The benefits and harms of common raspberries, forest (wild), black. Useful properties of raspberries

17.09.2019 Buffet table

In gardens and summer cottages, you can sometimes find raspberry bushes with black berries. Such raspberries are called blackberries. Many people mistake it for a blackberry. Indeed, the external resemblance is very large: large black berries with a purple tint and thorny shoots. Black raspberry-like raspberry, combining many of the beneficial properties of red raspberries and blackberries, surpasses them in yield, taste and, above all, usefulness for human health.

Calorie content of black raspberries

Black raspberries, in comparison with red ones, are more high-calorie food - 72 Kcal per 100 g versus 46-60. Given the low protein and fat content and high carbohydrate content, black raspberries are used in low protein diets. Delicious black raspberries are a good alternative to brownies or chocolates.

Black raspberries: the composition of the miracle berries

In the late 1990s, with the advent of new large-fruited blackberry varieties, many gardeners abandoned the cultivation of black raspberries - and in vain!

Black raspberry has a unique and unusual chemical composition that allows it to remain the leader among other useful and medicinal plants. Many scientists believe that black raspberries have surpassed all other varieties of raspberries and blackberries in their qualities. It contains all those vitamins, micro- and macroelements that these plants contain (slightly inferior in vitamin C and organic acids).

Did you know? It took American gardeners eighteen years to learn how to propagate black raspberries. In 1850 H. Doolittle succeeded in this with the help of apical layers. This contributed to the active development of breeding work in America and Europe. In 1896 D. Miller bred the famous Cumberland variety. This variety of black raspberries can withstand temperatures down to -30 ° C. At the beginning of the twentieth century. gardeners from the USA, France, Great Britain, Poland, Japan and other countries have developed dozens of new varieties (Bristol, Morrison, Naples, Dundee, etc.).

But The main benefits of black raspberry are its high content:

  • iron (surpasses all other berries), copper and manganese;
  • β-sitosterol;
  • anthocyanins, antioxidants and ellagic acid (twice as much strawberries, walnuts - three times).

In addition, the vitamin and mineral complex in black raspberries is represented not only by vitamin C, but also by vitamins of group B (1, 2, 5, 6, 9), PP, A, E, H, as well as iodine, zinc, boron, potassium, calcium, fluorine, cobalt, phosphorus, selenium, sodium.

Black raspberries contain fiber, polysaccharides, tannins.

Did you know? Experts (doctors and nutritionists) in the United States have calculated that if you eat two kilograms of black raspberries a year, the risk of cancer is almost completely reduced. The tone of the body rises, the aging process slows down.

Medicinal properties and benefits of black raspberries for the body

The black raspberry berry has received the informal title "queen of berries" for its beneficial properties. Due to its composition, it has special properties.

Regular consumption of black raspberries allows:

  • remove heavy metals and radionuclides from the body (due to radioprotective properties);
  • reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol;
  • lower blood pressure levels;
  • increase the level of hemoglobin, the number of blood cells (in the treatment of anemia);
  • improve skin and vision (thanks to the anthocyanins in black raspberries);
  • to strengthen the walls and improve the condition of blood vessels;
  • relieve puffiness (when treating the bladder);
  • improve the digestive tract, eliminate gastric and intestinal problems;
  • reduce the risk of developing malignant neoplasms (due to the high content of ellagic acid), slow down the development of cancers of the esophagus, cervix, colon and breast.

Important! People with high blood pressure should switch to regular consumption of black raspberries. The berries of this plant replace chemicals and provide long-lasting and long-lasting results, rather than short-term effects.

The black raspberry berry is especially useful for women's health. When treating infertility, various gynecological diseases, it is recommended to actively consume black raspberries. Women who have problems with the menstrual cycle can drink tea from it and use its beneficial properties to reduce pain, normalize the cycle, etc.

Black raspberry - the best remedy for the treatment of ARVI. Honey combined with raspberries further enhances its beneficial properties in the treatment of sore throats. A good gargle is a black raspberry decoction. This berry is especially useful in spring, when the body needs vitamins and is vulnerable to infections.

Did you know? Raspberry water is a proven folk remedy with which you can quickly sober up when drunk, reduce the effects of a hangover (for this you just need to drink a liter of raspberry water).

Not only berries, but also black raspberry leaves have healing properties, which also contain a lot of useful things (organic acids, folic acid, iodine, manganese, flavonoids, vitamins C, K, E, magnesium, etc.). Leaves are used in the form of decoctions, infusions, tea. Decoctions are used to treat colds, bronchitis (the leaves have good expectorant and diaphoretic properties).

In folk medicine, medicinal tea made from black raspberry leaves is very popular. Among the recipes for how to properly brew raspberry leaves, the simplest is to pour two tablespoons of dry raspberry leaves into a thermos and pour a liter of boiling water. After three hours, the infusion will be ready. Drink it 100 ml three times a day 20 minutes before meals.

Important! Black raspberry leaves are best harvested in June – July. They need to be collected from the upper shoots - young, without damage and traces of the disease. It is better to dry in a dark, dry and well-ventilated place on paper (so that there is no smell).

Such useful properties of raspberry leaves, such as anti-sclerotic action, anti-cold, tonic and others, make them indispensable in complex treatment.

The benefits of black raspberries for female beauty

Black raspberry has found active use in cosmetology. Moreover, not only berries are used, but also leaves, raspberry flowers.

So, the leaves ground into gruel (with a blender, for a small amount - you can grind in a mortar) are used in the form of masks (for acne and skin inflammation). The mask is applied for 15-20 minutes and washed off with warm water.

The hair is washed with a decoction of the leaves - this heals them, strengthens the roots, and stimulates growth. A decoction is made from the flowers of black raspberries, which is used in the treatment of erysipelas.

The beneficial properties of black raspberry juice, which are actively used in cosmetology for women, are the ability to maintain skin tone, tighten pores, and suspend the aging process.

Black raspberry pulp and juice are the main ingredients of the masks:

  • for oily skin - berry (apply berry pulp to the skin);
  • for normal / dry skin. Mix raspberry pulp (2 tsp) with egg foam (beat 1 egg), sour cream (1 tsp) and apply for 20 minutes. Rinse off with cold water. Another option is a raspberry and yogurt mask.

Black raspberry lotion effectively cleanses the skin. To prepare it, 1 tbsp is required. l. raspberries and 300 g of vodka. Raspberries should be insisted in a dark place for 10 days, strain, add 600 ml of boiled water.

How to choose the right raspberries when buying

Black raspberries easily tolerate transportation, retain their elasticity and integrity for a long time, so there are no special problems when choosing raspberries on the market. When choosing black raspberries, you should evaluate it visually and tactilely (take a berry with your fingers). The best thing is to taste and appreciate its taste and aroma.

Everyone knows about the existence of such wonderful, tasty and aromatic berries like raspberries. You can make jelly, compote, jam from it, or simply use it fresh and frozen.

