Apple jumped with a leather for winter recipes. Spicy Creation: Apple Poozza with Cinnamon in the oven

Delicious dessert prepared in advance will delight the whole family with winter evenings and replenish the vitamin stock of the body. Pooked out of apples is easy. After performing simple steps of recipes, they get a treat, from which it is difficult to tear off. In addition to consuming as a dessert, it is used as a filling for home baking.

When cooking any jam, it is required to perform all the steps of the recipe, but there are unplanned non-prescribed rules for the preparation of dessert. Each hostess should know them.

  • Preparation of delicacy - a long process. Apples are boiled, then wipe or twisted on the meat grinder and then boiled. It all depends on the recipe or desire of the housewife.
  • It is impossible to cook a jam in an aluminum container, it is oxidized in the cooking process.
  • It is best to use thick-walled stainless steel dishes. Enameled dishes burn.

When cooking, the container does not need to close, so the fluid evaporates faster.

  • Sugar sand add no less than half the weight of fruits. So jerked longer stored.

Over time, other preparation subtleties will appear, each housewife has their own.

Preparation of apples

First of all, it is necessary to prepare the main ingredient. Half success depends on the process correctness. Create suitable conditions will not work, it is necessary to prepare all the components and start cooking.

  • Sort fruit. Select the same specimens, it is desirable to remove all suspicious. Rotten should not get into delicacy. They will spoil the taste of a finished dessert. Perevaniy copies are also cleaned.
  • Apples are divided into slices and cut the middle. After being processed further processing and crushed with a meat grinder or kitchen combine.

After apples are ready, proceed to perform other recipe steps.

Recipes for cooking came from apples for the winter

The first mention of Pope was seen 250 years ago. There are a lot of recipes, each mistress chooses one in tastes and individual preferences of family members. Home conditions are not an obstacle to the cooking of this dessert.

Simple recipe

The easier the preparation, the greater the recipe for the admirers. It is not difficult to make a double, because it is preparing quickly. It is necessary to take 1 kg of apples and sugar. Below is a step-by-step procedure.

  • Step 1. Fruits arbitrarily cut into parts, the core does not need to be deleted. All unsuitable will remain in the sieve after wiping.
  • Step 2. Cooked pieces pour water so that it closes apples. Change for 10 min. After readiness to drain the liquid and give to cool. After the mass rub through the sieve.
  • Step 3. To pour out all sugar and on average fire to boil. Then reduce the maximum fire and cook, stirring constantly.
  • Step 4. By time, cooking takes 30 minutes, maybe more and less. It depends on how juicy were apples.
  • Step 5. Ready dessert to decompose on banks and remove to a complete cooling under warm shelter.

In the oven

To cook came in the oven, nothing complicated do not need. It will take:

  • 1 kg of apples, preferably sour-sweet grade;
  • 0.8 kg of sugar sand;
  • 1 tsp. citric acid;
  • 0.5 Art. cooled boiled water;
  • 0.5 Article. Cinnamon.


  1. Fruits cut, remove skin and core. Cut into thin plates. Pour water into a saucepan, pour into it citric acid. Add sliced \u200b\u200bfruits there.
  2. After the mass leaves 10 minutes, drain all the water. Add 0.5 glasses of boiled water with cinnamon. Continue grieving on fire until pieces of apples become soft.
  3. Grind using a blender.
  4. When the oven warms up to 200 ° C, put a container with the workpiece in it, stew within 3 hours. Periodically stirring.

Properly cooked jacket will have to taste the whole family.

In a slow cooker

Those who have a multicooker, prepare dissertes even easier. 1.5 kg of apples, 2 tbsp. Sugar sand, 1 cinnamon stick and 1 lemon zest.

Apples are cleaned of the skin, remove the core and cut into plates. In parallel, they prepare the zest of the lemon, not the assisted inner white layer, which is baptized in the finished delicacy. Lemon juice splashes cooked slices.

All fall asleep with sugar and stirred. There are all in the container of the multicooker and exhibit the "jam" mode for 1 hour. When the time passes, everything is crushed with a blender.

