French-style meat in the oven - simple and tasty recipes. “Meat in French”: recipes and cooking tips

17.10.2019 Vegetable Dishes

Meat in French - for some reason we call it meat cooked in layers with potatoes and cheese. The whole world, except for the countries of the former Soviet Union, calls it “Orlovsky meat”, or rather, “Veal Orlov”, since the creator of the dish was the cook of Count Alexei Orlov. He made a casserole of veal, potatoes, onions and mushrooms, baked with bechamel sauce with cheese.

In the simplified version, which we now call - meat in French, mushrooms are rarely consumed, meat is most often consumed by pork or beef, and instead of sauce, mayonnaise.

If you want to compare meat in French and meat in Russian, and you will immediately understand how many French cooks lived in Russia, but you won’t understand how these dishes differ

How to cook meat in French - recipes with photos step by step

French meat is very simple to make. Carefully follow the steps that are listed in the recipes below and you will succeed. You cook juicy, tasty meat. But in French it or in Russian, it does not matter.

  1.   French meat dressing with mayonnaise or sour cream


  • Meat (pork) - 600-800 g.
  • Hard cheese - 200-300 g.
  • Potato - 4-5 pcs.
  • Onions - 4-5 pcs.
  • Fresh rosemary
  • Hot peppers
  • Milk - 300 ml.
  • Mayonnaise - 150 ml. (1/2 cup)
  • Sour cream - 150 ml.
  • Berries - Barberry
  • Salt - 1/3 tsp
  • Black pepper to taste
  • Hop seasoning - suneli (1/2 tsp - for seasoning with sour cream only)

Do not try to strictly observe all the parameters, grams and proportions of the ingredients. Make it fit your shape. You can put something more, but something less. Something you can not use at all. Everything to taste. Do not be afraid, experiment.


1. First we prepare all the ingredients. I will not write that potatoes and meat must be washed and peeled onions, you already know that.

2. Cut the potatoes into thin slices.

4. The meat is cut into thin plates.

To make it easier to cut meat into thin plates, put it on the watch for an hour in the freezer.

5. Onion cut into thin rings. In general, when we are preparing to bake these products together, everything needs to be cut thinly. Rub cheese on a coarse grater. All ingredients are ready.

6. We take a baking sheet that suits us in size, if there is no baking sheet, buy disposable foil forms in the store, they are inexpensive, well grease it with butter. Do not forget to always coat the sides and spread the potatoes in one layer there. Do not leave voids between potato slices. This is where small pieces of potatoes come in handy.

7. Salt the potatoes and sprinkle a little rosemary. I emphasize - a little. If you do not have fresh, you can use dry.

8. Put the meat in one layer on the potatoes.

9. Add salt, pepper and add a little barberry. There are many recipes for meat in French. This is one of the options. You can immediately put finely chopped hot pepper, only without seeds. Even if you like spicy, put quite a bit.

10. The next layer lay onion. We put the onion on the meat, so that when it starts to secrete juice, the meat is soaked in this juice. From this, the meat will become softer and tastier. Salt, this time a layer of onions. In general, each layer must be added, then the taste will be uniform. Do not overdo it, pour a little salt.

11. Now cover the onion layer with a layer of potatoes. Again, try to close completely, without leaving voids. You have a lot of small circles, resulting from the ends of potatoes, when you just started cutting, use them.

13. The time for refueling has come. As you remember, we rubbed cheese on a coarse grater.

14. Pour potatoes with cheese. Do not spare cheese, since they have begun to prepare such a dish, the extra 50 grams of cheese will not greatly increase your expenses, but they will improve your taste for sure. Take hard cheese. He is best suited to this dish. You can certainly use soft, but hard is better.

15. Make a fill. Take mayonnaise and mix with milk. We should get a pretty liquid fill, about like a thick cream.

16. Pour our dish over cheese with this mixture. Refueling should fill out your form by about 1/3.

17. If you do not like mayonnaise, take sour cream, also mix with milk and add a little bit of hops - suneli. Stir everything and pour this mixture.

18. We made two forms. One with mayonnaise filling and the second, small with sour cream filling. All our forms are ready for baking.

19. We put in the oven preheated to 200 °, for about 1 hour 20 minutes - 1 hour 30 minutes, but not less than 1 hour. It all depends on the oven and ingredients. Check the readiness of meat and potatoes. Poke with a fork or knife, if they pass easily through the potatoes, and the crust is already rosy, then our meat is ready in French.

20, We take it out of the oven, do not put the forms on the table, put it on the coasters, put the portioned pieces on plates, serve with sauerkraut, vegetables, decorate with cranberries or any other berry. You can serve an extra sauce that you like.

21. And here I want to show how easy it is to work with the form of foil. We cut the form on both sides in the corners, it is cut easily with ordinary kitchen scissors.

22. And easily spread the contents on a plate.

Well, we have done everything, it's time for the table.

Bon Appetit!


  • Pork meat
  • Ground black pepper
  • Coriander
  • Onion
  • Mayonnaise
  • Hard cheese


1. For meat, we have pork tenderloin with fat on the sides, cut fat, you can not cut if you want. Our meat is a little thick, so we cut a piece along, divide it into two pieces.

2. Now the meat must be beaten off. There are two ways to do this: either beat off with a special hammer or we have such a special tender device.

Tenderizer is a device for softening meat. Tenderizing does not violate the structure of the meat and its appearance. A piece of meat is pierced in hundreds of places with sharp knives, softens it for quick cooking, softness and juiciness.

3. Often there are round tenderizer, but one with 48 knives, well, just a treasure. Imagine, they spanked quickly 10 times and 480 holes. Moreover, the meat retains its shape and integrity of the structure. You can even use a tender when simply frying meat in a pan. It will be fast and very tasty. I don’t know if you will see holes in the photo, but believe me there are a lot of them. And so we do with all the meat.

