What is Tabasco eaten with. Tabasco sauce: homemade recipes

10.03.2020 Healthy eating

Resourceful chefs know: to impress guests, you don't need to stand at the stove for a day, trying to create a masterpiece from expensive products. Sometimes it is enough to add sauce to a familiar dish to make it spicy and unique. The famous Tabasco can become such a seasoning.

Through the pages of history: what culinary experiments lead to

The history of the American condiment begins in Louisiana on Avery Island. The Tabasco sauce is the culinary delight of the island's owner, Edmund Macalenni, who made the now famous spice from cayenne pepper, the highest quality white vinegar and salt sourced from the island's mines.

In 1886, the first jar with the label "Sauce Made by Mr. Macalenni" was published. It is known that the product was then packed in containers with a dispenser: cologne was poured into such bottles. The hot sauce immediately became a success, its creator patented the product, calling it Tabasco, and later founded the McIlhenny company, which to this day is engaged in the production of the seasoning popular all over the world.

Tabasca pepper is a type of cayenne pepper that, unlike other pungent species, is juicy on the inside, not dry.

Original cooking technology

Edmund's recipe for Tabasco hot sauce has remained unchanged for many years, it can be easily prepared with your own hands. But it's hard to repeat it. Most chefs will not be able to get the ingredients from which it is prepared, and the process is very laborious.


  • Tabasco peppers, native to Avery Island;
  • salt mined there;
  • high quality white vinegar.

Manufacturing process

  1. Pepper seeds are sown in greenhouses already in January, and from April young plants are planted in the fields.
  2. By August, the fruits of the plant ripen. They are certainly harvested by hand, armed with a special color indicator - the pepper must be of a certain degree of ripeness.
  3. The fruits are ground together with the seeds and ground with kosher salt.
  4. The mass is sent to barrels made of white oak for three years.
  5. The mixture is freed from the skin and seeds, combined with vinegar: the mixing process takes another month.

This is the original technology for preparing classic Tabasco, which ensures its unique taste. McIlhenny company, carefully caring for its reputation, still adheres to this recipe, supplying sauces of the TABASCO brand to more than 160 countries.

A green rim on the neck, a red cap and a white diamond sticker are indispensable attributes of the original bottle, recognized all over the world.

Assortment of TABASCO spices

Over time, McIlhenny, delighting satisfied customers, expanded the range of sauces produced under the TABASCO brand. So, for the 125th anniversary of the company, a recipe for the green Tabasco sauce “Jalapeno” appeared. In its composition, there is no Tabasco pepper at all: the product is made from the fruits of green jalapeno peppers. In addition to classic and green sauces, the TABASCO line includes five more types:

  • Habanero;
  • "Garlic";
  • Chipotle;
  • "Sweet and spicy";
  • Buffalo.

The technology of production of all sauces of the TABASCO line (except for the original one) does not imply a three-year aging.

Homemade Tabasco Sauce Recipe: 3 Varieties

Repeating the classic recipe for Tabasco sauce is problematic as in the photo, but resourceful housewives have learned to cook dressings that are close to taste. Cooking requires cayenne pepper, however, if you can't find it, any other hot red will do.

No frills

Peculiarities. To make the simplest homemade Tabasco sauce, you only need three ingredients, not including water. Store the finished product in the refrigerator.

What you need:

  • apple cider vinegar - 80 ml;
  • fresh hot red pepper - 40 fruits;
  • sea ​​salt - one tablespoon (as much as possible);
  • water - by eye.

How to cook

  1. Rinse the peppers thoroughly, chop the fruits finely, without peeling the seeds.
  2. Grind the chopped slices with a pestle, mixing with a tablespoon of sea salt.
  3. Transfer the mixture to a glass jar.
  4. Pour in warm water so that the liquid slightly covers the mass.
  5. Close the container with a lid, keep in a dark place at room temperature for several weeks.
  6. Place the sauce in a cool place for nine months.
  7. Rub the mixture through a sieve to get rid of seeds and rind.
  8. Pour in the vinegar, close the lid and shake well to mix the ingredients.