Again include the same mode for 30 minutes. The ready-made jacket is unfolded by banks, remove for storage.

Jumped of apples and pumpkins

To make this excellent dessert, you will need: 1.2 kg of sour apples, 0.8 kg of pumpkins, 1 kg of sugar sand, 1 tbsp. Spoon orange zest.

The main ingredients are cut into cubes, they are better not mixed with each other. Separately extinguish both components, bringing to the state of softness. After connecting and crushing with a blender.

The finished mass is put on a slow fire, 500 g of sugar are poured into it. Cook until the workpiece starts thick. Then the remains of sugar sand and zest orange are suited. The finished dessert is decomposed on banks and remove storage.

With apricots

More vitamins for the winter poins the mistress that is not afraid of experiments. For cooking, it will take: 0.6 kg of apples, 0.5 kg of apricots, 0.5 kg of sugar sand.

Purified and cooked apples and apricots are crushed with a kitchen combine. Fold all in the cooking container. Cook on low heat 20 min, add sugar to a mixture. Cook another 20-25 minutes, stirring constantly. Pour from cooked containers and remove storage.

Jumped from apples and zucchini for the winter

By connecting these ingredients together, a great dessert is obtained, which affects all with its taste characteristics. It will take 1 kg of zucchini, 3 kg of apples, 2.5 kg of sugar sand, 0.5 h. Vanillina.

Prepare the main ingredients, clearing the skin and seeds. Grind and put on fire. Peel for 45 minutes, crushing with a blender. Purple sugar and cook for another 30 minutes. 5 minutes before readiness to add vanillin. Poo it is thick. A ready-made dessert is hot to put on banks and remove storage.

Apple jumped on xywee

Prepare this delicacy is simple. It is necessary: \u200b\u200b1.2 kg of apples, 0.5 tbsp. Water, 110 g xilita.

The recipe is suitable for diabetics.

The fruits purify from the peel and the cores, cut with pieces and fold into the cooking container, pour water into it, put on fire. Soft fruits are crushed using a blender, xylitis is poured, boiled 30 minutes. The workpiece must often stir. The finished dessert is hot spilled by banks, remove storage.

Jumped of apples with cinnamon

This delicacy is delicious. It will take it for cooking: 1 kg of apples, 0.8 kg of sugar, 1 tbsp. Water, 0.5 h. Cinnamon.

Separately prepare a syrup of a glass of water and sugar. Clear the main ingredient and cut into slices. Add to finished liquid add chopped fruits and boil, gradually pouring all sugar sands. Then remove from the fire and make cool.

After cooling, add cinnamon and put on fire again. Cook before getting the desired degree of thickness. In order to speed up the process, grind a manual blender. Then it will take 15-25 minutes for cooking.

Methods storage Pope

Store dessert is recommended in a swirling form. To do this, it is still hot spilled by banks and rush. Then remove cool at room temperature for a day and only then remove into a specially equipped room or cellar.

If you cook a delicacy correctly, observing the ratio of 1: 1, it can be stored with conventional screw or piping lids.

Cooking the dessert is quite simple, it is enough to perform all the steps of the recipe.

Pooked out of apples at home and his simple recipes, which could be better for baby food and preparation based on various baking and drift.

Many buns, cookies, pies and huge braids on the whole sheet will become branded family recipes thanks to home jet, without any thickeners and preservatives there.

Yes, and just smear on fresh bumps, covered with a thin layer of homely butter and ready delightful addition to tea or morning coffee. I write and directly hear the delicious thin fragrance of a home billet, which is an indispensable part of my home menu.

Simple recipes:

Apples are no wonder called the fruit of youth and believe that at least one apple should be attended in the menu of each person per day.

A full spectrum of vitamins and minerals, vital foods, pectin allow a person who regularly uses these fruits, keep youth, cheerfulness and health to deep old age. And the children and young men grow healthy and strong.

