Buffet snacks assortment. Buffet table

12.09.2019 Grill menu
Table "a la buffet" ... New Year's ideas for the festive table

If your house at the time of the New Year’s Eve turns into an “assembly point” for a large number of friends who, as a rule, knowing your hospitality, bring their other friends with them and inform you about it the day before the holiday, then the best solution for your New Year's party will become   buffet a la buffet  - It is covered for receptions with a large number of guests.

Initially, the reception a la buffet was invented in France. This way of organizing a festive table has several advantages. A buffet reception is a way of receiving guests, which eliminates the need to purchase additional pieces of furniture, since the main purpose of the reception is communication, not a feast.

In most cases, the buffet table is associated with the need to organize the reception of guests in a short time. The name itself can be literally translated from French as “on a fork”, which characterizes the whole process of eating.

The advantages of the buffet are that the number of guests is not related to the amount of furniture available in the house. An additional plus for the hostess is that she does not need to worry about serving dishes, the degree of their warmth and the occupancy of the guests' plates.

Guests freely move around the room, gather according to interest groups, communicate freely, choosing those snacks on the table that are more to their taste. Snacks should be quite diverse: variety is the key to a good buffet!

Some useful recipes

At the receptions, up to three options are always offered. For instance, side dishes: boiled potatoes with parsley, dill and onions, vegetables, rice with saffron; meat and fish dishes: kebabs, steaks of red fish, chicken breast in sauce. As for salads, tartlets, puff sandwiches and canapes - they can be prepared countless.

Do not forget about dishes with cheese platter. Cheese - high-calorie and very tasty product. And now there are so many types of cheese for sale that you can easily lay out several plates with hard and soft varieties. Plus, please your vegetarian guests. The cheese is cut into slices of 25-40 g. Varieties are not too close to each other in a clockwise direction, for example: first a spicy blue cheese, then a soft cheese with a penicillin crust like Camembert, then a hard, spicy and sliced \u200b\u200bspicy. A classic addition to cheese is grapes. Pears and slices of melon are combined with cheese.

Still the hostess should not forget about pickled cucumbers, tomatoes, corncobs, champignons, bell pepper, cauliflower, as well as olives and herring in spicy salting.

Closer to the edge are snacks, several types of sliced \u200b\u200bbread, salads. The second tier in the depths is sweet dishes, pastries, fruits. Each dish with dishes should have a corresponding device, with which you can put a serving on your plate.

Buffet table  depends also on the position of the table: if you can approach it from all sides, then you need to serve the buffet table in a circle.

The spices are traditional - salt and pepper. If sauces are required for dishes, they are placed next to the corresponding dishes.

Non-alcoholic drinks when serving are poured into glasses or served in jugs. Alcoholic drinks are placed in open bottles in groups at different ends of the table, next to the glasses. For used dishes, next to the main table, an additional, small one is placed on which guests will fold the empty dishes.

There are no restrictions for the buffet menu. The only requirement is the convenience of the dishes. For the most part, these are a variety of snacks that are easy to put on a plate and eat.

Since the same devices are used for table setting as for a regular feast, dishes can be varied. The only requirement is that the dishes for the buffet should be served already sliced \u200b\u200band divided into portions - they should be in such a way that it would be most convenient for guests to put them on an individual plate and treat themselves, as they say, “on the go”. If it is fish, then in the form of fillet, if pieces of chicken, then without bones.

Vol au vents - snack bars (baskets) from purchased puff pastry


Tartlets - small cups of dough prepared according to a specific recipe, which are filled with various fillings - meat, fish, mushroom, vegetable. According to some recipes, sauce is added to tartlets with filling, and then left in the oven for a short time to thicken the sauce. Shortcrust pastry with the addition of an egg or yolk is best suited for tartlets.

Tartlets with caviar. Tasty, beautiful, fast.

The recipe for an unsurpassed evening dessert - glamorous tartlets of caviar, rice, avocado and cream cheese.


Rice - better milk or rice for sushi
   Ripe avocado
   Salmon caviar
   Cream cheese

   Lemon juice


Boil the rice, cool it. Peel the avocado, remove the pit, knead the pulp with a fork, season with salt and pepper, add a little lemon juice to keep the color.

