Beer alcoholism symptoms and signs in men. Ways to treat beer alcoholism

08.05.2019 Soups

The drink, which is often affectionately called "pivasik", is considered by many to be low alcohol, very tasty and completely harmless. The question arises: where does beer alcoholism come from, whose symptoms will be discussed further? Apparently, not everything in the love of beer is so safe. Otherwise, they would not talk about a special kind of alcoholism.

  Beer Alcoholism: Symptoms and Features

If you approach strictly, then in official medicine alcoholism cannot be vodka, wine, brandy, and the like. The person is either sick with alcoholism, or is at risk. However, the excessive love of many people for beer has long led to difficult and dangerous consequences. So I had to talk about beer alcoholism. Do you like beer? Perhaps a loved one is interested in him? Or friends do not think the end of the week without gatherings for a few liters of foaming pleasure? Then it is very important for you to know what beer alcoholism is, symptoms and signs, treatment of this disease.

  Who does not threaten beer alcoholism?

The answer to this question is very obvious. Those who do not drink beer. If a person is accustomed to using other types of alcohol, then if he is abused, he will face classical alcoholism. Absolute sober-drinkers are protected from addiction to alcohol 100%.

Another group out of risk - people who afford a beer rarely and in minimal quantities. Someone will argue: if you drink a teaspoon, then there will be no effect. However, the problem of alcoholism lies in the fact that everything begins with regularity and the amount of alcohol consumed so that it “penetrates”. And ends with a heavy addiction and a rich bouquet of associated diseases.

  What to look for?

Recognize a close beer alcoholism can be some time before it arises. Here, almost no one pays attention to the characteristic signs of threatening dependence. If each of us clearly knew the symptoms of the preliminary stage and understood what they meant, the problem of dangerous beer habits would be less.

It all starts with domestic drunkenness. This is not yet a disease, only a lifestyle that can lead to a disease. Household drinking has several reasons:

  1. Education, attitude to alcohol in the family. If parents now and then arrange noisy feasts, in the evenings they periodically use a couple of bottles of beer for rest and relaxation, the child will develop a positive attitude towards alcohol. If the parents not only drink themselves, but also offer alcohol to the child, they actually raise at least the future domestic drunkard.
  2. Service traditions. In various work collectives you can learn about the many customs that are associated with the use of beer. Apart from the celebrations generally accepted in the country, these are various professional holidays, days of foundation of enterprises, hiring / seeing off employees, beer Fridays, personal joyful events for employees (birthdays, buying a car, the birth of a child) and so on.
  3. Life problems of a particular person. This may be dissatisfaction with his work, his family, his closest circle. A more serious reason is the loss of someone close, a relative. In all cases, a person is looking for an outlet, a way to forget, to disconnect from heavy thoughts, at least for a while. With the help of alcohol make it pretty easy.
  4. Inability to organize their leisure. A huge number of people in their free time sit in front of the TV or monitor and almost aimlessly flipping through the channels / Internet pages, sipping along their favorite drink. If the house has a certain supply of beer from the nearest wholesale market, this style of rest quickly becomes dangerous.

At first, the body resists and defends itself. With an excess of beer comes vomiting, in the morning - hangover. Such "joys" are normal in a person's disgust for alcohol, the desire that such problems no longer occur. Then the tolerance of the organism to beer is formed. This is the initial sign of beer alcoholism.

  Cause for alarm

From now on, your favorite drink seems tasty and always welcome. If you bust, vomiting still happens, but the hangover is not as strong as before. Even with feeling unwell in the morning, the desire to stop drinking forever no longer arises. After the beer, you no longer want to sleep, it invigorates like a good coffee or other energy drink. Sleep is in order, the appetite is good, there are no complaints about the sexual functions. True, sometimes the nerves are naughty. Feeling irritable, for any reason I want to swear.

But in general, everything is so well that almost no one thinks of the impending beer addiction. High tolerance to alcohol and an almost painless hangover are attributed to their own endurance. Family members, friends, colleagues are blamed for all conflicts: it seems that everyone around us constantly conspired to not understand or do something. Meanwhile, beer alcoholism is already "at the start."

  Formation and development of beer alcoholism

What happens next? The main sign that alcoholism has already entered the first stage is a gradual increase in the tolerance of beer. To feel intoxicated, a person needs more and more of their favorite drink. Sessions over the bottle of "pivasika" occur more frequently and are lengthened.


