How to cook buckwheat in friable water. How to cook buckwheat - simple tips and tricks

01.11.2019 Meat Dishes

Many housewives believe that cooking buckwheat is simple, and special knowledge is not necessary for this. However, the methods of preparation we are used to are often incorrect. If every housewife knows how to cook buckwheat correctly, she will be able to make this dish not only very tasty, but also as useful as possible. Buckwheat contains elements necessary for good heart function. In this article you will learn how to cook buckwheat, and what is needed for this.

Before cooking, you need to remember one very important detail: the cereal is cooked in a proportion of one to two, that is, you add two glasses of liquid to one glass of cereal. Those who assure that they know how to cook buckwheat, usually pour water on the eye. As a result, the porridge is either undercooked or too digested and watery. If a child has been fed such a “bum” since childhood, then, as a rule, he develops a persistent hostility to buckwheat porridge.

Now let's talk about the process of preparing this magnificent side dish. There are two ways to cook: boil buckwheat in water and steam. The second method is quite difficult at home and is used mainly by restaurant chefs who put cups with groats in double boiler. We will cook buckwheat at home, so we talk about the standard cooking recipe. So, first you need to clean the cereal from unopened boxes, garbage and rinse under cold running water. Moreover, it must be borne in mind that at the very beginning the water will be very muddy, so you need to rinse at least five times. Pour the washed cereal into a pot or pot, pour a certain amount of water. Cook buckwheat for 15-20 minutes, until the water disappears completely. When the water begins to boil, it is necessary to salt it and add a small amount of vegetable oil. When the cereal has completely absorbed water and swollen, we try it. In the finished side dish, add more butter, cover with a lid and leave for another 15 minutes to make the buckwheat completely soft.

Another way

In addition, there is an option on how to cook buckwheat with milk. It is even simpler than what we described above. To do this, it is absolutely not necessary to boil the porridge in milk, because in this case it can lose its taste. In order to cook milk porridge with buckwheat, you must first boil the cereals according to the usual recipe with the addition of salt and vegetable oil. In the finished add butter and warm milk. For lovers, one can add sugar or some kind of syrup to the resulting porridge.

To prevent buckwheat from burning during cooking, use an unenameled pan with a thick bottom and walls. In this case, buckwheat will cook evenly and will not stick to the walls or bottom. Some housewives make a huge mistake, starting to stir the porridge in the cooking process. You can’t do this! It is better to boil over low heat after boiling. Buckwheat should itself boil and, without assistance, reach readiness.

It would seem that it could be simpler than ordinary buckwheat porridge? Each housewife periodically cooks buckwheat, and in almost all this process is successful. But does this mean that everyone knows how to cook buckwheat tasty? No, not at all. And perhaps that is why most children and some adults do not like buckwheat. And to make the porridge tasty, you need to understand how to cook buckwheat. We propose to talk about this.

How to cook buckwheat on a side dish? Proportions

If you are interested in the question of how to cook loose buckwheat, you should remember that buckwheat for a side dish is cooked in a one to two ratio. That is, in a glass (cup) of buckwheat, you need to take two glasses (cups) of water.

How to cook buckwheat?

Now let's talk about buckwheat recipes

Recipe 1. Cooking buckwheat porridge without cooking.

First you need to sort out and rinse the buckwheat. Wash it under cool running water. When the water becomes clear, we can assume that buckwheat is washed well. Then we fill buckwheat in a pot (you can take a pan with a tight-fitting lid) and pour boiling water over it. In this recipe, it is better to take the ratio of cereal / water equal to 1: 1.5. Salt a little and cover. Then wrap buckwheat with a towel and leave it overnight. In the morning you will have wonderful buckwheat porridge.

Recipe 2. Classic buckwheat cooking recipe

We measure the amount of cereals and water we need. Then we carry out the buckwheat peeling procedure, similar to the first recipe. After this, pour the water into the prepared pan, and bring it to a boil. After the water boils, it must be salted. Salt water to taste, and if we cook porridge for children, it is better not to use salt at all, or to salt only a little. Then we pour washed buckwheat into boiling water, mix and make the fire on the stove minimal. Cook the buckwheat until cooked (until the water boils).

