Mother-in-law on his birthday. Happy birthday mother-in-law

08.05.2019 Seafood Dishes

I wish you more happiness
His beloved, good mother-in-law.
Her birthday is today.
I send you, mother, congratulations.

Let your health be strong,
As before, people respect.
So that, as always, you smiled,
Nothing in life is needed.

To golden your hands
Appreciated, respected grandchildren.
To the money themselves flew to you -
So it was everything you wanted.

I wish you love, luck
Desires, execution plans,
And so in a great mood
You spent your birthday.

I wish you all my heart
Many health, long years,
Successes, joys big,
So that life gave a bright light!

Let it be whatever you want,
Let the dreams come true!
Always live happily,
Without knowing the troubles and fuss!

Congratulations to a wonderful woman who raised a wonderful daughter, my beloved wife, and who became my second mother. I want to wish you good health and long days of a happy, successful and joyful life. Let mutual understanding reign in your family, let prosperity live in your home, and colleagues respect and appreciate your work. Happy Birthday!

I am friends with my mother-in-law
From the heart I will say now:
My mother-in-law is dear,
Happy birthday congratulations.

Beauty always shine
Let the son-in-law be honored
We are the best friends -
My mother-in-law and me.

You and guests will call,
And you will pour ryumashechku,
So live a hundred years
Without illnesses and without troubles.

Funny congratulations mother-in

Perhaps I am not the best son-in-law,
And do not take anything from me ...
I forgot when I gave flowers.
Words gentle said little
Beloved wife. Yes, and you.
Money is not full pocket.
The miner from me is bad.
Lover - no!
You can scold me,
But let me just say:
You are the kindest person.
There is no such thing forever!
I sincerely congratulate you
And I wish you a birthday
Dear mom, you success,
Vnuchat spilling laughter.
So that life flow boils.
Health strong and strength!

I wish, mother-in-law, live a hundred years!
And you never grieve.
Let your health be strong
The wealth in the wallet will arrive.

Have a good mood
Always with a smile to meet us.
Good luck, happiness. Happy Birthday.
You are the best!
With love, son-in-law.

My buddies sometimes
They are afraid of the mother-in-law as a fire.
But I was lucky with my mother-in-law -
I have no better friend.

I want to congratulate her
And wish happiness in life,
She is my cool wife
I was able to bring up well.

And my wise mother-in-law
I am always ready to support.
Health to you with all my heart!
Your loving and faithful son-in-law.

I want to congratulate my second mother
And wish you this birthday,
To sadness was not a single gram,
And there was a sea of \u200b\u200bhappiness and fun!

I wish you good health,
Bloom and smell for many years!
And so that care, affection and love
You have always been surrounded by loved ones!

Past the mother-in-law's house
I will not pass today,
I'll push the flowers into the fence
And tefal pan.

Well, if without folklore
From myself five words to say
I'd like you, mom,
Happiness in life wish.

Very good health
And good news,
Obedience from grandchildren,
Respect from children.

I wish dozens
Years of happy you lived.
And thank you for your daughter
From her family head.

I wish you a birthday
Merry, joyful moments,
Great mood
And also many compliments,
After all, you are sweet and so beautiful
No mother-in-law is better and kinder!
I wish you only a positive
And many clear, bright days!

Greetings, mother-in-law, I have you on your birthday!
From son-in-law ready to accept congratulations?
I will assure you again, you are so young -
Yes, you just should not be considered a year.
Sunrises to you bright and days only clear
And life - well, like in the wonderful series.
You choose only the main roles in them.
I will tell you a secret, on the royal throne,
Of course, you would look great.
... and let no hairs from the head
My mother-in-law's mother will not fall.
Do you let only joy live in your soul!