4. Something we lingered on meat. Let's move on. We take the form, who has what, if not, buy a one-time form in the store, it's inexpensive. We have glass. Sprinkle the form with vegetable oil and a little bit, slightly sprinkle with salt the bottom of the form. Put the beaten meat in the form. Pieces are stacked tightly to each other. Top each piece with salt. Do not overdo it. But if you do not salt, the meat will be fresh.

5. Sprinkle with ground black pepper, you can add a little hot pepper, if you like it sharper, I always add, and sprinkle a little coriander. It gives a very pleasant, unusual taste. Grease each piece of meat with mayonnaise. Someone loves a thick layer of mayonnaise, we will lubricate a thin layer.

6. All of our meat is covered with onions. If you like the onion to feel and crunch a little, cut the onion into large pieces. We cut into medium.

7. On top generously fall asleep with grated cheese. Our meat is ready for baking.

8. The meat is sent to the oven, preheated to 200 ° for 30-40 minutes, until our meat is covered with a golden crust. Our meat is very thin and well beaten, so he does not need much time.

9. Removed the meat from the oven. What a beauty. Now it remains to arrange on serving plates and serve with vegetables. For decoration, put some berries.

Bon Appetit!

  1.   French meat with potatoes in the oven recipe with photo


  • Any meat
  • Potatoes,
  • Onion
  • Hard cheese,
  • Mayonnaise - to taste
  • Salt, pepper - to taste
  • Mustard - to taste

I specifically do not give you proportion. Decide for yourself how much and what you need. First, estimate how much you will have a person, each of a piece of meat, or half, or forms need 3 pieces. Then estimate the size of your form, how much will fit there. Accordingly, also for each product.


1. Potatoes grated on a coarse grater. Grate one potato and immediately put the grated mass in water. Add a couple teaspoons of salt. This is so that our potatoes do not turn black.

2. We beat the meat with a special hammer, well, if there is no such hammer, beat it off with the sharp end of a simple hammer through cellophane. Be careful. Do not hit hard. These are not nails.

3. Salt each piece of meat and pepper to taste. Grease every piece of mustard. You can be sharp, you can not really love that. Mustard gives the meat a piquant taste.

4. Cut the onion into thin half rings to bake. Many do not like not quite baked onions. We remember the onion with our hands so that it breaks into straws and starts giving juice.

5. We have a glass mold, grease it with vegetable oil and put it there, taken out of the water and well-wrung potatoes. We don’t salt the potatoes; it has already salted in our water. Put the meat on the potatoes. Put the onion on the meat so that it completely covers the meat.

6. Grate cheese on a medium grater in a separate plate and add mayonnaise there. Mix. So cheese when baked will not be a dry crust. Mayonnaise will not let the cheese immediately brown. The dish will be still raw, and the cheese is already brown. With mayonnaise, this will all be baked gradually.

7. Put the cheese in a mold and even out evenly over the entire surface. The dish is ready for baking.

8. Put in the oven preheated to 180 °, 30-40 minutes, until the top crust is browned. Check the meat by piercing with a knife or fork. It should be soft. Take the meat out of the oven. It stood for 40 minutes, the oven was turned off and allowed to stand for another 10-15 minutes. The meat is ready.

What a delicious meat turned out. Separate the serving and put on a serving plate. Well, is it possible to resist here. Rather try.

Bon Appetit!

  1.   French meat recipe with photo step by step


  • Potatoes - 7-8 pcs.
  • Pork meat - 700 g.
  • Onions - 3-4 heads
  • Garlic - 5 cloves
  • Hard cheese - 100-150 g.
  • Salt, pepper, spices - to taste
  • Mustard - 2 tsp
  • Soy sauce - 2 tablespoons
  • Mayonnaise
  • Bay leaf - 2-3 pcs.
  • Rosemary - a pinch (optional)


1. The meat is beaten until thin. Put in a deep cup, sprinkle with seasoning for meat.

2. Add a couple of spoons of mustard, squeeze the garlic, pepper to taste. Grind in your hands a small pinch of rosemary. Do not overdo it. Pour a couple of spoons of soy sauce and mix well with your hands. Cover the meat with a lid and set aside to marinate. It’s good to do this 2-3 hours before cooking.

3. Cut the potatoes in thin semicircles and fill them with water so that they do not turn black.

4. Onions are also cut into thin half rings. We always put a lot of onions. It gives juiciness to meat and taste.

5. Rub the cheese on a coarse grater.

6. Wipe the baking sheet with vegetable oil and spread the potatoes. We spread it so that there are no voids, covering the bottom completely. Lightly salt the potatoes.

7. The next layer spread the chopped onion, and on it pieces of already pickled meat. Slightly salted again. Sprinkle with spices and add a couple of leaves of bay leaf.

8. On top again, generously spread the onions. Cover the onion with a layer of potatoes. Salt a little potatoes, pepper.

9. From above everything is covered with cheese. Cheese, do not regret it; it is one of the main ingredients in this dish. Top cheese seasoned with mayonnaise, evenly distributing it over the entire surface.

10. Put in the oven preheated to 180 ° for 40-50 minutes. Time depends on the power of the oven. The meat is ready.

The most important thing in the preparation of this dish is that the meat is completely covered with a vegetable pillow. Then the dish turns out juicy and very tasty.

Well, put the piece on a portioned dish and try. Our meat in French was very tasty.

Bon Appetit!


  • Beef meat - 500-600 g.
  • Onion - 2 heads
  • Large tomatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise
  • Salt pepper
  • Hard cheese


1. We put a piece of already chopped meat in a plastic bag and beat off.

2. Cut the onion into thin slices, also cut the tomatoes into thin slices.

3. Cheese grated on a coarse grater.

4. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil. Put the beaten meat on a baking sheet. Salt the meat a little, pepper and gently brush with mayonnaise.

5. On top of each piece of meat, spread the onion rings. Spread more onions. It will give juiciness and taste to meat.

6. Onion spread circles of tomatoes. Try to cover the piece completely. Salt quite a bit of tomatoes and for an amateur, you can pepper.

