Dumplings from turkey meat recipe. Recipe: Dumplings Home from turkey and beef - home-friendly

15.03.2020 Healthy nutrition

When I decided to cook dumplings from turkey, I was remembered by different compositions ... This is a recipe with the addition of a shrimp and ginger root, which appears in the internet, as an option from Ilya Lasenson. These are recipes with different vegetables and even fruits in minced meat.

All this is very interesting, and I loved such a minced meat: turkey fillet, pork fat, onions, apple and olive herbs as spices. The dough for dumplings can be prepared both on the water and, or simply buy ready-made in cooking.

For dumplings from turkey, prepare the ingredients on the list.

From the pieces of turkey fillets, Sala, Luke and, at will, apple, prepare the minced meat, srolling these ingredients in the meat grinder.

Add salt and spices, such as a mixture of olive herbs. Stir.

The dumplings must be finely rolled and cut into a fixture or a suitable glass of a mug. Test trimming can be used again, connecting them to the fresh portion of the test.

For each circle of the dough, put a portion of minced meat in the center - for example, about 1.5 ppm

Take the edge of the test, first approve the shape of the crescent, and then secure its ends with each other. Place the dumplings into one layer on the wooden jams, sprinkled with flour.

Delmeni, or rather, the semi-finished dumplings from turkey are ready. They can either be boiled immediately, or to freeze for later, like me ...

Most often, the dumplings, I just cook in salted water, throwing into boiling water, and after the pop-up - already on average boiling for about five minutes. Sometimes I am preparing in a microwave, a pair in a slow cooker, frying in a frying pan or baked in pots.

Bon Appetit!

  • Ingredients:
  • Dough:
  • - Wheat flour highest grade - 2 glasses;
  • - Egg - 1 pc.;
  • - vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • - Water (warm boiled) - approximately 150 ml.
  • Minced:
  • - indyusten (red meat, oily skin) - 700 g;
  • - Onions - one small bowl;
  • starch is a teaspoon with a slide (optionally, if the minced is liquid);
  • - Garden greens - a few twigs;
  • - nutmeg - minimum quantity;
  • - Salt, pepper - to taste.

Pelmeni - Men's Food. But where are men there are women. It means that the dumplings need (sometimes at least) to prepare so that the ladies are tasty and easily, and did not want to consider calories. That is why with purely male cunning we suggest cooking dumplings with turkey meat!

Turkey proudly carries a banner of dietary food. In fact, not everything is so unequivocal, for the fighting of good and evil goes in the size of servings, and not at all in the balance of fats-carbohydrates. But most women do not like to dive into such depths of knowledge. They were told: turkey! They believe. Well, we ... to us what? Turkey is so turkey, if only dumplings succeeded.

Here is the first secret of the dish. In order for dumplings with turkey meat turned out to be impeccable, do not put in the mince white turkey breast meat. The dumplings of Turkey from Turkey is preparing much more juicy if red meat and the skin with fat are going to the meat grinder.

Secret second. Use for cooking by dumplings ready, bought in the store minced meat out of turkey. Main industrial production is prepared from stalked frames and contains a lot of bone residue. From such a minced, it is quite edible, but the dumplings are not so hot, and no attempts to improve the taste of all sorts of additives do not help.

Cooking method:

1. To break the egg in warm water, pour oil, put a little salt. Mix.

2. Gradually, slumbering sifted flour to a mixture of water, oil and eggs, knead the dough. Finished dough cover with a towel or film, put in the refrigerator for half an hour.

3. Meat and turkey skin grind in a meat grinder. Add grated onions, chopped greens, one (one!) Chips of nutmeg, salt and pepper. Machine minced. If necessary, add to the starch starch. Finished mince to put it on the cold for an hour, for ripening.

4. From the dough and stuffing to shake dumplings.

5. Pour 2.5 liters of water in a multicooker, heat up to boil, salt. Lower dumplings into boiling water, cook five minutes after the float.

Finished dumplings take out to the dish, sprinkle soy sauce.

Meat turkey wash, dry and cut into small pieces.

Then skip meat through the meat grinder.

Fresh fat (without skins) and peeled onions, too, skip through a meat grinder and add to the mince from turkey, salt, pepper, mix well and filling for dumplings is ready.

On the table, sprinkled with flour, dumplings must be finely roll out (1-2 mm thick), then cut the mug from it.

Pour water in the pan, salt her. Bring water to boil, add laurel leaves and a couple of pepper pepper pepper, lower dumplings. After periodically stirring, the back side of the tablespoon so that the dumplings do not stick, wait until they pop up. Then to slaughter another 3-4 minutes and get the dumplings with noise.

Delicious and satisfying dumplings from turkey are ready. Dispatch them in plates, add butter and dill to taste.