Only at the first stage of alcoholism does alcohol tolerance increase 4-5 times. At the third stage of beer dependence, the tolerance of the organism decreases sharply. Because of this, alcoholics often die from overdose

Then addiction, pathological addiction to beer is formed. First - the psychic. The desire to drink beer arises in the mind constantly. It is worthwhile for a person to learn that there is an opportunity to “roll”, as life becomes beautiful and cloudless. Up to this point, a person can be extremely unhappy with everything in the world. Later (at the second stage of alcoholism) comes physical dependence. It is no longer just a thought, it is the submission to the beer desires of the whole way of life, the disappearance of all life values ​​and relationships that are not associated with drinking.

Gradually, beer becomes the raison d'etre. In a sober state, a person is not capable of any serious physical effort; he cannot think, work, or is not interested in anything. This is at best. At worst, if a beer alcoholic loses his favorite drink, he develops withdrawal symptoms. Accustomed to constant intoxication, the body literally requires regular beer pumping, and makes it very painful. Symptoms of alcohol withdrawal are very diverse and unpleasant. However, beer alcoholism has many other manifestations and consequences.

  Consequences of beer alcoholism

First, about what is known literally to everyone: the love of beer is noticeably reflected in the physique and overall appearance of a person. The phrase "beer belly" is familiar to everyone. Why do beer lovers get fat? Due to low mobility, laziness, for any other reasons?

Beer contains a phytoestrogen. This is a plant analogue of a very important hormone, which is normally produced by the human body in very small quantities. But even a fraction of a milligram of this female hormone is enough to maintain the necessary hormonal balance in each of us. When drinking beer, the content of this hormone in the blood literally rolls over. The consequences are largely dependent on the gender of the beer lover.

In women, the production of their own, natural estrogen almost stops. And then the male hormones begin to steer. This makes the female figure angular, constrained and awkward in movements, a gentle voice - coarse. The hardest consequence is a high probability of infertility. The earlier a woman begins to abuse beer, the more chances she has to get exactly this dangerous complication of beer alcoholism. Men under the influence of an excess of female hormones as if embarking on the path of gender reversal. Subcutaneous fat is deposited on the abdomen and thighs, the muscles are flabby, the character becomes hysterical and fearful. Men are less interested in women, not only infertility and / or impotence can develop.

Regardless of gender, a beer lover risks getting:

  • appearance older than his years;
  • loose, wrinkled skin;
  • bags under the eyes;
  • deep damage to all internal organs and systems (first of all - the liver, heart, brain);
  • mental illness (delusions of jealousy, hallucinations, various psychosis).

It is impossible to predict exactly at what point the love of beer will turn into a pathological addiction. If a close person has already become dependent on beer, self-activity, the secret use of even reliable anti-alcohol drugs, is unacceptable in his treatment. All symptoms and signs of beer alcoholism must be identified by a doctor, treatment of addiction and associated diseases should be prescribed only by specialists. As always with alcoholism, in the case of beer habits, prevention is important, a reasonable approach and full awareness of the problem itself and its consequences.


The information in the article is for informational purposes only and is not an instruction manual. Consult your health care provider.

Regular consumption of any alcohol-containing beverages can not last long without consequences. The so-called beer alcoholism develops much more slowly than the dependence on strong alcohol, and this is its particular danger.

For the development of alcoholism kind of alcohol does not matter. The disease is formed by drinking wine, vodka, moonshine, alcoholic cocktails and beer. The only thing that low alcohol drinks influence is the rate of addiction formation. In this regard, beer is considered one of the most dangerous drinks. And that's why.

  1. Alcohol contains from 4 to 14%, which does not cause anxiety in the majority. Indeed, in such harmless drinks like kvass or kefir, there is also alcohol.
  2. Beer is delicious. Unlike vodka or moonshine, which must be “pushed” inside, the heady liquid can be savored as much as you like and you often want to repeat the pleasure.
  3. By popularity, beer ranks first in almost all segments of the population: it is drunk by men, women, teenagers. In the hype it is presented as a regular soft drink.
  4. In addition to alcohol, most varieties contain a number of substances that negatively affect the endocrine and cardiovascular systems.

If we consider the above facts in more detail, it becomes clear that there is nothing safe in this drink. Frequent consumption of beer is not condemned by society. Rather, the opposite - argues in his favor. It is recommended for replenishing vitamin deficiencies or for improving digestion. For this reason, many lack a psychological stop signal, such as is, for example, at the beginning of the abuse of strong alcohol. Drinking vodka is considered shameful and unhealthy, and daily consumption of beer is just a kind of rest. Some do not consider it dangerous to give it even to children "for health promotion."

Signs and features of beer dependence

Regular arithmetic counting allows you to determine what threatens beer binge with regular libations. In 1 liter of weak beer 40 ml of pure ethanol, in strong varieties - 120-140 ml. In the latter case, the permissible daily dose of alcohol for men is twice exceeded. And if we take into account that 1 l is drunk only “for overclocking”, and then they do not count the amount, it becomes clear that the consequences of drinking beer cannot be avoided.