7. Put the mayonnaise on the tomatoes and evenly distribute them over the tomatoes.

8. Put in the oven preheated to 180 ° for an hour, but after 45 minutes take out for a while to sprinkle with cheese.

9. Take out the pan in 45 minutes. Pour some boiled hot water into the pan.

10. Sprinkle cheese on each piece. We send to the oven for another 15 minutes. We are waiting for the cheese to melt.

OK it's all over Now. Our meat is ready in French. Serve on portioned plates with a side dish of mashed potatoes. You can serve with any side dish or even without a side dish, if enough for everyone. Serve vegetables as a supplement.

Bon Appetit!

  1.   French meat recipe in the oven with potatoes

  1.   Video - French Beef Meat

  1.   Video - French meat in the oven

  1.   Video -Fast Meat in French

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Greetings, my dear blog guests! Want to please your family with a sumptuous dinner? To do this, it is enough to cook the meat in French in the oven and serve it beautifully on the table. A simple but very tasty dish. Believe me, rave reviews are guaranteed to you.

By the way, my friends, they don’t even know about this dish in France. The creator of this dish was really the French chef Urbain Dubois. He only made his discovery in Russia. For the first time he prepared this dish for the favorite of Catherine II - Count Alexei Orlov. Naturally, that original recipe, while it came to us, has undergone many changes. Therefore, it is unlikely that any of us will be able to taste the food in that performance.

I want to give a couple of words to the choice of meat. Take not very fatty pieces. The ideal option is the neck and loin.

Pay attention to the color of the fat layer. A yellowish tint is not acceptable. This is a sure sign that the product is not the first freshness.

It will not be superfluous to conduct an elasticity test. To do this, just push on a piece. If it’s easy to miss, then give up the purchase, as they are most likely trying to sell you frozen pork.

To prepare the dish you need to take:

  • Pork tenderloin - 1.5 kilos
  • Mayonnaise - 150-200 g.
  • Potatoes - 1.5 kg.
  • Tomatoes - 500 g.
  • Onion - 2 heads
  • Hard cheese - 350-400 g.
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons
  • Pepper and salt to taste
  • Water - 0.5 cups
  • Dill - a few twigs
  • Dry greens - optional

Cooking Technology:

1. Pork cut into slices 2 cm thick. And lightly beat off. The main thing here is without fanaticism, the meat must retain its shape.

It would be nice to use a tender. This is such a compact fixture, which is equipped with many metal spikes. It makes numerous punctures on meat. Through these holes it is more evenly absorbed in spices. In addition, it is very quickly fried and does not lose its juiciness.

2. Peel my potatoes and cut them into thin slices. So he will cook faster. We add it, add a spoonful of oil here and mix everything.

3. Chop the garlic cloves into small slices. Grind greens and pour garlic into a bowl of mayonnaise. Pour water there. Then mix the ingredients of the sauce.

Separately, we cut a pair of peeled onions into thin half rings.

4. Pour oil on a baking sheet and lay out an even layer of potato circles. Pour it over with our sauce. Now you need to distribute half the cooked onions. On it we will lay slices of pickled meat.

6. We preheated the oven to 200 degrees. A baking sheet goes there for 30-40 minutes. After this time, we take out of the oven and check the meat for readiness. Sprinkle the dish with dry herbs and grated cheese. Let the dish go for another 10 minutes in the oven. That's all. We invite everyone to the table.

French beef recipe video with tomato and cheese

I saw this video on the “Artegusto Recipes” channel and could not pass by. I was surprised that the guy cut such huge pieces of beef. I thought: - how will he fry them? But, when he repulsed them with a metal hammer, they became very thin. See how cleverly it turns out.


  • Beef Pulp - 600 gr.
  • Potato - 400 gr.
  • Onions - 2 pcs.
  • Tomatoes - 3-4 pcs.
  • Hard cheese - 120 gr.
  • Salt and pepper - to taste

This video uses beef. If you manage to buy veal, then the dish will turn out even tastier.

How to Cook French Pork with Potatoes and Mushrooms in French

This dish is quite high in calories. However, those who are not afraid of this will get unforgettable pleasure. Pork in combination with potatoes, mushrooms, onions and cheese. Is it possible to refuse such yummy?

A few words about mushrooms. You can use both fresh and frozen. If you decide to take forest mushrooms, before adding them, be sure to boil them in salted water.

Purchased champignons or oyster mushrooms should also not be added without prior heat treatment. It is better to fry them, and only then send them to the baking dish.

If you use fresh decide, during the baking of meat in French they will let the juice, so the rest of the products will not be baked, but cooked. But frozen mushrooms must be thawed before adding.

Here's what you need:

  • Pork - 0.5 kg.
  • Potato - 0.5 kg.
  • Champignons - 200 gr.
  • Onion - 1 head
  • Sour cream - 100 gr.
  • Cheese that melts easily (for example, Suluguni or Mozzarella) - 70-100 gr.
  • Ground black pepper and salt - to taste
  • Vegetable oil - as much as you want
  • Greens - a couple of branches

How to cook:

1. First, peel the potato tubers, rinse them and cut into plastics. Lubricate the baking dish with oil and move the workpiece into it. Lightly salt and pepper.

2. Shred the onion in half rings, and the champignons in thin slices and fry them together in a pan with butter. Do not forget to stir. After 10 minutes, remove from heat and let cool slightly. Then put in an even layer on top of the potato slices.

3. Pork cut into slices 1.5-2 cm thick and beat.

So that after you do not have to clean the kitchen for a long time, cover the meat with a plastic bag or cling film. And then just beat him with a hammer.

Arrange the pieces of meat on a mushroom layer. Salt and pepper again.

4. Top grease pork with sour cream mixed with grated cheese. Cover the form with foil and place in the oven preheated to 210-220 degrees for 45-50 minutes.

5. 10 minutes before ready, remove the foil. Due to this, a crispy crust appears on the surface. Serve this yummy hot if sprinkled with chopped herbs.

French fries chicken in the oven

Chicken meat is cooked quickly, is inexpensive and very low-calorie. Therefore, we are happy to cook a breast with potatoes and cheese. In addition, it looks very presentable. Therefore, when serving such refreshments to the festive table, a sensation is ensured.

