Cooking different types of custards for cakes. Tasty blog: cream and impregnation for biscuit

12.09.2019 Vegetable Dishes

What is the most delicious in cakes and pastries? Of course, cream. But the impregnation for the cake also plays an important role. Indeed, without impregnation, the cake will simply be dry, which can significantly spoil your favorite pastries. It is in this subsection that the most delicious and unusual recipes for cream and impregnation are selected for you, which will make the taste of the dessert simply unforgettable. The most delicious and tender are, of course, biscuit cakes. And impregnation for a biscuit is the main thing. However, it is necessary to adhere to the correct proportions during the cooking process, otherwise the cake may be either dry or too saturated, which is also not very good. Impregnation for cake layers can be very diverse. It all depends on your wishes and taste preferences. This can be coffee impregnation, milk, honey, and also often many hostesses use syrup for impregnation. The most popular syrups for impregnation are cherry, vanilla, cognac, rum and orange. As for the recipes for creams for the cake, here you will find exactly the cream that will make your dessert sophisticated, fragrant and unforgettable. For example, cream from Mascarpone is an integral part of the famous Italian Tiramisu cake, which, as it turned out, can be prepared independently at home. Also here you will find a recipe according to which you can easily prepare cream for Napoleon, sour cream, condensed milk cream, as well as custard recipe. And recipes for creams with photos will greatly facilitate the cooking process. With a selection of recipes on how to make a cream, you can easily make homemade cream and delight your household with the most delicious desserts. And remember, only homemade pastries can bring a lot of unforgettable sensations.


Charlotte Cream Cake

Ingredients:  butter, sugar, milk, egg, cognac, vanillin

Today I will tell you how to make a delicious Charlotte cream for the cake. Make it very simple and fast.


- 200 grams of butter,
  - 108 grams of sugar,
  - 150 ml. milk
  - 1 egg
  - 1 tbsp cognac
  - 1 tsp vanilla sugar.


White chocolate ganache for coating cakes

Ingredients:  chocolate, cream, butter

Ganache is used by confectioners to water them cakes. To prepare such a delicious and beautiful chocolate mass that does not spread and looks simply gorgeous, completely uncomplicated. See how to do it yourself at home.


- 210 grams of white chocolate,
  - 50 ml. cream
  - 25 grams of butter.


Lemon Kurd

Ingredients:  lemon, sugar, egg, water, oil

Lemon Kurd is a cream that I use as a serve for fritters, cheesecakes or pour ice cream on them. The taste of this cream is excellent, refreshing. To prepare such a cream is not difficult for you.


- 2 lemons,
  - a glass of sugar
  - 4 eggs,
  - 1 tbsp water,
  - 50 grams of butter.


White Chocolate Ganache

Ingredients:  chocolate, cream, butter

I suggest you make delicious ganache from white chocolate. You can beautifully decorate the cake with this ganache.


- 200 grams of white chocolate;
  - 200 grams of cream;
  - 35 grams of butter.


Cream of mascarpone and condensed milk

Ingredients:  mascarpone, condensed milk, cream, vanilla

Half the success of a cake or pastry is a good cream. We recommend making mascarpone cream with condensed milk - you can’t even imagine how delicious it is! You will find all the details on how to make it in our recipe.
- 250 grams of mascarpone;
  - 3-4 tablespoons condensed milk;
  - 150 ml of fat cream (30-33%);
  - vanilla extract to taste.


Custard Protein Cream

Ingredients:  egg, water, sugar, vanillin, lemon

If you want to make a cake and don’t know which cream to make, I advise you to make this delicious custard. I described the cream recipe in detail for you.


- 2 eggs,
  - 40 ml. water,
  - 150 grams of sugar
  - 1 tbsp vanilla sugar
  - lemon.


Cream for "Honey"

Ingredients:  sour cream, dried

I very often cook the Honey cake and most often I lubricate it with this cream with sour cream and condensed milk.


- 200 grams of sour cream,
  - 250 grams of condensed milk.


Biscuit Impregnation

Ingredients:  water, sugar

Today we will prepare an impregnation for biscuit. The recipe is very simple and quick.


- 6 tbsp water,
  - 4 tbsp Sahara.


Cream of cream and condensed milk for cake

Ingredients:  cream, icing sugar, condensed milk, vanillin

I suggest you prepare for the cake the most delicious cream of cream and condensed milk. The recipe is very simple and quick.


- 350 ml. cream;
  - 50 grams of powdered sugar;
  - 1 can of condensed milk;
  - vanillin or vanilla extract.


Creamy cream "Five minutes"

Ingredients:  butter, icing sugar, milk, vanillin

From butter and baked milk it turns out a very delicious cream for the cake. It is being prepared in a matter of minutes, and even the name has the corresponding name - "Five Minutes." Try it, you will love it!