From the usual hobby addiction smoothly flows into psychological dependence, while the abusing person is quite confident in his own well-being and does not put himself on the same level as alcoholics, but continues to drink beer every day. Understand that the disease develops, you can when the following situations:

  • upcoming beer gatherings cause impatience and joyful anticipation, for which they can postpone less important matters;
  • intoxication comes quickly and lasts a long time;
  • at least 1.5 liters of alcohol are drunk per day, the maximum is not precisely known
  • the days in which the habitual beer is impossible for any reason are experienced with irritation, the mood deteriorates, only a few new cans or bottles can return it;
  • weak beer seems like water, I want to take the strongest one;
  • the surrounding and the mirror begin to notice changes in appearance: swelling of the face, tight body, bags under the eyes, pale sallow skin;
  • more often, dyspnea, chest pain, pulse increases;
  • the next morning, after the beer, my head hurts, I want to drink some more to “get better”.

The appearance of even one of the signs on the background of the daily “hobby” indicates a beer addiction, the symptoms of which will continue to be felt more strongly.

Narcologists do not recognize any specificity of an alcoholic disease, depending on the type of preferred drinks, but agree that dependence on beer has a very insidious character. Identify it at the first stage is very difficult, since there are no pronounced changes in lifestyle and human health. For example, a wife in a situation where her husband drinks beer every day may not notice any signs of dependence from the side at all.

Beer alcoholism in men is often disguised as somatic disorders. Often, heart problems, headaches and irritability are mistaken for accumulated fatigue.

Health effects of beer abuse

The consequences of beer alcoholism to a lesser extent affect the intellectual, moral and personal aspects. People dependent on the drink less often lose their professional skills, maintain the adequacy of behavior and judgment, unlike those who drink strong alcohol daily. This is a feature of weak alcohol-containing beverages: the degradation of the individual develops, but very slowly.

Another danger lurking beer lovers - the destruction of physical health. As a result of heavy daily libations, severe chronic diseases develop:

  • myocardial dystrophy;
  • angina pectoris;
  • coronary heart disease;
  • gastritis;
  • jade;
  • fatty hepatosis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • neurological disorders.

Foamy drink very much loads the kidneys, binds and removes the necessary minerals and vitamins for the body: potassium, calcium, ascorbic acid, riboflavin. As a result, the work of all internal organs is disrupted. The constant presence of acetaldehyde in the blood causes swelling in combination with dehydration, poisoning the liver and brain.

It is important that beer contains many so-called phytoestrogens. Uncontrolledly, these substances contribute to hormonal imbalance in both men and women, leading to disruptions in the functions of the reproductive system, increased risk of thrombus formation and increased cholesterol levels.

But most importantly, the danger of beer alcoholism - uncontrolled intoxication. The pleasure of the taste of the drink overshadows the effects of ethanol, the emerging feeling of euphoria disinhibits, retouching problems, prompting them to take a few more mugs or bottles. When drinking beer it is rare for someone to think that he has gone over. In addition, often with weak alcohol dependent go to the abuse of vodka or other "fuel".

Fight against beer alcoholism

How to deal with beer alcoholism depends on the degree of the disease and the situation as a whole. Given that such abuse is not always accompanied by a loss of volitional qualities and mental disorders, it makes sense for the addict to do all the work on his own. Coding from beer alcoholism as a separate specific pathology does not exist. Stitching torpedoes with drug or hypnosis under the skin can be inactive.

As in the case of other types of addiction, the patient must recognize the existing situation and the need to change it. Some can do it themselves, others will need a sign from the side. If there is no physical dependence on ethanol - the lack of beer does not lead to a deterioration of health, heart attacks - you can do without the help of a narcologist.

Approximate program of action.

  1. Medicine does not recognize the treatment of alcoholism "small doses". It is senseless to recommend people who have a painful addiction to beer to drink 1 bottle per day. This is self-deception, after a while the problem will return. Only complete failure can help. You need to act on the principle of "the last time was yesterday." This is the most difficult step, but it is necessary.
  2. After failure, you should analyze what is most annoying. Boredom, plenty of free time, uninteresting TV, stress at work, quarrel with a friend. Usually the problems that are smoothed by the use of beer, immediately climb outside. They need to be identified and started to solve, without delay: instead of watching TV, repair something, go for a walk, start communicating with a forgotten friend, devote more time to work, children, help around the house.
  3. Boredom and irritability can be removed by finding an affair that you can do with pleasure. Hobbies, new pet, playing sports, music, learning a foreign language, learning a new profession. Anything that arouses genuine interest, requires effort, but leaves no sense of internal coercion. This is the most powerful way to combat psychological dependence.
  4. With an overwhelming desire to drink beer, you can give the body a replacement: make juice, green tea, lemonade. At first, a non-alcoholic version of beer will do. At the same time, after consuming 2-3 glasses of a drink, it is urgent to switch attention to some urgent matter. The brain will receive the necessary discharge, the psychological stress will go away. If it is not about alcoholism, but only about a bad habit, you can drastically reduce the amount of beer - drink no more than 0.5 liters 1-2 times a week, ideally even less.

