How to cook Easter in a slow cooker. Easter with cottage cheese in a slow cooker

08.05.2019 Winter blanks

Now, when many have purchased a slow cooker for themselves, they often ask, “Is it possible to bake a delicious Easter cake in it”. Of course you can! At the same time, it will turn out no worse than festive pastries cooked in the oven. And the dough is porous, with a large number of holes inside the finished product.

It must be said at the same time that there is no particular difference in the preparation and kneading of the dough. It starts in the same way as with the baking method in the oven. That is, in fact, it can be used by anyone - the usual classic, and now popular - Alexandrian.

Today we will consider recipes for various pastry for baking festive pastries in our miracle technique.

Easter cake in Easter in the slow cooker - a step-by-step recipe at home

According to this recipe, the dough rises very well, and all baked goods are lush and airy.

We will need:

  • milk - 350 ml
  • flour - 700 gr (maybe a little more)
  • egg - 3 pcs.
  • live yeast - 40 gr
  • butter - 150 gr
  • sugar - 200 gr
  • salt - a pinch
  • candied fruits or raisins - 100 gr
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet
  • lemon zest - 1 dessert spoon
  • turmeric - 0.5 tsp (optional)
  • icing sugar - 200 g (for the preparation of protein glaze)
  • lemon - 1/4 part for glaze

The first thing that starts kneading any yeast dough - with the preparation of dough. It actually depends on her what we will get in the end. If the dough rises quickly, then the dough will also rise easily. This means that there will be a large number of air bubbles in it, which will ultimately provide magnificent and airy baking.

Cooking dough

1. And for its preparation we will need warm milk. Its temperature should be approximately 30 degrees.

Hot milk should not be used in the preparation of dough. In this, all the yeast will die, and the dough will not rise, and therefore baking will not rise either.

For the test, you can use a dairy product with any percentage of fat content, but a more magnificent dough will be obtained from a product with a high percentage. And also very tasty pastries are obtained using baked milk.

2. Crush the yeast with half the warm milk. Today we will use them alive. I like to cook pastries with them. Their smell is like a childhood memory. Grandmother and mother always knead the dough only with their use.

3. To make them faster, add 2 tablespoons of sugar. And to make it easier for them to rise, pour 4 tbsp. spoons of sifted flour.

4. Stir the mass until smooth and the lumps disappear. It is also important that sugar dissolves in milk. We should get a mass that is similar in texture to a rather thick sour cream. However, not one in which there is a spoon, but which in consistency is similar to a 20% storefront.

Opara rises well when it turns out not thick and not liquid.

5. Cover it with a napkin and put in a warm place. I usually put it somewhere near the battery. Leave for 30 to 40 minutes to lift. The amount of time spent lifting the dough will depend on the freshness of the yeast, and on the air temperature in the room. The higher it is, and the fresher the product, the faster it will fit.

The readiness of the dough is determined in this way. First, an “air cap” should appear on top. And as soon as she begins to fall, then she is ready.

In the meantime, she rises, we will prepare the "muffin", or dough, from which we will bake our festive sweet bread.

Butter dough kneading

1. Usually festive Easter pastries are prepared with dried fruits, candied fruits or nuts. Today we will cook it with candied fruits. Since they are sold in large pieces in the store, they need to be chopped. You can do this simply by cutting them with a knife.

If you have not found candied fruits, then you can use traditional raisins instead. In a festive version, it can be used in three different colors. Of course, this is optional. You can not use any fillers at all. Baking will turn out delicious and without it.

2. Break eggs into the mixing bowl. Separate one protein from the yolk and leave it to prepare the protein glaze. And knead the dough on two eggs and one yolk. And while the protein is placed in the refrigerator.

3. Add remaining sugar and cooked vanilla sweetness. Instead, you can add vanillin to the tip of the knife. Bring down the mass until smooth. You can use a whisk for this, or a mixer. Strongly knocking it is not necessary. It is only important to achieve complete dissolution of sugar.

4. Melt the butter in a water bath. You do not need to warm it. And it’s better to get it out of the refrigerator in advance, so that they melt at room temperature. Use a 82.5% fat product. The baking will turn out just magical. Although I remember that they cooked it earlier and on margarine.

Insert the oil into the mixture and continue knocking until smooth. Do not increase the speed, our task is only to mix the mass, and not to bring it down.

5. Continuing to shoot, add turmeric. As you know, it does not give any flavor, but it will give our pastries a pleasant golden hue. The dough will be golden, sunny - just for our holiday!

And immediately add the grated zest from the lemon. Just she will share her aroma with the test. Zest can be grated with clean dried lemon. For this, a fine lattice of an ordinary grater is suitable. Rub only its yellow part. White - is bitter, and because of this subsequently baking can also be bitter.

Both of these components are not required in the preparation, and are added as desired.

6. But salt must be added necessarily. In any sweet pastry, you need to pour it just a little. Just one small pinch is enough. And also pour a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Make sure it is odorless.

As a rule, we bake several cakes and a lot of different pastries at once. The pastries are eaten faster, and the cakes are flaunted at the head of the plate, and eaten last. It happens that even on the second or third day. So adding a small amount of oil longer will keep them from drying out.

7. We still have milk left, it should also be poured into the kneading mass. And also pour in an increased volume of dough. Mix the mass.

8. Gradually add flour sifted through a sieve. Doing this is necessary so that it is saturated with oxygen. In this case, the test will be easier to climb. Do not add all the flour at once, add it gradually. Thanks to this, kneading the dough will be easier, and the lumps will diverge faster.

Flour can be different in its stickiness, and therefore only any approximate amount is given in any recipe. It also depends on the size of the eggs and some smaller factors. Therefore, it is important to learn to see how much to add in one or another case.

9. You also need to pour prepared candied fruits and continue kneading already with them.

Recently, when adding dried fruits, or candied fruit, they began to mix them with a small amount of flour. Allegedly so that they are easier to mix. We’ve never used this method before. I tried to do this and that, and I didn’t see much difference. Therefore, I leave this moment to your court.

10. If necessary, add flour. The dough should turn out quite viscous, not liquid and not thick. Also, when mixing it in a bowl, it should quite easily lag behind the walls.