- 250 grams of butter;
  - 200 grams of powdered sugar;
  - 100 ml of baked milk;
  - 2 grams of vanillin.


Caramel Cake Cream

Ingredients:  cream, water, sugar, vanillin

Caramel cream is prepared on the basis of cream and sugar, has a smooth structure and a very delicate taste that goes well with any kind of cake for any cake. If you do not know how to cook it, our recipe will help you.

- 800 ml cream;
  - 2 tablespoons water;
  - 200 grams of sugar;
  - 0.5 tsp vanillin.


Cake semolina cream

Ingredients:  cream, sugar, semolina, citrus powder, oil, salt

There are a lot of creams for the cake, they are all very tasty. But today we will prepare cream for semolina cake, which you have never tried.


- 260 ml. cream;
  - 120 grams of sugar;
  - 45 grams of semolina;
  - 10 grams of powder from citrus peels;
  - 230 grams of butter;
  - orange extract;
  - salt.


Thick cream of cream with sugar for cake

Ingredients:  sour cream, thickener sour cream, sugar

Sour cream is always very tasty. But of great importance is how thick it turns out. Sometimes sour cream is badly whipped, and the cream comes out liquid. Our recipe will teach you how to always get a thick, thick cream.

- sour cream - 0.5 liters;
  - sour cream thickener - 1 sachet (12 g);
  - sugar - 1 cup.


Cream "Sundae" for cake like real ice cream

Ingredients:  sour cream, vanillin, sugar, egg, flour, butter

I just recently started using “Ice cream” cream for cakes, as it’s not at all easy to prepare. But if you learn how to cook it, you will become a real guru in making the most delicious desserts.


- 175 grams of sour cream,
  - 2 grams of vanillin,
  - 55 grams of sugar,
  - 1 egg
  - one and a half tablespoons flour
  - 60 grams of butter.


Butter cream

Ingredients:  butter, icing sugar

In any cake, the most important thing is cakes and cream, of course. It can be different - sour cream, custard ... Oil cream turns out to be very tasty. It is prepared very simply, so the most novice housewife can handle it. And our recipe will help her with this.

- butter - 200 gr;
  - icing sugar - 200 gr.

A delicious cream for biscuit cake is the main component of a festive dessert. Even perfect cakes can easily be spoiled by unsuccessful impregnation. The best recipes for biscuit treats cream are published below.

Sponge Cake Custard

Ingredients: a liter of fatty cow's milk, 2.5 tbsp. tablespoons of high-grade flour, vanilla sugar to taste and a glass of plain white, half a standard packet of butter, 5 tablespoons.

  1. Eggs with all loose components beat until smooth. Even the smallest lumps should not remain in the mixture.
  2. Not cold milk is poured into the pan with whipped ingredients. The mixture is cooked with constant stirring for 3-4 minutes.
  3. Melted butter is added to an almost finished cream.

It remains to whip the treat with a mixer at the slowest speed.

Sour cream recipe

Ingredients: 260 ml of medium fat sour cream, a full glass of regular sugar (with a hill) and a bag of vanilla, 1 teaspoon of thickener.

  1. To prepare the simplest sour cream for biscuit cake, you need to put in a deep bowl a pre-chilled dairy product.
  2. Sour cream is whipped with a mixer at the slowest speed and granulated sugar is poured into it in a thin stream. Its crystals should completely dissolve in the mass.
  3. Flavored vanilla sugar is added. The mixture continues to beat until thick.
  4. If the consistency of the cream does not suit the hostess, you can correct the situation with a thickener.  But this is not a mandatory step. After adding the thickener, the mass is re-whipped.

After smearing the cakes with such a cream for high-quality impregnation, they should stand for at least 5-6 hours.

Curd Cake Cream

Ingredients: 80 g of butter, 440 g of powdered sugar, a pinch of vanilla extract (5-7 g), 320 g of bold curd.

  1. At a slow speed, the mixer combines melted butter, mashed cottage cheese and vanilla extract. The mass is whipped until it becomes lush and as homogeneous as possible.
  2. Next, the mixer is replaced with a spoon. Powdered sugar is poured into the mixture in minimal portions. After this, beating with a mixer is repeated. You need to work with the device for at least 2.5-3 minutes.

According to this recipe, the curd cream for biscuit cake is very airy and light.

Protein layer for cake

Ingredients: 120 ml of filtered water, faceted glass of granulated sugar, proteins from 3 chicken eggs of category C1, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of freshly squeezed lemon juice.