Recipe 3. How to cook buckwheat porridge with milk?

Everything is simple here. First you need to boil the usual friable buckwheat, as in the second recipe. And then milk is added to it. You can use both raw and boiled milk, you can fill them with whole buckwheat, or you can make buckwheat porridge with milk directly in a plate. Such porridge turns out to be much tastier if you add a little sugar to it.

Some people prefer to cook porridge in milk instead of water. Then you need to know that for these purposes they do not take whole milk, but diluted with water, otherwise your porridge will burn. And such porridge is cooked longer than porridge on water. Therefore, it is still better to boil buckwheat separately, and add milk to the already prepared porridge.

How and how much to cook buckwheat?

Buckwheat is best cooked in a pan with thick walls or the bottom. This allows you to remove it from the stove a few minutes before being ready and let it brew and walk.

How long to cook buckwheat depends on your chosen cooking method. Perhaps you prefer to pour the cereal with water and let it cook on its own. Then the cooking time will be approximately equal to 10 hours.

If you can’t wait for so long, then the cooking method is suitable for you - classical cooking. Then you will need to cook buckwheat for about 10-15 minutes. It all depends on the amount of buckwheat and water, the size of the fire, dishes, etc. But the main criterion for determining the degree of readiness of porridge is not time, but the amount of water in the pan. When the water boils, buckwheat is ready.

How to steam buckwheat?

Measure the required amount of cereals and water. Rinse the cereal, and put it in a special compartment in the double boiler designed for cereals, and fill it with water. Then pour water into the base of the double boiler, set the timer for 30-40 minutes. After the specified time, the porridge will be ready.


Every business has its own subtleties. Even in order to cook buckwheat correctly, you need experience, otherwise it will not turn out to be crumbly, fragrant and really tasty. Well, if your personal experience is still not enough, but the desire to cook from this does not wane, welcome here. What buckwheat do you want? Traditional, green, in bags? Cooked on the stove or in the microwave? We have many recipes.

Many countries in Western Europe relate to buckwheat porridge with cooler, preferring to it risotto, semolina, oatmeal and other cereal dishes. Poor things! They don’t know what they are giving up, because buckwheat is simply filled to the eyeballs with vitamins and minerals that you will not find in its more popular counterparts in Western people. Their stocks in buckwheat are so high that you can spend some time eating only porridge and not undermine your health. Although this, of course, we will not advise you. Everything is good in moderation, and love for buckwheat, too.

What can buckwheat boast?

  1. Vitamins of group B, E, C, PP.
  2. Minerals: potassium, calcium, cobalt, iodine, boron, zinc, phosphorus. There is especially a lot of iron, which saves us from anemia, provides organs and tissues with oxygen, and participates in the metabolism. Well, for female beauty, the copper present in the cereal is of great importance - thanks to it, the nails do not break, the hair does not split, and lovers of porridges have a fresh and peppy look.
  3. Proteins, which, unlike animal proteins, are absorbed almost completely.
  4. Carbohydrates that permanently relieve hunger. Therefore, fasting days on buckwheat are not only useful, but also satisfying.
  5. Fiber, beneficial to the digestive tract.
  6. Amino acids and fatty acids, whose health, youth and beauty benefits can hardly be overestimated.
  • The habit of regularly introducing buckwheat porridge into your menu significantly reduces the risk of getting diabetes, high cholesterol, diseases associated with blood vessels (varicose veins, hemorrhoids) and other unpleasant ailments. Buckwheat increases the level of hemoglobin, prevents the formation of blood clots, makes the capillary walls more elastic, normalizes the thyroid gland, fights excess weight and removes excess fluid from the body.

Green buckwheat has a light shade, nutty aroma and a subtle flavor

On the shelves of stores, you can often find buckwheat obtained from whole grains, which had previously been removed from the shell - it is called the kernel and is great for making healthy and crumbly cereals. Those who have stomach problems or are going to cook for the smallest members of the family should look for a meal - crushed buckwheat groats, ideal for cooking dietary mushrooms and soups. And if you are seriously concerned about healthy eating, go to a specialty store and look for green buckwheat there. Such a product is not subjected to heat treatment, therefore, it retains a maximum of vitamins and minerals in its composition. In addition, green cereal can be sprouted.

