Painting eggs onion husks. How to paint eggs: options for patterns with onion husks How to paint eggs in the onion

15.03.2020 Healthy nutrition

Tradition to paint eggs came to us from the most ancient times. And since then, every year in the bright spring holiday Easter, we do not forget about it, and we create small creative masterpieces with your own hands. Also, as you do not forget to prepare and stove into these significant spring days

In my opinion a wonderful tradition and a wonderful holiday! The Day of the Resurrection of Christ! Spring awakening day, began something new and beautiful! And to the holiday, it is customary to prepare any treats, treat the guests, and treat themselves.

And today we will be with you to paint eggs. Our task is to learn how to do these in different ways. And accumulated such methods in the people - a lot. Each hostess will probably have their favorite who uses it from year to year. But each of us comes such a moment that I want to try something new.

And just today's article for such a case. I will share with you the ways that managed to accumulate, as well as those who have learned quite recently. In any case, there will be a lot of ways, and I think that each of you will choose something to your liking. After all, painting them with their own hands is always akin to art.

After all, the Orthodox Easter will come very soon. We all walk to each other on a visit with herbs and paintings, "fight" them. And for approval: "Christ is risen!", Receive the answer: "Truly Rissed!" And all together will be rejected by the arrival of spring, the revival of nature, sunlight and warmth. Rejoice as a certain miracle, what is when it was a miracle of the Resurrection of Christ.

Easter eggs - base and decoration of any table. It is not currently not difficult to arrange them, in stores selling a large number of diverse dyes, materials for blending, decorating and other design.

For those who want to show their creativity, there are many interesting ways of design. The main requirement for this - painted samples should not be dark, gloomy. Spring colors are welcome, the ability is red, and all its shades. And otherwise - as knowledge prompt, and what is enough fantasy.

For proper staining, there are several basic rules.

  • for better and uniform giving color, they need to rinse and degrease. You can rinse with soap, and degrease with alcohol.
  • cook them only when they lie at room temperature some kind
  • time. Then during the heating of them in hot water there will be no sharp difference in temperature, and the shell will remain a whole
  • cook them better with the addition of salt, approximately one tablespoon per 1-1.2 glasses of water
  • so that boiled and painted samples had a beautiful festive look, they should be cut and rub the cloth moistened in vegetable oil. Then carefully polish them with a dry cotton cloth. So they will turn out shiny and glossy.

For the design of Easter eggs, depending on the staining method, there are such concepts:

- Paint - stain in one color

Krapanki - painted in the main color, but they have splashes in the form of specks, stains or strips of another color

- Drapes - tinted in one color, but the pattern on them is put on hand

Pussies - have an ornamental or plot pattern, are hand-sized by paints or painted by a special way.

And so how can I make a beautifully emboss this Easter symbol and show your work?

Painting in the onion husk

The most popular method of staining is the use of onion husks. With this way, our great-grandmothers used the coloring, and probably their great-grandmothers too. This is a very simple and affordable way that allows you to achieve a gamma of the color from the light-selected to dark-shine. The more taking the husks for staining, the darker the color will turn out. The intensity of staining also contributes its adjustments to the shade.

And if you use various devices, you can get not only intended color, but also drawing.

Staining in the onion husk

1. Put the husk in the pan and pour water. Cook it on slow heat 30-40 minutes.

2. Turn off the fire, cover with a lid and leave it is approximately 1 hour.

3. To get the eggs from the refrigerator in advance, give them at room temperature for 2 hours.

4. Strain the decoction, freeing it from the husk, salt. Place eggs in it and cook for 7-10 minutes.

5. Get them with a spoon and cool them in flowing cold water.

6. For more saturated color, they can be returned to the chapels again in the infusion, and hold them there to the desired color.

7. Dry and lubricate the marblee moistened in vegetable oil.

To obtain saturated red-brown, you need to take a husk from 8-10 bulbs and pour it with two glasses of water.

There are different types of onions, and his husk has different coloring from light yellow to dark brown. Depending on this, you can also receive different color.

Using it, you can paint the samples in a very beautiful way.

Marble method of coloring

1. Prepare the husks of different colors, cut it with arbitrarily different geometric figures, the size of no more than 1 cm. Cut the same regular paper.

2. Mix the husk and paper.

3. Room temperature eggs moisten with water, cut into the husk with paper.

4. Prepare a dumping stocking or gauze in advance. Cut it with 15 x 15 cm with squares., So that the product can be put in them.

5. Put them in gauze. The edges of the gauze tightly tie or fasten with threads so that the husks fit tightly to the shell walls. The more denser, the clearer drawing.

6. Place the remaining husks in the pan, pour it with water and pour 1-2 tablespoons of salt. Put the eggs in the pan, put on fire, bring to a boil on medium heat. Remove fire and cook 35-40 minutes.

7. Get them with a spoon, put under the flowing cold water. Remove the Capron.

8. Dry and lubricate with a marblee moistened in vegetable oil.

Marble method of staining in the onion husk and green

1. Prepare onion husks. If there is a husk of different colors, then this will give the best "marble" effect. Cut the husk as much as possible. The husks should be a lot.

2. The main product room temperature is moistened with water and richly covered with husks. At first, you can simply go around them, and then apply your hands.

3. Ice very tightly wrap marks or a chip, tie the ends with threads.

4. Pour a glass of water into the pan, add a tablespoon of salt and pour the bubble of the greenfish.

5. Place eggs with a husk in a saucepan. They must be completely hidden under water. If water is not enough, you can add it.

