Nice names for the restaurant. Examples of cafe names and logos

25.04.2019 Grill menu

If you say Irish, what are you thinking?

If you say "Lola", who do you see?

Which coffee establishment is better - "Bull Frog" or "Cow Cafe"?

Where is it better to cook - in "Fast and Easy" or "Crazy"?

When opening a cafe or restaurant, choosing a unique, memorable name is an important part of the business planning process.

The name you give your cafe or restaurant can influence its success. Every word has meaning, and words create stories that are supported by visual stereotypes.

Let's take a look at the specifics of the naming of a public catering establishment.

Simplename for fast food cafe

How to call a cafe or restaurant beautifully: stages

  1. Market research and competitive environment... This is necessary to understand how competitors are positioning themselves and what the owner needs to stand out in the market.
  2. Target audience analysis to determine what customers expect from you and what influences their choice.
  3. Positioning strategy development- this is a way to correctly present the peculiarities of the institution.
  4. Generation of titles. Using the previous three steps, you can narrow down your search for the best name. Having studied all the nuances, experts will select the most beautiful names for a cafe or restaurant.
  5. The bestoptions are tested in focus groups. With their help, they choose the best name for the establishment.

Branding agency KOLORO will conduct market and target audience analysis. Also, the company's specialists will study the competitive environment in order to identify possible risks and minimize them.

How to name a cafe

  1. The name reflects the atmosphere. You should not call the cafe "Egg" if, apart from the omelet, eggs are not used anywhere else.
  2. When using your own name, it's worth considering how it will affect SEO. For example, by naming a cafe "Lomonosov", the restaurant's website will not appear on the first page of Google search results (after being corrected to Lomonosov).
  3. The name of the establishment should be easy to remember. For example, "Swallow", "Wednesday", "Bank" (restaurants in Moscow).

Popular name of the cafeeasy to remember

  1. It is important to consider the cuisine that is offered to visitors. You shouldn't call the restaurant "At Ashot" if there is only sushi on the menu.
  2. It is worth checking how the name sounds in conversation. Answer "I am in" Caviar "to the question" Where are you? " sounds better than I'm in the Groove.
  3. The name must be unique. Using a false name will backfire.

The branding agency KOLORO of a cafe or restaurant will suggest the best one and create your establishment.

The original spelling of the restaurant name

What is the best name for a cafe: options

  1. Name generator. On the Internet, you can find dozens of name generator sites for establishments of any caliber. All you need to do is enter the name, the type of products you plan to sell, the location, and the robot will pick up the name of the cafe or restaurant. Many restaurant name generators simply combine similar sounds or random words. This is the easiest, but not the most lucky way the naming of the cafeteria.
  2. When coming up with a name for a cafe, first imagine how it will look, for example, on a cup or a waiter's clothes. If a potential name does not fit or looks awkward, you should choose another one. For example, The Laughing Goat is a funny name for a coffee shop in the United States, which was chosen in this way.

Cafehe Laughing Goat("Laughing Goat")

  1. Experiments with a word: add or remove letters, swap or join two words. For example, famous chef Wolfgang Puck named his very first restaurant Spago. There is also a restaurant "RGO" ("Russian Geographical Society") - for those who like to travel.
  2. When naming a restaurant, you can use a significant date in life or a favorite place. This was the case with the Attica restaurant in Melbourne (Australia), which was recognized as the best restaurant in the country in 2017.
  3. Brainstorm with creative people to get a list of original titles. Thus, the name of the Cofax coffee house appeared. This is an abbreviation for coffee at Fairfax (Los Angeles area, USA). The name came up during a discussion about the Dodgers (Los Angeles baseball team). The creators of the coffee shop realized that if we combine the phrase "coffee at Fairfax", we get Cofax, which coincided with the theme.

Find out how the naming docks from the KOLORO branding agency work. To do this, just look into. We know how to name a cafe so that it is profitable.

Creative name of the cafe

How to come up with a name for a cafe or restaurant: popular ways

When choosing a restaurant name, consider the impression it will leave on your customers. Will it be unforgettable? Can they pronounce the name or write it down?

