How long does alcohol disappear from the body. After how much cognac is weathered out of the human body

17.10.2019 Winter blanks

Traditionally, alcohol is used for the holidays. But if the next day you have to drive or an important event is planned, you need to be completely sober. In this case, the question arises: how long does alcohol disappear from the body? It is definitely quite difficult to answer it, since various factors influence the removal of ethanol from human blood.

Weathered Alcohol Table

These tables allow you to determine how much alcohol is weathered out of the body, depending on the strength of the drink and the weight of the person. However, these are not the only factors affecting the rate of ethanol removal from the blood. However, the data in the table indicate that the greater the person’s body weight, the faster the alcohol disappears from the body.

Estimated time to remove alcohol from the human body
Body weight 60 70 80 90 100
Beer (4%) 35 minutes 30 minutes. 26 minutes 23 minutes 21 minutes
Beer (6%) 52 minutes 45 minutes 39 minutes 35 minutes 31 minutes
Gin and Tonic (7%) 1 h. 18 min.   1 hour 07 minutes 59 minutes 52 minutes 47 minutes
Champagne, wine (11%) 1 h. 36 min. 1 h. 22 min. 1 h. 12 min. 1 h. 04 m. 57 minutes
Port (18%) 2 hours 37 minutes 2 hours 14 minutes 1 h. 57 min. 1 h. 44 min. 1 h. 34 min.
Tincture (24%) 3 hours 29 minutes 2 hours 59 minutes 2 hours 37 minutes 2 hours 19 minutes 2 hours 05 minutes
Liquor (30%) 4 hours 21 minutes 3 hours 44 minutes 3 hours 16 minutes 2 hours 54 minutes 2 hours 37 minutes
Vodka (40%) 5 hours 48 minutes 4 hours 58 minutes 4 hours 21 minutes 3 hours 52 minutes 3 hours 29 minutes
Cognac (42%) 6 hours 05 minutes 5 hours 13 minutes 4 hours 34 minutes 4 hours 04 minutes 3 hours 39 minutes

It is important to note that the data in the table are taken per 100 g of alcoholic beverage. If more alcohol is drunk, accordingly, the time of weathering it from the body will increase.

Factors affecting the time taken to remove alcohol from the blood

How much alcohol is weathered from the body? Excretion time depends on the concentration of alcohol in the blood. This indicator is measured in ppm, the calculation is made from the ratio of 1 g of ethanol per 1 liter of fluid in the body.

On a note! Since men contain 70% of water, and women have 60%, the time for elimination of alcohol from the body in women is longer.

Also, the rate of weathering of alcohol depends on the work of the liver, since it is she who is responsible for the breakdown of alcohol. It should be noted that this is a rather lengthy process. Even in the case of the proper functioning of the liver, alcohol breaks down for a relatively long time, not to mention the speed of breakdown in case of problems with this organ.

For reference! In about an hour, about 0.15 ppm is processed in the male body. As for women, they have this indicator of 0.1 ppm.

Thus, the main factors affecting the time that alcohol is removed from the blood are the following:

  • Amount of alcohol consumed - the more alcohol you drink, the longer it will be eliminated from the body.
  • The alcohol content in the drink - a strong alcoholic drink needs a small amount to get intoxicated.
  • The physical data of the person who consumed alcohol - the more body weight, the faster the alcohol leaves the body.
  • The amount of food eaten during the feast, as well as its calorie content - fatty foods contribute to a slower absorption of alcohol.
  • Age - the body of children and adolescents is more susceptible to alcohol.
  • Frequency of alcohol consumption - if the remaining alcohol remains in the blood, the next time you drink drinks, ethanol is absorbed faster and excreted more slowly.

How much does alcohol completely disappear from the body?

How much does alcohol completely disappear from the human body? Each type of alcoholic drink has a different alcohol content, therefore, it has a certain elimination time, which became clear when considering the table.


Beer is in high demand, especially among young people. Some even use it as a means to quench their thirst, not counting alcohol. Despite this, it contains alcohol, so drinking beer leads to intoxication.

