How to cook millet with pumpkin. Porridge with pumpkin - quick and tasty recipes on the stove

12.09.2019 Seafood

The list of recipes in the article:

Millet porridge in milk with pumpkin

Millet porridge with mashed pumpkin

In this recipe, pumpkin is added to the millet porridge in the form of mashed potatoes.

To prepare this breakfast for 4 servings, you will need the following ingredients:

  • millet groats - incomplete glass
  • milk - 2 cups
  • pumpkin - 300 grams
  • water for cooking millet - 2 cups
  • water for cooking pumpkin - 50 ml
  • sugar - 3-4 tablespoons
  • salt - 1 teaspoon
  • butter - to taste

Sort and rinse millet groats several times until the water drained from it becomes clear. Dip the millet in a large amount of boiling water and cook it until half cooked for about 15 minutes. Then drain the water and pour milk into the pan. Minimize the fire and cook until cooked until millet is completely boiled.

In the meantime, rinse the pumpkin, cut a slice out of it, which will need to be added to the porridge. Free this slice from seeds and peel it, then cut the pulp into small pieces. After that, put the pumpkin slices to boil, pouring them with a little water. When the pumpkin is cooked, mash it.

Depending on the type of pumpkin, its cooking time varies from 15 to 25 minutes

In the finished millet porridge in milk, add mashed potatoes, after which the millet will turn into a characteristic golden hue. Cook porridge for about five minutes. Season the finished dish with butter and serve hot.

Millet porridge with pumpkin slices

The following recipe for millet porridge in milk differs from the previous one in that the pumpkin is added to it in pieces. At the same time, millet and pumpkin are cooked together, which greatly simplifies the cooking process.

To make this breakfast you will need:

  • millet groats - 1 cup
  • pumpkin - about 300 grams
  • milk - 2 cups
  • water - 2 glasses
  • butter - 3 tablespoons
  • salt to taste
  • sugar to taste

Sort and rinse millet thoroughly. Cut the peel from the pumpkin and cut the pulp into 1 × 1 cm cubes.

It’s more convenient to cut the peel from a pumpkin with a peeler

Pour millet into a pan, add slices of pumpkin and pour hot water. Put on fire, salt, remove the foam and quickly evaporate all the water until the millet has time to boil. Mix porridge is not necessary. Then add hot milk, cover the pan with a lid and continue to cook the porridge over medium heat until it is completely ready. Add butter to the millet porridge with pumpkin and wait until the butter has completely melted. Having spread the porridge on plates, you can sprinkle it with sugar on top if desired.

Vintage recipe for millet porridge with pumpkin

If time permits you, you can make Russian Russian gourd porridge according to an old recipe. In former times, wheat porridge was cooked in cast iron in a Russian oven. Today, for its preparation there are quite a lot of different kitchen appliances, however, it is almost impossible to repeat the taste of porridge from the oven. In urban conditions, you can get as close to it as possible by cooking in ceramic pots.

To prepare such wheat porridge with pumpkin, you will need the following ingredients:

  • millet groats - 1 cup
  • pumpkin - 500 grams
  • milk - 4 glasses
  • butter - 30-50 grams
  • hard boiled egg (optional) - one piece
  • cream to taste
  • salt to taste
  • sugar or honey to taste
In the finished millet porridge with pumpkin, you can add a hard-boiled egg, passed through a meat grinder or crushed in a blender

After cleaning the pumpkin, grate its pulp on a grater or pass through a meat grinder. Boil milk in a thick-walled pan, then add grated pumpkin to it. After salting, cook it for about five minutes, then add the millet groats. Cook for 30 minutes with the lid closed.

Put millet porridge with pumpkin in ceramic pots coated with butter. In each of them also add one tablespoon of butter, chopped egg, then mix. Put the pots in the oven on a small fire (150 ° C) for 20-30 minutes. Before serving, each serving can be seasoned with cream, add honey or sugar to taste.

Millet porridge with pumpkin on the water

Probably not many housewives know that the traditional recipe for millet porridge with pumpkin does not use milk at all, but water. Cooking such a breakfast does not require large expenses, and the dish turns out lean.

One of the classic pumpkin recipes is, of course, pumpkin porridge. They have long loved cooking this porridge with pumpkin and millet in milk. Cooked on the stove, steamed in the oven, according to simple and affordable recipes.

This dish is prepared on the basis of wheat and milk, and served with butter and milk. And even despite this, it will not give a lot of calories - about 120 kcal per 100 g. It turns out that such an interesting porridge can also be considered dietary. In addition, you can cook millet porridge with pumpkin and fresh and frozen - at any time of the year.