  1. The cafeteria can be named by location. This was the case with The French Laundry (English "French laundry" Napa Valley, California, USA). This is one of the most popular restaurants in the country. The building housed a French laundry during the 19th century. The building was once a brothel, but the owners of the restaurant refrained from using such names.
  2. The original name for the cafe fast food- the name of the main course. Thus, customers will know that, for example, in Pelmennaya they will enjoy the taste of filled dough dishes (dumplings, dumplings, khinkali), and not Peking duck.

Family restaurant name

  1. A cafe or restaurant is the brainchild of the owner, so you can use the name of the owner or people dear to him in the name. The oldest catering establishment was opened in 1725 in Madrid. Then it was called Botin, and the Botin spouses owned it. While waiting for the decision on admission to the Royal Academy of Arts, the artist Francisco Goya worked as a dishwasher in the tavern. In the 19th century, the nephew of the last owners became the owner of the restaurant, so the name was changed to Sobrino de Botin. Under this name, it is entered in the Guinness Book of Records. The restaurant has become one of the most visited places in Madrid.
  2. The use of numbers in the name is another option to distinguish yourself in the market. For example, a restaurant Caucasian cuisine"5642 height". This figure is the height of the highest point in Europe, Elbrus.
  3. Name depending on the format of the establishment. For the name of anti-cafe, words related to time are suitable, for example, "Dial", Local Time. In the title for children's cafe it is worth using the names of fairy-tale characters, sweet, images from the world of children's fantasies: Orange Cow, Totya Motya.
  4. Contact the specialists of the KOLORO branding agency. We have created a corporate identity and a unique name for the restaurant.

A well-chosen name for a cafe is one of the most important components of success. Not all entrepreneurs pay attention to this detail, and often such a step causes many unpleasant moments: from difficulties in forming a positive image of the establishment to a decrease in attendance and the number of regular customers. To name a cafe correctly, you need to carefully prepare, read the recommendations of professionals in the field of naming (the process of creating a unique name) and take into account many practical nuances.

What is the name of the cafe?

In most cases, entrepreneurs pay very little attention to the choice of the name of the cafe. To be profitable is the main goal, and few owners realize how much important role the name of the establishment plays in this process. Usually sonority and personal preference are the main criteria. Often they use personal names, for example, relatives, as well as words in foreign transcription. But it often happens that the name is chosen incorrectly, it does not correspond to the concept of a cafe, consonant with the name of another enterprise, it is difficult to pronounce and remember, which is why it repels more than attracts.

The main purpose of the name is not only for the establishment to be identified. It should evoke positive associations, pleasant emotions, distinguish among competitors, focus the attention of customers on the advantages, novelty, reflect the uniqueness of the concept of the enterprise (menu in Russian style, asian cuisine, fast food cafe). It is the name that first attracts the attention of the consumer, forms his impression of the service, creates around the shopping facility the right atmosphere, provokes the emergence of the right associations and, as a result, influences the decision to purchase a product or service. It is also important to consider the high level of competition in the hospitality industry, which includes the catering segment, including cafes, which requires business owners to use different marketing tools. This will make it possible to increase the volume of services provided, increase the number of regular customers and properly influence the target audience.

Advice: after studying the main recommendations of professionals in the field of naming regarding choosing a name for a cafe, it is worth analyzing the names of enterprises of the same format in your region, in practice, seeing mistakes and a successful choice of competitors. Sources of information will be social networks, business portals, city forums.

Criteria for choosing an original name for a cafe. It should:

  1. Be euphonic and unique.
  2. Easy to pronounce and memorize.
  3. Harmonize with the concept of the institution, its style, menu focus, work format.
  4. Take into account the preferences and expectations of the consumer of the service, push him to visit this particular institution.
  5. Give an accurate idea of ​​the field of activity, the specifics of the institution, clearly identify the brand and not create false expectations.

