Stuffed cabbage recipe step by step. Stuffed cabbage rolls with minced chicken and rice in a slow cooker

24.07.2019 Fish dishes

What to cook for lunch quickly and tasty

Cabbage rolls are a favorite dish of many. Knowing some secrets, this dish can be prepared quickly and effortlessly. An easy step by step recipe with a photo for you

2 h

170 kcal

4.54/5 (13)

Probably, there are no people who would not like cabbage rolls - this is an uncomplicated, but at the same time, such a tasty and satisfying dish. Moreover, this dish of Eastern European cuisine has become widespread in Asian and Middle Eastern cuisines, where its counterparts have been created. And there are many such analogues due to various fillings.

Cabbage rolls: what is this dish and what is its composition

Cabbage rolls are a relatively recent dish. It was in France that a dish of fried pigeons began to be called cabbage rolls. Around the same time, Russia came up with the idea of ​​serving a dish of minced meat wrapped in cabbage leaves, and called it "false pigeons."

A recipe for a variant of this dish has survived to our time, in which cabbage rolls are minced meat or vegetables with boiled rice or buckwheat, wrapped in cabbage leaves.

Moreover, each housewife has her own secrets of cooking this dish.

In this article I will try to lay out the recipe for this dish, thanks to which even the most inexperienced housewife can cook cabbage rolls. At the same time, I will try to pay attention to details that would help simplify preparation as much as possible this dish and save time on its preparation.

At the same time, cabbage rolls according to this recipe turn out to be incomparable, and when my big family gets together at the same table, be it a holiday, or just a family dinner, I hear many words of gratitude and praise for this wonderful dish.

Main ingredients for cabbage rolls with meat and rice

For a dish will need:

Cabbage roll sauce:

  • sour cream - 300 g;
  • tomato sauce - 300 g;
  • garlic - 2 cloves optional.

From so many ingredients, it turns out 4-5 servings of cabbage rolls.

Cooking time with preparation - about 2 hours.

I want to note that cabbage rolls are much tastier from round-grain rice than from long-grain rice, although I find it difficult to explain why this happens and what it depends on.

Which cabbage is suitable for stuffed cabbage

For the preparation of stuffed cabbage, the most common White cabbage, in this case, you need to choose such that the leaves are freely separated from the cabbage fork, without thick cuttings.

There are several ways to prepare cabbage leaves for stuffed cabbage. For example, you can dip a cabbage pump into boiling water after cutting out the stump. After that, holding the cabbage in boiling water for a while ( about 2-3 minutes), take out the cabbage and separate the leaves.

But I like the way the leaves are prepared better. cabbage for stuffed cabbage, which a friend recently told me. It consists in the following: put the cabbage head in a regular plastic bag, make several holes in it, and put it in the microwave on the usual mode for about for 7 minutes... After that, the cabbage leaves are perfectly separated from the stalk. This method makes the process of making stuffed cabbage easier and saves our precious time.

How to cook cabbage stuffed cabbage with minced meat

So, we have already prepared cabbage for stuffed cabbage. We have left:

  1. chop the onion, finely grate the carrots.
  2. fry carrots and onions in vegetable oil until tender.
  3. add semi-cooked rice to the minced meat, salt and pepper to taste, mix.
  4. then add the fried onions and carrots and mix well again.
  5. put the finished minced meat on the center of the cabbage leaf, and wrap it in the form of an envelope.

At the same time, if we add a little sour cream to the minced meat, as well as a little tomato sauce, it will be an excellent flavor addition to the dish.

It remains to fry our cabbage rolls in a frying pan until golden brown, and after frying, put in a saucepan. After that, pour stuffed cabbage rolls prepared from sour cream, tomato sauce and garlic sauce, cover with a lid and simmer for 35-40 minutes over low heat.

Rules for serving stuffed cabbage

As a rule, cabbage rolls are served as a separate dish, sprinkled with sour cream and sauce in which they were stewed. At the same time, sprinkle cabbage rolls freshly chopped herbs, which will enrich their taste with its aroma (dill, parsley) will not be superfluous.

Using these tips when preparing this dish, you can, without spending a lot of effort and time, create this culinary masterpiece. Your family will thank you by trying this dish prepared for the above recipe!

Bon Appetit!