  1. First, sand is poured with the indicated amount of water. Slow syrup is cooked in a saucepan over low heat. When it is completely ready, it is easy to roll the ball out of the mass.
  2. In parallel, the proteins are whipped to a dense foam. Citrus juice is added to them.
  3. Immediately after removing from heat, the syrup with constant stirring is introduced into whipped squirrels.
  4. Next, the mass must continue to be whisked until it cools completely. You can speed up the process by placing the container with cream in a bowl of ice water.

Once the mass has cooled, you can grease it with cakes.

Sponge Cake Yogurt Cream

Ingredients: 420 ml of any non-fat yogurt, ¾ standard glass of boiled cold water, 1.5 tbsp. tablespoons of gelatin in powder, half a glass of berry syrup or liquid jam.

  1. Gelatin is poured with water, mixed well and left to infuse for 15-20 minutes. Usually on the package there is a detailed instruction on how to properly breed it.
  2. The swollen product is transferred to a stewpan, poured with syrup or jam and heated to minimum heat. It is necessary to constantly stir the components and make sure that all the grains dissolve.
  3. The mass that has cooled to about body temperature combines with yogurt and actively whisk with a whisk.

Cakes coated with the resulting yogurt cream should stand at room temperature for a couple of hours.

How to cook with chocolate?

Ingredients: 2 standard glasses of fat milk, 1 full glass of granulated sugar, 4 tbsp. tablespoons of dark cocoa powder, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of high-grade flour, 2/3 of a standard packet of butter.

  1. First, all the dry components are mixed in a stewpan.
  2. Little milk is not being poured into bulk products. Each time a thick mass is kneaded, which must be gradually diluted with liquid.
  3. The stewpan is sent to medium heat. With constant stirring, its contents are brought to a boil.
  4. When the mass cools a little, oil is introduced into it.

Ready chocolate cream must be completely cooled before use.

Sponge Cream

Ingredients: 1.5 standard packs of softened butter, 220 g of powdered sugar, 120 ml of milk fat, a pinch of vanillin.

  1. Milk is poured into a capacious stewpan and brought to a boil. Next, the liquid should be cooled to approximately room temperature. If a pasteurized dairy product is used, this step can be ignored.
  2. Vanilla, powder is poured into the cooled liquid. A slightly softened oil is added. Beat the mixture for 3-4 minutes until smooth and airy.

To make the creamy cream thick and very tender, you need to choose high-quality fatty oil for it.

Original lemon layer

Ingredients: ¼ teaspoon vanilla seeds, 1.5 standard glasses of filtered water, 4 tbsp. tablespoons of corn starch, 80 g of butter, 3 large lemons, 4 yolks of chicken eggs, a full glass of granulated sugar, a pinch of salt.

  1. The first thing to do is lemons. They get rid of the zest, which rubs on a fine grater. Also, citrus juice is carefully squeezed out.
  2. Corn starch and sugar are mixed in a stewpan. Lemon zest and vanilla seeds are added.
  3. Water and fruit juice are poured into the mass. The stewpan is sent to medium heat, where its contents are brought to a boil.
  4. Egg yolks are whisked. Half of the mixture from the previous step is introduced to them with intensive stirring.
  5. The mass is sent to the saucepan to the remaining components, brought to a boil and cooked 3-4 minutes until thickened.
  6. After being removed from the fire, oil is introduced into the treat.

It remains to cool the cream and grease the cakes with it. The product is stored under cling film.

Condensed Milk Option

Ingredients: 2 standard packs of high-quality butter, 380 g of condensed milk, 60 g of cognac.

  1. The oil softens to the point where it can be easily beaten with a mixer. It is processed at a low speed of the device until it becomes airborne.
  2. Gradually, condensed milk is added to the mass. If desired, you can cook it a little directly in the jar, so that the color of the product becomes caramel. The main thing is not to overdo the condensed milk until thickened.
  3. Lastly, cognac is poured into the mixture. In general, any alcoholic drink will do. It is better to take the option without obvious flavors that can ruin the mouth-watering flavor of the future cake.

  1. A full glass of granulated sugar is poured with the indicated amount of water and cooked in a saucepan over high heat until the liquid acquires a dark amber tint. Immediately after that, butter is added to it. It will quickly begin to melt. At this time, you need to actively mix all the components.
  2. Liquid honey is poured into the stewpan. The components are mixed again.
  3. In a separate bowl, baking soda and the rest of granulated sugar are added to the milk. The liquid is brought to a boil.
  4. Milk will be boiled until sugar crystals completely dissolve in it. Only then can it be poured into a sweet milk mixture, slightly cooled caramel from a stewpan.
  5. The cream is almost ready. It remains only to mix all its components well, remove the mass from the fire and add vanillin to it. You can use other natural flavors to your liking. For example, cinnamon.

When the cream has cooled almost completely, it's time to start assembling and decorating the cake.