Cafe name - examples

You can choose beautiful names for the cafe yourself, using information from the Web, social networks and thematic forums. If necessary, you can always turn to professionals for help. We recommend choosing a name based on several criteria from the list:

  • Uniqueness. Alternatively, they use a neologism (this will allow the institution to stand out favorably against the background of competitors and achieve greater recognition at a lower cost thanks to a non-standard approach). For example, "Chaikoffsky", where the surname of a famous composer and words related to the provision of services are played; "SeaZone" - the name was created by merging 2 words: sea - sea and zone - zone, belt (in such a cafe, the emphasis is on Mediterranean cuisine); "Pate" - the designation of food is used as a name that hints at the special position of this dish on the menu, the lax atmosphere in the institution;
  • Brevity and significance. This will make it easy to remember, perceive the name, pronounce it without difficulty - "Semaphore", "Khmeli-Suneli", "Juice";
  • Emphasis on the specifics of the services provided - "Karchma", "CoffeeMania", "CampFood", "H2O", "STARBUCKS", "Stroganov-Grill";
  • An indication of the style or standard of living, price category (if this corresponds to the concept of the institution and the needs of the target audience, otherwise such a name will only confuse the consumer). For example, "El Gusto", "Kyoto" ( Japanese food), Pan Smetan (Czech cuisine), Royal Pub & Mini Restaurant, Royal Diet, Hard Rock Cafe;
  • The use of surnames, first names (but this approach must be applied deliberately, personal names are not desirable to choose) - "Donna Olivia", "Anderson", "Jean-Jacques".

Advice: When choosing a name for a cafe, it is important to consider the possibility of legal conflicts. It is necessary to clarify in advance whether trademarks with the same name are registered in this class of service, such that they belong to the category that are not subject to registration as a verbal trademark... You can clarify this using the federal information resource of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

20 worst cafe names

Most of the mistakes that are made in the process of choosing a name for a cafe are typical. If desired, an entrepreneur should devote not so much time to studying some aspects of naming in order to avoid the most gross errors. Most often, the owners of the gastronomic business make the following mistakes: they choose hard-to-pronounce words that do not correspond to the sound system, the rhythm of the language, which makes them difficult to remember; names that do not correspond to the format of the services, misleading the client, absolutely not related to the subject of the services provided. Often, the owners opt for banal names that have already been used by several companies in almost every city (and often they have a different profile of work - selling jewelry, dentistry, cosmetic services, for example, as is the case with the name "Pearl").

Examples of unfortunate cafe names:

  • The names are not related to the subject of the services provided, they are geographical names: "House", "Topaz", "Troika", "Neman", "Academy", "Sakhara".
  • They mislead the consumer: "Nigora" (created from an Uzbek name, but will be incomprehensible to most customers), "Receptor", "Abazhur".
  • They cause unpleasant associations, emotions, and can be interpreted in two ways: "Piece", "Panaeheli", "Pieces", "Hachiko", "Seven Cockroaches", "Heavenly Hell", "Clockwork Eggs", "Buchen House", "Sektacafe".
  • They are banal, get confused in the mind with other names, do not help to identify a specific cafe, do not emphasize its uniqueness: "Youth", "Spring".

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A huge number of goods and services are presented on the modern market, and now the choice of the client depends not only on the characteristics of the product, pricing policy, but also on the image that has developed in the mind of the consumer, as well as the atmosphere in the institution. For a truly successful activity, it is necessary to form a positive image, corporate style of the cafe, to focus on what distinguishes it from competitors. And choosing a beautiful name is one of the most important steps along the way.

In contact with

When creating your own business, the choice of an original name for the business is often put almost the last item on the list of tasks. Of course, the most beautiful name of a cafe cannot compensate for flaws in the organization of work, the development of methods for attracting customers. But if you choose it correctly, you will be able to avoid many problems and improve the effectiveness of an advertising campaign and promote your services.

