How much alcohol is kept in the human body Traces of alcohol in the blood - how it is excreted and how much it holds

The topic of alcohol is relevant for everyday life, and is considered by ordinary people from different angles. Some are concerned about a safe dose, while others are animatedly interested in how much alcohol is held in human blood. This moment is especially important for drivers who do not plan to face the law on the road in the future. It's time to find out how many hours are needed before the complete disappearance of ethyl alcohol from the systemic circulation. Some say that you need to wait 21 hours, others say that 2 hours is enough. Who is right in such a discussion?

The opinion of specialists in the field of medicine

It is possible to determine the state of intoxication visually, but special laboratory tests become confirmation. This is a blood and urine test, the classic breathing test is the “tube”. Indicators may vary, but it depends on the time when a person drank the day before. As you know, alcohol gradually leaves the body, and every hour its indicator in the blood becomes less and less.

Modern doctors claim that the background signs of alcohol are contained in the body for two weeks, and it does not matter if it was vodka or beer. In this case, we are talking about drunken cases when a person for several days can not refuse to enjoy drinking a bottle of alcohol. If it was a one-time drink, alcohol is present in the blood for 5-6 hours, and its rapid elimination from the body can be successfully promoted.

To understand how much alcohol is held in the blood, you need to provide the following data, which depend on the strength of the alcoholic beverage. So:

The presented table emphasizes once again that immediately after drinking alcohol it is forbidden to drive, especially not to travel to the road environment. It does not matter what a person drank - wine or champagne, a breathalyzer and laboratory tests will certainly show the presence of ethyl alcohol in the blood. In any case, it takes time for the full driver.

If it was a one-time drink for a good snack, then in a day the characteristic analysis will show a completely sober result. When a person enjoys a state of binge for a long time, alcohol is removed from his body fluids for a very long time - up to 2 weeks. Of course, this process can be noticeably accelerated, but at first it’s better not to drive, it’s dangerous and fraught with extremely unpleasant consequences.

Well-known patterns

Now we know how much alcohol is held in the body, but each case is individual and has its own laws. Here it is worth talking about them in more detail:

Take a short survey and get a free brochure entitled “Drinking Culture.”

What type of alcohol do you drink most often?

How often do you drink alcohol?

Do you have the desire to “hang out” the day after taking alcohol?

Which system do you think alcohol has the most negative effect on?

In your opinion, are the measures taken by the government sufficient to limit the sale of alcohol?

Our regular reader shared an effective method that saved her husband from ALCOHOLISM. It seemed that nothing would help, there were several codings, treatment in the dispensary, nothing helped. An effective method, which was recommended by Elena Malysheva, helped. EFFECTIVE METHOD

  1. Women need more time to recover from drinking alcohol, to get rid of the influence of ethanol.
  2. It’s easier for a full person to get rid of ethyl alcohol than a thin one. The concentration of alcohol in the blood of the latter is much higher.
  3. Since alcohol leaves the body with the participation of metabolism, in young people (21 years of age and older) this process is faster than in old people.
  4. If after a drink it is good to have a bite, then the dose of alcohol in the blood will be insignificant.
  5. Drinking later than 21 hours is not recommended, since it is at night that all metabolic processes of the human body noticeably slow down.
  6. Beer comes faster, wine longer - there is a direct pattern from the strength of the alcoholic drink.
  7. The table above has its own corrections if chronic diseases of the liver, heart, and kidneys prevail.

So each person can independently assess their chances, control the dose of alcohol, limit alcohol in any of its manifestations in their daily lives. Only then you can safely drive, no matter how old you are - 21 or 41 years old, for example.

Ways to quickly remove alcohol from the body

So that in the body as soon as possible there is no ethanol left after drinking, it is not necessary to drink tablets and run around the stadium for 21 laps or more. Of course, in a day, another situation will stabilize, but this process can be significantly accelerated. Not only the table of other alcoholic drinks will help, but also the valuable recommendations suggested below:

  1. Immediately after drinking it is recommended to take a walk in the fresh air, and it is advisable to walk at slow speeds for a long time than to sit on the same bench.
  2. Alcohol comes out faster if you drink a lot at the end of the booze, with mineral water or green tea as a natural antioxidant.
  3. To completely get rid of ethanol, if you take sorbents in the form of activated carbon, according to the weight category.
  4. Beer and other alcoholic beverages, such as champagne, drive out a warm shower or visit a bath after a noisy feast.
  5. A dropper is another effective way to quickly cleanse the blood, but it can be put to patients over 21 years of age. The procedure should be performed by a doctor, a registered nurse with knowledge of the matter.
  6. If you apply moderate physical activity, beer leaves the blood much faster.
  7. After each toast, you need a good snack, then there will be no health problems the next morning.

