Green tea for the face: refreshes, rejuvenates, protects. Smart use of tea: what and how? Green Tea Facial Recipes

24.07.2019 Snacks

People suffering from skin rashes, acne, acne and other skin manifestations of a similar nature are so exhausted looking for a solution to their problem that they are ready to give any money for an effective remedy. But often it is enough just to look into the kitchen cabinet to find there something that, if it does not completely solve the problem, will alleviate the general condition of the skin. It's about tea.

This drink can be found in every home. Most often these are black and green varieties, and especially sophisticated ones acquire more expensive varieties: white, yellow, red, tied (dry buds of flowers blooming in a teapot).
Green and black teas are familiar to most, but all varieties are harvested from the same tea bush at different periods and processed in different ways. The green variety is softer, its color is pale, the taste is less intense, and the aroma is subtle, sometimes barely perceptible. Its black counterpart has a more intense color, tart taste, the aroma of such a drink is brighter. But it is the green look that is more useful for the body, although the black contains all the same trace elements, but in smaller quantities due to the method of processing. Red varieties are the most fragrant, therefore they are often mixed in small quantities in the elite collections of other varieties. But white tea is made from the youngest sprouts of the plant and is considered the drink of the elite. The peasants are skeptical about this name, calling it "heated water".

For dermatological problems, it is better to use green tea. It is not fermented and contains more active substances. If this type of tea is not at hand, then black will do, but its effect will be less pronounced.

Unknown properties of the familiar tea

How is tea useful for the human body? Let's understand its chemical composition, which contains more than a hundred substances. Depending on the type of drink, from one third to one half of these components dissolve in water.

  • Tannins. They are in good tea up to 30%. It is to them that the drink owes its tart taste. There are about 30 of them, but the most important of them is tannin. This substance disinfects wounds, stops blood, and has a bactericidal effect. For small household wounds, cuts, damage to the epidermis after removing acne, a cotton swab dipped in a green tea infusion can easily replace the greenery without burning the epidermis;
  • Polyphenols. These substances are natural antioxidants. It is not for nothing that in case of poisoning (including alcohol), viral diseases, a cup of green tea comes in handy. Due to their natural origin, these antioxidants have no side effects;
  • Amino acids, trace elements and vitamins. There are about twenty amino acids in tea, and among the vitamins it contains group B, ascorbic acid, P and PP, K. Mineral substances in the drink are only up to ten percent, including iron, potassium and calcium, manganese, iodine, phosphorus and others;
  • Caffeine (theine in tea). In elite varieties, the content of this substance reaches five percent, but in a green drink it is much less, and there are completely caffeine-free types. At the same time, theine is softer than its coffee counterpart and does not accumulate in the body;
  • Essential oil. There is not much of it in the drink, only a fraction of a percent, because it does not have any significant effect on the body. But thanks to him, each type of tea exudes its own unique aroma, which cheers up and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • In addition, tea contains pigments, organic acids, pectins, proteins and carbohydrates.

It is important to understand that we are talking about high-quality custard tea and the packaged surrogate has nothing to do with this category. It is generally better not to use bags, the contents of which look like dust or contain additives of fruits, berries and herbs declared by the manufacturer. It is not clear what dyes and harmful substances are activated in boiling water.

Effects of tea on the skin

The green variety is commonly used to treat dermatological problems. It has a higher content of useful components and its beneficial effect on the skin is more obvious. This drink is used to alleviate such conditions of the skin:

  • Acne caused by liver malfunction. The skin, along with sweat, removes a certain amount of toxins, therefore, with serious intoxication, it sometimes becomes covered with acne. Due to the high concentration of antioxidants, tea can be drunk for general body cleansing and applied topically to help the skin remove toxins;
  • Wounds, inflamed rashes, acne and other damage to the integrity of the epidermis. Tannins promote early healing. And the tannides contained in tea disinfect and destroy pyogenic bacteria. The more concentrated the broth, the better the antimicrobial effect is. Do not rush to pour out yesterday's tea. A two-three-day infusion only enhances its antibacterial qualities. But you can't drink yesterday's tea;
  • Dry skin. The trace elements that make up the drink maintain the water-salt balance of the epidermis, which is especially important for dry skin or skin exposed to frostbite or active exposure to sunlight;
  • Fading skin, first wrinkles. Green tea catalyzes metabolic processes by stimulating cellular metabolism and collagen production. As a result of regular external use of this product, the skin looks younger, superficial wrinkles disappear, traces of acne and superficial acne scars go away.