Criteria for choosing a name for a cafe

One of the easiest and most profitable options is to open your own cafe. Such a catering and recreation establishment is similar in some aspects to a restaurant, but it has a limited assortment, it can operate in different formats, for example, self-service, a pastry shop, a coffee shop, etc. service. When choosing a name for a cafe (it does not matter where it is located - in a big or small city, village), you must take into account the basic criteria:

  1. Do not evoke ambiguous associations, unpleasant emotions.
  2. Easy to remember and pronounce, be sonorous.
  3. To harmonize with the interior design, the form of customer service, the level of service.
  4. It is desirable that the name reflects the concept of the establishment.

These parameters are also relevant when choosing. To quickly choose a beautiful name for your cafe, you can use the following approaches:

  • use a foreign word with suitable semantics, depending on the format of the institution, or a Russian word, one syllable of which to make in Latin transcription;
  • display the name of the concept, format of the institution, interior, service features, assortment;
  • creation of neologisms - words or phrases, you can combine Russian and foreign bases;
  • the choice of an easily pronounced, short name without a heavy semantic load;
  • playing with words that mean opposite concepts;
  • play on words.

When choosing an original name for a cafe, it is better to avoid using personal names (Lydia, Anna) and words that have a strong emotionality (Happiness, Dream, No worries). You should be very careful when choosing names that are tied to historical persons (cafe Stirlitz, Dovbush, Pasternak, Pushkin, Landrin), films or works of art (At the Pokrovskie Gates, Gentlemen of Fortune, Cherry Orchard, Moby Dick, Hero of Our Time, Hachiko, Turandot) , geographical areas, city names (Toronto, Tibet, Tel Aviv, Windsor). It is advisable to do this only in the case of 100% combination with the concept of the institution, so that original name did not seem too pretentious or out of harmony with the atmosphere in the cafe. It is also important to choose a name that is harmonious in meaning (for example, Chalet Berezka - in our opinion, the semantic combination of the word denoting an alpine rural house and the already boring name Berezka is not a very good decision. More examples: Old House, Soprano, Revolution, Olive Beach, Mu-Mu, Cat and Cook, Spark). And, of course, you should not choose banal, boring names: Troika, Berezka, Barberry, Marzipan, Yunost.

Advice: choosing beautiful name for a cafe (including fast food), you need to make sure that it is not occupied by competitors, not patented. You can view the list of operating establishments on specialized portals.

Examples of the name of the cafe

The name of the cafe should become a brand for its owners, visitors, easy to remember and evoke positive emotions and associations. Usually, such a task is entrusted to professionals in the field of naming, but if you wish, you can choose the original name yourself. We provide the following options for beautiful names for cafes (many positions are also suitable for fast food establishments):

Advice: if you don't succeed in opening your own fast food establishment, you should not despair, there are still many interesting and easily implemented ideas. For example, the creation of a procurement and sale business herbal tea making soap self made, growing mushrooms (reaches $ 500-1000 per 1 kg).

Choosing a beautiful name for a cafe, it is important to feel a fine line, which is not worth crossing, otherwise the name will not be in harmony with the institution, it will be positively perceived by visitors (Seven Cockroaches bistro, Hannibal, Los Vegas cafe, You Woo Eat diner ?, Clockwork Eggs). You should not stop your choice on double-digit options or those that can cause an ambiguous understanding: Paradise Hell cafe, Herase Japanese pub, Children of the barbecue. Creating a neologism for the name, you also need not to overdo it (Night Dogor, BuchenNaus, Drunk traffic cop, Deep Throat, HZ cafe - stands for “ good establishment", But evokes ambiguous associations).

Did you know that Montalto is actually the last name of Isaac Correa's friend Lenny from New York? The restaurateur named his Moscow pizzeria after him, and Lenny's friend even came to the opening. Have you seen a parallel between "Cafe Pushkin" and Gilbert Bécault's song Nathalie? Andrei Dellos created this restaurant just in response to a request from tourists who were looking all over Moscow for this café famous for its musical love story. Where do names such as "# Farш" and "Dr. Zhivago "? It turns out, according to the creators, because it is so fashionable. How did Moloko, Barrel, Noor and Crabs are Coming come about? The Village asked representatives of 20 Moscow restaurants, cafes and bars about why their establishments received such names.

