Puer how affected. The Right Chinese Intoxicating Puer Tea: Species, Benefits, and Harm

08.05.2019 Blanks for winter

Pu-erh is one of the most famous and popular teas in the world. Its special properties are due to the unique manufacturing technology. Tea leaves are not simply harvested, fermented (or not fermented) and dried. Pu-erh is much more complicated. In the process of producing various types of this tea, the collected leaves go through many cycles of steaming and drying, twisting and crushing, before they turn into habitual briquettes (“tablets”, “pancakes”, tiles and bricks). But in this form the process of ripening tea leaves continues. Like elite brands of brandy, Puer is getting better and more expensive every year.

The effect of intoxication - is it or not?

Due to the nature of the production, it has a rather pronounced, tangible effect on the body. But neither alcohol nor drug intoxication, he has no relation. The action of tea can be called rather tonic and sharpening the perception, "clarifying the mind." The feeling arising from its use can be called euphoria. What substances in the composition of tea contribute to this? Consider more:

  • L-Theanine, which is contained in Pu-erh, improves the transmission of nerve impulses in brain cells. This amino acid is a natural neurotransmitter. In the human body, it turns into another substance - aminobutyric acid. Its action can be described as psychostimulant and relaxing at the same time. As a result of its impact, mental performance and physical endurance increases, a positive emotional state appears. The chain of complex chemical reactions involving this acid soothes a person and gives a feeling of mild euphoria.

In nature, this amino acid is found only in tea and in mohovik (a type of mushroom).

  • Thein is a caffeine-like substance. It invigorates, activates mental activity. It acts softer than caffeine, but the duration of the tonic effect is longer.
  • Theophylline. It can be found in the composition of cocoa beans, puer and mate. This substance is also used in medicine in order to improve the functioning of the respiratory system, which in turn leads to a better supply of oxygen to the brain. At the same time, a noticeable insignificant effect on the central nervous system, a weak effect of a change in consciousness.

All these substances do not have a harmful effect on the body (with a reasonable amount of consumption), do not cause dependence and any critical changes in consciousness. However, after 2-3 cups of high-quality, properly brewed pu-er, drunk in the appropriate setting, you can really experience unusual sensations.

What is expressed a kind of "tea drunkenness"?

After drinking puer, the following reactions may appear:

  1. Nervous activity improves, in other words, a person begins to think better.
  2. The mood rises, a sense of fun appears.
  3. Concentration increases, the person becomes more observant and attentive.
  4. Improves memory and reaction speed, information is set on the fly.

The effect of pu-er comes softly, it does not provoke inappropriate behavior, on the contrary, a person begins to better navigate around what is happening, more sensitively react to a change in the situation. A feeling of cheerfulness then gives way to a feeling of relaxation and peace. When the action of tea ends, for it does not occur deterioration or any "hangover syndrome."

Therefore, speaking of tea intoxication, they imply rather “hyper-sobriety” - an increase in the adequacy of perception and ingenuity (as opposed to alcohol lethargy and loss of connection with reality). Unites them except that feeling of pleasure, ease and fun.

It is difficult to say for sure, but it is possible that comparing the effects of puer on the body with alcoholic or narcotic intoxication is a kind of marketer's trick. What can intrigue young people better than a promise to experience a “change of consciousness” in a completely legal, not prohibited way?

Brewing rules

But those who nevertheless certainly want to experience the unusual effect of fashionable tea, you need to carefully study the theory of the issue and observe all the subtleties of preparing a drink.

The answer to the question depends on various factors, but mainly on the characteristics of the selected variety.

It is believed that the older and darker the tea, the more pronounced the notorious "intoxicating" effect.

Consider a few basic cooking methods:

  • Method close to the classic. It is necessary to rinse the kettle with hot water, then pour the tea leaf into it and close the lid. Under the influence of water vapor, the tea should “wake up”. Then hot water is poured into the kettle (the older and darker the puerh, the hotter the water is needed) and after a few seconds they pour it out. This is done to wash the tea leaves from dust and soak it slightly. After that, hot water (90-95 degrees) is poured into the kettle again, for 3-5 minutes, insist. The drink is ready, you can pour it into cups and drink, slightly cooled.

