Pickled cucumbers with vodka. Recipes for crisp cucumbers with vodka for the winter in banks under the nylon cap of salted

08.05.2019 Lenten dishes

Pickled and pickled cucumbers - the main winter harvest, available in the arsenal of each hostess. But far from always harvested cucumbers are obtained elastic and crispy, which undoubtedly spoils the overall impression. What to do to the finished product was of high quality? Use vodka as the main ingredient. Alcohol will not affect the taste and smell, but the cucumbers will be crisp and dense, and their shelf life will increase. Consider a few proven recipes, how to cook cucumbers for the winter with vodka.

Recipe number 1 Marinating

Cucumbers marinated with vodka according to this recipe are moderately spicy, with a spicy aroma and, of course, crispy.

Ingredients included in the blank (per liter jar):

We washed Zelentsov cut off the tips. Spices are put into pre-sterilized jars: cherry and currant leaves, dill and horseradish, garlic and pepper. Future preparation pour boiling water, cover the jars with lids and leave for 10-15 minutes. After the allotted time, the liquid is drained and again put on fire to boil.

Add salt and sugar directly to the jars and pour boiling water over again. You need to leave some room for vodka and vinegar, these ingredients are added at the last moment. Twist the jars and send them to the heat with the covers down. Leave the jars under the blanket until cool.

It is better to store the workpiece in the cellar, but the cucumbers will be stored for a long time in the usual closet.

Recipe number 2 Pickling

Cucumbers with vodka for the winter can be not only pickled, but also salted. To prepare for one three-liter jar you will need:

  • cucumbers - how much will fit in a jar;
  • water - approximately 1.5 liters;
  • vodka - a shot glass (50 ml);
  • salt - 4 tablespoons without a hill;
  • spices to taste (dill, laurel, leaves of cherries and currants, bitter pepper and peppercorns, garlic, horseradish).

Wash cucumbers, you can cut off the tips, and you can leave the green leaves whole. Pour the vegetables with cold water and leave for 6 hours. Soaking allows you to fill the existing voids and make the cucumbers more elastic. In sterilized jars, fold the spices and fill the cucumbers tightly. Pour salt and pour the billet with cold water. After 3 days, a white film with bubbles will appear on the surface; this is a sign that the cucumbers have fermented and it is time to clog them.

Pour brine and bring to a boil. Pour a shot of vodka into a jar, pour in a pickle and cork. Remove to full cooling down the covers, wrapped with a blanket.

Recipe number 3 Assorted Vegetables

With the use of vodka you can cook not only cucumbers, but also vegetable platter. Take:

In sterilized jars on top of the spices (we take half of the total volume) vegetables are placed in layers, and we put tomatoes in the last place. Pour assorted boiling water, cover with lids and let it brew. After 10 minutes, the water is again drained into the pan. Add sugar, salt and coriander. After boiling pour vinegar and vodka. Pour the liquid into jars and roll up the lids. To cool to keep the cans warm up by the bottom

It would seem that vodka and cucumbers are a rather strange combination, but the result fully justifies itself. Instead, vodka can be used high-quality home brew or diluted alcohol. Try to cook salted or pickled cucumbers according to the recipes suggested by us, and please your household. Especially such cucumbers are suitable for those who do not have the ability to store winter twist in the cellar.

   Calorie: Not specified
   Cooking Time: Not Specified

I propose to cook pickled cucumbers with vodka, the recipe for the winter is simple, but the cucumbers are crispy, moderately sweet and sour, very tasty. In addition to vodka, we will use a little vinegar essence, spices and sweet pepper. You can add spices to your taste. Cucumbers are perfect for any dish, you can also use them for cooking first courses - pickle, hodgepodge, etc.

- cucumbers - 1 kg;
- garlic - 2 cloves;
- dill - 5 twigs;
- sweet pepper - 1/3 part;
- salt - 1 tbsp;
- Acetic essence - ½ st.l .;
- vodka - 1 tbsp. l .;
- sugar - ½ st. l .;
- horseradish - a small piece;
- hot pepper - to taste.

Step-by-step recipe with photos:

Prepare cucumbers in advance - wash with a sponge and pour clean cold water, leave for 6-8 hours at rest, the only thing you can change the water several times. After trimming the tails of the cucumbers on both sides, also peel the sweet Bulgarian pepper. Wash fresh fragrant dill.

