How to cook borscht to be red. Red borsch

12.09.2019 Beverages

Borsch is a daily dish in many families, but sometimes it loses its rich color, becoming yellowish-orange. Next, consider tips on how to make borscht red.

How to cook borsch bright without vinegar

You can make the dish rich red as follows. Fry grated beets, carrots, onions in a pan a little. Then add some water, stew the vegetables until cooked.

To keep the borscht red, add a spoonful of tomato paste, mix. When the meat, potatoes, cabbage are ready, add the contents of the pan. After waiting for the moment of boiling, remove the pan from the stove. We insist the dish for 20 minutes, serve a very red borsch with a spoon of sour cream.

How to make borsch color red with vinegar

You can make the dish red with table or apple vinegar. To do this, pre-boil a table of bright red beets in a peel with a pinch of salt, sugar and a spoonful of vinegar.

Root crops for the recipe are cooled, cleaned, chopped or three. We spread it in vegetable oil, simultaneously adding a pinch of sugar, slightly sprinkling with any vinegar. To properly make borscht red, it is important not to overdo it with acid, it needs just a little to fix the color.

Prepared beets are added to the finished dish at the very end, along with herbs and garlic.

Making red beetroot soup with beets is easy, the main thing is to study the tips below and always follow them:

  • if you want to make beets red, do not boil the first for a long time with beetroot dressing. The longer the root crop is cooked, the brighter it becomes;
  • it will help to maintain the bright color of the dish, not only vinegar, but also lemon juice or tomato, which is also added during the preparation of the dressing;
  • many chefs, giving advice on saturated color, recommend using the right beet variety with a bright saturated color and a sweet taste.
  • We hope that these tips and videos will help you achieve the desired color of your favorite dish.

    Bon appetit to all!

    Many consider borsch one of their favorite soups. It is so rich, aromatic - it’s a sin not to love it! But not everyone can make it bright red. During cooking, the capricious soup loses color and turns orange. Honestly, borsch is not required to be burgundy. Color does not affect taste. But if you just want to? Or household members pound on the table with their fist or spoons and demand a red borscht! Let's see what can be done to give the soup the right shade.

    What affects the color?

    To understand how to get red borsch, you first need to figure out why you are not achieving the result. After all, it happens like this - in the process of cooking, the soup looks rich burgundy, and at the end of cooking it turns into orange.

    The color of borscht depends mainly on beets. Therefore, if you can’t get it red, it’s possible that you are doing wrong with this vegetable. Two main beetroot rules:

    1. Beets lose their color from prolonged heat treatment. Perhaps you put this vegetable too early in the soup? Or just cook soup for a long time? So that the dish does not lose color, try to cook beets for no more than 10-15 minutes. It should be borne in mind that even if you managed to make borscht burgundy, it can “fade” when reheated. Therefore, try to warm the soup quickly, in small portions. If you have a microwave, it’s best in it.
    2. Borsch requires the use of special varieties of beets. It is better to take a salad, maroon. Or varieties "Kuban borsch" - it is rich red, with dark veins.

    And now we’ll figure out what to do to preserve the color we need.

    Acid will help

    Do not worry, we will not add hydrochloric or sulfuric acid to the borsch. Let us leave them for experiments in chemistry lessons. We will be saved by tomato paste, vinegar or lemon. Acid will help beets stay bright (but this does not mean that after such processing it can be digested).

    To make the soup burgundy, use one of the following methods.

    1. Pass the beets separately from other vegetables. After putting it in a frying pan, immediately pour tomato paste - and simmer it.
    2. If you are not confused by borsch with vinegar (some are against adding it to this soup), you can use another method. Sprinkle beets with a little vinegar before stirring, mix well. Do not overdo it! Vinegar must be taken in good quality so as not to spoil the taste of borsch. It is better not to use an ordinary dining room. It is better to take wine, apple or raspberry vinegar. The taste and aroma of the soup will be softer.
    3. Do not want vinegar? Beetroot color can be preserved using lemon juice. All the same: add a small amount at the beginning of the passivation.

    Acid-treated beets are added to the soup last, after all other vegetables. Otherwise, it may interfere with quality cooked potatoes or cabbage.

    other methods

    Do not want to add acid to borsch? Do not add! It can be made red in other ways. For example, use sugar. When you are beetroot, add a little sugar to it and mix. This will not only help preserve the color, but also give the taste of the soup unique shades. By the way, before sugar was added to almost any first and second courses - soups, meat, sauces. This was done in order to enhance the taste of the dish. Unfortunately, now this tradition is almost forgotten. We recommend reviving it. You will feel the difference! Roughly speaking, sugar is a kind of analogue of sodium glutamate. Only harmless. Any dishes with the addition of a minimum amount of sugar are much tastier.

