Recipes modern desserts. Dessert recipes with photos

08.05.2019 Desserts and Cakes

Desserts are loved by most children and adults. Cakes, pastries, cupcakes - all this is the decoration of any holiday table.

The easiest to prepare The easiest to prepare desserts cooking desserts

And sometimes desserts can be called a real work of culinary art. But not only for the hostess holidays prepare delicious pastries.Agree that a cookie or cupcake for a cup of tea or morning coffee will make the start of the day more enjoyable and inspiring. Well, if the kids live in the house, then without tasty, but healthy desserts simply can not do!

But what if the hostess is sorely lacking time? It is no secret that today a large number of modern women not only lead the household, but also work. In addition, it is not uncommon for a dessert to be prepared quickly, with a minimum of effort - for example, when guests are on the doorstep.In such cases, relatively easy, but no less tasty desserts will come to the rescue. Even a beginning hostess will be able to prepare them, and perhaps they will be the beginning of your culinary experiments and masterpieces.

We offer your attention several types of desserts that will surely delight your loved ones, but at the same time will not take much time. They are relatively easy to prepare.

Light dessert of watermelon and strawberry

Jellied Light Dessert - Fruit Pie

The main advantage of jellied pie is a minimum of cooking processes. In fact, you only need to mix all the ingredients thoroughly and, after placing the mixture in the form, bake in the oven. Especially popular are flood pies with apples.

Apples - a very affordable fruit all year round, and the recipe itself can be called an economical option. Another advantage of jellied pie is the ability to experiment with fillings. Apples can be replaced with pears, plums, peaches, etc. Moreover, you can find many recipes with savory fillings. But today we are talking about desserts, so we offer one of the most popular recipes - jellied pie with apples.


  • 3 apples
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1 cup of kefir
  • 300 gr flour
  • 90 grams of olive oil
  • 1 tsp baking powder


  1.   You need to combine eggs and sugar, Beat well until fluffy foam, add kefir and olive oil. Stir and pour baking powder. Before adding flour to the mixture, it is recommended to sift at least two times. Then the flour is added to the dough and mixed well until the lumps completely disappear.
  2.   Peel the apples,  remove the core and cut the flesh into cubes. We send the cubes of apples into the dough, gently mix. Grease the baking pan with butter, pour out the dough and put in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. Baked cake for about 40 minutes.
  3. The finished cake can be decorated with powdered sugar.

Easy cottage cheese dessert without baking

In fact, there are a huge number of recipes for preparing desserts without baking. They are of varying complexity, but for the most part they do not take much time.

We want to draw your attention to the useful curd desserts without baking. The recipe offered by us does not contain eggs and flour, which means that you will not have to worry about the figure.


  • 500g soft cottage cheese
  • 300 grams of yogurt (sour cream 10%)
  • 30 g gelatin
  • sugar to taste
  • any fruit


  1.   Combine cottage cheese in a deep tankyogurt and sugar, mix thoroughly. Instead of sugar, you can add a little natural honey.
  2.   In a separate small capacitydilute the gelatin with a glass of water and leave for 10 minutes. When the gelatin swells - put it on a small fire and stir until completely dissolved. After that, gently trickle add gelatin into the curd mass and mix. At the bottom of the molds, put the sliced ​​favorite fruits and fill with the mixture. Next, place the molds in the refrigerator. Your dessert preparation efforts are over, and for the next 2.5 hours you can safely do household chores or prepare other dishes to meet guests.
  3.   To serve dessert, you will need to remove it from the mold,  turning it over - the fruit will thus be on top. If desired, you can pour this delicate cottage cheese dessert with syrup and decorate with mint leaves. Such dishes are traditionally liked even by the greatest fans of cottage cheese, thanks to their tenderness and pleasant taste.

