How to salt the mushrooms in a cold way recipe. How to salt mushrooms - the best recipes for mushroom preparations

17.10.2019 Egg Dishes

Until the frosts come, the mushroom theme is very relevant. Mushrooms - late mushrooms, the collection is in full swing until the frosts.

It is not always possible to salt the mushrooms in a bucket or in a pan, it can be inconvenient, and finding a cool place in an apartment to put a bucket is problematic. You can harvest mushrooms immediately in banks. The technology for preparing mushrooms for the winter in jars is the same, and they will be salted for a month and a half, but it is much easier to attach a jar in the refrigerator.

Salt milk in winter in jars can be both cold and hot, most importantly, they must be stored in a cool place. I like the first way more. In the second case, the breasts must be boiled until cooked.

Mushrooms need to be soaked. Peel the garlic. We will prepare jars for salting the breasts. Wash them well, sterilization is not necessary.

Cut the garlic into slices.

In a saucepan, mix the mushrooms, salt, garlic, bay leaf and peppercorns.

Gently mix so that all the mushrooms get salt and spices, leave for half an hour.

After half an hour, we decompose it on prepared banks. We put it tightly. From the top, pour the juice that stood out from the mushrooms.

We send the mushrooms for storage to a cool place (refrigerator, balcony, cellar). Mushrooms for the winter in the banks are ready. In a month, they can begin to try ...

Mushrooms were always respected in Russia. And they salted and roasted and dried. Mushrooms were wrapped in pancakes and stuffed cakes and dumplings, seasoned soups and cereals, served at the table on holidays and on weekdays. They are very popular today. A salting of mushrooms, although it is not the easiest way to harvest them for future use, but the result is just a jumble! The pickles are especially tasty in salting - large, fleshy, aromatic. Guests will be delighted with such an appetizer. About how to salt pickles, and will be discussed in our article.

Cold salting


    fresh raw mushrooms - 1 bucket;

    water (cold) - 2-3 liters;

    salt - 2 glasses;

    black pepper (peas) - 1 sachet;

    currant leaves - 20-40 pcs.;

    dill umbrellas - 2-3 handfuls;

    garlic - 3-4 heads;

    bay leaf - 1 packet (10 g).

Step 1. Wash

Before salting, the breasts must be washed. Perhaps this is the most difficult process, and they do it in stages. First, prepare a basin for rough washing, in which mushrooms are washed with a sponge and brush and cleaned of dirt. Still need a knife and a stream of water. At the same stage, you need to trim the leg at the base.

Step 2. Soaking

Mushrooms should be soaked. Toxins will go into the water, as well as the “milk” - after all, the breast belongs to the mammary fungi. To soak the mushrooms, immerse them in clean cold water and squeeze them with oppression, since the breasts do not want to sink. We leave at least for the night, but better for a day (no more!).

Step 3. Final flush

The water in which the mushrooms were soaked must be drained, it cannot be used in cooking. And before salting, the milk should be thoroughly rinsed again in clean water.

Step 4. Salting process

The main stage begins, which will require a large vessel. Black salting can be made in a bucket, tub, barrel. We put the mushrooms in layers, plates up, large mushrooms previously cut into pieces. Salt each layer. Add peppercorns, a few bay leaves, chopped garlic. We lay the top layer with dill umbrellas, put oppression with cargo on top. Mushrooms should let in plentiful juice and cover them completely.

Step 5. Banking

We spread the salted breasts in sterilized jars with sterile gloves, trying to place them tightly. Pour pickle into each jar, put dill umbrellas. We cover the jars with sterilized lids. We defend the banks for several hours, we make sure that there are no smudges. Transfer to a cool place: basement, cellar or refrigerator.

Step 6. Further Application

After 4-7 months of storage, the breasts will be completely ready for use. Such salted breasts can be served with a side dish of porridge and potatoes, or you can make soups, sauces, fillings for pies and dumplings from them.

Salty Mushrooms - It's Easy!

Of course, cold pickling is far from the only way to harvest mushrooms. There are a great many recipes that tell how to salt the breasts. As you can see, the process of cold salting of mushrooms is not at all complicated. The main thing is to collect a sufficient number of ripe, but not overripe mushrooms, rinse them thoroughly, observe the proportions in the preparation. Then it will be possible to pamper your home and surprise guests with delicious mushrooms for each holiday!

Mushrooms collected in the forest, sorted by species.

And cook for 20 minutes from the moment of boiling.

Then we drain the water through a colander and wash the mushrooms with cold running water.

Then once again put the mushrooms in salted boiling water (1 tablespoon of salt per 2 liters of water) and boil for 20 minutes from the moment of boiling.