When you don't want to wait

Peculiarities. Infusion can be replaced by boiling: in this case, the preparation of the sauce will take no more than half an hour.

What you need:

  • fresh fruits of hot chili peppers - 300 g;
  • dry peppercorns - 30 g;
  • coarse salt - three tablespoons;
  • white wine vinegar - 200 ml.

How to cook

  1. Chop the chili pepper together with the seeds, separate the stalks.
  2. Mix with salt, pepperoncino and vinegar, beat with a blender.
  3. Put the mass in a heat-resistant container, boil.
  4. Remove from heat, cool.
  5. Armed with a sieve, grind the sauce.
  6. Pour the strained composition into a glass bottle for storage.

Do not use iodized salt: it will negatively affect both the flavor and the appearance of the sauce. Kosher is best. The step-by-step recipe for red tabasco sauce can be modified by adding spices.


Peculiarities. For a change, you can make a garlic tabasco: the taste of the sauce is spicy, but not so pungent.

What you need:

  • chili pepper - 6 dry fruits;
  • onion - one piece;
  • garlic - two cloves;
  • tomato - four fruits;
  • parsley;
  • cane sugar, rock salt and pepper - to taste;
  • olive oil - two tablespoons;
  • wine vinegar - a tablespoon.

How to cook

  1. Remove the seeds from the pepper, chop finely and boil with boiling water. Insist half an hour.
  2. Remove the skin from the tomatoes, cut into cubes.
  3. Chop the onion and garlic.
  4. Grind all vegetables together with pepper through a meat grinder or blender.
  5. Stir in vegetable puree and chopped parsley to heated in a saucepan. Keep on low heat until thickened.
  6. Add salt and sugar, pepper, vinegar. Mix.
  7. Insist in the refrigerator for two to three days.

If you accidentally rub your eyes after slicing the chili, the sensation will not be pleasant. Therefore, it is better to work with burning fruits with gloves.

How and with what is served

Tabasco sauce is eaten with almost any dish. The seasoning is added to soups, salads, chicken, meat and fish dishes, even cocktails. The familiar taste will be tasted in a completely new way with a spicy hot sauce. If the hostess knows how to make Tabasco sauce, the dishes she serves will never be bland. There are many recipes with Tabasco sauce as a must.
But it is important not to overdo it with the hot seasoning: one or two drops are enough to add spice to the dish.

Bloody Mary cocktail

Peculiarities. In the minds of most compatriots, "Bloody Mary" is vodka mixed with tomato juice. However, the classic drink recipe contains Tabasco sauce as one of the main ingredients.

What you need:

  • tomato juice - 60 ml;
  • vodka - 45 ml;
  • fresh lemon juice - 10 ml;
  • Worcestershire sauce - two drops;
  • Tabasco sauce - one drop;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • crushed ice.

How to cook

  1. Mix all ingredients with a blender or shaker.
  2. Pour into a tall glass.
  3. Add crushed ice.

Mexican meatballs

Peculiarities. It is very easy to prepare juicy and aromatic meatballs. The main thing is to prevent the vegetable mixture from burning during frying, scattering of meat balls.

What you need:

  • minced meat - 0.6 kg;
  • boiled bulgur - 150 g;
  • onion - two heads;
  • Bulgarian pepper - one;
  • tomatoes - 400 g;
  • garlic - four to five cloves;
  • canned corn - a can;
  • canned beans (white) - can;
  • chicken egg - one;
  • vegetable oil - two tablespoons;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • tomato paste - two tablespoons;
  • granulated sugar - two teaspoons;
  • salt, pepper, minced meat spices, Tabasco sauce - to taste.

How to cook

  1. Combine minced meat, bulgur, grated onion, egg, minced meat spices, salt and pepper. Leave the mass for 10 minutes.
  2. Heat a frying pan in butter. Fry the diced onion and garlic until golden brown.
  3. Add bell pepper, diced tomatoes, tomato paste to the pan. Fry the vegetables for another four to five minutes, until thickened.
  4. Roll meatballs with a diameter of 4 cm from the minced meat prepared earlier, fry until tender, greasing the pan with vegetable oil.
  5. Add beans, corn, tabasco, pepper and salt to the vegetable mixture.
  6. Put the finished meatballs on top, simmer for another five to eight minutes.
  7. Decorate the finished dish with chopped herbs.