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Cabbage rolls with meat and rice are a very tasty appetizing and satisfying dish. It is very popular, but not all housewives accept to cook cabbage rolls, believing that this is a long and laborious process. In addition, very often the reason is the need to boil cabbage leaves and disassemble them. But today we will cook them in a new way, which I recently learned about - our assistant will be a microwave oven, with its help we will steam cabbage leaves, which will significantly save our time.

So let's get started ...


  • White cabbage - 1 large fork
  • Pork - 1 kg
  • Polished rice - 1 cup
  • Carrots (medium size) - 3 pcs.
  • Bulb onions - 2 pcs.
  • Water - 3 glasses
  • Salt - 1.5 tsp.
  • Sunflower oil - 4 tablespoons
  • Tomato paste - 3 tbsp l.
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • Black peppercorns - 8 pieces
  • Parsley - 1 bunch


1. The first step is to prepare a head of cabbage - remove the upper flaccid and spoiled leaves, then immerse it in a bag and tie it to a knot. We put the head of cabbage directly in the bag into the microwave oven, and set the "Heating" mode. Cooking time depends on the size, on average, a kilogram of cabbage forks is cooked for 12 minutes. I have a 2 kg head of cabbage steamed in 25 minutes.

2. When the head of cabbage is cooked, take it out and wrap it with a towel so that it sweats a little more. After it cools down, we take it out of the bag and disassemble it into sheets, they will easily come off even the most delicate ones. At the base, we cut off thick veins, otherwise it will not be possible to carefully wrap the cabbage rolls.

3. Now let's move on to the filling for our stuffed cabbage rolls. To do this, we pass the meat through a meat grinder or take ready-made minced meat (chicken, pork or mixed - whichever is more to your taste).

4. We wash the rice thoroughly in 5 - 6 waters (I take polished, it seems to me that it boils down best and binds the minced meat).

5. Combine minced meat and washed rice in a bowl. Three carrots on a coarse grater, finely chop the onion and parsley, divide into two parts. We send one part to the minced meat, and leave the second.

4. Stuffing stuffing for cabbage rolls, mix thoroughly and salt to taste.

5. Now we proceed to the formation of stuffed cabbage rolls. On cabbage leaves (they are very elastic) we lay out several tablespoons of the filling and wrap them in an envelope.

6. We put stuffed cabbage rolls in the cauldron in the first layer, on the bottom I still lay the leaves that did not have enough minced meat or if they are too small, from which it will not work to wrap the envelope.

7. Sprinkle chopped onions and carrots on top of the cabbage rolls, which we prepared and left earlier. Put 2 bay leaves and pepper.

9. Pour in vegetable oil and add water to hide stuffed cabbage rolls. Bring to a boil, after the cabbage rolls boil, make a small fire and simmer over low heat until tender. The cooking time of the dish depends on the cabbage, it takes up to 40 minutes to prepare a young head of cabbage, and the winter variety (with thick leaves and dense veins) takes about 1.5 hours. After the time has elapsed, pierce the cabbage rolls with a fork, if the cabbage is soft - the cabbage rolls are ready.

10. When serving, pour the cabbage rolls with sour cream, this will make them even tastier.

Bon Appetit!

Cabbage rolls are tasty and satisfying. And today we will prove that it is also simple! Stuffed cabbage rolls in a saucepan according to our recipe are tender and incredibly appetizing. Try it yourself and surprise your loved ones!

To prepare stuffed cabbage rolls with minced meat and rice in a saucepan, use:

  • white cabbage 1 large piece (2.5-3 kg);
  • minced meat 1 kg. If you use minced pork - the dish will be very satisfying, if beef - it will become softer. And if you use a mixture, you will get juiciness and great taste.
  • rice 70-90 g;
  • onions 2 large pieces;
  • carrots 1 piece large;
  • thick tomato paste or tomatoes in their own juice 350 g;
  • bay leaf 2 pieces;
  • black peppercorns 8-10 pieces;
  • ground black pepper ½ tsp;
  • sunflower oil - for frying;
  • add salt to your liking.

How to cook delicious stuffed cabbage rolls with minced meat and rice in a saucepan?

A step-by-step recipe with a photo from the site will answer all your questions and make the cooking process clear and simple!

1. Let's prepare the cabbage. We remove several top sheets, carefully cut out the stump without deforming the sheets. Then put the cabbage in a large saucepan and pour boiling water over it.

2. We take out the cabbage only when the upper leaves become easily separated from the rest.

3. The above method works with young cabbage.

If you are cooking from older cabbage, it should be boiled over low heat. We check the readiness in the same way - the top sheets will be easily separated.

