Several pages from the confectionery history of Russia. Famous confectioners of Russia as they achieved success

12.08.2019 Snacks

Six legendary cakes that the whole world knows (and bake). Famous desserts of Austria, Italy, Germany and, of course, Russia. Will be delicious!

Real gourmet-sweets sincerely consider the king of any feast of dessert. That is quite explained by their taste addies. Staying absolutely indifferent to meat delicacies, vegetable dishes and, they show children's delight when sweets are served on the table. It is difficult to argue with the fact that a decent completion of the anniversary evening or a solemn round is a cake. But few of us know that the most famous cakes that can be tried today in any cafe or restaurant, have an amazing story.

Cake "Anna Pavlova"

Anna Pavlova cake is one of the most popular today in Russia.

The light and air creation of Pavlov, on the basis of meringues and whipped cream with the addition of berries and fruits, is obliged to the advent of the famous Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova in New Zealand. Local confectioners invented this gentle dessert to demonstrate a talented woman with his admiration. And it was so sincere that the cake has long been in the top ten of the most delicious desserts of the world.

By the way, experienced confectioners argue that it is very easy to manufacture, just knows a few secrets.

Dessert "Tiramisu"

Today, "Tiramisu" can be tried anywhere in the world, but only in Italy he is unique. Do not believe? Try as soon as possible!

The most famous Italian sweet dish can rightly consider Tiramisu. Its name is literally translated as "Raise me up." What is meant by this? Practical nutritionists believe that it is a high caloric content of delicacy. Cheerful Italians tend to ensure that every eaten piece has significantly improves the mood. But the cunning welmes tried to taste it before love joy to confirm their male power.

This dessert has the status of the aristocrat among the fellow, so requires an appropriate relationship. Its soft, gentle taste with light creamy notes, you should enjoy slowly. It is very difficult to explain that it is real. It is a cross between pudding, cake and souffle, and in the best manifestations of listed dishes.

Napoleon cake"

Very simple at first glance Cake - a dozen cogs with cream - won the hearts of many sweets!

Napoleon cake in the minds of each of us are inextricably linked with France, although it was first cooked in Russia in 1912 in honor of the celebration of the century of expulsion of the French from the country. The dish of thin puff cores and the custard was served on the table in the form of a triangular hat of the defeated emperor and unexpectedly acquired unheard of popularity! Yes, and today, from pleasure to enjoy a piece of impregnated satisfying "Napoleon", units may refuse.

Cake "Zaher"

Let's say frankly, in love with everything and not the first time in the "Zaran". He is too choporn and specific - nothing superfluous, no raisins.

If someday fate will bring you to Vienna, be sure to try a luxurious Austrian cake "Zaher". A dizzying cocktail of tastes and aromas usually does not leave a single connoisseur of exquisite dishes indifferent - these are elegant chocolate notes with light tones of the apricot jam. For the first time, he appeared on the table of Chancellor Austria Metternich in 1832. The young sixteen-year-old Culinary Franz Zane created an amazing creation from chocolate cakes with an apricot jam layers, filled with thick chocolate glaze. The experiment, as a result, turned out to be more than successful!

Schwarzvaldian cake

Neither the Germans are not lagging behind the Austrians in the Cooking Industry. Contrary to stereotypes, they are famous sweet tooths! Who visited, knows that it is difficult to refuse their desserts. Cake "Schwarzvald", known from us as "Black Forest," - a significant confirmation of this. Performance it is simple as day: Biscuits alternate with cream from whipped cream and decorated with fresh cherries. The secret of tenderness is considered impregnation of chocolate cakes fruit brandy from cherry. Germans are affectionately called her "Kirchvasser". From above, the cake is sprinkled with chocolate chips.

"Red velvet"

The bright scarlet cake with a cream stripes invented Americans. In times of the Great Depression, when the products were issued on cards, and all the cakes were completely gray-brown, the pastry was invented to add a beetral mass to the dough. The cakes were obtained by bright, purple and life-affirming! In the preparation of capricious. Cream and soft cheese cooling, butter and eggs, on the contrary, seal, cakes again send to the refrigerator - a lot of fuss.

But the result overshadows every effort. Try, if you do not believe, no wonder "velvet" is among the top ten most famous cakes in the world.

You can endlessly arguing about the variety of tastes and identity of desserts of different countries, but it is better to just try them. Those who have the opportunity to travel is enough to order in a restaurant with national cuisine. The rest can try on the apron of a beginner confectioner and surprise households!