Serve these juicy dumplings are needed hot with sour cream.

Bon Appetit!

Turkey meat differs from other meat varieties with its tenderness, minimal fat and excellent taste, which is why it is used to prepare various dishes. One of these is all the favorite dumplings from turkey, they are preparing as simple as any other "pies" with meat, but their taste and calorieness are noticeably allocated among other types.

Despite the obvious advantages of turkey meat, there is also small disadvantages, so that they are not so noticeable in the dish - take a simple recipe with culinary recommendations.

When preparing dumplings with turkey, it is important to take into account the fact that this meat is quite lean, there are practically no fat in it, so dumplings can work out dry. To avoid this - add a little turkey fat to the mince.

Pelmeni from minced turkey: cream recipe


  • Wheat flour - 700 g + -
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs. + -
  • Water purified - 200 ml + -
  • Salt - to taste + -
  • Vegetable oil - 40 g + -

Fragraf products

  • Turkey meat - 800 g + -
  • Fat turkey - 100 g + -
  • Cream 33% - 50 g + -
  • Cream 33% - 50 g + -
  • Onion - 100 g + -
  • Spices - to taste + -

Cooking by dumplings with turkey

To make homemade dumplings with turkey minced meadows - you need to cook this most mince to start. It is not recommended to buy ready-made mince on the market, producers can put it harmful to health additives. It is better to spend 20 minutes of time, but make a fragrant natural mince with fragrant spices for every taste.

  1. Making minced meat for dumplings from turkey: grind the poultry meat in the meat grinder together with turkey fat and onions.
  2. To the resulting mass we add cream, spices, mix everything thoroughly.
  3. We start the dough on the dumplings: sift the flour, mix it with eggs, vegetable oil, water, then begin to wash the test mass.

Feed ready-made dumplings with sour cream, homemade mayonnaise, adzhika, sour cream or any other sauce. Greens in such a dish will also be no extra.

Delmeni from turkey is a simple cooking, but at the same time, a very refined dish. Delicate filling makes the favorite product for many truly delicious and special.

Minus from turkey is easy to replace chicken stuffing, if you suddenly plan to put it in the dough. Try to cook something similar and you in your kitchen maybe it is this dish that will become crown in your family for many years.

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Delmeni from turkey

Turkey does not cause allergies, contains very little fat, although very gentle, not dry. In 200 g of this meat - the daily rate of protein for a person. The turkey has one property for which the bird is popular with women: Vitamin RR, contained in it in large quantities, helps resist cellulite.

So harsh male food can afford and fans of fitness. Just choose not breast, but dark meat, you can even with skin. Busting with dietary properties is still not recommended, dumplings must have at least a little fat.

The finished store minced meter contains many bone residues. For a boiler, it is not bad, but to taste the dumplings. So cook stuffing from turkey with your own hands!

Unlike the dumplings with a pig-beef or ram minced meat, dumplings from turkey do not require a lot of bow. Onions score the taste of meat, so that one small bulb is enough.


  • turkey, 700 g
  • flour, 2 cups
  • water, 150 ml
  • egg, 1 pc.
  • bulb, 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil, 2 tbsp. l.
  • greens, a small beam
  • nutmeg
  • salt to taste
  • black pepper to taste

How to cook dumplings from turkey

Turkey grinding with onions, mix with naked greens, nutmeg, salt and pepper. Mix mince. If it turned out to be liquid, add a teaspoon of starch. We remove the minced meat in the refrigerator for an hour.

Dough cut into small pieces, rolling, squeeze the glass of the mug. We lay out on the middle of the minced meat and sculp the dumplings. Prepared by Pelmeni from turkey remove to the freezer on a cutting board, after freezing, we refer to the package.

Cook in boiling salted water 5 minutes after the float.

They prepared it. Look what happened


Delmeni from turkey

The dish is Russian, but in each region of Russia there are features of cooking. Many believe that dumplings are only meat dishes from poultry, beef or pork, but no: even with cabbage there.


  • Flour 2 glasses
  • Salt 1 teaspoon
  • Egg 1 thing
  • Boiling water 1 cup
  • Turkey 400 gram
  • Bow 1 piece
  • Vegetable oil 2 tbsp. Spoons
  • Spices to taste

Square flour. Add salt to it. Mix my flour with salt with your hands.

Make a hole in the flour, take the egg there. Quickly fork, knead the egg with flour. Flour will take a moisture and absorb an egg.

With the help of a mixer, knead the dough, constantly thin flowing podding boiling water. The dough must be condensed, gather in the ball. At the very end of the kneel, pour vegetable oil - and again knead the dough. We get this ball.

Divide the dough into 3 parts, each of which is still on 2. Roll one of the parts of the dough into a thin layer. For the modeling of the dumplings, I use a special dumplings, but you can use a stack, cutting circles from the dough and manually filling them with minced meat.