4. Now cook the rice. We remove it from heat a couple of minutes before cooking.

5. Let's prepare the filling. Put the minced meat in a large bowl. Next, we clearone onionand cut it into very small pieces in any convenient way. We send the onion to the minced meat, and rice is also sent there.

6. It remains to salt and add a little pepper. After that, knead the filling well and diligently.

7. Let's go back to the cabbage. We divide the head of cabbage into separate leaves, at the base of each you need to cut off the white seal, we do not need this vein.

8. Finally, we form cabbage rolls! We do not take a large number of filling, put it on a sheet, slightly stepping back from the edge, and wrap it up.

9. Peel and rub the carrots on a coarse grater. Peel the second onion and cut into thin half rings. Fry vegetables for about 3-5 minutes in a saucepan or in a sturdy pan, preheating a little sunflower oil well.

11. Add the required amount of salt, add pepper and bay leaves. Simmer cabbage rolls over medium heat for about 30-35 minutes. The finished cabbage will become soft, then remove from heat.

12. Serve cabbage rolls with sour cream!

We are sure that this recipe will become one of the favorites in your family. Enjoy your meal!

See also a similar video recipe for cabbage rolls


Step-by-step recipes for cooking classic, puff, lazy cabbage rolls with rice in a pan and oven: options from white cabbage and Peking cabbage, with meat, dried and fresh mushrooms, cottage cheese

2018-03-10 Marina Danko





In 100 grams of finished dish

6 gr.

8 gr.


6 gr.

122 kcal.

Option 1: The classic recipe for cabbage rolls with rice and minced meat

The best stuffed cabbage for all time! There are probably more than a dozen recipes for this dish, but the classics are always at their best. You can deviate from the recipe by choosing meat or spices, but cabbage rolls will still remain the same, proven and best.


  • large forks of cabbage;
  • a kilogram of meat, mixed minced meat;
  • two large onions;
  • carrots - one small root vegetable;
  • 100 grams of tomato (paste);
  • oil, lean - three tablespoons;
  • a glass of round grain rice;
  • a glass of medium-fat sour cream.

Step-by-step recipe for meat cabbage rolls with rice

We put the washed cabbage forks in a spacious dish. Add enough water to cover the forks with the top. We take out the cabbage, and turn on the maximum heat under the pan.

With the blade of a long knife, we make four deep cuts around the stump - we separate the leaves. String a dense stump on the blade of a knife and dip it whole in boiling water. We boil the cabbage over medium heat, disassembling as the forks are separated into leaves, and putting them in a colander.

Simultaneously with the cabbage, in a large saucepan with brackish water, boil the rice until half cooked. Pour the entire contents of the pan into a colander, rinse under the tap and leave aside for now.

Fry finely chopped onions in vegetable oil. Put part of the onion on a plate. To the carrots remaining in the pan, add the carrots chopped on a medium grater and sauté further. After bringing the vegetables to a pleasant golden hue, cool.

Taking the pulp of beef and pork in equal parts, prepare the minced meat. Grind the washed meat in a meat grinder twice, put it in a bowl. A purchased semi-finished product is also suitable, but it is important that it is dry and non-greasy.

Add the meat mass, add a little pepper, fried onions and rice. Mix thoroughly with your hands or a spoon.

We inspect the welded cabbage leaves, if there are seals on them, cut them off. Some cooks recommend lightly beating off dense sheets.

Put a little minced meat on a cabbage leaf, fold it in the form of an envelope. Correctly put the meat filling on the side with which the leaf was attached to the stump, retreating from the edge of three centimeters. When forming a stuffed cabbage, first the bottom free edge is wrapped around the filling, then the sides of the sheet, and only then is it folded further.

Mix sour cream, tomato and carrots sauteed with onions. We put stuffed cabbage rolls in a deep saucepan, pouring the prepared sauce over the layers. We add so much hot water that it covers the contents of the pan by two centimeters, put it on an intense fire, add some salt.

Bringing quickly to a boil, we reduce the heat so that the sauce in the pan boils only slightly. Covering the cabbage rolls with a lid, simmer until the cabbage is soft for about 40 minutes.

Option 2: Lazy Cabbage Rolls with Rice and Minced Meat - Quick Recipe

Lazy stuffed cabbage rolls are no worse in taste, and due to the ease of preparation, perhaps even more popular than the classic ones. We cook with almost the same ingredients and enjoy a delicious meal.


