Who drinks the most alcohol in the world. Statistics and rating of alcoholism in the world

The World Health Organization (WHO) published in 2014 a report on world alcohol consumption (as of 2010), which presented data on how many residents of different countries over 15 drink per liter of pure alcohol per year. Let's see who is in the top ten drinking countries in the world.


10th place. Slovakia. Alcohol consumption by the average resident of this country in terms of pure alcohol is 13 liters, with an average consumption in the European region of 10.9 liters. At the same time, the male population of Slovakia drinks 20.5 liters per person, the female - 6.1 liters. (Photo: Renata Opprecht / flickr.com).

How much pure alcohol does alcoholic beverages contain, for example, wine with a strength of 13 degrees? 750 milliliters of such wine contains only 97.5 milliliters of pure alcohol. Now try to imagine how much you need to drink so that the average consumption in the country is equal to that of the “world record holder for alcohol consumption” or 17.5 liters of pure alcohol per year !?

  9th place. Czech. The average annual consumption of pure alcohol per 1 citizen over 15 years old is 13 liters, including 18.6 liters for men and 7.8 liters for women. (Photo: flamedot / flickr.com).
  8th place. Hungary. Every resident of this country over 15 drinks 13.3 liters of pure alcohol per year, with men - 20.4 liters, women - 7.1 liters. (Photo: Matteo Muratore / flickr.com).
  7th place. Andorra. The average resident of this country over 15 years old drinks 13.8 liters of pure alcohol per year, while among men consumption is 19.5 liters per person, among women - 8.2 liters. (Photo: JK04 / flickr.com).
  6th place. Ukraine. Each resident of this country over 15 drinks 13.9 liters of pure alcohol per year, with men - 22 liters, women - 7.2 liters. (Photo: alxpn / flickr.com).
  5th place. Romania. An average resident (over 15 years old) of Romania drinks 14.3 liters of pure alcohol per year, with men - 22.6 liters, women - 6.8 liters. (Photo: Matt Bigwood / flickr.com).
4th place. Russia. The average annual consumption of pure alcohol per 1 resident of Russia aged 15 years and older is 15.1 liters. Men drink 23.9 liters a year, women - 7.8 liters. (Photo: Ilya Klenkov / flickr.com).
  3rd place. Lithuania. 15.4 liters of pure alcohol per year are drunk by an average resident (over 15 years old) of Lithuania, while men consume on average 24.4 liters, women 7.9 liters. (Photo: Michael Pretzsch / flickr.com).
  2nd place. Moldova. The average annual consumption of pure alcohol per Moldovan resident over 15 years is 16.8 liters, including 25.9 liters per man and 8.9 liters per woman. (Photo: Andreas G / flickr.com).
  1st place. Belarus has become the world record holder for the consumption of pure alcohol per capita. For a year, an average Belarusian citizen over 15 drinks 17.5 liters of pure alcohol, while men drink 27.5 liters on average and 9.1 liters for women. (Photo: Radio Svaboda / flickr.com).

In the world today, alcohol takes more lives than HIV / AIDS, pneumonia and violence combined. In Belarus, the problem of alcoholism is becoming truly disastrous, it affects almost every family. And the social and economic costs of excessive alcohol consumption are becoming a heavy burden not only for a single family, but for the whole society. The only way to get rid of alcohol addiction is treatment. There are many methods for the complex treatment of alcoholism, both drug and non-drug, as well as innovative programs that can be found on netzavisimosti.by. Help your loved ones! Alcoholism is a disease that must be treated like any other!

Alcohol today is very common throughout the world.

The world population is subject to a negative dependence on alcohol, which leads not only to the development of various diseases, mental and moral decline in personality, but also to death.

Statistics of alcoholism are proof of this.

Alcoholism in the world

The use of alcoholic beverages is becoming a problem in many countries. The addiction is widely developed on all five continents. According to statistics, about 2.5 million people die from alcohol every year in the world.

Due to excessive drinking, all kinds of problems are experienced not only by alcoholics, but also by their families. Since alcohol becomes the cause of many unpleasant and illegal actions. So, about 50% of all crimes are committed by people intoxicated. Alcohol becomes the cause of inappropriate behavior. Under the influence of strong drinks, people commit suicides, killings, severe accidents, violence, beatings and many other actions. Alcohol is also detrimental to children. In women alcoholics, children with various deviations in mental and physical development are often born. In addition, because of dependence, families break up, parents abandon their children or do not give them appropriate education, provision, as a result, children become homeless.