Lack of good mood and interest in life and the presence of frequent dizziness, weakness in self-treatment of beer alcoholism is a reason to visit a neurologist or endocrinologist, as there is a likelihood of developing metabolic disorders or damage to the central nervous system. In this case, the doctor may prescribe a laboratory study of blood, Doppler, MRI of the brain. If you identify signs of disease, you will need to undergo a course of therapy with hormonal or nootropic drugs.

Preventing beer alcoholism is to exclude the substitution of a drink for entertainment, the fight against boredom, rest and problem solving. Like other alcoholic beverages, beer is permissible on the festive table, but you cannot make it a constant companion of life or quench their thirst.

There is an opinion that beer alcoholism does not exist. The townsfolk can even ironically ask again, is there beer alcoholism, they say, what are you talking about?

But for physicians it is not a question whether beer alcoholism exists.

Experts who are professionally engaged in research related to alcohol, argue that alcohol dependence on the basis of addiction to an amber drink is not less dangerous than from vodka. And in general, harmless alcohol does not happen.

So, does it exist or not, and, if so, what is beer alcoholism?

Let's remember that beer, like any alcoholic beverage, contains ethyl alcohol. It is he who causes alcohol dependence. By analogy with diseases associated with alcohol abuse, beer alcoholism is the same, painful addiction, in this case, to an amber drink. Sometimes a bad habit is called one word - Gumbrinism. The phrase went on behalf of the Flandian ruler, who became famous in history for his love of beer.

He always had and still has many followers. But so far, none of them have recognized the sinner behind them and have not said, they say, yes: I have beer alcoholism - so that I am ready for treatment, etc.

Narcologists in practice were convinced that beer alcoholism is just as dangerous and detrimental to human health, the human psyche, as well as its other varieties.

At the moment, the spread of beer alcoholism has already exceeded all known limits, capturing the population, many of whose representatives sincerely believe that they are not sick and they do not need treatment, and when discussing the problem they sincerely wonder: “Beer alcoholism! What is it? ”The consequences that threaten beer alcoholism, much more serious than the consequences of wine or vodka.

History presents us with such a well-known and reliable case: the British, who were trying to actively fight alcoholism, did everything possible to “plant” the population on weaker drinks, but it soon became clear that the idea was not just vain, but even disastrous. Naturally, such state eagerness to fight with one type of alcoholism became the reason for the emergence of another more dangerous type of alcoholism.

Opponent of alcohol, starting a conversation on the topic “Beer alcoholism: features” recalls Chancellor Bismarck, who once noted that beer is a drink that is capable of making people stupid, sexually passive and lazy. In the long run, beer is really capable of having such an effect on a drinking person. Moreover, beer is especially dangerous due to the fact that a person does not even notice how he begins to slowly drink himself, drinking beer daily.

The reasons causing beer alcoholism, we call below. In the meantime, let's still note the "harmful" side of beer.

Beer alcoholism has a direct negative effect on the human body. Among the hardest for drinking consequences - the harm that beer brings to the heart. Excessive doses of "foam" will necessarily affect the health of the drinker, as well as the state of his heart. There is even the term “Bavarian beer heart”, which was coined by a German physician for people whose hearts have changed as a result of daily beer consumption. This condition is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • thickened walls;
  • necrosis of the heart muscle;
  • dilated cavities of the heart;
  • decrease in the number of mitochondria.

Such serious changes can not go unnoticed for human well-being. Changes in the heart muscle are caused by cobalt, which is present in abundance in beer as a foam stabilizer. Doctors report that beer alcoholics may have a cobalt heart rate ten times higher than normal people. Cobalt adversely affects the following internal organs:

  • a heart;
  • esophagus;
  • stomach.

In the gastrointestinal tract, cobalt can cause inflammatory processes that can occur relatively asymptomatically, periodically delivering discomfort to the alcoholic beer.

Beer is also dangerous due to the fact that carbon dioxide in large quantities in beer can provoke the development of varicose veins of the heart. This is another of the symptoms attributed to the "beer heart" syndrome. Stretched walls of the heart lose their elasticity. A flabby heart with stretched walls begins to pump blood worse, which affects the functioning of the whole organism.

