Cottonseed oil, benefits and harms, how to take? Cottonseed oil is a humble but valuable gift from nature.

20.09.2019 Salads

Cottonseed oil is used much less often than sunflower, olive or corn oil. The product is popular in eastern countries. Used to prepare a wide variety of dishes. But unrefined oil is toxic, therefore it takes place only in cosmetology and folk medicine without internal use. And the benefits and harms of cottonseed oil are due to its rich composition.

How is cottonseed oil made

The combination of "vegetable oil" is always on hearing. But such a familiar sunflower is associated with it. Cotton - more known outside the country, in distant Asia and is there on every kitchen shelf. It is made from cotton. The plant provides not only tissue, but also a product that can be used in cooking, home medicine, and cosmetology.

It is cotton seeds that are used for manufacturing. In most cases, the product is extracted by cold pressing. From the total weight of the seeds, 15% of an oily substance is obtained. Because of this, the cost of the product in the markets is not so small. But there could be more if the seeds were not just waste from cotton processing. Like all oils, cottonseed oil is produced in two types: refined and unrefined. They have different uses.

Important! It is forbidden to use unrefined oil in cooking.

Composition and calorie content of cottonseed oil

Cottonseed oil is high in calories. There are 884 calories per 100 grams of the product. This property warns that it should be consumed in moderation. There are no proteins and carbohydrates in the composition. Only fats.

Useful properties are due to the presence of vitamins B, E, PP in its composition. And monounsaturated and unsaturated acids will enrich the body with beneficial Omega-3 and Omega-6. More than 70% is occupied by tocopherol A. The composition depends on the type of plant and the conditions of its germination.

Acids are found in large quantities: myristic, palmitic, stearic, arachidic, palmitoleic, oleic, linoleic.

In 100 grams, there are approximately 99.9 milligrams of tocopherol, 0.2 choline, 24.7 phylloquinone, 24.7 unsaturated fatty acids, 19.4 monounsaturated, 50.5 polyunsaturated.

Why is cottonseed oil useful?

If you carefully analyze the composition, you can understand that in terms of useful properties it is the record holder among other plant products.

What are the benefits of refined cottonseed oil for the body:

  1. It is useful for the elderly, increases the elasticity of blood vessels and heart tissues.
  2. It has a positive effect on immunity.
  3. Has anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effects.
  4. Strengthens the nervous system.
  5. Rejuvenates the body.
  6. Acids in the composition have a positive effect on skin healing, dermatological diseases, treatment of allergic reactions, burns, diabetes.
  7. Phytosterols lower cholesterol levels.
  8. Useful for the prevention of atherosclerosis.
  9. Several groups of vitamins help to treat inflammation and increase the ability of the immune system.

How to use cottonseed oil medicinally

The product is used not only in cooking. A large number of useful substances in the composition allows them to treat some diseases at home. Often, doctors prescribe the use of the product for problems with immunity.

Attention! Before starting treatment with folk remedies, you should consult a doctor.

In order to strengthen the general condition of the body, to help it resist infections and other diseases, cottonseed oil is consumed daily. The recommended dose is a teaspoon. It is advisable to use it on an empty stomach, and then drink about a glass of water.

For those planning pregnancy, a teaspoon is prescribed on an empty stomach.

For problems with digestion, constipation, drink 30 grams three times a day. Useful as cancer prevention.

For insomnia and mental health problems, drink a teaspoon before bed.

When the veins are dilated, special baths are made: 2 tablespoons of oil, 5 drops of basil oil, 20 drops of cypress, 5 liters of water. The procedure is carried out daily.

If you need to cure a burn or a dermatological disease, then melt 30 grams of wax, put 200 grams of cotton product, egg yolk. The skin is smeared with the resulting product until healing.

The use of cottonseed oil in cosmetology

The large amount of fatty acids enriches the oil. Thanks to this, the product is used in cosmetology not only for the preparation of home masks, but also in industrial conditions. Vegetable fats are actively used to moisturize the skin and hair. Cottonseed is one of the healthiest. But it helps not only to moisturize, but also to provide nutrition, beauty and youth. This plant product is found in many beauty recipes, and it can also be noticed in the formulations of professional organic cosmetics.

Cottonseed oil for face and body skin

The easiest way to moisturize dry skin is by using a blend of oils. You should mix cottonseed, olive, any essential oil in equal proportions. All this is infused for about 5 minutes in a warm place. This way the beneficial properties are better manifested. The product is applied to cleansed, steamed skin. After 15 minutes, the residues are washed off.