    But what if you don’t want to fry beets? Nothing wrong. We can make borscht burgundy without this stage. There are several other ways to preserve the desired shade of soup. They are especially liked by people who do not like to add a lot of fried foods to the first courses.

    1. This method is incredibly simple. When you have the broth ready, remove the meat from it. Now put the peeled beets in the boiling broth - whole. If the vegetable is too large, then in the "full size" it may not have time to cook the whole thing. Cut large beets in half or quarters. Next, dip the potatoes into the broth and cook the borsch, as usual. After 10-15 minutes, remove the beets and set aside. Wait until the soup is almost ready. Now the beets can be grated, added to the rest of the ingredients and cook for about 3-5 minutes. “For reliability”, so that the color is preserved for sure, the grated vegetable can be sprinkled with vinegar or lemon juice. But this is no longer necessary.
    2. You can do otherwise. Cook the beets separately. Entirely in a peel. Wash the beets well, pour hot water so that the root crops are completely covered. Important detail: you do not need to salt water! Salt will make beets stiff. Cook the vegetable for 50-60 minutes. You can also bake beets in the oven. Wash it, wrap it with foil and send it to a hot (180-200 degrees) oven. Beets are baked from 50 minutes (small) to one and a half hours (very large). You can do without foil, but then the roots are wrinkled (this will not affect the taste).

    So, we have ready-made beets. We need to grate it and put in the already cooked borsch. Then the color will be perfectly preserved. Let the soup boil for just a minute or two and remove from heat.

    And the last way is also very simple. How to start cooking soup, wash the beets, peel and moist (!) Grate. Now put it in a bowl (preferably in a metal one - it will better keep the temperature) and pour boiling water over it. Everyone forgot about beets! Cooking soup, as usual. And when literally 5 minutes are left until the end of cooking, we drain the water from the beets and add it to the soup. All boil for about 5 minutes and that's enough. Borsch will turn out a very saturated shade.

    Now you know why your favorite soup can change color. And what to do to avoid this. We wish you successful culinary experiments and bon appetit. As well as inspiration. And your borscht will surely turn out exactly the shade that you so persistently sought!

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    Cut it into strips and simmer with the addition of 2-3 g of vinegar. Beets must first be stewed over high heat, and when the beets boil and settle, the heat is reduced and only a slight boil is maintained. Mature beets should be stewed for 30-40 minutes, young - 10-15 minutes. This is the first way. You can still do this: Peeled and washed beets are boiled separately in water with a small amount of vinegar or other food acid. Chopped boiled beets into strips or cut into slices.

    Choose you)))

    When cooking borscht, its color is important. But how to preserve it? There are several cooking secrets.

      Peel and grate the beets. Pour in a small amount of vegetable oil. Throw in the borscht just before the readiness.

      Put the grated beets to extinguish with peeled tomatoes. The most important thing is not to retouch, otherwise the color will go away. You need to stew for 10-13 minutes over low heat.

    3. Lemon fixes the color of beets. Grate the beets, sprinkle with fresh lemon juice and add a small pinch of sugar.

    4. Grate or chop the beets and sprinkle with coarse salt, mix and leave until the salt is completely dissolved.

    The color of the beets is preserved in an acidic environment. Therefore, to fix the color, the following ingredients may be suitable: lemon, vinegar, sauerkraut juice.

    Methods for slicing beets can be different. This is grated on a fine grater, and grated on a coarse grater, and sliced \u200b\u200binto strips. Whoever you like.

    How to add beets to borscht - a few useful tips.

    In order for the beetroot color of borsch to be preserved until the end of cooking, in no case do not need to do any additional manipulations with beets: fry, stew or soak in something))

    Beets can be simply boiled in a peel along with tails, cut into strips - and sent to the borscht in a timely manner.

    Since my borsch always turns out to be of a bright saturated color and the beet straws in the borsch never discolor (as a result they do not acquire an unappetizing gray color) - I will share from personal experience.

    Briefly draw attention to the sequence of dressing borsch. I cook borsch from beginning to end in a pan with a thick bottom - without separate frying vegetables in a pan.

