Salting of white breasts. Mushrooms for the winter: cold salt

17.10.2019 Winter blanks

In traditional Russian cuisine, mushrooms occupied an important place, although they are considered inedible throughout the world. Salads, appetizers, soups and pies were prepared from them. To preserve mushrooms for the winter, they were most often salted. These mushrooms have a rather unusual taste. In addition, they are useful because they contain protein.

Dry chest

The breast has a large funnel-shaped hat. Dry breast is different from its relatives in that it does not have the milky juice characteristic of other species.

These mushrooms are fried, boiled, baked, but the best is the taste of salting. Salting can be done in two ways - cold and hot. There should not be a large gap between the collection of mushrooms and their processing, it is best to do them immediately.


Dry salting starts with the process of cleaning them. This stage is the most difficult. You will need a dishwashing sponge and an unnecessary toothbrush. First of all, the soil and foliage are washed away from the mushrooms. After that, you need to change the water and do a more thorough cleaning. To do this, you need to go through all the dark places with a sponge or brush, constantly changing the water. In addition, it is important to get rid of all the darkening, rot.


You can choose any recipe for salting dry breasts. But in any case, you can not do without soaking. The mushrooms are laid down with their caps in a suitable container and filled with cold water. There they must be kept for at least three days. At the same time, water should cover them completely, for which you can use a small press. At the very end of the soaking, water needs to be slightly salted.

You can determine the correctness of the soaking of the breast using the folk method. You need to take a piece of mushroom, cut and try to cut into the tongue. If the mushroom is correctly soaked, then it will not be bitter.

Hot salting

Hot salting of dry breasts makes them soft, without a characteristic crunch. But this method of salting helps to maintain the original shape of the fungus and its color.

Fresh breasts are cleaned of debris, washed in water, changing it several times. After preliminary preparation, the mushrooms should be boiled for 20 minutes, then with the help of a slotted spoon put them in a wide bowl.

For salting, you need to prepare a brine, for which 2 tablespoons are taken per 1 liter of water. l salt, black and allspice (10 peas each), several bay leaves, currant leaves.

Boiled mushrooms are lowered into a boiling brine using a slotted spoon and boiled for about half an hour. Then horseradish root and head of garlic are added.

After the pan is removed from the heat, it is necessary to set the oppression on the mushrooms and leave them like that for 3-4 days, then put in jars, cover with cabbage leaves on top and cork with lids. Mushrooms will be ready in a month.

Hot salting of dry buns for the winter in banks

For a kilogram of breasts, you need to take 3-4 cloves of garlic, two tablespoons of salt, 10 peas of black pepper, 10 leaves of black currant, dill.

Hot salting of dry breasts for the winter begins with their preparation. Carefully washed mushrooms are put in boiling salted water and boiled for five minutes. Too large mushrooms can be pre-cut in parts.

The jars are sterilized, a small amount of salt is poured into the bottom, two peas of pepper are put. At the bottom of the sterilized jar, pour a little salt, 2 peppercorns, dill, blackcurrant leaf, then the mushrooms are laid tightly in layers, each sprinkled with salt and spices. Pour in water in which breasts were boiled. Banks are closed with boiled plastic caps. After they cool, clean in the refrigerator. You can try in a month and a half.

Cold ambassador

Dry salting in a cold way is a little more complicated. Mushrooms are thoroughly cleaned and washed, cut into slices and spread in a suitable container. Pour with running water and put under oppression for three to five days. Water is changed every day.

After the specified period, the mushrooms are removed and sprinkled with salt. Then they are laid out in salting dishes in layers with salt, adding horseradish and garlic. The dishes are covered with gauze, which they spread on. This is used so that the mushrooms do not become dark. Mushrooms are put under oppression, they must be completely covered with brine. After a month, the mushrooms are transferred to sterile jars and poured with brine. Dry salting in a cold way makes the mushroom more aromatic and juicy. In addition, after such a treatment, it will remain clean and snow-white.