It remains only to add that beer and other alcohol are allowed to drink at an already conscious age - over 21 years old. At this age, a person should independently control himself, limit one-time portions, know the measure. This is especially true for drivers who, after a noisy feast, will definitely have to drive. If such rules and regulations are not followed, a fine is not the only danger in the road environment. Loss of vigilance and a decrease in concentration of attention will lead to irreversible consequences that may cost someone life.

Alcohol is the most common cause of accidents in Russia and the deprivation of a driver’s license. According to statistics, every fourth accident is due to poor road surface, and every ninth due to intoxication of motorists. Perhaps the motorist drank only 50 grams, but this is enough to increase it to the venous blood and to cheer up. Even a minimal amount of ethanol is harmful to the driver and others.

What dose of alcohol affects the body?

Dose of alcohol in ppm:

How much alcohol is in the blood after drinking?

Limits set by law strictly indicate the presence of alcohol, which is established by the norm. You can find out how much alcohol is in the blood and how long it will go out by buying an alcohol meter or looking at a special table with the values. The brands of alcohol purchased and the timing of their exit from the body are described in detail in the table.

How much beer is left after taking?

How much wine goes through?

How long does cognac come out of?

100 grams of cognac in 6 hours
300 grams of cognac after 18 hours
500 grams of cognac after 300 hours

Such indications in the table are correct provided that the person weighs 60 kg. It is important to add that the female gender was not included in this table, since the metabolism and the time for alcohol to leave the body are much lower. Therefore, alcohol is 20% slower than men.

What determines the ethanol release time?

Even in the table it is impossible to find exact guarantees for the release of alcohol from the body. The metabolism of each is different and depends on many factors. Women need more time to recover than men, since alcohol comes out for a very long time.

If you are a little old, do not get sick, weigh enough and love to raise a glass for fatty foods, then you will sit behind the wheel much earlier.

How much alcohol will come out of urine?

How long does alcohol stay in urine? Narcologists did not agree and believe that this period of time is individual for everyone. But there are special boundaries that should be adhered to. After 400 grams of vodka drunk after 20 hours, the alcohol content will be detected in the analysis. Blood is cleansed of toxins much faster, and even if there is nothing in it, a urinalysis will show an amazing result. Therefore, the time is written in the table, guaranteeing a safe driving and safe driving license.

How long will alcohol leave the body?

Most people believe that after a long binge, the driver needs to recover, since alcohol

What is 0.3 ppm

still clinging to blood. This decision is correct. Being a week in a long binge, a person causes enormous damage to the body, which is poisoned. In medicine, it is said that after two weeks you can find some particles in the blood after using alcohol. No one can say for sure when the body will recover after a long binge. Time ranges from 24 hours to three days. During this time, the body is restored, the blood is cleaned of toxic substances and alcohol is excreted.

How to increase the time that alcohol leaves the body?

The exit of alcohol from the body can be accelerated by folk methods. To get rid of excess toxins and toxins, you need to understand the method of cleaning the body, because the kidneys, lungs and liver are involved. If you decide to help the body get rid of alcohol faster, then you need to do some action:

  • Go outside and breathe in fresh air. Ventilation will improve and you can get rid of alcohol fumes.
  • To drink a lot of water, with the help of which alcohol vapors will come out.
  • Use vitamins to help you recover quickly.
  • Use drugs that help get rid of intoxication.
  • Take a cool shower to increase blood flow.
  • Have a hot broth.

If you follow all these instructions, you will quickly restore the body. Separately, the methods do not work - everything needs to be done in a complex. If you approach this event with all responsibility, you can quickly remove alcohol from the body and drive.

What to do at the time of treatment of binge at home?