  Prepare a quart jar, wash and sterilize in a convenient way. Also come with lids - boil in clear water for 15 minutes. At the bottom of a liter jar put dill strips of pepper, horseradish, garlic. Add hot pepper to taste.

  Fill the jar with cucumbers, in the process shake the jar several times, so that the cucumbers are closer to each other. In parallel, put on the stove a pot of clean water, bring to a boil.

  Pour hot water into the jar, cover the jar with a lid and leave for 15 minutes.

  After a while put a capron lid with holes on the neck of the jar. Drain hot water into the pan. To the resulting rate of water add 70-100 ml, just in case. Also add a tablespoon of salt and half a tablespoon of sugar, boil for a couple of minutes.

  In a jar of steamed cucumbers pour vinegar essence and vodka, immediately pour boiling marinade.

  Instantly throw in the lid and immediately roll up the jar with a key or simply scroll tightly. Put the jar upside down and wrap a blanket. Leave the pickled cucumbers with vodka for a day alone. After storage in the cellar.

Good appetite!
  And still very tasty

Cucumbers harvested for the winter with vodka in banks, have undoubted advantages over other types. In what direction does not only the inquisitive mind of the lovers of winter blanks move in order to preserve the harvest with a guarantee. History has not preserved the name of the hostess, who was the first to guess that she used alcohol-containing liquid for preservation. But it was absolutely the right step.

Advantages of preservation with vodka: they stand perfectly in the apartment, closed under the nylon cover, always turn out crispy, bright, saturated color. Retain their flavor and do not explode. Recipes are many, you want - make pickled by adding vinegar. Love salty - make it without vinegar, and their taste will be very similar to traditional pickled cucumbers in a tub.

Cucumbers with vodka for the winter - recipes

The main goal of each housewife is to get a great taste of cucumbers and avoid fermentation in the can and subsequent “explosion”. Many people do not like to make blanks with vinegar due to the fact that the vegetable becomes soft and the crunch so beloved by many is lost.

The idea of ​​harvesting cucumbers with vodka is simple to implement and very effective in preserving the harvest. Adding vodka does not affect the taste, does not give a characteristic smell, but at times increases the shelf life. Alcohol is much better than other substances stops the fermentation process and kills the mold fungus, itself being an excellent preservative.

Attention! The amount of vodka is so insignificant that the level of alcohol in the blood does not increase at all, after tasting cucumbers, you can safely get behind the wheel of a car. Also, they can be safely given to children.

Secrets of canning cucumbers with vodka

  • Be sure to soak the greens for at least a couple of hours, especially if the vegetables are not immediately harvested after harvesting.
  • Do you want the cucumbers to be ready for tasting, cut off the tips or pierce with a fork.
  • To crunchy greens, throw a piece of oak bark in the jar or put the leaves. But with garlic, try not to overdo it - if there is a lot of it, it will deprive the cucumbers of crispness.
  • And I want to save from this error: do not put vegetables in the jar too tightly. If this is done, crunchiness will also suffer.
  • Horseradish root will protect against mold, and a pinch of mustard will save the banks from the "explosion." By the way, vodka also contributes to this.

What else can you add to the banks, in addition to the traditional "gentleman's" set of spices?

Add carrot tops, cumin, basil, tarragon and parsley. When marinating, many people like to see onion, carrot, sweet pepper, squash, zucchini and even celery in a finished jar.

Pickling cucumbers with cold vodka

Pickles - hit any billet of cucumbers for the winter. Good for salad, salads and pickle can be prepared. Do not hesitate - will be strong and crunchy.

Take on the three-liter bottle:

  • Cucumbers.
  • Vodka - 50 ml.
  • Salt - 4 large spoons without a hill.
  • Dill, cherry leaves, dill, garlic - according to your desire.
  • Water - one and a half liters.

How to salt:

  1. Soak the cucumbers for a few hours so that they crunch pleasantly.
  2. Put the prepared seasonings on the bottom of the jar, place the cucumbers. The largest - down vertically, and smaller ones from above, this method of laying will allow you to invest a larger amount.
  3. Add salt to each jar and pour water from the tap, if you have a normal one. Otherwise use bottled
  4. Cover with a capron lid and put it on for 3 days. As soon as a film appears on the surface - it's time to move on to the next stage. If the apartment is cool, then you can take a day or two more.
  5. After this time, drain the brine, pour in new water and add salt to a large spoon with a slide.
  6. Pour vodka into the jar and close the lid. Now you can send to storage. Cucumbers will finally be ready after a week or two, not earlier.