Barrel pickling

Consider a recipe for salting dry loaves in a barrel. For ten kilograms of mushrooms take 0.5 kg of salt, garlic (4-5 heads), dill stems, horseradish, cherry and currant leaves. In addition, sterile gauze is needed to cover the barrel, a circle of wood and oppression.

After soaking and washing the breasts, put them in a barrel. Mushrooms are sprinkled with salt, adding spices and leaves, covered with horseradish leaves. A sterile gauze is laid on top of the barrel, on which a wooden circle is placed and oppressed. In the event that the brine is not allocated enough, you need to pick up more oppressive. Mushrooms are infused in the cellar for about a month, after which they can be tasted. If necessary, the period of salting can be extended.

If a mold layer appears on the surface of the barrel, you need to remove it entirely, change the gauze, sterilize the circle and bend it.

Salting in the bank

Salting dry mushrooms for the winter in a bank is not much different from salting in a barrel. Mushrooms are thoroughly washed and placed in an enameled pan, poured with water. A wooden circle or plate is laid on top, on which oppression is placed. Oppression should not be too heavy. The dishes with mushrooms are cleaned in a cool place. Mushrooms are soaked for three days, while water must be constantly changed.

After the specified period, the mushrooms are sorted and cut, if necessary. Glass salting jars are thoroughly washed and poured with boiling water. It is best if the jar will have a wide neck.

Mushrooms are laid in layers, rubbing each mushroom with salt. In order not to over-salt the mushrooms, the amount of salt should be about three percent of the weight of the mushrooms. If there is too much salt, then mushrooms will have to be washed before use.

Layers of mushrooms are transferred horseradish and garlic. On top of the last layer of mushrooms lay a doubled clean rough fabric, a sheet of horseradish, cherry and currant leaves on it. Then they put a circle and put oppression.

Containers with breasts should be stored in a cold place for a month. After the time has passed, salting from the cans, greens and cloth are taken out, covered with lids and put into the refrigerator. If the top layer of mushrooms is covered with mold, then they must be washed with running water.

To salting dry mushrooms for the winter was not an unsuccessful experiment, you need to choose the right dishes. You can use a wooden, glass and stainless container, which must first be thoroughly washed. For salting, use a large one. When sending breasts to salting, it is advisable to lay them with their hats down. At the same time, the shape of the fungus is preserved.

If the salting of the dry breasts is a little unsuccessful and the mushrooms are salted, they are soaked in milk, while the delicate structure of the fungus is preserved. Take the required amount of mushrooms and place in milk for two to three hours. If this was not enough, the procedure can be repeated by taking fresh milk. You should not be guarded by a violet or green tint, which in this case can become a breast, this is due to a chemical reaction. Mushrooms soaked in milk are washed with running water. When soaked in water, the mushroom may lose its consistency, in addition, this negatively affects their taste.

Dry salting is a great way to preserve mushrooms for the winter. Mushrooms, salted in any way, can be added to soups, salads. And you can serve as an appetizer by adding onions and sunflower oil.

Gruzdy is a special type of mushroom, harvested by the ancient Slavs. Traditionally, various side dishes and stews were prepared from them, as well as salted and cooked fruits in order to eat later in the winter. Not every mushroom variety is suitable for salting, but knowing a few simple rules, you can cook these mushrooms for the future.

Gruzdi is a special type of mushroom, harvested by the ancient Slavs.

Salting of mushrooms is inherently a unique process, since fruits harvested by this method are subsequently used in various variations - stew, fry and even marinate. At the same time, mushrooms retain all the beneficial properties and natural structure.

