How to fry herring fish in a pan. Fried herring in a pan

01.11.2019 Grill menu

It's hard to surprise someone with a salty or fresh herring. But fried herring is undeservedly underestimated by people. Even despite the fact that with skillful cooking, it can be no worse than other fried foods.


The popular belief that such a dish is tasteless is due to the mistakes of inept cooks. The smell is certainly present. But in other fried fish, it is only slightly weaker. Herring does not contain too many bones. This fish is oily and tender.

Asian cooking recipe

To make the fish as tasty as possible, various seasonings are added to it. A great option to make a good dish is the so-called Vietnamese herring. For work, you need the following ingredients:

  • 4 fresh or fresh-frozen fish;
  • 2 garlic prongs (often put 3 for more sharpness);
  • 120 ml of soy sauce;
  • salt (how much - the cooks decide for themselves);
  • bread flour;
  • refined sunflower oil.

Cooking involves several steps.

  1. The herring carcass is washed, then the head, tail and fins are cut off. Attention: when cutting the head, it is necessary to retreat 1 cm below the gills.
  2. Further, the herring will have to be gutted, trying to avoid damage to the gallbladder. If it is still torn, it is necessary to fill everything with salt for several minutes and then thoroughly rinse. Black films inside the abdomen are thoroughly disposed of.
  3. Gutted fish is used for fillet preparation. It is carefully cut from the bones. Then garlic is crushed or crushed using a press. What happens is mixed with fillet and soy sauce in a separate bowl. Lubricate the prepared mixture with fish properly without stint. Further impregnation takes 30 minutes.
  4. Now you can heat the pan. Note: you need to pour quite a bit of oil there. Herring is plentifully breaded with flour while the frying pan is heated. The very frying of fish occurs very quickly, do not be afraid that the garlic has time to burn. Fry herring on both sides.

Classic version

But you can fry herring with onions - and the result is no worse than when frying with garlic. For 2 regular servings, the following ingredients are used:

  • 1 large fish;
  • 0.1 kg of onions;
  • 0.04 kg green onions;
  • set of provencal herbs;
  • wheat flour for breading;
  • lemon;
  • pepper and salt.

The cooking process consists of several steps.

  1. As in the previous case, you have to cut the fish on the fillet. This work needs to be done carefully, moving from head to tail. In the process of milling, a maximum of meat should be removed from the ridge. But at the same time, the fillet itself does not need to be brought to the consistency of minced fish. The knife should be large, good sharpening required.
  2. To make it not only tasty, but also safe, herring fillets are cleaned even of small bones. Then the fish is pickled with a mixture of lemon juice, black peppercorns, salt and various spices (optional). During pickling herring, it is necessary to fry half rings of onions. This must be done beforehand due to the difference in processing time. As soon as the onions are slightly fried, pepper and salt are added. The fish itself is fried only in a breaded form. If there is no flour, potato starch will be an excellent substitute.
  3. Fry herring to a beautiful golden hue. This color should be acquired from two sides. Fried fish is placed on a small plate. It is sprinkled with onions, and in the warm season - even a green onion. A dish prepared according to this recipe is both cheap and tasty.

Swedish recipe

This option is largely similar to the classic Russian method. But there are also subtleties. So, butter is used, and parsley and dill are used to decorate the dish. Roll the fish fillet before frying it is necessary in the wholemeal flour. After preparing the fillet, it is salted, pepper, sprinkled with herbs and left for 20 minutes, so that the fish is saturated with the aromas of herbs.

When the fish is saturated with these aromas, it is immediately breaded. Will have to fry thoroughly warmed butter. No other animal or vegetable oils may be used. Put the herring with the skin up. Readiness is determined by the formation of a golden crust from two sides.

Serve herring in Swedish, preferably with mashed potatoes and chopped lingonberries.

Deep Fried Fish

A typical serving in such a recipe includes 0.35 kg of herring. It must be salted moderately. Add 1.5 teaspoons of mustard, 0.06 kg of wheat flour is used for breading. Unlike the Swedish approach, fish can be fried in sunflower oil. Defrost the herring only partially - for the convenience of cutting and cleaning. Only pure fillet is prepared for frying. The skin does not need to be removed, because thanks to it the shape is kept.