6. Put on the middle fire, bring to a boil. Cook for 7-10 minutes.

7. Rinse under running water. Then remove the gauze and rinse again.

8. Dry and lubricate with sunflower oil with a marblee. Polish and lay out on the dish.

I really like this way, and I often use it. And especially for you, we took the video on this topic, which we are happy to offer you for viewing.

I tried to tell and show everything in great detail so that anyone who takes on this task received only an excellent result.

In a lows husk with a pattern

Interesting drawing can be obtained with the help of the same husk and rice. We will have so-called specks. How to do it?

1. Room temperature eggs moisten with water.

2. Apply dry rice on them and cut off the head or gauze tightly, as in the previous version.

3. Place in a saucepan onion husks, pour it with water and salt. Put the prepared samples into it, put on fire, bring to a boil on medium fire. Remove fire and cook 35-40 minutes.

4. Get them with a spoon, put them under the flowing cold water. Remove the Capron.

5. Dry and lubricate with a marblee moistened in vegetable oil.

In the onion husk with lace pattern

Drawings can be made using various plants, firming materials or lace fabric. So, for example, such drawings like twigs and leaves are very much loved.

1. Prepare dill twigs, parsley leaves, small leaves from other plants and blades. You can cook carved figures from paper. Very beautiful is a drawing of lace. With this coloring technique, leucoplasty is also used. Cut different figures and glued. Or the drawing is applied using wax.

2. Room temperature eggs moisten with water.

3. In any order, as prompts fantasy, apply the drawing using the prepared material.

4. Completely wrap them with a nap or gauze.

5. Place in a saucepan onion husks, pour it with water and pour 1-2 tbsp. Salt spoons. Put the eggs in the pan, bring to a boil on medium fire. Remove fire and cook 35-40 minutes.

6. Get them with a spoon, put under the flowing cold water. Remove the Capron.

7. Dry and lubricate with a marblee moistened in vegetable oil.

Stay on the plate and put on the table.

In the onion husk with a pattern

Patterns on the egg can be created in several ways.

1. For example, wound on it several gums for money. It turns out strips of different widths. And if you change the position of the rubber band, and the surface is alternately painted with dyes of different colors, then multicolored stripes are obtained. It is necessary to paint from light to a dark tone.

2. You can wind the same threads. And then omit them into the coloring solution.

3. Either roll up narrow long scotch strips.

4. Beautiful patterns are obtained, if we wash the shell of lace and then hold it in a onion solution.

How to paint eggs with natural dyes

It is believed to use natural dyes better than artificial. And you can not even explain why. In only one word "natural" everything is said. And although I do not think that artificial food dyes are harmful to use, but if I have to choose between them, I always choose natural.

As you know, many plants, fruits and vegetables have a natural pigment, which lightly stains some things. And at all times, people enjoyed this effect.

Let's look at what they happen, and how to use them to achieve a more saturated color.

  • Long husk. When painting gives a rich palette from pale - yellow, to a beautiful, rich dark - brown. How to paint in detail above.
  • Beet juice. Thanks to him, you can get a color from pale - pink to burgundy.

For staining in such a color, rub the beets on the grater, pour it with water and peak 20-30 minutes. The resulting decoction to strain, add several spoons of vinegar and a little salt. Then give a little cool and put eggs in it. Cook 10 - 15 minutes, periodically checking what color it turned out. After that, let it be.

  • Spinach. When using it, it turns out a bright rich green color. Similarly, we prepare the decoction and cook eggs in it.

For the preparation of infusion, it is necessary to simply peak the chopped spinach 30-40 minutes. Then put the samples in a slightly cooled infusion.

  • Birch leaves. Thanks to the brave and infusion at least fresh, even a dry birch leaves can also be obtained beautiful green.

Pour them with boiling water, let go bother on slow heat until the solution becomes saturated color, then turn off the fire, and the leaves insist in the water for another 30 minutes. After that, the soles prepared for painting, omit to the cooled solution and cook after boiling 10 minutes

  • Nettle. Also give the green color when staining.
  • Lemon. Thanks to the infusion of lemon peel, you can get different shades of yellow.
  • Chamomile. Give fine and very gentle shades of yellow.
  • Turmeric and saffron. Let's give a beautiful sunny orange color.
  • Orange. His crusts, infused in the courage will give a magnificent golden - orange color.
  • Red cabbage. When cooking a ragger and painting eggs will give blue color.
  • Coffee. Its infusion will give warm beige shades.

You can also paint, using raspberry juice, blueberry berries, blueberries, blackberries, cranberries. Or try to do it in infused black tea.

For all of the above natural dyes, one coloring scheme operates. Here she is.

Universal way painting for all natural dyes

1. Pour cold water into the pan, add 1 tbsp. Spoon of vinegar. Place the same product there, which will be a natural dye.

2. Bring to a boil, turn off the fire, cover with a lid and let it brew 30-40 minutes.

3. Room temperature eggs place in a cooled decoction. On slow fire to bring to a boil. Cook 15-30 minutes to the desired color.

4. Get them with a spoon, cool under running water.

5. If you want to achieve more intense color, then put them in the decoction again. Leave for a longer time, you can even all night.

The fact is that natural pigments are less active, and therefore the time for staining is required more than usual.

6. Then hees and smear with vegetable oil.

Then lay out on the dish or in a basket and serve on the table.

How to paint eggs dyes at home

Collect eggs at home can also be paint, which is sold in the store. It can now be bought for every taste. Among the huge sentence you can meet the palette of only 4 colors, and you can buy it with a richer color scheme. I met packaging with flowers up to 15 different shades.