Curd Fruit Cream

Ingredients: 130 g of granulated sugar, a little more than a pound of low-fat cottage cheese, 60 g of gelatin, 220 g of fresh or canned apricots and strawberries, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice, 550 ml of heavy cream.

  1. Gelatin is diluted in canned fruit water or syrup. Then the product is left to swell for about 20 minutes. When the waiting time expires, the gelatin dissolves in a water bath and cools.
  2. Cottage cheese is kneaded with a fork, mixed with sand and freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  3. Prepared gelatin is introduced into the mass. Products are mixed until smooth.
  4. The mixture is divided into two parts.
  5. Berries and fruits are mashed separately. Fresh apricots are pre-peeled. Preserved components do not need to be prepared for grinding.
  6. Strawberry part is added in one half, apricot part in the other. Cream is whipped with a mixer into both masses. They should turn out very airy and magnificent.

To begin with, the biscuit is tasty and delicate in itself, and therefore I don’t want to spoil it or “make it heavier”. This should be our main task.

And a couple of “discoveries” that I myself came to or found in prescription books.

Do not rush to grease the cakes with cream while they are hot! This will not make them especially tasty: the top layer will be soaked, but the middle and bottom of the cake will remain dry.

Therefore, our actions:

  • The first thing that is necessary for the cake to become soft and to retain moisture in it is to let the biscuit cool slightly after baking. Then it is wrapped with a film and placed in the cold for at least 8 hours.

  • The second - between impregnation and lubrication with cream, cake should take 20-30 minutes.
  • Third! Sponge cake does not belong to desserts “a la guests on the doorstep”. After we soak the cakes and before serving, time must pass, at least 6 hours.

I called all the main subtleties. Now you can go to the impregnation for dessert itself. I'll start with simple recipes.

Sugar and water biscuit impregnation

Advantage: always in stock. This impregnation is universal. It is basic and on its basis it is possible to design more complex and interesting tastes. You can add juices, spices, and aromatic substances such as zest (except for spices, everything is added only to chilled syrup).

Recipe: ideally, water and sugar are taken in a ratio of 6 to 4. At 6 tbsp. water need 4 tbsp. Sahara.

  1. Heat the water;
  2. Add sugar to it. Stir gently to dissolve the sugar;
  3. The syrup will boil and immediately remove the bowl with it from the fire so that the syrup does not thicken and caramelize. Cool.

This impregnation for biscuit does not contain alcohol, the most common and simple. When it cools to room temperature, vanilla extract can be added to give a sweet aroma. But the main thing is that it blends wonderfully with any cream and cake: coffee, chocolate, citrus and fruit.

I used this impregnation in many other recipes.

Advantage: another basic universal impregnation. Here are just kids to cakes moistened with it, it is better not to let. But for an adult company, good cognac added to syrup has a number of advantages. Of course, this is not 2 in 1, drank, bit. No. Then why in the cake algolol? The aroma and taste of cognac is very rich, it will decorate a biscuit, give it a spicy sophistication.
  Another important little thing. The fact that there is an alcoholic beverage in the composition is more noticeable if a low-quality product is used. Therefore, it is advisable to choose not confectionery brandy, but expensive, proven. Then the taste will be softer, more voluminous.

  • Water - 0.5 cups
  • Cognac - 60 g.
  • Sugar - 0.5 tbsp.

How to cook:

Put sugar in boiled water and mix. Boil the syrup for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and cool. Add cognac when the temperature of the syrup is at room temperature. Stir - and you can lubricate the cakes.
  Most often, such impregnation includes additives: juices, coffee, etc.

Here are some recipe options:

- with coffee

  • Water - 1.5 tbsp .;
  • Cognac - 2 tbsp .;
  • Coffee - 2 tbsp .;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.

I used such an impregnation for.

How to cook:

Boil 1 tbsp. water with sugar. Cook with 0.5 tbsp. water coffee, insist, then strain. When the drink and syrup are at room temperature, mix and add cognac.

- With cherry juice

  • Water - 0.5 tbsp .;
  • Cherry juice - 0.5 tbsp .;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • Cognac - 3 tbsp.

Boil water, stir with sugar, keep on fire for 3-5 minutes. To keep the juice bright and retain its taste, add only to the cooled syrup. Mix well, add cognac and can be lubricated. This type of impregnation is perfect not only for but also for.

- With lemon juice

  • Water - 0.5 tbsp .;
  • Sugar - 0.5 tbsp .;
  • Cognac - 3 tbsp .;
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp;
  • Vanilla extract - 0.5 tsp.

Cook the syrup by boiling sugar with water for 3 minutes. Cool and add cognac, vanilla and lemon juice.

Impregnation for milk biscuit

Advantage: suitable for light cakes. Very gentle impregnation. And this recipe is the basis, you can come up with yourself or take already prepared options for impregnation.