Wet balls of rice with wet hands, squeeze them. On top, with the next layer, lay out the avocado mass, then a layer of cheese mass, so that the dish looks like puff cakes. Put red caviar in the last layer.

If possible, the layers should be the same in volume. Size can be any. Small cakes can be eaten like canapes, large cakes can be eaten with a fork and a knife. You can decorate with greens.

In principle, dough baskets can be stuffed with any salads. The only requirement is that salads should not be too thin so that the dough does not get wet. For this reason, vegetable salads that give juice are not put in tartlets.

  • You can make a salad of boiled shrimp, green peas and fresh cucumber dressing with mayonnaise. Top of the salad is sprinkled with grated cheese and decorated with sprigs of parsley or dill.
  • Another option is a salad of fresh pineapple with smoked chicken fillet, seedless grapes and grated cheese. As a dressing, you can use not only mayonnaise, but also sweet yogurt. Depending on the selected sauce, the taste of the salad will be different.


Of the snacks, canapes are the easiest to prepare and most effective. They are prepared in the same way: the loaf or black bread is peeled and cut lengthwise into strips with a thickness of approximately 5-6 mm, then the bread is cut into small pieces (pieces can be round, square, rectangular, triangular, etc.) . Then each piece of bread is greased with a thin layer of butter or mayonnaise (with the exception of canapes cooked with fatty foods), put a piece of salad, garnish and decorate to taste.

Canapes with Bacon and Tomatoes

biscuits - 1 piece
   bacon - 20g.
tomato - 1 pc.
   sauce to taste
   green onions

Cooking method:

For the filling: chop the bacon and tomato into small pieces, mix with the sauce.
   Cut the pancake into three parts. Lay the filling in the center of one of the parts, collect the edges and secure with green onions. Canape ready.

Lavash roll

A thin layer of pita bread is smeared with mayonnaise, on top of it on one edge is laid out thread cheese and Korean carrots. The roll is tightly wrapped and cut across into portioned pieces of rolls of the desired size. The filling can be varied - rolls with smoked fish and fresh cucumbers or with ham and mushrooms are no less tasty.

You will need:
   A tomato
   Fresh cucumbers
   Bell pepper
   Pita bread or thin pancakes
   Curd cream or cheese
   Salt spices

Salmon roll

For its preparation, wide thin layers of salmon are necessary, which are folded conically and laid out wide on the dish upside down. A small piece of butter and a slice of lemon is placed inside each cone. To make it easier to cut the oil, it must first be cooled in the freezer.

Avocado Mousse with Caviar

1 avocado
   - 1 egg / * chicken, quail a couple can, hard boiled * /
   - 1 tbsp. l sour cream
   - dill
   - salt, pepper to taste, I added decently both of them, the avocado somehow very absorbs all the spices
   - caviar

Grind avocados and eggs in a blender. Mix, add sour cream, salt, pepper and finely chopped dill, grind until smooth.

Dry slices of bread until golden brown in a pan without oil. For bread - mousse, caviar on top.

Trout Rolls

It is generally very simple.
   Salted fish, curd cheese, serve on slices of cucumber. You can cream cheese, not cream cheese, and you can add a little blue cheese to the filling, well, and sprinkle with lemon before serving. In general, there is room for imagination.
   Simple, but very, very tasty.

Curd mousse with red fish and caviar

200 g low-fat cottage cheese
   - 5 g of gelatin
   - 60 ml of milk or cream
   - 100 g of salted red fish
   - 0.5 tsp. salt and sugar
   - a pinch of black pepper
   - dill
   - caviar

Soak gelatin in milk, after swelling, heat in a microwave or on a stove, dissolve.
   Beat the cottage cheese by adding salt, sugar, pepper and chopped dill.
   Gently combine the cottage cheese with gelatin. Stir in finely chopped fish and caviar (I did not add caviar to the mousse, I just decorated it on top).
Arrange the curd in molds. I put it in silicone molds for cupcakes, then everything went perfectly fine from them. Refrigerate for several hours to set.

The buffet menu at work always includes a variety of snacks and salads - this is its basis, which is easiest to cook. What can you come up with in a hurry and at no particular cost? Of course, any meat, cheese and fish slices, decorated in an unusual way, or salads in tartlets or on wide chips.

   We must not forget about sandwiches, which have a huge number of varieties.