Conventionally, the salting stage is divided into several stages:

  • Stage 1.   Direct preparation of fruits for processing. Each breast should be inspected for mechanical damage as well as worminess. Further, all fruits are sorted, since salting of several species in one container cannot be allowed. First of all, it can spoil the taste of the final dish due to the difference in the structure and taste characteristics of the varieties.
  • 2 stage. At this step, each mushroom must be cleaned of skin, dirt or other debris accidentally brought from the forest. Some types of fruits cannot be washed under running water, as this will only ruin their structure. However, the mushrooms can be processed with liquid - this will not affect their taste. Mushrooms soak in ice water for several hours, and ideally at night. During this time, toxic substances or bitterness will come out. It is recommended to change the fluid every 2-3 hours, depending on the change in its color. If the mushrooms are not too fresh or very dirty, then first 2-3 hours they need to be soaked in water with salt, and then in plain water.
  • 3 stage.   At this step, washed and soaked fruits should be cut into pieces of the same size. Large breasts are cut into 8 parts, and small ones into 4-6 slices. Please note that the size of the lobule should not exceed five centimeters in length, since in this case the breasts are badly salted. The legs of lamellar mushrooms are not recommended for use, so they need to be completely cut off.
  • 4th stage. The mushroom ambassador himself. There are several technologies of this process applicable to breasts - cold, hot and dry. Cold is preferred.

Cold way of salting mushrooms (video)

Cold Barrel Salted Step-by-Step Recipe

The cold ambassador of mushrooms provides for the complete absence of heat treatment of mushrooms. Thanks to this, they turn out to be dense, juicy. For this type of salting you need:

  • breasts;
  • salt (at the rate of 10 grams of salt per 1 liter of water);
  • oak barrel.

Cold salting is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. Pre-washed and chopped mushrooms must be tightly packed in a bowl with a large diameter with their caps down in one or two layers. In this position, they need to be poured with slightly salted water for several days to get rid of excess bitterness.
  2. Next, you only need salt and mushrooms. Salt must be taken from the calculation that it should be about 4% of the total mass of mushrooms. For example, if the weight is only 1 kilogram, then salt needs 40 grams.
  3. The most important thing in the ambassador in a cold way is to properly lay all the fruits. The bottom of the oak barrel is completely covered with salt, and then currant, horseradish, cherry or dill leaves, a few leaves of bay leaf and a couple of cloves of garlic are placed on it. This is followed by a layer of mushrooms, stacked hats down. The fruits are then covered with salt and a few peas of allspice. After - again a layer of mushrooms and again greens. Thus, the layers alternate until the barrel is full. The last layer is the leaves of currant or cherry.
  4. A wooden lid of a smaller diameter than the container itself is installed on the barrel. Instead, you can use a large dish or plate. A load is placed on top.
  5. In this form, the mushrooms are transferred to the basement or any other cool place for 1 month. After 35-40 days, the fruits are ready to eat.

  The cold ambassador of mushrooms provides for the complete absence of heat treatment of mushrooms

How to salt muffins in a cold way in banks for the winter

The ambassador in banks is not too different from the technology for cooking mushrooms according to the previous recipe. However, there are still several differences.

You will need:

  • mushrooms (white);
  • currant leaves;
  • horseradish leaves;
  • bay leaf;
  • allspice;
  • black pepper;
  • table salt not iodized.

Hot way of salting mushrooms (video)

The recipe is simple:

  1. Soak pre-cleaned mushrooms for about two days in salted water. Thus, all the bitterness of the fruits goes away.
  2. Prepare cans - wash and scald with boiling water, wipe dry.
  3. Each of the fruits from the total mass must be carefully rolled in salt and put in jars. Mix seasonings with them, add salt, horseradish root and other spices.
  4. On the surface of the breasts put gauze, folded in 3-4 layers. On it lay all the leaves (cherries, horseradish or currants), other herbs and spices.
  5. On top, install a small plate or several if there are a lot of cans. They put a load in the form of a small weight or a half-liter can of water. This is done so that the loafs let in the juice, which should cover them completely. If the juice released is not enough, then salted water is added to the banks.
  6. Salt the milk in this way for about 1 month, and then transfer to a container suitable for use. If mold appears on the surface of the mushrooms, the walls of the can or the plate itself during this time, then the object must be washed with hot water.

  It will not be difficult for any housewife to salt the mushrooms in a cold way

Quick cold salted breast recipe

For quick cooking, you need:

  • about five kilograms of mushrooms;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • About 500 grams of salt.