Recipe: I will give 2 options.

With milk

  • Milk - 3 tbsp .;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.

Stir and boil until sugar is completely dissolved. The cooled impregnation can be applied to grease cakes.

With condensed milk (I will give proportions to a large cake):

  • Condensed milk with sugar - 1 jar;
  • Water - 3 tbsp

How to prepare such an impregnation:

Pour condensed milk with boiling water. Stir well and let cool.
  Both options can be supplemented with vanilla, cinnamon, melted chocolate or brewed coffee.

Jam biscuit impregnation

Advantage: you can take any jam: cherry and strawberry, apricot and apple. Suitable for both purchased and home.

  • Water - 1 tbsp .;
  • Jam - 0.5 tbsp .;
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp.

Mix everything and boil. Cool and pass through a sieve.

Advantage: wine makes cakes juicy and aromatic.

  • Wine - 1 tbsp .;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp .;
  • Spices - (any to your taste, for example, cinnamon or coriander).

The wine is heating up. Sugar is added. And boils until sugar is completely dissolved. Spices are added and removed from the stove, cooled.
  You can adjust the density of this impregnation. The longer the wine syrup is on fire, the thicker it is, but its alcohol content is less.
  This biscuit impregnation, the recipe of which I gave, is suitable for both red and white wines.

How to calculate the amount of impregnation per cake?

How to determine if this impregnation is enough for one cake and for the whole cake?

There is a simple formula: 1 part of biscuit needs 0.7 parts of impregnation and 1.2 parts of cream.

That is, if the cake is 1 kg, then the impregnation is 700 g, the cream - 1 kg 200 g. But we don’t bake such a big cake so often. The best option is a 6-egg biscuit. It weighs approximately 400-500 grams. So, in order to soak it, you need 280-350 grams of syrup, and 480-600 grams of cream. These figures are approximate, because everyone chooses to his liking. Some people like cakes more dry, others like wet ones, so that it flows down.

How to distribute the impregnation?

This is best done with a spray gun (yes, you can make it specifically for this purpose). Then the impregnation layer will lie flat, unlike spooning. A brush is also suitable. In a word, there is a choice.
A few words after. Impregnation is an important part of the dessert, without it, as if the colors fade. Yes, and dry cakes are obtained if the cream is too thick or between soufflé cakes, or soft cheese as a layer. Of course, it’s all the same tasty, I don’t argue. But not bright. Therefore, I propose to approach the choice of impregnation creatively. What do I take into account? Will there be berries in cream or in cake decorating. And also, what kind of cream, both in terms of density and composition. If berries (fruits) are supposed to be in the decor and / or cream, then berry syrup, fruit juice, and, if desired, some alcoholic beverages can and should be added to the impregnation. Checked! Such synchronization is very impressive! For example, in the “Drunken Cherry” cake this rule works well.

A little nuance. You know, some things need to be checked only on the experience. How many have heard that it is better to soak light cakes with light syrups or milk. For the dark, you can use almost all the impregnations. But, when I saw how classic a sponge cake with coffee impregnation looks unsympathetic, I realized that you need to take into account the color of the cakes as well.

The usual sponge cake will complement the impregnation with the addition of honey, alcohol, coffee, vanilla ... The list is huge. And the fantasy is better not to stop, let them tell. For example, the aroma and soft taste of lavender, zest, green tea, nut essence, milk, from canned pineapple syrup, etc. are interesting. And again I repeat, as for me, it is better when the cream, the biscuit itself and the impregnation complement each other, and Do not play in disagreement. Only it is worth considering the consequences, for example, lemon-lemon and sour-sour will not be too much, if the flavor of this citrus dominates everywhere. Maybe "smooth" it with thick cream or butter?

  I am always grateful to those who help to learn new things, and not to forget old recipes! Show off your inventions and secrets, complete the article, share and tell! After all, our goal is to make holidays and weekdays beautiful and incredibly tasty!

Waiting for your feedback \u003d)
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Biscuit is one of the most beloved treats for children and adults. A soft, airy and soft-tasting confectionery product is widely used as the basis for cakes, pastries and other baked goods. Biscuit recipes are as varied as the options for its use. Sponge cake can be eaten without any additives, by itself, with a cup of aromatic tea. But for those who want to go up a notch, just select your favorite biscuit recipes, choose a biscuit cream and decide which impregnation for the biscuit seems most appetizing.

Biscuit Impregnation

Biscuit impregnation is needed in order to make the cakes more tender and juicy. We offer you several different types of impregnation, from which you can try what you like.

  • Coffee impregnation

Dissolve sugar (to your taste) in a saucepan with water (1 cup) on the stove, then bring the resulting sugar syrup to a boil and let it cool. Cook coffee (2 tbsp.), Strain it and add together with cognac (1 tbsp.) In syrup. Stir, refrigerate and use as you like.