As a rule, there are instructions for use on all packages. It should be carefully read it and adhere to the proposed instructions. Mostly recommendations such -

  • breed paint should be directly before use in a small amount of water.
  • breed it in small portions, since under the influence of light and air it quickly loses its properties
  • not to store after use
  • when interacting with it use rubber gloves so as not to paint the skin of the hands

Holding the instructions, you will get painted different colors. If you withstand eggs in the dye less in time, the color will turn out more gentle, and if longer, then more rich.

But with such dyes you can also decorate Easter eggs very original!

Marble way without green

For this method you need to have food dyes.

1. First you need to boil, and then paint eggs into bright light colors. A good result is made of red, yellow and orange.

2. Then follow them.

3. Now we will drag the water dark colors - blue, green, purple. Each color in a separate dish.

4. Add 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil to each color. We carry out toothpick on the oil so that oil paths are. What they are more, the better.

5. Each prepared instance is dipped into dark color only once. Use for this glove. Then dry and lubricate with vegetable oil.

There are other, no less interesting and creative ways to decorate Easter eggs. From the simplest decoration with beads, ribbons, fabrics to famous eggs Faberge. Some of them are made for eating, and some for loving.

And some and for the other. And let's consider just such interesting ways.

How can I paint eggs

If you use several colored dyes, and the egg is not completely dipped in them, but only half, or by 1/3, then you can apply several layers of paint. And thus you can set absolutely any colors, including iris.

The only thing to remember is to remember that the paint should be given the opportunity to squeeze after each layer applied.

To do this, it is necessary to prepare either a grid or some kind of stand on which we will lay out partially painted products.

Since this process is not fast, then you need to stockday and patience, but the result will be just excellent. And everyone will certainly ask how you have achieved such a wonderful and original result.

Or you can apply the following way to obtain iris color.

It turns out everything is very beautiful, simple enough and fast!

And you see, have any hostess on the table, any hostess will want!

Seven original staining methods

1. In order to obtain patterns from the combined strips of white and color, can be pasted on eggs in randomly fine scotch strips. After the end of the staining and cooling process, the scotch is removed and beautiful geometric patterns will appear to our attention.

2. Strips of the fantasy can be obtained by using rubber bands for money, since we did it, when staining with a onion husk.

3. And when sticking rice, we get bright colorful specks. (The method is also described for staining onion husks)

4. Beautiful specks can be easily obtained, armed with a toothbrush. To do this, you must first set the main tone, and then with the help of the brush, spray drops on them. This procedure may leave a lot of splashes on the table, so take care in advance about it and make it napkins.

5. And if we melt wax and draw patterns or some drawing on the shell, and then omit them into the dye, you can get gorgeous beautiful samples that will decorate any festive table.

It is important here that the paint is not hot, not the wax melt and the drawing will be lubricated, or in general invisible.

6. And the next way has recently become very popular. It is also a variant of marble staining, and the newspaper is used as items that helps it. She rushes into small nurses. After that, the eggs are placed in a piece of Capron, and the newspaper is poured into the ones, like a leek husk. Then the kapron must be tightly tied and put them to cook.

After they boil, cool them as usual and then remove the Capron and remove the paper. On the shell, the letters of newspaper text will remain.

The method is spectacular, but I do not use it, as it does not really want to cook the food product together with typographic paint.

7. Samples with a bulk, so-called 3D effect look very beautifully. Make it is also not difficult. As they usually stain or natural, or food artificial dye, dried. In the meantime, we take 200 - 250 Gy of sugar powder and mix it with conventional water to the casket state. Sugar mass put in a confectionery syringe and apply beautiful volumetric patterns.

It turns out just great.

Decoupage Sleeps

Recently, this technique has become incredibly popular in different spheres of creativity. She did not bypassed the party and Easter crafts.

When you look such a video, I immediately want to leave all things, and do such a beautiful view of creativity as decoupage.

The only thing that would like to draw your attention is to choose napkins with a small, suitable on the occasion of the pattern, and then the success is provided to you. Such handsome men usually scatter as hot cakes.

By the way, in this recipe, egg protein is used as glue. And can be used and gelatin. To do this, it must be pouring it with a small amount of water, let it slightly swell, then merge excess water. After that, heat and let it be completely dissolved. Glue is ready. Armed with a brush, we take a suitable napkin and create beauty.

Marble Staining Nail Polish

Another interesting method of staining with multi-colored nail polishes. The technique of water manicure is used.

1. Boil white eggs.

2. Pour water temperature in a bowl. Pumping nail polish in it. Color can be used one, two or more.

3. When using multiple colors, they should be dripped in turn in the center.

4. Draw from varnish with toothpick drawings in the form of abstractions, lines, cobs or colors.

5. Dress on gloves, take the sample and to dip it first one, then the other side. Give to dry.

This method is interesting in terms of design, and in terms of creativity. Copies are originally and beautiful. But it should be remembered that varnish is a chemical compound, not a food dye. Therefore, it may make sense to take advantage of the other methods listed.

And you can simply draw shapes on the shell just to draw the same nail polish. There is also where to raise fantasies.

How to paint eggs in fabric

If you know that you have a fabric that has an unstable color, and in simple language - it lines, then wrapping the egg into it, you can paint it. For this purpose, you need to have samples with a white shell.

1. Tightly wrap the prepared sample into a linen fabric. Tie edges with thread.

2. Place it in cold water, add salt, bring to a boil. Cook for 10 minutes.

3. Dry hot water, and pour the finished product with cold water. When it cools, remove the fabric. Dry and lubricate with vegetable oil.

Similarly, you can use lace. In this case, a beautiful and original lace pattern will appear on the surface of the surface.