After passing professional confectionery training, a whole world will open in front of you, where creative gusts will find freedom. You have to create sweet masterpieces, equally beautiful both inside (taste) and outside (design). Where to draw inspiration? New ideas will not make himself wait if you regularly visit advanced training courses in confectionery schools, read profile publications and, of course, track the work of outstanding pros.

A little retreating from the topic of the article, I would like to say that you can in one of the gastronomic academies around the world. However, graduates who received diplomas (campuses on 5 continents), (Switzerland) and (USA), which have valuable knowledge and experience in real work in the kitchen are especially valued. Classes are held by the best chefs of the world, while students are prepared from high-quality products and use modern equipment, which stands in high-kitchen restaurants awarded mentioned in Giden Gid. Most of these programs provide an internship, which helps graduates become high-class professionals.

Returning to the topic of the article, we present 5 well-known confectionery in the world creating real masterpieces, and their accounts in Instagram are an excellent source of inspiration.

Adriano Zumbo, @zumbopatisserie

Andriano is a simple Australian guy with a look of Marlon Brando, which became one of the most prominent confuses of Australia. Since childhood, he adored chocolate and lollipops and spent a lot of time in the parents supermarket, where the bakery was also. We are pleased that at the age of 15 he accepted a fateful decision and refused sports career in favor of confectionery art. During the years of passionate work, Andriano has learned to create stunning sweet delights, who brought him world glory. For desserts, the chefs can not only look at Instagram, as well as to taste in his institution in Adriano Zumbo in Sydney.

Julien Alvarez, @ julienalvarezofficial

Julien enters the top of the best confirars of the world, which confirms his victory on the prestigious industry contest - La Coupe du Monde de la Pâtisserie - in 2011. Today, he works at the Paris restaurant Le Bristol and creates sweet desserts extraordinary on its art, his style characterizes the sophisticated decor and a stunning combination of tastes. In addition, Julien travels around the world, conducting training in confectionery skill in the framework of Workshops.

Zherom de Oliveira, @JeromeedeLiveira

The legendary French chef Kristiter Christoph Mishalak mentioned in his book of Zheroma de Oliveira, calling him a spiritual son and a little genius. And indeed it is. Zhero became the youngest world champion in confectionery art, won this title at 23 years. By the way, got it twice. Today, just thirty, and behind the shoulders are already a great experience in the capital of France (together with Christoph Mishalak), the position of Su-Chef in the restaurant of the hotel Plaza Athénée, the first places in the Mondial De Arts Sucrés 2007 and Coupe Du Monde De La Pâtisserie Lyon 2009 and its own confectionery boutiques.

Amory Gishon, @amauryguichon

From the 16th of the years, Amori went to the heights of confectionery art and still achieved his goal. Today it is called a chocolate architect due to the virtuoso skill and creating spectacular "sweet" designs. He lives and works in Las Vegas and acts as a confiracy chief of the famous Institute of Jean Philippe Patisserie.

Christoph Mishalak, @Christophe_Michalak

Christoph is the real pride of the French Confectionery School, he will go down in history as an innovator and a great master. Today is considered the most popular confectioner of the country. He takes part in a variety of television shows, produces books, conducts master classes, acts as a teacher in several schools of cooking, helps young professionals to find work using the Michalak Connect initiative, conducts a useful blog, works at the Plaza Athenee restaurant and does not forget about your own confectionery michalak . Is it worth mentioning that in 2005 he won the title of world champion? Christopa distinguishes an experimental approach and simplicity of recipes.

Renat Agzamov - Culinary confectioner, creator of unique multi-tiered cakes of impressive sizes, champion of the Russian Federation for confectionery skills, member of the Council of the National Guild of Chefs, Head of the Confectionemry Production of the Fili Baker, Expert Culinary Show "Tiltelettosto" on the first and "confectioner" on Channel "Friday!", Former boxer.

Among the clients of the King Cakes, as it was not called in the media, Customers, including Gazprom, Aeroflot and LUKOIL.


The future creator of masterpiece cakes was born on April 13, 1981 in Kiev. Soon their family moved to Sochi, where he lived before moving to Moscow in 2002. By nationality, Renat - Tatar. He has the eldest brother Timur for 4 years.

The head of the family was a chef-restaurant chef, and both sons from an early age showed interest in cooking. The passion of grandchildren supported the grandmother, which became the main adviser and the inspiration of their gastronomic experiments.

Its first culinary product Renat self-baked at 7 years. It was a cupcake, capricious and quite complicated product preparation. At the age of 10, he already knew the bake bread. In the same period, the boy bought himself the first mixer, accumulating money in a piggy bank in the form of a pig.

From 12 years old on the summer vacation, he walked on the kitchen of restaurants of the city and helped there to beat eggs there, sort out nuts, perform other instructions to learn to culinary wisdom, watching the work of the masters.