  • half a cup of round grain rice;
  • 450 grams of minced meat or chicken;
  • two white, salad onions;
  • 200 grams of common cabbage;
  • a glass of tomato juice or two tablespoons of pasta;
  • one egg;
  • two tablespoons of pure oil;
  • sprigs of tender dill;
  • three tablespoons of sour cream or mayonnaise.

How to quickly cook meat cabbage rolls with rice

We dissolve the cabbage in neat thin strips. It is important that the strips come out of a small length, since we will mix cabbage with minced meat.

Boil the rice until half cooked, and put it in a colander, rinse it, then dry it well.

Put the minced meat, shredded cabbage and rice in a spacious deep bowl. Rub one onion with a coarse grater.

In a cup, stir the egg until smooth. Lightly add salt and pepper the meat mass, gradually stir in the egg. It is important to add in parts, so as not to dilute the minced meat - when forming cabbage rolls, they should not spread or break.

Dissolve the remaining onion smaller, in slices and sauté until the color changes in vegetable oil, cool.

We spread a little meat mass on the palms soaked in water, beat it well, roll it into a ball and give it an oblong shape. Put the formed cabbage rolls in a wide and deep saucepan in rows.

Pour boiling water over lazy cabbage rolls. We add water carefully, trying to get only into the free space between them. Add sour cream mixed with tomato and sautéed onion, turn on intense heat under the pan, add lightly salt, bring to a boil. Simmer lazy cabbage rolls over low heat, for half an hour, until cabbage and rice are cooked.

Option 3: Puff cabbage rolls with rice and minced meat in a saucepan

Another option for making quick cabbage rolls with white cabbage. Rice is not boiled, only vegetables are sautéed and minced meat is lightly fried. You do not need to mix anything, all the components are laid out in a pan in layers, after which they are poured with water mixed with a tomato. No more than twenty minutes for the entire preparation, but forty minutes of slow stewing and lazy, but real to taste, cabbage rolls will be ready.


  • chicken or mixed mince - 750 gr.;
  • onion head;
  • one and a half glasses of large rice cereal;
  • small, sweet carrot;
  • tomato paste - three spoons;
  • half a large fork of white cabbage;
  • refined sunflower oil.

How to cook

We clean the carrots and onions. Rub the root vegetable with medium shavings, chop the onion smaller.

Pour oil into the pan and immediately spread the chopped vegetables. Putting on medium heat, saute until softened and discolored.

Add minced meat to the fried vegetables. Periodically kneading the meat that has seized in large pieces, fry for seven minutes. At the end, add pepper and add a little salt.

Thinly, in short strips, dissolve the cabbage and lightly crush it with your hands. We wash well the rice laid out in a sieve.

On the bottom of a deep saucepan, lay out a third of the chopped cabbage in an even layer and evenly distribute half of the minced meat over it. Cover the meat with some of the rice, evenly spread half of the remaining cabbage over it. Again we lay a layer of meat and fall asleep with the rest of the rice. The last layer will be cabbage again.

Mash the tomato in a glass of water. Carefully, slightly pushing back the layers with a wide spatula, pour in the prepared mixture near the very wall of the pan. Add warm water in the same way. It should only reach the top layer, not higher.

We place the pan on maximum heat. After boiling, salt and leave under the lid. Simmer for about forty minutes, until the rice and cabbage are softened.

Option 4: Lean cabbage rolls with rice in the oven

Cabbage rolls can be cooked not only in a saucepan, they are especially tasty in the oven. We offer a lean version of cabbage rolls with rice and mushrooms, which can be served with the festive table. Following this example, meat cabbage rolls are also cooked in the oven.


  • one and a half kilogram forks of white cabbage;
  • 250 g sweet pepper;
  • two glasses of white rice;
  • 100 grams of white juicy onions;
  • two small carrots;
  • garlic;
  • 15 gr. dried porcini mushrooms;
  • two tablespoons of grated celery root;
  • half a glass of refined oil;
  • four tablespoons of chopped nuts;
  • 200 gr. fresh tomatoes;
  • 60 grams of tomato paste.

Step by step recipe

As in the classic recipe, first prepare the cabbage leaves. We lower the forks into boiling water, as we separate, remove the leaves from the heads of cabbage. Be sure to cut the cabbage around the stalk to avoid doing this in hot water.

