Chicken stupid rice in the oven. Chicken stuffed with rice - Best recipes

15.03.2020 Snacks

Calorie: Not specified
Time for preparing: Not indicated

The chicken stuffed with rice in the oven, we offer a recipe with the photo, prepare simultaneously with the side dish, soaring the aromas of eastern spices and fruits. Curry, paprika, zira, coriander, ginger give the gentle chicken meat easy sharpness, and the taste of rice, despite the abundance of spices, it turns out the sour-sweet, slightly spicy. The combination of chicken meat, orange and rice turned out to be amazingly delicious, and if you like oriental cuisine, take this recipe for a note.
To prepare the filling choose good rice. It should not necessarily get crumbly, the main thing is that Rice was delicious in itself, without seasonings and spices. If the cereals have a shaft smell, then no spices will be able to score it and the dish will be spoiled. Recall that last time we prepared.
Apples better taking sour-sweet so that they successfully combine with an acidic orange (do not replace it with anything, the tangerines do not fit). A lot of spices are used in the recipe, but these are not some exotic ingredients, all spices can be bought in any supermarket.


- Chicken - 1 pc (weight 2 kg);
- rice (cereals) - 1 cup;
- Apples - 1 pc (large);
- Orange - 1 pc;
- vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l;
- salt - to taste;
- Sugar - 2 tbsp. l;
- Cinnamon - 0.5 h.;
- Paprika - 0.5 h.;
- Ginger ground - 0.5 h.;
- red pepper - 0.5 h.;
- Chile Pepper - 0.5 h. l;
- Seasoning curry in powder - 1 h. spoon;
- Pippark hammer sweet - 1-1.5 art. l. For coating chicken;
- black peas pepper - 0.5 h.;
- coriander (seeds) - 0.5 h.;
- Zira - 0.5 h. spoons;
- pepper fragrant - 5-6 peas.

Recipe with photo step by step:

The chicken is rinsed inside and outside, remove the rest of the feathers (if any). We wash with a paper towel, sprinkle with shallow salt and leave for 30-40 minutes. Chicken Solit to taste, but do not forget that any meat is better to impact.

Rice rinse several times under cold running water. I pour out a break in the Casanes, we pour 1.5 cups of clean water, we throw a pair of sick pinch. We bring to a boil, cover with the lid and on very quiet fire are cooking so far all the water does not fit into the croup. Rice will be almost ready or slightly abnormal.

Measure the desired amount of ground spices (you can change the proportions at your discretion).

Black and fragrant pepper, zira and coriander grinding in a mortar, rub as smaller as much as possible. We mix with the rest of the spices.

We clean from the peel of the orange, cut into small pieces. Cut the apple with the same pieces as an orange.

In the rice, we pour about half a mixture of spices, add 2 tbsp. l. Sahara.

Pour the pockets of orange and apples. We pour 1 tbsp. l. Vegetable oil so that the rice does not merge. All thoroughly mix. Stuffing is ready.

Now you need to grasp the spices chicken, but not on top, and under the skin - so the aroma and the taste of spices will be brighter, the meat will be very fragrant and the chicken will not nourish the outside. Cut the knife with a thin transparent film between meat and skin first on the breast, then we move to the legs. I turn the carcass and all the same with the back and wings. We feed the skin, rub the chicken meat with the remaining spices, evenly distributing them.

Fill the chicken with stuffing, sealing it. A little place to leave so that you can sew a chicken, stuffed with rice or fasten to the toothpicks.

We sew the cut or fasten the side of the toothpicks. If you sew, then take a black thread - it is clearly visible on a twisted chicken.

We rub the chicken on all sides by the hammer paprika. Put in a deep shape, cover with a lid and put in a hot oven. We bake under the lid for 1 hour at a temperature of 200 degrees. Then remove the cover, we continue to bake another 25-30 minutes before the appearance of a ruddy crust. The chicken stuffed with rice and fruit in the oven is ready.

Come to the table a chicken immediately while it is hot. Before feeding, do not forget to remove the threads from the cut, they are removed very easily. No addition to the chicken is needed - we are ready and the main dish, and the side dish to it. Bon Appetit!

Author Elena Litvinenko (Sangina)
Also recommend that you cook

Chicken in the oven with rice as a child was often on the table on weekends. We have already prepared with you an expensive reader like this dish baked with potatoes. It turned out very tasty. I assure you a chicken with rice will not be worse.