Labor activity

At the age of 15, after Timur, he went to Krasnodar and entered a culinary school. At the same time they were engaged in boxing in the center of the Olympic preparation of CSKA. Soon, the brothers had to return to Sochi because of the serious state of the father - he had a stroke. To contain a family and help the father cope with the disease, they went to work: Timur - a cook, and he is a confectioner.

In the period 1999-2001 Renat served in the army. Demobilized, he continued to engage in his loved business. In 2002, the young man became the winner of the local confectionery championship, and realized that the ceiling was reached in Sochi. Dreaming in a professional plan and earn more, he decided to move to Moscow.

In the same year, the brothers of Agsamov went to the capital. At first they all had terrible - no money, nor acquaintances, no housing. They even had to spend the night at the Kursk station. But over time, their life has improved. Initially, Renat found a job in a confectionery cafe in China. He then changed 7 more places of work for six months in order to study the characteristics and details of the preparation of various types of dishes.

Confectioner Renat Agzamov makes a cake

Having received a sufficient experience, the purposeful Sochinets managed to win the casting to the post of chef confirmer of the popular restaurant "Nostalzhi", where only the French worked before that. In this position, he experimented a lot with a combination of dishes ingredients, creating truly unexpected versions of desserts: candy with garlic or beer, ice cream with Vasabi.

In 2005, he received an invitation to work in the network of confectionery Legato, which was famous for the wide range of exclusive chocolate chocolates. He had to do as the leader to master not only new recipes and production technology, but also to learn to make technological and economic calculations. As the Renat noted later, at that time he acquired his first laptop in his life.

Then, together with two companions, he created the Creative Catering Enterprise, specializing in organizing exit banquets, buffets, barbecue and other varieties of catering services. The project was successful, paid off for 3 months, however, due to the differences, the founders soon collapsed.

After that, agzamov decided that he was ready to create his own business. During this period, he was invited to Tatarstan to help the organization of coffee shops "Chocolate", the owner of which was the daughter of the head of Tatarstan-Bank. At the end of the work, he shared his plans with the father of the girl, who gave him the wise council - instead of establishing his own little and non-competitive production to find a large and strong firm that agreed to cooperate with him.

As a result, upon returning to Moscow, he managed to interest the developed series of original cakes and other ideas the guigament guigament in the Fil Baker. In 2006, the Fili Baker Premium factory was created, where, under the guidance of a talented culinary culinary, they began to release the "Pancho Rustic" cake, which had a huge success, later - exclusive desserts of his authorship.

Renat Agzamov and his Pancho Cake

The largest share of the company's profit (more than 90 percent) was brought orders for wedding cakes, the recipe of which he came up with himself. In terms of the number of products manufactured, children's cakes were leading. A great influence on the popularity of Renat's creation has had a great influence on the Internet TV presenter Ksenia Borodina Photos of the ordered cake along with the words of gratitude. After a couple of days after this, the number of subscribers Aggamov in Instagram, where you can see his work, grew 5 times.

By 2017, Fili Baker Premium gained wide fame not only in his homeland, but also abroad. She implemented international projects in Japan, France, Italy, America, UAE. Renat admired customers cakes in the form of palaces, dinosaurs, fountains and even flying art objects.

In order to improve the knowledge and skills, the Star Confectioner was held internships in Turkey, Switzerland, Italy, France. He himself conducted training seminars, tournaments, organized exhibitions, participated in the show "Tilteletti" and "Confectioner".

Personal life of Renata Agzamov

Culinary married. His wife is called Valery. She is his ideological inspirer, in her honor Renat created one of his most skilled work - a fountain, where the glaze was flowing instead of water. He worked on this perfection for more than a year.

Few people remain indifferent at the sight of a tasty cake or cake. But there are people creating true sweet masterpieces. They are so beautiful that it is a pity! What can we talk about the excellent taste of these dishes, which are tasting, even if you are on a diet. We selected the best pastry worlds, famous for their masters and their creations, and want to tell a little about them.

Confectionery Pierre Ermome

This confectioner refers to the manufacture of sweets as high fashion. Its "collections" go twice a year, pleaseing the sweet bowls, able to appreciate the real French desserts.

Pierre Ermom called "Picasso of Culinary Art." Why? Because it is not afraid to mix different tastes, at first glance seemingly incompatible. This approach allows us to eventually get another masterpiece. But these experiments are by no means random - each invention has a confectioner of a new dish is thought out to the smallest detail. Here are some bold combinations invented by Pierre Ermome:

  • Rose with raspberry and almond;
  • Avocado with chocolate;
  • Tomato with vanilla.