Original sandwiches for a buffet at work

The main snacks at any buffet are sandwiches of all stripes: these can be both light and familiar options with cheese and sausage additions, as well as more multi-layered and unusual flavor combinations. In addition, it is not always necessary to use bread as a basis: why not replace it with other flour or starch products: crackers, chips, bread rolls? And on the surface there may be not just plastic bacon, but a whole small salad.

  • Do you want originality? The basis of the sandwich will be chips (large and wide, such as Lays), and a mixture of grated soft cheese, herbs, mayonnaise, ham and olives will complement them.

  • Need something very satisfying? Take rye bread with sesame topping, lay the bacon folded four times on it, place the lettuce and parsley between the layers, put a half of cherry tomato on top.

  • Even easier? Dry the slices of white loaf in the oven, put on top a layer of soft cheese, a circle of tomato, chopped clove of garlic, a new layer of cheese, and sprinkle with chopped green onions. Put in a hot oven for 10-15 minutes to let the cheese float a little.

  • Change the usual form? Mix the curd cheese with herbs and chopped pear, put in a dense layer on pita bread, roll it into a roll and cut into slices 1-1.5 cm thick.

Chef's advice: even a simple creamy filling can add a twist if you squeeze it onto the surface of a sandwich from a pastry syringe through a carved mold.

Snacks for the buffet: fast and inexpensive

The simplest snacks for the buffet, which can be whipped up from almost any product, of course, canapes: this is a kind of sandwich, but in most cases they are made without bread. Canapes do not have a base as such - they are simply small pieces of products strung on a skewer or even a toothpick. They are used as an aperitif for alcoholic beverages and do not quench your appetite at all. The only rule-recommendation when creating such a quick snack is tasty, attractive and not layered. What options can you come up with?

  • Take cheese cubes as a basis (feta or feta cheese is especially good, but you can also hard cheese with large holes), fasten it with a skewer with bacon, prunes, a half of cherry tomato or even dried cherry. The cheese is universal, and any product can become a “tandem member”. The most traditional union is cheese, olive and a basil leaf.

  • More complex and satisfying canapes, almost like sandwiches: a slice of avocado, canned sprats, cherry tomatoes and a quail egg, with a small leaf of parsley. Or rolled salmon, capers, olives and a leaf of mint.

  • If guests have a sweet tooth, you can make fruit canapes: from any pieces of fruit and berries, complemented by lemon slices and nuts in a small bowl.

Remember that even an unpretentious and inexpensive snack for a buffet at work can be decorated with taste, turning into a work of art. For example, arrange sandwiches around the circumference of the dish, and in the center lay the lotus from sliced \u200b\u200bboiled eggs. Or add the same halves of eggs with soft slices of bacon, put on a skewer, topped with cranberries and get a small sailboat. But the greatest variety is in the laying out of slices, since plastic thin slices allow you to give them any shape.

All workers sooner or later have a question: how best to celebrate the holiday at work and what dishes to feed the always hungry colleagues. The reception at work is relevant for February 23, March 8, and other holidays. We share ideas for a budget, fast and tasty buffet table.

Let's talk about a buffet table that you can organize at work yourself and how to feed colleagues in a classic office - without using a kitchen. We count on a maximum of 50 people.

Consider two options for preparing for the buffet. one. Constructor Food  - At home, some preparations are made, but at work everything is just going. 2. Cooking everything in the officeusing colleagues hands, knives and serving utensils. We divided 15 recipes into 2 groups. You can mix them together or choose a more convenient option.

Important:  don't forget to buy disposable tableware (at least plates for snacks, forks and glasses), preferably a disposable paper tablecloth and garbage bags (for ease and speed of cleaning tables), napkins. Do not interfere and plastic food containers.   If there was a lot of food, but not very eaters, you can arrange the food in containers and leave it the next day in the refrigerator or distribute it to people who wish.

Cooking at home, collecting a buffet at work

Ham, Cheese and Mayonnaise

Ham and Cheese Rolls

Caesar on the skewers

Skewers appetizer on Caesar salad

Cottage cheese, sour cream and dill

Of course, in supermarkets you can buy ready-made fresh cheeses with additives, but we are economical and skilled, we prepare the curd spread ourselves. It's so easy!

