Sweet "potato" from cookies and cocoa: a step by step recipe with a photo. Cake "Potato" from cookies

Cake "Potato"  in the Soviet Union was no less popular than lemon or custard cake. It was possible to buy a delicious “Potato” cake in every school cafeteria, cafeterias of enterprises, pastry shops and grocery stores. It was not expensive and therefore few people at that time thought about how and from which it is prepared at the factory, as well as how to make Potato cake at home. Although it is necessary to mention here that some housewives still tried to cook it at home according to recipes for cookbooks, or recipes for friends, mothers or grandmothers.

I still remember the day when I first cooked the Potato cake. Then I was in seventh grade, and my sister and I decided to bake. It so happened that the cake the sponge cake did not rise, as it should, and even as luck would have it burned to the sides. Looking at an unsuccessful experiment, it became clear that making a cake out of it would not work. But the biscuit itself looked so unappetizing that I did not want to cut it into pieces and put it on the table for tea either.

Going through my head ideas about where it can be applied or what to turn into, I remembered the recipe for a potato cake.  We passed the biscuit through a meat grinder. Raw condensed milk and cocoa powder were added to it. The mass was kneaded and formed cakes. They rolled in cocoa. Thus, the unsuccessful biscuit turned into a delicious Potato cake.

History of the Potato cake

There is some confusion with the history of the origin of the familiar and beloved Potato cake. Someone claims that the recipe for the cake was invented by Soviet cooks, others believe that the roots of the cake should be sought in other countries.

The classic “Potato” cake recipe was given in one of the cookbooks in 1950. According to the recipe, the cake was made from crumbs of biscuit and butter cream, which included butter, sugar, milk, eggs, rum or brandy. That is, the original Potato cake is white and not brown! Only on top of the cake was breaded in cocoa. An interesting fact is that the cake was round, and not oval in shape familiar to us.

And the most interesting thing is that the cake was covered with white droplets of cream, which should represent the potato eyes. Now it becomes clear why the potato cake is decorated with butter cream on top.

So, from all this it follows that gost Potato cake  prepared from or from biscuit crumbs. In the culinary industry, cake cutters or culinary marriage of biscuits were used very efficiently and cost-effectively, that is, they went to the Potato cake or to the breadcrumbs. Biscuits in Soviet pastry shops for this cake no one and never specifically baked. The birth of this delicious dessert, we owe the Soviet economy in production.


  • Shortbread cookies - 1 kg.,
  • Powder black cocoa - 3 tbsp. spoons + cocoa for sprinkling,
  • Powdered sugar - 80 g.,
  • Butter - 250 gr.,
  • Rum essence - a couple of drops,
  • Milk 2.5% fat - 0.5 cups

Cookies “Potato” cake - recipe

Having prepared all of the above ingredients, you can proceed with the preparation of the Potato cake. In the photo you see that I used. It must be chopped. Before it was rubbed on a fine grater, today it is more convenient to grind it into crumbs using a blender.

Pour the crumbs of cookies into a bowl.

Add cocoa powder to it. For baking and desserts, I use not simple, but dark cocoa. Even a small amount of such cocoa colors the product in a deep dark brown color, and its aroma is more saturated.

Mix the crumbs of cookies with cocoa powder.

Now you need to prepare a butter cream based on butter and icing sugar. Dice the butter at room temperature.

Pour powdered sugar into it.

Beat with a mixer until a cream of uniform consistency is obtained.

Transfer the cream into a bowl with, while leaving a little cream to decorate the Potato cake.

To make plastic dough out of cookies and cream, pour in the milk. Add essence.

Stir the dough without baking from the cookie with a spoon until it becomes a homogeneous consistency and plastic.

Properly prepared chocolate dough from cookies turns out to be thick, but at the same time it will stick to your hands. In order to roll up the base of the Potato cake without any problems, it is recommended to wet your hands with cold water. Nip off a small amount of mass, roll a ball out of it. Twisting his palms, give it an oval shape.