I do not know who is composing stories about mother-in-law and mother-in-law, but I must confess that you can only write fairy tales about my mother-in-law, good ones with a good ending! For our young family - she is the most welcome guest, one day we can trust our little ones, and today we wish her a happy birthday and wish unlimited happiness! Let it enter her house and surround my mother-in-law every day, in any business and in any weather! How glorious, when on a holiday you can get together all together, a big and happy family! Everyone has their own role in it, and the mother-in-law’s important and responsible role should be noted! Today is a beautiful day, her birthday! I congratulate you together with everyone at home and on my own behalf! Be happy, always cheerful and, of course, young and beautiful! Congratulating happy birthday mother-in-law, first of all, I want to say thank you for the daughter who got me as a spouse, because you can't even dream of a better wife! And secondly, I want to admit that it is a great honor for me to be accepted into a spouse family! Be happy, mom! Do not forget us, young people, and we will always welcome your advice and support! May every day be with you happiness, luck and love! Dear Mom! You entrusted to me a beautiful daughter, helped our young family with wise advice and surpassed all my dreams of the perfect mother-in-law! I congratulate you on your birthday and wish you not just happiness, but such that only the best, golden people can be worthy! Let your life be a continuous succession of amazing and wonderful events, may love surround you with a gentle whirlwind, and the sun shine for you especially gently and brightly! To my beloved mother-in-law, I go with pleasure not only to pancakes, but also on every occasion. And, of course, I simply could not miss her birthday! Congratulating my beloved mother-in-law, I want, with all my heart, to sincerely sincerely wish her many years, good health, well-being in all directions, fulfillment of her cherished desires and good mood for every day! Today is my favorite mother-in-law's birthday. I was looking forward to this holiday, as befits a family man. To the great gift for mother-in-law, I attach a postcard, as well as a verbal congratulation on an important, bright holiday and, of course, a wish for all the best! May life be a holiday, may there always be warmth and comfort in the house, as well as a magnificent bouquet of your favorite flowers!

Happy Birthday, mother-in-law,
I congratulate you today,
May it be easier for you to live,
Dreams come true at times

I wish you wonderful joy
The weather is clear, no rain,
So that life would be interesting,
My heart would be more fun!

Today, mother-in-law, I confess to you
What you, of course, all smarter,
I try to be equal to you
Does it come out to you?

Happy birthday to you
I wish, mother-in-law, you all the best,
Let happiness, as if in dreams,
Come to visit you just like that!

You are my second mom,
Always ready to give advice.
Happy be the very
For many years!

You are an amazing person.
I tell you unvarnished,
Let everything be perfect for you!
And happy birthday, mother-in-law, you!

Today is a beautiful, bright day
Your, mother-in-law, holiday - Birthday,
Let it be the best gifts
In the piggy bank of happiness - replenishment!

Let you have enough health,
And joy will be without an edge,
Let optimism does not run low!
I congratulate you heartily!

I hurry to congratulate the mother-in-law!
In general, the mother-in-law let not grumble
I then easier simple
Congratulations to write:

Mom, bless you
Young and black-browed
And so that the son-in-law is not harsh,
And one hundred years happy to be!

Mother-in-law, a lot in this sound,
It is full of meaning and great
And it is not subject to science,
Only his master verse!

You will sing - Orpheus lyre,
And in anger - lightning and Zeus,
Good to you, hope, peace,
Merry life and wonders!

Happy Birthday, congratulations,
We wish you well and love.
Do not forget must work,
To success in life wonders.
Be healthy, fun and strong,
So that success in life was not rare.
Rush on the wings of success around the world.
And indulge in the fun and life of the feast.

Mother-in-law happy birthday congratulations
Sincerely wish you well.
Let the lilac fog envelop you
Which will show where lies and deception.
Be healthy constantly
And from fun, get drunk.
To remember your celebration
Overflowing with emotions your delicacy.

On the day of birth, the mother-in-law's son-in-law is ready for the holiday:
He bought a gift for her and a bouquet of flowers.
“Mom dear, you are my best friend!
Birthday mother-in-law does not come suddenly.
I have been preparing for it all past year,
I thought how to make my new year happy.
I chose a long time, sparing no effort.
Spared no piggy bank - took, and broke!
Therefore, I hope that I have pleased you.
Happy Birthday, mother-in-law! True, your son-in-law is sweet ?! ”

Oh mom, you are indispensable in the family
You are very young happy
Today is a holiday for everyone!
We wish to live another century
What wouldn’t they have lived happily
And people gave your smile
Health you strong, nerves steel
All the best! What would they be unearthly!

Our dear mother,
Congratulations from the heart.
Do not find us in the world more beautiful.
We hurry to wish you:
So as not to age a year,
Grandchildren often visited
No trouble let
Do not touch nor sadness.

If you did not know
From grief b tears shed!
Golden man, beautiful lady -
I congratulate you, my dear mother!
Health to you for many years
What would your husband stand for you like a mountain
Happy birthday congratulations to you
And above all, I wish you happiness!

Nothing is easier
Congratulate with warm words
My beloved mother-in-law,
I wish you happiness.
Let this year go well,
To sadness did not attend,
Only joy has grown a hundredfold,
And boredom on the drive away.
Happy New Year!
Happy new congratulations
You smile now
And the holiday will come in my heart, I promise!

Today son-in-law congratulations
I'm happy birthday to him,
And I sincerely wish you
Only the best!