Green tea almost never causes allergies, except in cases of individual intolerance. Therefore, it can be used to relieve all dermatological problems, from cuts and burns to severe acne. The drink is suitable for nourishing all skin types, especially on dry skin.

Tea Based Acne Recipes

You can use the drink for rashes on the skin of the face in different ways. Lotions and compresses from a pure product, without additives, are especially convenient. But it is permissible to combine it with other herbs and add it to multicomponent masks. But don't expect magical results from tea compresses and rubs. This drink is good for the most part, as prevention of acne and a remedy for improving the general condition of the epidermis. It is permissible to use it as an aid in the main drug treatment.

Pure infusion of green tea against acne

After brewing the green drink firmly, let it brew. On the second day, its bactericidal properties will only increase. Blot a cotton pad or cotton towel in the infuser and apply to your skin as a compress. With a decoction, you can wipe the acne affected areas, wash your face, completely replacing it with pure water, or make cosmetic ice from it. Such procedures will disinfect the skin, destroy pathogenic bacteria, serving as a means of preventing the occurrence of acne, acne and other rashes.

Chamomile + mint + green tea against skin rashes

In the same way, it is permissible to use an herbal preparation to get rid of acne permanently. Take equal amounts of green tea, chamomile, and peppermint. It is enough to insist such a broth for an hour and start the procedures.

Lotion of black tea with lemon against wrinkles, scars and acne marks

But with scars, small wrinkles and scars after removing acne, black tea copes better. Adding lemon to it helps to brighten reddened or blue areas. Preparing the product is familiar to all housewives: we brew a strong black drink, add a few slices of lemon (you can grate it), insist. We store this lotion in the refrigerator for no longer than a week. Citruses are a strong allergen, therefore, if any skin reactions to the product obtained are detected, replace the lemon with mineral water or simply wipe the skin with pure black tea.

Mask for cleansing pores and nourishing problem skin

For weekly cleansing of the face and body from excess sebum that provokes the appearance of blackheads, you can use a delicious oatmeal mask with honey and black tea. Mix the components in arbitrary proportions, bringing to a comfortable consistency. If there is no allergy to honey, then such a remedy is completely harmless and can be in direct contact with the skin for half an hour. It is good to apply it after a steam bath and physical removal of blackheads.

Nourishing mask for all skin types with tea

Any tea that you are used to drinking is suitable for such a remedy. Put the egg yolk into a strong tea brew and add flour to the resulting cocktail to give a consistency that can hold itself on the skin without spreading. This mask is left on the face for 20 minutes to nourish and tone.

External remedies based on tea for acne and other skin manifestations have no contraindications and therefore are used for all skin types. Allergic reactions happen to individual components of multi-component masks and decoctions. All products are applied to clean skin.

How to drink and prepare tea properly

The masks and other acne remedies described above are applied topically. They have a clear but short-term effect. For a more lasting result and overall health improvement, it is better to take tea in the traditional way - to drink and enjoy this process.
The skin is a mirror of the internal state of the body, therefore all rashes on it are the result of general ill health. According to scientific studies, among people who regularly consume tea, the incidence of cancer is 30% lower. And those who are accustomed to drinking a cup of tea before starting the work process work more productively and get sick less often.
To raise tone and mood, strengthen immunity, speed up metabolic processes, restore water-salt balance and just enjoy the aroma, it is important to prepare and consume tea correctly.

  • Yesterday's drink is good for beauty treatments. You can only drink today's tea;
  • Do not use the product on an empty stomach;
  • If after the next cup you feel an increased heartbeat or other changes in part of the cardiovascular system, then it is better to refuse the next one;
  • Brew the collection no more than three to four times;
  • The ready-to-drink beverage should be warm. Cold or hot won't do any good.