Counting Calories

Oddly enough, buckwheat is quite weighty in terms of nutritional value: every 100 g of product contains, on average, 329–335 Kcal. However, the rice beloved by many diet supporters is no less nutritious, but inferior to its "sister" in the presence of antioxidants - almost 80 times!

So you can eat porridge with a light soul, without fear of getting better. Just watch the amount of butter that you will add to it during cooking - here it is really high-calorie.

Secrets of making loose buckwheat porridge

How many skills do you need to fill the cereal with water, put on fire and wait a bit? Something like this, beginner cooks argue, taking the first time to cook buckwheat. And then they wonder why she came out not as fragrant and “grainy” as she had been in childhood? The fact is that there are important subtleties and secrets here, and steamed turnip ... that is, buckwheat, is not at all as simple as it might seem.

  1. You probably remember how in childhood my mother sorted buckwheat before cooking it? It will not hurt you to do this to make sure that small rubbish, pebbles and the remains of hard husks do not get into the finished dish.
  2. To make the porridge crumbly and acquire a special, pronounced aroma and new notes of taste, it is recommended to fry the cereal a little in a dry frying pan before cooking.
  3. It is better to fill buckwheat with cold water. Although, in principle, you will not lose anything by falling asleep in boiling water - it will simply increase the cooking time by 4–5 minutes.

    There should be very little water left

  4. When the water boils almost to the end, pour in the milk (some prefer to heat it before) and add sugar. Then completely reduce the heat and wait another 10 minutes.

    If milk is heated, the cooking time will be reduced.

  5. Add butter to the finished dish.

    With such a breakfast, you don’t want to eat until lunch

  6. At the very end, removing the saucepan from the stove, you can mix 1 tbsp. l honey. This will provide it with unique taste notes and wonderful aroma, although it will slightly increase calorie content.

    Honey and Walnuts - Great Buckwheat Company

  7. Option three, for gourmets. Do you want to treat yourself to a hearty, tasty and unusual dish? Cook porridge in the broth! You will need:

  • 500 buckwheat groats;
  • 1 liter of beef or chicken stock;
  • salt to taste.


Video: recipe from the chef

In a pan, slow cooker, double boiler and oven

Our ancestors cooked buckwheat exclusively in cast iron or pots - so it turned out to be delightfully fragrant and rich in taste. In the kitchen of a modern housewife, a cast iron is unlikely to be found, but you can pick up a thick-walled pan for cereals in which the cereal can properly steam and swell. Then the result will not disappoint you.

Porridge in the oven

But to cook a really amazing, juicy buckwheat in the oven, you can’t do without a pot. You will also need:

  • 200 g of buckwheat;
  • 400 ml of water;
  • medium onion;
  • salt to taste;
  • some vegetable oil;
  • 100 g of champignons - optional.


In a slow cooker

You will need:

  • 200 g of buckwheat;
  • 500 ml of water;
  • a slice of gray oil;
  • salt to taste.


Do you know that a multicooker will successfully replace you with a frying pan if you pour washed and dried cereal into it and leave it for 5 minutes in the "Frying" mode?

Video: buckwheat porridge with onions and carrots

In a double boiler

Do you want porridge to become even more healthy and keep maximum vitamins and minerals? You will need:

  • 200 g of buckwheat;
  • 400-500 ml of water;
  • butter;
  • salt to taste.


In order not to spoil your disorder with empty buckwheat, which is not to everyone's taste, put sweet pepper, carrots, onions, cauliflower and favorite spices on raw groats, and only after that start the double boiler. You can add to the buckwheat thin strips of chicken - given that it is cooked quickly, you do not even have to increase the cooking time.

In the microwave

How not to use another useful invention designed to make life easier for housewives? Moreover, cooking buckwheat in the microwave is a pleasure. Quick and easy.

You will need:

  • 200 g of buckwheat;
  • 400 ml of water;
  • salt.