In Russian folklore, raspberries are always associated with extremely delicate taste, sweetness and beauty.

However, not everyone knows what properties black raspberries have.

Many people believe that this berry is a blackberry and this is fundamentally wrong. In fact, this is a separate variety of raspberries, which only outwardly resembles blackberries.

Black raspberries spread throughout the world from North America. In Russia, it arose not too long ago and is found only in a small number of gardeners.

However, such raspberries are extremely popular in European countries, especially in Poland, France, Great Britain, and sometimes they can also be found in Japan.

Properties and calorie content of black raspberries

The calorie content of this berry is quite low and is only seventy-two calories in one hundred grams of the product. Most of the calories in total calories are.

Since the berry contains extremely little fats and proteins, many of the fair sex have found use for it in drawing up a nutritional menu for effective weight loss.

Naturally, this berry, rich in carbohydrates, can be replaced with not so sweet varieties of foods, if a person has a large amount of sugar in the blood.

The properties due to which black raspberry has amazing benefits for the body are available in this one due to its amazing composition.

This berry contains a large amount of iron, which distinguishes it from other types of berries.

This is due to the fact that iron, which is rich in the composition of black raspberries, significantly increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood, which means that a disease such as anemia is being treated. In addition, these raspberries contain vitamin C and vitamin A.

The black color of this raspberry is associated with the pigments anthocyanins. These are strong enough antioxidants to improve the condition of the skin and eyesight, as well as help heal ulcers.

According to the results of the latest research by scientists, which were carried out in Ohio, with the constant use of black raspberries, the risk of developing cancer practically disappears.

In addition, the use of this variety of raspberries is beneficial in lowering the level, prevents the formation of cholesterol deposits in the vessels.

It also has properties that contribute to the treatment of sclerosis and common. The latest developments of specialists have proven the benefits of such raspberries in the removal of radionuclides from the body.

Harm and contraindications

This berry, like other products, has its own contraindications, in the presence of which black raspberries should be limited or completely excluded from your menu, even if you want to use them for weight loss.

♦ Allergic reaction in those people who have a predisposition.

♦ If you have gastritis, you should completely exclude such raspberries from your diet.

These are all contraindications. However, if they are absent, care should be taken when using the berry.

The harm from black raspberries lies in the unusual composition of the berry, which contains an amazing combination of various substances.

In this regard, the body may not function properly during the assimilation of the product. In addition, the body can get harm from raspberries if you practice the use of berries as part of soft drinks.

This can cause sore throat. If, nevertheless, it was not possible to avoid the use of black raspberries in this form, it is best to end the meal with hot tea.

Be irresistible!

Every person with the word "raspberry" has some kind of association, an image that is associated with this berry. Someone will remember the fragrant teas made from raspberry leaves and twigs, which grandmother brewed for a cold, someone will think about jam, and someone will simply present a basket of fragrant berries. In any case, the taste and aroma of the berry is familiar to everyone, and most people will say that this is their favorite berry. The benefits of raspberries have long been studied, and traditional medicine has accumulated a huge supply of recipes with this aromatic product. Let us consider in detail what is the usefulness of raspberries, is there any harm, is it possible for everyone to use these berries, and how raspberries affect the human body.

Raspberry application

Raspberries are a favorite berry for many adults and kids. The variety of berry-based culinary products is difficult to enumerate: syrups, preserves, jams, jam, compotes, juices and infusions. Also, raspberries are used in the filling of sweet pastries. In addition to its high taste, raspberries are valued for their high medicinal properties. Moreover, all parts of the plant are valuable. It turns out that raspberries combine medicinal and gastronomic value.

Raspberry drink has valuable properties, is able to tone up and invigorate. Blackberries have similar qualities and are considered a close relative of raspberries.

Chemical composition and caloric content of the product

The medicinal properties of the berry are explained by its composition, which is rich in the content of micro and macro elements, vitamins. The following trace elements are found in raspberries:

  • copper;
  • cobalt;
  • manganese;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • fluorine.

Macronutrients include:

  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • chlorine;
  • calcium;
  • sulfur;
  • magnesium.

Raspberries contain a lot of vitamins:

  • B vitamins (B1, B2, B5, B6, B9);
  • vitamin PP;
  • vitamin A;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin H.

Raspberries are considered one of the least high-calorie berries. One hundred grams of the product contains a little less than fifty calories. If we talk about the nutritional value of raspberries, then it contains: organic acids, ash, water, dietary fiber, monosaccharides, disaccharides, fatty acids. One hundred grams of berries contain proteins and fats in almost equal proportions and carbohydrates, making up more than eighty percent of the total.

General information about the evading peony

Types of raspberries, their peculiarity

In addition to the well-known raspberry, which grows on many household farms, there are also other varieties. Not very well known, but nevertheless equally useful varieties of black and yellow raspberries. Black raspberries vaguely resemble blackberries, they are familiar to amateur gardeners, and it is not often possible to find black raspberries on the market for sale. Scientists from the American University of Georgia have researched the product and claim that the black variety is even more beneficial than the red one. The main advantage of the black berry is the ability to resist the development of cancer. The product contains a substance that is a powerful defense against mutant cells. Antioxidants, of which there are several times more in the black variety, have a destructive effect on free radicals and destroy pathological cells.

Yellow raspberries are still a rare occurrence in markets and markets. The advantage of such a product is that, due to its color, this product can become an affordable food for allergy sufferers. It is noted that those who are allergic to common red raspberries can safely consume yellow ones. The high content of folic acid helps prepare the body for future pregnancy, all those who plan to conceive a child need to consume yellow raspberries.

The benefits of a raspberry product for the human body

Raspberries are good for both men's and women's health. Raspberry berries are a prophylactic agent against prostate adenoma. Eating raspberries helps a man to always be in shape. As for the effect of the product on women's health, the use of raspberries in women has a huge positive effect on the body:

  • uterine bleeding decreases and stops;
  • menstruation becomes less abundant;
  • the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome are removed;
  • the work of the ovaries is normalized;
  • age spots on the face and hands brighten;
  • infertility is treated.

Raspberry decoction is also an effective remedy for genital douching in inflammatory processes. The use of berries reduces constipation, improves intestinal motility. For those women who regularly use berries for food, the quality of the skin improves, it becomes healthy, the elasticity and firmness of the skin increases. If we talk about the general effect on the human body, we can highlight the following beneficial properties of the berry:

  • effective remedy for colds, helps to bring down the temperature, is a diaphoretic;
  • stimulates the immune system, helps not to get sick during epidemics;
  • effective for anemia;
  • helps to get rid of digestive problems;
  • maintains the health of blood vessels, cleans the lumens of cholesterol plaques;
  • with high blood pressure, it helps to stabilize the numbers;
  • helps to concentrate, activates thought processes, fights depression.

What and why is mint useful for the body

Raspberry leaf

As already mentioned, raspberries are healthy in every part of them. In addition to berries, the leaves of the plant also have a huge healing and prophylactic effect.

