Which nation drinks the most. Which country in the world is the most drinking

17.10.2019 Buffet table

Contrary to stereotypes, Russia is by no means the world leader in alcohol consumption. The level of alcohol consumption per capita is even falling at the moment. This is due both to anti-alcohol measures taken by the state over the past few years, and to the growth in Russia of the amount that faith forbids. Our country is not even one of the ten leaders, taking only 16th place in alcohol consumption per capita.

Russia is traditionally considered one of the most drinking countries in the world. Along with the balalaika and the bear, among the symbols of Russia, according to the ideas of foreigners, there is vodka - the Russian national drink.

Alcohol Country Rankings

The top 20 drinkers in the world, according to the WHO, are currently: 20 in Austria, where 13.24 liters of ethanol per year per capita are drunk. Meanwhile, Slovakia took 19th position with 13.33 liters. Great Britain and Denmark share the 18th line of this dubious competition. Poland is on the 17th place (13.25 liters), Russia is on the 16th (13.50).

Alcohol along with other psychoactive substances has been used by humans since primitive times. At first it was part of shamanistic rites, then it was used for recreational purposes as an appetite stimulant and antiseptic.

France, Ireland (like Russia, which has earned the glory of a lot of drinking countries), Portugal and South Korea with 13.66, 14.41, 14.55 and 14.80 liters, respectively, also did not get into the top ten. The ten most active consumers of strong include Lithuania (15.03 liters per year), Croatia (15.11), Belarus (15.13), Slovenia (15.19), Romania (15.30), Andorra (15, 48), Estonia (15.57) and Ukraine (15.60). The first three were Hungary (16.27), Czech Republic (16.45) and Moldova (18.22).

Figures and Reality

These, however, are not that the problem is less acute, where they consume less liters per year, and more acutely - among the leaders in absolute consumption. For example, in the second place in the Czech Republic, a large percentage of the population drinks, but relatively few people abuse alcohol. The most favorite drink, as you know, is beer. In countries such as Russia, France and the UK, the number of liters per capita is lower, but strong drinks are very popular. In addition, in these states there is a fairly large percentage of Muslim non-drinkers for religious reasons, while the amount of alcohol consumed is calculated on the basis of the total population. Thus, not everyone drinks here, but those who drink are prone to abuse.

What is the most drinking country in the world? Such ratings are published annually by various scientific and public organizations. From the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development to the World Health Organization. The amount of alcohol consumed is a reflection of many factors. The standard of living and education, mentality and characteristics of the character of the nation. Among Russians, it is often believed that they are one of the most drinkers on the planet. But is this really so?

How to calculate the amount of alcohol consumed by the population?

The most drinking country is most often determined by the World Health Organization. To compile its ranking, WHO measures how much each resident of the state drinks in pure ethyl alcohol. Moreover, for the purity of the experiment, only citizens over 15 years of age are taken into account.

The calculations take into account all alcohol sold in supermarkets and restaurants, cafes and gas stations during the year. So this is the most objective and reliable data.

Who comes first?

Currently, the rating of the most drinking countries in the world is headed, surprisingly, by Lithuania. The fact that he takes into account the consumption of ethyl alcohol by each resident, not over the course of one year, but over the past five years, adds objectivity to the latest WHO ranking drawn up at the moment.

It should be noted that the population of Lithuania is relatively small. A little less than three million people live in the country. Moreover, if five years ago each resident drank about 13 liters of pure ethanol per year, now this figure has grown by almost a half liters.

This is explained not so much by the Lithuanians' passion for drinking, as by the economic and social situation in the country. With a successful transition to the market economy and low inflation, the state retains a very scarce raw material base, and also a deficit in the services market is growing rapidly. Recently, Lithuania joined the European Union and abandoned the local currency in favor of the euro. At the same time, European assistance is by far the largest item of state budget revenue. She has already exceeded 30%.

The absence of borders with Europe also plays a role. Most of the talented and promising Lithuanians today can easily move to countries with a higher standard of living. And those who remain and lead the country to the leaders when the rating of the most drinking countries is compiled.

At the same time, the most popular drink in Lithuania is beer. It provides almost half of ethanol consumption. Another popular drink is midus, a local mead. Alcohol, similar to beer, but several degrees stronger.