Cooking apple joke can be made of alone apples, and you can mix it with any fruit, berries and even vegetables, an example serves carrots, the scope for a fantasy is unusually great. It can be used for greater thickness starch or gelatin, and you can simply boil up to the necessary consistency.

And so, it starts to cook on the winter and gradually let's go from a simple to more complex and time-consuming.

It is advisable to have a food processor or an electrical score at hand, it will significantly save time, but who does not have it completely and simple, the best saucepan is wide and large, stainless steel with a thick bottom of several layers of metal.

This recipe will be even with someone who never cooked jumped in life. It is preparing quickly and in the morning it is already quite possible to serve it to tea.

Ingredients: by kilogram of apples and sugar, apples are suitable for any color and taste, you can use even unripe.

Simple recipe for cooking at home:

  1. My apples and quickly cut them on the slices, seeds and the seed camera should not be removed, then you will understand why.
  2. We put a saucepan on the plate, lay out the cut apples, pour into a small amount of water and cook on a small fire for about ten minutes.
  3. We drain the water and give cool to the warm state.
  4. We wipe through the sieve, all seeds and peel naturally will not pass through it.
  5. Add sugar and put on the middle fire, bring to a boil and leave to be cooked on the smallest fire, stirring periodically, so as not to the bottom.
  6. The weight should be homogeneous, amber, transparent and fragrant.
  7. Readiness is checked simply - drop from a spoon of a drop on a saucer. If not spread and keeps the form, it means ready.
  8. After cooling, we decide on dry clean banks, close the lids and remove to store the refrigerator or cellar.

Bon Appetit!

Another simple way to obtain a homogeneous jacket is to skip apples through a meat grinder. Do not forget to remove seeds from them, along with a seed camera, otherwise they will come across the finished product and spoil the impression. The efforts on it takes a bit and time too, but it greatly improves the result.

Composition: Three kilos of apples, two kilos of sugar sand.

Cooking method:

  1. My apples and we dry on a towel.
  2. We cut into parts by removing the seed chamber.
  3. We skip the apples through the meat grinder, lay out in a saucepan, and mix with sugar sand.
  4. We put on the stove and on average fire, we bring to a boil, and then cook on small fire. Stirring to the required density, which is checked, dripping on the saucer.
  5. We declare into clean dry banks and remove stored in a cool basement.

Enjoy your appetite in winter!

I propose to look at the topic of billets for interesting recipes:

  1. Bulgarian pepper leak

Apple jumped on the winter in a slow cooker - a simple recipe

In a multicooker, cook is very convenient - put the time and do not stand with a spoon, stirring so that it is not burnt. Apples can be used with damage, different varieties and misappropriate too.

Composition: Apples one kilogram, sugar shelter.

We start cooking:

  1. Rinse and clean apples, remove the seed chamber and tail, trim damaged places.
  2. Share in the bowl of the kitchen combine and chop in dust.
  3. Add sugar and replete at low speed to the complete dissolution of sugar sand.
  4. Share the mass in the Multicooker's Bowl and choose a fry or pasting mode. Bring to a boil and switch to the mode of quenching for 1 hour.
  5. By readiness to immediately lay out in sterile dry jars and roll. Store in a cool place.

It is a pity that the microwave does not allow you to cook at once a lot of jam!

One of those that most like children are best suited for baking large braids - open pies with a lattice from the test from above.

  • apples sweet variety kilogram,
  • plums Sweet ripe, any color-blue, red, yellow, prunes - also kilogram,
  • sugar one and a half kilograms.

The recipe is easier than:

  1. Thoroughly, my apples and plums, we dry on a towel and remove the seed chamber from the apples, and drops the bones.
  2. We skip the prepared fruits through the food processor or meat grinder.
  3. We lay out in a saucepan, mix with sugar and fifteen minutes on slow fire.
  4. We leave the watches of twelve.
  5. Reagree again to boil and boil on a slow fifteen minutes.
  6. Remove from the plate and immediately decompose according to sterile dry banks, we ride and after cooling are stored in the basement.