Why paint eggs for Easter

Many wonder: "Why should they paint on Easter?" The answer to this question is to look for another in the prehistoric period.

At all times, eggs attached great importance to absolutely in all cultures. It was considered a symbol of the Renaissance, the Spring Sun, which carries light, warmth, life in all its manifestation, getting rid of the winter shackles, gloom. Transition from non-existence to being.

He was presented as the gifts to the pagan ancient gods, and later began to give it to their loved ones, friends. It is known that already in ancient Egypt existed the tradition of staining eggs. It was done during the spill of the Nile. This event in the life of the people was theorest, because the river carried the life to people. Therefore, it was waiting for him every year as a kind of miracle. And when the spill happened, there were great celebrations. The painted eggs were exchanged, they were hung in temples and dwellings.

In the Indian Vedas, God Brother hatched from the Golden Egg.

There are traditions in the east, which says that the world occurred from Chaos, who was in a huge egg. Therefore, he to this day gives great importance.

In the ancient burials, completely different cultures find eggs, both natural and made from different materials. Meet among them and painted. All world mythology store legends associated with it, as with a symbol of life, updates, the source of origin of all that exists in this world.

They are both one of the main attributes of the Christian Easter. According to an ancient church legend, the first Easter egg Holy Equal-Apostles Maria Magdalene presented to the Roman Emperor Tiberius. Pains are considered in Christian culture a symbol of the resurrection of Christ. Russian traditional legends themselves say that at the time of the resurrection of Christ, the stones on Calvary turned into red eggs.

By the way, probably it is known to all that they can be left until next year, using them in the treatment of various diseases, getting rid of the evil eye and damage. I always leave one, the most beautiful, untouched. And although we are not treated with his help, and even more so do not take damage, but it lies with us in the house until the next Easter. That is the custom that has passed away from the grandmother.

Well, probably, everything!

Today I tried to most fully tell you about the ways of staining Easter eggs. Knowing these basic ways, and including fantasy, on their basis you can come up with other, no less interesting ways.

And now I want to wish you peace, well-being, good! As well as warm, light, life without disease and sadness! If all this wish on the eve or day of Light Easter, and eat a couple of painted Easter eggs, then everything will certainly come true!

Good health! And also with the coming bright Easter! Christ is Risen!!!

Today I will find out several recipes for the color of eggs for Easter one of the natural dyes - onion husks. I used to buy paints in the store and painted eggs with multi-colored food, but chemical paints. Now for several years I am paint the eggs with natural paints of onion husks, turmeric, beets. And also apply and green. I like to use such natural dyes, and the result is not worse than from the use of artificial paints.

On the festive table on Sunday, Christ is mandatory, and.

Why paint eggs for Easter

Why paint eggs? What kind of custom is so interesting that our mothers and grandmothers observed and we too? The beginning of this long-time history is taken from the Bible. The first Easter egg gave Maria Magdalene to the Roman Emperor Tiberius. After the resurrection of Jesus Christ, she came to the ruler with the words: "Christ is risen!" It was necessary to come to the emperor not with empty hands, so she brought him as a gift the usual chicken egg. And Maria came to announce that Christ was resurrected, talk about a miracle. However, Tiberius did not believe her words. He said that no one could rise, just like a white egg can not become red. Only the last word flew from his lips, like an egg really accepted a scarlet color.

So a tradition appeared to paint eggs for Easter. Initially, the color in which the eggs stained were only red. He symbolized the blood of Christ. And the egg itself served as a symbol of revival. However, later they began to paint in other different colors and replace chicken eggs with wooden, chocolate or made of precious metals and stones.

What to do before the start of staining eggs

We begin to collect in advance the husks. We will need 3 - 4 kg of bow. If you forget to accumulate the husk, you can not remove it from the bow, but only the top layer so that the onions is still kept.

If you paint eggs in a husk in a simple way, you can buy eggs of any color. If you paint eggs in a husk with drawings, then the eggs must be chosen white. If you use thermal blinds, then it is better to buy medium-sized eggs, since such stickers will not be taken on large eggs. Eggs should be smooth, the shell does not act anywhere, has no roughness or cracks.

30 minutes before the start of the preparation, you need to get eggs from the refrigerator. This is done so that when cooking, they do not burst from the temperature drop.

Prepare a salt that needs to be added to the water in the process of cooking so that the eggs do not burst.

Wash the eggs if they are not very clean. Wipe before cooking with an alcohol or ordinary table vinegar so that the paint from the onion husk is better absorbed,


  • Eggs - 10 pieces
  • Water - 1 liter
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon


In order to simply paint the eggs onion husks, it is enough to lower the white eggs of room temperature in the onion decoction and cook for 20 minutes. I lower the eggs in the pan in the tablespoon, it is more convenient. Then we wish ready-made eggs, it is also possible to make a spoon and lower them in cold water so that they are cooled faster. It is not necessary to lower the ready-made eggs into cold water, if you are not going to do anything with them, somehow decorate. Ready eggs I recommend to lubricate with any vegetable oil for a beautiful shine. And then you can draw any pattern on the egg or stick to it stickers. There is already the ocean of your imagination.


  • Eggs - 10 pieces
  • Long husk - 2 glasses, it is about 3-4 kilograms of onions
  • Water - 1 liter
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon
  • Vegetable oil - a few droplets on the mob
  • Parsley leaf, cilantro, any other beautiful plant leaf (not poisonous only) - 10 pieces or more if you want


So, we cook eggs with a vegetable pattern. For example, you can perform a pattern in the form of a plant leaf. My favorite, by the way, well, really like me the result.