To cook chicken in French in the oven, I advise you to use the poultry loin. Ideally, it should be fresh or chilled.

But it is better to refuse to use the frozen product, since with it the food will be dry and not so tasty

Yes, and about the cheese. It doesn’t matter: you can use hard or soft. And then even replace it with feta cheese or cream cheese.

This yummy is prepared from such products:

  • Chicken Breast (Double) - Medium
  • Potato - 2 large tubers
  • Onions - 1 head
  • Tomatoes - 2 pieces
  • Cheese - 100 g
  • Olive oil - a little
  • Salt - a couple of pinches
  • Mayonnaise -60-70 g
  • A mixture of peppers - a little bit

Features of the technological process:

1. Peel the potatoes, rinse and chop. You can thinly cut with a knife. But it’s more convenient to grate on a special grater that cuts circles. So less time will be spent on preparing the ingredient, and the slices will be more beautiful. Be sure to fill in the slices for a couple of minutes with cold water. This will help get rid of excess starch.

2. Peeled onions with chopped half rings, tomato slices. We wash the chicken fillet and cut off the fat and films available here. Then we cut the meat into 1 cm thick plates.

3. We begin to lay the products on a greased baking sheet. The first layer is potatoes, which must be pre-salt, pepper and drizzle with vegetable oil.

4. The second layer will be chicken. It also needs to be slightly crushed with pepper and seasoned with salt.

5. Then we line the onion layer, and then lay out the tomatoes. You can still add some salt. Next, evenly apply mayonnaise and sprinkle it with grated cheese.

Instead of mayonnaise, you can make bechamel sauce. Melt in a saucepan 50 g of butter, add 40 g of wheat flour to it. While stirring, cook the mixture for 2 minutes over low heat. Pour a half-liter of cold milk into a thin stream. Stir again. Bring the sauce to a boil, then simmer another 10 minutes on a tiny fire. Salt, season with pepper and chopped nutmeg.

6. Cover the dishes with a sheet of foil and send it to the oven. The temperature at which should not exceed 180 degrees. Bake for 40 minutes, then remove the “lid”. And we continue to brown the dish for another 13-15 minutes. Serve this delicacy I advise with herbs and fresh vegetables. Cucumbers with tomatoes will be an excellent option.

French meat with pineapple and cheese at home

Real gourmets will appreciate this food option. This is an unusual dish that combines the taste of juicy meat, cheese and sweet pineapples. By the way, you can make both with canned fruits and with fresh ones. Preparing a delicacy without potatoes.

You can take any meat for this masterpiece. For example, chicken or turkey fillet, veal, pork. Yes, and you can also experiment with the sauce. Here mayonnaise and natural yogurt, and even sour cream.

Cook meat in French with pineapple for the New Year. You will see that it does not linger on the table for a long time. Maybe before January 1, she won’t even live. Guests will gobble everything up in a flash.

And you need to stock up on the following products:

  • Tenderloin
  • Onions - 3 pieces
  • Canned Pineapples - Can
  • Hard cheese - 300 g
  • Mayonnaise - a few spoons
  • Salt to taste
  • Pepper mixture - a little
  • Vegetable oil - a little
  • Lemon - Half
  • Red berries (lingonberries, cranberries or currants) - a couple of handfuls

How to bake:

1. Wash the tenderloin and wipe with a paper towel. Then cut it into pieces up to 2 cm thick.

Please note: their number should correspond to how many pineapple rings you have. Otherwise, some of the guests will not get a surprise.

2. Thoroughly beat off the meat. Sprinkle with pepper and salt. And also sprinkle with a small amount of lemon juice. Half a lemon is enough.

3. Thin rings or half rings chop the onion. And three grater cheese.

4. Lubricate the pan with oil. We spread the meat pieces, send the onion from above. Then grease with mayonnaise, put pineapple rings and sprinkle with cheese.

5. Place the billet in the oven for 30-35 minutes. This yummy is cooked at a temperature of 190 degrees. Sprinkle the finished dish with frozen or fresh berries. Garnish with sprigs of greenery if desired. Guests will be on strike!

A simple French meat recipe with minced meat and potatoes

This dish can be made not only with whole pieces of meat. Any stuffing is quite suitable for yourself. And the cooking time will be significantly reduced. Believe me, neither the nutritional properties, nor the appearance of the dish will suffer.

Moreover, I advise you to take minced assorted, that is mixed. This will only improve the palatability of the food. Our "meatballs" are baked with potatoes, onions, mushrooms and cheese. Therefore, the dish does not require an additional side dish. This is all inclusive.

The composition of this dish is as follows:

  • Stuffing - 400 g
  • Onions - 3 heads
  • Any cheese - 300 g
  • Mushrooms - 0.5 kilos
  • Potatoes - 4-5 pieces
  • Hot pepper salt to taste
  • Mayonnaise - 3-4 tablespoons
  • Oil is a bit

Features of the preparation:

1. Onions are chopped into thin rings, potatoes into slices, and champignons into slices. Grind the cheese on a grater.

2. We grease the baking dish with oil and tightly lay the whole bottom with potato circles. We lay onion rings on top, which I advise you to add a little salt and pepper.

Remember, in this case, in no case can you add eggs, because during the heat treatment it will become harsh.

4. Then spread the mushrooms. Then evenly distribute mayonnaise, and cheese on it.

5. Now put this form in the oven heated to 200 degrees. Half an hour is enough for readiness. Before you remove the baking sheet from the oven, still check if all the ingredients have been baked. Since the potato will be prepared the longest, you need to focus on it. Poke it from different sides. If the pieces are soft, then it's time to convene everyone to taste a tasty and simple treat.

How to cook meat in French in the oven

1. To reduce the cooking time, use raw or grated raw potatoes. You can also take mashed potatoes. In general, there are many options.

2. As I said earlier, in order for the meat to be soft and juicy, it needs to be beaten a little. But this is not the only secret. It turns out that an important detail is the location of the pieces on a baking sheet. Try to put them closer to each other. This will reduce the evaporation of juice.

