies that my grandfather fisherman awarded me. Accordingly, I am a hereditary fisher with experience, like, in fact, my husband. I hope you find the secrets and tips of family fishermen useful. Live healthy and happy!

If you have the opportunity to cook crucian carp, but you are worried about the large number of bones, try marinating them. Marinated crucian carp for this recipe I really like because the bones become softer and somehow easier to remove. And all because the fish is marinated in vinegar.

Marinate better big fish. And small and medium.

The taste of the fish is incredible. Who has tried, everyone is praised and do not believe that such tasty food can be made at home. Cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves and other spices are also present. The dish will be ready in 24 hours. Store the finished pickled crucian carp in a tightly closed glass jar.

Recipe Information

Cooking method: pickling.

Total cooking time: 24 h

Number of servings: 4 .


  • crucian - 1 kg (3-4 pieces)
  • onions - 200 g
  • sugar - 1 tsp.
  • salt rock - 1 tbsp.
  • vegetable oil - 4-5 tbsp.
  • vinegar 9% - 2 tbsp.
  • cinnamon, Nutmeg, Cloves, Pepper Mix - Pinch
  • 2-3 bay leaves

How to pickle carp

On a note

  • This recipe for marinating can be used not only for cooking carp, but also other fish. For example, I also did bream. It turned out very tasty.
  • I recommend not changing the proportions, since they are so precisely chosen that the fish tastes just perfect. Is that with the proportions of vinegar you can play a little.

Dried carp is familiar to almost everyone. A lot of lovers of such delicacies, it can act not only as a snack to cold drinks, but also simply to satisfy the desire to chew salty fish.

About how to dry carp at home I know not many. More precisely, not everyone knows the subtleties that require special attention in the process of preparing and drying fish.


It is necessary to sort the catch by size. Small fish and larger individuals require a different approach. Small representatives can not gut and dry in its original form. They should be thoroughly cleaned from debris and mucus. Then dry and leave until the next stage of preparation for drying.

Larger representatives must be gutted. The insides will not let the fish dry out and can fade and spoil the product. And also thoroughly wash off river or lake mud and dry.

Tip! No need to clean the carcass of scales. It will avoid drying out, and also protect the meat from excessive aggressive salt.

The dry salting method allows you to remove excess liquid from the fish before it begins to dry. For this you need a box to be sure that the bottom of it has holes. The box is stretched with a cloth in one or two layers. There lay the fish generously pouring salt. Especially carefully it is worthwhile to approach the choice of the latter, it will cope well with the task of sea or large cooking without iodine content. Per kilogram of fish takes about a glass of salt, a little more. It is important to carefully sprinkle the gills and mouth of a crucian. Then the fish is covered with a cloth and pressed down with a press. After some time, liquid will begin to stand out from the fish and drain into the holes in the bottom of the box. It is important that the container is located in a dark cool place. A week later, the fish salted enough.

Tip! Carcasses of large specimens should be incised along the spine along the entire length. This will allow better salted meat.

In addition, there is a way that is called "wet." Its use implies salting fish in its own juice. Such salting allows you to get more tender fish meat. You need to choose dishes that have a coating that does not oxidize; enamelware will work well. For salting, you need to prepare a mixture of 1 kilogram of salt and 1 tablespoon of sugar, this amount is intended for salting 10 kilograms of fish. The carcass is laid in layers and sprinkled with the mixture. Then they should be pressed down with a press and removed in a cool place. The pickle will begin to appear on the second day, and after a week the crucian can be dried.


Only well-salted fish can be dried. For this you need to wash and dry the carcass. If you do not like too salted fish, then it should be soaked in cool water. Usually the duration of soaking depends on the number of days that the product has salted. If this lasted a week, then you should not soak for longer than 7 hours.

Dry carp should be suspended. It is important to protect the product from insects. To do this, professionals advise to rub the carcass with vegetable oil or a weak solution of vinegar. Another way to hide crucians will be gauze or mosquito net.

It is important to arrange the carcasses so that they do not touch each other and the air circulates well between them. On what to dry the fish decides each individually, for this fit any material on which you can hang the carcass. For this, even regular paper clips are suitable. Dry karasikov better in a sunny place that is well blown by the wind. Readiness of the product is checked on the back. If it is firm but elastic, then the process can be completed.

Many lovers of drying fish, constructing for themselves special designs, allowing to hang carcasses in several rows and compactly dry a large number of fish.

How to store?