May happiness, money inspire
For a long time in your life will come
I wish you the best impressions
So lucky there and here!

Mother's sweet birthday
I sincerely wish
Strong health and happiness
That was a friendly family.

I thank fate for the mother-in-law,

Mother-in-law is the word a lot
So in life for me,
And today I will shout from the doorway -
Happy Birthday!
Be healthy be happy
Mother-in-law my dear
How beautiful you are today
Be like you always!

Mother's sweet birthday
I sincerely wish
Strong health and happiness
That was a friendly family.
I thank fate for the mother-in-law,
For wisdom, tact and understanding.
On my birthday, my second mom,
Take the flowers as a sign of my recognition.

Young, slim, beautiful,
Well, not mother-in-law - just a marvel!
You have a birthday,
Congratulations we love!
We wish not to grow old,
Flourish and not get sick.
Always be beautiful you
Let the dreams come true!

Mother-in-law, mother-in-law dear!
Without you, we are like no hands!
There is no harvest without you
Without you we can not stand the torment!
Be healthy and beautiful
Cheerful and young
And let's drink some beer,
What not to argue ever!

Beloved mother-in birthday
I give, loving, a poem!
And I want to give joy forever,
And to easily flowed year!
And so that we would always be friends with each other.
And they visited each other more often.
Peace in the soul, health, wealth!
Let life be easy and a little sweet!

Congratulations to the mother-in-law

Favorite mother-in-law, how not to congratulate!?
In verse, I would like to glorify her!
After all, she is the best mother-in-law in the world
I always need her very much!
Dinner will cook, advice will help,
Moral support, well, as soon as you can!
A gift will give, flowers will make
And, if we need, with the fire will save!
Jokes a little bit, a little row,
And grandchildren with love, of course, will babysit!
Well, in general, guys, I was lucky with her,
Although sometimes I would run out the window!
Well, enough about that, my mother-in-law pour me,
And listen to my congratulations soon!
I wish you happiness - big ocean
Was that in it you are a cool captain!
And the life of the ship you, so that also led,
Confident, bold, well, as always!
Health, love, respect a lot,
Let the road be joyful and light!
Embrace me in an anniversary
And don't feel sorry for your mother-in-law nothing!

Congratulations to your beloved mother-in-law

Dear, beloved and respected __________ (name!), I congratulate you on the holiday! You raised and raised a miracle daughter, now she is my wife! If it were not for you, I would not have such a wonderful family, sons and daughter! Thank you for that! Thank you for your golden character and open soul!

How am I lucky in life
I will tell, feelings not thawed.
It turned out good, sweet
My dear mother-in-law!
Very mother-grateful
I am for affection and welcome.
I used to be a simple guy,
  With the mother-in-law I became the king!
On your birthday
I want to say: -
"You are loved by me,
You are like a mother to me! ”
You happy birthday
I want to congratulate
And wish long years.
Let all things be on your shoulder,
Let there be peace, happiness, light!

Happy mother-in-law's congratulations

Oh, how happy I am
How lucky I am with my mother-in-law!
Even on the very day of dreary
With my mother-in-law, I am always light.
Let everyone know around -
I have no mother-in-law - treasure!
Sews and knits at leisure,
I am pleased with her advice!
Happy Birthday
Mother-in-law my dear!
And I say without a doubt: -
"Mother-in-law, I love you!"

Congratulations mother-in

There are people who can diplomatically get out of any conflict situations, they know everything about the political situation in the world and at the entrance, masterly speak rhetoric and public speaking for their own purposes, have infinite intuition and always find themselves at the right time, they are an assy of culinary art! Mother-in-law, if it were not for you, I would not have believed that such people exist! Happy Birthday and God forbid you strength and health to surprise me again and again!

I always respected women,
One loved with all my soul,
And better than you, I did not know
You are a woman with strength and will.
I'm glad that your wife, your daughter,
Looks like you in the most important -
Seeking with love to help.
And this is sometimes very necessary.
For the power of a beautiful soul
I thank you heartily.
You are a ray of hope in the night
And your love is infinite.

My mother-in-law! I congratulate you on March 8! I wish you spring mood, beauty, happiness and kindness! To give you every minute compliments, hundreds of kisses and magnificent bouquets of flowers! Thank you for your daughter! Happy holiday!

Congratulations to the mother in prose

I want to raise a toast for the most beautiful woman, for my mother-in-law. All the enemies that want to say something unpleasant for her, let them perish, and I want to wish for her only a wonderful mood and happy days in a year as many as they are in the calendar.