Making Tabasco sauce at home in a simplified way is easy, no special culinary talents are required. Perhaps it is this seasoning that will become the secret ingredient that will give the usual dishes a unique taste.

The name "Tabasco", contrary to popular belief, is by no means a national sauce of some Spanish-speaking country, but a trademark for a recipe for the hottest American sauce! Based on the name and composition, it can be assumed that the origin of this recipe lies somewhere in Mexico, however, it is known for sure that the sauce was first produced in the United States. The inventor of this product is considered to be Edmund McIlenny, who gave the sauce worldwide fame. He also organized mass production, creating a company that bears his name. The McIlhenny Company still operates on the same Ivory Island as 128 years ago. The MacIlennie heirs are successfully managing the company's affairs. Every day, an incredible amount of Tabasco sauce is produced on the island: more than 700 thousand 60 ml bottles leave the conveyor every day! This is equivalent to 42 thousand liters per day. It would seem, where so many? But there is hardly a country in the world where you have never heard of Tabasco sauce - it is supplied to more than 160 countries of the world and almost everywhere - in huge volumes.

Important: Check the label carefully for consistency, color and consistency before purchasing Tabasco sauce.

How do

To this day, the McIlennie family follows family traditions in the production of Tabasco sauce. The recipe is exactly the same as 120 years ago. The composition is simple, like everything ingenious: the pulp of cayenne peppers growing on Ivory Island, sea salt mined there and distilled wine vinegar. The hottest peppers are cleaned from seeds, turned into puree, mixed with salt and left to infuse in white oak barrels for three whole years. The top of the barrel is covered with a large layer of salt to seal it. After three years, the barrels are opened, the contents are checked for taste, color and smell and mixed with vinegar in ideal proportion. All ingredients are mixed in huge oak tanks of 7 thousand liters for 4 weeks. After that, the consistency, composition and taste of each batch are carefully checked in a special laboratory, and the Tabasco sauce is finally poured into a classic 60 ml container.

The production volumes are really huge, and there are several dozen variations of the sauce. First and most popular type of sauce: Tabasco Pepper Sauce. It is his recipe that the production method is described above, the rest differ significantly from the main recipe and not only in proportions.

Important: the pungency of pepper is measured on the Scoville scale, in the units of the same name. So, for example, the pungency of sweet bell peppers ranges from 0 to 100 scovills, while common allspice is about 500.

NamePungencyApplication and composition
Tabasco Green Pepper Sauce600-1200 Jalapeno pepper, cornstarch, water, salt. Suitable for fish, salads
Tabasco Garlic Pepper Sauce1200-1800 Garlic sauce, three kinds of pepper. Used for frying meat, pizza.
Tabasco Chipotle Pepper Sauce1500-2500 Smoked chipotle peppers, onions and garlic, spices. For frying meat, barbecue.
Tabasco pepper sauce2500-5000 Classic Tabasco.
Tabasco Habanero Sauce5000-7000 The hottest and most multicomponent sauce with Jamaican pepper "Abanero"

Not all types of Tabasco are indicated in the table, only the most popular ones. But even these sauces can satisfy the needs of the most sophisticated gourmets. Often, a dish with the addition of Tabasco sauce acquires a completely different taste and special piquancy. Also, the product is an important component of many original recipes, for example, the famous Bloody Mary cocktail. In many cities of Russia, it is not so easy to buy the coveted bottle, so it doesn’t hurt to learn how to cook it at home. It will not be possible to reproduce the recipe exactly, but you can easily achieve the same taste!