Citrus oils work well to fight cellulite. But cotton is added to grapefruit and lemon products. The mixture of oils is heated before application. They also warm up the skin, rub it with a washcloth, and do a light massage. Effectively used to moisturize during vacuum massage.

If the skin is dry and requires nutrition, then the following mask is suitable: 1 yolk, a spoonful of oil, a spoonful of honey. The ingredients are mixed and applied to the skin for 15 minutes. After rinsing, apply a moisturizer.

To avoid irritation after shaving, apply equal amounts of cotton oil and grape seed.

Cotton hair oil

For dandruff, section, dullness and loss, use a large number of vegetable oils. They forget about cotton, but in vain. The product can help with almost any hair problem.

If the hair is dry, then it is enough to apply the right amount the entire length of the product before washing. Wrap your head with polyethylene, a towel. Rinse off thoroughly.

A cotton product is also added to shampoos. The required amount of cosmetic is squeezed onto the hand, 15 drops are added and applied to the hair. It is enough to do the procedure 4 times a month.

To accelerate growth, a mixture of 1 tablespoon of oil, 2 tablespoons of sour cream and 2 tablespoons of mustard powder is applied to the hair roots for 15 minutes.

The product can be added to almost any hair mask, oil combination. It is undesirable to use it on oily hair, and also to smear it heavily on the roots.

How to use cottonseed oil in cooking

Cottonseed oil is also used in cooking, for dressing and frying. However, not everyone dares to do this. Compared to sunflower, cotton product has more positive properties, which, in combination with other products, enhances. The taste of the dishes does not spoil, but, on the contrary, gives a light pleasant aroma. Does not emit toxic substances when frying. Its rich composition will make any dish useful. In moderation, it is allowed to use even those people who are on a diet. It is best to season any vegetable salads. With a lack of substances and low immunity, they are added to cereals along with flaxseeds, fiber.

It gives a light nutty aroma and flavor to hot dishes. This is especially felt when cooking potatoes, pastries, fried pies. In this case, there will be more benefits from the products.

The harm of cottonseed oil and contraindications

Cottonseed oil has not only benefits, but also harm to the human body. This is especially true for unrefined products. Gossypol gives a specific color, impairs spermatogenesis, reproductive function, metabolism. Allergies are extremely rare, but such cases cannot be completely denied. If after use there are reactions, then you should not repeat this in the future. Care should be taken with the product by those who are overweight or prone to it. During pregnancy, it is advisable to consult a specialist.

How to choose and store cottonseed oil

It is not always possible to check the smell or taste. First of all, you need to pay attention to the color and consistency. It should be transparent, light, free of impurities. If there is a brown color, then it is unsuitable for cooking and for oral administration. Smell and bitter taste are bad signs. It is imperative to pay attention to the production date and shelf life. If there is sediment and density, then it should not be consumed. Storage temperature - no higher than 25 degrees, no more than 1 year.


The benefits and harms of cottonseed oil are not well known. But its properties and composition rich in fatty acids can improve the condition of the skin, hair, immunity and the general tone of the body. In cooking, only a refined product is used; it is healthier than other vegetable oils. Gives food more healthiness and a light, pleasant aroma. Unrefined oil can lead to problems with the reproductive system. It is not recommended to use if you are overweight.

The use of cottonseed oil for hair was first used in Central Asia. The abundance of natural product allowed local beauties to take care of long curls. And today, the use of a magic remedy stops hair loss, fills the hair with life-giving power. The secret of radiant, healthy braids is in the unique composition of cosmetic oil.

The benefits of cotton oil for hair

  1. Strengthening the root system;
  2. Dandruff treatment;
  3. Improved growth;
  4. Restoration of the structure;
  5. Thermal protection;
  6. Shine and elasticity.

Useful composition:

  • unsaturated fatty acids;
  • tocopherols;
  • phytosterols;
  • phospholipids;
  • proteins;
  • ceramides;
  • stearins;

There are practically no contraindications to use. Harm is possible only in case of individual intolerance, which happens extremely rarely. Any composition is recommended to be checked for possible allergies before use.

Where can I buy?