The amount of slicing is determined individually. Caviar, if it is inside, is left, but it is not necessary to add it specifically. One side of the fillet is coated with mustard (best of all, where there is pulp). After that, the herring is salted. Mustard is used in small quantities - it is better to add later, when serving. If it is known that spicy food lovers will be at the table, add ground red pepper. You need to marinate the fish for about 15 minutes, exactly how much - the culinary sense will tell.

After this, the following actions should be performed:

  • slices alternately breading;
  • fried from two sides;
  • after 6-8 minutes remove the herring from the pan and serve.

In addition to choosing the right recipe, you must carefully choose the fish to be fried. It is worth adhering to the following recommendations:

  • it is unacceptable to buy herring, the abdomen of which is covered with spots;
  • if the fish is chilled, it should maintain elasticity and quickly return to its original form after pressing;
  • the larger the specimen, the tastier it is when roasted, and the fewer problems with bones;
  • it is necessary to look at the eyes - in fresh herring they are always clean and transparent; but after freezing this is no longer an indicator - you need to compare the colors on both sides: along the ridge, the surface should be darker than on the stomach;
  • it is not recommended to buy dull fish - fresh individuals always shine;
  • buying frozen herring, you need to choose one that is not covered with a large layer of snow and ice; all lines and surfaces must be even, because geometry is disturbed by repeated freezing.

To learn how to fry herring, see the video below.

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Fried herring

Should I cook a dish like fried herring?

Why not? Herring is fried like any other fish. It turns out very tasty, quite edible. The trouble is the same as with any other fish, and even a little less - the herring's scales are removed easily and without problems.

In search of a recipe for fried herring, one can read a lot of passions about the unbearable smell that stands when frying and does not weather for a long time. Indeed, if you fry salted herring or “rusty”, which has been frozen and thawed many times, the smell will be unpleasant (any frozen fish smells disgusting when cooking). When frying fresh herring, the fish aroma will be tolerant, and the taste will be excellent. You will definitely want to repeat and eat her fried herring.

Scales are removed from the fish, the abdomen is cut, gutted, thoroughly washed, scrubbing the dark film lining the insides.

Small fishes, placed in a whole pan, are gutted, leaving their heads. Bones from them are removed by eating. Large individuals are cut into pieces, cutting off the heads, tails and fins. And they are divided into fillets, separating the meat from the bones.

Fatty herring is fried in a pan with non-stick coating, without lubrication. Or in a regular frying pan, lightly greasing the bottom with a brush dipped in vegetable oil.

A simple recipe for fried herring

For 4 fish carcasses:

  • garlic - 2-3 cloves
  • soy sauce - 4 tbsp. l
  • salt to taste
  • black and allspice - one pinch each
  • dried thyme - one pinch
  • flour (crackers, semolina) and breading egg
  • lean oil for frying.

Before frying, the herring is kept in a marinade of soy sauce, crushed garlic and salt. Add pepper and thyme weed. If desired, add any favorite fish spices to the marinade. Sliced \u200b\u200bfillets with a mixture and allow to soak.

After 30 minutes, pieces of herring are rolled in any breading and spread in a heated pan. When frying from herring fat is melted, so there should be very little oil. Fry both sides for 3-5 minutes, depending on the thickness of the pieces. During this time, garlic does not have time to burn, especially if complex breading is used: the fish is rolled in flour or semolina, dipped in an egg and crushed in breadcrumbs.

Sprinkle fried fish with fresh herbs, served with any side dish.

Grilled Herring Recipe

For 1 medium-sized fish:

  • lemon - 1/3
  • dill - one branch
  • salt to taste

Gutted whole carcasses with heads sprinkled with lemon juice. Spread on the grill grill in one layer at a small distance from each other. A sprig of dill is placed on each small fish. If you want a little fish a little salted.

Fry the underside until golden brown. The carcasses are turned over, sprinkled with lemon juice and fry until tender. When frying, excess fat flows out, the fish turns out to be juicy and unusually tasty, with a pleasant crisp.

When serving, fish is sprinkled with fresh dill. Served with vegetables or any side dish. Just eat with bread. Grilled herring tastes hot and cold.

Baltic marinated fried herring

The main ingredients:

  • salted herring - 1 pc. for every eater
  • water or milk to soak
  • breading flour
  • onion to taste

For the marinade you will need 1 liter of water:

  • peas (black and allspice) - 5 pcs.
  • bay leaf - 1-2 pcs.
  • mustard seeds - 1.5 tbsp. l
  • other spices to taste
  • vinegar 7% - 1 tbsp. l

Fried herring dishes are prepared not only from fresh herring, but also from salted and lightly salted. The carcasses are gutted, cut off the gills and heads, carefully clean the inner film.