How to make at home

First things first, you need to stock up on ingredients to start your culinary experience. In the original recipe, there are only 3 of them: the pulp of fresh cayenne pepper, salt, preferably sea salt and a little red wine vinegar. Vinegar is added at the last stage of preparation, so it is not necessary to have it right away. Number of incidents: 6 peppers, 4-5 teaspoons of salt, 4 teaspoons of vinegar. Cut the medium-sized cayenne peppers in half, be sure to lengthwise and peel them off. Grind the resulting slices thoroughly in a blender, after adding two-thirds of the total weight of the pepper, the amount of salt. The resulting mixture should be a homogeneous consistency, without chunks of pepper and lumps of salt - like tomato paste, for example. Further, the burning mashed potatoes are tamped onto the bottom of a glass jar, which will replace an oak barrel for us. Pour a small amount of salted cold water on top - just to cover the mixture on top. We close the can and put it in a dark place for at least a week. Fermenting peppers are stored at room temperature or ideally at 26-28 degrees.

Important: if you can't find cayenne pepper, you can use another one. However, if it is less pungent than cayenne, grind it with the seeds, and if more, add a little more vinegar.

The longer the pepper fermentation takes place in the jar, the better and fuller the taste, however, it is important not to overdo it. It makes sense to keep the future Tabasco at home for more than two months only if a huge amount of sauce is being prepared, for example, more than 50 liters! After the aging period, add 2 teaspoons of red wine vinegar to the jar for every three peppers used in the initial mixture, mix thoroughly and put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours! The sauce is ready, it remains only to stir it again until a perfectly homogeneous consistency is obtained.

Many can be skeptical about this method of preparation, because at the factory the mixture ferments in oak barrels, and even for three whole years! However, such conditions are due to the volume of production and hardly affect the quality of the product. And in general, there is an opinion that oak barrels and a long fermentation time are just a marketing ploy of the McIlenny family, with the help of which they determine such a high cost for such a cheap product. So at home, after a number of attempts, it is possible to prepare Tabasco sauce that is ideal in terms of taste and recipe.

How to use?

What dishes can you add Tabasco sauce to? Almost everything! Almost any recipe can be slightly improved with the help of some kind of sauce, giving it spice and completely different flavors. The versatility of Tabasco is a clear reason for him to always keep a couple of bottles in the refrigerator. But there are many recipes where this sauce is almost key. There are countless such recipes, thanks to the frenzied popularity of the sauce all over the world. Now is the time to review two popular recipes with this sauce:

Devil Chicken


  • 1.5-2 kg chicken or chicken;
  • juice of two lemons;
  • 100 grams of olive oil;
  • three teaspoons of Tabasco Pepper Sauce;
  • a teaspoon of salt;
  • a teaspoon of black pepper.

Use kitchen scissors to split the chicken into two so that they are held together by the spine or halved. Mix the remaining ingredients thoroughly in a bowl. Brush the chicken with the resulting marinade and leave in the refrigerator for several hours. You do not need to spend the marinade all at once, you will still need it. After the chicken is marinated, put the chicken skin side down on a baking sheet and place in the oven, preheated 180-200 degrees. While the chicken is in the oven, water it with the rest of the marinade every 10 minutes. It is desirable that the marinade is sufficient for the entire cooking process. After 30 minutes, the chicken should be turned over and left to rest for another 20 minutes. The main thing is not to forget to moisten with marinade from time to time. It remains only to cut the chicken and you can serve the dish with any side dish!

Bloody Mary cocktail


  • 100 ml of tequila "Reposado";
  • 150 ml tomato juice;
  • 75 ml shellfish juice;
  • 3 teaspoons lime juice
  • a tablespoon of finely chopped celery;
  • 1/2 tablespoon of finely chopped cilantro / parsley;
  • half a teaspoon of minced garlic;
  • a teaspoon of Tabasco Pepper Sauce;
  • half a teaspoon of salt;
  • half a teaspoon of Worcestershire sauce;

The number of ingredients is calculated for two servings of the Bloody Mary cocktail. Mix all ingredients in a blender until smooth. Fill highball glasses. Moisten the edge of the glass and sprinkle with salt, serve chilled with a stick of celery and a slice of lime.