It is also important to mention the monastery tea against acne. Monastic teas are literally for all ailments: alcoholism, varicose veins, liver and heart diseases, to improve brain activity, digestion and sleep. This is a special collection that you can buy ready-made or prepare yourself at home. All prescription ingredients are easy to obtain from pharmacies and stores:

  • Herbs: St. John's wort, oregano, elecampane;
  • Fruits: rose hips, lemon;
  • Base: black tea.

A decoction is prepared from herbs, to which honey and lemon are added for taste. Take the remedy for acne twice a day in a glass, do not tie it to food intake. The course of treatment is 4 weeks. To believe or not to believe the healing properties of the collection is an individual decision. Analyzing the composition, we can conclude that such a remedy is aimed at general cleansing of the body. Herbs have good bile and diuretic properties, improve digestion, increase sweating and strengthen the immune system. All these properties in the complex have a beneficial effect on the body, cleanse the liver and normalize the digestive tract, which has a positive effect on the quality of the skin.

Drinking tea is important for pleasure. This drink is not addictive, does not have a negative effect on organs and tissues. But as in taking any other product, you need to observe the measure and avoid drinking tea during periods of emotional excitement and stress.

I will tell you a recipe for a lotion of youth and freshness for every skin type! DO NOT DRINK - LET'S GO LET'S GET ANOTHER USE FROM HIM! Beautiful princess on the package and disgusting taste and smell inside ...

Tips for face, body, hair and more)


In my house, this tea periodically began to appear due to its cheapness, but only parents drink it, because we cannot. We just can't. I will not say that this is just tea, although this is an ordinary tea with logs that come across inside .. but its taste is somehow disgusting, as well as the aroma. I don’t know what I don’t like more - the taste or aroma .. I haven’t seen this rotten taste in any other tea (moreover, for a year this taste is in every package of this tea, so I will not say that I have come across expired box, etc.). I confess that I have not tried other teas of this brand, maybe they are better than this, which I really hope I’m better off drinking some Java than this muck. No, well, seriously!

And now let's figure out where this tea is all the same, you can use it in addition to spoil your mood with its taste (I give the pros and cons of using) :

  • AUTO Tan

+ I am a little dark on my own, and black tea helps me maintain an even darker and healthier skin tone in winter and summer. For this-twice a day, wipe your face with a cotton pad dipped in tea, or just wash your face with strong tea leaves. Leave the tea on your face and neck to dry and after a few days you will notice that you have become a little darker, I promise!

- Do not let tea sprinkle on the white enamel of the sink, it is then difficult to wipe it off if you did not wipe it off immediately and do not wipe it off with a towel for the same reason - but you can get your face wet with a disposable napkin.


​+ The peoples living by the sea taught me that before going to the beach they are sprayed and washed with a steep infusion of black tea, which is very protective against sunburn. I myself am probably 15 years old, I like to make a beach tea spray from a cool tea leaves with a couple of drops of jasmine and almond oil.

BUT so that the oil dissolves in the liquid, first dilute it slightly in a teaspoon along with a drop of honey or alcohol (this will be your emulsifier-solvent), and then add it to tea or wherever you want.


+ The same washing with tea or rubbing with a tea bag on the face is very beneficial.on sensitive skin- removes irritation and redness from the skin, mattifies, deodorizes and makes the skin velvety - which is especially necessary in summer for both oily and sensitive skin.

+ And even to me with my dry skin-it is very pleasant to wash your face with tea in summer and the skin stays fresh longer. But in order to make my already dry skin less matted, I add a few drops of peach seed oil or almond oil to this homemade lotion, and even better, on a cotton pad moistened with tea leaves.

+ Also tea lotiondries up pimples and any rashesnot only on the face, but on the whole body, because the tannins contained in tea leaves have a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. You can also add drops of any favorite oils, both base and essential; as well as decoctions of other medicinal herbs.