After cooling, we cut off dense veins from the cabbage leaves. If the cabbage is not boiled enough and does not fold well, we boil the leaves a little more.

While we are preparing the cabbage, we soak the mushrooms at the same time. Fill them with hot water for at least a quarter of an hour, and then boil them for the same time. Straining the broth, cool the mushrooms and finely chop or twist in a meat grinder.

Dissolve the pulp of sweet pepper and onion finely, in slices. Rub a large clove of garlic with a fine one, and carrots with a medium grater.

Heat a little oil in a skillet over low heat. We spread the carrots, onions, celery and fry a little, increasing the heat to medium.

Put mushrooms, pepper slices and chopped nuts with vegetables. After adding the tomato, mix thoroughly and add the rice. After extinguishing for a minute, pour half a glass of water into the pan and leave on low heat, until the moisture evaporates. Add salt, season with pepper and put in a bowl and cool the mushroom filling.

From cabbage leaves and cooled filling, we form classic cabbage rolls - we wrap the mushroom minced meat in cabbage, in the form of an envelope.

We lay out the remaining leaves on the bottom of a refractory form, on top of them - stuffed cabbage, and even higher, thin slices of tomatoes. We add half a liter of hot water to the cabbage rolls.

Tightly tighten the top of the form with foil, place it in a hot oven for forty minutes. Time is counted from the moment the broth boils.

After the specified time has elapsed, carefully take out the form with cabbage rolls, remove the foil and return it back, but already for a quarter of an hour. We bake until the top of the stuffed cabbage is browned.

Option 5: Delicious meat cabbage rolls with pork rice in mushroom sauce

Mushrooms, as a filling for stuffed cabbage, are suitable for any kind. The dish is so popular that there are even recipes according to which mushrooms are fried separately and simply added to the sauce when stewing. We also offer you to taste such stuffed cabbage rolls.


  • two large onions;
  • 700 grams of pork with thin veins of lard;
  • several stalks of young onions;
  • small forks of white cabbage;
  • 200 grams of forest frozen or fresh mushrooms;
  • one and a half tablespoons of oil;
  • a spoonful of sugar;
  • 140 ml tomato sauce;
  • 250 g boiled round grain rice;
  • dill sprigs;
  • incomplete glass of sour cream.

How to cook

Separate the cabbage leaves from the stalk in the usual way by boiling the forks in water. You can do otherwise without using hot water. To do this, you need to put the forks in the freezer for a day, and then thaw well at room temperature. After such preparation, the head of cabbage is well disassembled into leaves, and they fold well.

Boil the rice in a full pot of water, until half cooked, put in a colander.

We twist the meat and onions in a meat grinder into a bowl. Add two tablespoons of tomato, boiled rice, chopped dill and ground pepper. After adding salt, mix the meat filling thoroughly.

Cutting off the seals from the sheets, we form stuffed cabbage rolls. We spread one and a half tablespoons of minced meat closer to the base of the sheet, tuck the bottom edge and sides in the form of an envelope, and then roll it up.

Lightly boil fresh mushrooms, thaw frozen well at room temperature. Twist in a meat grinder, mix with sour cream and the remaining tomato sauce. After sweetening, adjust the taste by adding salt.

In a frying pan, heat the oil with a thin layer, lightly fry the molded cabbage rolls on it from all sides, for a minute each.

We put a couple of cabbage sheets on the bottom of the stewpan, then, layering each row with mushroom sauce, lay out stuffed cabbage. Fill everything with boiling water so that all the cabbage rolls are under water, add some salt and let it boil. Reduce heat to minimum, simmer with the lid closed for an hour.

Option 6: Mushroom Cabbage Rolls with Peking Cabbage Rice and Champignons

If before that we put mushrooms in the sauce, then here's a recipe for mushrooms as minced meat. The list is not limited to one variety of mushrooms indicated in the recipe, you can take any, preparing them according to the variety or mix several types.


  • half a cup of large long-grain rice;
  • champignons - five medium-sized mushrooms;
  • medium-sized carrot;
  • Chinese cabbage forks;
  • two tablespoons of pure oil;
  • a glass of natural tomato juice and one fresh tomato;
  • large garlic clove;
  • large onion, salad variety;

Step by step recipe

Cook rice in any way you know, so that the result is a crumbly porridge, and each grain bounces when biting. The simplest way is to pour the sorted and washed cereals into boiling water, six times the volume of rice. Simmer at a moderate boil, tasting the rice per tooth. When ready, rinse thoroughly with water.