  • Cognac impregnation

Pour boiled water (200 ml) into the pan, add cherry jam (4 tbsp), mix. Add sugar (3 tbsp. +/- to your taste), cognac (30 ml) and bring the mixture to a boil over moderate heat. Cook for about 3 minutes, stirring in the process so that sugar does not settle to the bottom. Then remove from heat and let the syrup cool.

  • Milk impregnation

In a bowl, mix condensed milk (150 ml), boiling water (3 cups) and vanilla (to taste). Then let the mixture cool and the impregnation is ready.

  • Currant impregnation

Boil water (1 tbsp.) In a saucepan, then add sugar (2 tbsp.) And currant syrup (1/2 tbsp.). Stir until sugar dissolves, allow to cool.

  • Chocolate impregnation

Prepare a water bath (pour water into a large pot, put on a strong fire, put a smaller pan on top or a bowl that can withstand high temperatures). Cut the butter (100 g) into small pieces and add to the pan along with cocoa (1 tablespoon) and condensed milk (100 g). Mix everything well until smooth. You can soak in a hot mixture immediately when ready.

Biscuit cream

Cream for biscuit is another delicious element with which you can experiment endlessly to get completely different cakes from the seemingly same ingredients.

  • Curd cream

Beat the cottage cheese (400 g) in a large bowl, slowly adding cream (200-250 mg), until a thick mass is obtained. Add sugar (to taste) and vanillin there, mix thoroughly and your cream is ready.

  • Butter cream

Beat softened butter (200 g), icing sugar (1/3 cup) and egg yolks (2 pcs.) Until a homogeneous mass is obtained. If desired, you can add cognac or rum.

  • Custard

Pound the egg yolks (3 pcs.) With flour (1 tsp) and sugar (130 g). Add cream (1/2 cup) there and place on the stove until a thick mixture is obtained (beware of boiling the mixture). Rub the softened butter (150 g), a little sugar, gradually adding the resulting cream. Let the cream cool, add vanilla and mix.

  • Sour cream

Beat sour cream (500 g / 15%) with sugar (2 tbsp.) In a lush foam, add the vanillin to your taste and thickener for sour cream (1 packet). You can use more fat sour cream, if there is no thickener. Let the cream cool and use for decoration.

  • Protein Cream

Beat egg whites (4 pcs.) With crystals of citric acid (or lemon juice) in a lush foam. Continue to beat, adding in portions sugar (1 tbsp.) Until it is completely dissolved.

Sponge cakes are an ideal raw material for making homemade cake. They are baked quickly and easily, but they are very soft, lush and tasty.

About what ingredients are prepared biscuit cakes, we will tell in the article. From it you will learn about how to soak such a base for the cake, with what creams it is lubricated and how to form a dessert.

Sponge cakes: step by step recipe

There are many options for how to bake a lush and soft biscuit at home. A wide variety of products can be used for this. However, one ingredient in it always remains unchanged. These are chicken eggs. They contribute to the production of delicious and lush cakes.

To make a standard cake, you may need 4-5 eggs. In addition to them, other products are added to the dough. Which ones, we will tell right now.

So, to bake lush and soft biscuit cakes at home, you need to prepare:

  • fat sour cream - about 200 g;
  • large eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • soda, extinguished with table vinegar - an incomplete dessert spoon;
  • white sugar - about 260 g;
  • sunflower oil - 10 ml (to lubricate the form);
  • light flour - about 300 g.

Knead the dough

The presented cake biscuit cake recipe is considered a classic. It does not require the purchase of expensive products, and also does not take much time.

To knead the dough, chicken eggs are previously divided into proteins and yolks. Yolks are thoroughly ground with sugar (white), and then add sour cream to them. While the sweet product is dissolved, proceed to the processing of proteins. They are pre-cooled, and then whipped in a very strong foam. Subsequently, it is laid out to the yolks and again thoroughly mixed.

In the resulting mass add soda, extinguished with table vinegar, and light flour. All ingredients are well altered with a spoon and immediately proceed to heat treatment.

Baking products in the oven

Sponge cakes, photos of which are presented in this article, are baked quite quickly. To do this, take a deep detachable form and lubricate it with sunflower oil. Then the whole biscuit dough is placed in the dishes and immediately sent to the oven.

At a temperature of 198-200 degrees, the product is baked for an entire hour. After the specified time, the cake should increase in size, become lush, ruddy and soft.

The readiness of the biscuit can be checked as follows: a toothpick or a match is stuck into the thickness of the product. If nothing sticks to the item (raw dough), then the cake can be safely removed. Otherwise, it must be left in the oven for some time.