« Ducks and waffles »

Evgeniya Nechitaylenko, co-owner of the Ducks and Waffles restaurant:“Of course, we knew about the London namesake Ducks and Waffles, but we didn't draw any parallels with this project. This restaurant does not play up the name on the menu in any way ( the London restaurant Ducks and Waffles has a dish called "duck & waffle" on the menu, its composition: waffle, crispy duck leg, fried duck eggs, maple syrup with mustard - Approx. Ed.). And we are just preparing waffles in the most different variations and the duck itself. So the simple and capacious name "Ducks and Waffles" accurately reflected both the gastronomic orientation and the democratic nature of the establishment. We thought for a long time what format the project should be in: a restaurant, a bar, a gastro bar, a cafe. Still undecided, we came up with our own - gastroferma. This, of course, has nothing to do with farming, just an associative array and hooligan verbal balancing act: poultry - poultry farm - gastroferma. "

Varvara Bragina, Noor bar manager:“Noor is translated from Arabic as 'light'. When the bar opened in 2009, this word corresponded to one of the main missions of Noor Bar - educational. Then the city was dominated by establishments in the spirit of uncomplicated folk wine glasses, and Noor Bar became one of the first cocktail bars with good manners, strict canons, professional bartenders, handmade crystal and a working photo gallery.

The name was chosen by the managing partner of Noor Bar Sergey Pokrovsky and his friend, the famous Russian photographer Yuri Kozyrev, who was then working in a photo agency Noor Images... Moreover, Pokrovsky and Kozyrev officially received permission from the agency to use the word Noor. By the way, now Noor appears in the name of Pokrovsky's personal architectural bureau - Noor Architects ».

Crabs are Coming

Maria Kim, co-owner of Crabs are Coming cafe:“We came up with the name in just ten minutes during one dinner with our friends from Great Britain. We said that we were preparing a project with crabs, and one of our friends joked: So crabs are coming. This phrase seemed to us very lively and cheerful, so we had no problems with choosing a name ”.

Evgeny Samoletov, co-owner of Delicatessen restaurant and bar:“With Delicatessen everything is simple: we were going to delicately prepare food, delicately pour and serve delicately, and, of course, cinema. Every time I am asked if the name of our cafe has anything to do with the film Zhenya and Karo, I answer 'no', and then in an ominous whisper, I advise you to count your friends at the table from time to time. "

Igor Trif, owner of the Montalto restaurant:"The name was chosen by Isaac Correa (Chef and restaurateur, co-founder of Correa's chain, UDC confectionery, Corner Burger, Montalto pizzeria and Black Market restaurant. Now he lives in America. - Ed.), with whom we launched a restaurant together. Montalto is the last name of his childhood friend, Lenny. This is a simple Brooklyn guy, a New York subway worker and a passionate pizza lover. Lenny took Isaac and me to the best pizzerias in town on more than one occasion, and during that time I also became friends with him. So I was very sympathetic to Correa's idea to name the restaurant after Montalto.

Moreover, it correlated with our concept. Montalto - American Italian descent, and we planned to cook italian dish, pizza, in the American interpretation. It is symbolic that this surname in translation from Italian means “highlands”, and we just wanted to be on top. Lenny came to the opening and loved the pizzeria named after him. Our menu still includes our signature pizza, which we cook according to our favorite Montalto recipe. "

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Alexander Zalessky, co-owner of the Man and Steamship coffee shop:“We were looking for a name in Russian and with a simple abbreviation, and in the end we chose the catch phrase man and steamer. This phraseological unit comes from Mayakovsky's poem "To Comrade Nette - a ship and a man" and usually implies a certain well-known person. We use the expression in the steampunk interpretation - this is the unity of man and machine, a cyborg that does incredible things and communicates with technology in the same language.

That is, a person is an experienced barista, and they have at their disposal a completely fresh Victoria Arduino Black Eagle espresso machine - the very same steamer. This car is like a sports car, so cool, thoughtful and powerful compared to others that it is taken out of the race. When our baristas introduce themselves at events, for example: "Anya Shekhvatova," Man and a Steamer "", it sounds both intricate and impressive. And this is one more of the advantages of our name ”.