What to do at the time of long-term treatment? It is important to understand that at the time of the migrant, the alcoholic will suffer from depression, an obsession with a drink.
  It is important to solve in advance the problem with passive time spent at the time of treatment at home. An excellent solution would be watching your favorite movies, reading audio books. Moreover, it is not recommended for relatives and friends to leave the alcoholic alone at home while the alcohol is held in the body. Be with him all the time. This will help protect the alcoholic from unpleasant thoughts.

Schedule of withdrawal from binge:

  • The first day. After sleeping in the morning you need to drink 500 grams of water. Take a shower. Then it’s time for medication. The task of the alcoholic is not to break loose and not cling to the desired bottle. Also, do not indulge in valocordin. If controlling desire is very difficult, then make a decoction of valerian, motherwort. It’s hard - only in the first days, then - it will be easier.
  • Second day. Breaking weakens, a person begins to control himself. The emphasis is that you need to drink three liters of water per day. We eliminate the symptoms of alcohol by taking medication according to the instructions. The feeling of breaking remains, so you should not lean on valocordin.
  • Day Three After treatment of long binge, weakness, a broken condition, and depression remain at home, because all the forces went into the fight against alcohol addiction. The main thing is not to give up and start drinking water in the morning, apply medicines, and a vitamin complex. Eating can be diversified and go about your business.

But if you have not felt better all day, you are suffering from withdrawal and are ready to climb the wall from wild desire, then this is an urgent sign of going to a narcologist. Complications from prolonged alcohol poisoning may occur.

Many car owners are very concerned about (in some situations) the urgent question of how much alcohol is held in urine and blood. It is good when the day after the feast there is time to relax and put your condition in order. And if you urgently need to drive or undergo a medical examination?

In this case, one should have full information on how long the residues of toxic substances after the decay of ethanol leave the body. This factor is influenced by many nuances that must be taken into account.

A number of factors affect the time that alcohol is removed from the body.

If you still do not know whether alcohol affects urine analysis, you need to study how exactly ethanol breaks down in the human body. Doctors usually divide the "journey" of alcohol into three stages:

  1. Suction. This stage begins as soon as alcohol enters the body. The absorption phase lasts until the level of ethyl alcohol reaches its concentration in human blood.
  2. Selection. In the course of the next phase, the residues of the decay of ethyl alcohol begin to be excreted through the body systems using sweat, respiration, and urine. This period, on average, lasts about 9-12 hours.
  3. Oxidation. When the concentration decreases due to the processes of alcohol withdrawal, the stage of oxidation comes.

The time during which all these phases last is purely individual. It has been established that in some systems and organs of the body, ethyl alcohol is retained for a long time. In this regard, most of the load falls on the nervous and reproductive systems.

To determine the level of alcohol in the blood using a special formula

What factors influence the withdrawal of alcohol

To determine how much alcohol exits urine, a number of important factors must be considered. These conditions directly affect the speed and quality of cleansing the body of the decay products of ethanol. These are the following factors:

  1. The functioning of the liver. Only this organ, the main “cleaner” of the body, can affect the rate of ethanol decay. The healthier the liver, the faster it will happen.
  2. Weight of a person. If a person is small in size and thin, then intoxication of the body with alcohol-containing products will come much faster.
  3. Floor. It is noted that in women, due to the peculiarities of their structure of the nervous and mental system, alcohol is excreted 20-25% longer in comparison with men (of the same weight).
  4. The dose of alcohol. Well, everything is very clear here: the more alcohol consumed, the faster the person will get intoxicated, and the remaining alcohol will stay in the systems and organs of the body longer.
  5. Type of alcoholic beverage. It has been established that vodka (pure and natural) leaves the body much faster than the same cognac, wine, rum, whiskey, etc. But champagne and other sparkling wine drinks are absorbed literally instantly after they are drunk, which leads to a brighter and faster intoxication.
  6. The condition of the organs. The healthier the body is, not suffering from any kind of chronic disease, the faster its body will be cleaned of the remnants of alcohol. The liver accounts for about 90% of all work, the remaining 10% goes to the functioning of the urinary system (sweat glands, bladder and kidneys).
  7. Genetic predisposition. The body of each person has individual characteristics. Sometimes at the hereditary level, the liver of a certain personality has a weak production of enzymes that help break down ethanol. In some cases, the liver organ does not have this ability at all. Then there is a complete intolerance to alcohol and the development of severe allergies.
  8. Age. Older people, as a rule, have already weakened health and an exhausted body. The alcohol in their body will be processed and come out much longer than with young and full-bodied personalities.