Some delicious simple recipes for making porridge with pumpkin and millet, with a photo and a description of the steps step by step - can be found in the article.

First, consider the simplest recipe for making pumpkin porridge in an ordinary pan. The ratio of pumpkin to croup is approximately 2: 1.

For a classic recipe you will need these products:

  • pumpkin 1 kg;
  • enough millet 400 g, since it will significantly increase in volume;
  • milk - 3 glasses;
  • plus 4 cups of water. Or 7 glasses of milk, if you want to cook porridge in pure milk;
  • some butter;
  • 3 large spoons of sugar;
  • half a dessert spoon of salt (to your taste).

The whole process will take about an hour or a little more.

A step by step recipe with a photo looks like this:

Step 1. The pumpkin is put in the pan first. To do this, it must be cleaned and cut into small cubes, as shown in the photo.

Step 2. Place the slices in a pan and fill them with water completely. Cook to a boil, after which another half hour on moderate heat and under a lid. As a result, the pulp should be almost completely cooked.

Step 3. Throughout this time, you can soak millet in water at room temperature or simply pour boiling water over it, rinsing thoroughly. So we will definitely get rid of unnecessary bitterness, which sometimes appears as a result of long cooking of this cereal. Another useful advice is not to use old, stale millet, which is already more than a year old.

Thoroughly washed and soaked cereals are added to the pan and cook for another 20 minutes, the fire is slightly reduced. At the same time, sugar and salt can be added.

Step 4. Now pour 3-4 cups of milk and cook for another 10 minutes over medium heat. Of course, the dish should no longer boil, so the fire must be adjusted carefully.

Step 5. Now just try the cereal - if it has become soft enough, then the dish is ready. When serving, do not forget to add a little butter or cream to the porridge.

Pumpkin porridge with millet: recipe as in the oven

Millet porridge is associated not only with a kindergarten, but also with a Russian stove. The classical invention of the Slavic peoples, the mother oven, made it possible to turn any food into a real delicacy, and most importantly - into a healthy treat. Almost any porridge, especially millet, was languished for quite a while in the oven, due to which it turned out to be very tender, lush and fragrant.

And today we, although in a more modern version, can still reproduce the old recipe for millet porridge in milk with pumpkin. To do this, simply use the oven, which is likely to be in every home.

Take the following products:

  • 800 g of pumpkin pulp;
  • 1.5-2 cups of millet;
  • water a little more than a liter;
  • sour cream or sour milk - when served;
  • salt to taste;
  • as for sugar, you can not add it or put a little bit - again to your taste.

Cooking porridge like this:

Step 1. We prepare all the products, peel the pumpkin from the peel and seeds.

Step 2. Cut the pumpkin pulp again into small cubes. Then put it in a saucepan (preferably thick-walled) and cook for 10-15 minutes after boiling over moderate heat.

Step 3. Meanwhile, we sort out the millet, thoroughly rinse it and pour boiling water. Drain the water, then sort it out again, soak it with boiling water and drain again - repeat the cycle 5 times until the water becomes perfectly transparent.

Step 4. Put the groats in a pan and cook on the stove, over low heat for half an hour. Put salt and sugar. In the meantime, turn on the oven and heat it to 180 ° C.

Step 5. Then you need to reduce the temperature to 150 ° C and put the pan with the lid closed in the oven for about half an hour. So we simulate the process of languor, which for many centuries was used by our ancestors, and perhaps used today in remote villages.

Of course, the lid should be heat-resistant - especially the handle itself in the middle. If there is no certainty, you can close the container with a ceramic dish.

Step 6. Serve the finished pumpkin porridge with sour cream or cream. You can also with sour milk - depending on your taste.

Porridge with pumpkin and millet on the stove: recipe with raisins

Of course, such porridge can also be turned into a dessert dish. You can simply add raisins, prunes, dried apricots and other dried fruits to it. Fans of experimenting in the kitchen can also put slices of bananas or strawberries shortly before the end of cooking - many will surely like it.

And we will try to cook millet porridge with pumpkin on the stove, and not just that - with raisins.

Take the following products:

  • pumpkin pulp - 250 g;
  • half a glass of millet groats;
  • the same amount of milk or liquid cream;
  • a small pinch of salt;
  • sugar - to your taste;
  • 4-5 tablespoons of raisins;
  • 2 tablespoons of butter to serve (if boiled in cream, you can not use it).