11. If all this happened, then our dough is ready. And he needs to be given the opportunity to insist and increase in volume by 2 to 3 times, or even more! To do this, he needs warmth. If the house has such a warm place, then the bowl of dough should be covered with a towel and placed there. And it’s better to even cover with cling film. The mass is quite liquid and will certainly stain rags.

If such a place was not found, then you can simply turn on the oven, and put the bowl with the contents on top of the stove. The heat from the oven will spread both to the room and to the surface of the stove, and the necessary conditions will be created.

The dough will rise for about one hour. It can rise a little longer, especially if the room is cool. And also a thicker dough rises more slowly.

As you noticed, we knead it without touching the product with our hands. This method allows you to get a very airy dough, especially without clogging it with excessive flour.

12. After standing, the mass increased significantly in volume. And that’s just great. So the baking will turn out high and magnificent.

After wetting the hands with vegetable oil, knead it and place it in the crock-pot. The volume should be no more than 1/3, otherwise the pan lid will not allow the baking to rise in full size. And if the mass rose rapidly, then put it in a bowl even in a smaller volume.

If there is excess dough left, put it in other containers and bake in the oven. Or you can bake a second Easter cake in a slow cooker in the second stage.

And I must say that with such a volume of products, it will certainly remain on the second bread, or on several small ones.

How to bake Easter cake

For baking a lush Easter product, a multicooker of any brand can be used. You just need to carefully read the instructions for your stove. The higher the power, the less time it will take to bake.

1. And so, the dough is already in the bowl and he will need again about 30-40 minutes to go up and up. To do this, just close the lid of the pan and go about your business. If the kitchen is cool, then it may take a little longer.

2. After the time runs out, set the display to "Baking" and set the desired time. About 1 hour. This is at a temperature of 130 degrees.

You are guided by the features of your pot in accordance with its instructions.

The readiness of baking can be checked by piercing it with a wooden stick. After reaching it, there should be no trace of raw dough. This means that the Easter cake is ready.

3. After the cycle is over, remove the baking dish and turn it over to the wire rack. Thus laying Easter bread on its surface. Give it a chance to cool.

Decorating treats is better for those who have cooled down.

Making icing and decorating Easter baking

Traditionally, Easter cake is decorated with protein glaze. Today I want to bring to your attention a very simple recipe.

1. As you remember, we have only one protein left. Remove it from the refrigerator and cook the mixer.

2. Prepare a deep bowl and pour the protein into it. Knock it down in foam. Then gradually pouring icing sugar, continue to knock down. Our task is to bring down the mass until white peaks form. For a medium-sized egg, you usually need 200 grams of powdered sugar.

And the second task will be to make the mass homogeneous, without grains of sugar trace. It is better to get ready-made powder for this. And if you grind it yourself, then grind it smaller.

3. For flavor, you can add lemon juice. And not even possible, but necessary! To mix everything.

4. Put icing on the surface of Easter bread. And immediately sprinkle with small colorful decorations, or candied fruit left.

Do not delay this process - the glaze dries very quickly. If it stands for quite a bit, then laying it out will already be difficult. And also it will not be possible to place jewelry on top.

You can decorate as you wish. The glaze recipe presented is very good. It turns out so dense, viscous and thick that it can be placed in a confectionery syringe, and form flowers or other beautiful curls with it.

5. Wait until the baking has cooled completely. And treat guests and relatives. If it is difficult to wait, and you want to cut it right away, then it will crumble a little.

If you cut it already cooled down, you can watch how many air “pockets” - holes - appear on the cut.

Easter cake can be stored without loss of quality and not stale for 3 days. And if you put it in a bag, then longer.

Kulichi with such icing is good to wear in the church for consecration. It does not stick and does not sprinkle. Therefore, you will return it home in the same form as you took it from there.

And of course, the pastries are very tasty. The dough is tender, slightly moist. It is simply impossible to limit yourself to one piece! It is a pleasure to eat it with hot tea or milk. Take a recipe for a note, it will definitely come in handy. By the way, the recipe is good for ordinary baking cakes in the oven.

Easter cake with raisins on dry yeast in a slow cooker Redmond

As you know, baking can be baked with dry yeast. It turns out she is no worse than with the living. The main thing is to ensure that they are with the right expiration date.

We will need:

  • flour - 700 gr
  • milk - 200 ml
  • dry yeast - 9 g
  • egg - 3 pcs (if not large, then 4)
  • butter - 150 gr
  • sugar - 150 gr
  • vanilla sugar - 8 - 10 g
  • raisins - 100 gr
  • orange juice - 100 ml
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • salt - a pinch


1. Wash raisins and pour orange juice. Leave to be saturated with aroma and moisture. If desired, you can fill it with cognac. Alcohol will disappear during baking, and the amazing aroma will remain.

2. Prepare the dough. To do this, pour all prepared milk into a bowl. Previously, it needs to be heated to a temperature of 30 - 35 degrees. Let me remind you that a high temperature will destroy the yeast, and our dough will remain lifeless in this case.

Use a large bowl, and we will knead the dough in it later.

3. Also add yeast, a spoonful of sugar and 4 tablespoons of flour to the milk. Stir until the lumps disappear to a uniform viscous consistency. Cover with a napkin and put in a warm place for 30 - 40 minutes.

During this time, the yeast activates, and the resulting mass is filled with life.

It will begin to increase in volume. A lot of bubbles will appear on its surface, which ultimately form a high hat. As soon as it begins to fall, this will be a signal that the dough can be interfered with in the dough.

4. In the meantime, she will "come to life" and get stronger, just do the batch. To do this, mix eggs, sugar, vanilla sugar and salt in another bowl.

Knock down until smooth with a whisk or mixer at low speed. We need to ensure that the sugar grains are completely dissolved.

5. Then pour melted and chilled butter into the mixture. And it’s better not to drown it, but just get it out of the refrigerator in advance so that it melts in a natural setting.

I will not tire of recalling that it is better to use oil with 82.5% fat content. An oil with a fat content less than this value is trans fat, and is not at all good for health.

Also add vegetable oil. Its presence will keep the finished product fresh longer, preventing it from getting stained.

6. The mixture can be left until the dough is suitable. As soon as this happens, pour the egg-sugar mixture into it and mix.