Houses:  prepare the spread. At work:  cut the bread by drying it in the toaster (but this is not necessary!) and spread with the curd mass. Would need:blender and toaster, if possible.

Cottage cheese with dill

Pasta, Cheese and Nuts

Nowadays, everything Mediterranean and sea is in fashion - and here feed your colleagues with “shells” stuffed with cheese and nuts.

Houses:  boil the pasta, fry the nuts in the oven (but you can also in a dry pan), prepare dressing and cheese cream filling. At work:  stuff the pasta, put on lettuce leaves and pour the dressing. Would need:hob, oven, mixer.

Shells stuffed with cheese and nuts

4 cheese and hazelnuts

How many times have we gone through this in new companies! On a beautiful tray we serve such small white balls - “sweets” from cheese. Guests refuse - they say, sweet is too early. And we insist and afterwards, with a smile, watch their facial expressions, when they still put “candy” in their mouths and feel the taste of four cheeses at the same time ...

Houses:  grate hard cheese. At work:  prepare the cheese mass and form sweets from them, stuffing with nuts. Put in the refrigerator before serving. Would need:  grater and refrigerator (at work!)

Cheese Sweets

Sweet pepper, smoked cheese, pineapple and ham

If you want to feed your colleagues something bright, delicious and satisfying, but not cakes, prepare a salad with Tambov ham. We are sure that they will all come to you for the recipe for this dish!

Houses:  prepare a dressing. At work:  chop and mix all the ingredients. Would need:grater, colander, hob.

Three Peppers Salad with Ham and Cheese

Beets, Cheese and Pesto

Soft beetroot turrets

Pita bread, cream cheese, salmon and bell peppers

This appetizer always looks spectacular, it is prepared simply and it is convenient to eat it.

Lavash rolls with different fillings

Cooking buffet at work

Buy proven products that you have already tried and appreciated. Do not experiment with colleagues with new flavors and aromas. Wash fruits, even citrus fruits. Take care of the right amount of sharp cutting knives and a few chopping boards.

Meat, sausage and cheese slices plus bread for toast

Sandwich Maker

Baked ham, rucola, curd cheese and pesto

It seems so simple: ham, arugula and pesto, but why is it so difficult to tear yourself away from this instant snack in cooking ?! Maybe the whole thing is in her special Mediterranean flavor.

At work:  for speed, buy pesto in the store, and instead of dry-cured ham (which is now expensive) buy a speck. It is more dense and salty than ham, but it’s perfect for such an appetizer. Would need:knife and cutting board.

Ham rolls with arugula

Shrimp, Celery and Cucumber

Shrimp Salad on Cucumber Slices

Bell pepper, ham and pineapple

Pineapple Pepper Salad

Riga bread, curd cheese and smoked salmon

If you spread Riga’s bread with cottage cheese and add a thin slice of smoked salmon, you get an excellent, satisfying and delicious sandwich. We went a little further, complicating the spread and building small canapes, which are so wonderful to serve on the buffet table.

At work:  smoked salmon can be replaced with slightly salted or even halibut. Adjust the number of layers to your liking, but do not get carried away - after all, the canapes should be small and elegant so that it is convenient to eat with your hands. Would need:  knife and cutting board.

Smoked salmon appetizer

Hash browns, red caviar and avocado

Pancakes with caviar and avocado cream

Condensed milk, cranberries and pine nuts

Colleagues will be grateful to you if there is anything sweet at the buffet table. Realize their dream by preparing a taiga dessert created on the basis of Alexander Karelin’s childhood memories. It is cooked simply and quickly and everyone likes it.

At work:  and in this dessert, only one single substitution is possible. Instead of cranberries, you can take cranberries or a mixture of cranberries and cranberries. The rest is a constant and immutable constant! Would need:  portioned dishes for dessert and a refrigerator (at work!)

Taiga dessert

There are always vegetarians or fasting people in any company - it is also worth remembering about them and thinking over a couple of vegan and lean dishes in advance so that everyone feels comfortable and pleasant at the celebration. Then the buffet at work will definitely be at 5 plus!

How to avoid the not very comfortable consequences of using garlic for cooking buffet dishes?