3. If you do not like coarsely chopped onions, no one forbids chopping it into cubes. The same is true for other components, for example, mushrooms can be cut into strips.

4. To prevent the cheese crust from being too hard, grease it with mayonnaise on top before putting the dish in the oven.

French meat in the oven is cooked in restaurants and in cozy home kitchens; he is adored by ardent meat-eaters and lovers of meat treats “diluted” with vegetables. French meat is a delicious and beautiful dish with an incredibly appetizing onion flavor! It’s actually very simple to prepare it: your presence will be needed only at the initial stage. Well, then the oven will cook everything by itself!

The first step-by-step photo recipe involves the preparation of this dish from pork, the second - from beef. You can use any kind of meat (beef, lamb, turkey, chicken ...) at your discretion.

French-style pork for meat needs to be chosen without bones - such as for regular chops. To prepare this dish, in addition to the components themselves, you will need a kitchen hammer with two different size cloves, a kitchen board, as well as a conventional oven that allows you to bake 180 degrees in temperature.


  • Pork - 500 g
  • Onions medium size - 2 pcs.,
  • Cheese - 300 g
  • Mayonnaise - 150 g
  • Salt - 1 tbsp.,
  • Ground black pepper - 1 tsp without a hill
  • Vegetable oil for baking dish processing.


1. Rinse the meat under running water and pat it with a napkin or paper towel to collect excess water. Place the pork on a kitchen board and cut it into slices up to 1 cm thick with a sharp, wide knife.

2. Well beat off each piece on both sides, first with the larger teeth of the hammer, and then with the smaller ones. The meat should become thin and translucent. Properly beaten meat is a guarantee that the dish will cook quickly in the oven.

3. On a separate plate, pour salt and pepper, mix them with your fingers.

4. Wipe off each slice of pork on both sides with this spice mixture. Cover the baking sheet with baking parchment, grease it with vegetable oil (it takes 1 tsp of oil to the entire baking sheet) and put the peppered pieces of meat. They must be placed tightly so that between the pieces there are as few gaps as possible. During baking, meat fat can get into these gaps and start to burn, which is very undesirable.

5. Peel and chop the onions in half rings. The thickness of onion slices will also affect the cooking time: thin onions will be cooked much sooner, but large pieces will make you languish in anticipation of this fragrant onion-meat dish. After cutting the onion, separate its half rings and put them on the meat.

6. Pour the onion meat into thin strips of mayonnaise.

7. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater and chop the meat with it. To make portions of meat in French turned out beautiful, it is better to distribute the cheese clearly over each of them.

Place the meat on a baking sheet in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake for 30 minutes. To check the readiness of the dish, cut a slice of one portion (always with onions, because it can also be raw!) And try it.

The meat is ready in French! In fact, cooking it is much simpler and faster than the same chops: you do not need to stand in the kitchen and fry every bite. Yes, and it turns out delicious and festive in an original way. Bon Appetit!

French meat: recipe and photo from Victoria.

The second recipe for this dish with beef and potatoes:

French beef meat with potatoes

This is a dish that perfectly combines the two most popular ingredients in our country - meat and potatoes. And although it bears such a name, it has practically nothing in common with France. According to the history of the recipe, this dish was served in France by the notorious Russian Count Orlov. But since then, they haven’t cooked it in France anymore, and today, when mentioning meat in French it is in this version that the French, and everyone who is familiar with their cuisine, make big, surprised eyes.

Be that as it may, meat in French is a tasty, satisfying dish. In the classic version, it is prepared from beef, potatoes, onions, cheese and mayonnaise. We will replace the mayonnaise with sour cream in order to make the dish less fat. Not afraid of extra calories? Feel free to use mayonnaise!

French meat is cooked a little over an hour. The indicated amount of ingredients is designed for 4-5 servings.

Surprisingly, the meat in French has nothing to do with France. The dish was invented in Russia, and all over the world it is called "Veal in Oryol". A recipe is named in honor of Count Orlov, who once tasted in Paris baked béchamel with cheese, potatoes, veal, mushrooms and onions.

Upon arrival at his homeland, he requested the cooks to repeat this delicious dish. We can observe various variations of this particular repetition on holidays at our tables. Regardless of the chosen recipe, we get the aroma knocking down your appetizingness, as well as a great taste.

French pork meat in the oven - step by step photo recipe

Pork and potatoes are a win-win option for both a casual dinner and a festive feast. And the meat in French is one of the simple and tasty dishes, which is quickly prepared and eaten just as quickly by satisfied households and guests.

There are many options for preparing this dish. This recipe is affordable, which does not require special culinary skills, and the result is to lick your fingers!

Time for preparing:  1 hour 20 minutes

Quantity: 4 servings


  • Pork: 500 g
  • Large potato:5 pieces.
  • Onion: 3 pcs.
  • Tomatoes: 3 pcs.
  • Sour cream: 200 ml
  • Hard cheese: 200 g
  • Salt, pepper: to taste

Cooking instruction

French meat with tomatoes - a juicy and tasty dish

Here is a wonderful meat snack, a real decoration of a festive feast and any family dinner. The recipe indicates pork, but in fact you can freely use any other type of meat.

Do not forget to beat it off thoroughly and season it with your favorite spices. Naturally, chicken or turkey poultry will cook faster than other types of meat, so control this process and adjust the time spent in the oven.

An excellent garnish for a juicy meat chop in French is rice and a vegetable salad in olive oil.

Essential Ingredients:

  • 6 slices of pork;
  • 1 sweet onion;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • 0.15 kg of hard cheese;
  • salt, spices, mayonnaise.

Stages of cooking:

  1. Washed and dried with a paper towel a piece of pork we cut, like chops, into thick layers of 1 cm in thickness.
  2. We cover each of the pieces with cling film and in the most thorough way knock them out with a hammer on both sides.
  3. Season with salt and spices.
  4. Grease the baking sheet with oil
  5. We spread our chops on it, each of which is coated with mayonnaise.
  6. We peel the onion and chop it with thin rings.
  7. Washed tomatoes are cut into circles. Try to select the most fleshy vegetables.
  8. Rub the cheese on the middle edge of the grater.
  9. We put onion rings, tomato mugs on the meat, grease the sauce again, sprinkle with cheese, bake in a heated oven.