Our Potato cake from the cookies is almost ready. It remains to decorate it. Pour a little dark cocoa into a bowl. Roll potatoes in it. Put the cookies on a plate.

In a syringe, type cream. Squeeze out three flowers for each cake. You can use a teaspoon to put drops of cream on the pastries.

That's all, pastry “Potato” from cookies  without condensed milk is ready. Before serving it to the table, it is recommended to keep it in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour.

Cake "Potato" from cookies. Photo

You can also cook the Potato cake from cookies with condensed milk.


  • Cookies - 1.5 kg.,
  • Butter - 200 gr.,
  • Raw condensed milk - 200 ml.,
  • Cocoa - 70 gr.,
  • Rum or brandy - 1 tbsp. a spoon.

Cake “Potato” from cookies with condensed milk - recipe

Grind the liver in a blender. Heat the butter at room temperature until it becomes soft. Add to it in small portions and whip the cream with a mixer. Leave some of the cream to decorate the Potato cake. Transfer cream to a bowl of cookies, add cocoa powder and rum. Mix the mass. Form potatoes, roll them in cocoa and garnish with cream. Good appetite.

Each of those who grew up in the Soviet and post-Soviet space remembers their favorite dessert - Potato cake. Its taste reminds of carefree times, and the sight alone is already causing appetite. But even now, when shops are replete with confectionery delights, this delicacy is to the taste of many.

It is easy and simple to treat yourself to your beloved ones and your family members, because everyone can do a potato cake from cookies at home.

Younger members of the family can participate in the manufacturing process, it will be a special pleasure for them to try the sweets made by themselves.

A bit of history

It is worth noting that initially the “potato” was dark outside and light inside, completely reminiscent of this root crop. Cocoa powder and cookies were not used, the biscuit was prepared according to a standard recipe. But later it was changed, and now most remember it as a completely chocolate treat. It is believed that this was done to hide some flaws in the filling, but it is surprisingly tasty.

In catering, it was made from scraps of biscuit and the remains of cookies. In addition, you can’t even remember which recipe was considered according to GOST.

In Russia, this cake is called potato, and the rest of the world knows it as the Runeberg Cake - in honor of the wife of a famous poet in Finland. According to legend, guests came to the family, and it was urgent to prepare sweets for tea. Then the woman collected the remains of cookies, flour, eggs and for the first time created an amazing dessert.



To prepare a classic homemade potato cake from cookies, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Any cookies - 600 gr;
  • Condensed milk - 400 g;
  • High fat butter - 200 gr;
  • Cocoa powder - 50 gr;
  • Powdered Sugar - 15 g;
  • Salt - 1 pinch.

Operating procedure:

  1. In a container with high sides, mix softened butter (not melted), cocoa and condensed milk. This is best done with a mixer for about 5 minutes;
  2. Grind cookies. If a meat grinder is used, then it is necessary to take a large grill. As a result, the cake will not be from crumbs, but from small pieces. So the structure will turn out better;
  3. Add crumbled cookies to a mass of condensed milk and butter, mix thoroughly;
  4. Form round cakes from the resulting dough and put in the refrigerator for three hours.

After solidification, you can enjoy a great treat, familiar from an early age.

In milk with nuts

The classic recipe is quick and easy to prepare, but you can make some changes to it and make it your signature one. A method of cooking in milk is popular.


  • Shortbread Cookies - 250 gr;
  • Butter - 100 gr;
  • Pasteurized skim milk - ½ tbsp;
  • Walnuts - 50g;
  • Sugar - ½ tbsp;
  • Cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Sprinkling (icing sugar, cocoa, coconut flakes - as you wish).

Cooking process:

Potato cake with nuts is not only tasty, but also very healthy. After all, nuts have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, help strengthen memory and are antioxidants.

Tasty supplements

Children will love it if there is still a cream inside. How to make custard filling?