Since beer has gas bubbles, the alcohol contained in it is absorbed faster. How long does it completely erode from the body? Depending on the weight of the person, the removal of 100 g of beer takes 20−35 minutes. If you drink a standard bottle of a drink with a capacity of 500 liters, the alcohol disappears from the body in 1.5-3 hours.

Gin and tonic

Gin and tonic is another low-alcohol drink that contains about 7% alcohol. Despite this, it will take almost an hour to remove 100 g of alcohol from a person with a large weight. As for people weighing about 60 kg, gin and tonic will fully release only after 1 hour 18 minutes. How long will this alcohol disappear in their body if you drink 500 g of it? It will take 4-6.5 hours.


When champagne enters the digestive organs, it actively begins to be absorbed into the blood. The presence of gas bubbles accelerates this process.

For many people, a glass of champagne is considered the norm, when used, they allow themselves to drive, without worrying about the consequences. In fact, this is not entirely correct, since a person weighing about 60 kg is able to feel intoxicated even after 100 g of a sparkling drink, and it will take more than an hour and a half to weather the alcohol. And 500 g of champagne will completely disappear from the body in 8 hours.


Wine is an alcoholic drink, but, despite this, it is also useful for the human body, if consumed within normal limits. There are several varieties of wine: red and white, dry, semi-dry and semi-sweet. The rate of elimination of this alcohol from the body in each species is approximately the same, but dry wine wears off a little faster.

Thus, 100 g of wine can leave without a residue after half an hour in a person with an average physique, taking into account a heavy meal.

Port wine

In port, the alcohol content is close to 18%. It is believed that this is an alcoholic drink of medium strength. When 100 g of port wine is consumed from the body of a complete person, it disappears only after an hour and a half, and it takes almost 8 hours to remove 500 g of drink. How much will a half liter of port wine disappear from the body of a thin person? Withdrawal time is 13 hours or more, as can be seen in the table.


Liquor is a sweet alcoholic drink that contains about 30% alcohol. A small enough volume of this drink to quickly become intoxicated.

It takes 2 hours 37 minutes to remove 100 g of liquor from the human body weighing 100 kg. In people with a body weight of 60 kg, this indicator is almost 2 times more. If you take 500 g of liquor, it will completely disappear in 13-22 hours, depending on weight.


Vodka is often used during a feast, quickly and for a long time gives "the effect of intoxication." However, it is removed from the blood for a long time. On average, 100 g of vodka completely disappears in 3-4 hours, and 500 g is removed only after a day.

If you are planning a serious feast, you need to take care not to drive, at least within a day and a half after the celebration.


Cognac is a drink that men prefer to drink. Like vodka, it quickly leads to intoxication and leaves unpleasant consequences after it, if you use it more than the norm. From a thin person’s body, 100 g of cognac completely disappears after only 6 hours, and 500 g of the drink leaves the blood without a trace only after 30 hours.

On a note! It is forbidden to drive even after one glass of brandy, because even this amount of drink affects vision and coordination.


Whiskey is a strong alcoholic drink with an alcohol content of 40-60%. The human body is quite difficult to manage with so much ethanol, so it is excreted for a long time.

A person of average complexion manages to completely get rid of whiskey in about a day, but much depends on the amount of alcohol consumed.


Tequila contains 35–55% alcohol, so it can also be attributed to strong alcoholic drinks. The average elimination time of 100 g for a person weighing 100 kg is more than 3 hours. If you take 500 g of tequila, a person will need almost a day to completely get rid of it. For people with a thin physique, a complete elimination of a drink requires more than 6 and a half days, respectively.

If you need to drive after a recent feast, it is important for the driver to know how much alcohol completely disappears from the body. To do this, you can follow the data in the table.

The experiments and various studies conducted by scientists have proved that alcohol is excreted differently from the body of men and women: in men this process takes 0.10-0.15 ppm per hour, in women - 0.085-0.10 ppm .