It is possible several times, with each new brewing new flavors of taste are revealed.

  • On fire. In a glass heat-resistant kettle pour water and put it on fire. The amount of puer required for brewing is washed with cold water several times. This allows you to wash off the dust, as well as wet the sheets so that they do not float. Washed tea squeeze. Pour some water from the kettle - about 2 cups to pour it back just before boiling. To set the tea, the water in the kettle is stirred in a clockwise direction. A tea leaf is carefully poured into the funnel. After waiting for the boiling of tea, the fire is turned off. Drink immediately poured into cups and drink. A puer who has stood around grows turbid and starts to taste bitter.

It is important to maintain the correct dosage of the tea leaf, depending on the age of the tea and those who drink it.

Known effect occurs after 2-3 cups of drink, but not at all. Individual characteristics of the body and the degree of susceptibility in people are different. Regardless of whether it was possible to feel the advertised tea euphoria or not, the beneficial properties of aged tea will have a beneficial effect on health.

Tea and coffee are not good enough, would be vodka in the morning.

Russian popular saying.

"Puer" literally translated from Chinese as "tea made in Puer" is a special kind of tea, fermented (subject to artificial or natural aging), which, thanks to bright marketing plots, gained fame as a legalized narcotic drink. Like it or not, try to understand this article.

Intoxication effect

The action of Puer cannot be called intoxication in the full sense of the word. The change of state, the so-called intoxication effect, is achieved by stimulating the sympathetic nervous system, similar to that which occurs when exposed to caffeine contained in ordinary packaged tea.

The peculiarity lies in the method of preparation: Pu-erh is either insisted for a long time, or additionally boiled, speeding up the release of stimulating substances with tea. Therefore, a high concentration of such substances in the drink creates an unusual effect on the nervous system, only vaguely reminiscent of intoxication, more described as relaxation and high concentration at the same time.

Puerh features

There are huge differences in alcohol intoxication and the effects of puerh. The effect of the first is to blur the mind, the mind becomes confused, a veil appears before the eyes, the perception of the surrounding reality is blurred and deformed. In contrast to this, tea has tonic, clarifying qualities. Pu-erh as if clears the mind, enlightens the mind, organizes intentions, sharpens the senses, gives the body a feeling of lightness in the sky soaring in the sky, in a certain way even facilitates breathing.

There is Chinese wisdom: "every drunk cup of tea ruins the apothecary." This proverb is relevant to any quality tea, but, as for puerh, it is the leader in caffeine.  The composition of pu-erh contains a complex of vitamins and minerals, distinguished by their natural balance. This combination provides tea with a high tonic and antioxidant effect. The stimulating effect of puer is based on the content of theine, theophylline and 1-theanine - these are caffeine derivatives, which have a similar effect on the autonomic nervous system.

Now more about these substances.


Thein - contained in tea leaves in a concentration of two to four percent of tea caffeine. Four percent is a fairly high level of content, but tea caffeine acts much softer than the coffee counterpart. With quality brewing, there are practically no side effects, such as increased pressure and irritation of the gastric mucosa. Difference from usual caffeine, consists in slower absorption (due to the high level of antioxidants), more smooth release. Tein longer keeps the brain in a state of tone and concentration.


L-theanine belongs to the class of essential amino acids that are not synthesized in the human body, but only come out of them. By its action is a neurotransmitter, which provides the transmission of nerve impulses through neurons. This substance helps improve mood, increase physical and intellectual performance, while bringing a sense of peace and inner harmony. Theanine is able to penetrate the blood-brain barrier and transform into GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) - the main inhibitory mediator of the nervous system. Gamma-aminobutyric acid inhibits extraneous nerve impulses and has a relaxing effect, providing a sense of peace and the effect of enlightenment.