Ow white husk rinse well. We put the husk in the pan, pour water, bring to a boil and cook about 15 to 30 minutes. The longer we cook, the darker there will be a color in painted eggs.

We take a leaf and apply an egg to the moistered water, rewrite the gauze tightly or a bone and tie the ends. We ship into the decoction of the onion husk and cook for 20 minutes. Then we get ready-made eggs, it can be made with a spoon and lower them in cold water so that they are cooled faster. It is not necessary to lower the ready-made eggs into cold water, if you are not going to do anything with them, somehow decorate. We remove the gauze with eggs. Ready eggs I recommend lubricating with vegetable oil for a beautiful shine. And, by the way, with the patterns of painted eggs, you can experiment at least anything. Similarly, you can draw any other drawing on the egg. For example, not the leaf, but from the paper cut some figure or flower.


  • Eggs - 10 pieces
  • Long husk - 2 glasses, it is about 3-4 kilograms of onions
  • Water - 1 liter
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon
  • Vegetable oil - a few droplets on the mob
  • Lace or lace fabric - for winding 10 eggs in 1 or more layers


Instead of plants to create a pattern, you can use a special patterned fabric or lace, which can be bought in sewing accessories stores. Then the cooking process will be even easier.

Ow white husk rinse well. We put the husk in the pan, pour water, bring to a boil and cook about 15 to 30 minutes. The longer we cook, the darker there will be a color in painted eggs.

Tightly turn around the egg into the fabric and fix it, for example, you can sew thread or hook a stapler or simply tie. We put eggs into a decoction of onion husk and cook for 20 minutes. Then we get ready-made eggs, it can be made with a spoon and lower them in cold water so that they are cooled faster. It is not necessary to lower the ready-made eggs into cold water, if you are not going to do anything with them, somehow decorate. Remove the fabric from eggs. Finished eggs I recommend lubricating with vegetable oil for a beautiful shine.


  • Eggs - 10 pieces
  • Long husk - 2 glasses, it is about 3-4 kilograms of onions
  • Water - 1 liter
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon
  • Vegetable oil - a few droplets on the mob
  • Threads or gum for money - 2 - 3 coils of threads of different color or 1 pack of multicolored gum for money


Another wonderful and cheerful recipe how to decorate eggs at Easter. We will make striped eggs.

Ow white husk rinse well. We put the husk in the pan, pour water, bring to a boil and cook about 15 to 30 minutes. The longer we cook, the darker there will be a color in painted eggs.

We take threads of any diameter and any color, better than x / b. Or color gum, which are often used for money. Wrap a tight egg around. And you can wind as you will tell you your creativity, because These threads will then draw. Now omit in the already cooked decoction and cook for 20 minutes. When eggs are completely cooled, gum or thread remove and you should have a striped egg. Finished eggs I recommend lubricating with vegetable oil for a beautiful shine.

Prayes Eggs in Krapinka in the onion husk


  • Eggs - 10 pieces
  • Long husk - 2 glasses, it is about 3-4 kilograms of onions
  • Water - 1 liter
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon
  • Vegetable oil - a few droplets on the mob
  • Rice or Perlovka - 0.5 cups
  • Marley or Capron Tights (stockings) - for winding 10 eggs in several layers


And now, attention, Pisk Fashion! Eggs in Krapinka. Just kidding, of course, about a squeak, but the eggs are cool.

So, everything is former. Ow white husk rinse well. We put the husk in the pan, pour water, bring to a boil and cook about 15 to 30 minutes. The longer we cook, the darker there will be a color in painted eggs.

To paint easter eggs in Krapinka, you need a raw egg to wet and dangle in a dry rice by a barrier. This will be our future specks. Then we wrap the egg together with the rice or pearns adhered to it or the Capron and tie the ends thread. We put eggs in the onion decoction and cook 20 minutes until readiness. When the eggs are completely cooled, remove the gauze and you should get an egg to the speck. Finished eggs I recommend lubricating with vegetable oil for a beautiful shine.

Marble eggs in the onion husk


  • Eggs - 10 pieces of white
  • Long husk, preferably from different types of onions, i.e. Miscellaneous color onions - 2 glasses, it is about 3-4 bowls
  • Water - 1 liter
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon
  • Vegetable oil - a few droplets on the mob
  • Pieces of white paper finely chopped - 0.5 glasses
  • Marley or Capron Tights (stockings) - for winding 10 eggs in several layers


And now we go not by the usual scheme, but completely different. Cooking onion husks do not need. It must be cut with scissors for small pieces, about 0.5 cm. You can and smaller, if you have enough patience. The smaller cut, the more beautiful it will work out. We also cut paper. I smell the chopped husk and paper into the plate. Take white eggs. Now you need to wet the egg and cut into a plate in the husk and paper. Make from Capron or gauze pouch and there, too, fall asleep with small husks and paper. Now you need to lower the egg in the Kapron and tighten the ends tightly with threads. Pour the water in the pan and send the prepared eggs there and cook them for 30 minutes. Remove the Capron and the husk only after the full cooling of the product.

You can diversify this method in another color, namely the green. Please, please, you can use it for this purpose.

In this option, you will need to bring water to a boil in a saucepan and pour out the entire bubble of the greenf. Put into the water with green-based prepared eggs and cook them for 20 minutes. Then the water needs to merge and pour cold water to cool the product. Then get eggs out of the water and clean. You will get brown-white - green marble eggs. Well, as usual, finished eggs recommend to lubricate with vegetable oil for a beautiful shine.

