How to cook delicious borscht recipes. Borsch, step by step recipe with photo

12.09.2019 Grill menu

Hello to all! Today, everyone’s favorite since childhood is borsch. I’m sure, I’m sure that in any family this soup is cooked almost every day.

I myself simply adore this rich miracle. How can you do without him when you sit down at the table and have lunch. My oldest child just can not live without him. Every day I take it from the kindergarten and returning home, he goes and asks me: "Mom, and you cooked the borsch, did you promise?" Therefore, soups are loved not only by adults, but also by how even the smallest inhabitants of our planet turned out to be.

I know many variations of this dish. I hasten to introduce you in this article.

But first I want to remind, or maybe introduce that the homeland of this soup is Ukraine and the south of our Russia. Of course, they are now being prepared everywhere, for example, in Lithuania or Moldova. Do you know in which country borsch is the most popular? Write your comments, please 🙂

In this short article I will provide you with information about Russian and Ukrainian pottage.

Borsch with meat - a classic recipe

Have you ever noticed that this soup becomes more aromatic and saturated the next day? This is such a unique property.

Classic Russian borsch and Ukrainian are very similar to each other. In our Russian red soup there is no fat, but in Ukrainian it is necessarily present.

In fact, there are many options for this first dish, but for everyone, the presence of brisket, ribs or minced meat and chopped vegetables is a must.

My husband loves the classic version. He simply adores him, especially with a bite with a piece of delicious and pickled lard. This dish can be served with any side dish, such as mashed potatoes or buckwheat. And for dessert, donuts, sweet buns or bagels.

We will need:

  • pork ribs - 300 g or beef pulp - 150 g
  • beets - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • tomato paste - 1 tbsp
  • onions - 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil - 1.5 tbsp
  • fresh cabbage - 200 g
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • salt, pepper, herbs to taste

Cooking method:

1. In this dish you can use either beef or pork. There is someone who loves. I will show the example of beef in this variant. So, boil the beef broth. To do this, pour water into the pan and lower the piece of meat. Cook the meat broth for about one hour.

Important! After the beef meat has boiled, make a smaller fire and cook the beef over low heat. Do not forget to remove the foam so that the broth is transparent. At the end of cooking, you can salt a little.

2. After the meat is ready. And this is very easy to check, if it has moved away from the bone, it means it is perfectly cooked. Remove the beef from the pan, let it cool slightly.

4. After chopping the meat, dip the meat pieces back into the broth.

5. While the broth is cooked, take care of the vegetables. Wash beets, carrots, potatoes well under running water.

6. Chop the cabbage with cubes and send it to the pot with the prepared broth.

7. Cut the potatoes into cubes and after the cabbage, send them to the pan.

8. Chop the beets with thin strips or you can use a grater. Take a small frying pan, pour vegetable oil into it and put the chopped beets and tomato paste. Simmer so on low heat, about 15 minutes.

Important! The secret of red burgundy is that at the end of frying beets in a couple of minutes, sprinkle it with vinegar or lemon juice to fix the color.

9. After frying, add the beets to the pan and continue to cook the soup over low heat.

10. Now chop the onion into cubes, and grate the carrot. Pour vegetable refined oil into a separate pan and fry the vegetable ingredients until golden brown, but the onion should remain transparent. This is the second secret of red soup! 🙂

11. Add onion-carrot dressing to the broth.

12. Cut the garlic with a culinary knife very, very finely. Garlic will add saturation and enhance the great taste of this dish. This also makes this option unique; we can say this is another important secret that must be fulfilled, that is, added.

13. At the very end of cooking, add salt, and various spices, I love bay leaf and dill. Ah, what a smell went! Goodies! The soup will be very very tasty! I wish you a rich and delicious beetroot meal!

Important! After everything is ready, turn it off and let it brew for 20 minutes. I cover the pan with a towel, wrap it straight up, unless of course I cook it in a slow cooker.

Well, if you warm up this first dish the next day, you will be surprised that it will become much tastier than yesterday. A very interesting feature of this first dish 😛 Therefore, cook more)))

Step by step recipe for borsch with beets and cabbage

Oddly enough, but the options for this soup are very diverse, it is cooked with beets and cabbage and boiled with mushrooms, and with fish, and even with beans. Probably who is used to, and whether anyone like it. Classic Russian must be cooked with beets. After all, it is beets that give us a shade of redness.

You will learn how to make borsch red so that it becomes so. And also so that it is rich and delicious. Although I think that almost everyone knows how to give it this beautiful color.

This time I didn’t specifically indicate how many ingredients are taken, take it by eye, I personally always cook like that, but if you cook for the first time, then read the very first option, the proportions are indicated there.

1. To cook in any variation you need to first boil the broth. Therefore, boil the broth from beef or pork, be sure the meat should be on the bone. After all, it is the bone that gives the fat. it trick number 1 .

So, take a saucepan, pour running or filtered water into it, and add the meat on the bone. Cook on low heat, after the meat boils on the surface of the broth you will see foam, remove it with a spoon. This is trick number 2 so that the broth is clear.

Usually the meat is cooked for 1-1.5 hours, with a knife or two forks, you can check whether the meat is cooked, if it is easily separated from the bone, then the meat broth is ready.

2. Meanwhile, when the broth is cooked, finely chop the onions into pieces (cubes), and grate the carrots. Fry the vegetables in a pan with vegetable oil so that they have a beautiful golden crust, although the onion should turn out to be light and transparent. Therefore, it can not be added to carrots immediately, let the carrots fry a little without it. This is trick number 3. Do not forget to stir the ingredients when frying so that they do not burn.

3. Beets from which you will cook this first dish should be fresh and not a bit soft. This is trick number 4.   If you take soft beets of the right color, it may not work. And there are a wide variety of beet varieties, choose the most juicy and dark bright in color and taste.

4. Cut the beets finely into small cubes, it is better to use a special grater for vegetables.
Fry beets in a pan using vegetable oil over low heat, stirring constantly. In the end, the beets will become soft, and then spray vinegar essence or lemon juice on it, or you can use acidic tomato paste and mix well. If you use tomato paste, the color will be orange and burgundy-tender.   This is trick number 4. Thus, the beets will give their burgundy color to the pan.

5. After the meat is ready, it will need to be cut into pieces and then returned to the broth.

6. Cut the potatoes into cubes and send to cook in a pot. Chop the cabbage and send along with the potatoes, cooked in broth.