The mass of salt must be calculated so that it is approximately 4% of the total mass of mushrooms.

  Quickly salted breasts in a cold way

Getting started:

  1. Rinse the breasts under running water, remove dirt and cut off the legs.
  2. Leave them to soak for 5 days, changing water every 12 hours. The degree of readiness of the breasts is simple to determine - the cut fruit must be attached to the tongue. If he does not pinch and is not bitter, then everything is ready!
  3. Cut each mushroom into several parts. Fold in layers in a basin, pouring salt and chopped cloves of garlic. Set on top oppression.
  4. In this position, the mushrooms should stand for 3-4 days. They need to be mixed daily. The fruits will give off a lot of juice - do not worry, it is necessary.
  5. After three days, put the fruits in jars, filling the container very tightly. Close with screw caps.
  6. A week later, the mushrooms are ready to eat.

Serve with spices - dill, vegetable oil and onions.

How to salt pickles quickly (video)

To summarize:

  • Before use, the milk must be carefully prepared. Damaged fruits, as well as insufficiently peeled parts, must not be used. This can ruin the entire crop.
  • Mushrooms can be salted in several ways, but the most preferred is cold.
  • The term for the salting of buns depends on the method of preparation. On average, fruits can be consumed after 1-1.5 months.

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Lactation is a fairly common mushroom, having many species. But because of the bitter taste, many mushroom pickers bypass it. But the taste can be corrected if the mushrooms are properly processed. After that, they become no less valuable than others. They can be prepared fresh or harvested for future use. Consider , how to salt the mushrooms so that they are not bitter and do not change color.

They can be salted raw or slightly boiled. But, regardless of the method of salting, they must be steeped. Otherwise, they will be bitter, and it will be impossible to eat them.

If you salt them raw, the color does not change, but if you boil them, they will darken. If you add citric acid during cooking, the color will remain. But cooking should not be long, just a couple of minutes.

Selection and preparation of mushrooms before starting the process

To prepare a delicious and high-quality salting from mushrooms, you need to take suitable mushrooms:

  • You should not collect everything, too old become rude and tasteless. It is better to leave them in place, let them mature and give a new crop for next year.
  • Worms should also be discarded immediately in the forest, so as not to occupy a place in the basket. You can get rid of larvae, but this is not the main problem of worm mushrooms. When the worms eat them up, they begin to deteriorate inside and become dangerous, they can be poisoned.
  • Mushrooms covered with mold cannot be taken; they are spoiled.

After going to the forest, the first thing to do is to sort out the mushrooms, remove the garbage and, if any, get rid of questionable specimens that accidentally or mistakenly fall into the basket.

Then proceed to soak. Mushrooms are soaked for at least three days. A little salt is added to the water. Per liter of water, about 50 g. Make sure that the mushrooms do not float and soak evenly. Water should be changed as often as possible, so bitterness will go away faster. Before salting, rinse the breasts with clean water several times, preferably under a tap.

Homemade salting recipes

Salty breasts have always been popular in Russia. Today, many recipes are known for their preparation, but they are all divided into hot and cold.

Hot way

This method includes heat treatment. After the mushrooms have passed the soaking procedure, they are boiled, then put in glass jars, enameled or wooden dishes and salted.

Mushrooms are cooked for a short time, about 15-20 minutes. Initially, they are on the surface of the water, and then settle to the bottom. At this point, you need to change the water and cook further until they settle again.

For the first time, water can be poured so that it covers the mushrooms to half. They will let their juice go, and that will be enough. Then pour water so that the mushrooms are covered.

Repeat the procedure 2-3 times, then the breasts are filtered and washed under the tap. Further actions are performed according to the recipe.

Cold way

This method is simpler, and the workpiece is more flavorful. Without heat treatment, the taste is fully preserved. But before salting, you also need to soak for a long time to remove the bitterness.

Instant recipes with various additives are used. Mushrooms are used raw, well-soaked and washed. Make with onions, cabbage, garlic and horseradish. And this is not the whole list of ingredients that can be found in these pickles.