A decoction of the leaves is rich in a large amount of nutrients and is recommended to be taken for various colds. And the content of vitamin C in the leaves exceeds that in the berries of the plant.

Leaf infusions are used as a therapeutic agent for hyperthermia, helping to thin and cough up phlegm. When rinsing the mouth and throat, you can heal from tonsillitis, stomatitis, gum disease. A decoction of the leaves has the ability to stabilize pressure, lowering it at high numbers. The broth launches the immune reserve and helps to resist diseases or heal faster. If fresh leaves are rubbed to a puree state and applied to the skin of the face prone to acne, then after several courses the skin of the face will be significantly cleansed. Collect raspberry leaves for drying in late spring. May is considered the month when the content of nutrients in the plant is maximum. It is recommended to dry the product in a thin layer in places where direct sunlight does not fall.

The benefits of raspberry food for weight loss

For those who are tired of carrying extra pounds, nutritionists advise introducing this product into their diet.

The effect is due to the composition of the berries:

  • the product is low in calories, so it can be eaten without restrictions;
  • special enzymes speed up the metabolic process and burn fat;
  • the copper in the product promotes the elimination of fluid;
  • dietary fiber increases in the intestines and provides a feeling of fullness, it is an ideal snack to drown out hunger and promote weight loss;
  • the berry does not exacerbate the feeling of hunger;
  • raspberries improve the functioning of the digestive system;
  • reduces the content of fatty cholesterol fractions in the blood;
  • copper has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system and helps fight stress.

There are even raspberry diets that can help you shed a few pounds.

The influence of raspberries on the human body

The influence of raspberries on the human body has been fully studied. Raspberries are an excellent medicine for depressive conditions, loss of energy.

Even in a bad mood, a cup of fresh raspberries can affect the emotional background. It affects the work of organs and systems:

  • for the kidneys - relieves swelling, accelerates fluid excretion, prevents water retention in the body;
  • for the liver - helps to restore the affected organ;
  • for the heart - strengthens the heart muscle;
  • with a hormonal surge - removes the release of hormones, normalizes the hormonal background;
  • with anemia - has a beneficial effect on the process of hematopoiesis.

Raspberry leaf decoctions are prepared with both fresh and dried products. This remedy is effective for colds, to stimulate the immune system. The remedy is effective for sore throat: sore throat, pharyngitis and other diseases. When washing with such a product, the skin of the face will acquire an ideal appearance. After shampooing, rinsing the hair will improve the structure of the hair.

Berry harm

Even the best and most effective medicine can be harmful if taken incorrectly. For people without serious health problems, the use of raspberries is completely safe, but for those who have the following diseases, you need to be careful when eating berries:

  • berry allergy;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • gastritis and stomach ulcers;
  • diabetes;
  • gout;
  • kidney disease.

Even in the absence of an allergy to raspberries, excessive consumption of it can cause allergic manifestations. Berries have a laxative effect, and this makes its use undesirable for children of early childhood (up to twelve months). Raspberries can provoke uterine contractions, so you should be extremely careful when introducing a berry into the diet of pregnant women. As you can see, the harm and benefits of raspberries have been fully studied, and the use of the product correctly will help to establish a state of health. The medicinal properties of the berry are preserved better when freezing, drying, grinding raspberries with sugar in one to one proportions. Harvesting raspberries for the winter will allow you to use a healthy product all year round.

Raspberries are a favorite medicine for adults and children. Even the most capricious patients enjoy raspberry syrup, jam or infusion with pleasure.

And there is nothing to say about fresh raspberries - there is no other such fragrant, beautiful and tasty berry anymore.

Raspberry, as a medicinal plant, is valued not only for its fruits, all its parts can bring benefits to the human body: leaves, flowers, and roots.

The raspberry berry attracted us to itself ...

If we talk about the medicinal properties of raspberries, then for many they are such a pleasant addition to its gastronomic value.

For example, viburnum is no less useful, however, even knowing about it, few people will immediately introduce it into their diet - the taste is too specific. Raspberries are another matter. It is eaten with pleasure by everyone - from small to large, at any time of the year and in any form.

Raspberries are one of the most popular garden berries. Yes, and in the wild is not rare.

Wild raspberries, although smaller than cultivated ones, are several times more aromatic and richer in vitamins. She is also a symbol of an easy carefree life in Russian folklore: “life is a raspberry!”.

What is not prepared from raspberries: compotes, jams, preserves, sauces, liqueurs, wine and liqueurs, teas, fillings, vinegar and much more.

By the way, in the summer, there is no better tonic drink than raspberry compote without added sugar. It is delicious, and quenches thirst, and protects from summer colds.

Raspberries are a great honey plant, and bees, collecting raspberry nectar, increase the yield of bushes by an average of 75%.

A bit of history

Immediately a fact: Russia is in the first place in the world market for the supply of raspberries.

The raspberry owes its popularization in Russia to Yuri Dolgoruky. It was with his light hand and weighty word at the beginning of the XII century that the mass domestication of this, as they say, Asian, semi-shrub began.

Both the ancient Greeks and the ancient Romans were involved in the cultivation of raspberries. And, according to the legend, even the baby Zeus was fed with sweet, ripe and aromatic berries.

Wild raspberry grows in shady pine and mixed forests, loves moderate moisture. Its yield can never be predicted - it does not happen year after year, although modern breeding has achieved some success and can boast of fairly even fruiting.

The closest relatives of raspberries, which differ in the sweetness and color of the berry, are cumanic and blackberries.

Chemical composition

The benefits and harms of raspberries for human health lie in its chemical composition, which has long ceased to be a secret for modern scientists. The berry has no calories at all, up to 45 kilocalories in 100 grams of fresh product.

As for the saturation with chemical elements, the following are found in raspberries:

  • vitamins - C (25 mg per 100 g!), PP, E, A, biotin, B1, B2, B9, B6, B5;
  • micro- and macroelements - iron (more than 1.1 mg per 100g of berries!), sulfur, calcium, cobalt, magnesium, boron, zinc, sodium, manganese, potassium, molybdenum, chlorine, fluorine, phosphorus;
  • proteins - up to 1 g;
  • carbohydrates with saccharides - up to 8.5 g;
  • unsaturated fatty acids
  • organic acids - 1.5 g;
  • fiber - up to 3.7 g

Dark red and black raspberries have a richer vitamin and mineral composition than yellow and white ones.

The benefits of raspberries

What health problems can raspberries help with:

1. Berry is the record holder for iron content, helps to defeat anemia.

2. Thanks to the salicylic acid, which is part of the composition, it has a pronounced antipyretic and diaphoretic effect.

But you need to remember that raspberries will relieve fever only if you take it after drinking enough liquid, which will come out along with sweat and bring out the fever. With a lack of water, hyperthermia will intensify.