    I send it to the heated oil sequentially: meat slices + spices + onions + carrots + garlic + sweet and hot peppers + tomatoes + tomato paste + sugar. All this carcass, stirring, on low heat until half ready.
       Then I add: salt + boiling water (to the middle of the pan) + potato + cabbage.
       I bring to a boil with cabbage and then add boiling water almost to the top of the pan.
       Now, attention! Only when the cabbage is almost ready does the beet turn.
       I add the juice of a whole lemon through a fine strainer to the borsch. And immediately I send the beets chopped into strips. I stir the borsch, but I do not cover the pan with a lid.
       As soon as the borsch is painted in intense beetroot color and begins to boil, then the matter is nearing completion.
       Two or three minutes of boiling with beets is enough! Not more! And done. It's time to turn off the hob and cover the borscht tightly with a lid, let it insist.

    By the way, in my photos in the articles the beetroot color of soups is clearly visible. Exactly the same color with my borsch. Check out these links.

    Hot beetroot soup.

      To get a rich burgundy color of borscht answered this question. To get the red color of borscht, cook the borscht according to your favorite recipe, and at the end of cooking add a little beetroot juice, into which you need to add a little bit of art. Bring the soup to a boil and remove from heat. The longer it boils, the brighter the borsch becomes.

      To make the borscht red or even burgundy, not only good beets should be chosen, but when storing onions, carrots, you need to add tomato paste. When the carrots are almost stewed or fried, add 2 tablespoons of tomato paste. This is based on a 5 liter pan. It is also important to put already cooked beets in the soup, and not raw. It is added at the very end of cooking. and before that, add the fried vegetables and pasta 10 minutes before it. After the beets have already been laid, do not cook it for a long time, otherwise the color will boil out. Just 2-3 minutes on and off.

      If you cook in Zepter, the vegetables are first steamed, and at the very last moment boiling water is added and it stews there for some time. At the same time, saturated color is preserved, beets completely preserve it. The second little trick is ordinary tomato dressing. It will not be bright red, but the color is slightly increased.

      I can give advice that the soup is not just red, but richly beetroot. Cook the borscht as usual: Cook meat on the bones for 2 hours, remove the meat, cool, cut, filter the broth separately, add the chopped meat, put on the fire, salt. We put chopped cabbage into the broth (which does not boil violently, but at the boiling border), after 3-5 minutes potatoes, after 5-7 minutes seasoning, cook all this until the potatoes and cabbage are ready. And lastly, put the prepared beets (more on that later) and finely chopped bell pepper, bring them to a boil quickly, turn them off (the whole point is to prevent the beets from boiling for a long time, quickly boil them, turn them off), then add garlic and herbs. Mmmmmm ... Do you feel the aroma of borsch? ... Oh yes, most importantly, about the preparation of beets. So, we boil the beets without cleaning, over low heat, until cooked, with a pinch of sugar, salt, and a tablespoon of acetic acid. Cool the beets, cut into cubes, and simmer over low heat with the addition of vegetable oil, a pinch of sugar, and sprinkle with acetic acid. This will be prepared beets, which we add to the borscht last. Thanks to this, the borsch will have a saturated color. Borsch must be infused for at least 15 minutes.

      The secret of red borsch in the roast.

      Do everything, as usual, with one condition: when you passet the beets, do not rush to immediately add them to the borsch. It needs to be sent at the very last moment, i.e. beets, greens and immediately turn off the soup. In this case, the borsch will become saturated red, will not lose color.

      Bon Appetit.

      To beet soup red, you need beets. While the broth is being cooked, I make a dressing, which consists of onions, carrots and beets. The check is sent to the future borscht last. That is, I add a dressing, wait until it boils, and turn it off. If you cook for a long time, the color will not be so saturated. It is possible to make tomato borscht red to add tomato paste to the dressing (the combination of beets + tomato paste will give a very saturated color), but this is already for everybody.

      I carefully read all the answers on how to do it, so the borscht is red, and I agree one hundred percent with their authors.

      Yes - you need beets (beet, they say in Ukraine). It is she who gives red color to borsch. But here we must also take into account such a detail (and they wrote about it too). Just one beetroot will not make borsch bright red. The longer the soup is cooked, the darker it becomes. So that the color doesn’t go away ;, you need to add a little vinegar or citric acid (that is, chemistry). You need to kiddie ..

      Interestingly, the red borscht always reminded me of a potassium permanganate solution. Not really, therefore, I love him.

      In general, I believe that soon bags will be sold called Red borscht ;. Add it to the saucepan - the color and taste are identical to natural. It remains a little chopped potatoes and beans add ...