Very tasty, fragrant and useful!

How to cook jumped with apples and pears for the winter at home

The combination of apples and pears, it must be said straight, divine nectar. No one from your home will not be indifferent.

Ingredients: kilo pears, sheltered apples and kilograms of sugar sand.


  1. Thoroughly, my apples and pears, cut into slices, without removing seed cameras. and put in the cooked container.
  2. We pour into a small amount of water and cook for about ten minutes.
  3. We drain the water and give cool to the warm.
  4. We wipe through the sieve, seed cameras will remain on the sieve.
  5. We lay the puree in a saucepan, mix with sugar and put on slow heating.
  6. After boiling, cook about half an hour, often stirring, so as not to the bottom of the pan. Checking the delicate, the drunk drunk on the saucer. If the drop spreads, we cook for some more time.
  7. Ready to turn it out and expand on dry clean banks. Store in the cold cellar.

Bon Appetit!

Useful recipes in the future:

  1. Eggplant caviar

Pooked out of apples Solly five-minute - transparent and amber, fast and simple

It will take a little more time, but the result, believe me worth it! They will appreciate the guests for tea and ask the recipe for the greesy!

Ingredients: Three kilo apples of ripe, sour-sweet taste, yellow color, a half kilo sugar, three leaves of mint and pinch of vanillina.


  1. My and thoroughly dry apples on a towel.
  2. Removes the seed chamber and divide into two parts.
  3. The first part is hammered in the kitchen combine in dust, lay the resulting mashed potatoes in a saucepan, mix with sugar and put on the stove to slow heating.
  4. Quickly cut into small slices or cubes, the second half of the apples and pour out to the cooked when the puree boils.
  5. Imprette the leaves of mint and also send in a saucepan. We are waiting for five minutes after boiling, stirring slightly and remove from the fire.
  6. Let it breed 6-12 hours and again bring on a slow heating to a boil and cook for 5 minutes.
  7. Once again, let it brew 6-12 hours and cook for another 5 minutes by adding a pinch of vanillin.
  8. Hot spill on sterile dry banks and ride.

Store in the cellar, get on the occasion of receiving expensive guests!

How to make a jam from apples white ranks for winter

White pouring such a variety of apples, which is generally perfect for cooking. It is perfectly welded and looks great in this billet.

Ingredients: Apples White pouring kilogram, Sugar Half kilogram and pair of pinch pinch.

Cooking at home:

  1. Apples are thoroughly wash and dry on a towel.
  2. Remove the seed chamber and skip through a food processor or meat grinder.
  3. The resulting puree lay out in the pan and mix with sugar and cinnamon.
  4. Cook on slow heat until ready, stirring with wooden spatula.
  5. Hot pour to banks and roll. After cooling, put in the cellar.

Classic and traditional taste, fast and easy cooking. Bon Appetit!

Jam from apples for the winter at home Simple recipe in a slow cooker

Apple jam feels just amazing and delicious. I am reminded of childhood - childhood, when I went out into the street into the courtyard to take a walk with a cluster of bread with the jam smeared on him.

Apples are good for jam and other billets and taste, and color, and consistency, and aroma. But there are one significant drawback - they are very quickly darkened and oxidized in air, being chopped.

You can avoid this in three ways:

  1. Prepare billets with small volumes.
  2. Make everything quickly, but it is only very experienced hostesses.
  3. Immerse the sliced \u200b\u200bapples as they cut into a slightly acidified water - lemon acid or apple vinegar. After leakage on the colander to flow water and then prepare on the recipe.

It is best to have a wooden flat spoon with a long handle in the kitchen and the cooking with a long handle in the kitchen, because the metal has a property quickly warm and with frequent stirring it is quite fashionable to get a burn.

Wipe failed fruits through the sieve is not entirely scary and not long, it is only worth trying and make sure that.

So, to start apples to wash, crop all visible damage, cut and select the core. I never remove the skin, I do not see the need, because after cooking and pyrive, I do not feel it at all.