3. Copper helps to fight depression, neurosis, sleep disorders.

4. Raspberries contain a full range of vitamins to maintain health and well-being of pregnant women, the berry also saves from toxicosis.

However, you should not exceed a reasonable amount when eating raspberries, it can cause uterine tone.

5. Raspberries are a real salvation of blood vessels. It maintains their elasticity, strengthens the walls, prevents plaques from forming, and improves permeability.

6. The berry destroys the spores of some types of staphylococcus, yeast and mold.

7. Raspberry leaves and stems are useful in the form of decoctions and tea, as they largely duplicate the properties of the berry.

8. Organic acids contained in raspberries improve digestion and metabolism, stimulate the motility of all (!) Organs, and save you from constipation.

9. Pectins promote the release of heavy metals accumulated in the body.

10. Raspberries are a recognized antioxidant.

11. It is actively used in cosmetology for rejuvenation, improvement of complexion.

12. Helps fight obesity.

13. Raspberry improves appetite, is used to treat anorexia.

14. Raspberries with milk heals the throat.

15. Strengthens the immune system, keeps the body in good shape, is the key to a good mood.

16. Phytosterols prevent atherosclerosis.

17. Used for vitamin deficiencies.

18. Maintains normal blood pressure levels.

19. Raspberries have analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.

20. It has been proven that raspberries help to cope with excessive intoxication - you need to feed a drunk person with it, and he will become much more sober.

21. Raspberries are good for intoxication, remove poisons and help cleanse the intestines.

22. Infusion of crimson flowers is effective for hemorrhoids.

23. Boiled shredded stems cauterize and treat herpes.

For all the benefits of raspberries, their use should be regulated and one or two handfuls a day is enough to get a full daily complex of vitamins and minerals.

Raspberry harm

  • with diabetes mellitus;
  • in the presence of gouty bumps;
  • allergy sufferers and small (up to one year old) children;
  • suffering from peptic ulcer and urolithiasis;
  • people with kidney problems, gall;
  • a decoction of raspberry leaves can provoke an abortion, so pregnant women should not get carried away with such a drink.

But even if you are in a "risk group", careful moderate consumption of raspberries is guaranteed not to harm you, but only to bring great pleasure.

For maximum benefit, the body needs a fresh ripe berry, but its season, alas, is short-lived.

Therefore, when harvesting raspberries, one should give preference to drying, freezing and preparing a vitamin mixture consisting of sugar and raspberries in a 1 to 1 ratio.

Be healthy!

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    Black raspberry: description, planting and care

    Black raspberries are a relatively rare guest among our summer residents and gardeners. No one is surprised by the yellow variety. But her black sister is often confused with the blackberry. Breeders have developed varieties of garden blackberries, black raspberries, so it is difficult for a person unfamiliar with their differences to say with confidence where are raspberries and where are blackberries.

    In this article, we will look at the Cumberland black raspberry variety, its difference with the blackberry, and the methods of care.

    The difference between black raspberries and blackberries

    Let's consider the main differences between black raspberries and blackberries.

    1. Cumberland cultivar is the most common, obtained from crossing raspberries and blackberries. Differs in productivity and early maturity, has powerful long shoots that take an arched shape. Large blue-black berries taste like blackberries. The bushes are frost-resistant, tolerate Russian winters well, and are resistant to diseases and pests.
    2. The second most widespread variety, loved by Russian gardeners - Boysenberry. The early variety is famous for its high yield of large sweet fruits. The absence of thorns on long shoots makes harvesting easier. Like Cumberland, Boysenberry is hardy and rarely suffers from pests and diseases.
    3. New Logan- another variety that came to us from overseas. Although its height does not exceed two meters, it produces a good harvest of early berries. But for the winter, its shoots must be carefully protected from frost.
    4. Cumberland black raspberry variety

      The tested varieties of foreign selection are in good competition with new varieties developed by Russian scientists:

    5. Ember belongs to the early varieties. It has a high yield, but its berries are small, sweet and sour.
    6. Litach variety came to us from Poland, where it was obtained as a result of selection in 2008. Small rounded berries have a characteristic bluish bloom. The bushes are distinguished by long shoots with large thorns.
    7. Gift of Siberia famous for its winter hardiness, frost-resistant, therefore it is recommended for planting in central Russia, Siberia and the Far East. Small berries are distinguished by a dense structure and a dessert taste.
    8. Higher-yielding varieties include Luck and Turn giving up to six kilograms per bush. Their berries are not large, but dense, and retain their presentation for a long time.
    9. Description of the Cumberland variety

      Using the example of the most popular and widespread variety of black chokeberry, we will consider its features. The black berries of this variety are large, weighing 5-6 grams. The yield from one bush is up to ten kilograms subject to proper care, which exceeds the collection of red or yellow raspberries from the bush.

      Although we are talking about the winter hardiness of blackberry-like raspberries, it is still recommended to cover the bushes for the winter, sprinkle them with snow. Thanks to the shelter for the winter and early ripening, black raspberries take root in different climatic zones of Russia. For the middle zone and the Non-Black Earth Zone, it is required to provide protection from cold winds and drafts when landing.

      This allows her to tolerate dry periods well. But the lack of watering negatively affects the amount of ovary and, accordingly, the yield.

      Cumberland bushes, which are densely dotted with ripe and ripening berries during the ripening period, are a picturesque picture, therefore they will become an ornament in any garden. Their long shoots reach three meters, hanging down to the ground in the form of arches. The color of the stems acquires a bluish bloom as it ripens, and the stems themselves are covered with thorns.

      Black raspberry harvest

      Advantages and Disadvantages of Black Raspberry

      Despite its not very wide popularity, black raspberries are in many ways superior to their congeners - red and yellow. Let's consider its main advantages:

    • high productivity;
    • drought resistance;
    • pest resistance;
    • undemanding to the composition of the soil;
    • can serve as a hedge;
    • does not form root suckers, which allows it to be placed freely in the garden;
    • berries have medicinal properties.
    • The disadvantages of blackberry-like raspberries include:

    • her winter hardiness is less than that of the red variety;
    • susceptible to viral diseases.
    • Useful properties of berries

      Consider the beneficial properties of Cumberland black raspberries. In terms of the amount of vitamins and other nutrients, black raspberries are superior to red and yellow. Blackberry-like raspberries are famous for their high content of rutin (vitamin P), which is necessary for strengthening blood vessels.

      You may also be interested in the following articles on the topic of raspberries:

      Anthocyanins strengthen capillaries, cleanse blood vessels from sclerotic plaques. In addition, fruits and leaves contain substances that reduce the level of prothrombin, which normalizes blood clotting. Berries are rich in microelements - iron, manganese, copper.

      Their taste is sweet and sour, reminiscent of a blackberry. Due to its dense structure, the fruits are stored for several days, they tolerate transportation well.

      Characteristics of the Tayberry variety

      Now let's talk about the description of the black raspberry variety. The appearance of the bushes is somewhat different from the usual red relative. Long shoots can be up to three meters long, depending on the variety. These long stems hang to the side, forming arched arches. Therefore, many gardeners carry out the garter of the stems to the trellis.