The negative effect of beer on the hormonal profile

The negative effect that beer has on the hormonal status of a person is not a joke. Substances with toxic effects, which are in beer, can change the normal hormonal status of the body. In addition, beer contains heavy metals, whose effect on the human body also can not be called beneficial.

Men who are used to constantly drinking beer should prepare themselves for the fact that gradually the production of testosterone in their bodies will decrease under the influence of phytoestrogens from beer. Also, men expect an increased production of sex hormones, which are normally produced by the male body in minimal quantities: we are naturally talking about female sex hormones. Increased estrogen levels and decreased testosterone gradually lead to the following results:

  • growth of the pelvis in men;
  • breast augmentation;
  • the deposition of fat on the female type (thighs, buttocks, arms, chest);
  • occurrence of obesity.

It should be noted separately that obesity is a consequence of the fact that beer has the ability to increase appetite. In addition, it is well known that beer does not have the best effect on male fertility as a result of the changes it has on the level of hormones in the male body.

  • use of more than one liter of frothy drink per day;
  • the appearance of irritability and anger if there is no beer;
  • the presence of a "beer belly";
  • male function impairment;
  • trouble relaxing without beer;
  • the occurrence of nighttime insomnia;
  • the appearance of daytime sleepiness;
  • frequent headache;
  • drinking beer in order to hang up in the morning or to cheer up.

If the readers of these lines found out in the above themselves or their friends, colleagues and family members, then it is necessary to immediately contact a specialist who can help to fight developing alcoholism and do everything possible to overcome a disease that has not yet managed to take control of the body.

Remember that the main danger of beer alcoholism is that it is quite difficult to diagnose in its early stages. Often the disease is detected even when it is more difficult to treat. Symptoms of beer alcoholism are not significantly different from the symptoms of wine or vodka, the only difference is in the drink consumed by the alcoholic. The disease may begin to develop from the fact that the patient consumes one or two small bottles of beer per day. Very quickly there is a craving for drinking beer daily, then - an increase in the dose drunk.

If the case of an alcoholic is heavy, then the dose of beer consumed may well increase to fifteen liters per day. Beer alcoholism is not characterized by hard drinking, which means that patients almost never sober. The idea is that such an alcoholic drinks beer several times a day, without finally being sober. So a person can live for weeks, months and even years. In the worst cases, the whole life of the patient consists of half a dozen bottles of beer a day and the intoxication they give him.

A hangover after a considerable amount of beer resembles the symptoms of a usual hangover, but it is much more difficult to get rid of them. Among the symptoms of a hangover from beer:

  • strong headache;
  • persistent diarrhea;
  • overall low level of well-being.

How to recover from beer alcoholism?

More recently, the absence of a problem that seemed to beer lovers, eventually makes one think about it: “Here it is - beer alcoholism: curable or incurable, how to cure, if there is a chance, can you cure yourself, get rid of the habit?”.

For problems, such as whether it is possible to cure, how to cure a husband, a wife, a relative, etc. Doctors look optimistic.

With timely treatment and the desire of the patient himself, you can cure a loved one and save him from such misfortune as beer alcoholism.

Prescribe treatment and determine the appropriate method, can only a qualified doctor. You should not turn to "individuals", who unfoundedly say that they know how to cure beer alcoholism, what to cure, and even promise guarantees.

Beer Addiction Example

Pay attention to one typical situation, maybe someone had to deal with a similar problem.

School get-togethers with a glass of beer with friends, then - in the hostel of the institute. Over time, a glass of beer on the way to work and a glass of fresh home — straight from the refrigerator.

Training the body has led to the fact that he began to "demand" beer regularly.

Treatment example

A narcologist in such cases recommends changing the usual route past the tempting outlets. Before leaving the house - a hearty meal of non-nutritive food, drink tea, mineral water or juice. Abstaining from a drink will “push” the body to get used to another mode of being.

Of course, without the advice and assistance of a narcologist, it is difficult to count on an effective result.

Children and adolescents are precisely the category of the population that most often becomes the first victim of any harmful attachment. Regardless of whether you are talking about drugs, alcohol or cigarettes, children and adolescents, as a rule, are the first to suffer from these harmful habits, and also become “carriers” of infection among their peers.

Experts consider beer to be a real scourge of our era, which in its essence is a legalized drug, causing psychological and physiological addiction. You can often hear from medics that beer is just the first step along the vicious path that an alcoholic makes to stronger alcohol, cigarettes and even narcotic substances.