Cut the biscuit

Of course, biscuit cakes can be baked in the oven separately. However, we suggest placing all the dough in the form at once.

After the product is ready, it is removed from the dishes, placed on a flat surface and cooled. Subsequently, the biscuit is cut into several cakes 1.5 cm thick. To do this, use a large kitchen knife.

By the way, if the edges of the product turned out to be uneven, then they should also be trimmed. To do this, put a plate of the appropriate diameter on the biscuit (slightly smaller than the cake) and cut off the unnecessary parts.

In the event that you decide to bake the cakes individually, then the dough must be divided in advance into several equal parts (4 or 5). They are alternately laid out in a greased form and baked for about 40 minutes.

The disadvantage of this method is that it takes a lot of time. In addition, baked cakes can be different, which will make the cake uneven and not very beautiful.

Other methods of cooking cakes

Now you know how to make classic biscuit cakes. The recipe presented above is the most popular among housewives. However, it should be noted that there are other ways to prepare such a product. For example, some cooks additionally add condensed milk to the dough. Also, a biscuit is often made on kefir or yogurt. In addition, instead of slaked soda, baking powder can be added to the dough.

If you decide to make an original dessert, we recommend preparing the base with the use of candied fruit, nuts, citrus peel. Often, a cake biscuit cake recipe includes a component such as cocoa. With it you will get a very delicious chocolate treat, especially if you use the appropriate cream.

Making sweet soak

How to soak biscuit cakes? This question is often asked by those housewives who want to get the most juicy and tender cake.

There are many options here. However, the usual syrup is the most popular among cooks. To prepare it, we need:

  • boiled water - 2 glasses;
  • large white sugar - 5 large spoons.

Cooking process

To prepare sugar syrup, you just need to combine both of the mentioned components and boil them on the fire for about 6 minutes. The resulting liquid is thoroughly impregnated with cakes, and then use them for their intended purpose.

By the way, if you decided to use sweet syrup in advance, it is recommended to add a little less sugar to the dough. Otherwise, dessert can be sugary.

Other types of impregnation

Now you know how to soak biscuit cakes. However, it should be noted that sugar syrup is not the only way to get a juicy and tender cake. So, some culinary specialists use store liquor diluted with water as an impregnation. With it, the dessert acquires a special aroma and taste.

If you decide to make strawberry, cherry or raspberry cake, then it is recommended to soak the biscuit with syrup taken from the corresponding jam. If it is too thick and contains a lot of berries, then it must be filtered and diluted with the right amount of boiling water.

Step-by-step recipe for cake made from biscuit cakes

Currently, it’s easier to purchase a cake in a store than baking it yourself. However, not a single dessert bought is comparable to homemade. Therefore, we recommend preparing such a treat only with your own hands.

In the event that, for one reason or another, you cannot bake a magnificent and delicious biscuit, then you can buy it at any time in the nearest store.

Of course, ready-made biscuit cakes differ from self-made ones. However, from them you can make a delicious and beautiful cake, which will surely be appreciated by all members of your family.

So, the recipe for a cake from ready-made biscuit cakes requires the use of:

  • unboiled condensed milk - 1 standard can;
  • high fat butter - 170 g;
  • finished cakes (chocolate or light) - 1 package;
  • “Jubilee” cookies, chopped roasted nuts or cocoa - use at discretion (to decorate the dessert).

Making a delicious cream

A cake from ready-made biscuit cakes is made very quickly. Therefore, most housewives prefer to purchase such products in a store than baking them on their own. Moreover, the main advantage of purchased cakes is that with their help the dessert always turns out to be smooth and surprisingly beautiful.

But before you make a cake from ready-made biscuit cakes, you still have to work a little. After all, condensed cream is not yet sold in supermarkets. For its preparation, high-fat butter is left at room temperature for several hours. Then the soft cooking oil is laid out in a deep dish and whipped using a mixer at the highest speed. During this treatment, condensed milk is gradually poured into the oil. After a few minutes, they get a very magnificent and high-calorie cream.

How to form?

The recipe for a cake made of ready-made biscuit cakes under consideration requires the use of a large cake. We need it not only in order to beautifully serve dessert to guests, but also in order to shape it.

Thus, one of the prepared cakes is spread on the prepared torte maker, and then it is impregnated with syrup (if desired) and lubricated with a condensed cream. Then they spread the second biscuit and do exactly the same with it.

After all the cakes have been consumed, the formed cake is completely greased with the rest of the cream (including the side parts) and proceed to decorate it.

Decorate dessert

Homemade cakes can be decorated with different products. Someone uses ordinary cocoa powder for this, and someone rubs dark chocolate. Also beautiful and tasty is a dessert sprinkled with chopped fried nuts or crumbs from shortbread cookies.