1. Do not use it at all, replacing mustard, lemon juice, creamy horseradish.

2. Cut a clove of garlic in half and remove the green sprout.

3. After eating, eat a slice of lemon and zest.

4. Go home and suffer there alone.

The buffet reception today is in great competition with the traditional feast. A classic feast is when guests sit down at the festive table, each has its own sitting place, plate and devices. Guests cannot switch places and often find it difficult to get up from the table to be mobile. The buffet reception, of course, solves all these problems.

If you know what to prepare snacks for the buffet: recipes with photos are simple and tasty, then this holiday format will quickly fall in love. The bottom line is that the appetizers are prepared portioned and convenient. That is, they are put up on a common table around which guests can walk, but not sit down. Everyone takes a clean plate (sometimes it’s even just a paper napkin) comes to the table and picks up the snacks that you like most. The peculiarity of the buffet snacks is that they can be immediately put in the mouth and eat.

Very often you need snacks for a buffet at work inexpensively, and such recipes for cooking in this section of the culinary site are also available. We can say that in our country, the tradition of celebrating holidays in the style of a buffet table appeared at the workplace, and then migrated to many houses. When the holiday is held in the style of a buffet table, there is no need to constantly be at the table: each guest is mobile and can communicate with whom he wants, go where he wants and eat when he sees fit.

Pay attention to simple and original snacks for the buffet table, recipes with photos that we have collected in this section of the site. Step-by-step photographs help you understand how to beautifully assemble each part of the snack, so that you end up with a delicious culinary masterpiece. Particularly beautiful are snacks for a buffet reception on photo skewers.

Do not be afraid that such small snacks will not be able to feed the guests who most often come hungry for the holiday. Due to the variety, guests will quickly feel full, and will not be constantly at the table. Also, a special feature of the buffet dinner is that, most often, a hot main course is not prepared for it. This greatly facilitates the process of preparing for the holiday for the hostess.

Try and take risks! Buffet snacks will allow with a minimum number of products, which means that you can buy delicacies, prepare interesting dishes and please the guests, as well as yourself, with new combinations of products that previously may have seemed simply incredible.


Pike perch cutlets in a double boiler

Ingredients:  pike perch fillet, onion, celery, egg, milk, dill, bran, pepper, salt, sesame, tomato

Pike perch is very tasty, fatty and satisfying fish. It’s not difficult to cook it, but today I’ll tell you how to cook delicious fish pike perch. The dish, I tell you, is just delicious.


- 500 grams of pike perch fillet;
  - 70 grams of onion;
  - 80 grams of celery stalk;
  - 1 egg;
  - 65 ml. milk;
  - 30 grams of dill;
  - 30 grams of oat bran;
  - pepper;
  - salt;
  - black sesame;
  - Cherry tomatoes.


Chicken Galantine

Ingredients:  chicken skin, minced meat, olive, mushroom, onion, oil, rosemary, parsley, thyme, gelatin, semolina, salt, pepper

Chicken galantine can be prepared both on weekdays and on holidays - it will always be welcome. In addition, as a rule, everyone likes this dish, so the hostesses are happy to make it.
- 4 chicken skins;
  - 700 grams of minced chicken;
  - 10 pcs of olives;
  - 120 grams of champignons;
  - 0.5 onions;
  - 1.5 tbsp vegetable oil;
  - several branches of fresh rosemary;
  - 1 tbsp dried parsley;
  - 1.5 tsp thyme;
  - 1.5 tsp gelatin;
  - 3 tbsp decoys;
  - salt;
  - pepper.


Beef basturma

Ingredients:  beef, salt, sugar, fenugreek, garlic, paprika, pepper

You probably love basturma - delicious, aromatic ... We suggest you not to buy it in the store, but to make it yourself, at home, using our detailed recipe.

- 1 kg of beef;
  - 55 g of salt;
  - 15 grams of sugar;
  - 3 tsp ground fenugreek;
  - 1.5 tsp garlic powder;
  - 2 tsp ground sweet paprika;
  - 0.5 tsp Hot Chili Peppers.


Pate of honey mushrooms for the winter

Ingredients:  honey mushrooms, carrots, onions, butter, salt, sugar, vinegar, pepper

An excellent preparation for the winter is a paste of honey mushrooms. This is a hearty and interesting, tasty and mouth-watering preservation, which is liked by absolutely everyone!