Alcohol addiction can cause an economic crisis, disruptions in the production process, and the destruction of people's ability to work. Alcohol becomes the cause of the development of various diseases of internal organs and systems, mental disorders, loss of normal appearance, rapid aging.

The situation with alcoholism in Europe and Russia

Europe is a part of the world in which problems with alcohol addiction are particularly acute. Here, the largest share of alcohol consumed per capita is observed. On average, each person accounts for 1-1.5 liters of beer per day. For the year Europe suffers losses from drinking alcohol from 125 to 300 billion euros. Such losses include expenses associated with both the purchase of alcoholic beverages themselves and the costs of treating addiction and illness. In addition, the state’s profit is lost from the fact that alcoholics often do not go to work, which leads to various failures in the labor process.

Statistics on alcoholism in Russia are also disappointing. The level of dependent population is approaching a critical point. At the same time, all segments of the population suffer, the problem concerns directly or indirectly any person. According to statistics on alcoholism in Russia, every year the number of people with addiction increases by 2 million, and the number of addicts with acute mental disorders - by 100 people.

Because of drunkenness in Russia, not only men, but also women suffer. very common in the country. As a result of excessive drinking a year, about 500 families break up, about 3% of the working population does not work. And the costs of treating alcoholism significantly exceed the costs of treating various diseases (diabetes, bronchitis, asthma, etc.).

According to the latest data, alcoholism in Russia is getting younger every year. An increasing number of the working-age population begins to drink alcohol from a young age. According to surveys conducted among people with alcoholism, the first experience with the consumption of strong drinks in most cases falls on the age of 10-20 years. It is worth noting that in adolescence, addiction to bad habits is much faster than in more mature years. It is not uncommon when parents themselves introduce young people to alcohol, believing that it is time to start an “adult” life. As a result, adolescent alcoholism is becoming more common and young.

Today, 99% of men and 97% of women consume alcohol, including the rare use of alcohol. This is due to the availability of alcohol. Compared to 1925, the situation is now very critical. In those years, the proportion of drinkers among men was 52%, among young men 65% and among women 10%. For almost 100 years, the situation has changed a lot and not for the better.

Figures and alcoholism

As mentioned above, due to alcoholism in the world, various crimes, unpleasant situations, diseases develop.

If we talk about crime, then all over the world from 60 to 90% of all crimes are committed by persons who are intoxicated. If timely treatment of addiction was carried out, the number of illegal actions could be reduced by about 50%.

A significant effect is also affected by the use of alcohol by drivers. When intoxicated, a large number of accidents occur, many of which are distinguished by their severity, accompanied by death. A special number of accidents with drunk drivers is observed in Russia - about 85% of the total number of accidents. Most of the accidents occur due to going into the oncoming lane and exceeding the speed limit by more than 30 km / h. This is due to the loss of fear from a drunk driver and the inability to soberly assess the situation on the road.

Another unpleasant statistic is suicide. According to data, up to 80% of committed suicides occur in people who are intoxicated or in a state of alcoholic psychosis. About 60% of suicides are carried out by alcoholics, but only about 8% of them make ends meet when intoxicated.

Drunkenness also affects children. Most children from the alcoholic family themselves become drunkards. About 60% of adolescents who regularly drink alcohol have an alcoholic father. In addition, such children are characterized by poor behavior, do not study or poorly in school. All this affects their lives in the future. Alcoholism is becoming more common among adolescents.

Due to excessive drinking, life expectancy is drastically reduced. In connection with alcoholism, mortality in Europe rose 2.5 times. In Russia, nearly 1 million people die every year due to addiction.

All these data are indicated only in the official aspect. However, in reality, everything is much worse, since not all deaths, illnesses and crimes are deciphered in the light of the influence of alcohol.

Rating of the most “drinking” countries

Studies are being conducted in the world, according to which the rating of the countries of the world according to the level of alcohol consumption by the population is subsequently displayed. It is expressed in liters of pure ethyl alcohol per capita. The value is calculated according to the method of the World Health Organization, the main task of which is to solve the problems associated with protecting the health of the world population.