7. After the potatoes have boiled for a while and are almost ready, add carrots with onions and beets to it. Add beets directly at the very end of cooking, it should boil in it no more than 3 minutes. In principle, it is already ready, after frying.

8. At the end of cooking, salt and pepper to taste. Add fresh herbs and spices. And of course, to saturate the taste, be sure to add chopped garlic. This is trick 5   to improve the taste of this dish.

9. In order to make suah even tastier and more aromatic, let it brew for at least 30 minutes on the stove. Better stomp out! The pan can be covered with a warm terry towel. This is trick number 6.

Serve with sour cream or mayonnaise. Sprinkle with herbs and pepper to taste. The dinner dish in your house is ready.

Already, drooling! Bon appetit my good! Cook this delight with pleasure! I hope this standard method will help you cook the most delicious, rich hot pink soup!

Cooking the first dish at home

Whoever likes to watch and listen can watch this video:

Chicken Recipe

In this article I want to teach you how to cook this hot first course with chicken. I don’t know why, but I like borscht more precisely with chicken, felts because I just love chicken meat, felts because in my opinion chicken soup is more tender than beef or pork.

It turns out also very rich and not as fat as from pork, although if you take poultry, you can get quite fat soup on chicken stock. Here it’s a matter of taste, whoever likes it the best and cook it, it will be delicious in any case!

Of course, it is cooked much faster on chicken broth than with other meat, this is a greater advantage if you are in a hurry somewhere and you need to quickly cook the first dish.

We will need:

  • chicken meat - 500-700 g
  • cabbage - 150 g
  • potatoes - 2-3 pcs.
  • onions - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • beets - 1 pc.
  • lavrushka - 1 leaf
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp
  • salt to taste, seasonings
  • tomato paste - 2 tbsp

Cooking method:

1. In order to cook this chicken stew, it is enough to start cooking from the broth. To do this, take a pan and pour water into it. Put the chicken in water and cook until the water boils. After boiling, remove the foam and cook on low heat for about 30-40 minutes. Check the readiness of meat in this way, pierce it with a knife, if blood does not stand out, then the meat is ready.

2. While the rich broth is cooked, take care of the vegetables. Chop or grate beets and carrots. Dice the onion.

3. Now put the onions in a pan and add a little vegetable oil, sauté, then add carrots and beets. Stir everything and fry until tender until a golden crust forms onion and carrots. All vegetables should be soft, especially beets. Add tomato paste at the end, it can be replaced with ketchup or any tomato salad Tipo Lecho. Stew the vegetables for another 2 minutes.

4. Chop the cabbage in the usual way for you.

5. After the chicken is ready, remove it from the broth. Cool, cut the chicken into cubes. And then return the meat back to the broth. First, dip the potatoes into the boiling broth, boil it until almost ready, you can add the cabbage at the same time as the potatoes, or a little later. Then add vegetables (beets, carrots and onions).

6. At the end of cooking, drop a bay leaf to give flavor. Salt. Serve warm with sour cream and herbs. Enjoy your meal and have a delicious lunch!

Beetroot and Sauerkraut Chowder

Have you ever eaten so sour? Of course yes, you answer. Yes, borsch with sour cabbage is very easy to prepare and gives a certain sourness in the finished dish. For me it’s not so fresh as from fresh cabbage.

Many generally cook such delicacies together with sauerkraut and fresh cabbage for one. It turns out pretty good too. After all, vitamins for our body with such a combination will only increase. And how do you cook, according to which option, write in the comments.

We will need:

  • Beef or pork ribs - 200 g
  • Potato - 200 g
  • Beets - 1 pc.
  • Sauerkraut - 100 g
  • Water - 1 L
  • Salt to taste
  • Sunflower oil - 2-3 tablespoons
  • Carrots - 0.5 pcs.
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Tomatoes -2 pcs.
  • Bay leaf - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Ground black pepper to taste

Cooking method:

1. Start cooking by cutting the meat ribs. Rinse them under running water. Put the ribs in a small saucepan, fill them with water and cook for about 20-30 minutes. The ribs must not be fully welded.

Important! Do not forget to remove the noise or foam from the broth with a spoon or slotted spoon, so that the broth is not only rich but also bright. This is a prerequisite for the liquid to turn out not cloudy, namely light.

3. Cut the potatoes into cubes and add to the boiling broth.

4. While the potatoes are being cooked, cut the beets into strips. Put it in a pan and add vegetable oil and some water to cover the whole beet. Fry the beets until they are soft. At the end of frying, add tomato paste (or chopped tomatoes) and cabbage pickle to it. Shuffle.

5. Chop onions finely. And also in a separate frying pan, fry it until golden brown.

6. Add the grated carrots to the onion on a coarse grater. And stew it a little with the onion until soft.

7. Next, mix all the vegetables with each other in a pan (beets, onions, tomatoes and carrots), add the final ingredient - sauerkraut. Pre squeeze the cabbage well with your hands. You can add a little water and oil. Stew the vegetables until the cabbage is soft.

8. After stewing all the vegetables, add them to the nearly cooked soup. Cook for another 5 minutes. Next, salt and pepper to taste.

Important! Add bay leaf at the very end of cooking. If you add it earlier, the taste will be bitter.

Well, almost everything, it remains to add softened finely chopped garlic. Have a good meal! Cook with love!

  Ukrainian real borsch

It's no secret to anyone that it is very fragrant and tasty, but all because it uses a secret ingredient. And here’s what I’ll write in my next issue.

Garlic is usually served on this first course. But more about that later ...

In future issues, this interesting and tasty topic will be revealed. Stay tuned for blog updates and subscribe! Good luck cooking!

  How to cook bean soup?

Mmm, with beans, I really love it, all because I love all legumes, because they are so useful. Borsch with beans originally from Ukraine. The main and interesting ingredient in this form, you guessed it, is a bean vegetable.

To prepare this dish you need to know some secrets, you will learn about them by reading this description further.

This first dish is very rich due to the products used in it, namely meat, garlic and most importantly lard and beans. The stew is the most delicious and rich, so that any man "can not be pulled by the ears" from such yummy. Cook and you!

We will need:

  • beef or pork on the bone -1 kg
  • beans - 200 g
  • potatoes - 4-5 pcs.
  • beets - 2 large
  • carrots - 1-2 pcs.
  • onions - 1 pc. medium size
  • tomato (pasta) - 2 tablespoons
  • garlic -2-3 cloves
  • vegetable oil
  • salt and seasoning optional

Cooking method:

1. As always, first cook the meat on the bone. After it begins to separate well from the bone, remove it, cut into cubes. And put it back in the pan.

