For what use dry water. Dry water extinguishing system - features of the extinguishing agent and device installation

12.04.2019 Healthy food

In addition to the three well-known states of ordinary water, there is one more - this is “dry water”. This mixture is a microscopic drop of moisture in the shell, the main substance of which is silicon dioxide. It is thanks to him that water molecules do not combine with each other and it does not spread. Externally, "dry water" is like a powder.

Features of the composition and quality of "dry water"

If you decompose Novec 1230 into molecules, you can see that there is no hydrogen in its composition, which leads to a weakening of the bonds between the molecules. Novec 1230 is distinguished by a lower freezing temperature — it is -108 ° C and a low boiling temperature is only 49 ° C. "Dry water" does not conduct current and does not dissolve such familiar substances as sugar and salt. However, it is the same as plain waterIt has no smell or color.

Novec 1230 Key Applications

At the moment, "dry water" is used to extinguish fires, and in this direction it is much more efficient than ordinary water due to its features. Novec 1230 will not spoil documents, books, and things, including equipment, because in the process of extinguishing a fire, it is converted into steam, which then settles on surrounding surfaces and gradually evaporates, which takes only a few seconds. Even the thinnest paper cannot be “wetted” with such water, and such qualities can be called invaluable for extinguishing fires in institutions designed to store historical values, as well as at those enterprises whose work is associated with expensive equipment and high voltage.

Directly the process of extinguishing fires with the help of “dry water” is carried out differently than in traditional version. Novec 1230 reacts to combustion and promotes active absorption, whereas ordinary water only lowers the temperature and during the evaporation process interferes with the interaction of fire and oxygen - thus, the flame is extinguished quickly and efficiently, while the concentration of the composition necessary for this purpose does not pose a danger to human health. .

Another advantage this composition - This is the absence of a decrease in the concentration of oxygen in a confined space, which significantly increases the time required to save people. For example, employees of the same museums can safely evacuate from the premises without fear that any damage will be done to their organs of breath or sight, and not worrying about the need to save property of historical value from damage.
Under the conditions of the atmosphere, the disintegration of “dry water” takes place in terms from 3 to 5 days, subject to exposure to ultraviolet rays. At the same time decay products do not have negative impact  on the ozone layer. It does not pose a danger to people, however, it is still not recommended to use it inside.

Fire fighting is not the only direction in which Novec 1230 can be used. Ten years ago, scientists found out that such a composition is capable of very actively absorbing carbon dioxide. The latter is among the greenhouse gases, and therefore contributes to the destruction of the ozone layer. Through experiments, it was possible to determine that for the same time, “dry water” is capable of absorbing much more carbon dioxide than water, which allows reducing the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere to the same extent.

Perspectives of use

This technology can be used for the manufacture of powder emulsions, which include at the same time several liquids that do not mix with each other. With the help of such emulsions it is possible to ensure the safety of transporting liquids that represent a certain hazard.

Today, experts are also considering the hypothesis that the ability to absorb gases can provide significant assistance in the extraction of frozen methane, which is located in the depths of the oceans.
In addition, scientists are trying to find the most appropriate way to use Novec 1230 to make fuel storage safer for hydrogen-powered vehicles.

Article sent: Kazachok

Novec 1230 (“dry water”) refers to the latest innovative developments  in the field of fire extinguishing. This gas fire extinguishing substance has several advantages over the existing traditional fire extinguishing means for people and valuables, electrical equipment, museum exhibits.

The principle of operation of gas fire extinguishing systems using Novek 1230 is based on cooling with heat removal from the source of ignition.

What is the substance Novak 1230

Novec 1230 is a liquid without color and odor. It belongs to the category of fluorectons, which is called dry water. Such a fire extinguishing agent is a development of an American chemical company.

This substance boils at 49 ° С, absorbing heat from the area of ​​the source of ignition. This property is indispensable at the initial stage of a fire, even the minimum concentration of gas in the environment makes it possible to instantly remove heat.

In the structure of this molecule extinguishing agent  there is no hydrogen, and therefore Novek 1230 has a number of unique characteristics (zero electrical conductivity, boiling point + 49 ° С, lack of wetting of substances and materials), due to which it is possible to effectively deal with a fire.

This extinguishing agent does not conduct electrical current, i.e. it is a dielectric.

The advantages of gas extinguishing agent Novec 1230

The advantages of gas Novek 1230 include:

  1. 100% safety for people. This gas is completely non-toxic, while the release of this gas extinguishing agent does not reduce the oxygen concentration in the atmosphere.
  2. Ensuring the preservation of valuables, books, works of art after the application of "dry water".
  3. Lightning elimination of fire.
  4. Security for the environment. This extinguishing agent does not destroy the ozone layer.
  5. Easy installation and subsequent operation.