Alcohol is a kind of narcotic substance that can cause a person to be euphoric, distract from problems and various situations. Alcohol has been known since ancient times, but its consumption increased significantly in the Middle Ages, when the processes of distillation of alcohol were discovered.

Studies of changes in society in the medical, psychological and sociological field related to the use of alcohol began in the mid-19th century. Alcohol statistics start being displayed from those years.

Today, alcohol is one of the three most significant public health concerns. And, although about half of the world's population consumes an excessive amount of alcohol, alcoholism is the third risk factor that causes various diseases and premature death (after smoking and high blood pressure).

The rating of the countries of the world by the level of alcoholic drinks is compiled once every several years. Published in a special edition. It is calculated how much ethyl alcohol is per inhabitant. When calculating, persons from 15 years of age and older are taken into account. The last time the calculation was carried out in 2014, which included 188 countries.

    • 1st place - Moldova;
    • 2nd place - Czech Republic;
    • 3rd place - Hungary;
    • 4th place - Russia;
    • 5th place - Ukraine.

If there are no further improvements in alcohol consumption, the situation could become critical. This is especially true for our country. Almost every resident suffers from alcoholism in Russia directly or indirectly.

Thank you for your feedback.


    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    And did anyone manage to rid her husband of alcoholism? My drink is not dry, I don’t know what to do ((I thought of getting a divorce, but I don’t want to leave the child without a father, and I’m sorry for my husband, he’s a great person when he doesn’t

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I’ve already tried so many things, and only after reading this article did I manage to wean my husband from alcohol, now I don’t drink at all, even on holidays.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, so I wrote in my first comment) Duplicate just in case - link to article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    But this is not a divorce? Why are they selling online?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell it on the Internet, because shops and pharmacies put their mark-up atrocious. In addition, payment only after receipt, that is, first looked, checked and only then paid. Yes, and now they sell everything on the Internet - from clothes to televisions and furniture.

    Editorial Response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence is really not sold through the pharmacy chain and retail stores in order to avoid overpriced. To date, you can only order at official website. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Sorry, I did not notice at first the information about cash on delivery. Then everything is fine for sure, if payment upon receipt.

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried folk methods to get rid of alcoholism? Father drinks, I just can’t influence him ((

    Andrey () a week ago

    What only folk remedies have not tried, father-in-law both drank and drinks

Moscow, December 8 - “News. Economy". Belgium is famous for its beer consumption culture. So, a team of experts counted about 1600 different types of beer in this country in 2015. It is probably not surprising that it was the Belgians who came first in the consumption of beer among residents of 38 countries in which Ipsos conducted a study. Below is a list of countries with the highest levels of alcohol consumption.

10. South Korea

Alcohol consumption: 9.33 liters of alcohol per person per year. South Korea took the top ten in the ranking and became the most drinking country in Asia. It should be noted that Koreans consume alcohol traditionally a lot and among the most popular among them alcoholic beverages - Soochi or rice vodka. Koreans also like rice or fruit wine and local beer. Among the local population, it is considered commonplace to finish a working day in one of the drinking establishments, so you can often meet tipsy people on the streets of cities.

Alcohol consumption: 9.64 liters of alcohol per person per year. Although it is believed that excessive alcohol consumption leads to aggressive and rude behavior, the Danes instead become very open, friendly and loving. Danes are very tolerant of drunken behavior if this happens on weekends. A glass or two wines at dinner during the working week will make you an alcoholic in the eyes of local residents, but 20 glasses on Saturday will be taken absolutely calmly.

8. Australia

Alcohol consumption: 9.70 liters of alcohol per person per year The Australian lifestyle is inextricably linked to beer consumption. It is this foamy drink, and also wine, that accounts for the lion's share of alcohol consumption in the country. Australia's biggest problem is the excessive drinking of alcohol by Australian Aborigines, for whom drinking and alcoholism have become commonplace. Therefore, the state takes quite tough measures to combat this problem.

Alcohol consumption: 10.12 liters of alcohol per person per year For three years now, there has been a tendency in the country to reduce the consumption of alcoholic beverages by the population. If in the last year’s ranking, our country was in the top 5, now it has fallen to 7th place in alcohol consumption.