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Evgeny Samoletov, co-owner of the cafe "Yunost":““ Yunost ”is a project of the Delicatessen youth team. Juniors with their typical youthful maximalism cook pastrami themselves, smoke beef bacon, insist on dizzying liqueurs, and they take money for this, guided by youthful minimalism. Besides, “Youth” is not about a place, it’s about time, time to try new, unusual, as they write on their instagram: # I tried this youth ”.

Boris Akimov, co-owner and ideologist of the farm cooperative Lavka.Lavka:“We were looking for a simple and understandable name for the project, which at the same time is associated with a delicious grocery place. The choice fell on Lavka, but when registering the trademark with Rospatent, it turned out that this word is in common use. In addition, the site was already taken. So we decided to get out of the situation with word repetition.

When Lavka.Lavka began to expand and go beyond the framework of a farmer's cooperative, we decided to give all new projects a parental attachment. This is how the Lavka.Lavka appeared. Newspaper "," Shop. Shop. Shop "," Shop. Shop. Market "and actually" Shop. Shop. A restaurant"".

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Kamel Benmamar, chef at #Farш burger:“To choose the name of the restaurant, Arkady Novikov decided to announce a competition on his instagram. In a couple of days we already had several dozen options, and Arkady chose the most capacious, laconic and ironic of them - #Farsh. It reflects the main concept of the establishment, because it is minced meat that is the main ingredient of our burgers. The hashtag and the play with the Latin alphabet are both a tribute to the origin of the name, a design decision, and a fashion trend. "

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Alexander Rappoport, owner of the restaurant “Dr. Zhivago ":“„ Grand Cafe Dr. Zhivago “is a restaurant of modern Russian cuisine. When we were choosing the name for our restaurant, we wanted to find a literary image - at the same time charismatic, romantic and at the same time outside of politics, which could correspond to our idea. It seems to me that it is difficult to find a more suitable image than Yuri Zhivago: a man who has been looking for his own, unique, unique path all his life. We had no copyright problems, we just thought that Dr. is a convenient and concise acronym. "

Alexander Zalessky, co-owner of The Burger Brothers:“The project was invented and launched by four friends. We all knew each other for a very long time and, accordingly, addressed each other “bro, brother”. Plus, at first our friends helped us a lot, and it all looked like big family, especially at festivals and fairs: everyone paid attention to us. At the same time, by the time of launch, there were already two pairs of real brothers among the co-owners - me and my younger brother Ivan and twin brothers Sasha and Maxim Lukins. Vanya and Sasha still work at The Burger Brothers, and Maxim helps us at festivals in the summer. We really like that the name easily develops both the BB abbreviation and the colloquial version - “Let's go to the Brothers” ”.

Anastasia Bulgakova, restaurant manager White Rabbit:“The white rabbit is both a Carroll character from Alice in Wonderland and a guide to a new world, life or sensation. Following him, Alice finds herself in an extraordinary, interesting and non-standard place for her, in which everything is perfect, colorful and amazing - not only for her, but also for the Queen's subjects. Likewise, with us, a white rabbit leads the visitor to an ideal gastronomic space.

The name was invented by the founder of the restaurant Boris Zarkov. The parallel with the phrase “follow the white rabbit” arose from the unusual logistics of the restaurant. Alice entered Wonderland through a rabbit hole, and for this she had to try. As in a fairy tale, the way to the restaurant is not easy: you first need to go up to the fifth floor, and then choose from several elevators the only one that can take you under the glass dome of the Smolensky Passage. "

"We're not going anywhere"

Alexander Kan, co-owner of the bar "We're not going anywhere":“When we drove into the building on Trekhgorka, we wanted to wittily beat the rather spacious entrance lobby in the room. So my partner Iliodor Marach and I came up with the concept of a secret gastrobar. At the entrance, a visitor sees a tiny travel agency, but as soon as the manager is told the password “We're not going anywhere,” he presses a button and the wall with folders slides to the side, revealing the entrance to the establishment.