You can freely buy oil at a cosmetic store or pharmacy. The price depends on the volume, you should also pay attention to the type - refined / unrefined. In cosmetology, unrefined with preserved rich composition is used. You can buy 250 ml for 130 rubles, 500 ml - 220 rubles.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos that you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos of famous brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components, due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses its elasticity and strength, the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use the products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial office conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by the funds from Mulsan Cosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Ways to use cottonseed oil

Cotton oil is very popular in cosmetology due to its rich composition and light structure. This natural product is used for all types of hair, but its effect is especially noticeable on dry, damaged strands. To strengthen the roots, it is used in massage mixtures and shampoos, for shine and strength, sprays, balms, and conditioners can be enriched. In its pure form, it is useful to use for the care of the tips, rub a couple of drops on the pads of the fingers and distribute on the damaged areas with light movements.

Scalp massageAdding to shampoo
It can be used in its pure form for quick restoration and strengthening of follicles. The natural remedy is perfectly combined with other herbal and aromatic oils. For the procedure, it is necessary to heat twenty ml of oil in a water bath, add three / four drops of ether (ginger, lemon, bergamot), stir well, rub in, massaging the head with fingertips. Hiding under the film, maintain for another hour, then cleanse with shampoo. Such procedures are recommended to be applied in courses of ten / fourteen sessions. At home, it is very easy to care for the scalp while strengthening the root system with the usual cleansing. The shampoo will need very little oil (15 drops per 10 ml) to accelerate the growth and healthy shine of the curls. You need to use such a tool intermittently, two / three times a month is enough.

Homemade Cottonseed Oil Hair Mask Recipes

With your own hands, it is easy to prepare natural formulations that take care of the beauty and health of the curls. The healing properties of vegetable oil help to care for the cuticle, restoring its structure. The rich composition of life-giving ingredients allows you to strengthen to the very ends.

Growth mask

Regular use of a cottonseed oil hair mask can stimulate growth by speeding up blood flow. Thanks to the active ingredients, the root system is strengthened, the antiseptic effect will help to cope with dandruff.


  • 15 ml cottonseed oil;
  • 15 gr. sour cream;

Beat the sour cream together with warm butter, separate the spicy powder with mineral water and add to the composition. Process unwashed roots, leave for no more than ten minutes. Repeat no more than once a week.

Anti-hair loss mask

For hair treatment, restoration of the processes of formation of bulbs, it is worth using recipes of nature. Natural cosmetics will compensate for the lack of vitamins and acids, help to strengthen the root system.


  • 5 ml cottonseed oil;
  • 10 ml of burdock oil;
  • 10 ml castor oil;
  • 3 drops of anise ether.

Heat vegetable oils in a water bath, then combine with an alcoholic drink and essential drops. Rub the prepared mixture into unwashed dry roots, wrapping it with a film and insulating, leave overnight. Waking up, wash your hair, repeat in courses of twelve / fifteen sessions.

Strengthening mask

It is worth using oil masks at home to restore the structure of the trunks to the very tips. Effective recipes allow you to forget about delaminated, damaged areas by covering each unit with an invisible protective film.

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  • 10 ml cottonseed oil;
  • 5 ml jojoba oil;

Stir the yeast with warm tea, heat the nutritious oils separately and add to the mixture. Distribute the finished product on clean, damp strands, stepping back five / six centimeters from the roots. Hold for about forty / sixty minutes, finish hair care in the usual way. Use the resuscitation procedure twice a week.

Dry hair mask

You can provide nutrition and hydration to brittle, dull curls with proven products. It is quite easy to restore shine and elasticity after staining or insufficient care with a home treatment.


  • 10 ml cottonseed oil;
  • ampoule of vitamin B2.

Pour the hot broth into the gelatin granules, stir until completely dissolved. Add the vitamin solution and nutritious oil to the resulting viscous mass. Distribute the mixture after washing, departing from the beginning of growth six / seven centimeters, wrapping it with a film, dry it with a hairdryer. After warming with a towel, leave for another hour. For very damaged hair, perform the procedure up to four times a week, to maintain the moisture level, it is enough twice a month.

Mask for oily hair

Homemade masks are effective for fighting oily roots and dry ends. The use of natural formulations provides volume and density to thin strands. Useful natural cosmetics and scalp care.


  • 5 ml cottonseed oil;
  • 25 gr. henna;
  • 2 tablets of ascorutin.

Pour herbal powder over hot tea, stir thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous structure. Add vitamin C powder and moisturizing oil. Spread the finished mixture with a brush in the area of ​​the roots, leave for half an hour.

Split Ends Mask

It is not difficult to take care of exfoliated porous cuts at home. Folk remedies allow the cuticle to be soldered, giving shine and elasticity, protecting it from damage when combing or using a pry.


  • 5 ml cottonseed oil;
  • 15 drops of vaseline oil;
  • 3 drops of mandarin ether.