7. Now it's time to slowly introduce the flour. Let me remind you that it must be sifted. It must be administered in small portions until the mass is mixed with a spoon. However, do not try to get an excessively thick mixture, in which case it will be difficult for it to rise.

Properly kneaded dough is quite viscous, and at the same time elastic. It does not stick to your hands and easily assembled into a lump. And it does not require being kneaded by hands.

8. Lubricate the bowl of multiwark with oil and transfer the resulting mass into it.

Put it in its place in the pan, close the lid. Install the “Multipovar” program, the temperature is 35 degrees and the time is 1 hour 20 minutes. Then press the "Start" button and leave the dough to rise. This is his first climb.

During this time, the dough will increase in volume by more than double.

9. We still have raisins, we have not forgotten about it. And now the time has come for him. And to begin with, it is necessary to drain the liquid, that is, either juice or brandy. Then let it dry slightly, dust with flour and shake so that each zest is in a flour coat.

10. Meanwhile, prepare the working surface of the table for further work with the dough. Namely, we need to sprinkle it with flour. Put the risen dough on the surface and lay the raisins on top.

11. Then mix it in the dough. We will do this by the usual kneading. If necessary, you can lightly add the missing flour on the sides. However, do not overdo it much, the dough should not become stiff. It should remain soft and plastic.

12. Repeatedly grease the bowl of the multicooker with butter and put the dough into it, forming an even ball. It should be especially even on top. Since later we need to decorate the top, it will be easier to do on a flat surface. Yes, and it will turn out prettier.

13. Replace it in its place, close the lid, and again install the program "Multipovar" with a temperature of 35 degrees. Do not forget to press the "Start" button. But this time it will take much less time, namely 35 minutes. During this time, the dough will rise a second time. It should rise to half the bowl.

14. Open the lid and check if everything is fine with us. Then close it again and set the "Baking" mode, setting the time 1 hour 40 minutes. Do not open the lid during baking so that the dough does not fall.

15. After the allotted time, you can check our Easter cake. It should rise and double in volume. Its readiness can be checked by piercing the crumb in the center with a wooden stick. If you don’t have any batter left on it, then our Easter bread is completely ready.

Do not look that the top remained bright. When baking in a slow cooker, this always happens. But we will decorate it, so this will in no way hurt.

16. There is no need to rush and get it ahead of time. It is necessary to give him the opportunity to relax a bit and cool slightly. To do this, he will need about 20 minutes. In this case, the multicooker should already be turned off.

17. To make it easier to get ready-made Easter cake, along the edge you can hold a silicone shovel, or a silicone knife. Then cover the bowl with a plate and turn over. Our magnificent handsome man will be lying upside down. And in order to put it in the right direction, Kulich again needs to be turned over. For this, a grill is best suited. So it cools down faster.

Everything, magnificent Easter pastries is ready. It remains only to decorate it. Uncomplicated decoration - again protein glaze and sprinkles, or candied fruits, nuts. You can even just sprinkle with powdered sugar.

The icing recipe can be used the same as in the first recipe. It is easy to prepare and holds well on the finished product. Or you can make a delicious lemon glaze. You can find her recipe in an article about.

As you can see in the photo, the dough rose perfectly, the cake was well baked inside. And all this means that inside it is holey, nostril-like, like real bread, which is why yeast pastries are so loved.

Only our bread is festive today. And he baked on the occasion of one of the most important Easter holidays. Therefore, it is beautifully decorated, and a special dough was prepared for it - butter.

Video on how to cook little wet cakes in a multicooker Polaris

And you can cook not one big Easter bread, but several small ones. And you can also do this in a multicooker bowl. Let's see the whole process in an interesting and beautiful video.

The process of kneading the dough is not particularly different from other options, there are only slight differences in the composition and amount of ingredients.

But I was struck by this recipe by the way the design and decoration of the top. It is very unusual, although not at all complicated. Easter cakes are just amazing. First of all, you start eating them with your eyes. And when you get to the test, its taste shows that it is no worse than the appearance.

If you want to make regular icing, you can see a very interesting way of cooking it in a water bath on the blog "Home Cooking" in an article about classic Easter cakes.

There are a lot of tasty recipes for the pastry dough, and for baking it in a slow cooker it is prepared exactly the same as with ordinary baking in the oven. Therefore, if you have your own recipe, then you can use it. The main thing is not to forget to give the test the opportunity to insist and rise. And everything will be just fine!

And I end here and in conclusion I congratulate you on the upcoming Happy Easter! I wish you well-being in your family, health, happiness and love! And also great pastries for the holiday.

Enjoy your meal!

Hello everybody!

In the approach of the great Easter holiday, many begin to think about the menu of the festive table. The most important thing that should be on the table is, of course, and. In connection with this, there will be many options for these sweet desserts.

From ancient times in Russia Easter was baked exclusively by themselves and then lit them in the church. Let’s bake the cake with your own hands using the recipes I have presented. After all, homemade pastries, made with soul and love, cannot be compared to the taste of the purchased one.

And in this matter, miracle technology will help us - a multicooker. In my kitchen, it's just like a lifesaver. Easter cakes baked in a slow cooker are very lush and tender. Below are a few recipes, I'm sure you will find your recipe that will appeal to you and your whole family.

Homemade cakes are always a celebration. And if it’s Easter cake for Easter, then doubly. The recipe for this Easter is not complicated, and if you follow all the steps in sequence, then even the beginning hostess will succeed. The most important thing in this business is a good mood, stock up on it and create a masterpiece in the kitchen.


  • Flour - 500 g
  • Eggs - 5 pcs.
  • Butter - 100 g
  • Powdered Sugar - 100 g
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Milk - 250 ml
  • Yeast - 1 tsp
  • Sugar - 150 g
  • Raisins - 180 g
  • Salt - a pinch


The first and very important step is the preparation of the dough. Milk should be at a temperature of 38-40 degrees, pour in the yeast, mix until completely dissolved. Add a glass of flour, before this, do not forget to sift it, mix, cover with a clean towel and put in a warm place for half an hour.

The dough should rise and increase significantly in volume.

Mix a mixture of yolks with sugar into a dough and mix well.