The process of weathering alcohol takes a lot of time. Accordingly, the more you drink, the more difficult it will be for your liver to handle it.

What factors affect the weathering of alcohol

It is impossible to average the weathering of 100 g, because you need to consider a whole list of factors that affect this process. It includes:
- the physical condition of the person (healthy, sick, tired, depressed, calm, etc.);
- mental state (shock, deep psychological trauma, etc.);
- the presence or absence of snacks;
- human body weight;
- ambient temperature.

It should be borne in mind that if a person has a mental disorder, alcohol will disappear faster. As for room temperature, weathering is more active in frost.

How much does 100 g of vodka erode

If we take ideal conditions: a person is healthy, in good mood, normal physique (weight about 80 kg), does not drink in a stuffy room, then the average weathering speed of 100 g of vodka will be 4.5 hours.

If you need to make a detailed calculation, it is worth considering a number of tips that the doctors made. So, for example, for those who weigh 60-75 kg, the amount should be multiplied by 0.77. If the weight is from 40 to 60 kg, the dose of the drink should be multiplied by 0.53.

Despite the calculations and recommendations made, it is worthwhile to understand that even after the minimum time has elapsed, it is better to refuse, because alcohol continues to persist in the cerebral cortex for a long time. And the liver and kidneys do not have time to remove all toxins from the body. This means that they will continue to have a negative impact on vision, hearing and reaction speed. And this is despite the fact that a person may not notice it. Thus, the weathering rate of not only vodka, but also cognac, wine, and also a cocktail is calculated.

What to do to sober up faster

To vodka quickly weathered from the body, you need to follow a number of fairly simple rules. So, for example, do not mix alcohol with coffee or tea - so the rate of withdrawal of alcohol is noticeably slowed down.

At least 15 minutes before the feast, take 4 tablets of activated charcoal. And in the process, continue to take 2 tablets every 2 hours. This is necessary because coal is famous for its adsorbing properties. It slows down the absorption of alcohol into the walls of the stomach.

Alcohol will disappear faster if water is taken in parallel with it. Alternatively, various juices are suitable.

And remember that scientists have proven that complete weathering of alcohol occurs only 28 days after its intake. And all this time, its residues affect the human body.

Holidays are coming soon, which means that most of our country will drink alcohol. Light: - beer, champagne, wine or heavy: - vodka, whiskey, cognac. But often it happens that you have to drive in the morning, well, or even that day - in the evening! But such a question tormented me: did these strong drinks have disappeared from the body? And in general, after how much, do they happen? You know here the situation is ambiguous, you need to take into account gender, weight, height and, of course, physique. However, in this article I tried to collect all the useful information, there will be both tables and a calculator according to which you can quickly and easily calculate the complete “weathering” ...

Alcohol calculator


Pure alcohol Vodka Rum Whiskey CHACHA Gin Tequila Strong moonshine Absinthe Brandy Cognac White wine Red wine Fortified wine Champagne Beer Strong Beer Martini Chinzano Vermouth Liquor

Volume of the drink (ml.)

Your height

100 - 110 cm 110 - 120 cm 120 - 130 cm 130 - 140 cm 140 - 150 cm 150 - 160 cm 160 - 170 cm 170 - 180 cm 180 - 190 cm 190 - 200 cm 200 - 210 cm 210 - 220 cm 220 - 230 cm

Your weight (in kg.)

Many drivers who are going to an event in absentia think to drink or not to drink? Like Shakespeare! Of course, you can leave the car at home and go, so to speak, on foot. And if the birthday is on the other side of the city! And the devil pulled him to celebrate his birthday in the middle of the week. Yes, I want to drink a little bit, not until the “pig screech,” as they say, so that everything disappears in a couple of hours! That is, a little bit, but as our government says, the Russians can’t drink a little, if a drop falls into your mouth, then there will be a second one. Yes, the situations are different, for example, I have personal experience: ” At work, there is such a tradition - when someone has a birthday, then he is put down and always at lunch, it is understandable that after work you will not delay anyone. So put down, of course brings alcohol, but brings a little, and it is inconvenient to refuse, although this glass of wine (champagne), and not here and there“. In general, you drink it and think it will disappear from 13.00 (lunch) to 18.00 (end of the working day) or not? They stopped a couple of times, didn’t smell anything, but what if? Then as they say ass - goodbye to the right, for 1.5 years (and even plus 30,000 fine). In general, I urge everyone and then they don’t say that I didn’t write - DO NOT DRINK DRIVING. But in general, the topic is different, and if it happened, a small “corporate party”, say at work. It seems to me that you need to know how much alcohol disappears! But for starters, how the process is going on.