      In general, this day is not far off. Specialist in the preparation of natural (and nutritious) first courses less and less.

      To all who answered yummy to this question, you need to put in the Red Book!))

      I stew the grated beets with onions and carrots until cooked in a pan with the addition of water (without vegetable oil). Beetroot will give its beetroot; color in an acidic environment. You can add tomato, lemon or vinegar for color and acidity. I add a spoonful of tomato paste. When the meat and cabbage are ready, put the stewed vegetables in a pan and wait for it to start boiling. Just boils - turn off. Within 20 minutes, the cabbage is painted and the borscht acquires the necessary color.

      Very simple, you need to add a spoon of vinegar when cooking beets and the color will not change during cooking, but will remain saturated and bright.

      To borsch was red can not be cooked for a long time.

      I do passivation separately in a pan. Fry onions, carrots and beets.

      I extinguish the carcass until ready, and then put it in a saucepan with broth at the MOMENTS OF THE MOMENT and only boils, removes.

      I read one recipe and was horrified. It is advised to cook for another 40 (!!!) minutes.

      There is another way, but I do not use it. So that the beets do not lose color, you need to add a spoonful of vinegar or lemon.

      Borsch is one of my favorite dishes. It is very tasty and in my opinion is useful if the soup is cooked correctly. Well, the recipe for cooking borscht can be found on the Internet without any problems. There you can find a list of products that are necessary to prepare this first dish.

      Why borsch is red, because beets are added to it. Moreover, there are several cooking recipes, but beets should be required. I fry the beets with onions and carrots in a pan and add to the borsch. And add at the end and a teaspoon of vinegar 70 percent. Vinegar and flower hold and gives a certain taste. And of course you should not digest borscht itself.

      When frying vegetables, you need to add half a teaspoon of vinegar. Then the beets will retain their color, as well as sweet beets slightly acidify it. You can also not fry vegetables, then the beets will not lose their color.

      Real Ukrainian borsch always has a beautiful rich beetroot color. But not all housewives can cook such borsch. How to cook borschts in deep burgundy color?

      I open my secretquot ;. To borsch does not lose its color over time, and potatoes and all the ingredients painted in burgundy, you need to cook borscht in two handsquot ;. Those. with one hand throw the frying (beets with carrots and tomato), and turn off with the other. Beets should not boil, otherwise you will not succeed in saturated color.

      And when stewing beets, be sure to add a pinch of citric acid or vinegar.

    Borsch is one of the most beloved dishes of the entire population of Russia and neighboring countries. There are a lot of recipes for its preparation, it is believed that every housewife has her own secrets that make the first dish unique. However, for borsch to be tasty, red and rich, you need to follow certain rules when cooking. Let's see what ingredients are needed to cook everyone’s favorite food, how to make dressing, and what delicious cooking secrets are revealed by housewives from different regions.

    Although there are many varieties of red beetroot soup with beets, the basic rules for its preparation remain unshakable. First you need to wash, peel and chop all the vegetables. Beets are processed separately, because it is the main ingredient of the first dish. Her training takes place in several ways:

    1. Cook in the skin.
    2. Bake in the oven.
    3. Grind and simmer in a pan.

    To keep the beets in color, add a little citric acid, juice or table vinegar to the cooking medium. As for the broth, it can be cooked from pork, lamb, veal, beef or pork bones, pulp of any bird or mushroom. For a tasty borsch, the broth is needed oily, and to make it so, you need to cook meat after boiling for at least 2.5 hours on low heat.

    Only after preparing the broth, peeled and chopped potatoes are added to the borsch, after 15 minutes - chopped cabbage, then - beets, and then vegetable frying. This is a basic step-by-step guide for cooking red beetroot soup with beetroot, but each recipe has its own nuances and sequence that you must adhere to.

    Step by step recipes for cooking red beetroot soup with beets

    Today it is impossible to find a Russian person who knows how and loves to cook, but does not know how to cook red borsch with beetroot. Another thing is that there are many options for its preparation, but it is prepared differently in each region. For example, in the south they like borsch with fish, in northern Russian cities - with mushrooms, Belarusians cook without cabbage with smoked meats, Ukrainians - with beans and pampushkas. We suggest considering the most delicious recipes for beetroot soup.