Important! Since the recipe is used green, it is better to use gloves. The dishes in which you boil eggs can dry up if it is enamelled. Therefore, it is best to take the old pan, which is not sorry. Over time, Zelenka, by the way, will happen.
Well, if there is time and desire, then you can make not one-photo eggs, but creative eggs? Ready to proceed to the process? Imagine, and if you call assistants to the kitchen - children, then this occupation will simply turn into a holiday for them and they will remember for them all their lives as unusual eggs with mom painted. And then they will give these recipes to their kids. So do not be lazy, try to arrange a holiday in the kitchen a day earlier.

I remind you that you can not paint eggs to the Good Friday of the eggs, but the Great Thursday and the Great Saturday is very suitable for this.

Light you Easter!

Today is all!

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More saturated and dark color can be taken more. Also, the resulting color will be from the grade of the bow: so, the bow will give the shell of a pleasant purple shade.

If you mix different varieties, you can get interesting shades.

To prepare a decoction, you need to put a husk in a saucepan - it is desirable to choose such that is not sorry to spoil, as the paint can stay on the walls. Pour hot water from above so that it does not reach the edge. Put on fire, bring to a boil and reduce the temperature. The onion husk is cooked on a slow heat from 20 to 50 minutes: the more, the more dark paint will turn out.

While the decoction is preparing, you need to remove the eggs from the refrigerator so that they have time to warm to room temperature. Cook them will be in a boiling fluid, and due to a sharp change of temperature, they can burst. Rinse them thoroughly and leave for half an hour while the husk is boiled.

Painting eggs onion husks

Ready decoction is desirable to strain: otherwise, the shell will remain a divorce, the color will be uneven, although some more like this option. Add salt into the water so that the shell becomes harder and the paint did not hit it and did not paint the protein. Carefully lower the eggs, bring the infusion to a boil and boil 8-10 minutes. The longer cook, the more saturated color will acquire a shell, but, on the other hand, the eggs will be less tasty: the protein has acquired a conservation of rubber, becomes more dense. It is advisable to turn eggs for uniform staining during cooking. Make sure that the decoction of them completely covered.

In order to diversify the color, it is possible a part of the eggs to wind up threads, and part of the rice in dry rice and wrap in gauze. After cooking on one, there will be beautiful divorces, and on others - small scrap.

If you remove the eggs in three minutes and pierce the shell with a needle in several places, and then draw, adding cinnamon and cloves, then they will be painted inside.

Finished eggs hold in cold water for a few minutes so that the shell is easily easily separated from the protein. To give the matte surface of the shine they wipe dry and lubricate with sunflower oil.

You will need

  • - eggs;
  • - water;
  • - onion husk;
  • - Scotch;
  • - Threads.


Collect onion husks. Rinse it under the stream of cool water. Put the husk in the water. There, send eggs and boil them within 10-15 minutes until readiness. To get a more rich shade, leave eggs in a solution for another 15-30 minutes. The longer they will be there, the richer is the shade of the shell.

To get eggs into striped, take the shell in small pieces of the tape and boil in water C, as described above. If you stick a mug, flowers or any other figures cut from the tape on the egg, and then weld until prepared in the onion brave, it turns red-brown eggs with white drawings.

To obtain a shell with a marble effect, wrap eggs with husks, secure it with threads so as not to slip during cooking, and lower it into the water. Boil the eggs until readiness and remove the husk, the shell will turn out in marble divorces.


So that painted eggs are easily cleaned, immediately after cooking, lower them into ice water.

Helpful advice

So that the eggs do not burst during dyeing in the onion branch, satisfy water.

If grated paint oil, they will get a pleasant shine.

Kulich and beautifully decorated testicles - the main decoration of the Easter table. In this case, many hostesses want to distinguish themselves and make eggs very unusual and original. Coloring in a solution of lows of the husk One of the oldest and most safe ways.

Painting eggs onion husks

This method used our ancestors, is no less popular in our time. For the preparation of a solution for dyeing onion husks, we pour hot water, bring to the boil and Tim half an hour - an hour on slow fire. Then we give the solution to cool, add a spoonful of salt (it will not give eggs to get used during cooking), put eggs into it and cook for 15-20 minutes. The more the onion husks will be, the richer product is the finished product.

You can remove the eggs from the pan of several pieces through different intervals, then we will get the testicles from yellow to a saturated red-brown color. The cooked eggs are removed from the dishes, spread to the paper towel to swell. To give eggs glossy glitter, lubricate them with sunflower oil.

If there is time and desire, you can decorate such testicles. To do this, we need any leaflet, blades, greens, etc. The raw egg is wrapped with water and apply parsley leaves to it, or a branch of dill, birch leaf, etc., and put in a piece of Capron (you can use old clean stockings or tights) tie a nodule or sewing and searched to paint in the onion solution. Then we also lubricate vegetable oil.

Instead of leaflets and twigs, you can use various stickers (asters, hearts, crosses, etc.), purchased in the store or made by hand from the primary materials. Glue on eggs stickers and paint in the standard way. And it is possible, on the contrary, stick patterns on ready-made and cooled eggs, only it is not necessary to lubricate them, otherwise the stickers will stop.

I have already been shared with your checked, today I want to tell about such an interesting way to decorate eggs, like painting onion husk. Color can turn out from brown to a saturated red. The greater the onion husks are used for painting, the more juicy and bright will be the color of eggs.

This time I did not have a lot of husk (out of 4 bulbs), so the color turned out not too red, but rather brown. But if you take a lot of husks - it turns out a very saturated bright burgundy color.