How to cook french fries with potatoes

To prepare this recipe, we recommend using young potatoes. With the onset of the harvest season, this only matured root crop is a frequent guest on our tables, therefore we offer to bake it by analogy with the famous and beloved meat in French.

Essential Ingredients:

  • 5 potatoes;
  • 1 slice of chicken;
  • 1 onion;
  • 3 garlic prongs;
  • 0.1 kg of cheese;
  • salt, spices, mayonnaise.

Cooking order  French meat with new potatoes:

  1. Separate thoroughly washed and dried meat from bones, skins. Cut into small pieces and beat off with a hammer.
  2. Add the garlic passed through the press to the fillet, add and season with spices. Set aside for about 20 minutes, during which time the meat should be slightly marinated.
  3. Turn on the oven to heat up.
  4. Cut the peeled onions in half rings.
  5. Three washed and peeled potatoes on a grater for shredding cabbage or thinly cut into rings.
  6. Three cheese on the verge of a grater with small cells.
  7. Lubricate the baking dish with oil, put meat, onion half rings, salted potatoes, mayonnaise on its bottom, sprinkle evenly with cheese and send to bake in the oven for about an hour.

French Meat Recipe with Mushrooms

The originality of this recipe is that each piece of pork will be baked separately, wrapped in foil with delicious Dutch sauce, and not traditional mayonnaise, potatoes and mushrooms.

Essential Ingredients:

  • 0.4 kg of pork;
  • 0.3 l of Dutch sauce (beat 3 yolks in a steam bath, add 50 ml of dry wine, a little lemon juice and 200 g of ghee, add);
  • 3 potato tubers;
  • 0.15 kg of mushrooms;
  • 30 ml of olive oil;
  • salt, pepper, fresh herbs.

Cooking steps  French meat with mushrooms:

  1. For this recipe, it is better to take a tenderloin, so the end result will be soft and juicy. Wash the meat and wipe dry with a paper towel, cut into several not very thin layers (about 3 cm). Softening pork will help hammering with sharp teeth that break the fibers.
  2. Lubricate the meat with olive oil, add and pepper, wrapped in a film, leave for half an hour.
  3. Fry pieces of meat in a pan for several minutes on both sides.
  4. Cut the peeled potatoes into thin slices, put in a separate bowl, mix with salt, herbs and oil.
  5. Pass the finely chopped onions in hot oil.
  6. Thinly cut the mushrooms.
  7. We make a tin mold with high sides, put it into a piece of meat, grease it with Dutch sauce, then put onions, potatoes, sauce and mushrooms again.
  8. We put in a hot oven, sprinkle with cheese in half an hour and wait about another quarter of an hour, after which you can get it.

Let's experiment with the familiar dish of the festive table and replace its classic ingredient - hard cheese with feta cheese. You will definitely like the result.

Essential Ingredients:

  • 0.75 kg of pork;
  • 1 onion;
  • 0.2 kg of feta cheese;
  • 0.5 kg of potatoes;
  • salt, pepper, mayonnaise / sour cream.

Stages of cooking:

  1. Cut the pork into portions, like chops. We repel each, season with spices.
  2. Lubricate the heat-resistant form with oil, put the meat on it.
  3. We chop the peeled onion with ringlets, distribute it to pieces of meat.
  4. Cut the potato into small sticks, put it on the onion. If desired, you can supplement the recipe with mushrooms and tomatoes.
  5. Knead the feta cheese with your hands, add a little mayonnaise / sour cream to it, mix thoroughly.
  6. Put the homogeneous cheese mass on the potatoes, level them.
  7. Bake in a preheated oven for a little over an hour.

Delicate French meat recipe with minced meat

To prepare delicious meat in French with a minimum expenditure of time and effort, the recipe below will help.

Essential Ingredients:

  • 0.4 kg of mixed meat;
  • 0.5 kg of potatoes;
  • 2 garlic prongs;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 2 onions;
  • 0.15 kg of cheese;
  • Salt, spices, mayonnaise.

Cooking steps  lazy meat in french:

  1. Cut the peeled potatoes into slices.
  2. Grease a heat-resistant form with fat. Crush the potato with spices, salt and add a little oil, mix well and distribute it evenly on the bottom.
  3. We spread onion cut into half rings on the potato, if desired, it can be pre-fried until golden brown.
  4. Salt the prepared stuffing, squeeze the garlic into it through a press, add a little (half a glass) of water to give a delicate consistency.
  5. Spread on a layer of onions, and then put the rings of tomato and cheese mixed with mayonnaise.
  6. The baking time in a preheated oven is approximately 1.5 hours.

The classic veal or pork in a French meat recipe can easily be replaced with less fat chicken. It is prepared both in a general heat-resistant form, and in small portioned molds.

Essential Ingredients:

  • chicken breast;
  • 0.15 kg of cheese;
  • 4 potato tubers;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • a glass of sour cream;
  • spices, salt.

Cooking steps  French meat from chicken:

  1. We wash the breast, separate the meat from the bones and skin, cut it into small plates, each of which is covered with a film and beat off with a hammer on both sides.
  2. We cover a small baking sheet with foil, put the meat on it, season and salt it.
  3. Lubricate the meat with sour cream, put peeled potatoes chopped into cubes on top, and tomato circles on it.
  4. Bake for about 40 minutes, then sprinkle with cheese and bake for another quarter hour.

How to Make Delicious Beef French Meat

Essential Ingredients:

  • 0.8 kg of potato tubers;
  • 6 onions;
  • 0.75 kg of beef;
  • 10 medium champignons;
  • 0.5 kg of cheese;
  • Salt, pepper mayonnaise.