For starters, about the alcohol law

As we already know, alcohol in the body is measured in ppm - this is the ratio of alcohol to blood volume. 1 ppm   - approximately 1 gram of ethyl alcohol per 1 liter of blood. Measured by a ‰, it looks like a percentage, only two zeros below.

For a long time I will not “rassusolit”, now we are allowed approximately the following indicators (amendments from 2013):

If you measure with a breathalyzer, then in the exhaled air should not be more than 0.16 ‰ (ppm). If you take a blood test - then there should be no more than 0.35 ‰.

If you exceed these indicators - there is a deprivation of rights for 1.5 years (and a fine of 30,000 rubles) - the first time, and deprivation of rights for 2 years (and a fine of 50,000 rubles)! Not a little, so if you drank a lot, and you feel that it has not disappeared, we do not risk it, it is better to call a taxi.

Weathered Alcohol Factors

Each organism is purely individual, almost no two are alike. Metabolism (the speed of digestion of food and alcohol), each has its own, someone has more, someone less. It is worth noting that if a person is drinking moderately, then his alcohol disappears faster, because the liver is enlarged, it prepares a “bridgehead” for processing harmful substances.

Today we will take into account the average values, but to begin with, I note that the female and male organisms are not the same:

Female - consists of water from about 60 - 65%, it is able to digest 0.1 ‰ per hour.

Male - consists of 70 - 71% water, it is able to process 0.15 ‰ per hour.

Of course, it all depends on many third-party factors, such as snacks, you drank a special tool before the feast, etc. Accordingly, weathering will vary, for men it is clear that faster, that’s biology. The female body is generally not suitable for alcohol.

After how much alcohol disappears pivot table

Well, now that the guys will provide a small summary table, it is designed for complete weathering, that is, it will not be in the blood and expired air at all. For calculation, I took the most common volumes such as vodka and cognac - 100 grams, beer 500 grams (it is clear that they do not drink it with glasses). It is also worth noting that the measurements were carried out on a man aged 36 years, height - 180 cm, weight about 80 kg. SO:

The data are averaged, tenths of weathering are removed, so if you hurry, you can look at them. And now for those who are in no hurry, I will try to break down popular drinks into “watches” more accurately.

Beer Weathering Time

Consider a popular volume of 1.5 liters, let the strength be approximately 5% (alcohol). As before, this volume will be drunk by a man (because they love beer most of all), 36 years old, 180 cm, 80 kg. What happens is our table.

It should be noted that for a girl with a height of 165 cm and a weight of about 58 kg, the time of complete weathering of this volume of beer was about 7.5 hours. That is one hour more. This must be taken into account, but you can simply calculate on our calculator.

How much wine is eroded - champagne (red, white)

You know, there are rumors that white wine lasts longer in the body, and red wine is supposedly healthier and therefore it quickly disappears from the body. But in essence these are all “myths”, and good red wine can improve digestion, but in minimal doses, about 150 - 200 grams, for example, under a barbecue! But they come out almost the same, so the summary table. This time we took a girl - 30 years old, 165 cm, 58 kg. The volume of wine, one bottle, that is 750 grams, the strength of about 11% (alcohol).

As can be seen from the table, after an hour, the alcohol jumped a little, it can be seen longer absorbed into the blood. Also, after the bottle was drunk, the girl’s intoxication was of an average stage, that is, above 1 ‰, her legs were even braided a bit, in this state it is absolutely impossible to drive!