      They are formed on annual stems. Therefore, for this species it is necessary to carry out correct pruning of lateral shoots and cutting of old stems in autumn. Annual stems are left, which will give fruiting shoots the next year.

      Raspberry bushes Cumberland

      Cultivation and methods of caring for black raspberries

      How do you prune black raspberries? It is recommended that you prune twice during the season. At the end of June, the upper part of the shoots is cut off at the height of human growth. This procedure will accelerate the formation of lateral fruiting shoots. Weak shoots are removed, avoiding thickening of the bushes.

      In the fall, before the onset of frost, two-year-old shoots are removed. Leave annuals, which are shortened to half a meter above the ground.

      Propagating a black berry is not that difficult. For reproduction, apical layers are used. To do this, at the beginning of autumn, after the end of fruiting, the long shoots are tilted and the tops are placed in the prepared grooves up to ten centimeters deep, falling asleep with earth.

      Top covered with straw, sawdust. In spring, the cuttings will take root and produce shoots that are used as seedlings.

      Planting hybrid seedlings is not much different from other species. First you need to choose a landing site and prepare it. The place should be protected from cold winds and be sufficiently sunny.

      By planting raspberries near the fence, you can provide them with protection from the cold and support for growth.... At the same time, it can serve as a hedge thanks to durable thorns, which few people dare to experience.

      The following garden crops will be good predecessors:

      It is necessary to respect the distance between the bushes, taking into account the length of the shoots. In one row, the bushes are planted with an interval of about one meter, and between adjacent rows - two meters.

      Although black raspberries are not very demanding on the soil, loams, black earth and sandy loam will be the best soils to achieve good yields. Saplings are planted in autumn (late September - early October) or early spring.

      Raspberries on the bush

      For planting seedlings, it is necessary to prepare a hole half a meter deep. A mixture of humus (6-8 kg), superphosphate (200 g), potassium sulfate (80 g) is added to the bottom of each pit. Mineral fertilizers can be replaced with wood ash (0.5 kg). The composition is mixed with earth, a mound is made. The seedling is placed on its top, the roots are straightened down, sprinkled gently with earth, gradually compacting it with your hands.

      After watering, the land around is mulched with sawdust, straw, humus. The mulch layer should be at least five centimeters.

      To obtain powerful and at the same time compact plants, young annual shoots are pinched at a height of half a meter, which stimulates the development of lateral shoots.

      After the end of flowering, the first feeding is carried out with an infusion of manure (six parts of water are taken for one part of manure) or chicken manure (ratio with water 1:16). Wood ash (1 liter) and superphosphate (50 g) are added to a bucket of infusion. Similar dressings are performed two more times - during ripening and the beginning of fruit collection.

      Susceptibility to disease and pests

      Ezhemalina is more resistant to diseases, less susceptible to attacks of insect pests than red. It is less often affected by a disease characteristic of raspberries - verticillary wilting. It is a viral disease that cannot be cured. Affected bushes are cut, uprooted and burned.

      To prevent infection, ezemalina is planted at a distance of at least ten meters from red raspberries. In rainy summers, it is recommended to organize soil drainage to prevent fungal diseases from developing. For prevention, the bushes are sprayed with copper-containing preparations. Insecticides are also used.

      Ezhemalina can be affected by anthracnose, which manifests itself as a white bloom on the leaves.... For control, fungicides are used, for example, Topaz, Mikosan or others commercially available. Among organic control agents, infusions and decoctions are used. A decoction of horsetail has proven itself well.

      Raspberry anthracnose

      One kilogram of grass is poured with a bucket of water, infused for a day. The next day, the composition is boiled for half an hour. For processing, the strained solution is diluted in a ratio of 1: 5. Horsetail can be replaced with nettle, but insist not one day, but two weeks. Diluted with the same proportion.

      Of the pests, the raspberry beetle is the most dangerous. Before the buds awaken on the bushes, the first treatment is carried out with a nitrophene solution (2% solution). The second treatment is performed when flower buds appear with an infusion of wormwood and marigolds. Two hundred grams of herbs are poured with a bucket of water, insisted for at least a day.

      As you can see from the above, black raspberry refers to hybrids that combine all the best aspects of blackberry and red raspberry. Berries are famous not only for their good taste, but also for their medicinal properties. The bushes are distinguished by high productivity, unpretentiousness. Therefore, it will not be difficult for beginners to take care of the black berry.

      Now you know what the black raspberry is called, you know its characteristics and methods of caring for a hybrid.

      Rules for planting and caring for black raspberries Cumberland

      Modern varieties of raspberries are striking in their variety, taste and color of berries. Black raspberry Cumberland recently appeared in our country, but every year it attracts gardeners more and more with its beneficial properties, delicate taste and beautiful black berries, which are shown in the photo. The article tells about the ways of proper planting and caring for a plant. This type of raspberry perfectly complements the fresh diet, and can be used for making desserts or sweet preservation: compotes, jams, sauces.

      Properties of the Cumberland variety - raspberry varieties

      The Cumberland raspberry variety was bred by American breeders by crossing raspberries with blackberries. This leads to a significant external similarity of the berries of these plants, but in the Cumberland they are slightly smaller and, when harvested, move away from the stalk more easily. The fruits of the hybrid are sweet and fragrant, have a shiny black color with a purple tint, contain many vitamins and other useful substances, and have antioxidant properties. Cumberland berries stick well to the shoots without crumbling. With proper pruning and formation of a bush, you can get 8-10 brushes from each shoot, each of which contains from 10 to 15 berries. Good plant care brings abundant harvests - 10 kg per bush.

      This plant can reach 4 m in height, as can be seen in the photo, so the trellis growing method is most suitable for it. Due to the flexibility of the branches and high decorative properties, it can also be used to decorate arches, arbors, and other structures. Additional advantages of this variety include frost resistance, lack of root growth characteristic of common raspberries and low susceptibility to diseases and pests. Disadvantages: a large number of seeds in the berries, the bushes are very dense and have thorny thorns.

      Cumberland grows well on gray forest soil or black soil with a small amount of loam. For growing raspberries, areas protected from gusts of wind, well-lit by the sun, are suitable. Since the bushes can grow significantly, the distance between them should be at least 0.5 m, and the rows should be placed 2 m apart. It is recommended to plant the plants in early spring, but with good condition of the seedling and regular watering, you can choose summer and autumn seasons for planting.

      Landing is performed in the following sequence:

    1. A pit with sides and a depth of up to 0.5 m is being prepared.
    2. A layer of humus mixed with wood ash is poured onto the bottom of the pit.
    3. After planting the plant, the remaining space is filled with a mixture of soil and complex fertilizer.
    4. The surface of the ground around the seedling is thoroughly watered and mulched to a height of 7 cm with peat, sawdust or matured compost.
    5. Advice. To simplify the subsequent care of Cumberland raspberries and harvesting, the installation of double-sided trellises up to 2 m in height allows the installation of two-sided trellises, between which the wire is stretched in three rows. The shoots of the plant are tied to them in a fan manner, ensuring sufficient access of light and air to the flowering and fruiting brushes.