Theophylline is a plant product that has a multifaceted effect on the nervous system in particular and the entire body as a whole. This substance is isolated from cocoa beans, tea and a number of other natural gifts. Theophylline has an antispasmodic and bronchodilatory effect, therefore it is widely used in medical (conservative) medicine.

About Pu-erh and its effect, you can find whole books written by tea masters, monks and tea connoisseurs. They colorfully describe a wide range of changes, traced in the body with the reception of each new cup. The main effect is that tea Pu-erh shifts the existing framework, increases sensitivity to small things that you usually do not notice. In fact, these trifles are the meaning of life, so Puer becomes a guide to the world of self-knowledge and understanding of being.

To date, many different types of pu-erh tea are produced. They differ in appearance (pressing) and quality of raw materials, and, consequently, the nature of the finished product.

According to the types of pressing, there are forms of brick, cake, golden pumpkin, square, bowl, mushroom. They differ not only in shape, but also in weight, place of production and enjoy different popularity.

Among the huge variety of Pu-erh, you can select the most popular species:

  • Wu Wei Qi Shan Lao Manh E Gu Shu Cha
  • Gu Feng Xi Gui Da Shu
  • The Spirit of Tea, Mancu
  • Shu pu er Changtai
  • Gu Feng Xi Gui Da Shu

Brewing technique

For brewing, four grams of tea per 150 milliliters of water is usually used. The first stage consists in washing the tea from dust and accumulated dirt. Ground tea is poured with warm water, washed and drained. For disinfection, you can fry it for several minutes to destroy the microorganisms that have accumulated in the tea. Traditional puer brewing does not undergo total changes. Dry mass is filled with hot water and infused. The exposure time is selected individually depending on preferences.

To obtain a deeper and more astringent taste, it is recommended to extend the time of infusion to five minutes, provided that such brewing will be used no more than two times.

It has a rich aroma and extraordinary taste (some consider this taste to be earthy). He acquires them, thanks to the fermentation technology used in its production. In addition, this tea is famous for its healing properties. In his homeland, in China, Pu-erh is considered a drink that grants eternal youth, beauty, and slim figure. Another feature: over the years, its properties are only improving, so the young tea is considered less valuable than aged. Some puer tea sorts are so valuable that they were declared the national wealth of the country and banned from exporting from China.

After passing through the fermentation process, Pu-erh takes on a pressed appearance. But the weight and shape for the implementation, he can get almost any. Most often, you can find Pu-erh of the following forms: flat cake, brick, nest, mushroom, pumpkin. Weight can be different, starting a few grams, and reaching a pair of kilograms. The quality characteristics of tea form of pressing and weight does not affect. That is, Pu-erh of different types can be almost equally compressed and packed.

To get really real Pu-erh tea, it is more expedient to do this in a specialized one that has been working in this market for a long time and has recommendations from other buyers.

The positive effects of tea.

As we said earlier, the effect of regular use of puer is extremely positive for our health. What exactly effect on the body does it have? Here are the most important effects:

  • Pu-erh is an ideal assistant for those who are engaged in mental work, because it activates the cerebral circulation, promotes concentration and, as a result, fruitful, highly efficient work.
  • Pu-erh tones without arousing. It easily relieves drowsiness, leads to calm, creates a normal working condition.
  • The use of Pu-erh has a positive effect on vision.
  • Pu-erh tea helps to get rid of thirst in hot weather.
  • Has antipyretic effect.
  • Puer neutralizes the action of toxins, as with food and alcohol poisoning.
  • Normalizes digestion: eliminates colic and bloating; Pu-erh tea can be drunk with diarrhea, as well as with constipation.
  • Beneficial effect on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.
  • Puer promotes weight loss.
  • It normalizes the level of calcium in the body - it has a positive effect on the condition of the teeth, bones, hair.

All of the above points us to the fact that the effect of tea is that with regular use of tea, wear and tear of the body slows down and life expectancy increases.