How much does vodka erode - cognac - whiskey

It was not in vain that I put them on a par, they have almost identical indicators of exit from the body, because they are all quite strong - 40% alcohol content. For such a test, we took the body of our young man (36 years old, 180 cm, 80 kg), yet we will not scoff at the girl. Also, we will not pour in “half a liter” of these drinks (after such a volume it will not stand on its feet). Take the boundary value, namely 350 grams, or a faceted glass + 100 gram glass. We look at the table.

It should be noted that even after 12 hours, a little alcohol was recorded in the exhaled air, but the level was already permissible. That is why the morning after the vodka (as the cats "shit" in their mouths), not everything was still gone, and only 13 hours later the level dropped to zero. But after 8 hours, there was still 0.62 ‰ in expired air, so if you had a drink at 12 o’clock in the morning, and by 8 o’clock at work, then you can’t go by car! If residual effects.


The data obtained literally empirically, so the data from your configuration will be different. But there is a small pattern (with regards to the upper summary table):

- If your weight is from 60 - 75 kg 0,77 The resulting figure will be your threshold.

- If your weight is from 45 - 60 kg, then multiply the amount drunk by a factor 0,53   - this is your threshold. That is, you weigh 50 kg. Take a drink of vodka 100 ml. * 0.53 \u003d 53 ml., They will erode for 4.5 hours and so on.

TIP !!!
  If you had to drink, but you can’t get drunk, drink a tablet of biotredin, limontara or glycine. In extreme cases, activated carbon is also suitable - 10 - 20 tablets. "Anti-policeman" in tablets will only help to hide the smell. This inspector can still be carried out, but never a breathalyzer! Therefore, in order not to risk a driver’s license, better never drink while driving!

Now a video version of the article, look

I end with this, here is such a big but useful article - read our AUTOBlog.

Before you get behind the wheel after drinking even a small dose of alcohol, a person should be well aware of all the consequences of driving while intoxicated. Drunk driving is a punishable crime. Such a ride is dangerous for the driver himself and, worst of all, for people who may be in the way. How long does alcohol disappear from the body? How much time should pass after a feast so that a person can feel confident behind the wheel of a car? The number of hours during which it is necessary to refrain from drinking alcohol, allow it to completely weather, for each driver individually. Each person should know his own norm, and in accordance with this, be able to plan how much alcohol he can drink at a party or at a wedding, if he then has to drive a car.

What determines the speed of absorption of alcohol

Alcohol is highly soluble in water, so it is easily absorbed by body tissues. It will take quite a bit of time, and alcohol can already be detected in the blood, in exhaled air, in urine. Part of the alcohol is neutralized by the liver, the rest of the alcohol is eroded from the body in a few hours. If a lot is drunk, it may even take several days to remove it.

The speed of absorption depends on the type of alcohol, the body weight of the drinker, the quality of the snack. In women, absorption occurs faster than in men, which means they get drunk faster. An emotional, excited or, conversely, depressed person will need to drink quite a bit, and now the amount of alcohol exceeds the norm. Moreover, in this state of mind, he may not even notice this.

The Federal Law “On Road Traffic Safety” has established blood alcohol standards that are acceptable for a motor vehicle driver: 0.35 ppm. Moreover, the air that he exhales should not contain more than 0.16 ppm.

1 ppm is the number of grams of alcohol in 1 liter of a drink.

After how much alcohol is expired from the exhaled air, it leaves with urine and then?

Take a short survey and get a free brochure entitled “Drinking Culture.”

What type of alcohol do you drink most often?

How often do you drink alcohol?

Do you have the desire to “hang out” the day after taking alcohol?

Which system do you think alcohol has the most negative effect on?

In your opinion, are the measures taken by the government sufficient to limit the sale of alcohol?

Exhaled air should contain no more than 0.16 ppm.