We cut them with not large slices and lay out in a saucepan with a thick bottom. The wider pan, the better, since we need an intense evaporation of the fluid.

In the pan to apples add 150 grams of water and put on fire. First we make the maximum and bring water to boil. Next, the fire is reduced and cook our apples before softening. Periodically, mix everything, by changing the upper and lower pieces by changing places. Of course, cooking time depends on the variety of apples, but the difference here is minimal, for more than 20 minutes I have never left me. It is possible that your variety will soften in 10 minutes.

Next, all apple mass We need to pour. There are several ways. I use the easiest - I use the submersible blender. If you do not have it, you can cool a lot to cool (in order not to burn your hands) and skip through the meat grinder. And you can simply grind everything through a sieve or colander with small holes.

We send apple puree back to the pan (if you used the submersible blender, then all the manipulations were done in the same pot that was also plus - wash less dishes), we again put on fire and bring to the future to boil.

The time of sugar and taste add-ons has come. I do not insist on my flavors, you can do something, or even everything, exclude from the list, except, of course, sugar, but I personally prefer all of the above, because the aroma of the journey is even enriched, which cannot but rejoice.

So, in a saucepan with an apple puree, add sugar, cinnamon, dry mint (you can simply select them at the end of cooking), freshly squeezed lemon juice and zest (about half a large lemon). You can also add some vanilla sugar, but I simply did not turn it at hand. The amount of sugar is adjustable, because if the apples are very sour, then the sugar may need a little more. A little bit grams of 100-200.

Mix everything, reduce the fire to the minimum and cook more about half an hour. After cooling, the jetty will become a little more dense.

In the meantime, apple jumped, sterilize jars. Personally, I am my own with soda, carefully rug hot water, and then put in a microwave oven for a minute for a minute for two minutes. All, cans dry and sterile.

The recipe for the preparation of the jacket from the apples appeared about two hundred years ago shortly after they learned to cook a thick plum jam without sugar. Now the hostess can cook apple dessert in many ways: with spices, with other fruits and ingredients. Such home treats can be preserved for the winter, there is fresh and combine with different dishes.

How to cook apple jumped at home

If you decide to cook apple jumpers, read the main rules and nuances that use the hostesses that make a jungle of apples:

  1. If you have never cooked jam, jam and jam, use step-by-step recipes with photos.
  2. Before starting work, apples need to wash, clean, remove the fruit and cut into slices or pieces.
  3. Apple puree should be thick, so use dishes with a large diameter for cooking and do not cover, so that the liquid evaporates faster.
  4. Punked consistency can be checked like this: pour a little mass on the plate. A small amount of jam will cool faster and you can determine which it is thickness. If necessary - remove from the fire.
  5. The sugar in the jam from the apples is not necessarily, but experienced hostesses and the guru of cooking recommend it to be addressed, because after conservation, the dessert can blame. Optimal ratio of 1: 1 with fruit. During cooking, its concentration will increase.
  6. For an apple jam, it is better to take one of the sour-sweet varieties of fruit.
  7. Glass containers and covers necessarily sterilize.

Apple recipe

Apple jurry for winter can be prepared in different ways. Make it first on the classic recipe, and then it becomes clear whether it is necessary to reduce (or on the contrary to increase) the amount of sugar. When you catch up to cook the usual jam from apples, try adding pear, plum, pumpkin, apricots or citrus prescription. With such components, the taste of dishes will change dramatically and will play with new paints.

In the oven

Time: 8 hours.
Number of portions: 4 persons.
Calorie dishes: 143 kcal per 100 g.
Cuisine: Russian.
Difficulty: Easy.

Most of the hosts are preparing jam and jams on a gas stove, but the oven is suitable for this. If you follow the recipe, the treat will not nourish and get ready correctly. Use juicy apples, cooked with a gentle taste, the aroma of cinnamon and enjoy this fragrant delicacy for evening tea drinking in the circle of relatives and loved ones.