Cooking order  French reference meat option:

  1. We rinse and dry the meat, remove excess fat, hymen and veins. Cut into meat into layers about 1 cm thick.
  2. Wrap the pieces of beef in a film, carefully beat off with a hammer or the back of the knife.
  3. We transfer the beaten beef to a separate container, add and pepper.
  4. Wash and peel the potatoes, cut into thin plates.
  5. Shred the peeled onions.
  6. Washed mushrooms cut into 4 parts.
  7. Grate the cheese on the verge of a grater with medium cells.
  8. We dilute mayonnaise with warm water to give it a more fluid consistency and reduce fat content.
  9. The bottom of the heat-resistant form, baking sheet or cast-iron frying pan with high sides is greased with oil. It is convenient for these purposes to use a pastry brush.
  10. Lay out layers of potato plates, then meat, and onion and mushrooms on it. For uniform baking, carefully distribute the products in shape.
  11. Distribute the mayonnaise mass over the top layer with a tablespoon and sprinkle with grated cheese.
  12. Bake in a preheated oven for about 40 minutes. Before we get it, we check the readiness of the dish, maybe he will need extra time.
  13. Turning off the oven, let our meat “calm down” in French and cool a little for about a quarter of an hour.
  14. Lightly cooled food is cut into portions with a kitchen knife, put on a plate with a spatula, which helps to maximize the appetizing appearance of each portion. Pieces of olives, chopped greens or lettuce leaves will serve as an excellent decoration.

How to cook meat in French in a slow cooker

Having tried many variants of meat in French, you are sure to stop at this option. It uses not traditional “crude” meat options, but tender turkey poultry. And this delicacy is being prepared in the kitchen assistant multicooker. Thanks to which the end result will surprise you with its gentle and unique taste, juiciness and aroma, which cannot be achieved in the oven.

Essential Ingredients:

  • 0.5 kg turkey fillet;
  • 2 large onions;
  • 0.25 kg of cheese (Gouda);
  • salt, spices, mayonnaise.

Cooking steps  French turkey in a multi-cooker bowl:

  1. We clean and finely chop the onions, put part of the chopped onion on the bottom of the bowl.
  2. We proceed to the preparation of the central ingredient - turkey fillet. Wash it under running water, dry it with napkins and cut it into small pieces a few centimeters in length.
  3. We shift the pieces of meat into a bag, beat them on both sides with a kitchen hammer with sharp teeth or the back of a kitchen knife. True, the latter will take a little more time. This manipulation will preserve the integrity of the meat pieces, provide them softness, and kitchen utensils - cleanliness. Just do not overdo it, you should not beat off too much.
  4. Put the prepared meat pieces on top of the onion, season with a set of favorite spices and salt.
  5. Put the remaining onion on top of the meat.
  6. Lubricate with mayonnaise. There should also not be too much. Mayonnaise impose pointwise.
  7. If the window is in the midst of summer or autumn, then the next layer can go tomato rings.
  8. The final layer is cheese. The product can be taken any solid, but the most slightly harmonious with turkey is a little brackish and island Gouda.
  9. Cook on “Baking” with the lid closed for 40 minutes, preferably about an hour.
  10. When the beep sounds, your French turkey will be ready.

French meat recipe in a pan

Potato with meat is a tasty, satisfying and beloved combination. There are a great many cooking options for these two ingredients, and at least a couple are likely to be present in the piggy bank of each hostess. We offer you to add another win-win option, ideal for a hearty family or holiday dinner. Hard cheese is a great addition to it. You can add tomatoes at will, but it depends on the season and the availability of this product.

Essential Ingredients:

  • 0.3 kg of pork, like chops;
  • a small pack of mayonnaise;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 0.15 g of cheese;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 kg of potato tubers;
  • salt, pepper, spices.

Cooking steps  French meat in a pan:

  1. Rinse and dry the pork thoroughly. Having removed all the veins and excess fat, we cut it into thin layers of not more than 1 cm in thickness.
  2. Each of the pieces, wrapped in polyethylene, beat off with a kitchen metal or wooden hammer. Then we release it from the protective layer of polyethylene and transfer it to a separate container, adding a little salt and seasoning with spices.
  3. Wash and peel the potatoes. If young potatoes are used, then wash them thoroughly enough. Cut root vegetables into thin plates.
  4. We chop the peeled onion with thin half rings.
  5. As a container for cooking, we use a thick-walled cast-iron pan without handles. We lubricate it with oil, and put half the salted potato plates to the bottom with the lower layer.
  6. On top of the potato layer we put the beaten meat, and on it the onion half rings and the remaining potato.
  7. Grease the top layer of potatoes with mayonnaise or sour cream.
  8. Bake meat in French in a pan in a hot oven.
  9. After about 40 minutes, the dish should be taken out and crushed with cheese grated on small cells, after which we continue baking for about a quarter of an hour.

  1. The best option for the meat component of the dish would be lean pork or the flesh of young veal. It is easy not to guess with beef and choose a piece of not very high quality, and lamb can “hammer” the remaining ingredients with its taste, depriving the delicacy of its main charm.
  2. If pork is present in the recipe of your choice, it is best to give preference to the neck, loin or juicy leg of ham. The specified meat is a perfectly balanced option - not too fat, but not lean. After all, fatty pork in combination with mayonnaise is fatal for people with a weak stomach, and its lean analog will be excessively dry.
  3. When choosing meat, it is important to pay attention to its color. The color of pork should be uniform. Take a look at the interlayers - put the pieces with noticeable yellowing aside.
  4. Fresh beef should have a uniform, not too dark color. The converse indicates that the meat belongs to an old animal. For our purposes it is not suitable.
  5. When buying, check the elasticity of the selected meat piece. The surface should spring. Flaccid and flabby pieces should not be taken.
  6. Before cooking, be sure to rinse and dry the meat with a towel or paper towel. We remove bones, excess fat and spit. Cut across the fibers, and then beat off, previously wrapped in cling film. This will protect your kitchen from meat splashes.
  7. Add meat juiciness and tenderness can be pre marinated it. An excellent marinade is a mixture of mustard with other spices. The best pickling time is a couple of hours in the refrigerator.
  8. Onions use sweet, salad varieties. If such bulbs are not at hand, you can remove excess bitterness by pouring boiled water over the chopped vegetable.
  9. You can cook meat in French with or without potatoes. The main thing is that meat, onions, sauce and cheese are directly present, everything else is added at the discretion.
  10. Choose the dishes for the preparation according to the quantity of products. If the volume is small, then it is not necessary to take a large baking sheet, a heat-resistant glass form, as well as a cast-iron thick-walled pan without a handle, will do. Before laying out the products, the mold must be greased with oil or covered with foil.
  11. If potatoes are present in the recipe, it can serve as a pillow for the rest of the products or put it on meat. True, in this case, the pieces should not be too thin.
  12. Mayonnaise can and should even be replaced with more healthy sour cream.
  13. You can’t spoil the meat with mushrooms in French, you can take any at your discretion.
  14. The dish collected on the baking sheet is placed in an already hot oven, then the baking process will take no more than an hour.
  15. The cheese component may be any variety. Experienced chefs recommend mixing Parmesan with Gouda. Do not save on the cheese layer, to get a delicious crust, sprinkle it generously, but the amount of mayonnaise can be reduced.
  16. (1   ratings, average: 5,00   out of 5)