2. Beans must be soaked in warm water for 6-7 hours before cooking, during which time it is recommended to change the water several times. This is done so that the beans cook faster. Beans can be immediately added to the soup to cook as soon as the broth boils. Cook the beans until they are almost soft. And only after that add potatoes.

If you want the beans to remain the same color as before cooking, just do not cover the pan with a lid!

3. Cut the potatoes into cubes or cubes. Simmer on low heat.

Important! Do not salt right away, otherwise the potato may become mashed because of the salt, salt corrodes it.

4. While the potatoes and beans are being cooked, be fried. Chop the beets with a knife and fry over low heat with vegetable oil. After the beets become soft, add a drop of vinegar or lemon juice to it, you can even take apple cider vinegar. Remember, this is an important condition that further affects the color. After frying, add the beets immediately to the pot with beans.

5. Now make another frying in the form of onions and carrots. Finely chop the onion, and grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Fry all this in a pan until the vegetables get a slightly golden crust. And then add the golden juicy fry.

6. Well, that’s almost it, add chopped garlic squeezed through a garlic press and bay leaf at the end. To taste, add seasonings and herbs, salt. And cook for 2 minutes. Bon Appetit!

Tasty recipe without meat

Probably it will seem strange to someone how this dish can be tasty  and even without meat. Maybe, because this option is usually cooked in a post when you can’t eat meat. It will turn out peculiar, it will be just vegetable and lean.

We will need:

  • fresh beets - 1 pc.;
  • white cabbage - 100 g;
  • greens - 2 branches;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • tomato - 1 pc.;
  • bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.;
  • hot Georgian spice - 1 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • salt to taste

Cooking method:

1. Dice the onion. Cut the carrots into thin slices.

2. Peel the tomato, peeling it with boiling water. Cut into small pieces too. If there is no tomato at hand, you can replace it with tomato paste, adding 2 tbsp.

3. It is also advisable to cut bell pepper into cubes so that there is a soup idyll.

4. Now place all the chopped vegetables in a pan, pour some water and vegetable oil there, simmer until the vegetables are almost soft (this will happen in about 10-15 minutes). Now chop the beets or grate with a fine grater. Add beets to carrots and onions. Sprinkle it with vinegar essence to capture a bright beetroot color. And stew the vegetables until soft.

5. Cut the potatoes into cubes, and the cabbage with dumplings and straws. After the water begins to boil in the pan, first add the cabbage, then after boiling - potatoes. Boil it for a while, so that the potatoes and cabbage can almost boil.

6. Then add the beetroot-onion-carrot dressing. And simmer for another 10 minutes. At the end, add salt, herbs and your favorite seasonings and spices. A rich vegetable meal without meat is ready. It also, believe me, is very tasty and appetizing.

  Siberian version of cooking with beans and meatballs

Meatballs ... I immediately remember how I introduced children to their diet, when they were so small, I also cooked such meat balls.

I call this option fast, because the meat in this form will be in the form of minced cones, and the minced meat is cooked very quickly! This Siberian borsch with beans and meatballs turns out to be piquant and possibly the most delicious, for those who like beans and meat in the form of minced meat.

Moreover, the calorie content is not so big in this dish.

The calorie content of Siberian soup with beans and meatballs is 82 kcal / 100 g of product

I myself live in Siberia and often cook this famous species. So, any composition of the Siberian delicacy with beans and meatballs contains: beets, potatoes, cabbage, beans, carrots and onions, tomatoes or tomato paste, vegetable oil, garlic, vinegar, meat broth, greens and meatballs.

The way to cook this option is simple!

  Moscow soup with sausage and sausages

We have come up with this option for sure in Russia. Well, we love the Russian people sausages and sausage. Although, according to gastraenterologists, they are dangerous to health. But, all the same, sometimes you can cook such a soup, I think that in any case everything should be in moderation. What do you think?

Cooking in Kuban

A distinctive feature of this species, i.e., Kuban borsch, is the presence of two types of meat in it, this beef on the bone and pork on the bone. This soup therefore turns out to be one of the most delicious and rich, since the tastes of two types of meat are contained in it.

The cooking method is similar to the classic cooking option. Therefore, read all the cooking steps and ingredients for this miracle here, a little where I talked about how to cook a classic meat soup. Only, add pork meat to that option, and do the rest as well.

Oven potato stew

I remember at one time pots for cooking various dishes were very popular. I still use them, I like to cook in them conveniently and attractively. Do you cook in pots?

It seems to me that this option resembles the option in the oven and my grandmother is immediately remembered))) In my opinion, this is a wonderful creation, although of course in the apartment in the oven you can’t also cook as in the oven, but you can get closer to this option. It turns out also quite tasty and aromatic.

We will need:

  • Pork ribs - 300 g
  • Beets - 1 pc.
  • Potato - 2 pcs.
  • White cabbage —0.5 pcs.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Tomato paste - 1 tbsp. l
  • Sugar - 1 tsp.
  • Vinegar - 1 tsp
  • Salt - 2 tsp
  • Ground black pepper — 1 tsp
  • Greens - 1 bunch
  • Garlic - 2 cloves

Cooking method:

1. Boil the meat ribs in a pan until cooked, salt the broth.

2. Finely chop the onions and carrots into cubes. Next, cut the potatoes into pieces.

3. Cut beets and cabbage into strips.

4. Fry the onions, carrots and beets in a pan with vegetable oil. Add each ingredient to the pan in turn at 3-minute intervals. At the end, add sugar and sprinkle with vinegar essence.

5. Take the pots and start laying the ingredients in them. At the bottom, put the meat from the ribs. Then cabbage, potatoes and frying. Fill the pot completely with broth.

Important! Pour the broth into the pot, leave about 1-1.5 cm from the edge of the pot.

6. Put in the oven at a temperature of 190 degrees, cook for 40-50 minutes. You can also add chopped garlic at the end of cooking, for aroma and richness of taste. Salt and pepper at the very end of cooking. Serve in pots with sour cream and herbs. Bon appetit, friends!