Neighbors - in second place

In second place on this list, Lithuanian neighbors are Estonia. Moreover, the lag behind the leaders is very significant. Therefore, we can confidently say that in the coming years the most drinking country in the world will remain unchanged.

While in Lithuania each citizen consumes about 14.5 liters of ethanol per year, in Estonia this figure does not reach 12 liters. Moreover, it is worth noting that several years ago this figure was almost half a liter higher, however, the state is conducting an active anti-alcohol campaign, which is bearing fruit.

Estonia has the same economic and social problems as Lithuania. The almost complete absence of a raw material base, a large outflow of the population to European countries with a higher standard of living, and the dependence of the budget on EU subsidies.

In Estonia, beer and spirits are almost as popular as each other. Most often, local residents prefer strong liquor "Old Tallinn".

Who else is in the top three?

Over the past five years, there has been a tendency to decrease alcohol consumption per capita, but at the same time, the French still remain among the leaders. If several years ago each citizen drank about 12 liters of ethanol per year each year, today this figure has been reduced by almost a liter.

The most popular drink of the French is wine. Largely because of him, many believe that France is the most drinking country. In the total share of consumption of all alcoholic beverages, it accounts for almost 60%. At the same time, the beer consumption rating is extremely low - less than 20%.

Such a high level of consumption in this case is explained by the mentality. Almost no meal in France is complete without a glass, or even a bottle of wine. The country itself produces a large amount of this alcoholic drink, which is actively popularizing among its citizens. Teenagers begin to drink wine and do not stop until their death.

Another factor is the large number of migrants who have arrived in France in recent years. They also contribute.

And where is Russia?

Now you know that the answer to the question, which is the most drinking country, is definitely not Russia. In the current rating, our state is in 8th place. Ahead - Czechs, Irish, Germans and residents of Luxembourg.

However, there is an unpleasant trend: in recent years, the amount of alcohol consumed is growing.

In Russia, the most popular drink is vodka. In general, strong alcohol in the total mass accounts for more than 50% of consumption, a little less than 40% is beer. Men on average drink 4 times more women.

And where do not drink?

The people of Pakistan cannot say about themselves that they are the most drinking country in the world. This state in South Asia is one of the most densely populated in the world. Almost 200 million people live in it - this is the 6th place in the world.

At the same time, the level of alcohol consumption is one of the lowest on the planet. On average, Pakistanis drink about one tenth of a liter of ethanol per citizen per year.

The reason for this low consumption is in religion. The state religion in the country is Sunni Islam. Any alcohol is strictly prohibited. So the main consumption of alcoholic beverages falls on visiting specialists who have long settled in Pakistan.

The Sunnis themselves cannot drink alcohol, however, it is not forbidden to buy, sell or give it to representatives of other religions.

For many, alcohol has become an integral part of life. Fortunately, some drink only on holidays and in moderation. But still in some countries people often drink a lot. And which of them can be called the most “drinkers”?

Who drinks the most?

Top ten countries in which they drink the most:

  1. Republic of Belarus. This country is almost one of the most drinkers in the whole world! Per capita alcohol consumption in recent years has been approximately 17 liters! A man manages to drink about 27-28 liters of alcohol in a year! Women drink an average of 9. But the real data, most likely, is much higher, because researchers cannot estimate the scale of illegal production of alcohol, that is, home-brewing, and Belarusians will probably brew moonshine, and in huge quantities.
  2. Hungary. It is difficult to call Hungarians “alcoholic gourmets,” since they are completely non-selective in the choice of alcohol. There are no favorite drinks, and therefore almost everything is used: wine, beer, vodka, tinctures and so on. One average resident of this country drinks about 13.5 liters of alcohol per year. At the same time, men drink much more often and more than women. They manage to consume more than 20 liters of alcohol per year, while the fairer sex is limited to the whole family. By the way, Hungary is famous for its vineyards, which is probably why many residents believe that not drinking here is simply impossible, because there are so many temptations!
  3. Czech. They also drink in this country, and drink a lot. Per capita per year, about 15-16 liters of alcohol (about 19 per man and about 8 per woman) are accounted for, and this is a lot. Moreover, Czechs especially love beer, not without reason this country is famous for this foamy drink and its breweries, which supply products to many countries of the world. By the way, it is here that the most popular and delicious beer is brewed, and here the term “Pilsner” appeared, which translates approximately as “Pilsen” (there is the city of Pilsen in the country). But the prices are quite reasonable, so people do not deny themselves the pleasure of enjoying the taste and aroma of malt and hops.
  4. Moldova. Surely at least once in my life, everyone drank Moldavian wine. But the inhabitants of this country probably drink it regularly, because on average one person older than 15 years receives about 17 liters of alcohol per year (about 25 account for a man and 9 for a woman). Probably, they still remember the Soviet “dry law” or are worried that they can introduce it again.
  5. Portugal. In this country, it is warm and sunny almost all year round, so the vineyards grow as if "by leaps and bounds." And the Portuguese enjoy this with pleasure, making grapes from wines and other alcoholic beverages, which are used almost daily as aperitifs or sedatives. In small quantities, such a drink is useful, but if the country entered the top, then they do not know how to control themselves. Beer, by the way, is also loved and drunk no less, since it costs much less.
  6. Slovakia. She also did not go far from her Czech neighbor, they also like to drink here. No wonder per capita for the year accounts for about 13-14 liters of alcohol. And if women limit themselves (they drink an average of 6 liters), then men most likely allow themselves weaknesses daily, since they manage to drink 20 liters a year!
  7. Ukraine. This country is also included in the list of the most drinkers. The average Ukrainian annually receives about 17-18 liters of alcohol, and this is quite a lot. By the way, the national drink is a vodka, which is very similar to Russian vodka. And she appeared, according to some documents and evidence, in the distant XVII century. And at that time it was called “hot wine”, although it cannot in any way resemble wine, because the fortress is much higher. And some alcoholic products are known all over the world. So, the popular brand is Nemiroff.
  8. Russia. Russians know how to drink, everyone knows that. And sometimes they simply can’t stop, which is why the country entered the top. On average, about 15-16 liters of alcohol per inhabitant per year, and men drink a lot: about 23 liters! The most popular drink among Russians is beer, which is especially loved by men, which is why they are rapidly gaining weight. But women are also not averse to missing one or two bottles in good company. In second place in popularity is the strongest drink - vodka. She goes on almost all feasts. But, as statistics show, more and more often Russian citizens began to drink wine. But to rejoice or not, it is not known, since this drink is harmful if you do not know the measures.
  9. Andorra. In this wonderful country, in which, seemingly, in addition to feasts, there are so many different more interesting and useful activities, about 14 liters of alcohol are drunk annually. And men drink much more than women, they consume up to 20 liters (while the fairer sex is limited to only 8).
  10. Lithuania. In this country, every average citizen drinks about 16 liters of pure alcohol annually (naturally, as part of alcoholic beverages). They drink a variety of drinks here, but the midus is practically national. It is made from honey, water and yeast. In total, the country produces three types of midus. But since there is a lot of honey, other drinks, such as nectars, balms, tinctures, are also made on its basis. Probably, it is very tasty, and therefore the Lithuanians are so addicted that they do not always comply with the measure.

And finally, some interesting facts about the so-called alcoholic culture of the world and different countries:

  • The critical rate of alcohol consumption, according to the World Health Organization, is 8 liters. But at the same time, the average volume of consumption throughout the world is 10 liters, that is, it turns out that literally in all countries alcohol is abused. And such statistics are very sad.
  • Currently, alcohol takes millions of lives every year! So, they die from him much more often than from violence, pneumonia and AIDS. Just imagine: many literally kill themselves with their own hands, abusing alcohol.
  • About 45-48% of the world's population have never tasted alcohol in their entire lives. And given this fact, it turns out that those who drink are abusing in any case, otherwise the indicators would not be so significant.
  • Different countries drink different drinks. For example, Spain, France and Portugal are very fond of wine, probably because there are many vineyards. In Switzerland, Bulgaria, Belgium and Germany, residents love beer and wine almost equally.
  • The north the state is located, the more it drinks strong drinks. And especially they drink a lot in countries such as Norway, Russia, Ukraine, Finland, USA, Canada, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Japan and the UK. Most likely, this is due to the fact that the inhabitants of these countries believe that strong alcohol helps to keep warm. And this is indeed so, because after use there is a feeling that it has become warmer. But such a feeling is often deceptive and even dangerous, because many freeze to death precisely in a state of intoxication.