You should know that Pu-erh contains caffeine. Therefore, you should not brew this type of tea very strong. In some cases, its use is completely abandoned, in particular, when:

  • poor portability of this component;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • various kidney diseases;
  • glaucoma;
  • increased pressure;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

Cooking method.

For brewing pu-er, the brew is placed in a container (ceramic or glass) and water is added there at the desired temperature. After a few seconds (3-5c), it is immediately drained. It is intended to remove dust from the pu-erh leaves and allow them to open. The same leaves are flooded with a new portion of water. After 20 seconds, you can drink Pu-erh. The next brew is aged a little longer.

Basic questions for newbies on brewing.

- Is it permissible to brew Puer repeatedly?

Pu-erh is a special kind of Chinese tea made from large leaf tea tree. The main feature of tea is that over the years it becomes better, so the “older” tea leaves, the tastier the finished drink.

Over the past decade, Pu-erh has become quite popular around the world. This is due to its specific taste and effect. Let us consider in more detail Pu-erh, the effect and its properties.

The secret of the popularity of Puer

This tea is unique in many aspects. First, before the initial launch for sale, dry tea leaves are kept for at least two years, in order to acquire an even more “thick” flavor.

Secondly, puer tea leaves are sold in different forms:

  • pressed leaves;
  • loose tea leaves;
  • compressed brewing, having the form of round "tablets" (nests).

The drink can be of different subspecies (white, green, red, black ..). It can be roasted, just dried, but despite this diversity, the main advantage is the effect of Pu-erh tea. ,   its taste.

Tea has a mild taste, delicate aroma. It has a strong healing properties, so that with its regular use can cure many diseases.

According to research, the effect of Pu-erh is as follows:

  1. It contributes to the rapid lowering of cholesterol levels, so that the risk of the formation of various pathologies (stroke, heart attack) in the cardiovascular system becomes less.
  2. Cleans from accumulated toxins, slags (removes them with urine, kidneys).
  3. Strengthens the immune system.
  4. Enriches with a vitamin complex (A, E, D).
  5. Contains rare substances that are good for health.
  6. Reduces the sugar content (useful for the treatment of diabetes, for the prevention of its appearance).
  7. Improves overall digestion (eliminates the problem of constipation, nausea, diarrhea, colitis).
  8. It has a pronounced diuretic effect, thereby helping to relieve swelling.
  9. Accelerates metabolism (speed of assimilation, digestion of food).
  10. Helps to reduce hangover syndrome (when making alcoholic beverages).
  11. It protects against oncological pathologies (it acts prophylactically).
  12. It helps to lose weight due to the ability to burn fat cells.
  13. Treats diseases of the digestive system caused by increased acidity (gastritis, enteritis, gastric ulcer).
  14. Lowers tobacco toxicity that occurs during smoking (protects against the onset of lung disease).
  15. Helps reduce inflammation in the joints, muscles, internal organs.

The impact of puer on the psyche

What is the effect of puer? If you carefully examine this issue, then actually everything is simple. Its action can be compared with strong coffee, because it also tones and invigorates the body. In addition, the green drink soothes, relieves sleepiness and improves attention.

Unlike coffee, it does not adversely affect the function of the heart, does not accelerate its rhythm, so it is absolutely safe.

Its possible contraindication is individual intolerance, since it can cause undesirable side reactions (allergies).

The curative influence of Pu-erh largely depends on the correctness of its brewing and the saturation of the drink. Accordingly, the stronger the tea, the more useful, because in this case, it contains a maximum of vitamin and trace elements.

It should be remembered that it is undesirable to drink it, being hungry. The best time for reception is the period of breakfast, lunch.

Does Puerre Intoxicate

The Internet often asks for how to brew Pu-erh “to paste”. At the same time, it may feel like tea has certain narcotic properties. In fact, it does not have such an effect, but with a special method of brewing it can cause tea intoxication.