The prepared mugs are stacked in a used dish in layers, alternating with spices. Each layer is well salted, salt can not be spared. Before use, they need to be soaked again, but not so long.

Top load and remove the container in the cold. After a day, juice covering the mushrooms should stand out. If this does not happen, you need to increase oppression. Sometimes this does not help, then you still need to salt the mushrooms - it is possible that the salt was not enough or it turned out to be with impurities and not salted. Over time, the mushrooms settle. You can add new ones to them.

White breasts in cabbage leaves

It turns out tasty if you salt the mushrooms with cabbage leaves. Mushrooms and cabbage benefit from this:

  • You can use both hot salting and cold. But hotter is better, so a lot of mushroom juice will not stand out and the brine will not deteriorate.
  • Boiled breasts are filtered and cooled.
  • It is better to make salting in a wooden barrel, it will turn out more aromatic.
  • Spices and cabbage leaves are laid at the bottom with a thick layer. A layer of mushrooms is poured on top and salted. Do this several times until the entire barrel is full.
  • Make a brine and pour into a barrel to the brim.

The ten-liter keg requires the following ingredients:

  • cabbage leaves - 6 kg;
  • boiled breasts - 3 kg;
  • salt for brine - 200 g;
  • water - 5 liters.

If desired, cabbage can not be divided into leaves.

Onion pickles

If you pickle the milk with a lot of onions, you get a ready-made snack. To do this, chop the peeled onions in half rings, and boil the mushrooms. You can not boil, then more time should pass before use.


  • gruzdy - 3 kg;
  • onions - 4-5 pieces;
  • salt - 100 g;
  • spices to taste and choice.

Fold onions and mushrooms in rows. Season each row with salt and season with spices.

Salt in hot brine

According to this recipe, the milk should be boiled for 15-20 minutes in water, then strain and dip in boiling brine and boil the same amount. After that, put them in jars, drain the excess brine and pour a little vegetable oil into each jar to stop air from entering. Close the lid and put into the cellar.

For 1 liter of brine:

  • water - 1 liter;
  • salt - 1-2 tbsp. l .;
  • dry spices to taste.

If desired, chopped garlic and horseradish root can be added. But they are added to the mushrooms after cooking and insist a little so that everything is evenly saturated.

In Korean

According to this recipe, the breasts are very aromatic and tasty. Ingredients:

  • mushrooms - 3 kg;
  • onions - 1 kg;
  • carrots - a pound;
  • seasoning “loin”;
  • vegetable oil - 300 ml;
  • vinegar - 200 ml;
  • salt, sugar, garlic, black pepper to taste.

Carrots and onions are fried in oil, boiled mushrooms. All mixed and left to soak.

Forest Crispy Barrel Mushrooms

Since ancient times, mushroom pickers have been salting mushrooms in wooden barrels. From this they had an unusual taste, especially if the barrel is oak. In villages such salting can still be found. And, of course, you can get a recipe on how to do it right.

So that the taste of the main ingredient does not deteriorate, you need to pay special attention to the barrel. Before use, it must be carefully prepared. If it is new, it is enough to soak it for a couple of days so that the boards swell.

If the keg has already been used before, it needs to be soaked for a couple of weeks, periodically changing the water, and then thoroughly washed. Before salting the mushrooms, pour boiling water into the barrel and leave to cool. After all measures, the vessel should not have any odors.

There are many ways to salt a breast in a barrel in both cold and hot ways. It is important before the ambassador to soak the mushrooms well from bitterness. Ingredients for the easiest way:

  • gruzdy - 10 kg;
  • salt - 0.5 kg;
  • horseradish and blackcurrant leaves.

Raw or boiled breasts are laid in a barrel, pouring salt and shifting leaves. Raw will turn out to be more crispy and elastic, boiled will be softer.

Storage rules

Mushroom pickling is stored in a cold, dark place. It is possible in the refrigerator, but better in the basement or cellar.

At the height of the mushroom picking period, the question always arises of their further processing. I would like to turn these gifts of forests and fields into a real culinary delicacy, a wonderful snack and decoration of any table. Here are some options for how to prepare white mushrooms for the winter. Salting is the best option for this type of mushroom.