Now you know which countries drink the most, and which drinks are especially loved by their inhabitants.

There is a strong and well-established opinion that the Russians are one of the most abundant drinking nations. But there is one stubborn and indisputable thing - these are numbers and statistical indicators. Before arguing and carrying the idea to the masses, you need to arm yourself with statistics. The "dry" data does not carry an emotional connotation, they only offer to arm themselves with the truth and compare the current state of affairs.

Judging by the latest data obtained by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, alcohol consumption per capita in Russia has a direction towards a steady decline. In the analysis, specialists compared the results adopted in 2010 and 2015. And how were things in 2016, do we have a reason for joy?

According to statistics, the amount of alcohol consumption in Russia is reduced

According to accepted UN standards, per capita consumption of 8 liters of ethyl alcohol is an extremely alarming indicator. And not only for every person, but also for the entire specific nation. By the way, a fairly large number of countries fall into the classification where this level is exceeded. In particular, in terms of 2015, the rating of the most drinkers was as follows:

Ranking place A country Per capita alcohol consumption (in l)
1 Czech16,45
2 Hungary16,27
3 Ukraine15,60
4 Estonia15,57
5 Andorra15,48
6 Romania15,30
7 Slovenia15,19
8 Belarus15,13
9 Croatia15,11
10 Lithuania15,03
11 The Republic of Korea14,80
12 Portugal14,55
13 Ireland14,41
14 Russia13,50
15 Poland13,25
16 United Kingdom13,37
17 Denmark13,37
18 Slovakia13,33
19 Austria13,24
20 Luxembourg13,01
21 Germany12,81
22 Finland12,52
23 Latvia12,50
24 Bulgaria12,44

The use of alcohol-containing drinks per capita in the Russian Federation from 13.6 liters (according to 2015) fell to 11.6 liters (according to statistics for December 2016).

So, given the statistics of alcoholism in Russia, do Russians frivolously rank as “the most drinkers”? If you study the figures obtained, it becomes clear that some of the countries with a developed culture are excessively indulging in strong-drinking. And if they do not reach the “record” of our country, then the difference is practically imperceptible.

Comparative characteristics of alcohol consumption in Russia and the USSR

Given the results of previous statistics, the WHO forecast for our country is quite favorable. In Russia, there is a downward trend in this unpleasant figure. So, is there a reason to be glad? There is, but, unfortunately, is very small.

We continue to abuse

If you don’t juggle the figures, do not compare them to one degree or another, the Russians drink alcohol and quite hard. According to available indicators, on average, against the background of abuse of alcohol-containing products in the Russian Federation, mortality ranges from 75-85,000 for every 100,500 people. That is, it can be said, counting how many alcoholics are in Russia, that each year 1,400 Russian citizens die from alcohol abuse.

This figure is rather big, considering the size of our country and the number of people living in it. It is important to know that people who are addicted to alcohol and suffer from alcoholism have no chance to live safely to old age, because according to the same statistics, of them:

  1. 60.70% will die from pancreatitis.
  2. 62.10% will take their own lives.
  3. 68.7% die as a result of cirrhosis.
  4. 24.5% die due to diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The reasons that push people to drink

Studying the data cited by the statistics of alcohol consumption in Russia and comparing them with the indicators of other countries, we can conclude that the problem of drinking is relevant for almost all world developed countries. What global reasons are guilty of this state of affairs?

Active urbanization

Experts argue that one of the main culprits of the rapid development of alcoholism is urbanization. It gave a sharp increase in the population of cities, due to the outflow of residents from villages and villages. Historical facts indicate that exchanging a quiet and measured rural life for the dynamics of large cities, most people can not cope with the growing stress and go into a drunken reassurance.

Urbanization is one of the reasons for the increase in alcoholism

Cataclysms and social problems

Additionally and quite strongly, the growth of alcoholism in Russia intensified economic crises, cataclysms, and the growing threat of using weapons of mass destruction. By the way, in the realities of the Cold War, against the backdrop of an impending nuclear disaster, a significant increase in the growth of alcoholism was noted. Other social problems also contributed. In particular, the growth of unemployment.