    Classic beef recipe with meat and fresh cabbage

    To cook a satisfying, fragrant red borsch according to the classic recipe, you need to work hard, because this dish is not simple. But at least 2 days the whole family will be fed, and the next day the dish will become even richer and tastier. The main thing is to clearly follow the recipe, and then you get the result that you expected. Ingredients:

    • 800 g of beef;
    • 5 pieces. potatoes;
    • 0.5 kg of white cabbage;
    • two beets;
    • two carrots;
    • two onions;
    • two garlic cloves;
    • one tbsp. l tomato paste;
    • one tsp vinegar
    • two tbsp. l vegetable oil;
    • salt, herbs, spices.
    1. Rinse the beef, cut into medium pieces, fill with water, cook after boiling for 1.5-2 hours.
    2. Peel the beets, cut into thin strips, add vinegar to maintain color, fry in vegetable oil for 5-7 minutes.
    3. Cut potatoes, carrots and onions into cubes, chop the cabbage thinly.
    4. Fry onions and carrots separately with tomato paste, salt and spices.
    5. Load the potatoes into the broth, salt, after 5 minutes, load the cabbage.
    6. After 10 minutes of boiling, add the roasted beets, and after 10 more - roast.
    7. Garlic, passed through a press, is added at the very end a few minutes before turning off the fire. When all the ingredients are ready, remove the dish from the stove, sprinkle the finely chopped greens with borsch, let it brew for half an hour, and then serve it to the table.

    Borsch with sauerkraut and pickled beets and carrots

    The presence of sauerkraut in red borsch increases the amount of nutrients, because it contains vitamins C, K, B, minerals: sodium, silicon, sulfur, zinc, phosphorus and copper, as well as lactic acid, useful for the human body. Therefore, the first dish with sauerkraut is not only very tasty, but also a healthy dish, but you will have to tinker with it. Pickled beets in sweet and sour sauce can be bought ready-made or pickled yourself. Ingredients:

    • 2.5 liters of chicken or any other broth;
    • 200 g sauerkraut;
    • two pickled beets;
    • one carrot;
    • two potatoes;
    • one onion;
    • two tomatoes;
    • two cloves of garlic;
    • one tbsp. l Sahara;
    • salt, bay leaf, spices, sunflower. oil.
    1. In a boiled broth with pieces of chicken, put the potatoes, peeled and diced.
    2. Cut the onions into cubes, and grate the carrots, then fry the vegetables in sunflower oil for 5 minutes.
    3. Add the fried vegetables to the broth pan.
    4. Cut the marinated beets into small cubes, and then lower them into the broth.
    5. Pour sugar into sauerkraut, then simmer for 5-7 minutes over low heat.
    6. When the potatoes are ready, put cabbage, mashed tomatoes, chopped garlic, spices, bay leaf, salt in the borsch.
    7. Extinguish under the lid for 7 minutes, turn off the heat, let it brew for 15-20 minutes.

    Tasty beetroot soup without cabbage

    Red borsch without cabbage is called beetroot. It is tasty both in hot and cold form, therefore it is loved by all Slavic peoples, without exception. The composition of this dish includes a variety of products, but beets remain unchanged. We will consider the recipe for making delicious beetroot on pork ribs. Ingredients:

    • 800 g of pork ribs;
    • one big beet;
    • one carrot;
    • one onion;
    • two potatoes;
    • two tbsp. l tomato. pastes;
    • one tsp dried celery root;
    • 5 pieces. allspice peas;
    • two bay leaves;
    • one tbsp. l vinegar
    • two tooth. garlic
    • salt, pepper, chopped greens.
    1. Wash and cut the pork ribs in small pieces, put in a prepared container, fill with water.
    2. Add the peeled onion, celery root, allspice, laurel. leaf, put on the stove to cook the broth.
    3. Grated peeled beets, stew in a pan with water and vinegar for about 20 minutes.
    4. Peel potatoes and carrots, cut into cubes, put in the broth.
    5. When ready, send the beets to the pan.
    6. Add salt, spices, finely chopped garlic to the borsch.
    7. Boil the beetroot with all the products for 5 minutes, then turn off the heat and add the chopped greens.

    Cold beetroot

    Red borscht is also eaten cold; it is especially relevant on hot summer days. Beetroot soup is a traditional dish of Russian cuisine, which was originally prepared without meat, but over time, many recipes for cold soups on meat broths appeared. We will consider the classic recipe for cold borsch on beet broth and bread kvass. Ingredients:

    • three beet root crops;
    • two carrots;
    • two fresh cucumbers;
    • 2 hard boiled chicken eggs;
    • 2/3 liters of bread kvass;
    • 2/3 liters of beetroot decoction;
    • 1 teaspoon of sugar;
    • 1 tbsp. tablespoon or apple cider vinegar;
    • 100 g of sour cream;
    • salt, citric acid - to taste;
    • chopped fresh herbs.
    1. Wash, boil beets and carrots, cut into strips.
    2. Straw fresh cucumbers.
    3. Pour kvass with vegetables, mix with beetroot broth.
    4. Add citric acid, vinegar, salt, sugar, herbs.
    5. Before serving beetroot, do not forget to put chopped eggs and sour cream.