We wash the mushrooms and leave them in a colander until excess fluid drains. At this time, we cook the brine: pour 1 liter of water into the pan, put on the fire when the water boils, add 1 tablespoon of salt with a large slide.

And put spices in boiling water (bay leaves, cloves, peas of black and allspice), bring to a boil and boil so that salt crystals dissolve.

In a clean liter jar, spread peppers, allspice, dill umbrellas and bay leaf.

Then tightly spread the mushrooms, pressing the mushrooms to each other, and pour hot brine.

Next, put the jar with the buns in the refrigerator, closing it with a plastic lid, and leave to salt for another 10-12 days.

Enjoy your meal!

- Russian mushroom, considered the best for salting. In the West, it is considered inedible due to a burning pepper flavor. In Slavic countries they learned to get rid of it by soaking. By nutritional value, it is not inferior to boletus, meat and milk, and therefore there are people who want to hunt for it. There are several ways to salting it, which are described below.

Salting rules

The most difficult thing is to wash the mushrooms from dust, dirt, spruce branches and grass. To do this, you can use a brush. All damaged and unsightly places must be removed and soak the breasts in a basin of cold water. Make sure that the liquid covers the mushrooms, so put a load on top. Mushrooms are soaked for 2-5 days, during which it is necessary to change the water, especially if the room is hot.

How to understand that mushrooms are ready for salting - try the slice to taste. If he is not bitter, you can start harvesting for the winter.

The most important thing is to use ordinary table salt for salting, without adding taste enhancing ingredients.

It depends on which method for pickling you choose, and where the mushrooms will be: in the cellar or at home. Having settled on the cold salting method, it will take 1.5-2 months to wait for the prepared mushrooms. The hot method reduces the time to 30 days.

You need to salt the mushrooms in brine whole, stacking their hats down.

Add salt to the cold

You can add salt in a cold way in a barrel and in cans. The first option is preferable, because it allows you to enjoy fragrant mushrooms with the aroma of wood and infused according to old Russian recipes. But you can preserve mushrooms in the usual way in banks and open them as necessary.

Stages of salting in a barrel:

  1. Put 10 kg of washed and soaked mushrooms in a barrel, mixing with 400 gr. salt, spices, and leaves, cherries and currants. Add 5 heads of garlic and dill stalks.
  2. The last layer should be with horseradish leaves. Spread sterile gauze on top, on which put a wooden circle and bend.
  3. Mushrooms need to be checked regularly and if mold has formed on the surface, it needs to be removed, gauze changed, the circle processed and bent and returned to its place.
  4. You can try mushrooms in a month, taking out sterile gloves.

Stages of salting in banks:

It’s easy to salt the raw muffins in the cold way, the main thing is to rinse before serving.

Hot salt

Hot salt is easier than hot. The advantage of the method is that it is not necessary to soak the mushrooms - just clean them. When preparing brine for every liter of liquid, use 1-2 tbsp. l salt, a head of garlic, laurel leaves, horseradish, dill seeds and black peppercorns.

Further actions:

  1. Boil mushrooms in water with salt: 2-3 tbsp. l to a 10 liter pan. Stew under the lid for 15–20 minutes.
  2. Prepare the brine by dissolving the salt in hot water, adding pepper, bay leaf and putting mushrooms in it. Stew under the lid for 10 minutes, and then add spices, put oppression and cool.
  3. Remove the container for a week in a cool place. After the expiration of the mushrooms can be closed in sterilized jars, pouring brine. Use plastic covers. Do not forget to add 1 tbsp to each jar. l vegetable oil. After 21-28 days, you can try the breasts.

It’s easy to salt dry muffins in a hot way, but they can “get to condition” earlier than the nominal time.

How to salt yellow mushrooms

Salt pickled milk is not accepted. When salted, the mushrooms are not boiled, but soaked and, covered with spices and salt, are closed in jars. When marinating, the breasts are boiled and this significantly increases the safety of the workpieces.

Here is the original yellow mushroom recipe:

  1. If you got yellow mushrooms in the basket, then you need to wash them at home, soak them for several days and cut them into pieces.
  2. Of the spices, we need only salt and chopped garlic. Place a bowl of mushrooms on a fire and salt with water. Put salt on the eye, but the taste should be salted.
  3. Remove the foam with a spoon and boil the mushrooms for 5 minutes. Remove them with a slotted spoon, mix with garlic and arrange in glass containers. Pour with brine, and pour a spoonful of vegetable oil on top. Allow to cool and close with plastic or iron screw caps. Put in the refrigerator. You can eat in a couple of days.