- It can dry out dry skin a little, if you do not add a drop of any oil. And don't forget the emulsifier!


+ What could be better in the summer heat than washing your face and neck with ice tea cubes?)

For me and my mother, there is nothing better than cubes with tea leaves and mint leaves in summer;)

+ Ice cubes tone the skin, strengthen tissues, tighten and make the skin firmer, as well as smooth out light wrinkles!

+ Of course, I like to add butter to the ice cube infuser. tea tree and mint leaves and rose and chamomile flowers, even black currant leaves and sometimes berries of different plants. The effect is amazing!

- Nails and light-colored clothes are slightly stained - if the cube flows. Be careful with this.

I will describe in more detail how I make the ladies of beauty, with beautiful photographs, soon in the review-personal care.


+ Yes, yes, we still got this method from mothers and their grandmothers :) The same way to wash your eyes with tea, for any redness and inflammation, even conjunctivitis- TEA WORKS! ..and even this disgusting tea Princess Kandy will work the same way.

- Do not put tea lotions on your eyes at night - in the morning an unpleasant film may appear on the eyelashes.


+ To strengthen hair and prevent hair loss- also this disgusting Kandy tea goes to help us. A strong infusion of tea should be rubbed into the scalp for two weeks - this will strengthen the hair and stimulate its growth! Checked on myself. Sit with tea on your head a little longer and go my head.

+ With this black tea you cannormalize the work of the sebaceous glands. A glass of strongly brewed tea is taken, mixed with a glass of broth of oak bark and all this rinses the hair. I didn’t do this to myself, because I’m lazy, and the girls I know in this way extended the stay of their heads in a fresher form for a long time and now their hair grows less oily.

- This method is suitable for dark hair, as blonde hair can be dyed auburn. thanks to black tea and a decoction of oak bark. And so that they still dyed in a chestnut tone, wrap the hair soaked with tea leaves and oak broth in polyethylene and sit a little longer.


It's a shame that there is little that can remove this rotten aftertaste from this particular tea from Princess Kandy. Neither mint, let alone lemon balm or chamomile and even cinnamon and ginger are capable.

+ Only capable offood flavoringsin cones, and I also added to the cup of this Candy teaa little vanillin powder... It saved him! The taste and smell have become more attractive.

To keep your adorable face always looking adorable, try these black and green tea face mask recipes (recipes)

There are many legends about tea. According to one of them, Buddha cut off his eyelids so that they would not interfere with his meditation. In the place where the thrown eyelids fell into the ground, tea trees grew. Buddhists around the world celebrate May 17 as the birthday of the Buddha, washing his holy statues with tea or sweetened water.

Properties of tea

A cup of tea contains 2 times less caffeine than a cup of coffee. You can remove 80% of the caffeine from the drink if you first pour boiling water over the tea, wait half a minute and drain the liquid. After that, pour the tea with a fresh portion of boiling water, brew for 5 minutes.

Tea, so necessary and useful for our body, is also useful for our charming face. There are many masks using tea in the form of ground tea leaves or strong tea leaves. Masks are absolutely simple to make and use, they do not require exotic ingredients, and they are quite effective.

Tea face mask recipes. Black tea

Brewing mask for oily and normal skin - toning, drying


  • 2 teaspoons black tea grounds.

Application: Put the thick black tea on a napkin, then put it on your face. We stand for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Moisturizing, firming, toning, anti-wrinkle mask


  • Strong infusion of black tea in a warm form - 1-2 teaspoons;
  • Honey, slightly warmed up in a water bath - 2 teaspoons;
  • Ground oat flakes - 2 teaspoons.

Application: Mix everything thoroughly until the consistency of thick sour cream, then apply it on the face with a thick layer in a warm form. We cover our face with a paper napkin, and on top with a terry towel. We stand for 20 minutes. Wash off first with warm, then cool water.

Nourishing, vitamin, toning, smoothing mask


  • Strong infusion of black tea - 1 tablespoon;
  • Fat-free cottage cheese - 1 tablespoon;
  • Lemon juice - 1 tablespoon.