- 1 kg of honey mushrooms;
  - 350 grams of carrots;
  - 350 gr onions;
  - 100 ml of vegetable oil;
  - 25 grams of salt;
  - sugar;
  - Apple vinegar;
  - black pepper.


Mussels in the shells

Ingredients:  mussel, garlic, pepper, oil, wine, tomato, salt, parsley, bread

For lovers of the unusual, I propose today to cook mussels in the sinks. Preparing a dish is not difficult, but you still need to know some subtleties.


- 1 kg. mussels in the shells
  - 1-2 cloves of garlic,
  - hot peppers,
  - 1-2 t. olive oil,
  - 80-100 ml. white wine
  - 1-2 tomatoes
  - salt
  - black pepper,
  - 2-3 branches of parsley,
  - 3-4 slices of white bread.


Pickled porcini mushrooms

Ingredients:  mushroom, juniper, cloves, tarragon, thyme, garlic, herbs, salt, sugar, vinegar, water

Today I will tell you how to cook delicious pickled porcini mushrooms. The recipe is very simple and quick.


- 600 grams of porcini mushrooms,
  - half tsp juniper
  - 4 cloves,
  - a sprig of dry tarragon,
  - 2 branches of thyme,
  - 3-4 cloves of garlic,
  - 3 sprigs of parsley,
  - 2 branches of dill,
  - 2 tablespoons salt
  - 1 tbsp Sahara,
  - 80 ml. vinegar
  - 800 ml. water.


Mackerel in onion husk

Ingredients:  mackerel, onion, water, salt

I suggest you cook a delicious fish dish - mackerel in onion husks. The recipe is very simple and quick.


- 1 mackerel,
  - from 5 onion peel bulbs,
  - 1 liter of water,
  - 5 tbsp salt.


Fried mussels with garlic

Ingredients:  oil, garlic, mussel, sauce, pepper

If you like seafood, then I advise you to fry the mussels with garlic in soy sauce with ghee.


- 1 tbsp ghee,
  - 2 cloves of garlic,
  - 300 grams of mussels,
  - 3 tbsp soy sauce
  - black pepper.


Korean herring with tomato paste

Ingredients:  herring, carrots, onions, lemon, oil, tomato paste, vinegar, salt, pepper, seasoning

Korean herring with tomato paste is a very tasty and unusual dish that you can easily cook.


- 1 herring,
  - 1 carrot,
  - 2 onions,
  - half a lemon
  - 100 ml. vegetable oil
  - 1 tbsp tomato paste
  - 25-30 grams of vinegar,
  - half tsp salt
  - a pinch of cayenne pepper,
  - 1 tsp hops-suneli
  - half tsp black pepper.


Cauliflower in batter

Ingredients:  cauliflower, egg, flour, breading, salt, pepper

Cauliflower can be deliciously fried in batter. How to do it now I’ll tell you. Cauliflower can be served with sauce and fresh vegetables.


- 1 cauliflower,
  - 1 egg
  - 1 tbsp flour
  - 3 tbsp spicy breading
  - salt
  - black pepper.


Ham and cheese pancakes

Ingredients: potatoes, egg, ham, cheese, dill, salt, pepper, butter, flour

Make pancakes with ham and cheese and, I assure you, they will be scattered in a maximum of 5 minutes. The dish is tasty and hearty.


- 2 potatoes,
  - 1 egg
  - 70 grams of ham,
  - 60 grams of hard cheese,
  - 5 grams of dill,
  - salt
  - black pepper,
  - vegetable oil,
  - 1 tbsp flour.


Pita with cheese and egg in a pan

Ingredients:  pita bread, cheese, egg, greens, salt, pepper, oil

As a snack, prepare a delicious pita bread with cheese and eggs in a pan. The dish is prepared very simply and it turns out incredibly tasty.


- 1 thin pita bread,
  - 80 grams of hard cheese,
  - 1 egg
  - greenery,
  - salt
  - black pepper,
  - 3 tbsp vegetable oil.


Homemade Pork Basturma

Ingredients:  pork, salt, sugar, paprika, seasoning

Pork can be prepared on the festive table delicious basturma. The recipe is very simple. Very tasty meat appetizer.


- 1 kg. pork;
  - 4.5 tbsp salts;
  - 3 tbsp Sahara;
  - 10 grams of ground paprika;
  - 10 grams suneli hop.