6. UK

Alcohol consumption: 10.66 liters of alcohol per person per year. World-famous pubs and restaurants in Great Britain rarely go empty. Although Great Britain is the birthplace of many world-famous alcoholic drinks, including whiskey and gin, the most drinkers in the country, including native English the drink is ale. Drinkers are not particularly persecuted in the country and by law.

Alcohol consumption: 10.71 liters of alcohol per person per year Poland rises in similar ratings in recent years. It should be noted that the Poles are great lovers of all kinds of parties and as the purchasing power of the population grows, the level of alcohol consumption increases.

4. Hungary

Alcohol consumption: 10.88 liters of alcohol per person per year Hungary is famous all over the world for its famous vineyards. Drinks of this particular country are preferred throughout the world. By popularity, in this country, beer occupies the first line; fifty-four percent of the population prefers it. On the second line is wine, with twenty-eight percent. Strong alcohol-containing drinks, which are in demand only in eighteen percent of the local population, close the top three.

3. Germany

Alcohol consumption: 11.03 liters of alcohol per person per year There is no doubt that Germany owes such a high place in the ranking of the most drinking states to beer consumption. In addition, the country is quite loyal not only to drinking beer (beer and wine can be drunk from 16 years old), but also to the use of strong alcoholic beverages (allowed after 18 years). In the country you can drink while driving, but the presence of ethanol in the blood should not exceed the norm of 0.3 ppm.

2. France

Alcohol consumption: 11.50 liters of alcohol per person per year Residents of a country where vineyards occupy 58 million hectares, which is equal to two Belgium in area, cannot help consuming the results of their labors, because France is one of the largest producers of wine and wine products in the world. The traditions of drinking alcoholic beverages in the country, such as dry wine, champagne or cognac, have centuries-old roots, so the French regularly fall into the ratings of the most drinking countries in the world.

1. Belgium

Alcohol consumption: 12.60 liters of alcohol per person per year Among the countries of Western Europe, the highest rate of alcohol consumption is noted in Belgium - 12.6 liters per year per capita over the age of 15 years. According to statistics, Belgian women on average drink more than two glasses of alcohol daily, men - more than three. Moreover, every third representative of the stronger sex over 55 years old consumes alcohol every day and in excess doses. Excessive alcohol consumption causes annual premature death in 6% of Belgians.

18.12.2017 Svetlana Afanasevna8

Rating of the most drinking countries in the world

The World Health Organization published the ranking of the drinking countries of the world 2018-19. According to WHO, alcohol is directly or indirectly considered one of the three main causes of increased mortality. At the same time, the proportion of alcohol consumed per adult grows every year.

WHO specialists collect such data annually, this helps to find out the general degree of dependence and the percentage of alcohol consumed.

For more than ten years, the list has been headed by the states of Eastern Europe and those formed from the former republics of the USSR. Russia is almost always in the middle of drinking dozens.

The world began to drink more. These statistics have been compiled by WHO since 1961; based on these data, special programs are being developed to combat the spread of alcohol. However, almost every nation accepts its own rules for drinking or not drinking.

The summary is not only based on the amount of pure drunk ethanol. For accounting, all produced alcohol imported or bought is taken. Moreover, as a rule, in the leading territories themselves, the population does not consider alcoholism a national problem.

The statistics of the most drinking countries in the world in 2018-19 suggests that due to the containment policy, the share of alcohol consumed has increased significantly in countries with an open economic border. In the explanation of the study, WHO provided the rationale for this situation. The organization noted that a lot of alcohol, which is considered consumed in the territory of the countries, the first three is not bought in order to drink. Most often, such a sale is for the purpose of further distribution.

Permanent states included in the world ranking remain countries where the culture of consumption of the so-called light alcohol - wine, beer, local fruit flavors is very developed. Austria, Slovenia, Poland, Italy, and others, are leaders in another statistical list - the consumption of low-alcohol drinks per capita. This year, they joined the countries of Africa and South Korea.
  Beer consumption per capita for 2018-19

Top 18 most drinking countries in the world

The global level of alcohol consumption has grown on the planet. In 2018-19, for every person over 15 years of age, there are 6.6 liters of pure alcohol per year. Since 2014, this indicator has been growing by 0.2 percent.