If you arm yourself with average indicators, then pure vodka in the amount of 400 g will leave the body only after 22-24 hours (subject to full human health). After this time, the test for alcohol in the urine will become negative.

How does blood change under the influence of ethanol

The time required for the body to completely detoxify from residual ethyl alcohol varies. It depends on many factors, and therefore, all the indicators shown are averaged.

How much alcohol is kept in urine table

This table will help to clearly understand how much time is required to cleanse the body of ethanol decay products. Do not forget to take into account that for more accurate figures it is also necessary to take into account a number of additional indicators.

Sleep mercury Volume drunk (in grams) Human body weight (in kg)
60 70 80 90 100
Output Time (in hours)
Beer (4%) 100 0,35 0,30 0,26 0,23 0,21
200 1,44 1,29 1,18 1,10 1,03
300 2,54 2,29 2,11 1,56 1,44
Beer (6%) 100 0,52 0,45 0,39 0,35 0,31
200 2,37 2,14 1,57 1,44 1,34
200 4,21 3,44 3,16 2,54 2,37
Gin and Tonic (9%) 100 1,18 1,07 0,59 0,52 0,47
200 3,55 3,21 2,56 2,37 2,21
300 6,32 5,36 4,54 4,21 3,55
Champagne (11%) 100 1,36 1,22 1,12 1,04 0,57
200 4,47 4,06 3,35 3,11 2,52
300 7,79 6,50 5,59 5,19 4,47
Port (18%) 100 2,37 2,14 1,57 1,44 1,34
200 7,50 6,43 5,52 5,13 4,42
300 13,03 11,11 9,47 8,42 7,50
Tincture (24%) 100 3,29 2,59 2,37 2,19 2,05
200 10,26 8,57 7,50 6,58 6,15
300 17,24 14,55 13,03 11,35 10,26
Liquor (30%) 100 4,21 3,44 3,16 2,54 2,37
200 13,03 11,11 9,47 8,42 7,50
300 21,45 18,39 16,19 14,30 13,03
Vodka (40%) 100 5,48 4,58 4,21 3,52 3,29
200 17,24 14,44 13,03 11,36 10,26
300 29,00 24,51 21,45 19,20 17,24
Cognac (42%) 100 6,05 5,13 4,34 4,04 3,39
200 18,16 15,40 13,42 12,11 10,58
300 30,27 26,06 22,50 20,18 18,16

The nuances of alcohol testing

Most often, saliva or urine is used to analyze the alcohol content in the body for analysis. Occasionally (in the presence of medical indications) blood is also taken for diagnosis.

It is noticed that if you pass all types of tests at the same time, their indicators will vary, revealing an unequal amount of ethyl alcohol.

Ethanol Features

Considering this issue, one feature of alcohol should be considered. Its hydrophilicity, that is, the ability to accumulate in environments with the highest water content. Suppose, if you analyze blood plasma and erythrocyte mass, then the tests will show the highest concentration of alcohol.

Each country has its own rules on the maximum permissible level of ethanol in the body

Also, the highest ethanol content is observed at the time of the resorption phase (the time when ethyl alcohol from the blood of a person enters his tissue). But the presence of alcohol in the bladder depends on the time of the previous visit to the toilet room and the amount of liquid drunk (not only alcohol).

After the moment when a person begins to slowly disappear intoxication symptoms, a blood test may not give an accurate result. While a simultaneous urine test will indicate the content of ethanol in the body. Ethyl alcohol freely circulates through the internal systems of the body for 4-5 hours, only then does the process of its decay begin gradually.

It was found that the amount of ethanol supplied to the milk of a nursing woman is approximately equal to the amount of alcohol in sweat and human urea.

When asked whether it is possible to drink alcohol before passing urine, the answer will be unequivocal - no. Otherwise, the test results will become negative. Doctors advise against drinking any alcohol at least 2–3 days before laboratory tests are completed.