      Raspberry Cumberland Care

      The main points of caring for this variety of raspberries are:

    6. regular pruning of shoots;
    7. moderate watering of bushes during flowering and fruiting;
    8. the introduction of organic and mineral fertilizers to increase the yield of the plant;
    9. preparing bushes for winter;
    10. spring garter and pruning.
    11. Cumberland is a tall and densely growing variety that requires frequent pruning to produce large berries. No more than 10 shoots should be left in each bush. During the period of increased growth - in the last days of June or in the first days of July - they are cut at a distance of 150-180 cm from the ground for the appearance of lateral branches, which are also recommended to be shortened in early November, leaving about 30 cm in length (it is they who will give harvest).

      At the same time, in the immediate vicinity of the base of the bush, shoots from which the fruits were collected this year are removed. Of these, about 10 strong shoots are left. In preparation for the winter cold, the shoots are untied and laid on the ground. They winter well under a layer of snow. To prolong its existence, gardeners spray its surface with water to form an ice crust. With spring warming, the bushes are thinned out, leaving powerful healthy twigs, and they are tied to the trellis wire.

      Fertilizing and feeding Cumberland

      In order to get a good harvest of raspberries with large fruits that have a good taste, the plants are fed three times during the year:

    12. After the fall of the petals on the inflorescences.
    13. During the growth of berries.
    14. After picking the first berries.
    15. For top dressing, an aqueous infusion of mullein is prepared (at a concentration of 1:10), to which wood ash and superphosphate are added. Mullein can be replaced with poultry droppings, which are cooked at a weaker concentration - 1:20. The amount of superphosphate is taken at the rate of 50 g of ash per 10 liters of mullein or bird droppings. After fertilizing, the raspberries need to be watered well.

      Reproduction of black raspberries

      Kumbeland is usually propagated by the formation of horizontal layers or by rooting the upper part of the shoot. To obtain a cut in spring, the shoots of the bush are shortened to 15 cm in length. By August, powerful stems will grow from them, which must be placed and secured in specially dug trenches. After the development of adventitious roots, the stems are covered with soil so that only the upper buds peep out from under it. A year later, young bushes can be separated from the mother bush and planted in another place. This method is very depleting for the plant, so it is not advisable to use it often.

      Rooting of the upper part of an annual shoot is also carried out in the last month of summer. Next to the plant, an elevation is made of mulch about 15 cm in height, a shoot is lowered onto it, deepened with compaction of the soil around. Rooting with the formation of adventitious roots takes a month. With the advent of the autumn cold snap, future seedlings are sprinkled with earth or a layer of compost. In the spring, the plants are ready to be transplanted to a new location.

      Growing black raspberries from seeds or by rooting cuttings is more difficult and laborious and is used much less frequently. The cut cuttings are kept for 10 hours in a preparation to improve rooting and growth, then they are planted in a greenhouse with a sufficient level of humidity using a fogging device for 3 weeks. The cuttings are buried in the soil, the surface of which is covered by 5 cm of sand. In early spring of next year, the seedlings can be transplanted to another growing area.

      Raspberry Cumberland diseases, pest resistance

      In black raspberries, verticillium wilting, anthracnose, ulcerative spotting, stem gall midge, rosette, viral curl are found. It is not damaged by the raspberry gnat, but suffers from aphids, raspberry flies, beetles, ticks, shoot and stem gall midges, and spider mites. For the prevention of verticillary wilt disease, Cumberland is planted away from red raspberries. When the first signs of the disease appear, the plant is dug up and burned, it is advisable to transplant healthy bushes to another place where the nightshade crops, also affected by this disease, did not grow before.

      Plants affected by harmful insects and microorganisms are sprayed with infusions of yarrow, marigold, marigolds, garlic, treated with chemicals, for example, carbaphos or bitoxibacillin. To combat the raspberry beetle and the fly, it is recommended to loosen the soil in the autumn-spring period, mulch its surface with a thick layer of straw or other material. It is necessary to cut and burn the shoots affected by diseases, collect them with the subsequent destruction of beetles and their larvae. If the bushes are damaged by rodents, you need to use chemical agents.

      With a little care and effort in growing Cumberland, you will have a wonderful berry harvest that can be used to make many delicious treats. Fresh, it will provide the body with vitamins, trace elements, beneficial fructose and other substances. This raspberry is at the same time a decoration of the garden, which saturates the site with beautiful shades of luscious greenery and bright fruits.

      Site about a garden, a summer residence and houseplants.

      Planting and growing vegetables and fruits, caring for the garden, building and repairing a summer house - all with your own hands.

      Growing and caring for black raspberries Cumberlen (Cumberland)

      Variety - black raspberry Cumberlen highly winter-resistant - high-yielding crop

      She must be properly looked after. Cumberland like red raspberry, is a perennial shrub. In one place it can grow up to twenty years or more.

      But it bears abundant fruit for twelve to fourteen years, then yields decline. Then the old bushes are removed and replaced with young seedlings.

      Let me remind you the main advantage of Cumberlen: it does not give root offspring and does not torment amateur gardeners, spreading throughout the garden, like other raspberries.

      How do I care for black raspberries?

      Kumberlain in our garden is planted in one row, bushes every 1.5 m from each other. At both ends of the row there are strong oak pillars with a height of 2.2 m, on which three strong trellises of aluminum wire are stretched at a height of 1.5; 1.8 and 2.1 m. The shoots of Cumberland are very powerful, in the lower part they are up to 2-2.5 cm thick. If you do not cut them, they grow up to 3-4 m in length.

      One of the main care measures that ensure a bountiful harvest, I consider the method of forming a bush that I use.

      As soon as the young shoots of the current year reach a length of 2.4-2.5 m, I pinch off the top at a height of 2.1-2.3 m, preventing their further growth. This happens around the end of June. After removing the top, the shoots begin to branch, and 6-10 lateral shoots appear along the entire length of the main shoot. It is impossible to be late with plucking the tops. The sooner the top is removed, the earlier the lateral shoots will appear and the better they will ripen before the onset of stable frosts.

      In more northern regions, the removal of the tip of the shoot, at the request of the gardener, can be done lower, for example, at a height of 1.5 m, which, of course, will happen at an earlier calendar date.

      The second pruning is done in late autumn, simultaneously with the removal of the two-year-old shoots that have bore fruit, in early November, when the dormant period of the plants begins, but the temperatures are still positive. At subzero temperatures, shoots freeze and become brittle, often break. By this time, side shoots also reach a length of 1-2 m.