Good afternoon friends!

What are you thinking about when you see on the table fragrant, crunchy breasts of cold salting. I am sure that men would not mind to miss a stack or two of strong, under such an appetizer. And women will try to find out the recipe for a stunningly tasty blank for the winter.

These bastards with a fleshy funnel-shaped hat, on a short thick leg with a white milky juice of burning taste, are used exclusively for pickling, unlike other mushrooms, for example, which only fry or dry.

These milkers are considered conditionally edible, therefore, when cooking, they must be boiled, and when cold, they are soaked. You can salt them in barrels, tubs, enameled pots. I propose to cook salted mushrooms in banks for long-term storage in a city apartment.

How to salt the breasts in a cold way so that they are delicious and crispy

We sort the freshly collected milkers, remove dry forest litter: needles, adhered leaves. Large hats are cut into small pieces that will easily fit in your mouth and will be steeped faster. Cut off the legs, rinse under running water.

We put the mushrooms in a container, fill with water, so that it slightly covers them from above, we keep under oppression, so that they do not float and are constantly in the water.

Soaking time depends on temperature. At room temperature, the process will go faster, with cooler longer. If they are not soaked to the end, they will not be bitter, but sharp

This process should be taken with full responsibility, since it depends on it how tasty and crunchy the mushrooms turn out.

For more detailed information, especially for beginners, check out this video.

Interestingly, in the running water, the breasts are not soaked, but only blacken.

So, after soaking the mushrooms should:

  • change color - black breasts from dark olive to wine red, white acquire a bluish tint;
  • become soft and supple;
  • decrease in volume by almost a third.


  • gruzdy - how much they collected
  • salt - 40-50 g per 1 kg of soaked milkmen

We prepare the prepared soaked semi-finished products on the bottom of the prepared container, between the layers and on top we put salt and spices.

We put spices according to our preferences, it can be: oak leaves, currants, cherries, horseradish, dill umbrellas, garlic. Someone prefers to salt without spices.

Cover the mushrooms with a clean cotton cloth, then with a folding shield, this can be a wooden circle or a pan cover.

We use a can of juice as oppression. The breasts under the press will condense, settle, and secrete juice. After a week, we check if there is a pickle in the banks. If it stands out too much, then merge, if not enough - increase the load or add brine. Which we prepare separately, dissolving 20 g of salt in a liter of boiled cold water.

We send the container to a cool cellar for storage. After 35-40 days, we take the sample.

Pickled mushrooms can always be made pickled by adding marinade.

The roots remaining after salting are used for the preparation of sauces and soups. Finely chop and dry, spread out on canvas on a hot day in the sun or in the shade. Then we crush into powder and store in a dry place.

Salted mushrooms in jars - step by step recipe for the winter

The recipe for cooking "right in the cans" for the winter reduces time, you do not have to transfer the milk again from the tank to the jars.

If the workpiece turns out to be very salty, soak in water, changing the water. Then cut into slices “one bite” and serve with a thinly sliced \u200b\u200bbeam and aromatic vegetable oil.

How to store salted mushrooms in the apartment?

A question arises for city dwellers - how to keep salty crispy mushrooms in jars, in an apartment? It is important not only to cook, but also to preserve this tasty preparation for the winter. The following tips are for you:

1. For long-term storage, we use glass jars or wooden barrels.

2. Mushrooms should be in brine. We put a cotton cloth dipped in alcohol on them. After that we bend them with chopsticks, turning them crosswise over the shoulders of the can. We also wet the sticks and the lid with alcohol. And under the capron lid we send for storage in the refrigerator.

3. The ideal temperature in the room or refrigerator is from +1 to +4 degrees.

4. Below 0 degrees - the pickle will freeze and lose its nutritional and taste value. Above +7 degrees - it will turn sour and moldy.

The main thing is that the mushrooms do not freeze in the cold and do not peroxide in the heat.

5. The room should be ventilated and dry.

6. From the moment of opening the jar, the contents should be consumed within 2 days, if there is a suspicion of the quality of the product, strongly send it to the trash.

7. Another way to preserve salted mushrooms at home is in the freezer. After salting, pour the brine, lay the blanks in plastic bags (best in portions) and send to the freezer. They are stored for a long time and well, without losing consumer qualities. After defrosting, they are ready for use and do not require additional processing.

Salted cold-salted mushrooms for the winter in jars under ideal conditions can be stored until the next harvest, they barely "live" with us until the New Year.

Mushroom time is gaining momentum, wait for new posts about mushrooms: where they grow, how to collect, what dishes to cook and much more. Do not miss! See you!