Congratulations to the mother-in-law from her beloved son-in-law

My mother-in-law, precious. Take greetings from your beloved son-in-law. I am always in a hurry to your house with love and great respect, for you, my mother-in-law, became the second mother. I want to express to you my respect and respect for your affection and love.

Congratulations mother-to - toast

I can’t even believe that just recently I didn’t know you and didn’t even think that in your face I would find my second mother with whom I am so relaxed and easy. Thank you mother-in-law for your delicious cakes and pancakes, with which you always pour me. May God grant you health and patience.

Congratulations on the holiday of Spring,
Mother-in-law their irreplaceable
How nice that we have you
Mom dear to my wife.
Daughter praise it sometimes
That her husband chose not in vain
That he is so golden
Her son-in-law is always proud!

Merry Christmas mother-in-law

Merry Christmas!
On this beautiful day Jesus Christ entered the world with love. This is the day of the triumph of love, forgiveness and bright feelings! And let the love of our neighbor and far come into our hearts!

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To these congratulations we have selected for you the following gifts from our catalog:

Congratulations to the mother-in-law differ in their individual character, they can be based on the genre of humor, reverence, respect, or simply beautiful lines can be taken from the depths of the soul and carry the individual meaning of your relationship. It may not be easy to please the mother-in-law; therefore, you should prepare in advance for her bright holiday in order to at least arouse her affection and surprise. In fact, it is not difficult, in congratulating the mother-in-law, one should focus on several circumstances that will certainly warm her heart and soul. It is very important to know that it is necessary to congratulate as early as possible, perhaps even in the morning, in order to be first in the circle of potential congratulators who also want to express their respect for the hero of the occasion with his own words and wishes. To be first is to be at the peak of perfection, when the mother-in-law appreciates such an act and once again tells her friends about her brother-in-law, who not only did not forget to deliver the best greeting in his time, but also brought joy for a long time.

In our society, the ability of a person to express everything that he thinks in his own words has always been valued. Such people have always been valued and respected. They always aroused the enthusiasm of others and were able to bring the maximum of positive emotions to all those with whom they communicated, including birthday people and birthday women. Nice to say - this is a real talent that is not inferior, perhaps, even poetic. So do not be upset if you have something wrong. If you want to present, we will help you with this.

We will not advise anything and long rant on how to speak. We will simply provide you with ready-made examples. You can build your own congratulations based on them, or you can learn and tell them in their original form. In any case, your mother-in-law will appreciate such a present very highly.

On Vlio collected all the best birthday wishes mother-in-your-own words, which are only on the Internet. We selected them all, looked over and published only the most good ones. You can be sure of this. Yes there. Read, and you will understand everything. Give joy, pleasure and real pleasure along with greetings collected on Vlio.

Happy birthday, dear mother-in-law! I am immensely happy that fate sent me a second mother - such a kind and understanding woman like you! I wish you to always be on top, so that at home and at work there is order and manner. Let the implementation of life plans have enough money and health!

My beloved mother-in-law, what would you wish for on this birthday, such a joyful day? Let everything in life be, as they say, in full openwork, let joyful days give a lot of positive, and kind people give a lot of warmth, let pure and good hope never leave, and all undertakings and deeds will be accompanied by success!

I want to say honestly and frankly: I was lucky with my mother-in-law! You really became my second mother and on this remarkable day I sincerely wish you happiness and health. We all love you for your kindness, caring and honesty. Happy holiday to you!

Dear mother-in-law, be always healthy, young, inquisitive and active! Stay consistently at the most important and responsible post in our house and talentedly manage all of us, ensuring one hundred percent order in the family. I guarantee you obedience and support!

On a beautiful day, on your birthday, dear mother-in-law, I want to wish you to be as beautiful, beautiful, and young as you are today. Let the birds sing their songs to you, and nature pleases with its flowers. May your life be wonderful and beautiful.

Congratulations to my beloved mother-in-law happy birthday! I wish you, my dear, to be always as delightfully beautiful and young as now. Hospitable and welcoming, charming hostess in this warm and cozy home. Let your golden hands delight us with their amazing cakes and pancakes, and a good mood will always be your faithful companion.

Mother-in-law, my dear man, wonderful hostess, affectionate and caring! I wish from the bottom of my heart on my birthday good coziness, peace of mind, bright joy, bright holidays, maternal happiness! Let everything be just great, and empty fate only pleases good events!

Mother-in-law, dear, I congratulate you on your birthday! Thank you for my spouse, for kindness and understanding, for kind words, for caring. I wish you to remain young in appearance and in the soul, let the smiles and love of your loved ones warm you, health to you, mother!