Factors Affecting the Weathering Rate of Alcohol

The longest alcohol is retained in the blood, so when the traffic police have disagreements with the drivers about the presence of alcohol and a medical examination is done using a blood test, which shows most accurately how many ppm of alcohol in the body. When determining it in the air exhaled into the breathalyzer tube, one can still argue about whether a person drank alcohol or not. Perhaps he breathed in the vapor of alcohol emanating from the passenger. In the urine, the alcohol content is also difficult to accurately determine. I drank half a bucket of water, analysis after a while will show that the person is almost sober, although he still thinks with difficulty. With a blood test, everything is much more complicated. It can show the presence of alcohol for many hours and even several days.

The weathering rate of alcohol depends on the following factors:

  • What kind of alcohol did people drink. A glass of wine will disappear much sooner than the same amount of vodka. Strong drinks stay longer in the stomach. Moreover, due to the peculiarities of the composition, cognac erodes for a longer time than vodka, although they have the same strength;
  • Whether a person drinks regularly or rarely. For example, alcohol is hardly ever eroded from the body of an alcoholic. And from the body of a healthy, strong man, he erodes quickly. Accordingly, if he drinks 1.5 liters of beer or a glass of wine in the evening, then in the morning he can calmly drive, if he sleeps well for 8 hours;
  • The health status of the drinker. If a person has a sick liver, thyroid gland or there are some other serious health problems, then the neutralization and removal of alcohol from the body is difficult. It accumulates, affects the brain and central nervous system for more hours;
  • How much alcohol he took. The less drank, the faster alcohol disappears. A glass of wine is weathered sooner than a whole bottle.

After how much alcohol disappears in women and men, is there any difference? On average, alcohol disappears in men in fewer hours than in women. This is due to the peculiarities of the physiology of the female body and the flow of metabolism.

In a person with a lower body weight, alcohol in the body takes longer to process than for a strong man. In order for it to erode, it takes more hours.

How the alcohol weathering time depends on various factors can be seen in the following examples:

  • After drinking 100 grams of vodka, the blood alcohol content is 0.53 ppm for men and 0.63 for women. The time during which the alcohol disappears to an acceptable norm (0.16 ppm in air and 0.35 in blood) is 1 hour 10 minutes for men and 1 hour 51 minutes for women;
  • For complete weathering (0 ppm), it will take time for men 3 hours 30 minutes, and for women 4 hours 11 minutes.

Even such a low-alcoholic drink, like beer, can be present for a long time in the body in such quantities that cause weakening of attention, drowsiness, inability to react in time to a dangerous situation when the car is moving. In practice, drinking 1 liter of beer is the same as drinking 100 grams of vodka.

Some nonchalant people think that alcohol will disappear before anything bad happens. You can’t hope for it. It is better not to take risks, and to refrain from alcohol, if you have to control the machine.

On holidays, most people drink alcohol. The easy type of alcoholic drinks include beer, any wine and champagne; to heavy: vodka, cognac and whiskey. Very often it turns out that it is necessary to get behind the wheel after a feast. Therefore, drivers are worried about the eternal question: “How much does alcohol disappear from the body?”

In this case, the situation is rather ambiguous, because you need to take into account the gender of the person, his weight, height and equipment as a whole.

There is a special table, it indicates the number of hours for which alcohol leaves the bloodstream.

Alcohol Act

It is customary to measure alcohol in the body in ppm, that is, the amount of alcohol contained per liter of blood is determined. Thus, 1 ppm is equal to 1 gram of ethyl alcohol. For example, a beer of 500 grams has 25 grams. pure alcohol.

When measuring with a breathalyzer, data not exceeding 0.16% o on exhalation is allowed. In the results of a blood test, this ratio should not exceed 0.35 ppm. If these numbers are exceeded, a fine of 30,000 rubles or 1.5 years of deprivation for the first time, a second time deprivation of 2 years or a fine of 50,000 rubles is provided. This is far from small, therefore, if there was a lot of drunk, it is better to go by taxi.

As practical observations show, alcohol disappears from the male and female body in different ways, and both have a fairly long time:

  • Men: from 0.10 to 0.15 ‰ per hour.
  • Women: from 0.085 to 0.10 ‰ per hour.