Pickled cucumbers - a recipe with vodka without vinegar

We will pickle cucumbers for the winter with citric acid, which will greatly delight the opponents of vinegar.

Take on 3 liters:

  • Vegetable.
  • Vodka - two tablespoons.
  • Sugar with salt - 3 large spoons.
  • Water - one and a half liters.
  • Citric acid - a tablespoon.
  • Spices if desired, garlic - optional.

How to do:

  1. Fill the jar first with greens of dill and leaves of currant, cherry, horseradish (standard set, but something can be excluded). Then fold the cucumbers and pour raw water to determine how much water will go to each jar.
  2. Add salt, citric acid and sugar, bring the liquid to a boil, and pour in cucumbers.
  3. After 10 minutes, pour the brine into the pan, boil it and return to the jar.
  4. Pour in vodka and roll up. In this case, you can make the workpiece and under the capron cover.

Classic pickled cucumbers with vodka

This is a traditional variant of the preparation of itself, only for fidelity, so that it will be preserved with a guarantee, and even crispy cucumbers will come out, we will add vodka to the banks.

Take a liter jar:

  • Cucumbers.
  • Garlic - 2 cloves.
  • Bay, currant and cherry leaf.
  • Peas black and allspice - 2 pcs.
  • Vodka is a big spoon.
  • Salt - 1.5 tsp.
  • Table vinegar - a tablespoon.
  • Sugar - ½ tsp.

How to pickle:

  1. Line the bottom of the jar with spices and fill with cucumbers, sprinkling with chopped garlic.
  2. Pour boiling water over boletus, cover with lids and let it warm for about 10 minutes.
  3. When the greens are warm, pour the boiling water back into the pan, add sugar and salt to it and wait for them to dissolve.
  4. Pour the boiling brine again, but not to the top, so that the vinegar and vodka will fit. Pour them and roll the banks.
  5. Cool banks should be inverted, wrapped. Then check whether the cover is well rolled up and put in a cold place.

Marinated cucumbers with red currants and vodka

Red currants and cucumbers ripen in parallel, I always make at least a jar because of a very tasty marinade.


  • Vegetable - 1 kg.
  • Currant 250 gr. (more possible).

Marinade on the bank:

  • Water - liter.
  • Sugar - tablespoon.
  • Vinegar 9% - half a glass.
  • Vodka - 20 ml.
  • Salt - two large spoons.
  • Horseradish, garlic cloves, bay leaf, a sprig of mint, a pair of sticks of cloves, whole pea and ordinary pepper.

How to pickle:

  1. Wash the greens and soak for a couple of hours. Also prepare the currants for preservation, chop the garlic.
  2. Put all the spices in a jar, place the greens and place the red currants on top. They can be placed directly with branches, if you are too lazy to clean.
  3. Pour boiling water and let stand 10 - 15 minutes. After that, drain the liquid and boil again, adding salt with sugar. When the brine boils, pour the vodka with vinegar and pour it back into the jar.
  4. Roll up immediately, cool in an inverted state and transfer to cold.

Marinated cucumbers for the winter with vodka and vinegar

A very simple recipe for pickling cucumbers, with a set of traditional seasonings.


  • Cucumbers - 1.5 kg.
  • Vodka - 20 ml.
  • Salt - 3 large spoons.
  • Table vinegar - 20 ml.
  • Currant leaves, horseradish and dill umbrella.
  • Water - one and a half liters.

How to prepare:

  1. Pour water into a saucepan, add salt and boil. When the liquid boils, pour vinegar and vodka into it. Remove from the hob and allow to cool.
  2. Fill the jar with spices and cucumbers. Top with cool brine.
  3. Cover and leave in the apartment for 12 hours. After this time, close the capron caps and send in the cold.

Video recipe for crispy pickled cucumbers

To be faithful, I found a video recipe for you, so that anyone who is not sure that they can independently prepare cucumbers for the winter with vodka. Look and do as they tell you. Enjoy your work! With love ... Galina Nekrasova.