Easy to prepare desserts - ideas

Easy dessert - yogurt with strawberries

Easy dessert - lemon mousse with cookies

Easy dessert - ice cream, biscuit, strawberry

Light Dessert - Coffee Mousse

Easy dessert - lemon sorbet

Light dessert - popsicles

Easy dessert - apple peanut butter mugs

Easy dessert - baked apple

Easy dessert - banana chocolate circles

Dessert. It sounds very appetizing and tempting. Is not it? Do you also want to cook for your family and friends delicious, sweet desserts? Then you just have to look into this subcategory. It contains for your convenience the most delicious and original recipes for simple desserts. If you have doubts about the ease of preparation of dessert, then recipes of desserts with photos will certainly help you. Here are collected recipes for desserts, so simple and clear that the preparation of desserts will become your favorite pastime. After all, having prepared the dessert yourself, you will be sure of its quality and taste for one hundred percent and you will be able to boldly serve it for a festive feast. Also in this subcategory you will find recipes, how to make simple desserts, recipes for delicious desserts, delicious desserts that can be prepared in a matter of minutes. There are also light desserts that are perfect for children and ladies who are closely watching their figurines. Recipes, how to make desserts from fruit, from bananas, from cottage cheese, with gelatin, from mascarpone, from ice cream can also be prepared using this subcategory. Curd desserts are great for children's parties, as they are not only very tasty, but also healthy. But fruit desserts look great on a festive table and are popular among fastidious guests, as they are light, healthy and have an unforgettable taste. Delicious and easy-to-prepare desserts without baking, Especially these recipes will delight hostesses who do not like, as they say, messing with dough. Choose the right recipes for you and start cooking culinary masterpieces. Cooking desserts is easy and simple. With this subcategory it is possible.


Cheese cakes in the oven in kindergarten

Ingredients:  cottage cheese, egg, sugar, salt, flour, butter, rusk

I am sure many still remember the taste of kindergarten cheesecakes. There is nothing to remember, I suggest you cook them yourself at home. The recipe is very simple.


- 300 grams of cottage cheese;
  - 1 egg;
  - 2 tbsp. Sahara;
  - a pinch of salt;
  - 3 tbsp. flour;
  - 1 tbsp. vegetable oils;
  - 5 tbsp. breadcrumbs.


Curd balls with filling

Ingredients:  cottage cheese, sugar, eggs, semolina, flour, marmalade, ground vanilla crackers, butter, cinnamon

Prepare these cottage cheese balls with semolina for your child. The recipe with the filling is very interesting. Cooked koloboks prepare very quickly, with minimal cost, and a healthy dish turns out! I cook every time with different fillings and my daughter eats for both cheeks. I suggest you pamper your babies.

It will be needed for the test:

- 500 g of cottage cheese,
- 2 tbsp. Sahara,
- 2 eggs,
- 6 tbsp. semolina,
- 2 tbsp. flour,
- marmalade, kish-misha jam.

It will be necessary for sprinkling:

- 200 g of ground vanilla crackers (or cookie crumbs),
- 2 tbsp. butter,
- 5-6 tbsp. sugar (can be to taste)
- Cinnamon to taste.


Magnificent cheesecakes with semolina in the pan

Ingredients:  cottage cheese, semolina, sour cream, eggs, sugar, baking powder, vanillin, vegetable oil

Do you know how to cook cheese curds from cottage cheese? Not? Then you should definitely get acquainted with our today's recipe. Cheese cakes in it are made with semolina, so they always turn out to be lush, neat, beautiful and very tasty.
- 300 grams of granular curd;
  - 3 tbsp. semolina;
  - 50 grams of thick fat cream;
  - 1 pinch of vanilla;
  - 1 egg;
  - 0.5 tsp. baking powder;
  - 2 tbsp. Sahara;
  - vegetable oil for frying.


Chocolate Cheesecake

Ingredients:  Cookies, butter, cheese, sugar, sour cream, chocolate, gelatin

Cheesecake is the dessert that looks very festive, especially chocolate. We suggest you cook it according to our recipe - without baking, on a biscuit base, with gelatin and cream cheese. It will be very tasty and beautiful!
  For the cake:

- 250 grams of plain crumbly biscuits;
  - 80 grams of butter.

For cream:
- 500 grams of cream cheese or soft cottage cheese;
  - 100 grams of sugar;
  - 100 ml of sour cream 15%;
  - 150 grams of dark chocolate;
  - 15-20 grams of gelatin.


Brushwood on kefir

Ingredients:  kefir, egg, sugar, salt, oil, flour, soda, vinegar, oil

Grandmother cooked homemade biscuits for me. The recipe is very simple. Kefir brushwood is a cookie that you can make your homemade breakfast.