Before frying, the salted herring is pre-soaked, filled with water or milk and put in the refrigerator overnight.

The soaked fish is dried with napkins, cut into slices, breaded, fried on both sides until cooked.

The fried pieces of fish are laid in a deep bowl on a layer of onion, sliced \u200b\u200bin rings or half rings. Each layer of herring is sprinkled with onions, successively alternating onions and fish. Pour marinade.

Marinade preparation:

The water is brought to a boil by putting laurel, peppercorns, and other spices: juniper berries, mustard seeds, roots and dry herbs. It remains to add vinegar, salt. Darken a little over a fire, cool to 60 ° and pour fish. Leave overnight so that the herring is well saturated with marinade.

Fried Herring Recipe in batter

For 1 herring:

  • egg - 1 pc.
  • 20% cream - 2-3 tbsp. l
  • melted butter for frying
  • flour for batter - 2-3 tbsp. l

Fresh or lightly salted herring is suitable, not too salty. The chopped fillet is dipped in batter and fried in ghee (butter) until cooked.

Cooking batter: mix egg, cream, flour. For lack of cream, you can take as much milk. The consistency of the dough is similar to thick sour cream. When frying fresh herring, the fish is preliminarily salted and the dough is slightly salted.

Fried herring served with mashed potatoes and vegetable salads. Sprinkle with green onions or other fresh herbs. In its absence, sprinkle with a pinch of chopped dried herbs - dill, basil, thyme.

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Many citizens perceive herring only in a salty form. Most of them have never even thought about the fact that it can be fried, while it turns out quite tasty and elegant. Fried herring can certainly surprise your whole family. This fish is quite cheap, so this option will be very acceptable for most families.

Fried herring with onions

This recipe can be considered classic, and the resulting dish is quite good in taste. There are no expensive products, only fish and onions. If desired, you can add a small amount of wine to the onion, but you should start with the ingredients.

Ingredients for Herring with Onions

To prepare this dish for two people, you will need:

  • herring fish - 1 piece;
  • onions - 100 grams;
  • green onions (optional) - 40 grams;
  • white wine (optional) - 50 grams;
  • provencal herbs;
  • flour;
  • salt and pepper;
  • lemon.

Cooking method

The first step is to cut the fish into fillets. To do this, it is necessary to decapitate the herring and, starting from the place where the head was, cut the flesh along the ridge with a knife, heading slowly to its tail. This process is the most difficult to prepare. Fish should be milled very carefully so that as little meat as possible remains on the ridge, however, the fillet itself should not resemble minced fish. For this procedure, it is best to use a sharp and large knife.

After you get two beautiful fillets, you need to get rid of all the bones. After all, no one wants to eat fish and fear that a bone will fall. To get rid of them, you will need to acquire tweezers. You can buy a special one for fish, or you can take it from a cosmetic bag, this one is also perfect for this procedure.

When the fillet is completely ready, you can begin to marinate the fish. To do this, cut the fillet to make 4 square pieces. Then put them in a bowl and add lemon juice, salt and pepper. To make the fried herring even more unusual, you can optionally add various spices, but this is already for everyone. While the fish is pickling, proceed to frying the onions.

Onions need to be cleaned, washed and cut into half rings. Then toss it in a well-heated pan. It should be borne in mind that for cooking onions and fish you need different times, so it is better to cook all the ingredients separately. When the onion begins to fry, you need to add salt and pepper. You can also add a little wine and wait until it evaporates, in which case the vegetable will acquire an unusual taste, it will be with a little acidity, which is inherent in white wine. When the onion is fried, it can be put in a separate bowl and proceed to frying the fish.

You need to take the pickled herring, roll it in flour. If there is no flour at hand, you can use potato starch. Then put on a hot pan and fry on both sides until the fish becomes a pleasant golden color.

After that, put the fish on a clean plate, pour onions on top and, if the season allows, you can chop finely green onions and also sprinkle them with fish. Fried herring is a very cheap dish, but at the same time very tasty. Therefore, it is highly recommended to try it.