Aggression, which occurs as a result of abusing beer, is also a known consequence of beer alcoholism. A patient who does not receive the next dose of foamy supportive in time becomes so irritable that this irritation may well turn into aggression. In addition, beer alcoholism is characterized by an increased level of cruelty. Fights, fights, and even murder are the regular effects of drinking beer.

Adolescents are considered to be the most vulnerable category of citizens for the development of beer alcoholism. Moreover, many commercials that can be seen on television or in magazines are aimed specifically at young people who are easy to bribe and provoke to buy beer. The number of children who suffer from beer alcoholism is growing not in arithmetic, but exponentially.

Among schoolchildren and preschoolers, this is also an important event that allows them to inculcate in children the right attitudes, which in the future will save them from drinking excessive amounts of alcohol. Needless to say, in this case, the example of parents and the work of teachers with children is of paramount importance, which allows you to properly educate the younger generation? How well motivated and knowledgeable the children will be in this matter also depends on how they raise their own offspring. It is safe to say that it depends on the future and the well-being of our descendants.

Female beer alcoholism

As you know, a woman is more vulnerable to the effects of alcohol than a man. First, it is dictated by a number of physiological reasons that make the fair sex an easy victim for beer. In addition, at the expense of a more unstable psyche, women also develop faster attachment to the feverish. Statistics show that women of reproductive age suffer from beer alcohol almost as often as adolescents and children.

The countries of the former CIS are the geopolitical region where beer consumption is growing every year. It is regrettable to recognize that the growth in the consumption of beer and alcoholic beverages is stronger due to the female part of the population, as well as young people. Studies conducted by sociologists suggest that more than 70% of first-graders who have just started attending school have already tried alcoholic beverages or are occasionally consuming them. Over the past ten years, the percentage of child alcoholism has increased twelve times. It is time to sound the alarm, because this data is truly monstrous!

Beer alcoholism - the beginning of the degradation of the individual. A full-fledged personality grows out of a young alcoholic extremely rarely, because, as a rule, alcohol for a child is a road to nowhere. Treating any type of alcoholism in women is not an easy task. Often the difficulty lies in the fact that the woman refuses to admit that she really has a problem with addiction and that she needs the help of relatives and doctors.

Readers probably had a question about why people around the world consume such a huge amount of beer if the information about the harm the drink does to the body is publicly available? It can be assumed that beer alcoholism is akin to some sort of bulimia caused by the special taste of the beer, as well as by the soothing effect that the drink has.

In addition, beer producers have managed to spread a lot of false myths about the so-called "social" properties of beer. Advertising often says that beer can bring together, make the soul of the company, remove the constraint and spend leisure time brighter. The credulous viewers and customers who believe in the half-truth that the beer manufacturing companies offer them have every chance of becoming the next patient with a diagnosis of "beer alcoholism." It is no secret that not a single alcoholic drink can make the company more interesting, and the time spent with it is more meaningful.

Preventing the emergence of beer alcoholism is an important stage in the improvement of society, which will minimize the risks of the spread of this type of alcoholism among the most vulnerable categories of the population. A strong institution of marriage and family, traditional family values ​​- these are the things that in many cases help to fight against women's beer alcoholism. It is no secret that women often start to drink because of self-doubt, because of problems in the family or with a spouse. Beer alcoholism is not a solution to problems that should be discussed and solved in the family circle. In addition, a drinking mother is a very bad example for children who tend to absorb both good and bad from their parents.

  • children (preschoolers, schoolchildren);
  • youth;
  • women;
  • socially unprotected categories of citizens of all genders.

We must not forget that beer alcoholism is such a terrible disease as vodka alcoholism, which is addictive and also has a destructive effect on the human body and psyche. In the case when a loved one shows the symptoms of beer alcoholism, it is necessary to turn to doctors.

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How to deal with beer alcoholism? Such a question is important for those who understand that dependence on beer acquires a pathological form. Beer starts addiction   insidiously and gradually, and the consequences of it are not so sharply manifested as dependence on stronger alcohol.

However, the final result of any alcoholism is deplorable, but when even the second stage of beer alcoholism comes, people do not notice it and continue to think that everything is fine with them.

Therefore, it is often thought about beer alcoholism and it is not the drinker who starts his treatment, but his relatives, who notice that something is wrong with the person.

Beer alcoholism: symptoms, signs

   The characteristic symptoms of beer alcoholism are as follows:

    A single volume of beer consumed exceeds one liter per reception.

    Behavior of a person, until he has drunk a beer, becomes sharp and aggressive, after drinking beer, the character softens noticeably, the person becomes good-natured.

    There are regular signs of insomnia.