In fact, the meat we are accustomed to in French has the same relation to the homeland of bouillabaisse, camembert, croissant and hearty onion soup, like the googol-mogul to the famous classic of Russian literature Nikolai Vasilyevich. Refined Frenchmen simply would not have thought of baking pork, beef or chicken in cold sauce and hard cheese. But in vain! After all, the idea is wonderful! The meat is very juicy, and the cheese crust stimulates the appetite with just one look. Thanks to mayonnaise, even the driest part of pork or beef carcass will become tender and soft. I can firmly say that this dish is always obtained and appropriate in any situation - whether it is a festive feast with friends, acquaintances and friends of acquaintances or a family dinner on duty. In general, let's not pay attention to the opinion of the reckless foreigners and prepare simple and tasty meat in French. A recipe with a photo that illustrates each step of the cooking step by step, so even a schoolboy can handle it.


How to cook meat in French (a simple recipe with a photo step by step):

You can use pork, and beef, and even poultry - chicken or turkey. Due to the fact that the main ingredient will be smeared with a thin layer of mayonnaise or sour cream, covered with onions and cheese crust, the meat will not work dry. But baking fillet without fat is still not advisable. It is better to take a piece of medium fat content. If it's pork, the neck, shoulder blade, or entrecote is perfect. The ham can be a little harsh. When baking beef, select the back, brisket or tenderloin. The juiciest part of the chicken carcass is the legs. It’s better to cook them. But first make a filet of them and cut into portions. Divide the pork or beef into pieces with a thickness of 1.5-2 cm. Cut should be across the fibers so that all the juice remains inside when baking. I had pork steaks on the bone. In this form, I prepared them, I did not separate them from the bone. Wash the meat and pat it dry with a towel. Beat off with a kitchen beater on both sides. In order not to make holes, wrap the pieces before beating off with cling film.

Rub the prepared meat with salt and black pepper. You can take a little dried garlic, basil, rosemary and other spices to taste. Put it on a baking sheet, greased with odorless vegetable oil.

I always lay onions on top of pork. It makes the dish more juicy, tender and tasty. Do not like onions? Put the coarsely grated sour (!) Apple on the meat. Read about what else can be replaced or supplemented with onions. But back to the beam. Peel it and cut into thin rings or half rings.

Put on the meat as shown in the photo.

Although not entirely French, grease the meat (just grease, not pour) with a thin layer of mayonnaise. Better at home. Briefly tell you step by step how to cook it. For one chicken egg, you need 400 ml of vegetable oil, a pinch of salt, pepper, a little mustard and lemon juice. Put everything except oil and juice in a tall, narrow glass of blender. Beat for several minutes until the mass becomes homogeneous. Then start pouring oil as thin as possible. Mayonnaise will thicken before our eyes. Pour in the juice at the very end. Homemade sauce, which can be safely used for baking meat in French or other dishes, is ready. If you want to see a step-by-step photo recipe, click, there are still some interesting options for this sauce. Do not like mayonnaise? Use sour cream mixed with mustard and salt in an arbitrary proportion. It is only important that sour cream is of high quality, and not powder. Such a product will not add palatability to the dish, because when it cools, it coagulates.

Hard or semi-hard cheese, grate on a coarse or medium grater. I had a tilsiter. Other varieties are also suitable - Dutch, Edan, Gouda, etc. But it is better not to use Russian cheese. Its taste becomes less expressive after heat treatment.

Sprinkle the contents of the baking sheet with the grated cheese. Place the meat in French in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Cook for 20-30 minutes.

Remove the finished dish from the oven. And let it brew for 7-10 minutes. You can even cover the pan with foil to keep it warm. Serve!

How to make a dish tastier

  1. Place between the onions and cheese circles of ripe red tomatoes. The meat absorbs tomato juice and it will turn out even more juicy.
  2. Mushrooms will fit in with the main ingredients. The most common champignons. Cut them into thin plastics. Fry first in a dry skillet to evaporate the liquid. Add some vegetable oil. Cook over medium heat until golden brown. At the end of frying, salt the mushrooms. Sprinkle with pepper. Add a clove of garlic, mushrooms go well with it.
  3. French meat with eggplant is a hit of the summer season, you will not find a tastier recipe. I'll tell you step by step how to cook it. Wash the blue ones and cut into circles. Sprinkle with salt. Wait 10-15 minutes for the eggplant to pour juice. Rinse them off with salt. Wring out. Fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. Can be seasoned with garlic. Well, salt, of course.
  4. Pineapples and meat are an exotic combination. But very successful (in the case of pork or chicken). Do you like experiments? Put on the main ingredient a ring of canned pineapple. Next, reproduce all the steps described in the recipe. Such meat in French is original and unexpectedly tasty.

Bon appetit! I wish you bon appetit too!