      All lateral shoots are greatly shortened, leaving only 30-50 cm long. I put in order the bushes themselves: on each of them I leave 10-12 of the most powerful, thick shoots, I remove the rest, cutting out from the ground as low as possible. In this form, I bend the raspberries not very low to the ground and fix them.

      I do not insulate the bushes, I do not additionally protect them from frost, they are covered only by snow. In regions where it is scarce, shoots should be covered with snow, raking from the nearby territory, and lightly watered with cold water. This is done so that an ice crust (not solid!) Forms on the surface and the snow is not blown away by strong winds.

      I emphasize: the ice crust cannot be made continuous - the plants can suffocate from lack of air.

      In this position, Cumberlen hibernates.

      In early spring, as soon as the snow melts and the first positive temperatures are established, I raise the shoots, conduct an audit, remove the broken ones and evenly, so that they do not shade each other, tie them to the trellises.

      Cumberlain blooms late, after passing the spring frosts, and wisely saves his harvest from them. Flowers appear very abundantly, in clusters, literally on all shoots, including the central one. On each side shoot there are up to 8-10 clusters, and on each cluster there are 10-12 berries or more.

      Black raspberry- a good honey plant, and its flowers are readily visited by bees. Nevertheless, in order to further attract them, I spray the bushes with a solution of natural honey. To do this, I dissolve 1 tablespoon of honey in a liter of water and spray the entire garden. One liter of solution is enough for 5-7 acres, enough to smell honey in the garden. By this I achieve a good, complete pollination of the garden by bees.

      Cumberlen to feed the huge amount of the formed ovaries, additional feeding is necessary. As soon as the flowers begin to crumble, I carry out the first feeding with the infusion of mullein or bird droppings.

      I breed in this ratio: a bucket of mullein for 6-7 buckets of water, and a bucket of bird droppings for 16-18 buckets of water and add 100 g of superphosphate and 1 liter can of ash to the infusion. I pour half a bucket of top dressing under each bush and immediately water it with 4-5 buckets of clean water.

      I do the second feeding with the same solution, when the berries begin to pour and increase in size, and I water it the same way. I spend the third feeding in the same way, combining with watering, after the first harvest - after all, there are still four or five harvests ahead.

      During the growth of berries and harvesting, the soil should not be allowed to dry out: the berries can be crushed. They do not ripen at the same time. In good sunny weather, they are picked literally every one or two days, and each time there are a lot of ripe berries. Judge for yourself: in our garden there are only six Cumberland bushes, and there are enough raspberries for everyone and for everything: to eat plenty of grandchildren, and for compotes, and for jam, and for drying.

      Berries Cumberland sweet, not sour. They contain less acid than red raspberries. The juice has an intense red color. If you add a few berries to apple or other uncolored compotes, they acquire a pleasant red color.

      In the end, I draw your attention once again: with such a bountiful harvest, plants need good nutrition and regular watering. If you want to harvest a good harvest, do not forget about it.

      Cumberland is a raspberry with black berries. Advantages and disadvantages of the variety. Growing raspberries

      Black raspberry Cumberland is an exotic beauty that stands out favorably with large dark purple berries against the background of the usual red varieties of raspberries. This perennial shrub can grow in one place for about 20 years. His seedlings are not easy to find on the market. For the unusually black color, Cumberland raspberries, reviews of which are almost always enthusiastic due to their unusualness, are often confused with blackberries. The only difference is the size of the berries (they are smaller in raspberries) and eat them (in blackberries with a stalk).

      Black raspberry Cumberland: description

      Raspberries have an amazing aroma and sweet pleasant taste. The vitamins and nutrients present in its composition are invaluable to health. On the bushes, the fruits last for a long time and are well stored both fresh and frozen. Black raspberry Cumberland is an excellent base for compotes and jams. In order to enhance the taste and appearance of ready-made dishes, it is often mixed with red berries.

      The bushes are semi-spreading in shape, with arched shoots hanging down; height - about 3 meters. Annual shoots are green with a bluish bloom; biennial plants are characterized by a brown color with a lilac bloom. Raspberry fruits are medium, round in shape. At the initial stage of ripening, they are red, which gradually darkens and, upon reaching full maturity, turns black.

      Benefits of Raspberry Cumberland

      The Cumberland raspberry, whose description is similar to the rest of the raspberry varieties, is a high-yielding raspberry that bears fruit for 12-14 years. Further, there is a decrease in yield, so old bushes have to be replaced with young seedlings. The characteristic features of this variety are late long flowering, good transportability, high yield. On each shoot of the bush, with proper care, about 10 brushes with 10-15 berries can be observed. If the number of shoots is left more than ten, then the berry will be small. Pests are not interested in such a variety of raspberries, possibly due to the black color of the berries.

      The disadvantages of the variety include a strong thickening of the bushes, an abundance of seeds in the fruits and a large number of thorns on the shoots.

      Black raspberry does not give root suckers, which is its important advantage, because it does not force gardeners to suffer with getting rid of young shoots.

      Planting black raspberries

      Planting Cumberland raspberries is recommended on gray forest soils or light loamy chernozems. The most optimal planting time is early spring, immediately after the snow has melted. It is better to choose a place for shrubs that is sunny and well protected from the winds. It is not recommended to plant raspberry seedlings near blackberries, after uprooting red raspberries, as well as after harvesting potatoes and tomatoes.

      The distance between the bushes when planting should be from 1.5 to 2 meters, the row spacing should be 2 meters (to avoid shading the berries). Long shoots of raspberries should be fixed on a trellis consisting of three rows of wire (at a height of 0.7, 1.3 and 1.8 meters from the ground).

      The depth of the pit for planting is approximately 30-40 cm with a diameter of half a meter. To enrich the planting soil with useful substances, it is necessary to add 6-7 kg of peat-manure compost (or humus), 150-200 grams of superphosphate, 70-80 grams of potassium sulfate to the pit. As an analogue of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, sifted ash can be used, which will require about 500 grams per pit. After planting, the plant must be watered abundantly (about 4 liters for each bush) and covered with rotted compost with a layer of 6-8 cm.

      Since the Cumberland raspberry is quite flexible and tall, it is recommended to tie the stems to the pre-installed trellis the next year after planting. It is preferable to choose a fan-shaped garter that provides convenience in harvesting.

      Raspberry Cumberland: leaving

      Black raspberry blooms quite late, after the end of the spring frost; this feature of the plant determines the salvation of the fruit from freezing. There are many flowers on the bush, they hang in tassels on almost all shoots. Cumberland raspberries are an excellent honey plant, therefore they are willingly pollinated by bees.

      You can not use the garter of the shoots if they are shortened by 10 cm after reaching a height of half a meter. This operation will cause the formation of lateral shoots, which will give the plant compactness.

      Despite its unpretentiousness, the Cumberland raspberry still needs care throughout the season, for which it will fully repay with a good tasty harvest.