    A beer belly and secondary female sexual characteristics in men appear (overweight in the abdomen, hips and chest, hysteria in character, excessive emotionality, potency decreases), secondary male sexual characteristics in women (coarseness of voice, male-type hirsutism).

    Shingles headaches begin.

    The drink is used in the morning, afternoon, evening and even at night in order to lift the mood and just like that.

    A person cannot relax and enjoy in the usual way, only after drinking beer.

    Beer is consumed daily or at least several times a week.

Formally, the dependence can be divided into several stages, but this is in theory. In practice, alcoholism develops almost at lightning speed, and this is where its main danger lies. And this is not due to psychological reasons, but because at some point the body rebuilds biochemical processes, and the ethanol contained in alcohol ceases to be removed from the body according to the previous scheme, but in the form of acetaldehyde accumulates in the body, which causes hungover   flour.

And if with a simple hangover helps cleanse the body   from toxins and speeding up metabolism, then with a beer hangover, relief comes after another beer. Brewing booze is different from vodka in that a person does not behave like a down-and-over alcoholic, and therefore drinking beer around the clock does not at first cause any particular suspicion to the drinker himself, and often to his relatives.

The first stage of beer alcoholism often does not seem to be the stage of the disease at all. A person just drinks a lot of alcohol in the evenings and in companies, the dose of beer consumed gradually increases. Drinking beer is regular, but not in critical amounts. It is impossible to call this stage obvious, it is often called zero, but any regular amounts of alcohol intake are already alcoholism, so we will call it first.

Effectively treat beer alcoholism

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Treatment of beer alcoholism: when to start looking for help

At this stage, there are signs visible to the specialist, but almost incomprehensible to the drinker and his relatives. But if you know them, then you can track.

    A person gets used to the use of alcohol and may not hops for a long time. This ability almost always pleases the drinker, as he gets the opportunity to stretch the pleasure and the process of drinking alcohol.

    Beer begins to be associated with rest; without it, rest becomes less attractive. There is a desire to drink in the company, and then without it, enjoying the process of intoxication.

    The person has no sense of proportion and drinks as long as there is alcohol on the table or as long as he is poured.

    The unconscious degradation of the personality begins. The person chooses those places of rest where there will be an opportunity to drink.

    But the main thing - completely denies that he has problems with alcoholism. The man does not even understand that beer is also alcohol.

In the second stage, the quantity of beer and the frequency of drinking the drink reach critical volumes, without which a person is no longer able to do a move away from alcohol   self becomes very difficult. At this stage, the addiction to beer is clear and obvious. First it is a liter, then one and a half, then two. Over time, the person ceases to feel the usual intoxication from the current dose and needs to consume more alcohol. Traction becomes obsessive: beer is already becoming a necessary, rather than the desired drink. Psychological habituation to the drink is formed, which develops into chronic alcoholism.

    Mood swings become noticeable and frequent.

    Manifested a decrease in concentration and mental abilities.

    In the period of sobriety, a person is rude with others.

    Doses, which allows himself to drink, many times higher than normal.

    Mental disorders characteristic of alcoholism (hallucinations, attacks of alcoholic epilepsy, paranoia) begin to manifest themselves.

At the third stage, the tolerance to beer consumed sharply increases. In some cases, a person discovers that he can drink up to 15 liters of alcohol. Moreover, having drunk even 1 glass of beer, a person loses a sense of control and can drink an unlimited amount, in some cases up to 15 liters of beer at a time! At the third stage, a hangover syndrome can be attributed to the symptoms of beer alcoholism, which is accompanied by a desire to “get medical treatment” with a glass of beer in the morning to stop the torment. There is a physiological attachment to beer.

    The patient can go into many days of beer binges.

    The intellect and memory of a drinking person are sharply reduced.

    Drunkers have little interest in entertainment, during which they will not be able to drink a single gram of beer.

    Moral qualities are sharply overestimated. Beerhouse drunkard   begins to borrow money for drinking, drinks drinks of dubious quality, just to feel the familiar feeling of intoxication. Even if his relatives think how to cure from beer alcoholism, the drinker himself does not believe that the problem exists. For him, this behavior becomes the norm.

    Appearance is changing: swelling appears under the eyes, the skin acquires a reddish tint, facial features appear swollen.

    Renal failure, cardiac pathology, atherosclerosis, cirrhosis of the liver and other unpleasant pathologies develop.

    The quality of intimate life drops sharply, impotence develops, fertility decreases.

    Character changes: anger develops, irritability, which is sharply replaced by anxiety, apathy.

To the horror of the drinker, even at the third stage, he may not understand that he has long become dependent, and the treatment of beer alcoholism must begin immediately! Beer alcoholic himself can agree to the procedure procapes from alcohol   or at fast sobering up   , but he is not ready to quit drinking beer.