Borsch in the slow cooker

The first dish in a miracle device called a slow cooker, I cook almost every day.Therefore, I have to do this often! After all, it’s much simpler, threw all the ingredients and go do another thing. And when you come, a fragrant smell is waiting for you! 🙂

We will need:

  • Beef pulp - 1 kg
  • Cabbage - 800 g
  • Onion - 200 g
  • Potato - 300 g
  • Carrots - 100 g
  • Beets - 300 g
  • Tomato paste - 3 tbsp
  • Garlic - 3 Cloves
  • Salt, pepper, bay leaf - to taste
  • Vegetable oil - 3 Tbsp. l

Cooking method:

1. Onion chop finely-finely into cubes. Grate the carrots.

2. Turn the slow cooker into baking mode and fry the onions in vegetable oil, and then add the carrots. After a while, add the tomato paste. And stew so very shortly.

4. Take and chop the beef into pieces. Dice potatoes. Chop the cabbage in strips.

5. In the multicooker bowl, add all the ingredients: (meat, cabbage, potatoes, bay leaf and black peppercorns). Pour food into the maximum mark. Select the mode "Stew" / "Soup", set the timer for 1 hour.

6. After the beep, open the crock-pot and dip the finely chopped garlic into it. Well, now let it brew! Close it again. Bon appetit, dear readers!

This is where I finish writing this note. See you soon friends! Do not forget to subscribe to the newsletter. There is still a lot of interesting things. 😛

P.S  I would like to wish everyone the most delicious, fragrant and rich borscht. You will definitely get them if you take a good mood with you and cook with love!

I wish you to find among all the recipes your most beloved and unique! Cook with joy!

When I collected for my article the recipes I knew for cooking Ukrainian borsch, I was struck by their diversity. There are as many borscht as there are Ukrainian regions and towns, even more. Of course, I won’t tell about all of them, I’ll choose the very best.

But most importantly, I will try to answer the question: what are the principles for preparing this surprisingly popular dish? Its secrets, rules and ingredients? Why not every hostess gets a real Ukrainian borsch - really tasty and “the same”. Legendary.

The recipe for Ukrainian borsch - what is included?

Bouillon, most often beef meat. But the broth can be prepared from any other meat - pork, lamb, rabbit, poultry, as well as offal, wieners and even canned meat. By the way, you can combine meat of different varieties, for example, fatty pork with goose and dietary beef brisket.

A 3-liter saucepan will go a pound of meat bones.

Tasty borsch is obtained from fish (unexpectedly?), Both sea and river, and even canned. And I assure you, it will not be an ear, but real Ukrainian borsch. Popular recipes for cooking borsch on mushroom and bean broth. But it’s better not to talk about vegetarian recipes in the presence of gourmets, they are not nutritionists and may misunderstand you.

Kvass broth . Do you know how Ukrainian borsch was cooked in hetman Ukraine? Real Ukrainian borsch was once cooked not on broth at all, but on kvass. Imagine: raw meat, beets and sautéed vegetables with roots are poured with kvass, salted-pepper, flavored with sugar and put on fire. On the fire, this delicious brew stands exactly until the moment when it stops giving foam (which, of course, must be removed). Then the kvass with the ingredients is sent to the oven (apparently earlier in the oven?) And cooked over low heat for 4 hours. At the very end (15-20 minutes), added bacon, crushed with garlic, and sour cream.

Vegetables. Recipes for the preparation of Ukrainian borsch include the following obligatory vegetables: beets (in Ukrainian, “beetroot”), potatoes, fresh white cabbage, carrots, onions, tomatoes (tomatoes or pasta, sauce, juice), garlic. Less commonly used are beans, peppers (bitter and Bulgarian), leeks, green peas, eggplant, zucchini.

Roots, fresh herbs : parsley, dill, rarely celery, parsnip and dried herbs, popular in the family as seasonings. Herbs and seasonings can be added as.

Seasonings. I know one Georgian family, in which the mistress prepares Ukrainian borsch with Georgian seasonings: utskho sunili and kinza. Another acquaintance throws rosemary there. It turns out delicious. But this is exotic. Usually add black pepper, rarely allspice peas and cloves. Bay leaf, of course.

Fat, fat . It is believed that the fat should be old and "smelly", but more on that later.

How to choose and prepare meat for Ukrainian borsch


If you decide to cook Ukrainian meat borsch, buy bones with meat from the front and rear legs of the animal in the butcher shop. Do you know how brain bones differ from sugar? Brain - those that are lower from the joint (bone marrow is visible in them), sugar - higher. Both types are suitable for us, but brain bones are preferable.

An excellent choice is a brisket that ideally combines meat, fat and bones, and a drumstick - with a high content of connective tissue that has gelatin. Bone broth made from this part of the animal’s carcass has a very strong aroma and taste.


In order to make the borscht tasty, the bones must be chopped so that the bone marrow finds a “way out” and mixes with the broth. Moreover, it does not matter what kind of meat you make broth from, the approach to the bones for beef, pork, lamb or duck with a turkey is the same.

How to get rich broth in an economical way?

There is such an unpleasant feature in broths - foam. One can read the same thing in all recipes: that it must be removed, removed and removed. Is there a more economical way? Fortunately, there is.

So, boil water in a saucepan. We put there a whole piece of meat and boil over high heat in a new way. When it boils again, drain the water, and rinse the meat properly, then put it on fire again, the bay is now cold water.

From this moment on, all the “written” recipes begin. And we continue to cook Ukrainian borsch, saving ourselves from the need to "bother" with foam. At the same time, the meat was not cooked, the internal juice is still in it, and now we have access to it without unnecessary “garbage” and aftertaste.

The fact that the water is cold is fundamental. And salt should not be afraid. Both conditions are for producing a rich broth.

Note.  Regarding when it is better to salt the broth, the spears break for a long time. The main thing: salt contributes to the release of juices (therefore, we recommend doing it at the beginning), but it slows down the preparation (digestion) of the product, which is why many salt before removing from heat. Choose: if you need excellent broth - salt in the beginning, if you prefer tasty tender meat, then in the end.

When the broth boils again, again, for the last time, remove the foam. Now we add 2 whole peppers to the broth - a bitter pod and sweet Bulgarian, a whole onion (peeled or with it, you can "in the stocking") - then we will throw the onion and pepper. * At this stage (and not at the end) our ukrainian borscht recipe Prescribes to throw a bay leaf. Then close the lid and leave for 2-3 hours on low heat.

When the meat is cooked, pull it out and cut into pieces. Throw out the onion, peppers. And we’ll add prepared vegetables to the broth.

* Instead of live peppers, you can have several peas.

  • More about the tricks of cooking this dish and its properties:.

Real Ukrainian borsch is cooked thick, not empty!