      Important care factors

      Important factors in caring for black raspberries are:

    16. Spring garter of plant shoots to the trellis.
    17. Pruning and removing diseased, dry and thin shoots.
    18. Moderation in watering and avoiding stagnation of water during the formation of ovaries and ripening of fruits.
    19. Top dressing with infusion of mullein mixed with superphosphate and ash (with an abundance of ovary).
    20. Fertilizing the plant after shedding flowers, during the period of pouring berries and after collecting the first harvest.
    21. Preparation for winter, which consists in removing shoots from the trellis and bending them to the ground. Bushes do not need to be covered, because raspberries are a frost-resistant crop. It is enough to use special metal brackets that securely hold the shoots at the same distance.
    22. Due to the difficulty in finding seedlings of such an unusual plant, they can be grown independently: by seeds, green cuttings, by rooting the tops of shoots or by horizontal layering.

      Reproduction of black raspberry

      An easy and not laborious way is to root the tops, which usually hang down to the very ground due to the long (up to 3 meters) shoots. The tops just need to be covered with earth (preferably in August) and compacted; then by September you can already enjoy adventitious roots and small shoots. They should be huddled for the winter, they can be covered with humus or peat; the newly formed bush can be separated from the mother plant in the spring by planting it separately for growing or already in a permanent place.

      More seedlings can be obtained using horizontal retraction. To do this, all the shoots of the bush in early spring must be cut to 15 cm, over the summer they will grow back, and in August, well-developed stems should be fixed in the grooves. At the first appearance of adventitious roots, the fixed shoots should be sprinkled with earth, leaving the leaves and apical buds. Next autumn, young shrubs will grow from the rooted cuttings, which can be separated from the mother plant and transplanted. It is advisable not to abuse this method of obtaining seedlings, because excessive exploitation of the mother bush will lead to its death.

      Raspberries rarely reproduce by cuttings or seeds of Cumberland. Gardeners do not really welcome this method due to its laboriousness.

      Formation of a black raspberry bush

      To obtain a good harvest and the convenience of its collection, the Cumberland raspberry variety needs the correct formation of the bush, which is desirable to begin when the shoots reach a growth of 50-70 cm.They should be shortened by 7-10 cm.This will stop the growth of the shrub and cause the growth and development of lateral shoots, which in early spring, before the start of the growing season, should be shortened by 3-6 buds (depending on the strength of the shoot). Along with this, it is required to completely remove weak shoots at the base.

      Cumberland raspberries, like any plant, need moisture, so they need to provide abundant watering before the berries ripen (in June - the month).

      The first pruning of a plant is carried out when the shoots of the current year reach a height of more than 2 meters. They should be shortened to a height not exceeding 180 cm (approximately at the end of June - beginning of July). After pruning, branching of the shoots will begin along the entire length and the massive appearance of lateral shoots. Moreover, you cannot be late with trimming the tops. The early timing of its execution will leave the lateral shoots more time for growth and development.

      The second pruning should be done at the beginning of November (after the onset of the dormant period of the plant). The lateral shoots should be greatly shortened - up to 20-50 cm. It is they who will give an excellent high-quality harvest next summer. In parallel with pruning, it is required to cut (as close to the base as possible) two-year-old shoots that have already borne fruit, leaving 8-10 of the thickest and most powerful branches on the bush.

      Cumberland raspberries, like any of the plants, need high-quality complete feeding.

      The first time you should feed the plant after shedding flowers. A bucket of mullein should be diluted with 8-10 buckets of water; bird droppings are diluted with a larger amount of water (fertilizer bucket for 18-20 buckets of water). Ash (a liter can) and superphosphate (100 grams) should also be added here. For each bush, the consumption is 3 buckets of the resulting composition.

      The second feeding in the same way is carried out when pouring the berries, and the third - after the first harvest.

      To avoid crushing the berries, the soil should not dry out. Berries are picked approximately every 1-2 days (as they ripen), and each time their number increases.

      Raspberry Cumberland, reviews of consumers and gardeners about which are only positive, with proper quality care, will fully delight gardeners with a generous and tasty harvest for at least 14 years.

      Raspberry is called a shrub of the family Pink and its fruits. Raspberry fruit is called a berry by mistake, it is a complex fruit consisting of many drupes gathered around a conical stalk. The color of the fruits is usually red, from dark pink to raspberry-burgundy, some varieties are yellow. The size of raspberries depends on the variety and place of growth, forest raspberries are always smaller, but more aromatic than garden raspberries. Raspberries are juicy, sweet and have a delicate aroma.

      Raspberry stems are strewn with needles, harvesting must be done with care, lifting long shoots by the top and picking berries from the bottom.

      The calorie content of raspberries is 46 kcal per 100 grams of product.

      Composition and useful properties of raspberries

      The composition of raspberries contains vitamins of group B, C, a rather rare mineral manganese, fructose and a large amount of coarse dietary fiber that remove toxins and cholesterol from the body. The special substances ketones, which are found in raspberries, are stimulants of the breakdown of fatty deposits, therefore the product is recommended for the nutrition of overweight people. According to some reports, raspberries slow down the growth of cancer cells, sometimes stopping tumor growth at the very beginning.

      Raspberries are considered the most harmless of the berries in terms of the occurrence of allergic reactions, it is not for nothing that it is recommended to be introduced into the diet of babies first. Raspberries have anti-inflammatory and diaphoretic properties and can be used as an immune-boosting agent. Raspberry leaves are often used as part of tea collections.

      You should not abuse raspberries for people with problems with the urinary tract and kidneys, the product contains a lot of mineral salts that cause the formation of stones.

      Low calorie content, excellent taste and the presence of vitamins make raspberries a desirable ingredient in fasting days and diets, for example, Pritykin's diet recommends using raspberries in its menu.

      Raspberries usually begin to bear fruit in the second year after planting, with the main harvest in July-August (calorizator). Raspberry varieties tested by gardeners: Malakhovka, Izobilnaya, Golden Giant, Bulgarian Ruby, Scarlet Sails, Reward, Biryusinka, Cumberland. There are varieties of remontant raspberries, which give several harvests per season, these are: Noble, Atlas, Perseus, Ruby necklace, Yellow giant.

      Selecting and storing raspberries

      When purchasing raspberries, you need to visually assess their condition, the berries must be whole, dry and without signs of damage. Raspberries are a very delicate berry, fresh, they can be stored for no more than two days in the refrigerator, while it is best if the berries are laid out in one layer, because any weight causes damage to the berries and the appearance of juice. Raspberries freeze perfectly, while this storage method retains all the beneficial properties of raspberries, unlike jam, jams and compotes.

      Raspberries look very elegant, they are often used as a decoration for desserts, ice cream, cakes and fruit salads. It is preferable to use raspberries raw, combining them with cottage cheese, yogurt, cereals. During heat treatment, useful substances contained in raspberries are lost, but traditionally jams, syrups, jellies and mousses are made from berries.

      You can find out more about raspberries by watching the video clip of the TV show "About the most important thing."

      Copying of this article in whole or in part is prohibited.