This substance does not cause corrosion of metal surfaces, it evaporates with lightning speed. Novek 1230 has a high fire extinguishing efficiency, the time required to eliminate a fire does not exceed 10–20 seconds. Such advantageous features ensure the use of the gas extinguishing agent Novec 1230 in gas extinguishing installations.

Systems using the fire extinguishing agent Novek 1230 are economical and practical. Due to the fact that fire extinguishing is possible with a small concentration of this gas, it is not necessary to equip installations a large number of  cylinders, which in turn simplifies the installation procedure, the use of modules and nozzles for spraying.

The scope of these installations:

  • server rooms;
  • premises with electrical equipment;
  • museums;
  • archive rooms;
  • libraries;
  • laboratories.

The device of gas extinguishing systems

In gas fire extinguishing installations, Novek 1230 is placed in special cylinders; in the event of an operation of the installation, when a fire occurs, the gas moves through pipelines and is released into the room through special nozzles. The set of installations with a gas extinguishing agent includes several modules. Components of installations:

  • cylinders (with gas extinguishing agent Novak 1230, pumped in liquid form);
  • the locking starting device (regulates gas releases);
  • pipelines through which the extinguishing agent is supplied to the fire site;
  • sleeves (elements for connecting cylinders to pipelines);
  • fire alarm system, which includes temperature sensors, smoke detectors and combustion detectors;
  • equipment that controls the pressure of the extinguishing agent.

The locking device is designed to release the extinguishing agent Novak 1230 for 10 seconds. Installations with a gas fire extinguishing agent are used in rooms with a massive presence of people, numerous tests have confirmed the safety of people. These settings include, even if people work in the rooms.

Gas fire extinguishing installations using the Novek 1230 fire extinguishing agent as an effective, reliable and universal way to cope with fire in a minimum amount of time.

A relatively new substance, developed in 2011 by ZM, has unique technical and operational characteristics. The official name is Novec 1230, but in the world it is known as “dry water”.

The absence of hydrogen in the structure of the fluorinated ketone molecule has endowed the substance with special properties that are successfully used to eliminate the sources of ignition:

  • Zero conductivity;
  • Boiling point + 49 ° С;
  • Substances and materials do not get wet.

Fire extinguishing systems use gas produced on the basis of fine spraying. When transitioning to the gaseous state, Novec 1230 rapidly decreases the temperature in the room, dropping it below the burning point. At the same time, neither people nor equipment connected to electricity are not damaged.

The substance is absolutely safe for human health and environmentally friendly. But, despite the generally accepted name - “dry water” inside it is better not to use it.

More information about the properties of dry water can be seen in the video presentation of the manufacturer:

Application area

The most widespread in the west is dry water in automatic fire extinguishing systems installed in rooms with fragile artistic values: museums, art galleries; libraries and archives. It is recommended to use Novec 1230 in data centers, laboratories that work with liquid flammable substances and are equipped with fragile electronic equipment. The proof that dry fire extinguishing with dry water is effective and safe is the removal of all restrictions on its use in the USA and the use of dry water in automatic extinguishing installations for ships, aircraft and armored vehicles.

At the moment, the most common substances of this type are 3M ™ Novec ™ 1230 and Fluoroketone C-6. Both substances have almost identical performance indicators and belong to the type of freon.

The extinguishing agent is certified for use in extinguishing fires of categories A and B. Studies are being conducted to confirm the admission to extinguishing flammable gases - class C.

Quenching with dry water occurs according to the principle of temperature reduction (70% of the substance's action) and inhibition of the chemical reaction of the combustion process (30% of the quenching effect).


High efficiency - the ignition source is neutralized, due to the high level of evaporation, for 10-15 seconds;

Safety for humans confirmed by clinical trials. The installation can be switched on when people are still in the room.

Convenience of operation - dry water can be used as an extinguishing agent in already mounted equipment with minimal equipment upgrades. In addition, the damage to the cylinders with dry water and even its spill will not cause unpleasant consequences. "Water" just evaporate, leaving no trace.

Environmental safety - the decomposition of a substance occurs in 3-5 days, without damaging the ozone layer.

Fire Extinguishing System

Dry water extinguishing system consists of:

For more information about the elements of the system, their placement and the principle of operation can be found in the introductory video of the manufacturer’s company:

Considering the high efficiency demonstrated by dry water (the fire extinguishing of the class A fire center takes only 10 seconds), the dimensions of the installation required to control the room are much smaller, and the number of cylinders is much less. In addition, much smaller technical requirements are imposed on the pipeline. The operating pressure is only 25 bar, instead of 250 to 300 bar required for a gas system. This greatly simplifies and reduces the cost of both installation and further maintenance.