Application: We stand for 15-20 minutes. Wash off first with cold and then warm water.

Purifying, smoothing, drying mask


  • Brewing cold strong black tea - 3 tablespoons;
  • Whipped protein - 1 piece (for dry skin - 1 yolk);
  • Lemon juice - 1 teaspoon (vegetable oil is better for dry skin);
  • Clay (for dry skin - pink or red, for oily skin - white) - 1 tablespoon;
  • Ground oatmeal - 1 tablespoon;
  • Ground almonds - 2 teaspoons.

Application: The mixture should have a consistency like thick sour cream, if it turns out to be too thick, you can add a little tea leaves. We stand for 10 minutes. Wash off with cool water.

Mask for aging skin - toning, nourishing, tightening


  • Wheat flour - 1 tablespoon;
  • Strong cold black tea brew - 2 tablespoons;
  • Egg yolk - 1 piece.

Application: Soak for 10-15 minutes, then wash off with water at room temperature.

Black Tea Toning Tanning Lotion


  • Dry black tea - 2 teaspoons;
  • Boiling water - 1 glass;
  • Lemon juice - 2 teaspoons.

Preparation: Brew tea, let it brew until it cools, then add lemon juice.

Application: We wipe the face with this lotion every day, in the mornings and evenings. You can pour it into a bottle and store it in the refrigerator, this lotion is enough for 4 days. Then you can make a new portion. Make cosmetic ice using this recipe.

Tea face mask recipes. Green tea

Mask for aging skin - tones, gives elasticity, firmness


  • Ground green tea or small-leaved tea - 1 tablespoon;
  • Sour cream - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Boiling water - 0.5 cups

Preparation: We brew tea, insist under the lid for 5 minutes, then filter through a fine sieve or cheesecloth and mix the tea gruel with sour cream.

Application: We sustain the mask for 15 minutes. Wash off with water at room temperature.

Nourishing rejuvenating mask


  • Strong green tea brew - 1 tablespoon;
  • Honey - 2 teaspoons;
  • Fatty cottage cheese - 100 grams.

Application: We stand for 15 minutes. Wash off first with cool and then warm water.

Nourishing and toning mask for combination or oily skin


  • Chopped green tea - 1 tablespoon;
  • Kefir or yogurt - 2 tablespoons.

Application: We maintain the mask for 15 minutes. Wash off with cool water.

Rejuvenating, refreshing, toning mask


  • Strong warm green tea brew - 2 tablespoons;
  • Grapefruit juice (or any citrus) - 1 tablespoon;
  • Egg yolk - 1 yolk;
  • Aloe juice - 1 teaspoon.

Application: Apply the mask for 10-15 minutes. Wash off with warm soda.

Purifying mask


  • Clay white, green, blue, yellow (for combination or oily skin), pink or red - for dry and normal skin - 1 tablespoon;
  • Strong green tea brew - 2-3 tablespoons.

Application: We keep the mask on the face for 7-8 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

These simple face masks will keep your skin looking fresh and youthful all the time!

Not everyone can assume that black tea is great as a face mask. But it has long been used by beauties. There is no need to buy a special type of drink, just the one in the house will do.

You just need it to be sheet and black. The best tea brought from the mountains, natural, without dyes and flavors.

It is one of the best natural remedies to combat also tea perfectly improves color and evens out the skin. Tea contains antioxidants and caffeine, which tone, energize, giving a fresh look to the face.

Such masks are especially useful in summer on hot days, as they protect the face from exposure to ultraviolet rays.

What skin is it suitable for

Ideal black tea is suitable for older ladies, as it is a natural source of energy and vigor for aging skin. This drink contains a lot of vitamins C, A, B, as well as various amino acids, caffeine and tannin.

All these substances make the skin younger and more beautiful, smooth wrinkles, and give a healthy glow. If you constantly apply masks with this product, then the result will be on a par with the use of cosmetic creams.

Also, those women who work in hazardous industries on night shifts can add tea to the mask. From city life, stress, overexertion at work, the skin of the face suffers first of all, and this is everyone notices in the first place.