At the same time, the name also denotes our gastronomic concept: we boldly experiment with dishes or cocktails from Russian products, and for this we do not need to look for inspiration in the cuisines of other countries or buy expensive overseas ingredients. By the way, the password that became the name of the bar was invented by Iliodor. "

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Andrey Makhov, head chef of Cafe Pushkin:“The author of the name unwittingly became the famous French chansonnier Gilbert Becot. In the 1960s, after touring Russia, he dedicated the song Nathalie to his Moscow guide Natalya, which quickly became a hit in France. “You speak memorized words about Lenin, about the revolution, and I think about how nice it would be to be with you in Cafe Pushkin, where it’s snowing outside the window…” Beko dreamed.

Since then, foreigners have tried unsuccessfully to find in Moscow "Cafe Pushkin", which for a long time remained only a poetic fantasy. In 1999, the song inspired Andrei Dellos to open an institution that revives the traditions of noble cuisine. This is how Cafe Pushkin got a real registration on Tverskoy Boulevard. It is symbolic that this boulevard is associated with the name of Pushkin due to other facts. In the Kologrivovs' house, where the Gorky Moscow Art Theater is now located, dancemaster Yogel held children's balls, at one of which the poet met Natalia Goncharova. There used to be a monument to Pushkin. At the beginning of the boulevard, at the Nikitsky Gate, there is a church in which the poet married Goncharova. "


Ksenia Aristova, Moloko bar manager:“In the place of the bar, from 1895 to 1917, the dairy shop of the merchant Chichkin, a giant of the dairy industry in pre-revolutionary Russia, operated. His empire included not only factories, but also a chain of coffee shops. The shop on Bolshaya Dmitrovka attracted visitors with cash registers as a guarantee of fair trade, as well as fresh and quality milk, and unsold products were poured out of cans every evening right into the street.

After the revolution, a typical Soviet dairy store settled here, which lasted until 2011. The Moloko bar opened here in 2012. The owners chose the name out of respect for the history of this place. At first, the dairy theme was played up on the menu, but over time they decided that this was unnecessary. But we emphasized the history of the pre-revolutionary dairy shop in the interior, however, we pretend that the bar is the direct heir of Chichkin’s establishment, and there was simply no Soviet Russia ”.


Andrey Fedorin, PR-manager of the Pinch restaurant:“At first, the name of the bar evoked associations with pintxos, Spanish mini-snacks, and they counted on Spanish cuisine... In fact, the word pinch has several meanings, and one of them is pinch. This is such a mini-gastronomy, a small restaurant, even by the scale of the Patriarchs, in which the hall is squeezed between the bar counter and the chef's table, like a pinch. The name was invented by Ilya Tyutenkov (co-owner of Pinch, Ugolyok, Uilliams. - Ed.), although on the night before the opening, he also made an attempt to change Pinch to "Dolphin" or to another infinitely positive term. But I defended Pinch, and, I think, not in vain. "

Andrey Korobiak, restaurant chef Scandinavian cuisine MØS:“Several years ago, at the personal invitation of Chef Rasmus Kofoed, I found myself in the kitchen of one of the best restaurants Northern Europe - Danish Geranium (two Michelin stars). Rasmus's attitude to the profession and to the team, his dedication, the very concept pushed me to the idea of ​​someday opening an institution of a similar format in Moscow. I shared this dream with my maternal grandmother who lives in Copenhagen. My grandmother fully supported me and kissed me as a sign of blessing. The word MØS is translated from Danish and means “kindred kiss, blessing”.

A creative approach to the choice of names for restaurants and cafes can be called one of the peculiarities of St. Petersburg. This trend does not bypass even the most inconspicuous food outlets. For example, recently a fan of Timati even decided to rename his kiosk with shaverma to Black Star Shawerma. In general, choosing the names of famous personalities as the names of St. Petersburg catering establishments is an already ingrained tradition, which was even noted last year by the Moscow advertiser Igor Sayfullin. He then noted on Facebook that in St. Petersburg some well-known names are often played up, combining them with the names of dishes, and the result is Wong Kar Wine, "Jack and Chan" and "Sandwich". The author of the post even invited his subscribers to think about other similar names, and then Vermicelli Obama, Brad Obschepit, Vinaigrette Garbo, Grigory SamoLeps, Friedrich Schnitzel and Warry Porter were born. Such a stock creative ideas could be useful for restaurateurs, especially given the fact that these kinds of names seem very successful to marketers.