For painting it is necessary:

  • Lukova's husk - the more, the better

How to paint eggs in the onion husk:

So, in a saucepan, folded the prepared onion husks, pour the water about half the volume and boil a few minutes to the husks to give her color, after which it is welded in this water with a husk egg. This is the first way.

You can do and in the second way. Put the onion husks in the pan, we put eggs on top, fill with water so that it completely covered eggs, bring to a boil and cook for about 10 minutes.

That's all, paint eggs in the onion husk easier than simple and the beautiful color from light brown to the burgundy-red!

Thus painted eggs can be additionally calculated by acrylic or gouache paints, or stick on them festive Easter stickers. This creative process will especially like children!

Do you know why the eggs paint on Easter? And why traditionally prefer bright and rich dark red color to everyone else?

Historic replica about shards

It is said that after the resurrection of Jesus Christ, His disciples broke up across the world, carrying a scandalous revolutionary news about the immortality of the soul. With the same thought went to the Roman Emperor Maria Magdalena - it went that life would truth over death, so that the truths grew up and the bright grains sprout and gave shoots. Given the status of comradeberia, there was no gifts in those days not Commilfo, so Maria took what she was available - a simple chicken egg, in which she wanted to invest a special meaning: there, under the shell, under the shell, there is life. Analogy, I think, clear.

Tiberius, as far as I understand, did not differ long-suffering and calmly, and he heard that I tried to convey Mary Magdalena about the miracle of the resurrection of the Son of God, angry with a terrible way and exclaimed in anger: "It is impossible! It is impossible as, for example, the white egg brought by you is red! "

And at the same moment, as you know, it has become a bloody red-brown color. Since then, the tradition of painting eggs - as a tribute to memory as a symbol of faith, as a sign of love.

However, the sake of fairness should be noted that this is not the only version of which legs from the habit of do similar manipulations with chicken eggs. Not the only thing, but what is beautiful, eh? In general, I will not remember others - it's not for that here we gathered here to talk to the historical conversations, let's go better. Hands will be scratching something to smoke!

Nowadays, with the advent of all kinds of food dyes, special paints for Easter eggs and even different stickers, few people think about the origins and traditions, and in vain. To paint eggs with natural substances is not only more beautiful, more pleasant and more natural, but also more useful - about it, I think, and not worth talking.

Eggs of Eggs Low Slayer

The first stage is common to all methods: Preparation of Bahar. Onion husk (do not ask me how much - much, the more, the better; I just fill the bucket, in which I will cook eggs, to the top, while even slightly tamper) lay out in a saucepan and pour water. We leave for half an hour, after which we put on fire, bring to a boil and cook for 10-20 minutes. We are waiting for a complete cooling - the decoction is ready. You can lower this stage and immediately lay eggs into a tank with water and husk, however, the intensity of the color of colored eggs will not be so rich and deep. In addition, if you are fundamental to smooth perfect coloring, the decoction must be strain - and cook eggs already in the "clean" liquid without a onion husk.

But now we turn directly to the "laidtage" - more precisely, to the methods of decorating eggs painted with onion husks.

Decoration of eggs painted onion husks

1. Thread once, thread two - the band turned out!

A bright egg, smooth and so ... Present. Imagine - you keep in his hands, consider a deep color, which gave him the husk, and simply "swim" with thoughts for each path, which the threads on the glossy surface were drawn.

What to do. To get a striped pattern on eggs, it is necessary to wrap over every egg in thick threads before boiling.

Draw patterns - part of the eggs can be made with strictly horizontal stripes, part - with vertical, more than several, give the chaotic drawings, and the other are symbolic crosses. It will be great!

2. Lace draw a fairy tale, magic, love and affection.

An amazing miracle is an egg with bizarre patterns, gentle curls, incredible loops and tails. You hold in your hands - and literally your hands feel all his depth, some sacred knowledge hiding inside. Very mysterious painten turns!

Create delicious lace patterns is not quite difficult. Believe me, even much easier than this can seem. The most important thing is to choose a suitable lace, the drawing of which will be quite small and simultaneously suitable for pleasantly look at the surface of the egg.

What to do. Tightly turn the eggs into one layer of lace, fix it (threads or node) and cook. Remove the lace and admire.

By the way, in addition to lace tissues, you can take something easier. The main thing is a textured. Well, for example, the eggs wrapped in front of cooking in a plastic mesh, which sells fruit.

3. Birch leaf, parsley sheet. And on the eggs - curls.

Incredibly delicate drawings! However, Nature itself creates not surprisingly - they are created by nature ... Creates, investing his love and care, fantasy and skill.

Get prints of leaves on eggs - simpler simple.

What to do. Water droplets will help you temporarily "stick" the necessary parts of the plants on the egg, after which it will only remain tightly wrapped the entire composition with a piece of kapron tights (gauze as an option), fix the cloth (node, threads) and cook everything together.

After you remove everything more unnecessary from the egg, there will remain amazing beauty of the outline of plants on the shell - perhaps even with a light greenish tint (birch, for example, staining eggs well).

4. Draw home, flowers, snowflakes - Give an egg picture.

Unusual rogulins. Surreal lines. Cubism and geometry, symbolism and classical forms, - sometimes it seems to me that paintings can be viewed infinitely, plunging into their philosophy and finding more and more new faces of being.

What to do. Cut out from the tape everything that is fashionable to cut down: droplets, hearts, and so on, sculpt on the egg, and so cook, then carefully we grip.