Hot way

This is one of the fastest ways. Here's how to pickle. Salting in a hot way is not difficult. Begin by carefully processing the mushrooms. Since they are usually collected in the forest, a lot of garbage comes across: twigs, leaves and earth. All this must be removed and rinsed with water. Next, remove a thin layer of skin from the hats. After that, you need to soak the mushrooms in water for about 4 hours. During this time, it is necessary to change the water several times.
These mushrooms have some bitterness, and it must go away.

Next, boil the mushrooms for 20 minutes, adding salt to the water. Then we drain the broth and fill in a new portion of warm water. Boil for about 10 minutes. The process of boiling before it allows to speed up salting. Ready mushrooms should settle to the bottom of the pan. Now we give them a little cool, and at this time we prepare the jars. Next, put the mushrooms in jars, pouring them with salt. We also use chopped garlic, bay leaf, dill, peppercorns and other spices. You can also cook in a white pan while it has the same recipe. Only the top must put oppression. After a day, having kept the mushrooms at room temperature, we send them to a cooler place. After another day they can be eaten.

Cold way

This is a longer cooking option, but no less productive, because very tasty white breasts are obtained. Salting is carried out using the following products: one kilogram of mushrooms, three large tablespoons of salt (iodized), several cloves of garlic, dill umbrellas, a few leaves of cherry and peppercorns. We start with the preparation of bruises. We sort them out, removing damaged, worms and old ones. We remove garbage and rinse them with water. It is better if all the mushrooms are about the same size, then they will be salted evenly. Therefore, large specimens are cut into pieces. We take suitable dishes (enameled). Size depends on the amount of mushrooms and other ingredients. We spread the mushrooms in the container and fill them with one handful of coarse salt. Then pour cold water and soak the mushrooms for about two days. Three times a day you need to change the water, but do not add salt. In this way we remove bitterness. When the process of soaking ends, you need to take the dishes for salting and lay out the bottom with horseradish leaves. Next, put the mushrooms down with their hats with a thick layer. Put all the spicy leaves, garlic and pepper on top. So we continue layer by layer. We cover with clean gauze on top, put wooden oppression and cargo. In this dish you can add more white mushrooms. Salting lasts 20-30 days. Then the mushrooms can be decomposed into clean jars and covered. If during the salting process there is not enough brine, then a heavier load should be put. Excess brine is drained. If the mushrooms are very salty, then they are soaked before use.

How to collect and salt pickles - a few proven ways

It is a pleasure to collect breasts, both for beginner mushroom pickers and for experienced ones. All because they grow in large groups. In our country, you can find several types of these mushrooms: real (raw), black, yellow, aspen and pepper.

How to collect mushrooms

These mushrooms cannot be confused with any other. However, the mushrooms have several doubles and imitators. They differ in color and the so-called fluffy around the edges of the hat. As a rule, they are not as luxurious as those of the present. Tight fragile loads, for example, only pretend. They have a smooth and dry head, without fluffy and not so fragrant. A real mushroom-chestnut produces the thinnest beads of sticky, like honey, acutely smelling juice. It sparkles on curved cilia of records.

The first place in terms of aroma and taste is rightfully occupied by a real breast or raw. He has a creamy yellow or white hat. On it, in turn, there are slightly watery places. On the tucked edges you can see the edge. Milky juice is white, in the air it becomes yellow-sulfur. The real lump must be sought in the pine-birch and birch forests from Europe to Siberia. The yellow lump is located in spruce-fir and simply spruce forests. The cap of this mushroom grows in diameter from 5 to 15 centimeters. You can meet such a lump in the Far East and in Europe. By the way, the mushroom is conditionally edible. It is eaten only in salt form.