Introduce aroma drops into warm oils. Distribute the finished product on the ends after washing, after twenty minutes, remove the excess with a paper napkin.

Cottonseed oil is very beneficial for health and keeps skin youthful.

Cottonseed oil is produced by pressing or fuging from cotton seeds after preliminary removal of fibers from them and appropriate processing. The oil content in the seeds is within 17 - 27%.

The seeds contain from 0.5 to 1.5% gossypol (CsoH3o08) and its derivatives. This pigment has poisonous properties; when pressed, it turns into oil and stains it dark. Complete release of the product from gossypol is achieved by refining. Therefore, cotton oil for human consumption is necessarily refined.

In the east, cottonseed oil is the main edible vegetable oil. It is eaten daily. For example, real oriental pilaf is cooked with cottonseed oil, which gives it a special aroma and taste.

Botanical name: Gossypium hirsutum L, Gossypium barbadense

Synonyms: Cottonseed oil (English), Huile de coton (French), Baumwollsamen ol (German), Olio di semi di cotone (Italian), Aceite de semila de algodon (Spanish)

Family: Malvaceae (Malvaceae)

Colour: Light yellow

Receiving method: Pressing. The crude oil undergoes refining, during which impurities are removed, under the influence of sodium hydroxide gossypol is destroyed, which is highly toxic.

Oil output: 16-18%

Used part of the plant: Cotton Seeds

Growing area: The birthplace of cotton is Central America. Cultivated in most cotton-growing regions.

Chemical composition of cottonseed oil

The composition of cottonseed oil depends on the variety of cotton, as well as the area and conditions of its cultivation:

Up to 90 mg% tocopherols (of which up to 70% a-tocopherol).

Approximate fatty acid composition:

Saturated fatty acids (%)

  • Myristic acid (C14: 0) - 0.3-0.4
  • Palmitic acid (C16: 0) - 23-28
  • Stearic acid (C18: 0) - 2-3
  • Arachidic acid (C 20: 0) -
  • Monounsaturated fatty acids (%)
  • Palmitoleic acid (C16: 1) - 12-24
  • Oleic acid (C 18: 1) - 15-35
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids (%)
  • Linoleic acid (C 18: 2) - 40-55
  • The action of cottonseed oil

    The vegetable oil obtained by pressing cotton fruits improves the structure of the skin, increases its protective functions, has moisturizing and regenerating properties, and stabilizes the lipid balance.

    The high percentage (over 40%) of unsaturated fatty acids in cottonseed oil explains its special value in dermatology. Unsaturated fatty acids play an important role in the metabolic processes of skin cells:

  • contribute to the restoration of damaged cellular structures, which, in particular, leads to the maintenance of the required level of water in the skin cells;
  • regulate the processes of maturation of skin cells, which is manifested in the improvement of the skin structure (appearance and elasticity);
  • perform the function of immunoregulators;
  • initiate the synthesis of hormone-like substances (prostaglandins and triacylglycerols);
  • promote the production of ceramides, and, as a result, improve the protective functions of the skin;
  • have an active regenerating effect when applied topically (cutaneous);
  • Application methods

    Precautionary measures

    May cause skin irritation and allergic reactions. Comedogenic.

    Shelf life: up to 12 months

    Interesting Facts:

    They say that cotton pickers age with age everything except the skin of the hands - it remains young, smooth and tender until old age.

    Almost all vegetable oils are good for human health. Some of them have an impressive list of medicinal properties, such as olive oil. But not all healthy oils are known to a wide range of consumers. So popular in the West, cottonseed oil is unjustifiably forgotten in Russia.

    Like any oil, this tool is very high in calories, so you need to use it in moderation. On the other hand, such oil is preferred over animal fats. The product has a pleasant taste and aroma that distinguishes it from other vegetable oils. The price of cottonseed oil is quite high: the product is 4-6 times more expensive than ordinary sunflower oil.

    In cooking and folk medicine, this product is used very actively. Its properties, reception rules and combinations with other means will be discussed in this article. Many consumers refuse to cook with cotton, preferring to use it for cosmetic purposes. The product will definitely not harm the body, but if its appearance differs from the usual vegetable oils, this does not mean that vegetable oil cannot be used to prepare traditional dishes. Pilaf is prepared on the basis of cotton oil in Central Asia. Gourmets are sure that it is difficult to find a more exquisite dish.