Of course, it is difficult to imagine that the adult man of puffs over sticky tape is tangible, trying to cut hearts, squares and droplets from a rather uncomfortable material, however, who said that it is necessary to soak adults? Attract free children's work - Believe me, the baby is also grateful to you will be more grateful for the opportunity to choke a daddy isolate, decorate the eggs at your discretion, and then give my grandmother to the Easter to paint your own manufacture.

For the sake of fairness, I must say that a couple of times we came across a tape, which, after baptizing with the onion husk, we jerked along with the shell, but there were still more positive experiments. And beautiful experiences, notice!

5. DAC-RESARD, YES DAC-RESSE - Everyone in Easter eggs is glad!

It seems that on the infinite brown-red stroit, the eggs of frost draws its patterns with the finest brush, takes the bizarre stools, creates incredible compositions. Magically!

What to do. Nothing special. Just draw a needle.

Of course, complex drawings and incredible ornaments can be left to artists, and you are armed with a ready-made painted and needle at this time and write everything: "Christ is risen!" Well, or "Pet from Luda for a long memory!" Not difficult and very exciting.

6. Marble loops, marble covered. Marble Eggs Embrella washed!

A completely incredible feeling - to keep the usual chicken egg in the hands and drive away from themselves about his stone strength. Absolutely special pleasure - to consider "marble" folds on the egg and try not to "get lost" in their labyrinths. By the way, it is easier to obtain such a pattern.

What to do. Sleeply sick onion husk, wrap it with raw eggs, wrap marley tightly and cook.

After removing "clothes", you will find wonderful "marble" painten.

7. Point, point, comma - A sharp sharp!

Meditative egg: you look at him, look, looking for something ... and here it would be like - Bingo! But no, it's not ... and again give up the game "Find then I don't know what" ...

Want to remember?

What to do. Lower the egg into the water, and then immediately in a plate with dry rice - cutting as it should. Crupins stick up, you immediately wrap the gauze all this joy (or by the trap) and boil in a bowl.

When you remove the fabric and remove the rice, you will find cute specks.

If the soul requires experiments, it is also possible to get a pattern with pea - you can get large points. By the way, a very interesting drawing gives olives, chopped with rings - I recommend to try.

8. Flowers grow on egg - in Easter, wonders are simple!

Tenderness. Thinking. Translucency…
On the painted flowers look especially beautiful.

Like all the previous, easy and accessible.

What to do. Raw eggs, climb small flowers to them (and not only "flat" violets or lilac, but also bulk laggy chrysanthemums, chamomile), wrap in several layers of Capron, tightly tying. Cook.

Remove the "fur coat", admire the fruit of their efforts.

9. Dark, light, dark, light ... Eggs to Easter Runs!

Looking at these paintings, it is difficult to restrain the exclamation of delight: they are unusual, strict, solemn.

The process of their creation, of course, is somewhat more complicated all the above, but the result is more interesting, you will agree.

What to do. The most important thing is to choose the dishes in which you can steadily put the right amount of eggs on the "ass". Chose and put? Fill the onion decoction about a third and put cooking. Following 5 minutes after the boil, we fill the third part of the ragland and cook again - 3 minutes. We pour off "with your head", wegan a couple more minutes and drain the decoction.

It turns out wonderful bands - from the dark to light. (In the photo - experiments with other paints).

10. Girls painted wrote, waxed thought ...

In art, writing painten with wax there is something ancient, mysterious and mystical. And the egg, to which the Writing with wax touched, is special: incredibly warm, soulful, correct.

Perhaps this method is the most time-consuming of all described, but eggs that are obtained as a result of a small witchcraft cost efforts.

What to do. On the cheese cold egg, painted with a onion husk in a barely noticeable beige color, hot wax draw patterns and write wishes, after which they lay eggs in a very concentrated decoction and leave there for several hours. After the eggs are painted in a rich brown, the napkin is intensely remove the wax.

Several tips for those who want to learn to paint Easter eggs as a real master of their case:

  • long husk - the thing is quite stable, however, some hostesses after cooking additionally soaked eggs in vinegar precisely for greater durability of paint;
  • the eggs for cooking must be certainly room temperature: Of course, this will not exclude possible cracking of the shell during cooking, however, will significantly reduce the likelihood of such troubles;
  • so that the eggs are dazzling and looked on a plate festively and solemnly, lubricate ready-made handsome thinners, the finest layer of any vegetable oil - the eye will not turn the eye!;
  • sometimes you can and rummage - dare in the onion husk a couple of dozen quail eggs: you can not even imagine small eggs in a cute calf in red and brown color!

Staining with other natural dyes

In addition to the onion husk, you can use other natural dyes to dye eggs to Easter. They are a lot, most importantly - choose "your own" and approach it with a soul.

1. Very intense saturated blue color give blueberry berries - enough to break the eggs in a saturated blueberry brave.

2. Contrary to the tips common in the network, I can say from my own experience that neither the beet juice nor the cherry juice is stained. However, if the light challenge shade of gray-beige color is considered color, then color. But not nice.

3. Brown color is easy to get using natural coffee - you need to break the eggs about 10 minutes in very strong coffee, then fasten the result by vinegar.

4. In the same way, the principle can be painted eggs and black tea - there will be another shade of brown.

5. But the carcade, alas, gives an absolutely not interesting shade of gray.

6. Thanks to the Turmeric, you can get a saturated yellow color (3 art. L. High-quality turmeric on 0.5 liters of water will give a good golden shade).

7. The closest friend of Kurkuma is Curry Powder.

8. Birch leaves give eggs a gentle yellow shade.

9. The juice of a red cabbage in the company with vinegar paint eggs into blue color.

10. Pomegranate peel during boiling gives the eggs brown.

Easter spiritual to you and bright sharp!