Tea intoxication, despite the rudeness of its sound, is characterized by an absolutely healthy (balanced) state of mind. It occurs as a result of taking Pu-erh in too large quantities (more than 0.5 liters). However, it must be very strong and brewed by a special technique.

In order for tea drunkenness to really come, you need to drink it several times a day, but in all you need to know when to stop, because the uncontrolled use of puer not only invigorates, but can also cause stomach pain, hunger.

Tea intoxication itself does not repeat the state after the usual use of alcohol. In fact, tea intoxication causes increased concentration, concentration and clarity of mind.

For this reason, a few centuries ago, the ancient monks drank Pu-erh during spiritual practices - he helped them control themselves and their minds.

Feelings when taking Pu-erh

Anyone who has tried this tea at least once will hardly ever forget their feelings. When using this flavored drink, the psyche of people seems to experience a reboot.

The drink has the following effects on the psychological state:

With this ancient drink, you can survive all sorts of shocks, find a way out of the most difficult situations.

Only a few cups of puer per day will be able to replace the intake of synthetic drugs for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous and digestive systems, since it will help them to heal.

It is important to remember: this alternative to medical drugs is absolutely safe - tea is completely natural.

In addition to its medicinal properties, Pu-erh provides aesthetic pleasure.

Based on the information provided by scientists, it is important to say that with its regular intake, it is possible to completely heal the nervous, cardiovascular system.

Tea favorably affects the health of people, acting as a powerful preventive tool for the formation of various pathologies.

It enhances immunity, enriches with beneficial microelements, normalizes metabolism. People who regularly drink Pu-erh have every chance of longevity.

Chinese puer tea is known for its rich taste, velvety softness and exclusive aroma. The unique properties of this drink are determined not only by the variety of tea leaves, but also by the special production technology. Over the years, it only gets better, matures and is filled with new flavors. It is believed that the Pu-erh tea has an effect that is comparable to the ridge, just as relaxing, calming, but clarifying the mind.

Today, the use of puer in China is part of the program to preserve the health of the whole nation. Physicians and scientists, based on studies of various scientific institutions, assert that the effect of puer on the human body is unique and recommend brewing it as an adjunct to the treatment of many diseases.

As for the legends about the effect of pu-erh, which equates tea to soft drugs, it can be said unequivocally that tea collected in the Chinese province of Yunnan is not a single psychotropic substance. Some puer effects do not feel at all, while others feel vigor and euphoria only after several consecutive drunk mugs on an empty stomach, mistakenly believing that this is comparable to a mild degree of intoxication.

Pu-erh is valued in almost all countries of the world for its beneficial effect on the human body. affect the state of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, normalize blood pressure and improve the process of metabolism.

This tea is famous as an elixir of longevity, youth and beauty. With it, you can look great at any age. For this it is enough to brew and drink 2 cups of this tea per day. After a few months, many around will notice changes in appearance:

  • drink helps to reduce excess weight;
  • gives a healthy complexion;
  • has a rejuvenating effect on the body as a whole, accelerates the process of cell regeneration.

With the help of Pu-erh tea, the body is noticeably healed. The main condition is its regular use.

The perfect way to cheer up

Pu-erh is also the most invigorating tea. Time of his insistence depends on what effect you want to get. The longer brew the drink, the more it will have a tonic effect on the body (stronger than energy or a cup of strong coffee).

The tonic effect of Pu-erh is that it:

  • clears the mind, even after intoxication;
  • helps to focus;
  • reduces sleepiness;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • breathing is improved, which contributes to oxygenation of the blood;
  • when drinking a drink, a feeling of peace appears, the mood improves, and the mind becomes clear.

It happens that many are accustomed to drink tea on an empty stomach. But Pu-er should not be so consumed, although it allows you to significantly reduce your appetite.

To feel the fullness of taste and benefit from this drink is very simple. You just need to learn this fragrant tea in order to preserve its healing properties.

photo: depositphotos.com/eAlisa, ponomarencko