The main rule when preparing the yeast dough is that all ingredients must be warm and the flour must be sifted

Then add a little melted butter to the dough, you need to mix everything thoroughly until smooth.

Then beat the whites and mix everything again.

Pour into the dough the flour that remains, and knead it with your hands until plastic. It should not cling to hands. Transfer the dough into a deep bowl and cover with a towel, remove the bowl in a warm place for 1 hour.

At this time, grate the zest of one lemon on a fine grater. Soak raisins in boiling water until it swells, drain water from it and dry on a towel

When the dough rises significantly, mix raisins with lemon zest in it. Leave to rest the dough for 10-15 minutes. Then put in a greased multicooker bowl, select the “Keep Warm” program and let the dough rise for 10 minutes. Then, without opening the lid, switch to the “Baking” mode, you need to set the time yourself for 1 hour 40 minutes.

Make glaze from proteins. Beat the whites first with a pinch of salt, then pour in the powdered sugar and beat until thick.

Freshly baked Easter cake do not rush to immediately remove from the slow cooker, leave it to rest for another 20 minutes. Garnish it with a glaze on top, sprinkle with a special sprinkle and the holiday dish is ready.

  Enjoy your tea party!

  Cooking in a slow cooker Redmond

There are countless recipes, so you should try and look for the most suitable for you. This cake is very magnificent and tall, enough for a large family. Recipe with raisins. It is very convenient to cook in a Redmond multicooker, and you can also put dough for lifting in it.


  • Milk - 200 g
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Sugar - 150 g
  • Vanilla Sugar - 8 g
  • Cognac - 100 g
  • Raisins - 100 g
  • Dry yeast - 9 g
  • Flour - 700 g
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Vegetable oil


Pour raisins with cognac and leave it for now.

If you do not want to use alcohol, you can pour orange juice or just warm water.

Take a deep container and pour warm milk into it, it must be at room temperature. Add dry yeast, a tablespoon of sugar, four tablespoons of flour with a hill. Mix everything well.

Cover the bowl with a clean towel, leave for 30 minutes.

In the meantime, take a smaller container, break eggs into it, add salt, a pack of vanilla sugar, regular sugar and beat everything well.

Then pour the melted and cooled butter to the egg mass. Stir again and set aside in a warm place.

When half an hour has passed, send the oil-egg mixture to the boil and mix everything.

To the finished dough you need to add flour in small pieces, kneading the dough with a spoon.

Do not forget to sift the flour, it is important for the flourish and airiness of the cake.

It is necessary to add flour as long as it is possible to mix the dough with a spoon, you do not need to knead with your hands. It should make a thick sticky dough. It should be perfectly collected in one lump.

Take a bowl from the multicooker, mix the bottom and walls with vegetable oil.

Put dough in it.

Put the saucepan into the slow cooker, close the lid and select the “Multi-cook” program, set the temperature to 35 degrees, time 1 hour 20 minutes, press the start and leave the dough to rise. The dough should increase in volume by about 2 times.

Dust the work surface with a little flour and place the dough out of the bowl of the slow cooker. Drain all the liquid from the raisins, add a spoonful of flour to it, mix and add to the dough. Gradually sprinkle with flour, stir the raisins into the dough. Mix the dough in just a couple of minutes, not more.

Do not pour a lot of flour, the dough should remain soft and plastic, due to the oil it does not stick to your hands.

Then smear and rinse the bowl of the multicooker again with oil. Make a flat lump out of dough and send it to the saucepan.

Put a bowl with dough in the crock-pot. Select the "Multipovar" function, set the temperature to 35 degrees and the time to 35 minutes. We are waiting for the rise of the test again.

The dough should rise to half, check and re-close the lid.

Select the program "Baking" set time for 1 hour and 40 minutes and leave the cake baked.

Do not open the multicooker lid during baking.

When the multicooker gives a beep of readiness, pierce the cake with a wooden skewer and if it is dry, leave it in the disconnected multicooker for 20 minutes so that it rests and only then remove it, walking the edges of the silicone spatula.

It is not necessary to fry the top, decorate the cake with icing and sprinkle with confectionary dressing.

Such a beautiful and very tasty Easter cake turned out.

Enjoy your tea!

  How to cook a wet cake

Very original and delicious wet cake in a slow cooker. We will cook in three forms and garnish with candied fruits, nuts and tangerine slices. To prepare it you need time and patience, but you will definitely like the result. So try and cook in a good mood, then you will succeed.


  • Milk - 120 ml
  • Dry yeast - 3 tsp or fresh - 40 g
  • Butter - 50 g
  • Eggs - 2 pcs
  • Sugar - 100 g
  • Salt - 1/2 tsp
  • Sour cream - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Vanilla Sugar - 8 g
  • Flour - 200-300 g
  • Raisins, candied fruit - 160 g
  • Dried Cranberries - 50 g
  • Tangerines, nuts - for decoration
  • Gelatin - 1 pack
  • Apricot jam or whatever


Pour the yeast with milk, add half a tablespoon of sugar, the temperature of the milk should be about 40 degrees, mix to dissolve the yeast.

Beat two eggs with sugar.

To the diluted yeast, pour in the sifted flour, about half a glass, and mix until smooth. Cover the bowl with cling film; you can also put a towel on top. Set aside for 45-50 minutes.

At this time, pour the raisins with boiling water for 5 minutes and pour out the water, rinse the candied fruits in water and put on a towel to dry.

To raisins, add half a teaspoon of flour and mix.

In the resulting brew, add a pinch of salt, vanilla sugar, sour cream, soft butter and egg mixture. Mix everything until smooth.

Sift the flour in small pieces and knead with a spoon until the dough is collected in a tight but soft bowl.

In order to easily remove the dough from the bowl, grease it with vegetable oil. Put the dough in it and cover with cling film, then a towel. Leave for 1.5 - 2 hours.

During this time, the dough must be kneaded once.

The dough should rise like this and become airy.

Add candied fruits and mix.

Divide the dough into three equal parts and put them in forms. At the bottom of the bowl of the multicooker, place a stand for the hot and place three forms with dough on top.

First you need to turn on the “Heating” mode for 20-30 minutes and wait for the dough to rise with the lid closed. Then turn on the baking mode, set the time to 1 hour 40 minutes.