In August, a real hunt for black breasts begins. It can be found in birch and mixed forests. It differs from its relatives in size. The cap of a large black lump can grow up to 20 centimeters in diameter. It is fleshy and dense, brown, almost black. The black lump is first boiled, and then salted. Almost simultaneously with the black breast, the aspen breast also begins to grow. It appears in August-September in moist aspen forests. Its difference: a whitish hat with brownish or reddish spots. Peppercorns got its name for a reason. It is quite possible to replace seasoning with it. This mushroom can be dried, chopped and seasoned with all kinds of dishes like mustard. Of course, most often you can stumble on a crude breast. If in summer there are frequent, but not heavy rains, then you need to wait for the crop of mushrooms. You can go on a quiet mushroom hunt in early September. There are two main ways to salt pickles. Consider both.

Cold salting

To start, mushrooms must be prepared. If you decide to use the method of cold salting, then at the stage of preparing the breasts you need to soak in water. This is necessary in order to get rid of the bitterness in these mushrooms. First things first, you need to thoroughly rinse the mushrooms, each cleaned of dirt, leaves and earth, as well as cut the worms. Very often, mushroom pickers cut off the legs of the breasts. By the way, they can be eaten separately. For example, fry. After the loafs are cleanly washed, they must be placed in a spacious container (where you will soak the mushrooms) with their heads down. Do not save time on this event. Soak the milk need 2-3 days. In this case, the water should be changed every day or even twice a day.

Grandma's recipe

For cold salting, you should learn the following formula: you need to take 4 percent of the salt of the total weight of the mushrooms. In other words, for one kilogram of soaked milk we store 40 grams of salt. Traditionally, wooden (preferably oak) barrels are taken for pickling mushrooms. But if you plan to salt a small number of mushrooms, then an ordinary glass jar is suitable. And here the main thing is to lay the mushrooms correctly. Pour a layer of salt at the very bottom of our container, then put for the aroma leaves of currant, horseradish, cherry, as well as chopped cloves of garlic (1-2 cloves are enough), even dill stalks, best with the tops. We put mushrooms on top of the greens. Attention! Hats down. And then sprinkle with black pepper on top (2-3 peas per layer is enough) and salt. For a piquant taste and optionally, you can add a bay leaf to the jar with a future treat. Next we make another layer. That is, we repeat the entire procedure described above again. And so, until the jar is filled to the brim. From above, it covers the mushrooms with cherry and currant leaves.

Next, we put a lid on the mushrooms (it is better smaller than the neck of a jar) or a plate (if you took not a jar, but a wider dish as the container). Put the load on top. As it may fit, for example, a container of water, a kettlebell or other rather heavy object.

   After everyone has packed, put the container in the basement or refrigerator. The most delicious salted mushrooms can be tasted in a month or a half. This method is suitable for different types of loaves. How to salt the milk, cold or hot way - the hostess must decide.

Hot salting mushrooms

This method of salt picking will take much less time. It is usually used if there are no conditions for soaking the mushrooms or, for example, in hot weather, when it is necessary to process the mushrooms as soon as possible. There are two ways to boil mushrooms. And which one to resort to - the number of mushrooms will best show. If you have a few mushrooms, you can boil them in portions. And each portion needs to be laid in new water so that bitterness completely comes out of the muffins. Cooking should take at least 20 minutes. After this, the mushrooms should be washed in cold water, then discarded in a colander or sieve, and then put in a container, sprinkled with salt. As in the previous method, about 40-50 grams of salt per kilogram of mushrooms will be needed here.

Mushrooms must be seasoned with onions, horseradish, garlic and dill, and on top cover the container and put the load on the cover. Keep the dish in the cold only 6-8 days. After that, hot-salted breasts can be served to the table.

But with a large number of loaves, they need to be lowered into mesh containers, which are most often used for blanching and are made of stainless steel, boiled in them for 15-20 minutes in salted water.

During cooking, foam will form. Do not forget to regularly remove it. Discarded boiled mushrooms on a wire rack and let drain water. Then the mushrooms should be salted in the same way as described in the cold pickling method. It is only necessary to add 6 percent of the salt of the total weight of the prepared loaves. In this case, the mushrooms will saline only after 20-25 days. In this way, it is better to salt the black mushrooms.