The above recipes for Tabasco sauce are taken from the official website of the Mcilhenny Company, where countless of them are stored, including from ordinary people. Do not be afraid to fantasize in cooking and use Tabasco sauce even where it would seem not needed at all. The main feature of this wonderful sauce is that it is difficult for them to spoil any dish! And most importantly, remember: excessive amounts of spicy food are contraindicated for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


Over the past 130 years of its existence, Tabasco sauce has firmly established itself on the leading positions in the list of the most popular pepper-based sauces. In the state of Louisiana in 1868, gourmet and tireless experimenter Edmund McAilenni managed to fulfill his old dream and find the perfect flavor combination, which was named tobasco sauce. Subsequently, a new gastronomic invention allowed Mr. McIlhenny to establish his own company McIlhenny for the production of tobasco sauce.

Tabasco sauce composition

Tabasco sauce contains simple, at first glance, ingredients that, in combination with each other, give an unsurpassed taste and aroma of the product. Only one type of red hot pepper is used to make tobasco sauce. Cayenne or Tobasco pepper combined with white vinegar and salt form the basis of the Tobasco sauce.

In order for the tobasco sauce, which is made from the pulp of hot red pepper, to acquire its distinctive piquant and at the same time sweet and sour taste, the product after production must be kept for at least three years in special barrels made of white oak wood. To make the world famous tobasco sauce, you need to make mashed potatoes from ripe cayenne pepper with a special type of salt, which is placed in barrels for the fermentation process.

At the end of the three-year period, the tobasco sauce is seasoned with vinegar and packaged in distinctive glass bottles. It is noteworthy that the original recipe for Tabasco Macilenni uses salt, which is mined in the mines of the American state of Louisiana on Avery Island. Tobasco sauce got its original name due to the creator's addiction to sonorous words. Translated from the language of the Indians, the word Tobasco means "land of wet land."

Tobasco sauce is made from peppers, the quality of which is constantly monitored by McIlhenny. The fact is that only high quality ingredients will give the combination of taste and aroma necessary for Tobasco. Interestingly, tobasco peppers are harvested only by hand. Currently, there are a great many varieties of hot sauces from red hot pepper. However, the tobasco sauce firmly holds the palm.

By its taste (pungency) and consumer qualities, only 1/4 teaspoon of the sauce corresponds to:

  • 1 teaspoon of any other hot sauce
  • 0.5 teaspoon black pepper;
  • 0.5 teaspoon white pepper;

Tobasco sauce is distinguished by its rich spicy taste and aroma, so just a drop of the product is enough to completely change the taste of your dishes. Tobasco sauce is added to first courses, salads and appetizers. Tobasco is used to make marinades and hot sauces for meat and fish dishes. It is impossible to prepare the famous Bloody Mary cocktail without the hot Tobasco sauce.

To appreciate the importance and popularity of tobasco sauce, it is enough to take into account one interesting fact. Only tobasco sauce is included in the diet of American astronauts. We can say that the popularity of tobasco sauce has spread far beyond the planet Earth.

About the history of Tabasco sauce

How, when and where did the Tabasco sauce recipe come from? We know all the answers because it happened not so long ago, in 1868, and is documented by official sources. This was first done by the founder of the American MacIlennie Company, Edmund MacIlennie. The main innovation of the sauce was the fermentation of a particularly hot variety of pepper, Tabasco (the word translated from Indian means "land of wet land").

The first bottle of sauce cost a dollar, but despite the fabulous price for those times, the company sold 350 bottles in one year. At first, the sauce was called "Sauce Made by Mr. MacIlenny", but the creator of the original recipe decided to use the word "tabasco", which has long become a real brand. The base sauce contains very few ingredients - Tabasco pepper, rock salt and white vinegar. The recipe for Tabasco sauce is rather complicated and consists of several stages:

  • January is the time to plant pepper seeds in greenhouses.
  • April is meant to move the pepper into the ground.
  • August - for manual harvesting of pods, which should become firm and firm, with juicy pulp and bright red skin color, rich aroma.
  • The collected peppers are crushed together with the seeds.
  • The mass is mixed with salt. In the beginning it was a special salt from the local mines of Avery Island (Louisiana), the property of the author of the classic "Tabasco" recipe.
  • The resulting mixture is placed in barrels, for the manufacture of which white Limousin oak is used.
  • The salted pepper mass is aged in wooden barrels for three years.
  • After extraction, the composition is cleared of seeds and skins.
  • For a whole month, the resulting puree is thoroughly mixed with the highest quality white vinegar.
  • The finished sauce is then bottled and put up for sale.