Read also: The origin and culture of baking all your favorite kefir pancakes

To make it, mix sugar, flour, vanilla and milk. Beat until all lumps dissolve, heat over a fire. This is the usual custard. Grind cookies and add cocoa, divide the dry mixture in half. Pour cream in a thin stream in one half. Form balls and run in the rest of the crumbs. Then refrigerate for an hour.

For children, this delicacy is best done without cognac, since it is not subjected to heat treatment. But many add a teaspoon of wine, brandy or liquor; it brings a new flavor and amazing flavor to the dessert.

Also popular is the "potato" with chocolate. In this case, the cake is prepared without cocoa. Chocolate is melted in a steam bath and poured into a prepared milk mixture in a thin stream.

You can use various additives to your taste. For example:

  • Boiled condensed milk;
  • Vanillin;
  • Nuts
  • Dried fruits or berries;
  • Jam or jam.

As a topping, it is also recommended to experiment with various ingredients. A great option would be a "potato" with a waffle sprinkle. Then the cake will acquire an additional structure and will not seem to be a homogeneous mass.

Sweet diet

Younger family members rarely care about the number of calories during a tea party, but for housewives this is a pretty weighty argument to deny yourself an extra cake. Potato, beloved by many, is not a dietary dish; on average, its calorie content reaches 360 kcal.

But there are several ways to reduce the harm of goodies to your figure. How to cook a low-calorie dessert:

  • Without oil.  The absence of this ingredient can reduce the amount of kcal consumed by almost half, while the taste is not changed;
  • No cocoa.  Despite the external “dry” look, a tablespoon of cocoa powder contains 73 kcal;
  • Without condensed milk.  The cake is not so sweet, but you can add a little natural juice or homemade jam to the dough;
  • Without purchased cookies.  In store confectionery products are not only many calories, but also in excess contain harmful dyes and flavors. Grandma’s recipes provide a great alternative. Homemade oatmeal cookies, bran - will be a good substitute. The cake will not be greasy and very healthy. Confectioners also recommend replacing cookies with crackers, it will turn out crispy, with a good structure;

Among the various sweets - cakes, pastries and sweets - each of us probably has the most beloved. One of them is probably the Potato cake. The traditional recipe involves spending quite a lot of time, because first you need to bake the cake, let it brew, and after that, after mixing the crumbs of the biscuit with butter cream, mold your favorite sweetness. But is it worth it to spend time in the kitchen, when there is an easier way to please yourself and your children - the recipe for the “Potato” cake from cookies will not take you much time, and the result will be no worse. Also from this article you will learn how to make an economical version of this sweetness, the taste of which will not disappoint you. Familiar from childhood, a soft delicacy with amazing chocolate taste, which was sold in all the country's confectionery shops, will be a good addition to tea or coffee.

The recipe for the potato cake

In order to quickly prepare a sweet that resembles childhood so much, you will need:

800 g (about 3-4 packs) of the simplest cookies of the type "Jubilee";
  - 2 cans of boiled condensed milk - do it yourself, but you can buy it in the store;
  - 100 g of softened butter or margarine;
  - 50 g of natural cocoa;
  - 1 sachet (about 10 g) of vanilla sugar, or just a little bit of vanillin;
  - a handful of ground nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, etc.) and raisins;
  - Cognac or your favorite liquor to taste, if the cake will not be eaten by children.


Grind the cookies well first, best with a meat grinder, so that you get crumbs without a splash of large pieces. Add nuts and raisins to the mass, which must first be washed and steamed with boiling water for several minutes. Stir, add vanilla sugar, cocoa, liquor or cognac. Separately, you need to prepare a cream - just mix the butter with boiled condensed milk until a homogeneous mass is obtained, and then add to the crushed cookies. After that, you can sculpt cakes. Divide the dough into identical pieces of medium size and roll oblong sausages from them. Before serving tea, keep the sweetness in the refrigerator for about an hour. Done! Cooking Potato cake should not take you even half an hour, and to give it a festive look, roll it in coconut flakes or decorate with cream stains with a pastry bag.