Features of the breathalyzer

When conducting patrol diagnostics using a breathalyzer, sometimes the test results are false positive. This is due to:

  • stomach problems
  • diseases of the teeth and gums;
  • drinking kvass or sour-milk drinks.

Do not forget that alcohol fumes are found in excess in kefir, various fermentation products, mouth fresheners and even toothpaste. Therefore, if you know for sure that you did not drink alcohol, with a positive test result, you should require a more accurate analysis by the method of blood sampling.

How to influence output time

Of course, it is impossible to speed up the work of the liver on its own, so that it can quickly free the body of the already existing alcohol. But there are a number of useful practical recommendations on how to slightly speed up the process:

  1. Completely stop the additional intake of alcohol in the body.
  2. Artificial vomiting can be caused by freeing the stomach of food debris that contains ethanol. But this method can only be effective within the first 30-40 minutes after drinking.
  3. Perform an enema to free the intestines from the residual ethyl alcohol.
  4. The adoption of fatty and dairy products will help slow down the absorption of ethyl alcohol into the blood. Milk envelops the mucous walls of the stomach and helps to retain ethanol, which subsequently leaves the body naturally, without being actively absorbed into the blood.
  5. It will have a good effect on the state of the body after drinking alcohol and taking fermented milk products. These products contain a huge amount of beneficial amino acids and bacteria. They directly affect metabolism, accelerating it. Accordingly, the withdrawal time of alcohol is also accelerated.
  6. Sorbents can also affect the rate of body cleansing. These funds adsorb residues of ethyl alcohol and help their withdrawal.
  7. Diuretic drugs can also be used, accelerating the work of the kidneys, and, accordingly, the withdrawal of alcohol.

But the most effective way is a good, sound and long sleep. Only 4-5 hours of rest and the body is sober completely. Therefore, it is not worth drinking, knowing that there is a car trip or medical examination. No need to risk their rights, and even more so with their own health and safety of others.

How long does alcohol hold in the blood, the body

How long does alcohol hold in the blood, the body

What determines the degree of intoxication?On the one hand, on the amount of alcoholic beverages consumed and the alcohol content in them, and on the other, on the characteristics of the human body while driving. The body features include body weight, emotional and moral state of the driver. In addition to these factors, it is necessary to consider how much time has passed after consuming a dose of alcohol. The body of a more massive person contains more water. Therefore, with the same dose of alcohol consumed, the amount of alcohol content will be greater for one who has less body weight.
Is it possible to influence the process of removing alcohol from the blood? The body and blood are exempted from the accepted dose of alcohol by its oxidation and subsequent excretion. The liver removes about 90% of alcohol ingested. A small amount of alcohol is excreted through the lungs, sweat glands, and kidneys. Taking a dose of alcohol takes time. Nevertheless, a cold and hot shower, a walk in the fresh air, strong black coffee, tea, juices help to some extent remove alcohol from the body. You need a good snack, potatoes, orange juice and activated charcoal help break down alcohol.
When can I drive without violating traffic rules?  If you have a drink, you will have to wait a while with the driver, so as not to fall under sanctions for traffic violations. How much to wait, a table of norms for the consumption and removal of alcohol from the blood and the body will tell you, which contains averaged data on the time of this process. It should be noted that consumption in a bad mood (or condition) can increase these values \u200b\u200bby almost 2 times. Therefore, just in case, throw yourself some more hours in reserve for leveling the norm of alcohol in the blood.
How does alcohol affect the reaction?  At 0.2 - 0.5 ppm, it is already difficult to assess at what speed the light sources and their size move.
   At 0.5 - 0.8 ppm (1 liter of beer or 150 ml of vodka), the eyes switch more slowly to different types of lighting and perceive red color worse.
   More alcohol in the blood narrows the angle of view, and the driver generally ceases to see what is happening on the sides.
   A dose of 1.2 ppm (2.5 liters of beer or 400 ml of vodka), as a rule, leads to a complete loss of the ability to drive a car.
   A blood count of 4-5 ppm is officially considered fatal.
Table of norms of consumption and time for removing alcohol from the body, blood
   The period of complete elimination of alcohol from the body in hours.
   Volume 100 grams
   Volume 300 grams
   500 gram volume
   Personal data may differ from those given in the table due to the physiological characteristics of the body. So from the body, the blood of a woman, alcohol is excreted on average 20% slower.