Presenting to the dining table

As mentioned above, recipes with ready-made biscuit cakes are very popular among housewives. And this is not surprising. After all, such a cake is made in just 60 minutes.

After the homemade dessert has been shaped and decorated properly, it is immediately sent to the refrigerator. During the stay of baking in the cold for several hours, the impregnation for biscuit cakes will do the trick, and you will definitely get a juicy and most delicate treat.

Over time, the finished dessert is taken out of the refrigerator and served to the table. After the guests appreciate the culinary skills of the hostess, they cut the dessert into portions, distribute them into beautiful saucers and present them to friends with a cup of hot tea.

Making sour cream

About how to make a condensed cream for biscuit cakes, we described above. However, there are other ways of making such a treat.

If you do not use impregnation for biscuit cakes, then the cream for them should not be made too thick. Otherwise, you get a dry and not very tasty cake. An ideal option for such a dessert is sour cream. To make it at home, we need:

  • high fat sour cream - about 500 g;
  • granulated sugar - about 200 g.

Cooking method

As in the previous recipe, you need a little free time to make homemade cream. High-fat sour cream is placed in a deep bowl, and then whipped vigorously using a mixer. Having received a lush milk mass, granulated sugar is gradually poured to it. If desired, it can be replaced with ordinary icing sugar.

Continuing to whip the ingredients for a while, you get a very light and airy cream, which is immediately used for its intended purpose.

Formation process

It doesn’t matter which biscuit cake you have taken. In any case, it should be used in exactly the same way as was presented in the previous recipe. Sour cream is evenly applied to all the cakes, which in turn are laid out in a pile.

Having formed a dessert, it is also covered with a sweet milk mass, and then it is decorated using berries, fruits, chocolate, whipped cream in cans and more.

Cooking Curd Cream

About how biscuit cake cakes are made, we described above. If, along with sour cream and eggs, a small amount of cottage cheese was added to the dough, then it is more advisable to make the cream with the addition of the same dairy product. So you get a more delicious and nutritious dessert, which children will especially enjoy.

Cottage cheese cream is often used by culinary specialists to make homemade cake. It is considered not only the simplest, but also the most low-calorie.

For quick cooking we need:

  • low fat cottage cheese - about 400 g;
  • thick cream 30% - about 250 ml;
  • vanillin - apply to taste;
  • small sugar - add to taste.

How to cook?

If you purchased coarse-grained cottage cheese, then it is recommended to grind it first through a sieve. Only in this case you will receive the most tender and delicious dessert.

After you have a homogeneous curd mass, it is placed in a deep container, and then beat with a blender at high speed. In the process of such mixing, granulated sugar, heavy cream and vanillin are gradually added to the dairy product.

Whip all the ingredients until a fairly thick and lush mass is obtained. After tasting it, you can add sugar powder or any other ingredients (for example, zest, nuts, cocoa, etc.) to it.

How to shape?

Making sponge cake with curd cream is easy and simple. But in view of the fact that such a delicacy turns out to be too thick, it is not able to make the cakes juicy. Therefore, before applying it, biscuits should be impregnated with some impregnation. To do this, it is good to use sugar syrup or a solution made from liquor.

Applying the curd cream for the cake, you will make not only a very beautiful and voluminous, but also a delicious and healthy dessert.

Making a delicious chocolate cream

Biscuit cake cakes are a universal raw material. It is suitable for any creams, including custard, cream, butter, protein, etc.

If you decide to make a chocolate dessert, we recommend greasing the cakes with chocolate cream. So you get a very beautiful dark product with a pronounced characteristic aroma and taste.

So, to make chocolate cream at home, we need:

  • egg yolk - from one large egg;
  • cold water - 1 large spoon;
  • condensed milk - about 120 g;
  • softened butter - about 200 g;
  • cocoa - 3 large spoons.

Cooking a chocolate treat

There is nothing complicated in making chocolate cream. To do this, take 1 egg yolk, add a large spoonful of cold water to it and mix well. Then the condensed milk is spread to the ingredients. Also in a separate bowl softly beat the softened butter.

After the described steps, all the ingredients are combined and continue to interfere. After adding the necessary amount of cocoa powder to the dishes, the cream is whipped until a thick and lush mass of dark color is obtained.

If you decided to use this particular cream recipe to form a cake, then the cakes should be soaked in syrup. Otherwise, the dessert will be dry.

The only drawback of chocolate cream with condensed milk is its high calorie content.

To summarize

Using the materials of this article, you can not only bake magnificent biscuit cakes on your own, but also make an impregnation, as well as a cream for the cake.

If you don’t have time to knead the dough with your own hands, and then heat it, we recommend using ready-made cakes that are sold in almost every store. How exactly to use them, as well as to form homemade desserts from them, was also described in this article.