  • water - 250 ml;
  • apples - 1.5 kg;
  • cinnamon - 0.5 h.;
  • sugar - 700 g

Cooking method:

  1. First you need to wash apples, remove the core, crushing.
  2. Next, lay the fruit pieces in the dishes, pour water and put on fire. Tomit while they become soft.
  3. Then you need to crush the fruit blender, so that it turned out a homogeneous puree.
  4. Pour 700 grams of sugar, add cinnamon, put into the oven, preheated to 200 degrees, and wait until the mass boils.
  5. Make the fire minimal, Tomite was coming for another 3 hours until you get a thick consistency.
  6. Boil to banks, roll up.

In a slow cooker

Time: 2 hours.
Number of portions: 3 persons.
Calorie dishes: 116 kcal / 100
Purpose: for dessert, conservation for the winter.
Cuisine: Russian.
Difficulty: Easy.

It is even easier to cook apple jum in a slow cooker. This type of technology has become a real assistant in the kitchen. You only need to put ingredients in the multicooker bowl, turn on the desired mode, and the device will control the entire process itself. By the same principle, you can make mashed potatoes with the addition of other fruits and berries, thereby diverse your conservation reserves for the winter.


  • apples - 1 kg;
  • water - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 2.5 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Kilogram peeled from the peel, sliced \u200b\u200bapple lobs, put in the Multivarka bowl, turn on the "Baking" mode for 30 minutes.
  2. Pour the peel with water, make a decoction (tapping on the stove), strain.
  3. Softened fruits remove, scroll into the jacket, put again in the bowl. Pour the decoction, pour sugar. Prepare on "Baking" another hour. Eat fresh or roll.


Time: 6 hours.
Number of portions: 5 persons.
Calorie dish: 37 kcal per 100 kcal.
Purpose: Conservation for the winter.
Cuisine: Russian.
Difficulty: Easy.

Such a jam is obtained very tasty and extremely useful, and it is easily prepared and simple. Since there is no sugar in treat, dessert can eat people, sick diabetes and even small kids, which are only injected into the diet of different types of lures. The main thing is to observe a simple requirement: well sterilize banks and boil meed for at least an hour.


  • apples - 1 kg;
  • water - 250 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Fruits pour water, put on fire and cook after boiling for 15 minutes.
  2. Let cool, grind in mashed potatoes and put on the stove again. Welcome to thickening.
  3. Spread on 0.5 liter banks, sterilize 15 minutes. Sink.

From apples and pears

Time: 1.5 hours.
Calorie dish: 162 kcal per 100 g
Purpose: dessert or conservation for the winter.
Cuisine: Russian.
Difficulty: Easy.

Do not be afraid to experiment, add sweet pears to normal apple puree. As a result, conservation will acquire even more vitamins contained in fruit, and the fragrance will be unique. Choose pears not very juicy, soft, better if they are even slightly solid. So jerked faster boil and thickens better without additional manipulations.


  • apples - 1 kg;
  • pears - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • lemonic acid - 1 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Sliced \u200b\u200bfruits need to be placed in a saucepan, add water, close the lid and tomorrow before softening.
  2. Then cool, grind a blender.
  3. Practice dry components, boil to a thick state (about 40 minutes).
  4. Next, you need a treat with hot decomposition by banks, roll or serve fresh ones.

With plums

Time: 3 hours.
Number of portions: 8 persons.
Calorie dish: 186 kcal per 100 g
Purpose: Conservation for the winter.
Cuisine: Russian.
Difficulty: medium.

Such a jam will be very thick thanks to the pectin contained in apples.Plums for the dish are suitable for any, even surfing, crumpled. In the process of cooking, they are well challenging and sterilized. Apple-plum jacket can be not only in such a form, but still smeared on crisp fragrant toasts, dumping pancakes, fritters and even cookies.