The mask with black tea gently cleanses, makes the skin beautiful, evens out the color, breathes new life into it. Caffeine and tannin perfectly relieve the appearance of tiredness on the skin and tone it up.

Young girls can also use a tea mask once a month for prevention. As a result, they will always have a wonderful complexion and a healthy glow, dark circles under the eyes, about which students of educational institutions complain so much, will disappear.

In addition, the constant use of tea for the face, gives a beautiful dark complexion. Even in winter it looks like a tan, as if the skin has been in the sun. It is important not to overdo it.

The benefits of a black drink for skin prone to acne, irritation, and allergies are noticeable. Cold brewed tea will reduce oiliness and remove shine on the face.

Tea masks will also help those who suffer from dry skin.

This mask is a natural source of moisture for the face. Also, tea is excellent for weathering and frost. This is an excellent defense against all the environmental ills that modern women often face.

The sooner you start taking care of your skin with a natural antioxidant, the less problems you will have in the future. It is important to know what rules for using tea exist, and how to make such masks so that they really have an effect.

Under what conditions can not be used

There are practically no contraindications for using tea drink masks. It happens very rarely that a person develops an allergy or irritation to the mask. In such cases, you should immediately discontinue use.

How to make tea compresses for the face, see this video:

Also, people with high blood pressure should be careful with strong brew. Caffeine addicted people should not use these masks either.

You can not use tea with an expired shelf life in the mask, as its effectiveness will be reduced, and it can cause irritation on the skin. It is also worth remembering that the tea leaves are always fresh.

Terms of use

In order for a cosmetic product to bring the desired result, you need to know how to apply it correctly. There are several nuances of how to use black tea so that it affects the skin.

For a natural cosmetic product to help, you need to know how to properly prepare it, which recipe is suitable for a particular type of skin.

The best recipes

Many recipes for tea masks were used in ancient times in different countries. In some of them, in addition to tea, they put other ingredients for the benefits and effectiveness of the procedure.

In addition to masks, compresses, ice, tea tonic are made. Tea is suitable for oily and dry skin, and for young and aging. Its effectiveness depends on how the given product is prepared, as well as what auxiliary product is added there.

Masks against wrinkles and skin aging

  • Brew a spoonful of leaves in a glass of boiling water, mix with milk and Milk and oatmeal have long been considered the elixir of youth and beauty. Apply to skin, keep for 6-7 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  • Mix 2 tablespoons of tea leaves with 1 tablespoon of wheat flour and egg yolk. Keep the mixture fresh for about 10 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water. Wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin becomes elastic.

Anti-wrinkle masks should be used no more than once a week.

Moisturizing masks

Color enhancers

Masks with eggs or sour cream are made once a week.


  • You can make eye compresses from tea leaves. This will remove the look of fatigue and fading of the skin of the face, remove black circles under the eyes. It is easy to do, no special devices and tools are required.
  • Brew the leaves in a mug. Cotton wool should be moistened in a strong brew of a black drink, kept in front of our eyes for 3 minutes. This procedure also relieves swelling on the eyelids. It helps very well after a sleepless night. Can be done every day or as needed.

How to properly wipe your face with ice, this video will tell:

Toner or lotion

Every girl uses a face tonic from time to time. It helps to refresh the skin, add radiance, wash away impurities, unclog pores, and strengthen blood vessels. It is useful to make it from black tea.

Mix the tea leaves with a tablespoon of lemon juice, add a teaspoon of salt, then cool. You can wipe your face like this in the morning and in the evening with a cotton swab. You can freeze this product and arrange it into shapes.

Take out an ice cube in the mornings and evenings, wipe the face area. It is very useful. Tea ice can be made in a variety of ways with the addition of other products.

Tea ice

Brew tea leaves in a glass of water, add fresh mint or lemon balm leaves. If the skin is prone to oily sheen, then you can also add the juice of natural lemon. Strain the infusion, let it cool, then pour it into ice molds.

Put in the freezer, take out as needed. This precious product will always help you take care of your skin when you need it. You can wash your face with this ice in the morning.