The sequence of actions is as follows:

Step 1. We prepare all the products, cut the pumpkin into pieces, as in the previous recipes.

Step 2. Millet is washed several times until the water becomes perfectly bright. Pour boiling water or soak in water at room temperature for half an hour. We put the cereals in a pan and cook 15 minutes after boiling, adding salt and sugar.

Step 3. Add the pumpkin and some milk, after which we cook another 20 minutes, until the vegetable is soft.

Step 4. Thoroughly rinse the raisins, put them in a pan with pumpkin and cook for another 10 minutes - the raisins should completely evaporate and become soft.

Step 5. Serve the finished porridge with butter. It will be appropriate to add a spoonful of honey.

The principles of cooking porridge with millet and pumpkin are the same - it is cooked over moderate heat until all the ingredients are soft. And the result is a really tasty and also healthy, diet dish.

Bon Appetit!

Millet porridge with pumpkin is the most common dish, in which pumpkin is present. I do not like pumpkin. And you’ll lick this porridge with your fingers!

Cooking millet porridge with pumpkin, and not just millet in milk, you can diversify your diet and improve metabolism.

The benefits of millet porridge are undeniable. It contains essential amino acids that are involved in the construction of skin cells and help build muscle cells. Millet is an excellent source of vegetable fats, which help to absorb vitamin D and beta-carotene.

By regularly including millet porridge in the diet, the human body will receive vitamins A, PP, B vitamins, including the well-known thiamine - B1, folic acid and vitamin E. Porridge is also a source of plant fiber, micro and macrocells, including phosphorus, iron, magnesium, copper.

The most useful and delicious is millet porridge with pumpkin. This dish is considered exclusively dietary, as it is a low-calorie dish: 100 grams per 100 grams. That is why millet porridge with pumpkin is recommended to be included in the diet for people who are overweight and high in cholesterol.
   Also, porridge from millet also removes decomposition products of antibiotics, accumulated toxins, toxins and heavy metals.

Pumpkin is an excellent source of plant fiber and a source of healthy vitamins and minerals. Millet is famous for its healing properties and its rich composition, therefore, in combination with pumpkin is a very tasty and healthy dish of Russian cuisine.

This porridge is recommended to be included in the diet of people living in ecologically difficult areas. Doctors also advise regularly eating millet porridge for diabetes, atherosclerosis, liver diseases, cardiovascular system, nervous irritability, problems with the pancreas.
   It is useful for children, athletes and people weakened by the disease.

You can cook porridge either in water and milk in equal amounts, or exclusively in milk. In this case, the porridge will turn out to be more tender and rich.

You will need:

  • millet - 1 glass;
  • water - 2 glasses;
  • milk - 2 glasses;
  • butter - 3 tbsp;
  • pumpkin - about 300g;
  • salt to taste

Millet to sort out, throw out dark patches, rinse in hot water until the water after washing is clean.

Cut the crust from the pumpkin (it is more convenient to use a peeler for this), cut into 1x1 cm cubes.

   TO pumpkin sticks pour hot water.
   Add millet. Put on fire, salt, remove the foam, quickly evaporate all the water, until the millet has not yet had time to boil. Do not mix the porridge.

After this, add hot milk, close the pan with a lid and continue to cook the porridge over medium heat until the porridge is completely ready.

Add butter to the porridge and wait until the butter has completely melted.

Already in a bowl porridge can be sprinkled with sugar.

   Optionally, you can add raisins, nuts, fruits, seeds to porridge.

I greet you my dear visitor on the pages of my culinary blog! I really like to make myself juice from pumpkins, apples and carrots. But once a neighbor came to me and saw this wonderful vegetable in the kitchen and said that she was making delicious porridge from it. My family was not in the habit of preparing dishes from it, but a neighbor painted everything so beautifully that I wanted to try it. And today I will tell you how to cook a delicious millet porridge with pumpkin in milk and then I laid out a step-by-step recipe with a photo.

In fact, you can cook such porridge from millet and pumpkin on the water, but for some reason I didn’t like this option and I immediately pushed it into the background. Maybe when there is a mood or inspiration, I will try to cook it without milk.

When I cooked millet millet porridge with pumpkin, I was shocked. Firstly, she looked very beautiful, bright. Porridge looked very appetizing. Secondly, there was practically no taste of pumpkin in porridge, but a pleasant aroma came out. I generally am silent about the taste of this porridge. She was eaten even by my son, who is very fastidious in food and difficult for him to please.