  1. Pour the buckwheat into a dish suitable for use in microwave ovens, fill with water and add salt.

    Remember that microwave ovens have strict cookware requirements.

    Still, technology makes life easier

  2. Buckwheat can be cooked without cooking. It is enough to fill the cereal in a thermos, pour boiling water in a ratio of 1: 1, add a little oil and let it stand under a tightly screwed cover for 3-4 hours, or better night.

    How to cook different types of buckwheat

    So far, it has been a question of an ordinary kernel. But what if you have to cook buckwheat or porridge in bags? Are there any nuances here? There is.

    In packages

    How to make crushed grits

    If you soak a sample in water for a couple of hours before cooking, the dish will turn out to be extremely gentle and light. True, a significant part of vitamins "floats" into the water.

    Video: loose cereal from green cereals

    That, in fact, is all the wisdom. Agree, nothing complicated? Learn a few simple rules, pick a suitable saucepan, stock up on a thick blanket, so that by all rules bring buckwheat to the desired condition, and your cereals will not be equal.

Buckwheat is a unique product that is simply indispensable in our diet. It is inexpensive and useful at the same time, and with at least a small degree of culinary skill it is also very tasty, which is why buckwheat diets and fasting days on buckwheat are so popular. This cereal is perfect for those who monitor their weight and health in general.

Buckwheat contains a large amount of useful substances, especially a lot of iron, phosphorus, calcium and iodine. Buckwheat also contains a number of vitamins: B1, B2, B6, PP, P. Being a complex carbohydrate, buckwheat is digested for a long time by the body, thereby prolonging the feeling of satiety. In addition, buckwheat is very useful for digestion and helps to cleanse the liver, and also strengthens capillaries and helps fight a mild form of depression.

To make buckwheat even tastier, you can use various side dishes. So, with buckwheat porridge mushrooms, cutlets, stewed beets are perfectly combined. You can simply add sugar to the finished buckwheat. Then you get the classic buckwheat porridge, but very tasty and incredibly healthy.

From this article you will learn how to cook buckwheat and observe the correct proportions. We will tell you how to cook buckwheat in water and milk, and also describe simple and affordable methods of cooking buckwheat in a microwave and a double boiler.

Classic buckwheat recipe

  Measure out the required amount of buckwheat, about a third of a glass per person. Go through the groats and remove garbage from it. Then rinse thoroughly.

Transfer the cereals into the pan, pour the required volume of water there and salt to taste. There should be twice as much water as cereals. After boiling, reduce gas to a minimum and cover the pan with a lid. It is important that the necessary temperature is established inside.

After 10-15 minutes, check the buckwheat for readiness. The groats should be soft and crumbly, the water should completely evaporate. Usually, buckwheat is cooked for about 20 minutes.

When buckwheat is ready, put in a porridge 50-60 grams of butter and mix. Then the porridge will be soft and full. Bon Appetit.

Buckwheat: calories and nutritional value

Buckwheat in milk should be the same as in water. The main thing is to ensure that milk does not boil during cooking. You can first boil the cereal in water, and at the end add milk and cook for another 5-7 minutes. You need to cook the cereals until the milk is completely digested. Then the porridge will be rich, tasty and soft.

In what proportions do you cook buckwheat?

  Buckwheat is cooked based on 1x2 proportions. So, a glass of cereal must be poured with two glasses of water or milk. To cook a delicious buckwheat porridge, you must remember that the volume of cereals is doubled during cooking.

Therefore, carefully calculate how much buckwheat you need. So, for three servings one glass of buckwheat in a dry form is enough, and for two people half a glass is quite enough.

  To buckwheat cooked faster, you can, after washing the groats, soak it for several hours. The cooking time is thus shortened by about half. This method is very convenient for housewives. So you can soak the cereal at night, and already cook in the morning. The cooking process then takes very little time.

To cook buckwheat, you must definitely use a pan with a thick bottom. This will allow the pair to accumulate and hold inside. But it is steam, and not water itself, that is most important for making delicious buckwheat.

It is important to measure the water with the same glass as the cereal. Then you can observe the proportions of water and cereals in the dish.