Today, the original Tabasco hot sauce is produced by the same company. Macilenni produces several other varieties, which differ in composition and taste characteristics:

  • Red classic "Tabasco";
  • Green made from jalapenos;
  • Buffalo (for chicken wings);
  • Smoked chipotle sauce;
  • Tabasco garlic sauce, composition with three varieties of pepper;
  • Sweet and hot sauce with oriental spices;
  • Habanero, the hottest sauce.

The hozOboz for the author's Tabasco sauce slightly simplified the preparation in terms of time - it took only nine months, instead of three years. You can do everything in two weeks if you want to taste the spicy food more quickly.

Calorie content of Tabasco Sauce is 12 kcal.

Energy value of the product Tabasco sauce (The ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates):

Proteins: 1 g (~ 4 kcal)
Fat: 3 g. (~ 27 kcal)
Carbohydrates: 2 g. (~ 8 kcal)

Energy ratio (b | f | y): 33% | 225% | 67%

How Tabasco Sauce is Prepared and Eaten with

The most amazing thing is that the basis of the unique taste of Tabasco is made up of only three simple ingredients. Tabasco contains pepper pulp, salt and white vinegar.

But it's not enough just to mix all these components - pepper mixed with salt ferments in wooden barrels for several years, after which vinegar is added to the resulting mass.

Ideally, Tabasco contains salt from the mines of Avery Island.

The original Tabasco sauce is the one made by McIlhenny. To maintain the reputation of their product, specialists carefully monitor the process of collecting raw materials. What is important, the peppers are picked by hand. While working, the pickers select only the fruits of a certain ripeness. In order not to be mistaken, they compare the color of the pepper with the color of the sample plate, which they always have with them.

Tabasco sauce is prized for its rich aroma and extraordinary spicy taste. To give you an idea of ​​how hot the sauce is, imagine that 0.25 teaspoon of Tabasco equals half a teaspoon of black or white pepper.

The sauce can be used for soups, main courses, snacks and salads. With Tabasco, fish and meat are marinated before frying in a pan or charcoal.

You've probably heard about the Bloody Mary alcoholic cocktail. We prepare it in a simple way - they mix vodka with salted tomato juice. But in fact, the real cocktail recipe includes Tabasco sauce.

So, to make a real "Bloody Mary" you will need: vodka, tabasco, Worcestershire sauce, tomato juice, salt and pepper, lemon juice. To prepare a cocktail, you will need only one drop of Tabasco, vodka - 45 ml, tomato juice - 60 ml, 2-3 drops of Worcester sauce, 10 ml of lemon juice. Add pepper and salt to taste. Preparing a drink is not difficult - just mix all the ingredients with crushed ice.

It is customary to serve "Bloody Mary" with a stalk of celery.

Why is Tabasco sauce good for you?

The sauce contains vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, C, E, beta-carotene, fatty acids, and such useful substances: sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, calcium.

By consuming the sauce regularly, you can increase immunity, improve metabolism. It is possible that this is why the sauce is included in the diet of the British and US military.

The calorie content of the sauce is low - only 12 calories per 100 grams, and given that this product is eaten, due to its specific taste, not in spoons, but in drops, those who take care of their figure need not be afraid of the consequences.