  Real Ukrainian borsch is a thick borsch. Gushchina can be achieved in different ways.

Method 1 For example, potatoes. To do this, they put it in borsch twice: first finely chopped (2 pieces), so that it boils, giving the broth the same thickener, and then larger so that it remains already “in the form of potatoes”. Everything about everything will take 4-5 pieces, depending on the size.

Method 2 Another way to achieve the right thickness for borsch is to add a little sautéed flour to it. Flour or semolina is fried with melted / vegetable oil and poured into the broth, usually at the very end, before adding crushed lard.

How to prepare beets for Ukrainian borsch

Beets are prepared in many ways. But there are common points, they are just the most important. First of all - adding vinegar or citric acid to it. Firstly, it will keep the vegetable a bright pristine color, and the borscht will never look “faded”. Secondly, vinegar will add a pleasant acidity to the dish. Thirdly, it will create an interesting effect - caramelizes beets: becoming soft inside, on the outside it will remain solid. Very nice and tasty effect.

So, we added vinegar, salt and sugar to taste, and now we will fry (sauté) the beets in a saucepan, then add a little clean broth and stew. Beets for bright red, real Ukrainian borscht are ready. Do not forget only that she give way to potatoes.

Note.   You can add a couple of dried prunes to beets. Or you can ferment beets first.

How to cook pickled beets. The beets are peeled, cut into thin slices and stacked in a glass jar. Then all this should be poured with cold boiled water, close the jar with a lid and leave for a couple of days in the refrigerator.

Sauer beets are used in borsch with juice. To it in an amount of 1: 1 is added fresh or previously (2 days) aged in cold water. That's so tricky, but it turns out very tasty.

More about beet kvass and its preparation. And about how to cook beets correctly -

Vegetables for Ukrainian borsch - further on the list

We pass the carrots, onions, tomatoes separately!

Carrot to orange-golden color, it is possible together with the roots, onions - to golden brown. Passer best in ghee. If you cook diet or vegetarian borscht - on vegetable.

Tomatoes  If these are fresh tomatoes, pour boiling water over them, remove the skin and pass through a meat grinder. Ideally - peel the tomatoes from the seeds, and then send them to the pan. If the tomato paste, then spasser immediately, adding a little broth.

Fresh cabbage  can be stretched with a rolling pin, and pickled  hold for a couple of minutes in a hot pan, stirring. Then she will lose all her firmness.

Note:  You can cut vegetables, of course, as you like, even with rings, even with logs. But it is best to cut the potatoes into cubes, beets on a coarse grater, and all other vegetables - thin straws. Tested, so for some reason tastier.

Mushrooms.  In the recipe for cooking Ukrainian borsch, there are no mushrooms or beans. However, if you like borscht on mushroom broth or simply dried mushrooms added to it, soak them in advance for 3-4 hours.

Beans  it’s better to soak it all night. And cook separately from all other vegetables, as it takes a lot of time.

The order of adding products when cooking Ukrainian borsch

  Let's make a reminder so as not to confuse anything.

So, the first potato to go with us, after 5 minutes, followed by white cabbage, if the heads are “old”. If the recipe contains fresh or pickled cabbage, it must be added with beets, not earlier.

Note:   potatoes are put before acid is added (tomatoes, for example, vinegar or sauerkraut). The fact is that it “condenses” our starchy vegetable and makes it coarse and tasteless.

When the potatoes and cabbage are cooked, add the remaining vegetables and roots. If there is toasted flour in the recipe for Ukrainian borsch, then that is it. Keep on fire for another 5-7-10 minutes.

Finally, finishing touch - fat, crushed in a mortar with garlic, dill, parsley, green peas and salt. Necessarily an old yellow fat, causing unkind aesthetic feelings.

In some recipes for preparing Ukrainian borsch, lard is preferred. Well, well, a matter of taste.

We put the bacon in a practically ready borsch, increase the heat. As soon as it boils, turn it off immediately.

Leave the borscht to insist for half an hour. Then we try and adjust:

add sugar, salt, spices (black pepper, cloves, sweet peas), other dried herbs, vinegar - all that we miss (if not enough). Then we insist. Pour on plates with sour cream and chopped herbs. We serve to the borshch pampushki.

Cooking dumplings for real borsch

Pampushki  - These are round buns made of yeast dough, doused with garlic sauce.

We prepare the dough from flour, warm yeast and butter mixed with sugar. We make small buns no more than 10 cm, bake in the oven.

For garlic sauce: garlic mashed with pestle, salt, water or vegetable oil.

That, in fact, is all. We have prepared Ukrainian borsch with donuts. Bon Appetit!

Other dishes of national cuisine:

All fans of delicious food know for sure that traditional Ukrainian cuisine is not complete without borsch. Every housewife should know the recipe for the most delicious borsch, because this is an excellent first dish that can catch the heart of any man. Of course, this is on condition that it is cooked correctly, without any errors.

A bit of history

This dish has all the features that are traditional for Ukrainian and South Russian cuisines; it was also prepared by our ancestors - the Slavs. It got its name because the main ingredient in the composition of such a dish is beets, and in ancient times the vegetable was called "borsch". From the territory of Kievan Rus, where the dish was invented, it spread throughout the neighborhood and even to neighboring states. That is why it is currently in countries such as Poland, Lithuania, Romania and Belarus. This dish was very fond of the Russian rulers Catherine the Second and Alexander the Second, as well as the famous ballerina Anna Pavlova, whose name also went down in history.

Varieties of Borsch

There are a considerable number of varieties of this soup, and which borscht is the most delicious, to this day remains a mystery. Such a variety is due to the fact that each nation invested in its own recipe something of its own, characteristic of the national traditions of the native state - this in the crust changed the taste of the finished dish.

All the presented varieties are divided into two large categories: red borsch and cold, which is also popularly called the cold store. A cold-pot is more common in Belarus, where it is eaten with hot boiled potatoes.


It is very simple to prepare such a dish - it is based on pre-prepared beets, which must first be pickled. As a rule, in such a dish all the ingredients are added raw. All components are diluted with kefir or other sour-milk products, the desired number of hard-boiled chicken eggs is added to the general pan, and then everything is seasoned with sour cream and served on the table.

In the world there are a considerable number of fans of such a bright and tasty dish. It is prepared mainly in summer or spring, when all the ingredients can be easily obtained fresh.