Peel all vegetables except the tomato. Wash and cut into cubes. Heat a frying pan, pour in oil, let it heat a little. Put the mixture of vegetables and simmer for about five minutes, then pour out the rice, mix into a uniform mass. Salt the filling and turn off the hotplate under the pan.

Disassemble the cabbage head with separate leaves, removing flabby and torn ones. Even a medium fork should suffice in abundance. We spread the portions of the filling with a spoon and roll the cabbage rolls tightly, put the ready-made ones in a baking dish. Pour oil into the juice, salt, add chopped garlic. Pour stuffed cabbage with tomato.

The oven temperature is about two hundred degrees, the time for cooking stuffed cabbage, laid in one layer, will take up to a quarter of an hour. If you have a large serving, lengthen the process by at least five minutes.

Option 7: Festive Jewish cabbage rolls with rice in an unusual gravy


  • veal shoulder (tenderloin) - 500 grams;
  • half a glass of good rice;
  • eggs, large - 2 things;
  • 750 gram white cabbage forks;
  • large salad onion;
  • tomato, 25 percent - two spoons;
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • oil, vegetable - as needed;
  • a tablespoon of honey;
  • 150 grams of rye bread crumbs;
  • pepper, half a spoonful of dry basil, table salt, fine.

How to cook

Remove the outer leaves from the head of cabbage, wipe first with a damp, then dry cloth. Cut the stalk by grasping the seals on the underside of the leaves. Wrap with cling film and leave for five minutes in a microwave oven at maximum power. Disassemble the head of cabbage into individual leaves, cut off the thick parts, and slightly beat off the rest with a hammer. Be careful not to tear the leaves themselves.

Cut the beef and put it to simmer under a lid, pour a minimum of water, in extreme cases, it is better to add it little by little. When the meat is ready, take it out and refrigerate, do not pour out the broth. You can evaporate or dilute it a little, we need exactly two glasses.

Boil the rice into a crumbly porridge, rinse and let cool completely. Cut the onion into slices and heat slightly until it loses its matte shade. Cook hard-boiled, cool and clean the eggs, for the sake of simplicity, rub with a coarse grater, but you can also chop with a knife.

Grind the meat, best of all with an ordinary manual meat grinder. Mix with rice and eggs, add onion, season with garlic, salt, add basil and pepper. Thoroughly knead the minced meat and stuff the cabbage rolls, roll them up in a tight envelope.

Cabbage rolls need to be fried a little. Heat oil in a frying pan, pouring a very thin layer. We spread and turn the cabbage rolls as necessary. We put the toasted semi-finished products in dense rows in a saucepan.

Grind the crackers into coarse crumbs. We heat the broth strongly, dissolve honey and tomato in it. Salt and pepper, fill with a mass of crackers and boil over low heat for up to ten minutes.

Fill the cabbage rolls with gravy, set the pan to minimum heat. We simmer for about half an hour and serve, always with gravy.

Option 8: Unusual stuffed cabbage rolls with rice and cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is more often used for stuffing cold-cooked cabbage rolls. If you know such an appetizer, we hope the "hot" darlings will not be embarrassed either. Add a little garlic and even pepper to the cottage cheese, removing sugar from there, respectively.


  • medium-sized white cabbage forks;
  • half a glass of flour;
  • a spoonful of pork lard and two - thick tomato paste;
  • a liter of any broth (use as needed);
  • a full glass of sour cream;
  • a pound of fatty and dry cottage cheese;
  • a third of a glass of rice;
  • one fresh egg;
  • salt, vegetable oil and sugar.

Step by step recipe

Rinse the rice and cook in a large volume of water, into a crumbly porridge. Rinse again, already boiled, and let cool.

Release an egg into the curd, salt, add sugar and sour cream, grind with a meat grinder and mix with rice. Set aside temporarily.

Separate the outer leaves from the head of cabbage, cut the tough stump as deep as possible. Dip the forks in boiling salted water and cook until the leaves are soft. We lift and pull out the head of cabbage with a fork, plunging it into the rest of the stump, remove the outer leaves. Dip in boiling water and repeat until we gut all the forks.

We put the minced meat in portions, fold it tight and while collecting it in a pile. When all the semi-finished products are ready, heat the lard in a pan and, saute with flour, fry the cabbage rolls on all sides.