To make buckwheat more crumbly, you can first calcine it in a cast iron. However, you need to carefully monitor that buckwheat does not start to “shoot” from too high a temperature.

Buckwheat porridge with mushrooms

Do not put oil during cooking, as it boils down and forms harmful enzymes. Porridge will be tastier if you add butter to an already prepared loose buckwheat.

It is also more useful to cook buckwheat in water rather than milk. It is better to add milk to ready-made porridge, preheating it, or in the last minutes of making porridge.

When cooking, buckwheat is not supposed to interfere. This reduces the level of steam inside the pan. And, accordingly, it increases the cooking time of buckwheat.

To check the buckwheat for readiness, gently lower the spoon into the pan and slide along the bottom. If the cereal began to pester a little to its surface, then the porridge is ready.

Buckwheat Uzbek pilaf

When the buckwheat is ready, it is better to combine it with butter, cover with a towel and let stand for 10-15 minutes. Groats will become soft and tender, and buckwheat porridge will turn into a real culinary masterpiece.

Microwave Buckwheat Recipe

  Croup should be placed in a pan with a minimum volume of 2 liters for microwave and pour boiling water. Salt to taste. Cover and put in the microwave, set the maximum temperature (before boiling). After boiling the cereal, mix and cook without a lid for another 4 minutes.

Then mix again and cook for another 4 minutes. After that we get out the pan, the water should already evaporate. If all the water has not evaporated, then it can be drained, and if at the same time the cereal has not yet been boiled, then you can put it for a few more minutes. In the finished dish, add butter, sugar to taste.

Buckwheat recipe in a double boiler

  This method is most convenient if you want to cook a tasty and healthy buckwheat, while spending a minimum of energy. A double boiler will do everything for you, while you can do something else.

You need to pour the cereal into the rice bowl, which is attached to the double boiler, and fill it with water that exceeds the volume of water by 1.5 times! There will be enough steam inside, and excess fluid will only complicate the cooking process.

It is better to salt after the buckwheat is ready, as it can be salted.

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Fragrant tasty buckwheat is familiar to everyone since childhood. It is great for garnishing main dishes. But most of the times you don’t have to cook friable buckwheat on the side dish. How to cook buckwheat so that it is friable and loose.

Recipe number 1

A good porridge starts with washing the buckwheat twice. Sometimes there are unshelled grains, they must be selected. All small light inclusions collect on the surface and leave with water.

Pour 1 cup of buckwheat into a thick-walled dish (cauldron), pour 2 cups of cold / hot water, add a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil, which will prevent the cereal from sticking together. Salt to taste. Wait for boiling and reduce heat to a minimum. In this condition, buckwheat should steam under the lid for about 20 minutes. Periodically, buckwheat should be stirred.

After 20 minutes add butter or sunflower, infused with garlic, herbs. Put it on a heated deep plate, surrounded by meatballs in sauce or stuffed with tomato meat under a cheese crust. Well, or what have you got to buckwheat ?!

Recipe number 2

Pour a little vegetable oil at the bottom of the cauldron (you can add butter), throw 3 peeled cloves of garlic, finely chopped small onion. Darken over medium heat for 5 minutes. Remove the browned garlic and add the grated tomato to the onion.

1 teaspoon of sour cream will give the sauce softness, and 1 teaspoon of sugar will balance the acid. Then the sauce should be salt, pepper to taste. When the dressing changes color from red to orange, you can lay the washed buckwheat (1 cup). Stirring the cereal, let it soak in the sauce for 2-3 minutes. Pour with water and observe the temperature regime as indicated in recipe No. 1.

The bright rich taste of the side dish is well combined with boiled chicken breast, steam meat or fried fish patties. Loose buckwheat porridge outgoing steam is a hearty and healthy side dish.

  • The quality and softness of buckwheat directly depends on the growing conditions of buckwheat (soil type, weather, frequency of rain, etc.). Therefore, the amount of water during cooking may fluctuate slightly.
  • The first portion of buckwheat can be poured with water in a ratio of 1: 2 and, adding water if necessary, during preparation, determine how much liquid this particular variety will take.