Swedish fried herring

This recipe is very popular in Sweden, it cannot be said that in this case there are many differences from our herring with onions.

Swedish Herring Ingredients:

  • herring - 1 piece;
  • butter;
  • dill and parsley;
  • coarse (coarse) flour;
  • salt pepper.

Cooking method

As in the previous recipe, you must first mash herring. What and why you need to do is already known, so we will miss this process. When the filet is completely ready for use, it should be salted, pepper and sprinkle with herbs. Then it is advisable to leave the fish for about twenty minutes so that it is saturated with the smell of fresh dill and parsley.

After this time, the whole fish fillet must be rolled in coarse flour. It is important to use just such flour, this is the meaning of this recipe. After the fish is breaded, it should be fried. In a pan, you need to melt the butter, heat it well and put the fish with the skin up. It is also worth noting that fried herring according to the Swedish recipe is prepared only in butter and not in any other.

When the fish gets a pleasant golden crust on both sides - it is ready. In Sweden, this dish is most often used with mashed potatoes and ground lingonberry pulp. Also, beer or wine must be present on the table, but in this case, this is already at will and in the mood.


So, many have now learned that there is such a dish as fried herring. Recipes can be very different and incredible. In this case, very standard recipes were described that do not require great culinary skills, but all the dishes prepared with them are very tasty and attractive in appearance.

And who said that fried herring is the top of culinary bad taste? Fried herring is no worse than other fried fish, and perhaps even better! The smell is absolutely any fish, but maybe a little less pronounced.

Herring is not bony, fatty and tender, so it makes sense to learn how to cook it deliciously, namely fry it.

Herring, just fried, of course, is very tasty in itself, but if you add some seasonings to it, you will get an absolutely incomparable dish! You should definitely expand the list of herring dishes with this new recipe “Vietnamese Herring”.

Ingredients for Fried Herring:

  • Fresh or frozen herring - 4 pieces,
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves,
  • Soy sauce - 4 tablespoons,
  • Salt to taste
  • Breading flour,
  • Vegetable oil for frying.

Cooking fried herring.

We wash herring, cut off the head, fins, tail and giblets.

We try to clean the black film inside the abdomen as carefully as possible. I wash the fish well, cut the fillet from the bones.

Squeeze the garlic through a press. We put herring fillet in the dishes, we also send garlic, salt and soy sauce.

Well grease herring fillet with this mixture. Leave in this form for impregnation for half an hour.

Then put the pan on the stove, pour a little bit of oil for frying. The fact is that fried herring is a dish for the preparation of which you do not need a lot of oil. She herself gives it (oil) to the pan, since it is very oily.

Bring herring in flour and spread in a frying pan.

Herring is fried very quickly, garlic does not have time to burn, as you might think. Fry on both sides. Serve with light side dishes - boiled vegetables, for example, just do not cook from potatoes)))

Fried herring - has long been a favorite fish dish in my family. We can eat herring in any form: salted, pickled, baked. Stuffed and even fried. By the way, a fried herring in a pan is prepared in just a few minutes, most of the time will take to clean the herring and cutting it into fillets. But the recipe with the photo will help you cook the fish correctly and tasty.

  Required Products:
- 350 grams of fresh-frozen herring,
- some salt
- 1.5 tea l mustard
- 2 tables. l breading flour,
- vegetable oil for frying.

Recipe with photo step by step:

  First of all, we take the herring out of the freezer, defrost it, but only by half, it will be more convenient to cut and clean the fish. Separate the fillet, ridge, bones, throw out the head and tail. Remains a clean filet. We do not remove the skin from the herring so that the fish retains its ideal shape during the frying process. If there is caviar, then it can also be left to fry together with fish in a pan. Herring fillet can be cut into large as well as smaller pieces. It depends on your preference.

  On one side of the herring, coat the fillet with mustard (it is better to coat the side where the fillet and pulp are), lightly salt to make the fish tasty. We put a little mustard so as not to overdo it. And who loves spicy dishes, you can add red ground pepper. Leave the herring to lie down a little and marinate. Literally 15 minutes.

  We roll each piece of fillet in wheat flour so that the herring comes out rosy after frying, and also has a crisp.

  Fry herring in vegetable oil on both sides. The herring is fried quickly, on each side for about 3-4 minutes.

  Fried herring can be served both hot and cold. Bon Appetite!
  And so it’s preparing