Weathering time of different alcoholic drinks

In order to have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow long alcohol is weathering, you need to study the factors that influence this process. Among them are the following:

  • Physical state.
  • Mental state, stress, shock, psychological trauma.
  • Variety and strength.
  • The volume of drunk.
  • The amount of food eaten.
  • Body weight.
  • Temperature indoors and outdoors.

Different types of alcohol get out of the body after a different number of hours. There is a special useful table that shows the most famous types of alcohol and the time of their release. We will analyze these types of alcohol in more detail.

Beer Weathering Time

We will see this factor in an example. A man of average physique drinks beer in a volume of 1.5 liters of an ordinary fortress. When using the first glass, the readings of the breathalyzer are as follows: 0.62 ‰, which is much higher than, for example, in wine. Repeating the previous amount of beer shows 0.71 ‰ in the blood. After the third adoption, 0.62 ‰. Beer comes out of the blood almost instantly. Thus, beer erodes from the body much faster than vodka, whiskey or wine.

We come to the following conclusion:

  • 0.62 ppm shows after 1.5 l of beer.
  • 0.48 ppm - 1 hour.
  • 0.31 ppm - three hours.
  • 0.2 ppm - five hours.
  • 0 ppm after eight hours.

Wine weathering time

For the experiment, we take a girl who drinks dry red wine. 750 ml with a strength of 12 degrees. After one glass, readings at 0.48 ‰. In this case, it is strictly forbidden to drive a car.

After two glasses, this figure is already 0.68 ‰, and if it is a bottle, it will be 1.15 ppm. This indicates that the person is drunk and has a slow reaction. How much wine is weathered from the body, the dynamics of alcohol are as follows:

  • 1.15 ‰ after consumption.
  • 1.35 ‰ after one hour.
  • 0.75 ‰ after three hours.
  • 0.2 ‰ shows eight hours later.
  • 0 ‰ in 12 hours.

Vodka Release Time

In this case, the man will use a vodka in a volume of 50 ml and a strength of 40 degrees. After the first glass, the breathalyzer readings are 0.8 ‰, and after two only 0.2 ‰. After the third glass of vodka or whiskey, they amounted to 2.75 ‰.

This difference is explained by the fact that this type of alcohol is initially absorbed in the human stomach, and then into the bloodstream. The degree of weathering is shown in the following table:

  • 2.75 ‰ after 350 g of vodka.
  • 2.75 ‰ after 1 hour.
  • 1.1 ‰ after 4 hours.
  • 0 ‰ after 12 hours.

The weathering of alcohol is influenced by the number of ppm, age, gender, weight and many other factors.

Stages of intoxication

During periods of fatigue or starvation, even small doses of alcohol can cause severe intoxication. With a healthy psychological state, the effect of alcohol is significantly reduced. There are three stages of intoxication:

Not always a person can wait a day for alcohol, for example, vodka, to completely disappear. Therefore, drivers resort to various methods of quick sobering. Here are a few recommendations that will help reduce the degree of intoxication in the shortest possible time:

  • It is not recommended to mix alcohol with coffee, tea or various tonic drinks, as they help to slow the withdrawal of alcohol.
  • For a quarter of an hour, you can take 4 tablets of activated charcoal, then you should drink another 2 tablets per hour. But their number should not be more than 20. Activated carbon has adsorbing properties, so it makes the absorption of alcohol slow.
  • If you drink a lot of liquid, then the alcohol will disappear faster. In this case, orange and grapefruit juices are considered useful.
  • With severe intoxication, it is recommended to drink a tablet of Glycine, Limontar or Biotredin.
  • A pair of Antipolitic tablets will not remove alcohol from the body, but it will hide the smell of fumes.


All data shown may vary from person to person. However, in any case, it should be understood that after a feast, it is better not to drive before the morning of the next day. This will avoid unpleasant situations or accidents on the road, as well as lose their rights. The best solution would be to refuse alcohol on the eve of the planned trip.