We put stuffed cabbage rolls tightly into a saucepan, pour broth only to the top of the semi-finished products, put the tomato, the rest of the sour cream, pour the fat from the pan. Salt to taste and simmer for half an hour.

Option 9: "Dolma" - stuffed cabbage rolls with rice and minced meat in grape leaves

Dolma is a slight deviation from the classic rules; we will not wrap cabbage rolls in cabbage leaves. For the rest, you can take any of the minced meat listed in the article, and feel free to cook them in an unusual frame.


  • fifty tender grape leaves;
  • a kilogram of medium-fat pork;
  • just over half a glass of raw rice;
  • tomato, thick, unsalted - four spoons;
  • two large onions and one carrot;
  • any chopped greens;
  • salt, a mixture of aromatic and hot peppers.

How to cook

Rinse the meat and cut into suitable pieces for grinding, peel and cut one onion. Scroll through a meat grinder, salt and season with finely chopped herbs, add spices and knead the minced meat.

Boil, as for ordinary stuffed cabbage, rinse and cool the rice. Combine with minced meat and knead again, especially carefully. Peel, cut into slices and set aside the second onion and carrots for now.

Rinse the leaves, cut off cuttings from them. Pour boiling water over and stand until a noticeable color change. Drain the boiling water, shake off the moisture remaining on the leaves, spread on the table, let dry slightly.

Stuff and roll cabbage rolls, as if they are from familiar cabbage leaves, put them in a thick-walled pot, sprinkle with onions and carrots. Pour the tomato and a glass of warm water on top, simmer under the lid for about forty minutes.

Is a very difficult and time-consuming recipe. In principle, I can agree with this statement, but still with certain reservations. Indeed, it is not so quick and easy, but if you have a good, proven recipe for stuffed cabbage rolls with minced meat and rice, and you know what and how to do, then this is not as scary as it might seem at first glance. How to cook cabbage cabbage rolls with minced meat, my mother taught me - she showed me how to properly wrap the filling, and how to prepare the filling, and how much to keep the cabbage rolls on the stove ...

And believe me, this science is quite possible to master, if only you want to. So, if you love this dish, but do not know how to cook stuffed cabbage rolls with minced meat and rice, I will gladly tell you all the details today. Welcome to my kitchen, we will be the boss!


  • 10 cabbage leaves (medium size);
  • 300 g minced pork;
  • 1 onion (medium)
  • 1 small carrot;
  • 3 tablespoons of rice;
  • 100 g sour cream;
  • 2 tablespoons tomato sauce
  • salt, black pepper - to taste.

How to cook cabbage rolls with rice and minced meat:

For stuffed cabbage we choose loose heads of cabbage, not very dense - leaves are easier to remove from them. Carefully remove the top leaves by cutting them at the base. We cut them into 3-4 parts - to make small stuffed cabbage rolls.

In a wide saucepan, bring water to a boil, add some salt to it. Dip the cabbage leaves in boiling water and boil. The cooking time depends on the variety and quality of the cabbage. For young cabbage, 1 minute is enough, for ordinary cabbage - 2-3 minutes. Do not overcook the cabbage - the leaves should be soft but not loose. In boiled cabbage, cut out the thickened places that are located at the base of the leaf.

Now we make minced meat for stuffed cabbage rolls with rice. We wash the rice and boil until half cooked. Rub the onion on a fine grater. Rub the carrots on a coarse grater. Combine rice, minced meat, onions, carrots in a bowl (we do not use all the carrots - we leave 2-3 tablespoons to put on top of the cabbage rolls) and rice. Put salt and pepper.

Mix thoroughly.

Put minced meat on each cabbage leaf from a thicker edge (the amount of minced meat depends on the size of the leaf).

We wrap it in a roll.

Minced meat is visible in the uncovered edges, but this is not scary - it will not fall out of the stuffed cabbage, but they will be neat, even, like fingers.

Pour a little, half a centimeter, broth from cabbage leaves into a saucepan. Then we spread the cabbage rolls tightly, trying to fill the entire space. We spread the stuffed cabbage layer by layer until they run out.

Put the remaining carrots on top of the cabbage rolls and fill them with filling. For pouring, combine sour cream with tomato paste, half a glass of cabbage broth and mix to get a homogeneous mass. Add salt to taste.

We put the pan on the fire and bring to a boil. After boiling, reduce the heat so that it does not boil too violently, and cook for 45 minutes.