However, as many gourmets admit, the most delicious borscht is red, which is prepared by thermal processing of products, and served hot. Its main ingredients are vegetables, which initially it is advisable to take fresh. As a rule, carrots, potatoes, beets, cabbage, tomatoes and greens are included in the standard set. If you wish, you can cook lean borsch, but many housewives prefer to pre-cook meat broth from different types of meat. In many step-by-step recipes of the most delicious borsch, it is recommended to use a decoction of chicken or pork. With such a meat combination in the broth, the prepared soup turns out to be the most aromatic and delicate in taste.

Before serving the finished dish on the table, it is seasoned with sour cream or mayonnaise. In Ukrainian culture, the tradition of eating such a soup in a bite with garlic and bread is especially common.

The most delicious borsch: a step by step recipe with photos

In order to cook an excellent soup, which is the king of traditional Ukrainian cuisine, you do not need to have a lot of cooking skills. It is enough just to understand the order of cooking the ingredients, as well as know how to properly cook a delicious and transparent broth for the future soup.

Step 1. Preparing the broth

Many famous chefs recommend using pork or, in extreme cases, chicken for cooking the most delicious borsch. In the case of choosing the first option, it is best to take the chest and bones for cooking, which can be inexpensively bought in almost any butcher's shop.

Cooking the broth should start with cooking the bones, which should be filled with cold purified water. After this, the pan should be covered and set to cook on the stove. As soon as the contents begin to boil, reduce the heat and begin to gradually remove the resulting foam. The correct actions at this stage will provide a tasty and transparent broth.

As practice shows, for the most delicious borsch, the bones need to be cooked for a couple of hours, without turning off the fire and regularly removing the foam. After that, you need to add meat to them in the amount indicated in the selected recipe. In this composition, the pan should be kept on low heat for a couple of hours.

In the event that the broth is prepared from chicken, it will take about an hour or two to prepare it. If such a variant of the broth is chosen, it is not recommended to add another type of meat to it, so as not to interrupt the taste.


The classic recipe for the most delicious Ukrainian borsch recommends taking a standard set of ingredients. It definitely includes bright red beets (in some formulations called beetroot) - a couple of root crops, not more than 0.5 kg of fresh cabbage, a couple of medium-sized carrots, as many onions, five potatoes. This is the main soup set, which is designed for broth, cooked from 800 g of pork meat.

Step 2. Preparation of ingredients, their preliminary processing

All components of the borsch must be washed and peeled in advance. After that, the potatoes need to be cut into medium-sized cubes. As practice shows, root vegetables cut in this way give the finished soup a special taste.

In a separate plate, grate beets on a coarse grater. Many people prefer to cut it into strips or sticks manually, but recipes of the most delicious borscht often say that a vegetable chopped in this way gives the dish the same original red or even burgundy color. After the beets are processed on a grater, it should be sprinkled with the juice of half a lemon and, having mixed thoroughly, leave in a cool place for 15-20 minutes.

Cabbage needs to be chopped, which most housewives do with a regular kitchen knife. However, in the modern world there is a considerable number of devices that can also be used. Some chefs recommend chopping the vegetable into cubes, but this does not change the taste of the soup.

Step 3. Preparation of dressing for borsch

The most delicious Ukrainian borsch becomes only if the hostess uses grated lard with garlic as a dressing. To prepare it, you need to take a small piece of this product (about 50 grams) and grind it thoroughly. After this procedure, a couple of garlic cloves are added to the common bowl, and in this composition the mass is crushed in a mortar until a uniform state is formed. In the finished form, the dressing should be covered with cling film and refrigerated until it is needed.

Some experienced housewives advise using old bacon, which is slightly yellow in color, to make such a mixture. However, along with them there are recommendations regarding the use of aromatic bacon with spices.

Step 4. Cooking the roast

Properly cooked roasting is that element without which the most delicious borscht will not work. Photos with the image of bright red borscht are made clearly convey the color that should result in the dish, if it was properly prepared for frying.

At the very beginning, you need to heat the pan, preferably with a non-stick coating, onto which a small amount of sunflower oil should be poured. After it is heated, you need to put in a pan carrots, grated, as well as chopped onions. After that, they should send 3-4 tomatoes, previously peeled from the skins, or 2-3 tablespoons of tomato paste. Vegetables in the process of frying need to be mixed well. After some time, they need to add beets and mix well. Everything that is in the pan is covered and stewed for 10-15 minutes.

Step 5. Cooking borsch

To begin with, it is necessary to warm the cooked broth to a state of boiling water, into which prepared potatoes and minced meat should be sent. In this composition, the dish is cooked for 10 minutes, after which you need to add shredded cabbage to it, continuing to cook over high heat for a short period - about 10 minutes.

After the vegetables begin to become more or less soft, the fire should be reduced and the prepared roasting added to the pan. In this composition, everything is boiled until vegetables are completely ready, a dressing made from lard and garlic, as well as finely chopped greens, salt, pepper and other seasonings to taste, are added to the borsch. Without fail, you should add 1-2 bay leaves, which give the dish not only a pleasant aroma, but also a certain piquancy.

Tricks for cooking borsch

Any good housewife should know how to cook the most delicious borsch. This dish can become special if, in the process of its creation, you follow the basic instructions and know some small tricks.

A good deal of success lies in the right products. For the preparation of borsch, one should not be afraid to take too fatty pieces of meat - the juiciness and softness of the broth, as well as its saturation, have never harmed the finished dish. A separate trick is the choice of beets: it is better to take small sizes. In such root crops, fewer veins are observed, which ensures a greater juiciness of the fruit and, as a result, a brighter color of the finished borsch.

In the event that the potato chosen for cooking the dish is too boiled, it can be cut larger - by the time the cabbage is cooked, the potato has not yet had time to boil until it is mashed. Some families prefer to pre-fry it before laying - the vegetable is not only dense, but also especially tasty.

In the general composition of the ingredients, you can use bell pepper - it will add a certain zest to the taste of the finished borsch. Such a vegetable is best chosen in the market. The fruit is green in color and quite unpretentious in appearance - this will be the most fragrant and rich in useful components.

In the event that different types of meat are used for cooking borsch, it is best to take it in a ratio of 1: 1.

As a dressing, you can use not only lard and garlic. For a change at the final stage of soup preparation, you can use ghee, fried greaves or simple sour cream with a maximum percentage of fat content.

In order to make the soup as fragrant as possible, after cooking, it is advisable to wrap the pan with it in a towel and leave to infuse for six hours - the result will pleasantly surprise you.