Tabasco in a slow cooker: the beneficial properties of the sauce

Tabasco sauce is prepared from the minimum amount of ingredients, without additional additives. The sauce is based on hot peppers, salt, and white vinegar. The calorie content of the sauce is not great. Only 12 calories per 100 g of product. Moreover, the sauce is rich in vitamins and minerals. B vitamins, vitamins A, E, C, as well as fatty acids, beta-carotene, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sodium and iron - all this is part of this hot sauce.

Regular consumption of Tabasco helps to increase immunity and improve metabolism. And, given that the sauce is eaten in drops, not spoons, then you won't have to worry about your figure.

It is important to note that Tabasco sauce has contraindications. It is not recommended for people with gastrointestinal diseases, as well as for allergy sufferers, since red hot pepper is a strong allergen.

Benefits of Tabasco Sauce

Vitamins, fatty acids and minerals have a positive effect on the entire body. Thanks to these beneficial substances that make up the sauce, with its systematic use, metabolic processes can be normalized and the immune system can be strengthened.

Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant that prevents the aging process of the body and the formation of plaque from cholesterol.

This sauce is used in drops and with a low calorie content, it will not have a negative effect on the figure. It can be safely used in food for people who are losing weight, it prevents the development of obesity.

Tabasco sauce helps the body digest fatty or heavy protein foods, improves digestion and stimulates appetite. This product has a positive effect on the vascular and cardiac system, cleans blood vessels from cholesterol, and brings them to a healthy state. Improves brain activity and blood circulation.

Applying Tabasco Sauce

The sauce is used to add to various dishes made from meat, fish and vegetables. It gives them a new and original taste. The pungent and sour aroma enhances the taste of stews, omelettes and meat gravy, pickles for canning, soups, salads and baked goods. Also, a drop of Tabasco is necessarily added to such a popular alcoholic cocktail drink as "Bloody Mary". You cannot do without it when preparing tequila snacks.

Since the sauce has significant pungency, it must be added to dishes literally drop by drop, and be sure to taste the degree of pungency before adding more Tabasco.

Harm of Tabasco sauce

Inflammatory diseases of the digestive system, tachycardia and other heart diseases are a contraindication for eating Tabasco sauce, since it is quite spicy.

With extreme caution and in small doses, it is recommended to try the sauce for people who have a tendency to food allergic reactions, since Tabasco pepper is a strong allergen.

Tabasco in a slow cooker: the use of sauce

Tabasco sauce is used to prepare various dishes. And even if you use a multicooker, no one forbids you to use the sauce for its intended purpose. Tabasco sauce in a slow cooker can be used in different ways. You can add it to a vegetable stew, soup, or hot appetizer while cooking. This will give the finished food a pleasant, tangy flavor. This sauce is also great for making marinades, especially for meat. In this case, the sauce is mixed with various spices and salt and coated with the resulting marinade meat fillet or meat on the bone. Tabasco is also added to various side dishes, for example, to boiled rice.

Tabasco sauce is an excellent substitute for ground pepper. At the same time, you must use it with caution so as not to overdo it and not spoil the dish.


Since the sauce is very spicy, it cannot be eaten with inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart disease, in particular, with tachycardia.

In addition, red Tabasco peppers are a strong allergen, so people with food allergies should be careful when trying the sauce.

It is famous for its specialties: hamburgers, cola, French fries, Caesar salad - all these dishes came to us from the USA. Separately, it is worth mentioning sauces, which are also often borrowed from Americans. Ketchup, barbecue, sweet mustard are part of the cuisine of this nation. And not so long ago, another product from the USA appeared on the shelves of our stores - Tabasco.

It is the generic name for a range of food condiments based on cayenne pepper with various additives. The production of such sauces has been carried out by the only company - the Macilenni family contract - for more than a century and a half. The history of Tabasco began in 1868, when a member of the family, Edward, launched a versatile hot seasoning, the recipe for which he created as a result of long experiments with peppers and other additives. This is how Tabasco sauce was born, the recipe of which remains unchanged. What does it include?

The basis is made up of fresh fruits - one of the hottest varieties of peppers. In addition, salt, vinegar, and water appear in the classic recipe. Horseradish, garlic, habanero and other spices can also be found in variations. For aging such a liquid seasoning as the recipe for which we are now describing, they use Limousin oak barrels. In them, the finished product is stored for three years for complete fermentation.