- 100 ml. kefir,
  - 1 egg,
  - 70 grams of sugar,
  - a pinch of salt,
  - 30 grams of butter,
  - 280 grams of flour,
  - half tsp soda,
  - 2 tbsp. powdered sugar,
  - vegetable oil.


Puff pastry baklava

Ingredients:  puff pastry, yolk, butter, walnut, cinnamon, sugar, honey

Baklava is a high-calorie dessert, but very tasty, and therefore it is difficult to refuse it. If you are not afraid for your figure, try to make a baklava according to our recipe from ready-made puff pastry.

Products for the recipe:
- 900 g puff pastry,
  - one egg yolk,
  - 400 g of walnuts,
- 120 g butter,
  - 1 tsp ground cinnamon,
  - 1-2 tbsp. spoons of powdered sugar,
  - 300 g of honey
  - 100 grams of sugar.


Peanut Sorbet

Ingredients:  milk, peanuts, sugar, butter

Surely you have repeatedly bought sherbet in the store. But you can easily make it yourself, and it turns out it is much tastier. We look recipe with photos.

Products for the recipe:
- a glass of milk,
  - 650 g of sugar,
  - 150 grams of nuts,
  - 2-3 tbsp. spoons of butter.


Cottage Cheese And Apple Casserole

Ingredients:  cottage cheese, egg, sugar, vanillin, apple, butter

To diversify the usual family festive tea, do not need to prepare delicious desserts of high cuisine. It is enough to cook a delicious curd casserole with apples from simple and affordable products, and your family will be delighted!


- 200 g of granular curd;
  - 1-2 eggs;
  - 2 tbsp. l Sahara;
  - some vanilla sugar;
  - apple with firm pulp - 1-2 pcs .;
  - butter - 5 g.


Classic recipe for meringue in the oven

Ingredients:  chicken egg protein, sugar, salt, vanillin

Meringue is the dessert that everyone loves - both adults and children! Meringue, cooked according to the classic recipe, turns out to be airy, light and very tasty. You can bake it yourself, in your oven at home. It is only necessary to take into account all the details of its preparation.
- 4 proteins from chicken eggs;
  - 1 cup of sugar;
  - 1 pinch of salt;
  - Vanillin optional.


Cream and condensed milk ice cream

Ingredients:  cream, condensed milk, vanillin, chocolate, sugar

A recipe that will surely please both adults and kids is ice cream at home. It is made from cream and condensed milk, quite simply, by the way. And it turns out so tasty that it just does not come off!
- 400 ml of heavy cream;
  - 250 grams of condensed milk;
  - vanilla sugar to taste;
  - chocolate;
  - sugar topping.


Cherry clafoutis

Ingredients:  berries, sugar, berry liqueur, flour, eggs, milk

This ladies' dessert is light, juicy and tender. Cherry claufti is cooked with a minimum flour content and completely free of butter, which means you can feast on it safely for your figure and waist. At the height of the berry season, indulge yourself with this bright and delicious dessert.

- cherry - 500-600 gr.,
  - sugar - 3-4 tbsp.,
  - berry liqueur - 1 tbsp.
  - flour - 4 tbsp.,
  - eggs -3 pieces,
  - Milk - 1 cup.


Cheesecake casserole with strawberries

Ingredients:  cottage cheese, egg, strawberries, sugar, semolina, cinnamon, butter, bread crumbs, peppermint sprigs, strawberry syrup, sour cream

We offer to make breakfast tasty and beautiful and make a curd casserole with fresh strawberries. Such a dish is sure to attract attention with its appearance and taste.

- 200 grams of cottage cheese,
  - 1 handful of strawberries,
  - 1 chicken egg,
  - 2 pinches of cinnamon,
  - 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar,
  - 2 tablespoons of semolina,
  - 1 sprig of mint,
  - sour cream to taste,
  - strawberry syrup,
  - butter to lubricate the form,
  - 1 tsp. Breadcrumbs.


Ingredients:  egg, margarine, flour, sour cream, sugar, vanillin

Anyone who loves waffles and keeps a Soviet waffle iron in the pantry is lucky: you can make a delicious dessert that moms prepared as a child. It is important to have a good recipe for this, but with this we will help you.
- 5 eggs;
  - 250 g margarine;
  - 350-380 grams of wheat flour;
  - 2-3 tbsp;
  - 350 grams of sugar;
  - Vanillin - to taste.