The weight of a person in kg.

35 minutes
   1 h. 44 min.
   2 hours 54 minutes

30 minutes.
   1 h. 29 min.
   2 hours 29 minutes

26 minutes
   1 h. 18 min.
   2 hours 11 minutes

23 minutes
   1 h 10 min
   1 h. 56 min.

21 minutes
   1 h. 03 min.
   1 h. 44 min.

52 minutes
   2 hours 37 minutes
   4 hours 21 minutes

45 minutes
   2 hours 14 minutes
   3 hours 44 minutes

39 minutes
   1 h. 57 min.
   3 hours 16 minutes

35 minutes
   1 h. 44 min.
   2 hours 54 minutes

31 minutes
   1 h. 34 min.
   2 hours 37 minutes

Gin and tonic 9%

1 h. 18 min.
   3 hours 55 minutes
   6 hours 32 minutes

1 hour 07 minutes
   3 hours 21 minutes
   5 hours 36 minutes

59 minutes
2 hours 56 minutes
   4 hours 54 minutes

52 minutes
   2 hours 37 minutes
   4 hours 21 minutes

47 minutes
   2 hours 21 minutes
   3 hours 55 minutes

Champagne 11%

1 h. 36 min.
   4 hours 47 minutes
   7 hours 59 minutes

1 h. 22 min.
   4 hours 06 minutes
   6 hours 50 minutes

1 h. 12 min.
   3 hours 35 minutes
   5 hours 59 minutes

1 h. 04 m.
   3 hours 11 minutes
   5 hours 19 minutes

57 minutes
   2 hours 52 minutes
   4 hours 47 minutes

Port 18%

2 hours 37 minutes
   7 hours 50 minutes
   13 hours 03 minutes

2 hours 14 minutes
   6 hours 43 minutes
   11 hours 11 minutes

1 h. 57 min.
   5 hours 52 minutes
   9 hours 47 minutes

1 h. 44 min.
   5 hours 13 minutes
   8 hours 42 minutes

1 h. 34 min.
   4 hours 42 minutes
   7 hours 50 minutes

Tincture 24%

3 hours 29 minutes
   10 h. 26 min.
   17 hours 24 minutes

2 hours 59 minutes
   8 hours 57 minutes
   14 h. 55 min.

2 hours 37 minutes
   7 hours 50 minutes
   13 hours 03 minutes

2 hours 19 minutes
   6 hours 58 minutes
   11 hours 36 minutes

2 hours 05 minutes
   6 hours 16 minutes
   10 h. 26 min.

4 hours 21 minutes
   13 hours 03 minutes
   21 hours 45 minutes

3 hours 44 minutes
   11 hours 11 minutes
   18 h. 39 min.

3 hours 16 minutes
   9 hours 47 minutes
   16 hours 19 minutes

2 hours 54 minutes
   8 hours 42 minutes
   14 h. 30 min.

2 hours 37 minutes
   7 hours 50 minutes
   13 hours 03 minutes

5 hours 48 minutes
   17 hours 24 minutes
   29 hours 00 minutes

4 hours 58 minutes
   14 h. 55 min.
   24 h. 51 min.

4 hours 21 minutes
   13 hours 03 minutes
   21 hours 45 minutes

3 hours 52 minutes
   11 hours 36 minutes
   19 h. 20 min.

3 hours 29 minutes
   10 h. 26 min.
   17 hours 24 minutes

Cognac 42%

6 hours 05 minutes
   18 hours 16 minutes
   30 h. 27 min.

5 hours 13 minutes
   15 hours 40 minutes
   26 h. 06 m.

4 hours 34 minutes
   13 h. 42 min.
   22 h. 50 min.

4 hours 04 minutes
   12 hours 11 minutes
   20 hours 18 minutes

3 hours 39 minutes
   10 hours 58 minutes
   18 hours 16 minutes

How long alcohol holds in the blood depends on a whole range of factors. Let’s try to figure out how alcohol generally affects the body and how long after consumption it can be detected in the analysis.

Permissible blood alcohol content

Before giving specific figures about how long alcohol holds in the blood, one popular misconception should be debunked. It is believed that with a single-drinker, alcohol with a single use is excreted faster than with someone who drinks constantly. In fact, this is not so: the rate of elimination, as shown by numerous experiments, is approximately the same for all people. Just for those who drink a lot, doses of alcohol are superimposed on each other, and the body does not have time to cleanse itself.