The recipe for the most delicious borsch (with photo), which is presented here, is not the standard. It can be diversified in any way at the request of the hostess. Some add to their soup their secret ingredients that improve the quality of the finished dish. An example of such can be legumes, mushrooms or some special spices.

Rich and fragrant borsch will be obtained only on properly cooked broth. Especially delicious, it is obtained on broth from pork and beef brisket. Kiev borsch, for example, is cooked in beef and lamb broth, Odessa or Poltava borsch - in duck (goose) broth.

To prepare the broth, wash small pieces of beef (500 g) and pork (300 g) brisket. We put the meat in a pan, pour cold water: the water should be 1.5 times more than the amount of the proposed broth. Bring the water to a boil, reduce the heat, remove the foam, cover the pan with a lid and cook the broth for 2-2.5 hours. Water should boil weakly so that the meat languishes in it: as a result, the soup for borscht will turn out to be especially rich.

To give borsch a pleasant light acidity and a particularly rich color will help the juice of pickled or fresh beets, added to the broth.

Another important point in the preparation of borsch is the preparation of vegetables before laying in the broth and the bookmark sequence. Beets need to be stewed separately, cut into cubes or straws, with the addition of a small amount of vinegar or lemon juice in order to preserve the brightness of the color. Stewing beets is better in well-heated pork fat or in butter.

Sometimes beets are boiled or baked whole in a peel, after they are peeled, cut and put into broth.

I usually dip the potatoes into the broth about 15 minutes before the end of cooking, fresh young cabbage at about the same time. A few minutes after laying the cabbage - the turn of the stewed beets, followed by the passivated vegetables - carrots and onions. 10 minutes before the end of cooking borscht I put spices. If you plan to lay fresh garlic, then its output is literally 1-2 minutes before being ready, so that a valuable aroma is preserved. Before adding garlic you need to chop or crush in a mortar.

Speaking of spices. You can use a special mixture of spices for borsch. You can choose in favor of the most appropriate, in your opinion, spices. Parsley root and greens, bay leaves and black pepper are very appropriate for cooking borsch. A special taste will also be given to it by coriander, dill, herbs and celery root. Ukrainian borsch is characterized by dressing from finely chopped pork fat (200 g), several sprigs of parsley and 3-4 cloves of garlic, mixed and crushed in a mortar, which is added 2-3 minutes before the borsch is ready.

The borsch with fresh cabbage has a pleasant light taste, for which he has a large number of admirers. To prepare it for a 4-liter pan you will need the ingredients:

  • beef (on the bone or fillet) 1 kg
  • beets 400 g
  • potato 500 g
  • fresh cabbage 300 g
  • onion 200 g
  • carrots 200 g
  • tomato paste 3 tbsp
  • vinegar 6% 1 tsp
  • garlic 2-3 cloves
  • pepper
  • bay leaf 2-3 pcs.
  • greenery
  • vegetable oil

We wash the meat, fill it with water and cook for 1.5 hours. Then add chopped potatoes. When the broth boils, put the chopped cabbage and cook for 5 minutes.

Meanwhile, we stew the beets, cut into strips, in vegetable oil, add vinegar and tomato paste and simmer for 5-7 minutes. Then add to the borsch and cook for 10 minutes.

Grind onions, grate carrots and fry vegetables in vegetable oil. Add to the soup.

After we put the bay leaf, salt and pepper, garlic passed through the garlic.

We remove the pan from the heat and leave it under the lid for 10-20 minutes.

Pour the finished borscht into plates and serve with sour cream and herbs.

There are sometimes more disputes around borscht than around politics. In fact, no one knows what the right borscht is. It should be tasty - that’s the main rule, ”says Ilya Lazerson, president of the St. Petersburg Chefs Guild. - Personally, I do not like when there are potatoes and bell peppers in borsch. In my version, they are not, and this is my right. Someone loves sauerkraut, and beets pre-cooked or baked. I like raw beets more. I cut it into thin strips, add a little sugar, water, vegetable oil, and after 5 minutes - tomato paste. Then I add the beetroot to the carcass and the finished one at the very end of cooking in the pan. Thanks to this, the soup acquires a rich, appetizing hue. And this is only one of the secrets of delicious borsch.

1. With or without broth?

For vegetarian borsch meat broth is not needed. But, if you are a fan of classic soup, then you need to cook a rich broth. For him, you can take beef brisket, chicken or pork and beef in a ratio of 1: 1. For flavor, it is better to fry the meat pieces beforehand. Or immediately put the meat on the bones in cold water and put on fire. As it boils, remove the foam, add salt, bay leaf, several peas of black and allspice and cook for 2-3 hours until the meat is ready. Then you need to strain the broth, remove the meat from the bones, chop and return it back to the pan.

2. Stew the beets separately!

If you put beets in a common pot and then cook for about an hour, all the color from the vegetable will go away and the borscht will turn out to be faded. To avoid this, you need to grate the root crop on a coarse grater or cut with a knife into thin strips. Then add water, a teaspoon of sugar and necessarily a little acid (a couple of tablespoons of wine vinegar or lemon juice), this will help the root crop maintain its color. Put the beets on the fire and simmer until they are soft.

3. Or maybe cook?

The second popular option for cooking beets for borscht is to boil it in advance. It is important before dipping the vegetable into the water, rinse it thoroughly, without cutting the roots and crown, otherwise the juice will "go" to the pan. For better preservation of a bright shade, do not salt the water, but pour 1/2 tsp into it. vinegar or citric acid. Cooking time depends on the size of the fruit and the season - young small root vegetables are usually cooked for 20-30 minutes, old ones - 1-1.5 hours. However, today most chefs are advised not to cook, but to bake beets. To do this, wrap the fruit in food foil and send it to the oven for 30-40 minutes (the time depends on the size of the tuber) at + 180 ° C. In baked beets, taste and color do not “dissolve” in water, so this method of preparation is considered the most successful.

Classic borscht Photo:


  • Beef Brisket - 500 g
  • Pork - 500 g
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Beets - 2 pcs.
  • Cabbage - 300 g
  • Sweet pepper - 1 pc.
  • Potato - 200 g
  • Tomato paste - 1 tbsp. l
  • Bay leaf, pepper, salt - to taste

How to cook:

  1. Put the meat in a pan, pour 3 liters of cold water, bring to a boil, cook for 2 hours.
  2. Cut the carrots into strips, onions in half rings, fry until golden. Put in a pan with chopped pepper.
  3. Ten minutes later add the cabbage, then the potatoes.
  4. Cut the beets into thin strips, simmer for 10 minutes, then add the tomato paste, cover and cook for another 20 minutes.
  5. Put in borsch 10 minutes after potatoes. Cook another 10 minutes.
  6. Add bay leaf, salt and pepper. Remove from heat, let stand for 20 minutes.