Cottage cheese soufflé

Ingredients:  cottage cheese, sour cream, sugar, gelatin, water, fruit

If you want to make some kind of light curd dessert, then we advise you to pay attention to this recipe for a soufflé with gelatin. It turns out very tasty and beautiful, so that it can be safely made for any occasion.
- 200 grams of cottage cheese 9%;
  - 150 g sour cream 26% fat;
  - 60 grams of sugar;
  - 5 grams of vanilla sugar;
  - 20 grams of gelatin;
  - 50 grams of water;
  - fruits for serving.


Chocolate cheesecake from cottage cheese in the oven

Ingredients:  Cookies, butter, cottage cheese, sugar, egg, starch, cream, chocolate

Very tender, very appetizing and very, very tasty - this is all about chocolate cottage cheese cheesecake. Like a classic cheesecake, this one is prepared in the oven, in a water bath. That is why it turns out so wonderful!

  For the basics:

- 120 grams of the simplest shortbread;
  - 50 grams of butter.

  For curd mass:

- 500 grams of cottage cheese;
  - 200 grams of powdered sugar;
  - 2 eggs;
  - 1 tbsp. starch (full);
  - 120 grams of heavy cream;
  - 50 grams of dark chocolate.

Dessert is an obligatory element of every feast, therefore it is very important to be able to cook a quick dessert that will be enjoyed by family members and guests.

When cooking dessert at home, you should carefully follow the recipe and the proportionality of the ingredients. The only way you can create a culinary masterpiece.

Step-by-step recipes of desserts with photos are a reliable helper for every hostess, but apart from this, there are a few more secrets that will help you impress your guests with your culinary abilities.

Cooking secrets quick desserts in a hurry

1. How to shake up egg whites?

When cooking many desserts at home, you have to beat the proteins. However, not everyone can do it right.

The easiest way to separate the white from the yolk is when the egg is chilled, but if you start shaking up these proteins, they will not be lush enough. It is better to give them a little time to stand so that they warm up to room temperature. So they will surely reach the desired volume.

Before starting the beating, carefully wipe the bowl and whisk with paper towels so that the surfaces are completely dry and free from grease. The only way you will achieve the maximum amount of protein. Make sure not to get even a piece of yolk.

Begin to beat better at medium speed, gradually increasing it. However, it is important not to overdo it, otherwise the proteins will become too dry and lose their fluffiness. To stabilize the resulting state, add a pinch of salt while whipping.

After the process is completed, you should not further mix the proteins, because because of this they will instantly settle.

Consider these tips and you will get the most lush proteins that will help you prepare a simple and tasty homemade dessert.

2. How to dissolve gelatin?

When cooking desserts in haste, gelatin is often used.

It is best to take no more than 4 g of gelatin per 100 g of liquid. At the beginning it should be soaked in cold water. After you see that the grains have become transparent, throw the remaining gelatin on a sieve and fill it with warm water. Stir the mixture over the fire until it is completely dissolved, but do not bring to a boil.

3. How to whip cream?

It is known that low temperatures help fat to maintain a solid state. Therefore, before you start beating cool all the dishes. To do this, put it in the fridge for a while.

Use a narrow and deep bowl for whipping. Do not whip the cream for too long, otherwise they will begin to turn into butter. You will see that they have reached the desired consistency, if you use two glasses of whipped cream from one glass of regular cream.

These secrets will help you make delicious homemade fast food desserts, among which the most popular are desserts without baking.

Light, tasty, beautiful products for tea or coffee - this is the conclusion of each feast. Dessert recipes will delight you with the simplicity of cooking, diversify everyday food and become a worthy decoration of the festive table. Their range is truly diverse. Jelly, souffle, ice cream, fruit mousses and pastries.

The ability to correctly choose a sweet dish during the preparation of the menu is a great art, no less significant than the ability to make it. The choice of necessary recipes will depend on some circumstances. First of all, it is necessary to take into account whether meat, fish or poultry dishes were on the menu. If the main menu was flour food, then you should abandon baking in favor of the lightest mousses. A catalog with a national flavor ideally complements suitable exotic sweets.