Beer alcoholism in men

Due to the fact that men have a special process of biochemical regulation of the body when drinking beer, it is necessary to describe the characteristic signs of beer alcoholism. How to get rid of the early abdomen? How to prevent obesity for the female type? Need to immediately stop drinking beer!

A characteristic feature of beer alcoholism in men is that they overwhelmingly do not understand and do not admit that they have problems with alcohol. They think that they are fine, even if others repeatedly hint to them that there is a problem.

therefore treatment   beer alcoholism in a man should always begin with communication with a specialist who will be able to demonstrate to the patient all the symptoms of the disease. In some cases, you may need the so-called intervention, the intervention of doctors gradually.

   Beer alcoholism in men leads to many problems:

    Diseases of the internal organs and the whole body develop (pancreatitis, diabetes, gout, muscle atrophy, renal failure).

    The presence of phytoestrogens in beer disrupts the functioning of the reproductive system, re-adjusts the hormonal balance in the body, as a result of which the man gradually swims, his body becomes effeminate, the sexual function gradually fades away. The production of the male sex hormone methyltestosterone is inhibited, production of its own sex hormones slows down.

    Regular alcohol consumption leads to dementia, encephalopathy, epilepsy, neurasthenia.

    The more a person drinks, the more activated the protective mechanism of the gastrointestinal organs, which work for wear. Resources are depleted, a precancerous condition arises, gastritis and ulcers develop.

    Fatty hepatosis develops, the liver grows in size, and a person may not even be aware of the changes taking place. To find a problem, you need to undergo an examination, but the alcoholic is also decided on this only as directed by the doctor.

    Liver tissue is regenerated, which causes excessive accumulation of fluid in the body (ascites), and fat and water accumulate most often in the abdomen.

The appearance of a man drinking beer leaves much to be desired. The situation with beer alcoholism among women is not the best.

Beer alcoholism in women. Symptoms

Home treatment for beer alcoholism in women should be started strictly in the first stage. The more female alcoholism is launched, the more difficult it can be cured. First of all, the problem is that female drunkenness progresses much faster due to the peculiarities of female physiology. In addition, it is socially determined that a woman to drink and get drunk less decently than a man. Therefore, women often drink alone, which makes it impossible to somehow control themselves. As a result, they drink much faster.

In addition to all that is listed above, the symptoms of beer alcoholism in women can be supplemented by the following list:

    Suppression of reproductive function. Hormonal failure, diseases of the female genital area, up to infertility. The epithelium thickens, problems with conception, increases the risk of breast cancer.

    A vivid symptom of female beer alcoholism is disproportionately thin legs and arms, accumulation of fat around the waist.

    Grayish skin, the appearance of red streaks on the face.

    Male-type hirsutism (antennae, belly hair, hoarse voice).

    Crumble and darken teeth.

    Hair is getting tangled and confused. Look untidy.

    The presence of fermentation products in beer affects the mental state: the woman is either depressed, sluggish, inhibited, or over-excited, hyperactive.

    Cough, expectoration, lacrimation, nasal discharge, stuffy nose and throat, sore throat.

    Dementia develops, intelligence decreases.

How to get rid of beer alcoholism: cure beer alcoholism

A woman, like a man, does not think how to get rid of beer alcoholism, whereas it is necessary to do this until alcohol, together with other toxic products, has destroyed the health of the vine. Doctors of our center offer methods for curing beer alcoholism:

    Coding (there are contraindications, consult your doctor!). Preferred methods are reduced to coding   according to the Dovzhenko method, tablet stitching   “Esperal-gel”, Torpedo method (introduction of disulfiram, which causes an active uncomfortable reaction for the body when drinking beer).

    Good results are achieved by hypnosis coding. But this method also has disadvantages. A woman with a negative attitude towards alcohol can have phobias. She begins to fear any contact with alcohol-containing liquids and fermentation products.

    Psychological help. Effective in the early stages of beer alcoholism. Symptoms and their treatment will help to evaluate the narcologists and to prepare an effective treatment program.

    Drug treatment in the clinic   - is selected individually.

How to deal with beer alcoholism: effective and anonymous professional help

If beer alcoholism is detected, how to get rid of it - only a doctor can recommend. It is he who will be able to determine the symptoms of beer alcoholism in women or men, will think up tactics that will allow starting psychotherapeutic work. Only then is coding possible, which will be successful only in conjunction with other methods, but above all with complex rehabilitation, preferably in isolation from the familiar family and social environment.

Our specialists are ready to accept you around the clock and discuss your problem with you. Contact us! The sooner you begin to treat beer alcoholism, the less harm this harmless drink will bring you.

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