    Useful properties and harm

    Only refined oil is suitable for use, which contains:

    • fatty acids - the oil has a high content of oleic, flaxseed and other oils;
    • vitamins - the product is especially rich in vitamins of group B, A and E;
    • phytosterols - regulate cholesterol levels;
    • polyunsaturated acids - contains lenolic acid, which is not produced by the body.

    The oil improves hair growth, relieves hair breakage, and stimulates blood circulation. It is taken for the preparation of medical masks to restore particularly damaged hair after chemistry or dyeing. The product has bactericidal properties. Improves skin condition, relieves lips from flaking, protects against chapping and frostbite. It is often used for massage, and the oil can be used to treat baby skin as a prophylaxis for diaper rash.

    The peculiarity of the cotton squeeze is that it effectively copes with high cholesterol. The oil prevents the absorption of harmful substances by the intestinal walls, as a result of which the risk of developing atherosclerosis decreases.

    Refined oil looks like sunflower and olive oil. Unrefined has a reddish color. In cooking, only refined oil is used, from which the harmful substance, gossypol, has been removed. In large quantities, it poisons the body and disrupts reproductive functions. Do not add unrefined oil to food.... Moreover, it is not even used for cosmetic purposes, although the crude oil makes a good soap with beneficial properties.

    The refined oil is practically harmless. It cannot be consumed only by those who suffer from individual intolerance. Many people don't like the taste of cotton. It is quite possible to replace it with peanut or corn.

    How to use

    This product may well be called exotic, so few know how to properly take it for medicinal purposes and what can be prepared from it. Consumer opinions differ regarding the taste of the oil. Some call it noble, others compare it to “cheap perfumery”. It is known that cotton fat is often used in the preparation of confectionery. It is suitable for making waffles, cakes, cookies, pastries.

    Cotton is considered to be the traditional component of the national pilaf. True, the oil itself, as well as the dishes prepared from it, turn out to be heavy and are not recommended for the daily diet. The oil is considered one of the best salad dressings. It gives the dish a subtle nutty flavor and makes it richer.

    In cosmetology, oil is used to prepare nourishing and rejuvenating masks. It is not recommended to take it in its pure form: it can cause greasiness of the glands and lead to the appearance of comedones. The same can be said for hair masks. It is advisable to dilute the cotton press with other fats, and the proportion of oil should not exceed 5% of the total mass.

    Cotton has been proven to have a calming effect. To normalize sleep and improve the emotional state, it is recommended to take 1 tsp shortly before bedtime. cotton plant. To improve digestion and prevent cancer, it is recommended to take 30 g up to three times a day. In case of insect bites, it is enough to apply a few drops to the affected area and rub in easily.

    We all know perfectly well that cotton as a crop is cultivated in many countries where natural conditions permit. It is also known that cotton is a raw material for the production of fabrics. But not many people know about the existence of cottonseed oil. We will try to correct this situation and introduce you to this exotic product.

    How is cottonseed oil obtained?

    Cotton oil is extracted from its seeds by pressing. When cotton is harvested and sent for processing, the first step is to separate the fluff from the plant seeds. It is he who is used in the cotton industry. The seeds that remain after this are inherently garbage, but from them the oil product is obtained.

    Did you know? From each collected ton of cotton bolls during processing, 7200 m of cotton fabric from down and 110 kg of oil from seeds can be obtained.

    The percentage of oil in the seeds is very small - a maximum of 25. And when pressing, it turns out to squeeze out only 16-18%. But the cost of this product cannot be high, since it is a by-product of processing.

    Today, the following method of obtaining cottonseed oil is practiced: the cold pressing method is used first, and then the seeds are heated and re-pressed. The resulting raw material has a reddish-dirty color, it contains toxic substances.
    For human consumption, the oily product is purified and refined, its color becomes light yellow, and its aroma and taste become nutty.

    Chemical composition

    The chemical composition of cotton oil depends on several factors, namely: its variety, region and growing conditions. But something like this:

    • (including alpha-tocopherol) - up to 90 mg per 100 g of the product;
    • beta sitosterol;
    • : - myristic, palmitic, stearic, arachidic; monounsaturated - palmitoleic, oleic; polyunsaturated - linoleic.

    The energy value of this type of vegetable oil is about 900 kcal, which is not surprising, since it is almost one hundred percent fat.

    Benefits for the body

    As you can see, this cotton product is rich in vitamin E and fatty acids, which provides its beneficial properties for the human body.