Waffle cake herring

Ingredients:  herring, wafer cake, mushroom, onion, cheese, mayonnaise, carrots

As an appetizer, you can cook a delicious waffle cake with mackerel. To cook it will not be difficult even for a young inexperienced housewife.


- 1 herring,
  - a pack of wafer cakes,
  - 300 grams of champignons,
  - 2 onions,
  - 200 grams of cheese,
  - 200 grams of mayonnaise,
  - 1 carrot.


Homemade chicken sausage

Ingredients:  chicken, onion, bacon, gut, salt, pepper, garlic, oil

Chicken sausage is very tasty, especially children like this dish, because sausages are incredibly tasty, delicate and satisfying. It’s easy to prepare them, we will tell you exactly how this is done.

- 400 grams of chicken;
  - 1 onion;
  - 3 strips of bacon;
  - intestines;
  - salt to taste;
  - pepper to taste;
  - 0.5 tsp dry garlic;
  - vegetable oil for frying.

Initially, the reception a la buffet was invented in France. This way of organizing a festive table has several advantages. A buffet reception is a way of receiving guests, which eliminates the need to purchase additional pieces of furniture, since the main purpose of the reception is communication, not a feast. In most cases, the buffet table is associated with the need to organize the reception of guests in a short time. The name itself can be literally translated from French as “on a fork”, which characterizes the whole process of eating.

The advantages of the buffet are that the number of guests is not related to the amount of furniture available in the house. An additional plus for the hostess is that she does not need to worry about serving dishes, the degree of their warmth and the occupancy of the guests' plates. The buffet table is more suitable for young people, since a family feast with representatives of the older generation on their feet will not be very convenient for the latter. Guests freely move around the room, gather according to interest groups, communicate freely, choosing those snacks on the table that are more to their taste. Snacks should be quite diverse: variety is the key to a good buffet!

A buffet table at home or a buffet table at work: how to set up a table

For a buffet table is placed either in the center of the room or in the corner.   The table should be large enough to fit a variety of dishes. Sometimes two tables are combined with each other, covering them with a long tablecloth, but at the same time the tables should be the same height. It is preferable that the legs of the table are covered with a tablecloth or a fourchette skirt.

At the edges of the table, clean dishes with appliances are placed and napkins are laid out. Plates are stacked, which saves space. Additionally, you can decorate the table with glasses, arranging them in an original and varied way. Cutlery is laid out according to the number of plates, while the knives should be 2 times less.

No chairs around the table . They can be placed around the perimeter of the walls or in groups around small coffee tables. It is desirable that in the room where the reception will be held, there was at least one sofa.

Dishes are served by sectors or in tiers (using special buffet tables), if possible.

Closer to the edge are snacks, several types of sliced \u200b\u200bbread, salads. The second tier in the depths is sweet dishes, pastries, fruits. Each dish with dishes should have a corresponding device, with which you can put a serving on your plate.

It also depends on the position of the table: if you can approach it from all sides, then you need to serve the buffet table in a circle.

Serving a buffet “in a circle”

The spices are traditional - salt and pepper. If sauces are required for dishes, they are placed next to the corresponding dishes.

Not necessarily a table should include both cold snacks and sweets. Not forbidden to arrange sweet parties where only dessert snacks. Such receptions are especially good for ladies: light wines, cakes and sweets, fruits are a win-win part of the party.

Non-alcoholic drinks when serving are poured into glasses or served in jugs. Alcoholic drinks are placed in open bottles in groups at different ends of the table, next to the glasses. For used dishes, next to the main table, an additional, small one is placed on which guests will fold the empty dishes.

Means and decor of the buffet table. Leave in the center a place for a bouquet of flowers, a basket with whole fruits, candles, figurines in the theme (snowmen - for the New Year or angels - in honor of the holiday) and other decor - edible or inedible. The design of the buffet should be no less thoughtful than the design of a traditional festive table.

Buffet menu

There are no restrictions for the buffet menu. The only requirement is the convenience of the dishes. For the most part, these are a variety of snacks that are easy to put on a plate and eat. Salads are preferable to light - multi-layer "fur coats" and heavy "Olivier" are best left for the New Year.