Natural, without a tasty dish does not do any celebration. However, in everyday life you need to please yourself with this little pleasure. There is a huge variety of simple, but no less delicious recipes. For their preparation does not need to spend a lot of time and effort, even an inexperienced amateur cook can cope with them. The main thing - the presence of desire and good mood, and dessert recipes will help you with this! Cooking sweet dishes at home, light and basic, but amazingly spectacular! Here you can find everything: favorite treats of kids and everyone who loves sweets. Look for your favorite dessert recipe and cook it at home.

Sweet delicacies called “dessert” came to us from French cuisine (from fr. Dessert). Dessert called the final dish after lunch or dinner for fun.

This habit appeared after a lot of sugar was imported from France to the colonies. And life has become sweeter and more fun. However, both then and now the cost of desserts is somewhat higher than the main courses. This is a tribute to the tradition, at all times the common man could not please every day with seven dessert on the table.

The most popular desserts are cake or ice cream. In addition, there are desserts made from nuts, fruits, cheeses. There are quite savory desserts. In different national cuisines, the attitude to sweets is also different. For example, in Chinese cooking a lot of sweet meat dishes.

They do not belong to desserts. Conversely, in the East, there are sour-sweet and bitter-sweet combinations. Such as candy with pepper or ginger. In our country, savory caviar can be considered the national savory dessert, and the delicacies of the French are delicious.

On our site you will see recipes for a variety of desserts and recipes with photos. Cakes, cookies, muffins, waffles, pies, sweets. Fruit and berry mixes and mixes from other fillers, dessert drinks and wines - everything that can please fans of desserts. The only misfortune of love for sweets used to be in the fact that it was growing stout ... Today, to solve this problem, low-calorie sugar substitutes are often used. We have such recipes too.

Search and cook desserts!

No holiday is complete without delicious desserts. Planning a festive feast, we rush to the store to get a festive dessert. And learning to cook truly delicious desserts is the dream of almost every real hostess. You must agree how pleasant it is to put on the festive table the most delicious desserts that you prepared yourself, and not purchased in the store. Is not it? Believe me, cooking desserts is not at all difficult, but simple and pleasant. This subcategory exists precisely in order for you to learn how to make a delicious dessert without too much difficulty. In this subcategory recipes are given how to make the most delicious, tasty, original and unusual-looking desserts. Here you can find recipes, how to make tasty and simple desserts, quick and tasty desserts, as well as light and tasty desserts. With such a variety of desserts, which is selected in this subcategory, everyone can choose a dessert for taste and taste. Whether it is a dessert for the daily menu, birthday, children's holiday or any other holiday. In this subcategory there are desserts for all occasions. Also here are delicious desserts with photos. The recipes of desserts with photos will help you not only in cooking, but also decorating, serving dessert. You can borrow the most original presentation ideas to surprise guests and loved ones. Choose your favorite recipes for delicious desserts and be sure to try them. After all, delicious desserts are prepared quite quickly and simply. Now you know how to make a delicious dessert, so you can quickly begin the process of cooking in order to enjoy and surprise your family and friends with your culinary skills after a while.


Cheese cakes in the oven in kindergarten

Ingredients:  cottage cheese, egg, sugar, salt, flour, butter, rusk

I am sure many still remember the taste of kindergarten cheesecakes. There is nothing to remember, I suggest you cook them yourself at home. The recipe is very simple.


- 300 grams of cottage cheese;
  - 1 egg;
  - 2 tbsp. Sahara;
  - a pinch of salt;
  - 3 tbsp. flour;
  - 1 tbsp. vegetable oils;
  - 5 tbsp. breadcrumbs.


Curd balls with filling

Ingredients:  cottage cheese, sugar, eggs, semolina, flour, marmalade, ground vanilla crackers, butter, cinnamon

Prepare these cottage cheese balls with semolina for your child. The recipe with the filling is very interesting. Cooked koloboks prepare very quickly, with minimal cost, and a healthy dish turns out! I cook every time with different fillings and my daughter eats for both cheeks. I suggest you pamper your babies.

It will be needed for the test:

- 500 g of cottage cheese,
- 2 tbsp. Sahara,
- 2 eggs,
- 6 tbsp. semolina,
- 2 tbsp. flour,
- marmalade, kish-misha jam.