    • is a powerful antioxidant, that is, it prevents early aging, strengthens the nervous system and promotes high spirits;
    • heals damage to the skin, even burns, reduces inflammation, helps in the fight against diabetes, allergies, dermatitis;
    • effective against bad cholesterol, dissolving small plaques, and thereby prevents atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction;
    • it is an ideal product for the care and nutrition of the skin of both adults and children, it renews the exchange between cells, successfully treats insect bites.

    Application in various fields

    Due to its useful constituent substances, this oily liquid has found its application in a wide range of human activities since antiquity. And if then it was used to illuminate housing, today it is used in the food industry, in the production of soap, in medicine and cosmetology, and, of course, in the preparation of various dishes. Let's take a closer look.

    In cooking

    For cooking, cotton oil is not as widespread as, for example, sunflower or olive oil. But in the regions of its cultivation, people simply cannot imagine life without it. Its most famous application in the world of cooking is in pilaf.

    The real Asian pilaf will be cooked on it. Experts say that the inimitable taste and aroma of this particular oil give the dish a national character. In addition, this product is recommended as a dressing for a variety of vegetable salads, especially those with radish.
    It is also successfully used for flour baking, added to our usual vinaigrette and sauerkraut. You can make unusual preparations for the winter (caviar from zucchini, eggplant, lecho), using cottonseed oil instead of sunflower oil in the recipe.

    Important! Whichever dish you add cotton oil to, do not forget about its high calorie content and consume in limited quantities.

    In folk medicine

    Healers from the people also appreciated the benefits of this oil product. They recommend its use in such cases:

    In cosmetology

    Considering the beneficial properties of a cotton product, which are present primarily due to fatty acids, it is used in the production of industrial cosmetics, as well as at home.

    So if you are inspired by its usefulness, then look for similar products on the shelves in stores. But if you haven't found it, then don't be discouraged. After all, you can just buy cottonseed oil and add it to your favorite cosmetics, which will definitely improve them.

    Proceed as follows:

    • After shaving. Just add a few drops to your cream or lotion and apply as usual. Your skin will be soft and free of irritation.
    • For washing hair. Add a mixture of two oils to your shampoo or conditioner, but no more than 5% of the total volume: cottonseed and cocoa (no more than 15% of the mixture volume). As a result, you will get soft and manageable hair, its density will increase.
    • Hair Mask. In a water bath, slightly warm up to a comfortable temperature a mixture of castor (1 tbsp. L.), Burdock (1 tbsp. L.) And cottonseed (1 tsp. L.) Oils. Apply all this to the roots and hair, warm it up, after an hour wash your hair in the usual way.
    • Elimination of signs of cellulite. In 5 g of cottonseed oil, drop essential: 5 drops of almond and 5 drops of orange. Massage problem areas using this oil mixture.

    Important! When applying the product in its pure form on the face, it must be borne in mind that it can clog the pores, which can lead to comedones. Therefore, it is recommended to use scrubs in this case and steam the skin of the face. Or even use mixtures of various oils.

    And the simplest use of cottonseed oil for cosmetic purposes is to apply it to the skin of the face or hands.

    How to choose when buying

    Naturally, for this product to be of maximum benefit, it must be of high quality. Since it is still a rare guest on store shelves, be careful when buying it and use the following tips:

    • First, turn your gaze to the color. The oily liquid that can be used in food preparation and as a cosmetic product should be light and clear.
    • There should be no strong smell and bitterness.
    • If the product has a brown color and a pungent odor, then it can only be used for technical purposes.
    • Be sure to look at the date of manufacture and shelf life.
    • If stored improperly or for a long time, the oil will become thicker and a precipitate will appear. Although this does not mean that it is not at all suitable for consumption.

    How and where to store at home

    The storage conditions for cottonseed oil are the same as for any vegetable oil. Find for this a dark place with a temperature not higher than +25 ° С and store there no more than 12 months. Can also be stored in the refrigerator.

    Contraindications and side effects

    Oddly enough, cottonseed oil has no particular contraindications and side effects. Experts have established the fact that it practically does not cause allergic reactions, since it is very rare to find intolerance to the constituent substances. But, nevertheless, they are possible.

    It is very important for a person to be used externally or internally to acquire precisely refined oil, since unrefined oil can serve as a source of severe poisoning in case of an overdose. Most importantly: do not exceed the amount and follow the recommendations.
    So you got acquainted with this amazing gift of our magical nature. And although for us cottonseed oil is not a very familiar product, given its beneficial properties, it will find its admirer. This product will help to diversify our menu, solve health problems, and improve the condition of the skin and hair.