4. Do not forget about cabbage

Many people call borsch beetroot. These are actually different soups. There is cabbage in borsch, but not in beetroot. Most often, fresh white cabbage is used for borsch. But there may be variations on the topic. For example, you can put red or savoy in a saucepan - outwardly it looks like a white one, but it has a bright green color and corrugated bubble leaves. There are even options for borsch with cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, but with them you still get soup that is far from classic. Someone instead of fresh likes to add sauerkraut. It must be washed, chopped, stewed separately until soft and then added to the soup.

5. Unsweetened couple: onion and carrot

Nutritionists against all sorts of passerovki that add calories to the dish. But if we speak from the point of view of taste and gastronomic rules, then borsch without passerization is not borsch. First, in vegetable oil, you must fry the onion in strips, then add the carrots chopped into strips to it. When the vegetables get a golden hue, put the tomato paste and simmer everything together for a few more minutes. Some housewives believe that instead of pasta, it is better to use tomatoes - fresh or in their own juice. Nevertheless, many professional chefs insist: only the pasta has a concentrated taste that is so necessary for the soup, which will give the borsch a beautiful shade and a pleasant sourness.

6. Vegetables - to taste

In addition to beets, carrots, onions and cabbage, other vegetables are added to the borscht to taste: potatoes, tomatoes and fresh bell peppers, which are also chopped with straws. In general, do not forget that all products in the soup should be cut approximately the same. You can use pepper of any color: green, yellow, red, orange. The main thing is to keep the proportion: there should be a lot of beets and cabbage in borsch, and 2-3 times less potatoes, tomatoes and peppers.

7. Who is the first in line?

Borsch, like most other soups beloved by Russians, belongs to the first course refueling dishes. It is preferred in the West that mashed mashed soups, and we should have a broth in which various delicious additives float. In order for these additives to harmoniously combine with each other and get the correct consistency (and not when one product is overcooked and the other crunches on the teeth), the correct dressing of the soup must be observed.

First, chopped cabbage should go to the pan, it is cooked longer than others. Then - sweet pepper and potatoes. At the very end, you need to put in the borscht sautéed onions with carrots and tomato paste and in the finale - prepared sour beets. After that, cook the soup no more than 5 minutes. If you cook borsch with sauerkraut, it must also be added in the final. If you put sour beets or cabbage first, and then potatoes, the latter will cook for a very long time (acid will interfere).

8. The final touch - lard with garlic

Many borscht lovers simply cannot imagine this soup without garlic dressing in fat. It gives the dish a bright juicy taste and a very appetizing garlic aroma ... For dressing you will need skinless lard, garlic and fresh herbs: dill and parsley. Products must be cut and chopped in a mortar or blender until a puree state. Then this oily, with a delicious aroma gruel is added to the finished hot borsch, the lid closes, and the soup is infused for at least 15 minutes. After that, the contents of the pan should not be boiled, otherwise the aromas of garlic and herbs will disappear.

9. Pampushki magnificent, rosy

We say “borsch” and the word “pampushka” comes to mind! Pampushka is a round bun made of yeast dough. It is better to start cooking it immediately after you put the broth to cook, because the yeast dough should rise properly and have time to bake. Water, egg, salt, sugar, vegetable oil, yeast, flour - ingredients for buns are simple. When the dough rises, roll the balls and put them on a baking sheet, but remember that during baking the dumplings will rise. If you want perfectly round buns, place them at a decent distance from each other. However, even if they stick together, hot they can be separated and pour garlic dressing. For dressing, take vegetable oil, crushed garlic, chopped dill with parsley and a little water. Mix everything and pour onto freshly baked chubby donuts.

10. Without sour cream, nowhere!

If the tureen is gathering dust on the shelf of your sideboard for a long time, take it out and use it for its intended purpose - it is in this beauty that it is customary to serve borsch for the big company. Nearby put the appropriate additives and appetizers for the dish - donuts, bread, chopped herbs and, of course, oily sour cream. Well, what soup without sour cream!

Borsch with beans Photo:

Borsch with prunes and mushrooms


  • Prunes - 200 g
  • Dried porcini mushrooms - 20 g
  • Potato - 4 pcs.
  • Fresh cabbage - 300 g
  • Beets - 3 pcs.
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Tomato paste - 2 tbsp. l
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l
  • Parsley root - 1 pc.
  • Flour - 0.5 tbsp. l
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l

How to cook:

  1. Soak the mushrooms for 2 hours. Then cook for 1 hour. Remove the mushrooms, chop, save the broth.
  2. Rinse the prunes, pour 2 cups of water, add sugar and cook until soft for 10 minutes.
  3. Cut the beets into strips. Heat half the oil in a pan, add beets, 1 tbsp. l tomato paste and mushroom broth, simmer, stirring, over low heat for 15 minutes.
  4. Cut onion, carrots and parsley root into strips and sauté with oil, tomato and flour for 5 minutes.
  5. In a boiling mushroom broth, drop the cabbage, after boiling add potatoes and cook for 15 minutes.
  6. Put the stewed beets and sauteed vegetables into the pan. Add mushrooms, cooked prunes with broth. Salt, pepper and cook for another 10 minutes.

Garlic mushrooms Photo:

Garlic Pampushki


  • Wheat flour - 200 g
  • Rye flour - 120 g
  • Milk - 200 ml
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Yeast - 7 g
  • Vegetable oil - 50 ml
  • Sugar - 1 tsp.
  • Flax Seeds - 50 g
  • Garlic - 4 cloves
  • Salt - a pinch

How to cook:

  1. Heat the milk to room temperature. Add dry yeast, mix.
  2. Put sugar, 1 egg, vegetable oil, a little sifted flour and flax seeds. Mix.
  3. Add the remaining flour, knead the dough and leave it to rise for 1 hour.
  4. Put on the table and give another 1 hour to rise, covering with a towel.
  5. Make 7-8 round donuts, grease the top of the rolls with yolk and bake for 20 minutes at 180 ° C.
  6. Grease still hot donuts with crushed garlic mixed with a small amount of vegetable oil, salt and water.