Confectionery Sadahar Aoki.

Maestro Sadahar Aoki creates desserts in the style of Fusion. Despite the fact that the pastryer specializes in French cuisine, in all sweets there is a story of Japan. The most favorite ingredient of this masters is green tea. Every month, he brings about 200 kg of selected leaves from Japan.

Sadahar Aoki loves unexpected taste combinations. Especially often he experiments with different combinations of sweet and salty. In its desserts, Sadahar Aoki prefers to add Japanese seasonal products - Japanese plums of "mind", red beans, black sesame and other similar components.

Confectionery Demel

Sweets that are preparing in the confectionery Demel are worthy of kings. And these are not empty words - dishes from this confectionery were served on the Table of Austrian Royal Persons. The institution has been working since 1778. Traditional recipes of that time carefully keep Masters Demel. The most famous sweets of the confectionery is a traditional cake "Zaher", a company "Demel" and "Dobozy". Trying them, we can safely say that you have eaten the same sweets that Emperor Franz Joseph.

Confectionery Ladurée

Talking about this confectionery, we will not mention the abundance of different desserts, experiments of chefs and features of the ingredients. Suffice it to say that it was in Ladurée who came up with the almond macaron famous for the whole world. For the same invention, the confectionery can be included in the top of the best in the world. Traditional French macarunas are gentle round-old male flour cakes 3-5 cm in diameter. They are light, crispy, as if meringue, but to taste - more refined. Do not confuse them with American Makaruna - this dessert is very popular in America and is preparing from coconut chips.

Confectionery Jean Fields Evin

This pastryer can be bolded to call the chocolate king. He is considered the best confectioner-chocolate in the world. In the corporate entity prepare all sorts of chocolate desserts - cakes, candy, macarows.

Jean-Paul Evin is considered the legislator of chocolate fashion. The ideas of his desserts quickly pick up other masters. In the confectionery chocolate maestro, everything is made only from elite varieties of chocolate. And the secret of its success is not only in the unsurpassed taste of delicacies, but also in the sophisticated additives, creating extraordinary bouquets of tastes and flavors.

Chocolly will personally taste selected cocoa beans from Venezuela, Colombia, Madagascar. And only the best uses in their desserts. As a result, real chocolate masterpieces are obtained.

Renat Agzamov - Champion of Russia in confectionery art, the face of the Break Baker's brand, a popular baker among the stars of the Russian show business. In the year, the culinary creates from 2 to 2.5 thousand cakes.

Childhood and youth

Renat Agzamov was born on April 13, 1981 in Kiev. By the sign of the zodiac, the future culinary - Aries. Boy parents by nationality of Tatars. Father worked as a chef on the railway, so he owned the secret of the preparation of many national and European dishes. He especially managed pilaf. After the birth of children (in the family, another son was brought up - Timur) Agromy moved to a permanent place of residence in Sochi.

At the age of 7, the boy first tried himself in baking cupcakes and cookies. At 10 years old, Renat already knew the oven bread. In childhood he had a piggy piggy bank. When the savings turned out to be enough, the agzamov bought on them their first mixer for the preparation of desserts. And three years later, the teenager learned the secret of cooking caramel. At 16, Agzamov pleased the first created on their own cake.

Brother Timur Agzamov shared Renata's interest in cooking, which ultimately determined their biography. To handle the knives and products of the guys taught her father, and grandmother inspired to experiment with meal. Renat and Timur Agzamov became famous culinary teams thanks to the interest of food, grafted in the family.

In addition to the hobbies of cooking at school, Renat showed uncommon mathematical abilities, annually occupying the first places on the regional Olympiads. Nevertheless, the young man did not choose a technical university, but went on his own way.


At the age of 15, Renat entered the culinary school in Krasnodar. Together with his brother, they parallelly dealt with boxing in the center of the Olympic training CSKA. Sports and the love of cooking influenced the external data of the Renata. With a height of 175 cm, its weight now reaches 95 kg. Soon, family circumstances made the aggasam return to Sochi. Father suffered a stroke, and considerable amounts required for his recovery. The brothers early had to become independent. Timur went to work as a cook in a restaurant, and his brother settled in the confectionery shop.

In 2002, Renat took the first place at the confectionery championship in Krasnodar, which pushed him to move to Moscow. Aggsamov and brother went to the capital without ties and money. The first time was difficult, there was no housing and work, but gradually everything was improved.

For the first 6 months of life in Moscow, Renat worked in seven different places. He worked even for free to learn the necessary technicians, since the main priority for the man was professional growth.