After the beep of readiness, leave the cakes in a slow cooker and stand for 15-20 minutes. Using a wooden stick, check the readiness; if the stick is dry, then it’s done. Cool them sideways with frequent overturning.

Cooled cakes grease with jam.

Put candied fruits, nuts, dried cranberries and tangerine slices on top of the jam.

In order to fix the decoration, prepare the confectionery gel. Dissolve gelatin in warm water.

In a small saucepan, pour a tablespoon of sugar and a tablespoon of honey. Fill with 30 g of water. Put on the fire, stirring constantly, wait until the sugar has dissolved, then add the gelatin and mix. Cool the gel to room temperature.

Coat the cakes with gelatin gel.

Everything is ready, enjoy your tea!

  Dough for Easter baking on dry yeast

In our time, when we are all in business and care, it is difficult to devote to cooking dishes that require a significant investment of time. This also concerns the preparation of the Easter cake, which traditionally is not prepared very quickly. But there is a way out of this situation. I will tell you how to quickly and easily prepare the dough using dry yeast.

We will need:

  • Egg - 4 pcs
  • Flour - 3 glasses
  • Sugar - 1 cup
  • Vanilla Sugar - 8 g
  • Dry yeast - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Butter - 100 g


  1. Heat the milk a little in the microwave, then add sugar tablespoon and yeast, mix and set aside for 20-30 minutes.
  2. Eggs must be beaten with an incomplete cup of regular sugar and a pack of vanilla. Melt butter and cool, add to beaten eggs and mix.
  3. As soon as the milk-yeast mass is present, pour in a lot of eggs and butter. Mix everything well.
  4. Gradually, pour flour in small portions, sift it before it, and knead the dough until it becomes elastic, but at the same time remains elastic.
  5. Spread the dough in molds, filling them only a third. Put the molds in a warm place for a couple of hours. Only if the dough rises well, the cakes will be airy.
  6. Done!

  The recipe for a delicious cake with candied fruits, dried apricots and raisins

Very beautiful, porous, gentle and airy cake. If you like dried fruits, then this recipe will certainly delight you. Decorating it with various powders with an Easter theme, this delicacy will decorate the festive table on this wonderful day of holy Easter.


  • Milk - 1 cup
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Flour - 4.5 cups
  • Butter - 150 g
  • Dry yeast - 1 bag
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Vanilla sugar or vanilla - 1 sachet
  • Raisins - 100 g
  • Candied - 50 g
  • Dried apricots - 50 g

For the glaze:

  • Powdered Sugar - 100 g
  • Egg - 1 pc
  • Confectionery dressing - for decoration


Before starting cooking, rinse the raisins and cover with hot water.

Slightly heat the milk and pour yeast on it. Add a couple of tablespoons of sugar, mix and place in a warm place for 20 minutes before the appearance of characteristic bubbles.

Separate the whites from the yolks. Add half of the sugar to the squirrels and whisk until the color changes; they should become a white fluffy mass.

Mix whipped whites with yeast.

Sift a glass of flour in a bowl and mix until there are lumps left. Leave for 20 minutes.

Then add another glass of flour and mix again until smooth.

It is desirable to get the butter out of the fridge in advance so that it melts. Mix it with the remaining yolks with sugar using a mixer.

Add mass to the dough.

Sift the remaining flour into the bowl and knead the dough until it stops sticking to your hands.

In the resulting dough, mix in the raisins, dried apricots and candied fruits, mix thoroughly.

Smear the multicooker saucepan with vegetable oil, send the dough into it.

Place the saucepan in a slow cooker and turn on the heating function for 20 minutes. It is necessary that the future cake rose.

Then select the “Baking” function, the default time for this program is 1 hour, but this is not enough for a cake. Set the time to 1-40 minutes and bake.

As soon as the slow cooker tells you about the readiness, turn it off, but you shouldn’t remove the ready baked goods right away. Give her time to stand still a little, about 30 minutes will be enough.

To decorate a festive treat, prepare a protein-sugar icing.

Mix the protein from one egg and powdered sugar with a mixer until persistent peaks form.

Grease the top of the cake with icing and finish the decoration by sprinkling it with a special sprinkle.

Enjoy your tea!

  Easter treat in the Multicooker Polaris

If you still doubt your ability to prepare a solemn dessert for Easter, then I would like to help you dispel them. I found a very clear and interesting recipe for you on the video. It is worth trying to undertake its preparation and you will be surprised how much this is not a troublesome task.

It is very difficult to imagine a lush and elegant Easter table without such delicacy as a cake. This pastry is unconditionally loved by all. Many housewives dream to bake it on their own, but some are afraid of difficulties with its preparation. My selection of recipes should help you with avoiding these difficulties. Cook with soul and love, delight your loved ones with delicious dishes.

Happy Easter!

In warm milk, dissolve 1 tablespoon of sugar and fresh yeast (or add dry). Cover the dishes with a mixture of film and leave in a warm place for 15 minutes.

The yeast mixture is ready when a characteristic "cap" is formed.

Add the remaining sugar to the eggs.

Place the bowl with dough in a slow cooker and set the "Multipovar" mode for 1.5 hours with a temperature of 30 degrees. If there is no such mode, simply cover the bowl with dough with a film and place in a warm place for the same time. Next, set the mode "Baking" for 1 hour or "Multipovar" with a temperature of 150 degrees also for 1 hour. Check the finished Easter cake with a spike, the capacity of the multi-cookers is different, you may need to add baking time.

We cut an unusually tasty Easter cake, cooked in a slow cooker, immediately after cooling, so in the section it can be seen that it crumbles a bit and its structure is still loose. But despite this, the cake turned out great - very fragrant and tasty!

Enjoy your meal and happy Easter!

The main Easter dish is a traditional cake. It should be not only tasty, but also beautiful. Therefore, it is important for each housewife to try to knead the dough according to all the rules, and then bake the cake. If there is a multivark at home, then this process is simplified, the cake will turn out lush and will never burn.

What could be more delicious than sweet pastries? Buns, cakes and muffins are loved not only by children, but also by adults. When the most important Orthodox holiday is approaching - Easter, then all people are eagerly waiting for, when you can get cold and taste delicious pastries. The main decoration of the Easter table is the cake, we offer today to bake Easter cake in a slow cooker. The set of products is standard, and any multicooker will cope with the tasks.