    Meatless lean borsch with mushrooms and green beans

    Vegetarian and fasting are ideal for lean borsch, and meat broth will successfully replace mushroom. Beans, as a rule, are canned in a dish, but we will add a more useful legume, which is sold in supermarkets in a frozen form. Ingredients:

    • 200 g of any fresh mushrooms;
    • 150 g of green beans;
    • 150 g of cabbage;
    • one beetroot;
    • one onion;
    • one carrot;
    • two potatoes;
    • two tbsp. l tomato paste;
    • two tbsp. l for frying any oil;
    • greens, salt, spices.
    1. In slightly salted water, boil mushrooms chopped at random (20 min).
    2. Add chopped potatoes to the mushroom broth, and after boiling shredded cabbage.
    3. Peel raw beets, drizzle with vinegar, cut into strips, fry in oil, then add to the broth.
    4. Peel onions, carrots, cut, fry in a pan, add tomato. pasta, salt, spices.
    5. Combine the frying with the broth, bring to a boil, turn off the heat, add the greens, let the borscht brew.

    Delicious borsch with sorrel and tomato paste without vinegar

    Borsch with sorrel is considered a summer dish, but in winter it will also be relevant if fresh sorrel is replaced by canned. This beetroot will not require much effort for cooking, and you will definitely enjoy it. Ingredients:

    • a pound of chicken;
    • 4 potatoes;
    • one beetroot;
    • one carrot;
    • one onion;
    • a bunch of sorrel;
    • two tbsp. l tomato. pastes;
    • greens, salt, spices.
    1. Wash the chicken, divide into pieces, set to boil.
    2. Peel the beets, chop, and cook in chicken stock.
    3. Grate the carrots, cut the onions and potatoes into cubes.
    4. Send potatoes to the broth.
    5. Fry onions and carrots on a rast. oil, add tomato. pasta. salt, spices.
    6. Add finely chopped sorrel to the borscht along with the frying, let it boil for 10 minutes, then turn it off.
    7. Serve with greens and sour cream.

    A simple recipe for chicken stock with tomato dressing in a slow cooker

    A multicooker will help you cook red borsch much faster. This machine is a real salvation for working people who do not have the opportunity to devote much time to cooking. Consider the simplest multicooker recipe, but no less tasty than on the stove. Ingredients:

    • half a kilogram of beef pulp;
    • 400 grams of fresh cabbage;
    • 150 grams of potatoes;
    • 100 grams of onion;
    • 300 grams of beets;
    • 100 grams of carrots;
    • three tooth. garlic
    • three tbsp. l oils;
    • three tbsp. l tomato paste;
    • salt, laurel. leaf, spices.
    1. Finely chop the onion, fry in the bowl of the multicooker with the “Baking” mode.
    2. Grate the carrots and add to the onion for 10 minutes.
    3. Then put the tomato paste for 5 minutes.
    4. Peel the beets, randomly chop, add a pinch of citric acid, send to vegetables, leave to stew for 15 minutes.
    5. Cut the beef and potatoes into small cubes, chop the cabbage.
    6. In the multicooker bowl add the remaining ingredients, salt, spices, fill with water to the maximum, select the “Soup” mode and set for an hour.
    7. After the end signal, add chopped garlic and herbs to the dish.

    How to cook seasoning for borscht for the winter of tomato

    Borsch dressing in winter is always useful, so prudent housewives cook it for the future. If the house has a large freezer, then vegetables can be frozen, but not everyone has this luxury, so the seasoning is stored in jars without sterilization. Ingredients:

    • 2 kg tomato;
    • 1 kg rep. Luke;
    • 1 kg of carrots;
    • 10 pieces. bell pepper;
    • a pound of parsley;
    • a pound of dill;
    • 1 pack of non-iodized salt.
    1. Grate the carrots.
    2. Peppers, tomatoes finely chop.
    3. Crush greens and onions.
    4. Sprinkle vegetables with salt, arrange in glass jars, store for several months in a cool place.