Tabasco is used almost everywhere: on its basis, marinades for meat, poultry and fish are created, it is added to other sauces, flavored with soups, side dishes. Even in some alcoholic cocktails, it is included as an ingredient.

For example, the classic Bloody Mary recipe contains this sauce as well. Or the Red Dog cocktail, so named because the rusty drops of Tabasco bite your tongue when you drink it. But in any case, it should be remembered that this sauce is very spicy, and therefore it is used literally a little bit.

In our stores, this product is not at all cheap, but this is understandable - after all, it is imported from the USA, where it is produced by only one company. But how do you make your own Tabasco sauce? As it turns out, it's very simple. You will need to take a few hot peppers, salt, vinegar and water. The fruits should be chosen sharper to make the taste as close as possible to the original. Tabasco sauce, the recipe for which we will give below, is obtained during the fermentation, or fermentation, of hot peppers. Therefore, its preparation is not a matter of one day.

You should take the fruits of the pepper, wash them and grind them together with the seeds in a mortar. Or cut into rings. Then they should be folded tightly into a glass jar, crush and pour in a teaspoon of salt (for 3-4 peppers). Together with the salt, the resulting mixture must be thoroughly tamped onto the bottom of the can, and then add a little cold water. All this is closed with a lid and put away in a dark, warm place for about a week. The very next day, bubbles will be seen in the jar - this begins fermentation. After a week, add 1-2 teaspoons of vinegar to the pepper and crush everything again. After that, the sauce is almost ready - you can put it in the refrigerator.

But what about the casks in which the Tabasco sauce is aged? The original recipe assumes a three-year exposure to them? In fact, you won't notice much of a difference between aged and unseasoned because of the pungency of the sauce. And supposedly mandatory storage in a Limousin oak is a tricky one thanks to which the Macilenni family manages to keep a high price for their product. Otherwise, how to explain why sauce, whose cost is lower than the glass container in which it is sold, should be so expensive?

Our most versatile sauce. Unlike ketchup, it diversifies the taste of any dish.

TABASCO® Green Pepper Sauce - Green Jalapeno Sauce

Green Jalapeno Sauce TABASCO®. Light taste of Jalapeno pepper. It goes well with appetizers and Mexican food.

TABASCO® Garlic Pepper Sauce - Garlic Sauce

Garlic Pepper Sauce. Soft taste. A mixture of three peppers with hot garlic.

TABASCO® Habanero Pepper Sauce - Habanero Pepper Sauce

Habanero TABASCO® Pepper Sauce. Our hottest sauce. Jamaican-style fruit mix.

TABASCO® Chipotle Pepper Sauce

Chipotle Pepper Sauce TABASCO®. Aromatic sauce with smoked flavor. Suitable for any kind of barbecue.

TABASCO® Spicy Sweet Sauce

The history of the TABASCO® family of flavors dates back to 1868, when Edmund McIlhenny first planted pepper seeds on the rich soil of the Avery Island estate in Louisiana. The sauce he made from these peppers is now marketed under the TABASCO® original red sauce.

Five generations later, McIlhenny has released six unique sauce flavors. Of all the delicious sauces, there is at least one that will delight every member of your family.

TABASCO® types by sharpness

  • 100 - 600 units by Scoville: TABASCO® SWEET & Spicy Pepper Sauce: Sweet Hot Pepper Sauce is our most spicy sauce. Not supplied to the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • 600-1200 units Scoville: TABASCO® Green Jalapeño Pepper Sauce: Green Jalapeño Pepper Sauce is our only sauce that does not contain Tabasco peppers;
  • 1200-1800 u. Scoville: TABASCO® Garlic Pepper Sauce: Garlic Pepper Sauce - despite the three peppers mixed with garlic, it has a very mild flavor;
  • 1500-2500 units by Scoville: TABASCO® Chipotle Pepper Sauce: Chipotle Pepper Sauce - Enjoy