"The use of cinematic imagery, playing with the names of the actors works well for positioning. For example, the names Wong Car Wine or" Jack and Chan "correspond to the cuisine of the establishments and attract the corresponding audience. Separating the interests of the consumer at the naming level helps him to identify the establishment as adequate to his taste and intellectual preferences. You can quickly be remembered and form in the guests a sense of conformity to their needs, "- explains the appearance of such names by the art director of the advertising group" "Konstantin Ishmukhamedov.

Good luck and misses

Over the past few years, St. Petersburg has experienced a real boom in the emergence of establishments with very unusual names, including "Pedro and Gomez visiting Larisa", "", "Sandwich", "", "Larisuvannukhochu". The latter institution is considered by Konstantin Ishmukhamedov to be an example of successful naming.

"It is, of course, not the name itself that is remembered, but the impression that it creates. And the emotions that it evokes. The audience of this institution is characterized by moderate taste preferences... They remember the funny name, and everything goes well for the restaurateurs, "he says.

In honor of Lenin and the backpack

Marketers are of the opinion that the name of the establishment does not greatly affect its subsequent success. Nevertheless, you should be careful with creativity, giving up the obviously unpleasant associations.

"The name, of course, can attract attention, but the name alone will not go far. Although some may scare away. For example, the same" Zhirobas "- I think that some part of the audience it scares off, since the associative array is not very pleasant , because very few people want to be a fat guy, "says Victoria Kulibanova.

She also notes that it makes sense to give preference to easy-to-pronounce names, to make sure that the name is attractive to the audience for which it is intended, and also to some extent reflect the concept of the institution.

"The right cultural associations help to compete successfully with similar establishments of the same price level and menu category. For example, BURO (" Bureau ") loses BURGER LAB (" Burger Lab ") in identity. BURO - too abstract for street kitchen, and BURGER LAB includes in the title a concept that is easy to read. As a result, BURO is saved by word of mouth and the location of the establishment, but if they were on the same street, then BURGER LAB would select 50% of their audience, "Konstantin Ishmukhamedov also notes.

However, restaurateurs themselves do not always follow the rules, but rely on their own preferences and sympathies.

"With" Mishka "we have a lot of things, there is a talking husky named Mishka on the Internet, but in fact, our second co-founder's backpack was called" Mishka ", and we looked at how it was written, and it seemed cool. a cozy word then described everything we wanted to do. As for the "Society of Clean Plates" - this is Bonch-Bruyevich's story about Lenin, but we did not mean that, and few people read this Soviet association. We just liked the phrase, it it means not that the dishes are washed well, but that everyone eats them up, "says Alexander Berkovsky.

Creative for tax

It is interesting that St. Petersburg restaurateurs show ingenuity and do not even neglect the question of the name of legal entities. So, the St. Petersburg Union bar is officially called Sredny Klass LLC, and the restaurants of the St. Petersburg chain are listed as Stallone LLC and Schwarzenegger LLC according to the documents. Customers of the restaurant "Society of Clean Plates" and the bar "Mishka" receive receipts with the words LLC "Kotiki" and LLC "Unicorns".

"The name of a legal entity is a thing that has nothing to do with marketing, except perhaps with" marketing "aimed at tax. It just shows our attitude to life, it seems to us that we are doing something fun and enjoyable. By the way, sometimes it doesn't matter they react to this, in the same tax office, in the inspection bodies. At least, they notice and a little it, perhaps, affects people, like the handwriting of the student who wrote the essay ", - explains the appearance in the constituent documents of" Kotikov "and "Unicorns" Alexander Berkovsky.

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