An economical recipe for a potato cake from cookies

If you didn’t have any ingredients at hand, or if you don’t have time to cook condensed milk (the finished one is not sold everywhere), you can take this method of preparation as the basis. The so-called "budget" recipe for "Potato" cake from cookies will take no more than 30 minutes. Remove from your stocks:

350 g shortbread cookies;
  - a couple of spoons of cocoa;
  - 250 ml of fat milk (baked);
  - 2-3 tbsp. l granulated sugar or powder;
  - 1 tbsp. l flour.


As in the previous version, first you need to grind the cookies to a homogeneous mass. Then add the cocoa. After you should prepare the cream: combine the flour with granulated sugar, mixing thoroughly, slowly pour the milk. Make sure that there are no lumps left. Simmer until lightly thickened. Add cream to cookies, best in parts. You should get a classic pastry for cakes - thick, viscous, from which it will be convenient for you to make "Potato". Finish the process by creating cakes - round or oblong, larger or smaller. For decoration, you can roll in the remnants of chopped cookies or in coconut. Before serving, the treat is best stored in the refrigerator. Here is such a simple and economical recipe for a “Potato” cake from cookies, which is guaranteed to please your family.

Potato cake can also be bought at the store, but of course it cannot be compared with a home-made one to taste. The thing is that for its production often used are the remains of production, or cookies that have lost their presentation. Probably only confectioners know about this, and the consumer does not have the opportunity to check the quality of the product. In this article, you will learn about a simple way to make Potato cake at home.

Photo: Cake "Potato"

How to cook it

If this is your first time cooking Potato cake, you need to know the main secrets of its preparation:

  •   As a basis for a cake, you can use any cookie, leftover biscuit, or the most common crackers. The base must be crushed into small crumbs using a coffee grinder, blender, or crusher;
  •   All ingredients should be at room temperature - only then can you mix them into a homogeneous mass;
  •   The amount of sugar depends on the base for the cakes. If this is a cookie, or the remnants of cake layers for a cake, sugar is needed less - the product is sweet in itself. If you use crackers, add more sugar;
  •   Cocoa is an optional ingredient. If you do not like him, then you can not add. In this case, the Potato cake will turn out light;
  • As an additive, you can use raisins, chopped dried apricots, ground nuts, and even chopped marmalade - it all depends on your taste;
  •   The “Potato” cake turns out to be oily to the touch, so it is usually crushed in the same crushed base from cookies or biscuit, but there are no clear rules. The shell can be any. Also chopped nuts or coconut flakes are suitable - focus only on your taste. If desired, the cake can be decorated with cream.

Recipe number 1

  •   Milk - 140 ml;
  •   Sugar - 100 g;
  •   Butter - 80 g;

Cooking method:

  •   Dissolve sugar in hot milk;
  •   Add butter and stir until completely dissolved;
  •   Mix chopped cookies with cocoa. Put a small amount in a separate bowl for the final layer of the cake;
  •   Pour sweet milk with butter into a mass of cookies and cocoa and knead;
  •   Give the cakes the desired shape and roll them in cookie crumbs;
  •   Place the cakes in the freezer until they solidify.

Recipe number 2

To prepare the Potato cake, you will need the following products:

  •   Basis (crushed cookies, or crackers) - 300 g;
  •   Butter - 150 g;
  •   Condensed milk - 0.5 cans;
  •   Cocoa (optional) - 3-4 tbsp. spoons.

Cooking method:

  •   Melt the butter and mix it with condensed milk;
  •   Stir the crushed cookies with cocoa;
  •   Combine all ingredients and knead;
  •   Give the cake the desired shape;
  •   Roll them in cookie crumbs;
  •   Place in the freezer until it solidifies.

Video: Potato cake - a classic recipe

This video step by step shows the simplest recipe for a Potato cake at home.

Video source: Olga Matvey

For many of us, the taste of Potato cake resembles childhood. This delicacy does not lose its popularity, because it is easy to prepare. Today we will tell you how to make a delicious Potato cake from cookies. The recipe for such a confectionery is very simple to implement.