Cheap and tasty dish for family or holiday. You will not regret if you cook this yummy. As a result, get a gentle chicken meat with a crust, and looked with fried onions and raisins on the garnish.

The garnish rice with raisins disappear for some reason, especially delicious inside the chicken, impregnated with juice. Amazing!

Yes, and make a rosy, baked with rice chicken is not at all difficult.

The weight of the finished dish is approximately 2,470 kg.

On the 8 people

Total cooking time: 1 hour and 50 minutes.

Preparation time: 20 minutes.

Cooking time: 1 hour 30 minutes.

For the preparation of baked chicken with rice we will need:

  • chicken preferably broiler 1.5-2 kg. (the larger, the more tastier)1 PC.,
  • rice any 2.5-3 cups,
  • onions Middle 3-4 pcs.,
  • raisin 300-400 gr.,
  • creamy or 80-100 gr.,
  • vegetable oil for frying 70-80 gr.,
  • salt 1 tablespoon,
  • ground black pepper 0.5 teaspoon.

How to cook a chicken baked in the oven with rice

  • Credited by Kuru thoroughly my inside and outside. Let's spend the water.
  • If you need to fall a carcass over fire, we pull the remaining feathers roots or tweezers.
  • Heat the oven to 150 degrees.
  • Carcass chicken inside and rub the salt outside.

  • On the breast of chicken, we make shallow longitudinal cuts with a knife. In these "pockets" refuel wings, whatever they dry when baking.

  • Lubricated baking sheet with vegetable oil.
  • On a nailed vegetable, the baking sheet neatly on the back lay a carcass of chicken and we ship into the oven for 40-50 minutes at a temperature of 150 degrees. The larger the chicken the temperature in the oven is smaller.

While the chicken is baked in the oven to prepare a side dish for her.

  • Pour the raisins with boiling water. We leave for 10-15 minutes. By that we merge the water.
  • A thick-walled frying pan heating on medium heat, pour vegetable oil into it.
  • Onions cut the medium cubes and fry until golden color.

  • In 4-5 liter saucepan, we bring 2.5-3 liters of water to a boil.
  • Boiling water Solim to taste, we fall asleep into it to boil rice.

  • Rice boils until ready, about 10-15 minutes, it is stirred periodically.
  • Boiled rice pour into a colander and rinsed with cold running water.

  • We give water to drag out of the colander with boiled rice. Rice should be semi-dry.
  • In a wide bowl, mix the boiled rice and fried onions to salt, pepper to taste.

  • To rises with fried onions add raisins. All gently mix. Garnish ready.

Determine the readiness of bustling in the oven chicken.

The first sign is the aroma of delicious baked meat, you will not confuse it with anything, it means that in 10-15 minutes you can check the readiness of the toothpick ..

Toothpicks pierce chicken breasts to bone. If transparent juice flows, it means the chicken baked. And it can be started and lined with a garnish.

If a reddish liquid comes out, it means you need to continue to bake the chicken for another 20-25 minutes. In the oven, the temperature is reduced by 20-30 degrees so that the skin is not burned.

  • Kitchen vechers pull out a hot baking sheet with a bustard of an oven to a wooden stand, on the table
  • Prepared side dish start from the inside the bustard.

  • The remaining garnish is detrimental to decay around the chicken.
  • Top rice add a teaspoon of cream or.

  • We send a chicken with a garnish back to the oven, before the final baking.
  • We reduce the temperature in the oven to 120-130 degrees.
  • We bake about about 20-25 minutes. Rice from above will dry a little, this is normal.

Rice do not mix, do not open the oven.

That's all our wonderful baked chicken in the oven with rice is ready.

Insert our beauty on the dish, around the side dish, decorate the mind and soul. Aroma awesome!

Guests waiting !!! It is time at the table!

The chicken baked in the oven with rice is obtained simply gorgeous. White meat gentle and not dry, crisp skin ...


With rice, an excellent dish on any holiday and for the whole family.

Bon Appetit!!!

Step-by-step recipes for the preparation of juicy chicken with rice in the oven

2017-09-29 Liana Rimanova





In 100 grams of finished dishes

15 gr.

12 gr.


8 gr.

202 kcal.

Option 1. Chicken with rice in the overall whole - classic recipe

The basic recipe of baked chicken in the oven with rice was very loved by many mistresses due to such an exciting aroma appetite, the unique taste and ease of preparation. Beautiful and fast dinner for the whole family.