What ingredients are needed:

  • eggs - 3 pcs .;
  • milk - incomplete glass (200 ml.);
  • sugar - incomplete cup or 200 g;
  • flour (top grade only) - 4.5 cups;
  • butter - 150 g (can be replaced with margarine);
  • raw yeast - 40 g or 1 sachet of dry (11 g);
  • raisins - to taste, but not more than 100 g;
  • fine salt - pinch;
  • vanilla sugar or vanilla powder - to taste.

For the glaze will need:

  • egg - 1 pc .;
  • powdered sugar - 100 g;
  • confectionery dressing.
  1. First you need to soak the raisins in warm water and leave for some time. While we are preparing the dough, the raisins will be washed thoroughly and can be added to the dough. But more on that later. We buy raisins without stones, free from garbage and twigs.
  2. Heat the milk to a temperature not higher than 40 degrees (can be on the stove, in the slow cooker or microwave). We need warm milk so that it can dissolve the yeast. Put the yeast in the milk, mix and leave for now.
  3. The next ingredient is sugar, you need to weigh 200 g (we use kitchen scales or a measuring cup), pour only 2 tablespoons of milk into the milk with yeast, mix it.
  4. We remove the bowl with milk, sugar and yeast in a warm place.
  5. After some time (it all depends on the temperature in the room and the quality of the yeast), you need to monitor the brew, as soon as bubbles begin to appear, the mixture becomes bubbly and “stirred”, you can proceed to kneading the dough.
  6. Pour the brew in a spacious bowl. In a separate container, beat 3 proteins with sugar and gently mix the resulting thick foam into the dough.
  7. Now you need to sift the flour and just, gently, in small portions enter it into the mixture.
  8. We mix our dough and leave for 20 minutes (if you use dry yeast) and for 1 hour if you have raw yeast.
  9. After a specified time, you need to add to the mixture another 1 cup of sifted flour and knead the dough well. We are not lazy, because the final result depends on how well this part of the work was done.
  10. Now you need to take the butter and grind it with yolks. If the butter is soft, then mixing the ingredients is not difficult, but if the butter is just from the refrigerator (or freezer), then you need to rub it on a fine grater, and then mix it with the yolks and sugar. It should be a homogeneous mass.
  11. Add the mixture to our dough, and also put a pinch of fine salt and vanilla (or sugar).
  12. Sift the remaining flour through a sieve and also add to our dough. Flour may require a little more or even less, so do not pour out all the flour right away, leaving half a cup of flour in stock.
  13. We start mixing the dough, this is a very important and crucial moment - you need to knead the dough so that it becomes elastic and does not stick to your hands. The whole process will take 15 minutes, so you have to try. Do not forget to put the raisins in the dough (pour out all the water, put the raisins on a paper towel to get rid of moisture, then roll it down in flour).
  14. The dough is ready, now you need to lubricate the multicooker bowl with soft butter or vegetable oil (only odorless) and immediately place our dough in the slow cooker.
  15. We install the program “Heating”, wait until the dough starts to rise.
  16. Now we switch the slow cooker to the Baking mode, the time will be set automatically - 45 minutes. This is not enough, so as soon as you hear the signal, the timer will work and the slow cooker will turn off, you need to turn on the Baking program again for 45 minutes.
  17. After the signal, you can open the cover of the multicooker and admire your work - the Easter cake in the multicooker will turn out beautiful and lush.
  18. Very carefully remove the finished cake from the bowl of the device and place it on a flat dish.
  19. While the cake is cooling, let's prepare the glaze. We need only protein, add to it icing sugar, mix well. Now you need to whip protein with powder in a strong white foam. This is best done using a mixer.
  20. Our cake is a little cold and you can coat the top with freshly prepared icing. We cover the whole top and climb a little on the sides. If you have thoroughly tried and whipped the protein with the powder as it should, then the icing should be elastic and not spread.
  21. We coped with this work, there was no less interesting work left - to decorate the top of an Easter cake cooked in a slow cooker with a confectionery dressing. This part of the work can be trusted to the youngest family members.

All, Easter cake in a slow cooker is ready, it turned out to be very tender and tasty, every piece just melts in your mouth. This is a real masterpiece that can not be repeated in a conventional oven!

Easter Easter cakes in a slow cooker

It is impossible to imagine the Easter table without rosy and sweet cakes. There is still time to bake delicious cakes and to please relatives, and at the same time enjoy the delicate taste of this delicious pastry. We offer to bake several Easter cakes in a multicooker.

  • eggs - 5 pcs .;
  • sugar - 300 g;
  • butter - 175 g;
  • salt - on the tip of a knife;
  • milk - 250 ml;
  • flour - 600 g;
  • yeast - 50 g;
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml .;
  • nutmeg - 0.5 tsp;
  • ground cinnamon - 0.5 tsp;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 bag;
  • candied fruit - 150 g;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp;
  • multi-colored topping - 1 bag.

How to cook Easter cake in a slow cooker:

  1. Turn on the slow cooker in the “Heated” mode (the bowl should be clean and dry). Leave the device for 5 minutes.
  2. During this time we need to prepare a brew. Heat the milk to a temperature not higher than 40 o C and dilute the yeast in it.
  3. Put in the brew 4 tbsp. flour (pre-sift) and 1 tbsp. sugar, mix all the ingredients to make the boil without lumps.
  4. Pour the brew into the multicooker bowl, leave it to rise.
  5. Making the second half of the dough - butter. We separate the yolks from the proteins, we send the proteins to the refrigerator, we will need them a little later, when we need to decorate the top of the finished cake.
  6. Mix the yolks with sugar and rub well, the mixture should lighten.
  7. On the stove, melt the butter and add to the pounded yolks with sugar in small portions, mix immediately.
  8. Add nutmeg, cinnamon and salt to the ready-mix, mix all the ingredients.
  9. While we were engaged in the butter part of the test, our opara came up in the slow cooker.
  10. You can start mixing the dough, but for this we need to prepare a spacious container, for example, a saucepan or a bowl.
  11. First, in the bowl you need to pour the baking part of the dough, and then gradually mix our sponge.
  12. The most crucial moment of kneading dough came. Prepare the bowl, pour in the vegetable oil.
  13. Sift the flour and add a little to the batter. Attention, it is better to first put half a serving of flour and add more in the process, as the dough may turn out to be too steep.
  14. Stir the dough with a spoon first, and then have to work hard and knead it with your hands. So that it does not stick to the hands, periodically we moisten hands with sunflower oil.
  15. In the process of kneading dough, add candied fruits. Knead the dough for a long time, for 10 minutes or more.
  16. The dough is ready, it turned out homogeneous and elastic. We need to grease the multicooker bowl with vegetable oil, turn on the “Heating” program and wait a few minutes until the bowl becomes warm.
  17. The slow cooker works in the “Heating” mode for no more than 2 or 3 minutes. Then turn off the device.
  18. In the bowl multicooker need to put the dough. Do not forget to close the lid of the instrument.
  19. We leave while the dough in the crock-pot so that it fits. We notice time - 20 minutes.
  20. After 20-25 minutes, the lid of the device can be opened to well grate a well-risen dough from all sides. We do this several times, that is, close the lid, turn on the Heater program for 2 minutes, turn it off, leave the dough in the slow cooker for 20 minutes, open it, knead the dough and make the dough again once more.
  21. After the 3rd time, the dough can be decomposed into tall paper molds (you will need 5 tall molds). Only first you need to lubricate the walls and bottom of each form with vegetable oil.
  22. Fill the dough every 1/3 mold.
  23. Bowl multicookers need to be washed and wiped dry.
  24. Put the dough with the dough into the work bowl of the device (it should be warm). The lid needs to be closed.
  25. Turn on the “Heating” program again, wait until the dough rises. Everything, now you can turn on another program - "Baking", set the time - 1 hour.
  26. When you hear a beep, this does not mean that Easter cakes in the slow cooker were baked. It is necessary to open the lid of the device, turn the molds upside down and put the pastry for another 30 minutes, the "Baking" mode.
  27. You can not turn the Easter cakes in the slow cooker, then install the Baking program right away, the time is 1.5 hours.
  28. After the signal, when the timer is activated and the multicooker turns off, we get ready Easter cakes from the multicooker. Leave on the table.
  29. While the cakes cool, just time to do the preparation of the glaze. We need to mix the proteins with powdered sugar and beat with a mixer until a fluffy, thick, white mass is obtained.
  30. At the end of whipping add lemon juice.
  31. Everything, it is possible to decorate the top of our magnificent Easter cakes with protein glaze and sprinkle with multi-colored powder.

Easter cakes in a slow cooker are very tasty, the dough is light and tender. Help yourself!

Alexandrian Easter cake in a slow cooker

Many housewives have heard about the unique "Alexandria" test, but not all managed to find a real recipe. From where such name of the test - it is not known, but cakes turn out simply delightful. Try it and see for yourself.

Products for cooking:

  • flour - 600 g (only the highest grade);
  • baked milk - 250 ml;
  • sugar - 250 g;
  • butter - 125 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs .;
  • fresh yeast - 35 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • fine salt - pinch;
  • raisins and candied fruit - 100 g.

For fudge:

  • egg white - 1 pc .;
  • powdered sugar - 100 g;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp

Step by step preparation of Easter cake in a slow cooker:

  1. We make a brew: we knead without flour, leave to “ripen” for as long as 8 hours (this is at a minimum, in a cold room - 12 hours).
  2. To prepare the dough, whisk 1 yolk and 2 more whole eggs with a whisk, pour out the whole portion of sugar, mix well.
  3. Soft butter cut into cubes or plates, mix in the sugar-egg mixture.
  4. Heat the milk on the stove to a temperature not higher than 40 degrees, pour the milk into the prepared mixture, mix.
  5. The last ingredient of sponge is yeast. Enter the yeast, mix and leave the brew for the night in a warm room. It is advisable to cover the bowl with bruise with a clean towel. By the way, choose a spacious container for mixing products.
  6. In the morning you will be surprised, because you will find that the opara rose and fell several times during the night (you will see the marks on the bowl). Pieces of oil will “float” on the surface, this is normal.
  7. Now it is allowed to add other products, first put salt and vanilla sugar.
  8. Sift the flour and gradually add to the dough. Mix well.
  9. The raisins had to be prepared in advance: steamed in warm water, and then dried on a paper towel. To prevent the raisins from sinking to the bottom of the mold when baking an Easter cake in a slow cooker, it is necessary to roll it in flour.
  10. Add raisins and thoroughly knead our dough. This process is not easy, so we are not in a hurry and we try to knead the dough well. Knead in a bowl. We moisten hands periodically with vegetable oil. The dough should be soft and viscous.
  11. For kneading dough, you need to allocate about 10-15 minutes, which is of course very long, but the taste of Easter cake cooked in a slow cooker will be excellent.
  12. The finished dough must be set up in a warm place for approximately 1 hour.
  13. During the proofing process, the dough should increase in volume, it needs to be held in hands and put into the working bowl of the appliance. Do not forget to grease the walls of the container with vegetable oil.
  14. Now the dough will fit right in the multicooker bowl. We close the cover of the device, turn on the “heating” program for only 2 minutes, and it is possible for 3, but not more! Turn off the device and maintain the dough for Easter cake in a slow cooker for 45-50 minutes. The dough will rise again and increase by 2 times.
  15. We bake Easter cake in a multivariate in the “Baking” mode, set the time to 45 minutes (for multi-cooker with regulation, set the temperature to 150 ° C).
  16. After the signal, we extend the cooking mode for another 20 minutes, but set the temperature a little less - 120 o C.
  17. Ready cake get out of the device right along with the bowl and leave on the table. After the cake has cooled slightly, it can be easily removed from the bowl and put on a flat plate.
  18. You can do otherwise and instead of a big cake bake a few small ones, but then you need to buy paper molds.
  19. We make protein glaze from chilled protein, powdered sugar and lemon juice. First, beat the protein with powder, and at the end of the process, when the mixture becomes lush and stable, add lemon juice.
  20. Decorate with the glaze the top of the Easter cake cooked in a multi-cooker, and immediately sprinkle with the multi-colored powder confectionery. By the way, if you want the frosting to not dry out and not to crumble, add a spoon of potato starch in the process of beating the protein with powdered sugar.