The peculiarity of this delicious, refined and fragrant dessert is that it does not require baking in the oven. Almost all ingredients are always in the refrigerator. By the way, the first mention of such a dessert dates back to the 19th century. It is believed that the author of the recipe for the “Potato” cake was the wife of the Finnish poet Runeberg. She mixed crushed cookies with liquor. Such a treat was very surprising and was to the taste of its guests.

If this is your first time making a cake with the simple and inconspicuous name “Potato”, then you just need to familiarize yourself with the tips of experienced pastry chefs:

  • any hard cookie is suitable for making a cake: Anniversary, oat or baked milk;
  • whole cow’s milk or condensed milk can be added to the cake, it all depends on individual taste preferences;
  • many potatoes recipes include butter, so you need to cool the cake first;
  • if the mass sticks to the hands, they can be greased with melted butter or non-aromatic vegetable oil;
  • to give the Potato an exquisite taste and aroma, cocoa powder, crushed cinnamon, candied fruit, any nuts can be added to the so-called dough;
  • cookies must be crushed without packaging, otherwise you may not notice how the remains of polyethylene will appear in the cake;
  • so that the mass for the cakes acquires a homogeneous consistency, milk and butter need to be thoroughly beaten, and sifted the crushed cookies;
  • cakes can be rolled in coconut or nut, waffle chips, cocoa powder, chocolate;
  • cakes must be stored in a cold place, otherwise they will lose their shape and can quickly deteriorate.

According to this recipe, a delicious dessert can be prepared in a matter of minutes. Do not forget that cookies must be fresh and must be thoroughly chopped. The more homogeneous the mass, the tastier and more tender the Potato will be. You can form cakes of any size, and roll them on top in coconut, waffle, nut chips.


  • dry cookies - 300 g;
  • condensed milk - 200 g;
  • any chopped nuts - 110 g;
  • 4 tbsp. l cocoa powder;
  • vanilla sugar to taste;
  • butter - 130 g.


Tasty "Potato" in milk

To prepare a delicious dessert whipped up, you can use ordinary whole milk. You can increase or decrease the amount of granulated sugar depending on your taste preferences. To give an unusual taste and aroma to the cake, you can add crushed marmalade, candied fruit or cinnamon powder to the mass.


  • 1 tbsp. granulated sugar;
  • 1 tbsp. whole milk;
  • cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • any cookies - 350-400 g;
  • 100 g of softened butter.


Favorite cookie treat without condensed milk

To prepare a delicious potato cake, you can use cottage cheese or curd mass. The calorie content of one piece of this dessert will be approximately 100 Kcal. It is unlikely that your household and friends can refuse such a treat.


  • cottage cheese or curd mass - 200 g;
  • 200 g of any cookies;
  • 50 g of dried fruit;
  • fresh apple puree - 150 g;
  • espresso coffee - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • 1 tbsp. l rum or liquor;
  • 1 tsp cinnamon powder;
  • 2 tbsp. l cocoa powder.


  1. Cookies should be crushed to the state of crumbs. The mass should be as uniform as possible.
  2. In a separate container, mix crushed cookies with cinnamon powder.
  3. The resulting dry mass must be fried in a hot frying pan without oil for 4-5 minutes.
  4. Prepared dried fruits for softening should be poured with boiling water and left for 5 minutes, then the water should be drained or laid out in a colander.
  5. In a separate bowl, you need to mix the cottage cheese or curd mass, applesauce, ground or instant coffee, roasted cookies and rum (liquor).
  6. Using a blender or whisk, all components should be thoroughly mixed to obtain a mass of uniform consistency.
  7. For taste, you can add a little vanilla sugar or essence.
  8. Pour cocoa powder into a shallow plate.
  9. Hands from the resulting mass need to mold a cake and roll it thoroughly in cocoa.
  10. Potato cakes should be put on a serving tray or a dish and refrigerated for 1.5-2 hours.