Since the same devices are used for table setting as for a regular feast, dishes can be varied. The only requirement is that the dishes for the buffet should be served already sliced \u200b\u200band divided into portions - they should be in such a way that it is most convenient for guests to put them on an individual plate and treat themselves, as they say, “on the go”. If it is fish, then in the form of fillet, if pieces of chicken, then without bones.

Buffet canapés

Canapé is the simplest, but satisfying enough to prepare a snack, ideal for a buffet table. The advantage of canapes is that they can be cooked according to various recipes - in any refrigerator almost always there are ingredients suitable for this.

The principle of preparing canapes is the same.   Black or white bread is taken, cut into slices 0.5 cm thick, after which small portioned pieces of various shapes are formed from it. The crust of bread is previously removed. The shape of future sandwiches can be given with the help of a regular kitchen or special buffet knife. Canapes can be made square, round or triangular. If the house has metal molds for dough, then with their help canapes can be made in the form of a fish, flower or any other shape.

The bread can be fresh or slightly dried in the oven. The most popular base for canapes is the French loaf. On top, the bread is smeared with sauce or butter, depending on the recipe on which the appetizer itself and its decorations are already placed. Serving canapes is possible both with the device, with the help of which the sandwich is transferred to the plate, and on small skewers, which is even more convenient.

Cheese Canapes

For him, grated cheese is mixed with a small amount of mayonnaise and chopped dill, after which it is laid out on top of a bread base, on which there is already a leaf of salad. You can decorate such a sandwich with greens or fruit slices. A grape, a slice of melon or pear is suitable. You can diversify the recipe if you add a little garlic to the cheese, and put the mass not on bread, but on a slice of tomato, decorating the design with olive oil on a skewer or toothpick.

Buffet Snacks: Cheese Canapes

Sausage Canapes

A pre-dried slice of bread is smeared with mayonnaise, a lettuce leaf is placed on top, and a slice of ham or smoked sausage is placed on it. Vegetables and greens are used as decoration. Though not too exquisite, but for a large company, satisfying enough.

Red fish canapes

A slice of white bread is greased with oil, salted red fish is laid out on it, a slice of lemon or a slice of cucumber is placed on top.

Canapé Buffet Snacks

Buffet Tartlets

Another solution for a buffet - tartlets . These are dough baskets serving snacks or salads. The diameter of the tartlets can be different - from 3 cm or more. Usually they are sold in large supermarkets, but if you have the usual forms for muffins, you can bake them at home with shortcrust pastry ( tartlets recipe  for snacks you will find in our article "").

Salads in tartlets

In principle, dough baskets can be stuffed with any salads. The only requirement is that salads should not be too thin so that the dough does not get wet. For this reason, vegetable salads that give juice are not put in tartlets.

Buffet snacks: tartlets with salad

You can make a salad of boiled shrimp, green peas and fresh cucumber dressing with mayonnaise. Top of the salad is sprinkled with grated cheese and decorated with sprigs of parsley or dill.

Another option is a salad of fresh pineapple with smoked chicken fillet, seedless grapes and grated cheese. As a dressing, you can use not only mayonnaise, but also sweet yogurt. Depending on the selected sauce, the taste of the salad will be different.

Tartlets appetizers

The classic recipe is caviar.   The type of caviar depends on material wealth, as well as the size of the tartlet. However, usually the smallest are taken so that the snack can be immediately put in the mouth. At the bottom of the tartlet is placed several grams of softened butter, onto which caviar is stolen by a slide. You can put a sprig of greens or half a slice of lemon on top.

Buffet rolls

Rolls can be prepared both on a bread basis and directly from the original main product. The advantage of rolls is that they are convenient enough to eat, they are satisfying and look beautiful on the table.

Lavash roll

A thin layer of pita bread is smeared with mayonnaise, on top of it on one edge is laid out thread cheese and Korean carrots. The roll is tightly wrapped and cut across into portioned pieces of rolls of the desired size. The filling can be varied - rolls with smoked fish and fresh cucumbers or with ham and mushrooms are no less tasty.

Buffet Snacks: Rolls

Salmon roll

For its preparation, wide thin layers of salmon are necessary, which are folded conically and laid out wide on the dish upside down. A small piece of butter and a slice of lemon is placed inside each cone. To make it easier to cut the oil, it must first be cooled in the freezer.

Buffet snacks: red fish rolls

A beautiful and tasty buffet for you!