Easter cake in a slow cooker will turn out to be sweet and airy, in structure it looks more like a cupcake, a little juicy, but for a long time it will not grow stale.

Cottage cheese Easter cake in a slow cooker

If you stick to the traditions, then Easter cake must be baked from the cottage cheese, and you can add raisins and candied fruits to the dough. Our grandmothers baked cakes in Russian stoves, but since we have no such possibility, we will prepare an Easter cake in a slow cooker. This device will cope with any tasks.

Products for cooking cake:

  • instant yeast - 1 bag (9-11 g);
  • warm milk - 110 ml;
  • cottage cheese 5% - 200 g;
  • eggs - 3 pcs .;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • butter - half a pack;
  • salt - half a teaspoon;
  • flour - 500 g;
  • vanilla (half a teaspoon) or vanilla sugar - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • raisins and candied fruit - 100 g.

How to cook a delicious Easter cake in a slow cooker:

  1. In milk, you need to dissolve the dry yeast. Milk temperature should be no higher than +40 o C.
  2. We put in milk 1 h. sugar, 3 tbsp. flour and leave the mixture (after mixing) for 30 minutes.
  3. The opara has already approached, you can add the yolks (3 pcs.) Rubbed in with the sugar beforehand, then put salt and vanilla sugar (or vanilla powder). Mix the mix.
  4. We have a few ingredients left: it's time to put the curd (it should be soft, you can rub it through a sieve) and add soft butter.
  5. In a separate bowl, you need to whip 2 proteins with sugar (100 g), leave half in half and put in the dough, only in small portions so that they do not fall off.
  6. Sift the flour and gradually add to the dough. Knead the dough first with a spoon and then with your hands so that it becomes elastic.
  7. Turn on the slow cooker in the “Heated” mode, time - 3 minutes. Turning off the program, you can open the lid and put our dough in the multicooker bowl (do not forget to immediately lubricate the bottom and walls of the mold with vegetable oil). The lid of the device can be closed and leave the dough alone for 40 minutes. The slow cooker is different in that it retains heat very well, so this device is simply indispensable for a test.
  8. After 40 minutes you can open the lid. You will see that the dough has risen well and has increased in volume, just what we need.
  9. Squeeze the dough with your hands (you can put it on the table), mix the raisins (washed and rolled in flour) and candied fruits.
  10. Again, we put our dough in the multicooker bowl, turn on the same “Heater” program, but set the time for 15 minutes.
  11. You will see that the dough rises well. Now we switch the device to another mode and set the Baking program, the preparation time of the Easter cake in the slow cooker is 1 hour plus another 30 minutes.
  12. It is not necessary to open the lid during baking! If you do not listen, the dough will fall off and the cake will not be so airy.
  13. After the beep, we leave the cake in a slow cooker so that it will cool down (it is impossible to make sudden changes in temperature for yeast baking).
  14. Carefully turn the finished cake with a steaming container, and then shift it to a flat dish.
  15. We are waiting for the Easter cake cooked in the slow cooker to cool slightly so that you can decorate the top with the finished icing and add candied fruits and confectionery powder if desired.

Easter cake in a slow cooker turns out very tasty and beautiful, not only from above, but also in the section, because we added to the dough multi-colored candied fruits. And since we also put cottage cheese in the dough, the cake was very tender. It is necessary to cook a cake for this recipe. By the way, you can bake in a slow cooker not only Easter baked goods, but also anything you want. Good luck!

Easter cake in a slow cooker. Video

When I purchased a slow cooker, I began to actively explore it, my family ate a lot of goodies. Then Easter is on the nose, so I decided to try to bake Easter cake in a slow cooker, since she has a large bowl, 5 liters. She found a suitable recipe, and took a chance. The result, I tell you, exceeded expectations! On the table there were 4 types of cakes, all clearly said that my best and tastier than all! Therefore, I am happy to share with you a recipe for Easter cake in a slow cooker, see below a step-by-step recipe with a photo.

When embarking on baking, I was afraid that it would not work, because there are so many nuances in baking Easter cakes, but the recipe is very simple, and you will definitely cope with it. Therefore, no doubt, proceed to baking, and God help you!


  • Flour - 4-5 glasses (flour is different, therefore it is more difficult to say more precisely);
  • A glass of milk (took the usual shop, better, if there is, homemade);
  • 4 eggs (also preferable from a domestic chicken);
  • A glass of sugar (which is 250 g);
  • Half a good quality butter (cake after all!);
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable (which is odorless) butter;
  • Spoon full dining dry yeast;
  • Guest raisins;
  • A bag of vanilla.

All products got on the table in a timely manner so that all the temperatures were the same. And let's go! We take a bowl (not plastic!), Pour in yeast, literally a spoonful of sugar to them, mix it.

We pour in warm milk warmed, mix, let them stand, think, begin to ferment the yeast.

In the second bowl with the rest of the sugar, beat the eggs not very intensively.

Melt the butter (just put something warm on it).

Now mix the ingredients of both bowls.

Slowly, in portions, make flour, knead. The dough is very so warm and cozy, it does not stick, it is felt directly in the hands. Multi-grease with a cup of butter, and put our lump of dough there.

Turn on the heating, turn off after 5-6 minutes. That is, we have already set the heat, let the dough fit there slowly (no need to hurry). After half an hour we repeat.
  Now we open the slow cooker, look at the condition of the dough: if it’s high, you can switch to Baking, if it’s still not enough, turn on the heat for another 5 minutes and wait half an hour. In baking cakes, hurry is not needed, slowly catching up with the dough.

Everything, our dough has reached the desired state, we turn on "Baking", I have a maximum of 50 minutes, so in 2 runs I switched on 50 and 20 minutes (unit power 700 W).
  We open, we look: everything is fine - the top, of course, will not be ruddy, this is understandable, but we will cover it with icing, so it doesn’t matter.

When I bake ordinary cakes, I just take them out on the grill, turn them over, and again in the cartoon, bake the top to the ribs. But the Easter cake would not tolerate such blasphemy. Therefore, it will be as it is.