Another myth suggests that there are safe doses of alcohol for humans. This is not true. In fact, any dose of alcohol has negative (although sometimes invisible) effects on the body. The permissible blood alcohol content can only be said from the point of view of law when it comes to permission to drive a car. Since 2013, in Russia this norm has been no more than 0.3 ppm (0.16 mg / l) according to the breathalyzer.

Stages of alcohol intake

Ethyl alcohol in itself is one of the metabolic products in humans, but a significant amount of it can enter the body only from the outside - as part of various kinds of alcoholic beverages. Moreover, it goes through three stages:




When absorbed, alcohol begins to enter the human blood. Theoretically, it can begin to be absorbed already in the mouth, being absorbed through the mucous surface, but in practice it can only be a very small fraction of it. Oddly enough, not all alcohol is absorbed in the stomach, only about 20% is absorbed there. Everything else enters the bloodstream in the intestines. At this stage, the physiological difference between an empty and a full stomach is manifested: in a person who has eaten tightly, up to a third of alcohol is lost without entering the bloodstream. The stage of absorption usually lasts about an hour, and by its end the concentration of alcohol in the blood is maximum.

It should also be noted that in patients with alcoholism the absorption rate is much higher than in healthy people, respectively, and they also get drunk faster. During distribution, alcohol is carried with blood throughout the body. Initially, its maximum concentration is observed in arterial blood, but then quickly enough (within 3-5 minutes), alcohol is distributed throughout the bloodstream.

Finally, at the stage of excretion, the body begins to break down alcohol. The bulk of ethyl alcohol breaks down in the liver, a certain amount is excreted through the urinary system, and some through the lungs when breathing.

How much alcohol is kept in the blood of a person under different circumstances?

Speaking of withdrawal, narcologists say that on average, the concentration of alcohol in the blood drops at a rate of 0.15 ppm per hour. Therefore, knowing the concentration, one can estimate how long alcohol will be processed and removed from the body. The problem, however, is that it is impossible to accurately determine the concentration without special instruments. Nevertheless, based on the statement of narcologists, it can be concluded that even with a concentration of 4 ppm (this is extreme intoxication, an alcoholic coma), if a person does not die from cardiac arrest or breathing, he will be completely sober in a little more than a day.

In addition, when calculating the time of cleansing the body of alcohol, 2 more factors should be considered:

The higher the strength of the drink, the longer alcohol is excreted (with an equal volume of drunk).

The higher the body weight, the lower will be the concentration of alcohol in the blood.

How to calculate the excretion time of alcohol?

The possible concentration of alcohol in the blood can be tried to calculate according to the Widmark formula. Despite the fact that it was developed back in the 20s of the last century, it is still used today. According to this formula, the concentration of alcohol in the blood is equal to the amount of alcohol drunk in grams divided by body weight in kilograms, which in turn is multiplied by the Widmark coefficient (for men it is on average 0.7, for women 0.6). In this case, it is necessary to subtract from the obtained result from 10% (on an empty stomach) to 30% (on a full one), since not all alcohol enters the blood.

The problem here is that the drink is usually estimated not by weight, but by volume, and degrees for alcohol are volume, not mass, percentages. However, if you wish, you can, having calculated the volume of alcohol in the drink, transfer it to mass, remembering the ratio of the density of water and alcohol - 1 to 0.8.

Having thus calculated the possible concentration of alcohol in the blood, you can already figure out when your body is cleansed of it.

The rate of excretion of alcohol from the body

How long alcohol holds in the blood depends on the strength of the drink, the amount drunk, and the body weight of the drinker. Offhand you can give the following examples:

beer with a strength of 4 “turns” in the amount of 0.5 l from the body of a man weighing 70 kg will be completely removed in a little more than 2 hours, for women weighing less than 60 kg it will take 3 hours;

wine with a strength of 11 degrees in the amount of 0.5 l in the body of the aforementioned man will no longer be detected after 7 hours, women - after 8 hours;

vodka in the amount of 100 grams (according to tradition in Russia it is counted in grams) - will be removed after 5 and 6 hours, respectively.