Spread on the minced cells. It should be prepared from the twisted turkey and bow. Add salt, spices and 0.5 glasses of water. Then your dumplings will be juicy. Mix mince well.

Now roll the dough layer again, cover the dumplings with this layer. Ride the rolling pin and squeeze dumplings. We get here such beauties.

Boil dumplings in hot salted water. After the pop-up, get them out of the water shivovka. Move with sour cream or butter. Serve to the table.


Delmeni with turkey

Turkey meat - 400 g

Salo Pork - up to 100 g

Apple - optional 1 pc.

Spices - to taste

Salt - 2 chopping

Preparation instructions

When I conceived to cook dumplings from turkey, I was remembered by different compositions. This is a recipe with the addition of a shrimp and ginger root, which appears in the internet, as an option from Lazon's Ilya. These are recipes with different vegetables and even fruits in minced meat.

All this is very interesting, and I loved such a minced meat: turkey fillet, pork fat, onions, apple and olive herbs as spices. The dough for dumplings can be prepared both on water and on milk, or just buy ready-made in cooking.

For dumplings from turkey, prepare the ingredients on the list.

From the pieces of turkey fillets, Sala, Luke and, at will, apple, prepare the minced meat, srolling these ingredients in the meat grinder.

Add salt and spices, such as a mixture of olive herbs. Stir.

The dumplings must be finely rolled and cut into a fixture or a suitable glass of a mug. Test trimming can be used again, connecting them to the fresh portion of the test.

For each circle of the dough, put a portion of minced meat in the center - for example, about 1.5 ppm

Take the edge of the test, first approve the shape of the crescent, and then secure its ends with each other. Place the dumplings into one layer on the wooden jams, sprinkled with flour.

Delmeni, or rather, the semi-finished dumplings from turkey are ready. They can be either immediately cooking, or freeze on then like me.

Most often, the dumplings, I just cook in salted water, throwing into boiling water, and after the pop-up - already on average boiling for about five minutes. Sometimes I am preparing in a microwave, a pair in a slow cooker, frying in a frying pan or baked in pots.

Pelmeni is a wonderful dish that can be prepressed in preparation, and at the right time quickly boil the water, get a handful of dumplings from the freezer and cook quickly. After a winter walk or just in the evening, with a glass of tomato juice or with a traditional drink for dumplings! 🙂 Recipes There is a great set, we suggest you make dumplings from turkey with mushrooms. However, the recipe is basic, and with filling you can experiment to your taste.

Publication author

  • Recipe author: Daria Blinj
  • After cooking you get 45 pcs.
  • Cooking time: 1 hour 30 min


  • 1 PC. egg
  • 210 ml of water
  • 450 grams Wheat flour
  • 1/2 C.L. salt
  • 500 grams of turkey fillet
  • 2 pcs. Champignon
  • 1/2 PC. bulb onions
  • 1 tsp. vegetable oil
  • black pepper
  • black pepper
  • bay leaf

Cooking method

    Prepare ingredients.

    A wedge or fork mix egg with cold water and salt. In the flour make a deepening, pour into it the egg mixture and knead the elastic dough. Wrap the dough into the food film and remove the refrigerator for an hour (you can at night).

    For filling: Onions and mushrooms cleaned, cut into medium slices meat. Meat, onions and mushrooms to skip through a meat grinder or grind a blender, add salt and black ground pepper, carefully kneading the minced meat.

    Dough get from the refrigerator, cut off the part and roll out on the table, sprinkled with flour (board, work surface) in a thin layer. The edge of a glass is to dip in flour and cut them the circles.

    For each dough circle, put half a teaspoon of the filling and turn the dough in half, thoroughly pressing the edges with your fingers so that they are tightly connected and do not break when cooking. Both ends of the crescent can be combined and pressing with fingers, closed both edges in the circle.

    So cooked all dumplings from the remaining dough and minced meat. Shaped dumplings lay on the flour-spoiled cutting board.

    Pelmeni ready. They can be prepared (welded) immediately or freeze: send directly on the board to the freezer, and when the dumplings are well frightened, decompose them according to packages by those portions that will be subsequently boiled.

    In order to prepare dumplings, it is necessary to boil water in a saucepan, add a little salt, bay leaf and peas, throw dumplings into boiling water so that they do not get on each other and did not glue. Periodically stir. After the dumplings pop up, they must be boiling about 5 minutes (it depends on how much failed dough you like), catch the shovel and decompose on plates.

    You can feed dumplings with greens and butter. It is possible to increase sour cream or homemade mayonnaise, ketchup or there is together with fragrant broth, in which dumplings were prepared by adding a little crushed greenery.

    Bon Appetit!