For oily skin

Insist tea leaves in a glass of boiling water together with elderberry flowers in the amount of one tablespoon. Then, when the mixture has cooled, mix with the oatmeal and beat with the egg white.

Keep on face for 5 minutes. Then wash off your face well with warm water. Egg white cleanses the pores on the skin, and tea makes it soft and smooth, relieves inflammation.


Black tea masks will help not only make your face younger, fresher, but also save money on cosmetics. Nature is rich in effective remedies for beauty and health.

The modern rhythm of life, when people have to work day and night, affects health. Traditionally, the business card of any person - the face - suffers the most: the skin becomes flabby, the eyelids swell, dark circles appear under the eyes ... Only healthy sleep and cosmetic procedures will help get rid of this. Black tea perfectly tones and smoothes the skin, improves blood circulation, refreshes the complexion, strengthens the walls of blood vessels - and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Top 5 black tea recipes for facial skin - especially for this article!

5 black tea recipes for facial skin

Every day our skin is exposed to various stresses that negatively affect its condition. External factors such as cold, wind and direct sunlight, as well as a very unsatisfactory state of the environment, which cannot but affect health and appearance; and internal ones, such as unhealthy diet, chronic diseases and slagging of the body, make our skin vulnerable and weak, as a result of which it acquires an unhealthy color, bruises and swelling appear under the eyes, the skin flakes and cracks.

Home skin care

If it was not possible to avoid this, and you are faced with similar difficulties, do not rush to despair - there are several proven and very effective ways to improve the condition of the skin with the help of cosmetic procedures. Of course, you can use the services of beauty salons, but you can resort to folk methods and take care of your skin on your own. In this article, we present to your attention 5 black tea recipes for facial skin.

One of the most effective natural skin care products is tea. It contains a large number of antioxidants and tannins, has an anti-inflammatory effect, smoothes and tones the skin, protects it from the sun's rays and saturates it with essential vitamins. That is why tea is so often used in cosmetology as one of the main ingredients.

Black Tea Lotion

To maintain youthfulness and beauty of the skin, regularly use black tea lotion, which is quite simple to prepare. Brew a strong tea and mix it with lemon juice in equal proportions. Store this lotion in the refrigerator and apply it daily. If you are the owner of sensitive skin, instead of lemon juice, add mineral water and a little sugar to the lotion. For oily skin, ordinary tea leaves are often used without any additives. Just wipe your face with strong tea, soaking it well on a cotton swab.

2. Facial mask based on tea and honey

Black tea face masks are very popular. They do not have an instant effect, but with regular procedures, the skin will become much better and more beautiful. So, to make a tea mask, you will need a strong infusion of black tea, oatmeal and natural honey. Mix the ingredients together and apply on the face in an even layer, leaving the mask for 10-15 minutes.

3. Face mask based on tea and egg yolk

The next mask includes, of course, fresh tea leaves, wheat flour and one raw egg yolk. These ingredients are mixed until a viscous, thick mass is obtained and turn into a nourishing mask, which must be left on the skin for 15-20 minutes, and then rinsed with warm water.

4. Tea for complexion

Black tea can give your skin a slight tan if you wipe your face with tea leaves daily. But in combination with flower honey, tea has a whitening effect. Therefore, if you want to whiten your skin and even out its color, just mix the tea with honey and apply the resulting mixture to the skin. After 15 minutes, the mask will need to be washed off.

5. Compresses from tea

Black tea compresses have long been proven to be effective against edema. If, waking up in the morning, you find unattractive bags under the eyes, black tea will quickly deal with them. Used tea bags are great for this. After you've brewed the tea, don't rush to throw it away. Cool the bags slightly and place them on the eyelids and under the eyes. If you don't have tea bags, just brew the tea, soak cotton pads in the infuser and apply them over your eyes for 10 minutes.

Regular use of tea compresses will not only help you cope with swelling, but also get rid of the vascular mesh under the eyes, which causes discomfort to many women. And as a preventive measure, it is recommended to wipe your face with cubes of frozen tea every morning.