In Russia, the unemployment rate falls within 5.6%, while in the EU countries these figures are about 12%, which stimulates the growth of alcohol consumption. Here you can see US figures taken in 2013. The country's authorities were able to reduce the percentage of unemployment from 9.5 to 5.4%. This also caused a pronounced tendency to decrease the total amount of alcohol consumption.

Social issues

As for Russia, the increase in the number of drinkers can be explained by the facts that over the past 25-30 years, our country has experienced a huge number of shocks on:

  • social;
  • economic;
  • political level.

The ruthless collapse of the huge, super-powerful state that the USSR was, provoked the global destruction of all the values \u200b\u200bthat have been established for years and the internal worldview of our citizens. The increase in alcoholism has intensified due to the fact that a different worldview and values \u200b\u200b(for that period) have not been established. The population, which has lost protection at the social level, has sharply increased poverty.

According to the statistical results, about 10% of Russian citizens face constant difficulties with good and nutritious nutrition.

And the decline in price increases for alcohol-containing products, which was observed during the collapse of the Union, also stimulated a sharp increase in alcoholism. People, having lost their jobs, not seeing a way out in this situation, went for solace in alcohol.

The consequences of alcohol dependence in the realities of the country

By established UN standards, it is estimated that alcohol consumption of more than 8 liters annually per capita is an extremely serious indicator. With the transition of this trait, a gradual degradation of a single nation will begin. Alcoholism leads to a decrease in life expectancy.

In Russia, life expectancy tends to increase

If we compare the average life expectancy, then in Russia it is 10-15 years less in comparison with the countries of the European Union.

What shall we wait

The consumption of alcohol-containing products among the inhabitants of our country tends to decline. This is evidenced by the statistics of alcohol consumption in Russia by years, in particular, armed with data from Rosstat and WHO, we can see confirmation of this. Compare how the volume of sold alcohol products to Russians changed. The figures are taken for the period of the first half of the year (January-August):

  1. 2014: 72.3 million decalitres.
  2. 2015: 65.5 million decalitres (-7.4%).
  3. 2016: 64.7 million decalitres (-1.3%).

To complete the picture, you can arm yourself with statistics obtained by various public funds and the Russian Ministry of Health. So:

The ratio of non-drinkers and drinkers

Public Opinion Foundation. Statistics were carried out at the end of 2015:

  • 42% take alcohol several times a year;
  • 37% of Russians lead a completely sober lifestyle;
  • 19% drink 2-3 times a month;
  • 12% consume an antiperspirant 3-4 times a week.

Analytical Center "Levada Center". The survey was conducted in 2017:

  • 40% of our citizens do not drink alcohol at all;
  • 38% drink monthly several times;
  • 22% relax with a weekly hot drink.

Drop in alcohol consumption

Ministry of Health of Russia. According to the data obtained, the following trend is monitored:

  • in 2015, a drop in indicators of alcohol consumption (per capita) from 13.6 liters to 11.7 liters was noted;
  • over the current decade (data for December 2016), this level dropped from 18.2 liters to 10.4 liters.

Narcological Scientific and Practical Center (Moscow).  The use of alkaline products in the period from 2011 to 2016 decreased by almost 1/3. That is, from the original 18 liters per person, it dropped to 12.8 liters per year.

Reducing the increase in alcohol consumption

In the period 2012-2015. vodka production in our country decreased almost 2 times. In particular:

  1. The year 2013 was marked (for the first time in the history of the Russian Federation) by a sharp, almost 2-fold consumption of vodka. The share of use of this antioxidant decreased by 50% compared to 1995.
  2. In 2014, the share of vodka consumption was within the level of 45%, wine - 11%, beer - 41%, the rest fell to other alcohol-containing drinks.

Reduce alcohol intoxication

In the period from 2003-2013. the number of deaths caused by poisoning with alcohol-containing drinks in Russia decreased by almost 3 times. If in 2003 this number fit into 30 deaths per 100,000, but in 2013 this indicator varied in 10 cases.

Reducing the amount of alcohol produced in the Russian Federation

Vodka production, in connection with a fall in its demand, has a tendency to a steady decline. For example, in 2012, about 100 million decalitres of hard liquor were produced. Then, as in 2015, this volume dropped to 60 million decalitres. If we consider the production of beer, then the picture is quite rosy: its production also falls: from 11.5 billion liters (2007) to 7.3 billion liters (2015).