Examining countries with a strong economy, experts found that one in five of their inhabitants is a chronic alcoholic. Europe has held the leading position in suicides under the influence of systematic drunkenness for five years. Every 4 attempts to take their own lives here is associated with a drink.

This year's rating is presented almost entirely by the countries of Europe and the post-Soviet space. Closes the top 18 of the world list Australia. She first came to 20 countries with an increased interest in alcohol.

And the most drinking country in the world in 2019 is Belarus, and here the share of consumption of all categories of drinks has increased.


18 line rating. Three years ago, this state was one of the thirty drinkers. But, due to the ubiquity of local varieties of wine and beer, the kangaroo country is faced with the problem of alcoholism among Aboriginal people. The health of many of them was so shaken that in some territories it was necessary to introduce compulsory treatment of alcoholism for local Indians.

Slovenia and Denmark

17th and 16th place. Traditionally, countries have the same indicator of population alcoholization. In these countries, beer is not considered an alcoholic beverage; its sale is permitted to people from the age of 15. Often start drinking alcohol much earlier. It is noteworthy that local health care does not consider these national traditions a threat. Many medicines are based on beer and derivatives.


15th place. Two-thirds of the territory of this state is occupied by vineyards. Wines are produced even more than in Italy. This alcoholic drink is considered a national treasure and is drunk everywhere. Hungary remained the only country in Europe where, you can pretty drunk to drive. Criminal prosecution begins only for the systematic use of alcohol, which led to death from an accident.


14th place. This country closes the list of territories where lovers of low alcohol drinks live. Despite the fact that more often we recall the national port, the Portuguese themselves prefer local wine and beer. The latter is considered tastier than Slovenian and Czech, as it is made with the addition of grape sugar.


13th place. Spanish wines are a frequent export commodity. Over the past two years, the percentage of consumption of strong alcohol has increased here. Grape vodka and moonshine took the main places on the table of the Spaniards. Over the past year, sobriety societies have become popular in the country. Many believe that in this way wine producers try to fight those who make strong spirits.


12th place. Classic Irish whiskey annually produce up to 30 liters for every Irish living in the world (!). In the country for 4 years there has been an alcoholic riot. And today, local producers have reached a high world level in the production of various alcohol-containing drinks based on malt and distillates.


11th place. It is still the only country in the European Union where drinking is allowed everywhere. Local and imported drinks are so popular that they talk about them in high school. The authorities believe that such awareness will help young people make the right choice and stop drinking alcohol.

France and the UK

10 and 9 line rating. These countries have a constant high alcohol rating. Local traditions of the production and consumption of alcoholic beverages originate from the very beginnings of statehood. More than half of the culinary recipes of these countries are based on wine, beer, whiskey, etc. Until recently, some faiths considered it normal for children to drink wine from the first year of life.

South Korea

8th place. Asian countries do not often get into alcohol statistics. SK owes such attention to the production and consumption of quite European drinks - vodka, moonshine, tinctures, liqueurs. 10 years ago it was completely forbidden to drink in the country, the lifting of restrictions led to so many alcoholics that the authorities started talking about returning the taboo.


7th place. The country of wine and the sun is always among the ten most drinking nations. Here, alcoholic drinks are used as soft drinks. Surprisingly, in Italy with a fairly high rating, you can hardly find anyone drunk. Nevertheless, here the percentage of regular drinkers of strong alcohol has reached high rates. According to statistics, every third adult Italian is a chronic alcoholic.


6th place. Our country, 5 years ago, was one of the top five drinking countries in the world. In general, the Russians began to drink less. Experts attribute this to the general impoverishment of the population. A small role in the fight against bad habits is played by the program for the development of a healthy lifestyle.


Closes the top five. Residents of this small state quickly responded to rather poor indicators, the local parliament just a few days later approved a program to combat alcohol dependence. Starting next year, you can drink any alcoholic beverages only after reaching 20 years of age. Alcohol advertising will be completely banned in the country. The concept of time without alcohol is introduced - 2-3 weekdays and all holidays, you will not be able to buy a drink anywhere.