Dried crucians can delight gourmets for a long time, if you properly approach the issue of storage. Within 14 days the product will quietly lie without a refrigerator and will not deteriorate. After the expiration of the term, it is necessary to remove the crucian carp in a cooling device, and it is better to pack the product in paper. It is better to make the packaging in small batches so that one spoiled carcass does not spoil the whole billet.

If crucians are very dry, then they can be freely stored in a cloth bag in a dark, cool place. The main thing is to monitor the level of humidity and prevent moisture.

Cooking dried carp at home is very simple, but in the end we get a great salty snack for beer. So, I tell you how to crucify a crucian!

How to cook dried carp I knew, probably from deep childhood. My uncle went fishing every weekend and always came back with a great catch, so, as I remember, these rows of fish that we hung on the balcony. Now, unfortunately, he is engaged in harvesting fish not so often, but sometimes I indulge myself, especially in summer. And now I want to tell you the easiest recipe for dried carp at home.

Servings: 1-2

A very simple recipe of dried carp, a recipe of Russian cuisine with photos and step by step description of the cooking process. This recipe makes it easy to cook yourself at home for 0 minutes. Contains a total of 275 kilocalories.

  • Complexity: Very simple recipe
  • National cuisine: Russian kitchen
  • Type of dish: Second courses
  • Preparation time: 11 minutes
  • Time for preparing: 0 min
  • Calorie Count: 275 kilocalories
  • Servings: 12 servings
  • Occasion: For lunch

Ingredients for eleven servings

  • Fresh carp - 1 Kilogram
  • Salt - 200 Grams

Step by Step Cooking

  1. In the ingredients I indicated the amount of salt per 1 kilogram of fish. Accordingly, if the fish are more than 1 kilogram, then more salt must be taken.
  2. First we need to gut the fish, we extract all the insides, except the caviar, if there is one.
  3. When we got rid of the entrails, carefully wash the crucians under cold water.
  4. Then lay out the fish in rows in an enameled dish and sprinkle each row with salt, leave for three days. After the time is over, we take out the fish, rinse it under cold water and leave for 2 hours to drain in a colander. When the water is drained, hang out in a dry place and sank in natural conditions.

Most often, dried fish is associated with beer consumption, but people who do not drink alcohol can enjoy delicious meat with other soft drinks. Foamy drink can be replaced by tomato juice, with which you can also enjoy the taste of dried fish. With the right approach, you can dry almost any small and medium-sized fish. Crucian is also great for drying, the main thing is to follow the sequence of the process.

This ubiquitous fish can be caught in almost all freshwater bodies of water. And it will not be superfluous to learn how to pickle carp for drying. Among the many methods of drying, it is advisable to choose proven methods in order not to throw out the spoiled fish.

Crucian, like any other type of fish previously subjected to salting. Everyone chooses the decision how to dry the fish independently and the main thing is to conduct the salting process correctly. It can last from several hours to several days. It all depends on the chosen method.

The fastest way to dry carp

  It must be remembered that the fish intended for drying should be fresh, and the best option when fishing for float fishing or any other tackle in the summer was carried out on the day of pickling. When cooking purchased fish you need to make sure it is fresh. Crucians are very tenacious and "asleep" fish should be carefully checked.

Before you dry the fish in this way, you will need a container in which the right amount of fish, salt, a sharp knife, a fishing line or a strong rope for hanging and appropriate gauze sizes will fit.

First of all, it is necessary to remove the entrails, since even small individuals may have worms or other undesirable substances in the abdomen. Each carcass is thoroughly washed under running water, and if this is not possible, the water should change 4-5 times. It is necessary to make sure that no vestiges of viscera are left in the substellar part and one cannot remove the scales. In large specimens (more than 0.5 kg) it is advisable to make incisions from above along the ridge. After that, each fish is poured abundantly with coarse salt. You can add a little sugar (1: 100% salt).

Salt is poured into the belly and under the gills, and the carcass is placed in a prepared container. As the salt melts, additional portions of it are added.

After all the fish are sufficiently filled with salt, you can wait up to one hour, although experience shows that it can be hung out immediately after processing. For large carp, you need to provide spacers in the abdomen.

The prepared fish is strung on a fishing line or rope in any convenient way. Where possible, salt is not shaken off. The future delicacy is hung out in a place where there is no direct sunlight. It is undesirable to touch carcasses. To prevent flies that may damage the product, gauze is used. Gauze wraps all mating. A few days later the fish is ready to eat.