Most alcohol is ignored by the inhabitants of the Islamic country of Yemen. The strict “dry law” of Sharia does not allow them to entertain their minds and body with beer, wine or vodka on holidays or on weekdays. Although many of them do not worry about the effect of this strict prohibition. Still, the eastern mentality takes its toll.

However, not every nation can boast of such sobriety. This is exactly the opposite rating - the TOP of the most drinking countries on the planet.

Note. Statistics on alcohol consumption are expressed in units. 1 serving is 340 grams of beer, dry wine or 42 grams of vodka or 140 grams of fortified wine.

First Place - South Korea

Strange as it may seem, the list of the drunken dozen is headed by capitalist Korea. And all because the men and women of this country really like to drink the national drink of SooJ - rice vodka. It is transparent, has a sweetish flavor. And it contains as much as 20 to 40 percent alcohol. The appetite for a potent average potion of a Korean is 13, 7 (almost 14) servings per week. That is about 4.5 liters of dry wine.

The fact that "imaginary fun" harms the body, many South Koreans for the most part know, but deliberately reject. For them, sozhou, beer and other spirits are a universal cure for fatigue, antistress that tastes good. And they get tired, I must say, the inhabitants of this state greatly. After all, the working day established by local legislation is one of the longest in the world. Here, in fact, the nation in the person of the working people relaxes as much as possible.

For example, Seoul banker So Song Pom prefers to establish business contacts over a glass of something strong. According to him, in the office it is difficult to find business understanding with partners. Another thing is the informal atmosphere in a restaurant or bar. As part of a warm meeting, business issues are successfully resolved, and no one has a desire to "get the hell out of it".

But as they say, this is only one of the concepts. The South Korean police have their own opinion about the fascination with the degrees of compatriots. Officer Chan, starting from his work experience and his colleagues in law enforcement, says that the scale of drunkenness of citizens, at least in certain areas of Seoul, is steadily increasing. “More and more, police have to detain drunken offenders,” says Chan.

Needless to say, contrasts ... Over the past 20 years, the South Korean Healthcare Association has been actively conducting various campaigns and events to reduce alcohol consumption in the country. In particular, at the direction of the organization, prices for alcohol are periodically raised, the sales volume and advertising of drinks with degrees is limited. Who knows, perhaps the organization’s efforts will pay off handsomely and in the state a healthy lifestyle will take on the status of a strict priority.

Second place - Russia

For some reason, the inhabitants of many countries around the world have an opinion about which Russia is based solely on stereotypes: balalaika, bears, cap with earflaps, nested dolls and, of course, vodka. Yes, especially vodka, and in large quantities, as an integral attribute of the Russian soul and, in fact, Russian traditions. Nevertheless, in the TOP “The Most Drinking Countries” Russia is losing an honorable first place. Russians consume alcohol almost 2 times less than Koreans. Their weekly rate of “green snake” averages 6, 3 servings. They prefer light drinks, wine and beer, fortified compounds - vodka, cognac, moonshine.

In contrast to the true Russian tradition of “Beer without vodka - money down the drain!” Russian health experts say that the population has still lost interest in a forty-degree “soul balm”. This is the merit of both anti-alcohol manifestos and public policy. A special struggle for sobriety in the regions of Russia began in the 2010s. A law was introduced prohibiting the sale of alcohol at night, increased excise taxes, and tightened measures to curb the illegal production of alcohol.

Third Place - Philippines

Not only exotic landscapes, a unique ecosystem and beautiful beaches of this country attract tourists. Along with the charms of mother nature, they still love to enjoy local drinks - rum and beer of various varieties. In fairness, it should be noted that Filipinos, Aboriginal islanders, are not averse to skipping a glass or two of some alcohol, especially in the sweltering heat. So, in aggregate, the approximate norm for one resident of the Philippines is obtained - 5.4 servings of alcohol.

The island’s pirate drink captivates even absolutely indifferent people with its aromas and tastes. Local craftsmen use fruit, molasses, caramel and vanilla to make white rum. It is considered a light drink. But for sophisticated "gourmets", masters produce a special type of rum - "strong". The alcohol content in it can reach more than 75%. Some tourists-tasters "acquaintance" with this explosive liquid remember for a long time. Filipinos are called aged rum a golden drink made from cane sugar and caramel with light shades of wood. So, if you plan to spend a vacation in the Philippines, do not let yourself be swallowed up by alcoholic temptations.