It will be necessary for sprinkling:

- 200 g of ground vanilla crackers (or cookie crumbs),
- 2 tbsp. butter,
- 5-6 tbsp. sugar (can be to taste)
- Cinnamon to taste.


Magnificent cheesecakes with semolina in the pan

Ingredients:  cottage cheese, semolina, sour cream, eggs, sugar, baking powder, vanillin, vegetable oil

Do you know how to cook cheese curds from cottage cheese? Not? Then you should definitely get acquainted with our today's recipe. Cheese cakes in it are made with semolina, so they always turn out to be lush, neat, beautiful and very tasty.
- 300 grams of granular curd;
  - 3 tbsp. semolina;
  - 50 grams of thick fat cream;
  - 1 pinch of vanilla;
  - 1 egg;
  - 0.5 tsp. baking powder;
  - 2 tbsp. Sahara;
  - vegetable oil for frying.


Brushwood on kefir

Ingredients:  kefir, egg, sugar, salt, oil, flour, soda, vinegar, oil

Grandmother cooked homemade biscuits for me. The recipe is very simple. Kefir brushwood is a cookie that you can make your homemade breakfast.


- 100 ml. kefir,
  - 1 egg,
  - 70 grams of sugar,
  - a pinch of salt,
  - 30 grams of butter,
  - 280 grams of flour,
  - half tsp soda,
  - 2 tbsp. powdered sugar,
  - vegetable oil.


Puff pastry baklava

Ingredients:  puff pastry, yolk, butter, walnut, cinnamon, sugar, honey

Baklava is a high-calorie dessert, but very tasty, and therefore it is difficult to refuse it. If you are not afraid for your figure, try to make a baklava according to our recipe from ready-made puff pastry.

Products for the recipe:
- 900 g puff pastry,
  - one egg yolk,
  - 400 g of walnuts,
- 120 g butter,
  - 1 tsp ground cinnamon,
  - 1-2 tbsp. spoons of powdered sugar,
  - 300 g of honey
  - 100 grams of sugar.


Peanut Sorbet

Ingredients:  milk, peanuts, sugar, butter

Surely you have repeatedly bought sherbet in the store. But you can easily make it yourself, and it turns out it is much tastier. We look recipe with photos.

Products for the recipe:
- a glass of milk,
  - 650 g of sugar,
  - 150 grams of nuts,
  - 2-3 tbsp. spoons of butter.


Cottage Cheese And Apple Casserole

Ingredients:  cottage cheese, egg, sugar, vanillin, apple, butter

To diversify the usual family festive tea, do not need to prepare delicious desserts of high cuisine. It is enough to cook a delicious curd casserole with apples from simple and affordable products, and your family will be delighted!


- 200 g of granular curd;
  - 1-2 eggs;
  - 2 tbsp. l Sahara;
  - some vanilla sugar;
  - apple with firm pulp - 1-2 pcs .;
  - butter - 5 g.


Classic recipe for meringue in the oven

Ingredients:  chicken egg protein, sugar, salt, vanillin

Meringue is the dessert that everyone loves - both adults and children! Meringue, cooked according to the classic recipe, turns out to be airy, light and very tasty. You can bake it yourself, in your oven at home. It is only necessary to take into account all the details of its preparation.
- 4 proteins from chicken eggs;
  - 1 cup of sugar;
  - 1 pinch of salt;
  - Vanillin optional.


Cream and condensed milk ice cream

Ingredients:  cream, condensed milk, vanillin, chocolate, sugar

A recipe that will surely please both adults and kids is ice cream at home. It is made from cream and condensed milk, quite simply, by the way. And it turns out so tasty that it just does not come off!
- 400 ml of heavy cream;
  - 250 grams of condensed milk;
  - vanilla sugar to taste;
  - chocolate;
  - sugar topping.


Ingredients:  egg, margarine, flour, sour cream, sugar, vanillin

Anyone who loves waffles and keeps a Soviet waffle iron in the pantry is lucky: you can make a delicious dessert that moms prepared as a child. It is important to have a good recipe for this, but with this we will help you.
- 5 eggs;
  - 250 g margarine;
  - 350-380 grams of wheat flour;
  - 2-3 tbsp;
  - 350 grams of sugar;
  - Vanillin - to taste.