How to cook millet porridge with pumpkin in milk


  •   Millet - 1 glass
  •   Pumpkin - 20 gr.
  •   Milk - 3 - 3.5 cups
  •   Oil
  •   Salt, sugar to taste

A step-by-step recipe with a photo of making millet porridge with pumpkin in milk

First we need to prepare a pumpkin. I pre-wash it, then remove the seeds, cut off the peel. For the preparation of millet porridge, you can use any kind of pumpkin. I honestly don’t remember what sort of variety I have, but the pumpkin smells like an melon in the whole apartment. She has a very pleasant sweet smell of melon. It is a pity that the taste is not like that of a melon)))

When the pumpkin has been prepared in a small saucepan, we pour half a portion of milk, put slices of pumpkin into it, bring the milk to a boil, reduce the heat to a minimum and simmer the pumpkin for 5 minutes to make it soft.

While the pumpkin is being cooked, millet is washed under running water several times. Unfortunately, many people have excluded millet from their diet because it is slightly bitter. You can get rid of bitterness if you pour millet groats with boiling water after washing it.

Then, I chop the pumpkin right in the pan with a blender. But if you want, you can skip this step if you like pumpkin slices.

Then we transfer the millet to the pan.

Add salt.


Pour the remaining milk and put the pan on the gas. Bring the milk to a boil, then reduce the heat to a minimum, cover the pan with a lid and simmer the porridge for 25-30 minutes.

When the porridge is ready, turn off the fire, add a piece of oil and you can mix everything. Then, cover the pan again with a lid and leave porridge from millet with pumpkin for 10-15 minutes, so that it is insisted.

That's all, millet porridge with pumpkin in milk is ready, now it can be served to the table. Porridge is not only tasty, but also hearty. After 2-3 spoons you will feel full. A wholesome and tasty breakfast is ready.

Bon Appetit!!!

Autumn is the time to cook healthy and delicious pumpkin dishes. Let's open the season of this vitamin beauty, having prepared pumpkin milk porridge with millet from it. Step by step recipe with photo.

About the benefits of pumpkin in millet porridge

In dietary nutrition, it occupies one of the leading places among vegetables. It is nutritious, healthy and contains many vitamins and minerals that are necessary for human life. It is so versatile that from it you can cook many delicious recipes, where the first place is pumpkin porridge.

How to cook pumpkin porridge: cooking secrets

How to cook pumpkin porridge, many housewives know, but not many do it right. After all, it is important to cook porridge in such a way as to preserve the valuable and nutritional properties of the pumpkin, while getting a delicious culinary work. There are some simple tips for this:

  • Use only well-ripened pumpkin. Its flesh tastes sweeter and digests much faster. You can distinguish such a vegetable by a very dry stalk. Sliced \u200b\u200bpumpkin, you can try its seed. The ripe fruit has full, sweet and crispy seeds. The dried up seed indicates that the pumpkin was cut for a long time and managed to lose a lot of moisture and useful properties.
  • The pumpkin peel should be cleaned just before cooking, so that the porridge comes out soft and uniform.
  • Cook porridge should be on a small fire, and after cooking, you need to wrap it with a warm scarf and insist for some time.
  • To make the porridge sweeter and tastier, sugar or vanilla sugar is added to the milk during its cooking.
  • Calorie content per 100 g - 115.1 kcal.
  • Servings Per Container - 4
  • Cooking time - 50 minutes


  • Pumpkin - 300 g
  • Millet - 150 g
  • Milk - 300 ml
  • Sugar - to taste
  • Salt - a pinch

Cooking pumpkin porridge with millet

1. Peel the pumpkin, wash it, cut it into medium-sized pieces, put them in a pan, fill it with water so that it only covers the vegetable and put on the stove to cook until cooked. You can check the readiness of the fruit with a knife, if the knife easily enters the pulp, then the pumpkin is ready.

2. When the pumpkin is ready, drain the rest of the water and push it with a nudge, it is necessary that the pumpkin acquires the consistency of mashed potatoes.

3. Simultaneously with the pumpkin, boil the millet. Rinse the cereals well in 5 waters, until transparent, put it in a pan and pour water in a 1: 2 ratio, add a pinch of salt and cook it until cooked for about 20 minutes. For additional satiety, millet can be boiled in milk. This is a matter of choice and taste of each hostess.

4. When the millet is ready, it will increase in volume by 2 times and will absorb all the water.

5. Add crushed pumpkin and sugar to the pan.