Fourth Place - Thailand

One of the best travel oases in the world. And, as you know, where there is rest and entertainment, there is alcohol. Alcohol in Thai bars, restaurants, discotheques can be found not only in a fair amount, but also in the variety causing light-headedness. Cocktails, mixes, necks, and just classic light and strong drinks “in pure form” - all of them in cool condensed bottles insidiously invite vacationers and locals to get rid of thirst and improve their mood. And you know, many succumb to this temptation. The statistics are as follows: 4.5 drinks per week.

The greatest demand in Thailand is Bia - Thai beer. In supermarkets, a bottle of this drink can be bought for 35-100 baht, or for $ 1-3. Moreover, both local and foreign production: Singha Light, Chang Draught, Leo, Archa, Phuket Beer, Federbräu, Heineken. For a greater antipyretic effect, Thais add pieces of ice to beer.

Thrill-seekers don't miss Thai rum and Mekhong whiskey. Locals recommend using Mekong with soda or cola. (Perhaps it is these “advisers” that increase the statistics on the consumption of liquids with degrees in the country.)

Fifth Place - Japan

Residents of the land of the rising sun consume alcohol at lunch and dinner, in public transport, on the subway or train, to pass the trip. And in the spring, to sip fortified drinks, they gather in large noisy companies in the parks. Especially when sakura blossoms. And imagine, law enforcement officers do not bother them exactly until they cause any damage or disrupt public order. That is, observing the limits of decency, in Japan you can drink even in public places. But only, of course, if you are not driving. In this case, other legislative rules work. A ride under the hop threatens with job loss and imprisonment.

On average, the Japanese consume 4.4 drinks per week. The diet of fortified drinks consists of beer, whiskey and traditional sake (rice vodka).

Sixth place - Bulgaria

When they start a conversation with the Bulgarians about alcohol, they immediately recall the saying: “Russians drink and have a snack, and Bulgarians eat and drink.” Although the level of alcoholism in Bulgaria exceeds pan-European rates. The favorite drink of the population of this country is “rakiya” (fruit moonshine). Not a single celebration or significant event is complete without it. Make brandy homegrown and industrial methods. Quality varieties of this drink are not inferior in the number of degrees and taste properties of brandy. And Bulgarians consume about 3.9 servings of alcohol per week.

Seventh place - Ukraine

Ukrainians, like Bulgarians, in terms of alcohol prefer national traditions. More precisely, Ukrainian vodka - “vodka”. The first samples of this national product with a solid number of degrees appeared in the XVII century. This is evidenced by many historical documents. In those days, the vodka was also called “hot wine”. Well, nowadays, gorilki in combination with beer and wine per one Ukrainian in terms of portions account for 3.9 units per 1 week.

Eighth place - Slovakia

The main drink of the country is wine. From year to year, the grape-growing regions of Slovakia delight the inhabitants with a harvest and inspire them to fine winemaking. The final product, that is, wine, turns out to be delicious and healthy for them. What is the variety "Slovak sparkling Hubert" worth. However, nobler and stronger drinks of Slovak production - brandy Karpatsk, liqueurs Torec and Demnovka. In terms of statistics, Slovakia consumes about 3.8 servings per week.

Ninth Place - Brazil

Brazilian alcohol addiction is somewhat similar to Russian. 30% of Brazilians frankly admit that they are not averse to sipping something fortified at least once a week. And in the ratio of servings, the amount of alcohol they consume is 3.6 units.

Tenth place - USA

America in the top alcoholic countries got the last place. Yes, there are plenty of establishments where you can be tempted by alcohol. There are hundreds, thousands of bars, discos, casinos, and restaurants in every US state. But strict federal laws do not really allow Americans to indulge in alcohol. In particular, the country has an age limit - alcohol is allowed for boys and girls over 21 years of age. As a result, one citizen of the United States accounts for 3.3 drinks.

Of course, looking at the TOP, it becomes clear that every nation has its favorite alcoholic beverage, however, as well as its traditions, holidays. However, the health organizations of each of the presented countries (without exception!) Also traditionally persistently warn: “Dear citizens! Alcohol harms your health! ”