Cottage cheese soufflé

Ingredients:  cottage cheese, sour cream, sugar, gelatin, water, fruit

If you want to make some kind of light curd dessert, then we advise you to pay attention to this recipe for a soufflé with gelatin. It turns out very tasty and beautiful, so that it can be safely made for any occasion.
- 200 grams of cottage cheese 9%;
  - 150 g sour cream 26% fat;
  - 60 grams of sugar;
  - 5 grams of vanilla sugar;
  - 20 grams of gelatin;
  - 50 grams of water;
  - fruits for serving.


Chocolate cheesecake from cottage cheese in the oven

Ingredients:  Cookies, butter, cottage cheese, sugar, egg, starch, cream, chocolate

Very tender, very appetizing and very, very tasty - this is all about chocolate cottage cheese cheesecake. Like a classic cheesecake, this one is prepared in the oven, in a water bath. That is why it turns out so wonderful!

  For the basics:

- 120 grams of the simplest shortbread;
  - 50 grams of butter.

  For curd mass:

- 500 grams of cottage cheese;
  - 200 grams of powdered sugar;
  - 2 eggs;
  - 1 tbsp. starch (full);
  - 120 grams of heavy cream;
  - 50 grams of dark chocolate.


Dessert "Pavlova"

Ingredients:  protein, sugar, starch, vinegar, vanillin, cream, icing sugar, berry

Once there was the famous ballerina Anna Pavlova, to whom one famous chef made the most delicious gift in the world: the dessert that she named after her is the dessert Pavlova.


- 3 egg whites,
  - 150 grams of sugar,
- one and a half tbsp. corn starch,
  - 2/3 tbsp. vinegar,
  - 1 tsp. vanilla extract,
  - 300-350 ml. heavy cream,
  - 3-4 tbsp. powdered sugar,
  - any berries.


Strawberry jam

Ingredients:  strawberries, sugar, jars, lids

Today we will be engaged in culinary magic. Namely - to turn a sweet and fragrant berry into a delicious jam. This mystery will help you acquire several precious jars of magical strawberry jam at once. They are the ones who will help you and your family pass the winter in a tasty and beautiful way. Pancakes, pancakes and cheese - strawberry jam is just made for them.

- 1 kg. strawberries;
  - 700 gr. Sahara;
  - jars and lids to them.


Homemade halva from sunflower seeds

Ingredients:  seeds, sugar, egg white, water

Of course, you can go to the store or to the market and buy halvah with any taste, but today I suggest that you make the most delicious and simple halvah from sunflower seeds.


- 500 grams of peeled seeds;
  - 250 grams of sugar;
  - 1 egg white;
  - 70 ml. water.


Peanut Sherbet

Ingredients:  milk, sugar, butter, nut

This grandmother cooked for me a delicious treat. Of course, I also now prepare sherbet for my children, they adore him. The recipe is simple, so you try to cook.


- 230 grams of milk,
  - 600 grams of sugar,
  - 80 grams of butter,
  - 150 grams of peanuts.


Muffins with raisins in silicone molds

Ingredients:  flour, butter, raisins, eggs, salt, sugar, baking powder, vanillin

Muffins with raisins - a very popular pastry. Especially if it is portioned, small cupcakes - it is convenient to take them, it is convenient to eat. And it is better to cook them in silicone molds: then the dough then surely will not stick to the sides. Today we will tell in detail all the nuances of this process.

Cottage cheese cheesecake without baking for any occasion

Ingredients:  sour cream, sugar, shortbread, butter, cottage cheese, condensed milk, strawberries

Now in any public entertainment venue you can find small departments that sell drinks, snacks and pastries. More often it is pies, small cakes. And in these departments you can find cheesecakes with various fillings. They are so appetizing that you want to try everything that is for sale. Therefore, in order not to tempt your desires anymore, we decided to teach you to cook cheesecakes yourself.

Products for the recipe:

- 220 g of shortbread,
  - 100 g butter,
  - 300 g of cottage cheese,
  - a glass of sour cream,
  - a glass of sugar,
  - 3 tbsp. spoons of gelatin,
  - 3 tbsp. boiled condensed milk
  - a handful of berries