It takes a stable fourth place. The situation in the country has not changed for five years now. Neither restrictions nor propaganda help stop alcoholism. Most people drink beer here, but along with it, strong alcohol.


This country was in the top three for the first time, usually it took a place in the second ten. This is due to the removal of age restrictions on the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Any Estonian over 16 years old can now drink. It is noteworthy that such a measure is also valid for foreigners. Frequent tourism was an alcoholic tour of this Baltic country.


Second place. A depressing result was obtained as a result of an almost unregulated alcohol market. In a country with strong traditions of home brewing and winemaking, today every 4 under 25 is considered a chronic alcoholic.


First place ranking. The highest relative rate of consumption of pure ethanol. Almost half of the respondents (47%) confirmed that they regularly drink strong alcoholic drinks 2-3 times a week. Over the past three years, the system against alcoholism has been almost completely destroyed. And most likely the consumption data is greatly underestimated.

Summary statistics of drinking countries

Based on statistics, a summary table was created showing the dynamics of alcohol consumption over several years.

Ranking place A country Alcohol consumption per capita 2018 (L) Per capita alcohol consumption 2017 (L) Alcohol consumption per capita 2016 (L) Relative percentage / ratio
1 Belarus 17,5 16,6 14 Increased by 25%
2 Ukraine 17,4 15,3 12 Increased by 45%
3 Estonia 17,2 17 16,5 Increased by 4%
4 Czech 16,4 16 16,2 Grew by 1%
5 Lithuania 16,3 14 15,8 Increased by 3%
6 Russia 16,2 15,8 16,2 Not changed
7 Italy 16,1 16 16,1 Not changed
8 South Korea 16 14 12 Rose by 33%
9 France 15,8 15,6 15,8 Not changed
10 United Kingdom 15,8 15,7 15 Grew by 1%
11 Germany 11,7 12,3 11,5 Grew by 1%
12 Ireland 11,6 11 8 Increased by 45%
13 Spain 11,4 11,3 11,6 Decreased by 2%
14 Portugal 11,4 11 11,2 Increased by 2%
15 Hungary 10,8 10 6 Grew by 18%
16 Slovenia 10,7 10,5 10,8 Decreased by 1%
17 Denmark 10,7 9 6,3 Grew by 69%
18 Australia 10,2 10 7 Increased by 45%

World free of alcohol

In 41 countries of the world, absolute prohibition is in force. The governments of Egypt, India, Indonesia, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, the principles of sobriety are enshrined in law.

  • In the countries of Scandinavia there is a sober city social program, according to it, weeks of freedom from dependence are held annually in each village.
  • Uzbekistan became the first prohibition country in the post-Soviet space. It prohibits the sale, advertising, production of alcohol. And the court speaks to those who use it.
  • In many Muslim countries, drinking and selling alcohol is punishable by criminal penalties. And in Iran, Jordan and the UAE, the drinker is publicly humiliated or even killed.
  • China became the first sobriety champion. Almost everywhere there are laboratories in which you can undergo a free examination for diseases caused by alcohol.
  • There are more than 400 religious denominations in the world, their followers are not just against the use of alcohol. In many cults, drugs and alcohol are under strict taboo.

As noted in his WHO report, the proportion of drinkers replenished mainly due to countries with developed economies. This is facilitated by the availability of alcoholic beverages and the relatively low employment of the population.

Chronic causes pancreatitis in 60% of cases. 70% of murders and 62% of suicides are drunk. Despite this, per capita alcohol consumption is constantly growing.

Rating of countries in terms of alcohol consumption

Countries where alcohol consumption is particularly high include:

  1. Belarus This country has repeatedly led in the ranking of the most drinking states. In Belarus, not only the legal, but also the black market for alcoholic beverages is developed.
  2. Ukraine. The state traditionally occupies a leading position in the ranking due to the large number of wineries and affordable prices for alcoholic beverages.
  3. Italy. Wine in Italy is consumed during almost every meal. Diluted with water, an alcoholic drink is usually given even to children.
  4. France. Drinking is considered part of French culture. A bottle of wine almost always accompanies a Frenchman's lunch or dinner.
  5. United Kingdom. Many pubs and bars are open in this country around the clock. The most common causes of death in the kingdom include cirrhosis caused by alcoholism.
  6. Germany. You can buy an alcoholic drink in Germany even at a newsstand. In the country there is no ban on drinking alcohol in public places. Beer festivals are favorite national holidays.
  7. Spain. The Kingdom is the third largest alcohol producer in the world. Among the main causes of alcohol abuse is a hot climate. Spaniards quench their thirst with cocktails based on alcoholic beverages.
  8. Finland. Harsh climatic conditions push the Finns to drink a lot of alcohol. Despite the active struggle of the authorities against drunkenness and numerous restrictions, alcoholism is one of the most common causes of death and serious illness in this state.
  9. Australia. The use of rum as a currency contributed to the spread of alcoholism.
  10. Uganda. The state ranks first in alcohol consumption among African countries. Preference is given to a local alcoholic drink made from bananas, which in ancient times was used by soldiers to boost morale.

Drunkenness in Russia

The Russian Federation is among the most drinking countries in the world. Sociologists say that social, psychological, political and economic problems, and uncertainty about tomorrow often become the cause of drunkenness. Frequent drinking alcohol contributes to a large number of holidays.

Over the past decade, mortality from alcohol has increased in Russia: if in 2008 2.5 million people died, then in 2015 the number of deaths exceeded 3.5 million people. In most cases, death occurs after the use of surrogate alcohol products. The main consequences of excessive drinking include the birth of children with pathologies.

The Government of the Russian Federation has adopted a number of bills whose purpose is to combat the addiction and the spread of fake alcoholic beverages:

  1. Since 2010, appearing in a public place while intoxicated is punished by arrest for 15 days or a large fine. Criminal liability arises for persuading minors to drink alcohol.
  2. Since 2011, drinks, which include more than 0.5% ethyl alcohol, are recognized as alcoholic.
  3. Since 2013, the sale of alcohol in unauthorized places, as well as at stations and in small retail outlets (stalls, kiosks, etc.), has been banned.

In addition, themed alcoholic holidays and advertising of alcoholic beverages were canceled in the territory of the Russian Federation. In educational institutions, they give lectures on a healthy lifestyle.

Figures and Reality

Statistics on the consumption of alcoholic beverages for 2017.

The growth in the consumption of alcoholic beverages is recorded both in countries with economic problems and in countries with more stable economies.

And where do not drink

A complete or partial ban on the use of alcohol is more common in countries where the state religion is Islam, which prohibits the use of alcohol:

  1. Bangladesh The local population is forbidden to drink alcohol. Tourists can bring a small amount of alcohol across the border, which is allowed to drink only in the hotel room.
  2. Kuwait. The ban applies to both the local population and foreigners. Violators awaits imprisonment. Foreigners are in most cases deported.
  3. Maldives Residents of the islands are prohibited from drinking alcohol. Tourists are allowed to drink in bars after receiving special permission.
  4. Mauritania. Alcohol is not prohibited to people who are not professing Islam. You can drink it at home or in restaurants that have permission to sell alcohol.
  5. Pakistan. Non-Muslim citizens who consume alcohol must obtain permission. Authorities make concessions to support the state’s economy.
  6. Yemen. Sale of alcohol in Yemen is permitted only in Sana'a and Aden. A foreigner can bring alcohol with him, but he does not have the right to drink it in public places.
  7. United Arab Emirates. Alcohol sellers must obtain a special license. Non-Muslim people are allowed to visit bars, but appearing drunk on the street is unacceptable. Violators will face heavy fines, imprisonment, or public flogging.
  8. Sudan. Non-Islamic citizens of the country and foreigners can drink at home (in the hotel room). At the same time, visiting public places while drunk is prohibited.
  9. Saudi Arabia. On the territory of the state is a Muslim shrine - Mecca. Buying and selling alcohol in Saudi Arabia is prohibited. All foreigners are warned about the ban upon entering the country.
  10. Somalia. Muslims who drink alcohol are facing imprisonment or corporal punishment. Non-Muslims drinking alcohol in public will also be punished.

In India, the prohibition on the production and consumption of alcoholic beverages varies by state. In some regions, prohibitions and restrictions are completely absent, in others there is a “dry" law. You can import alcohol into Iran. On the territory of the state it is permissible to produce and sell alcoholic beverages to persons who are not professing Islam.