   Calorie:   Not specified
   Time for preparing:   Not specified

  One way to extend the shelf life of the cucumber and tomato blanks is to add vodka to the marinade. In this case, the alcoholic beverage acts as a preservative and is completely safe for children, so you should not consider such a recipe for crisp pickled cucumbers with vodka for the winter meal exclusively for adults. In addition to vodka, vinegar is added to the marinade, salt with sugar and spices.
  Cucumbers, as in any other recipe, it is better to choose pickling varieties, medium-sized, dense, with pimples. Before you lay out the cucumbers on the banks, fill them with cold water for several hours. This proven method will make them elastic, returning freshness and crispness.

Ingredients per 1 liter jar:

- small cucumbers - how much will fit;
- Table salt - 1 tbsp. l no slides;
- sugar - 1 tbsp. l with a low slide;
- Vinegar 9% - 1.5 tbsp. l;
- vodka - 1 tbsp. l;
- garlic - 2 cloves;
- Sheet horseradish - 2-3 pieces;
- umbrellas of dried dill - 2 pieces;
- hot pepper - 1/3 pod;
- Allspice - 4-5 peas;
- water.

Recipe with photos step by step:

Soak cucumbers in cold water, if possible changing the water two or three times. Stand three to four hours. Carefully prepare the jars and lids: wash with soda or other detergent, rinse several times. For safety net, you can sterilize the jars and boil the lids. At the bottom of the prepared cans put a couple of pieces of horseradish leaf, a large umbrella of dill, two rings of pepper and garlic clove, cut by plates.

  Fill the jar with cucumbers. Down larger, the remaining space can be filled with small cucumbers or cut large into two or three parts. Dill, garlic, horseradish and pepper are laid on top of the cucumbers. Pour pea allspice.

  Fill with boiling water, cover with a lid (do not roll) and leave for 20-25 minutes to warm up.

  Drain the water back into the saucepan, boil again and re-fill. We stand cucumbers for 15 minutes under a closed tin lid.

  After the second pouring, add salt and sugar to the merged water, bring to a boil. Boil on low heat until the salt is dissolved in sugar.

  In a jar of cucumbers pour vinegar and vodka. Instead of dining you can use apple, but be sure to see the fortress - you need vinegar 9% concentration.

  Boiling marinade spill in banks. Pour full to slightly spilled on the plate.

  Tighten tightly with tin lids or roll up with a typewriter. Turn the cans upside down, wrapped.

  We leave the banks with cucumbers for additional heating for a day. Then rearrange for storage in a cool dark room or put in the pantry. In winter, pickled cucumbers can be served as an appetizer, added to salads, and vinaigrettes. Good luck for the winter!
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Ingredients per liter jar:
- cucumbers - how much will fit,
- dill umbrella - 1 pc,
- bay leaf - 2 pieces,
- sweet pea pepper - 4 pcs.
- garlic - 1-2 tooth,
- horseradish sheet - 1/4,
- salt - 1 tbsp. l (no slide),
- sugar - 1 tbsp. l (with a slide),
- Vinegar 9% - 1.5 tbsp. lt
- Vodka - 1.5 Art. l

  Liter banks will prepare in advance. They should be washed using baking soda. You can not sterilize, since we will pour boiling water into them three times. At the bottom of each jar we place the spices: horseradish leaf, garlic, pepper, dill, bay leaf.

  Tightly, but without disturbing the integrity of the fruit, we first place the cucumbers vertically first, and we can put it on top. In liter jars, it is desirable to close the small cucumbers.

Fill with boiling water the contents of the cans. Pour water to the top. Cover with tin lids (boiled previously). We leave to warm up for 40 minutes.

  After that, pour the water back into the pan to bring it to a boil again and pour again. The second time we pour cucumbers and let them warm for 20 minutes. Then merge.

  When the water is poured into the pan for the second time, we also throw in sugar and salt per liter jar, a tablespoonful of sugar and salt. Bring to a boil.

  While the water boils, we add vinegar and vodka directly to the jars.

  Pour cucumbers this time with boiling brine. And immediately roll up the covers. We turn over and wrap the preservation, allowing the preform to cool completely in this form. After that, you can remove pickled cucumbers for storage in a cool dark place.
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