  • apples - 1 kg;
  • plums - 500 g;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. Juicy fruits free from the bones, fruits, cut into small pieces.
  2. Put on the bottom of the dishes in which you will cook jacket, plums. Sprinkle half sugar from above, then lay out apples, the rest of sugar.
  3. Let it brew within an hour, so that the fruits are let the juice, then mix, put on the fire. Boil after boiling on low heat 20 minutes.
  4. Next, you need to remove the container from the fire, the mass to kill the blender and boil again.
  5. Dispatch into banks, roll.

With oranges

Time: 2.5 hours.
Number of portions: 16 persons.
Calorie dishes: 157 kcal per 100 g
Purpose: for dessert.
Cuisine: Russian.
Difficulty: average.

You can make an apple talked in several ways, for example, some hostesses add citrus. Such a component will make not only stunning fragrant notes into the dish, but also makes it taste saturated, more interesting. True, the process of cooking the jam varies slightly and becomes more complicated, it will have to give him more time.


  • apples - 3 kg;
  • orange - 2 pcs;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. Three kilograms apple cut into pieces of medium size. Citrus remove the zest, remove the white film, bones.
  2. Grind everything with a meat grinder or blender. If the weight came out thick, you can add some water.
  3. Put on the fire, cook for 15 minutes.
  4. Then pumped sugar, boil another 40 minutes.

With apricots

Time: 6 days.
Number of portions: 14 persons.
Calorie dishes: 180 kcal / 100
Purpose: Conservation for the winter.
Cuisine: Russian.
Difficulty: medium.

Beautiful saturated orange color apple jam give apricots. The dish is so bright that it will attract the attention of all those present at the table. Serve a delicacy with fresh baton slices, crispy crackers and even ice cream. Distribute the jam pancakes, and in the winter there are a delicious apple jumped in domestic pastries - fragrant pies, pies, buns.


  • apricots - 1 kg;
  • apples of acid varieties - 0.5 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • juice 1 lemon (orange).

Cooking method:

  1. From apricots remove bones, combine with apples, sugar, cook 5-10 minutes. Then give weight to break from 6 to 12 hours.
  2. Repeat the procedure for at least 5 times. The last time to cook until thickening, in the end, mix with lemon juice (orange).
  3. Spread the sweet blank by banks, roll out.

With condensed milk

Time: 1 hour 15 minutes.
Number of portions: 10 persons.
Calorie dishes: 87 kcal / 100 g
Purpose: Conservation for the winter.
Cuisine: Russian.
Difficulty: medium.

The presence in the recipe apple jumped such a component, as condensed milk, many will surprise, although these products are perfectly combined. Not in vain, dessert gave the name "Sleep", because the color and taste of the puree really turns out to be gentle, air. The creamy dairy flavor will attract not only children, but also adults. With such an unusual journal, you can turn a simple tea party on a holiday.


  • apples - 1.5 kg;
  • condensed milk - 200 ml;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 30 g

Cooking method:

  1. Fruits are finely cut, poured water, put a container on the fire, boil after boiling 10 minutes.
  2. Then add sugar and boil on a slow fire for another 15 minutes, not forgetting to stir the mass.
  3. Remove the mass from the fire, Purirate, add condensed milk. Stir.
  4. Strip another 10-15 minutes. Spread in banks, roll up.

With drains without sugar

Time: 1 hour 35 minutes.
Number of portions: 12 persons.
Calorie dish: 46 kcal / 100 g.
Purpose: Conservation for the winter.
Cuisine: Russian.
Difficulty: Easy.

If you want to make a tasty, useful apple jumped without sugar, and you have other fruits, such as plums, feel free to add them to the dish. Such a delicacy can also be given to small children as feeding and there are sugar forbidden to people. In addition, conservation can be used in winter as a filling for pies and other baking, add to porridge.


  • apples - 3 kg;
  • plums - 1 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. Halves sink without seeds, grated apples lay out in the dishes with a thick bottom.
  2. Tomit fruits 15-20 minutes on a small fire before softening, then overtake the immersion blender.
  3. Place the resulting puree again put on the stove, boil 30 minutes, stirring constantly.
  4. In the middle of boiling, overtake the mass again.
  5. Spread the jam on banks, sunk.