The beginning of the career in Moscow agzamov believes the post of chef pastryer in the restaurant "Nostalzhi". There, a man worked about 2.5 years. Later, with the former director of Nostalzhi, Renat founded Creative Catering Catering-Service. The project was successful, and the partnership is not. Agzamov came out of the case and decided to go on.

The first time the confectioner was aimed at creating his own business, but then decided to find a large company and suggest her cooperation. Such a giant was the enterprise "Fil Baker". The Directorate of the Company decided to cooperate with Agsamov. Especially under the new project was built a confectionery factory "Fili Baker Premium".

In the production of products, only natural raw materials are used, as well as home recipes cakes with cream from sour cream. Due to the tough concept, the products of the confectionery plant are popular due to flawless taste. 100 employees participate in the manufacture of one product of culinary art. When creating cakes in front of the culinary barriers there is no barrier. These are structures with chocolate figures, caramel diamonds, chocolate "laboft", logos and swans.

Aggsamov is the most famous Russian confectioner who develops cakes for celebrities. The average price of its baking is 2500 rubles / kg.

Massly popular cooking Renat Agzamova made TV presenter "House-2", which the cook presented a birthday cake. The TV host posted a photo of the masterpiece in "Instagram", after which interest in Baking Renat sharply increased. Customers agzamov became, and. The cake for was performed in the imperial style. His weight was 400 kg.

Children adore agzamov cakes decorated with figures of cartoon characters. The average such dessert weighs about 4 kg, in the factory they are baked most often. The confectioner admits that the most profitable direction of his business is wedding cakes. Income from such products is obtained at times higher, as each cake weighs from 10 to 100 kg.

Renata Agzamova has a formal site where you can see examples of work and make an order. Confectioner registered an account in "Instagram", where he places joint photos with his wife, son and their creations. Aggsamov is confident that only thanks to social networks of the company managed to conclude contracts around the world. Today, Baking Renata Agzamov is known in Japan, Australia, America, UAE.

Answers Renata Agzamov to questions with Instagram

The champion of Russia in confectionery art believes that a person must always learn, and that when preparing desserts, sex, nature, nationality or age are not important. The main thing is the knowledge and love for what you are doing. The chef itself does not stop learning for a minute. For example, being on vacation in Maldives, Renat Agzamov took over the recipe for the preparation of Italian Panton, and in Turkey learned to prepare Azerbaijani Kutabs. In working hours, Culinary visits European and Asian countries, where inhabitted.

At the end of 2016, it became known about the launch of the project on the first channel called "Tille Dough Tool" ("Tiltelettosto"). In the show confectioners, lovers compete with each other in the preparation of desserts. TV presenter is chosen, and helped her husband and Renat Agzamov. The program was broadcast from 2017 to Sundays.

Renat Agzamov conducts seminars on confectionery skill, removed on television, creates confectionery masterpieces, launches culinary projects. One of his children was the "international exhibition of cakes of Renat Agzamov."

The first city in which confectioner presented his creations to the public visiting, was Kazan. For the start of the event, the culinary chose the capital of Tatarstan is not by chance, Renat considers Kazan with his historic homeland. The exhibition worked a month since the end of 2016.

Personal life

Renat Agzamov with a greater hunt shares culinary secrets than information about personal life. It is known that confectioner is married to a girl named Lera. The spouses have a son Timur. The wife inspires Renata to new accomplishments.

In honor of Lera Agsamov called one of his best works - chocolate fountain and glaze. Timur's son's son does not share the love of his father to sweet, he from the young years is accustomed to healthy eating.

Renat is not sure that the heir wants to continue his business in the future. According to Agromov, family and beloved work - the main values \u200b\u200bin his life.

Renat Agzamov Now

In 2018, Renat Agzamov's cake decorated the celebration of the year - the wedding and, attended by VIP-person and representatives of the Russian show business.

Wedding cake Nikita Presnyakova from Renata Agzamova

Another television project of Agzamov - the "Culinary" show, which since 2017 is broadcast on the air of the TV channel "Friday!". The program is designed to participate fans culinary, among which is determined by the strongest. In the first season, Olga Warina became the winner.

The transmission ratings allowed the creators at the beginning of 2018 to launch the second season, and for 2019 the third is scheduled. The emotional style of communicating Renata Agzamov with the contestants is compared with the manner of communication of another TV presenter culinary show "On the knives".

Confectioner Renat Agzamov makes a cake

The popular TV presenter, in addition to the main show, appears in the morning air, offering simple recipes in the author's heading of the Friday morning program.


  • 2016 - "Tili Body Dough"
  • 2017 - "Culinary"
  • 2018 - Friday morning