  • 1 medium sized chicken (1-1.2kg);
  • 6 tbsp. rice cereal spoons;
  • garlic - 6 teeth;
  • oregano, Thyme, Basil ground - 30 g;
  • 30 ml of soy sauce;
  • 15 g of salts and black peppers.

Rice are thoroughly rinsed, drunk in a slightly salted water of 20 minutes from the moment of water boiling.

Cleaning garlic, squeeze through garlic.

In a separate cup, we mix all the spicy herbs, add garlic, black pepper, salt, stir.

My chicken, rubbing and inside, and outside the mixture of herbs and garlic, scoring the carcass boiled crop.

We put the puffed bird on a deep frying sheet with sunflower oil.

We sew the abdomen, link the leg thread.

We close the chicken with foil and put in the hot oven, we binge 50 minutes at a moderate temperature.

After the allotted time, we open the oven, remove the foil and feed another half an hour so that the chicken is shred.

The chicken will succeed in fragrant and juicy if grabbed her herbs and garlic a few hours before baking.

Option 2. Chicken with rice in the oven with vegetables

A rather complicated recipe, as you have to spend a little time to remove the bones. But the result is worth it, the chicken is excellent: juicy and tasty.


  • 1 medium chicken;
  • 2 bulbs;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 4 tbsp. spoons mayonnaise;
  • seasoning paprika, turmeric, coriander - 30 g;
  • salt - 10 g;
  • lean oil - 50 ml;
  • five twigs of dill and parsley.

Step-by-step cooking method

Rice is rinsed well in the colander, drunk in salted water for 10 minutes after boiling.

Cleaning the carrot with onions, cut onion with small cubes, grinding on a grater with small teeth, lay out on the pan in a warm lean oil, fry, stirring, after softening about 8 minutes.

To the vegetables we sleep seasonings, add boiled rice, well stir

The chicken is destroying for two halves, cut the chest bones. We translate the joints of the wings and hips at the bone.

We sew a fiber incision in the skin until the neck.

We are tamped inside through the neck prepared stuffing.

We sew threads of the neck.

Abundantly lubricate the chicken mayonnaise, put the frying leaf on the oiled oil and put in the oven.

We bake 60 minutes at moderate temperature.

The finished chicken is shifted onto a flat dish, sprinkled with chopped parsley and dill.

If there is no desire to bother with the extraction of bones, you can skip these steps, then the chicken will need to be simply thoroughly rinse and use fewer fillings.

Option 3. Chicken with rice in the oven with mushrooms

A delicious and appetizing chicken with mushrooms and rice in the oven - a great option of hot to a family dinner. There is no need to purchase costly products and spend many hours near the stove. This recipe can be attributed to the category: quickly, simple, tasty.


  • 1 big carcass chicken;
  • fresh champignons - 7 pcs.;
  • rice cereals Lengthorn - floor of a glass;
  • 2 bulbs;
  • hammer wig - 20 g;
  • 15 g of black pepper and salt;
  • sunflower oil - 50 ml;
  • any greens.

Step-by-step cooking method

In a small cup, you suck paprika, salt, pepper, add sunflower oil and mix well.

The chicken thoroughly with cold water and rub the fragrant mixture, put it in a large bowl and leave for several hours to have up.

While the chicken is marked, we will prepare a filling: onions free from husks, cut thin stripes. Champignons we clean, mine, cut medium slices. We wash the croup, pour water, suck salt and boil 10 minutes on medium heat. We pour oil into the pan, warming up, lay onions, plunge a few minutes, shift onto a clean plate. On the same frying pan laying champignons, plunge 15 minutes, salt, pepper, we stir and lay off the roasted onions and a cereal, we are thoroughly mixed, if you need to simulate and remove from the stove.

Stuffing stuffing a chicken, challenge a hole with a wooden stick.

Thread typing legs.

We put the chicken on the oil lubricated with oil, we put in a hot oven and baked 60 minutes at a moderate temperature.

Finished chicken shift on the dish, decorated with greenery sprigs.

It will be even better if the chicken bake in the sleeve, it will turn out to be juicy. Then before baking the fork, pinched the sleeve in several places to go out, and in about 10 minutes to full readiness, cut the film to form a beautiful roasted crust on the surface of a bird surface.

Option 4. Chicken with rice in the oven with dried fruits

Stuffed chicken rice - excellent dish, which can be prepared for both families and a holiday. But if you add some dried fruits, it will change the hotter to be unrecognizable. The taste of such a dish will be as excellent, but it will be used as a cold snack, not only adults will appreciate it, but also small children.


  • 1 average chicken;
  • lingering rice - 5 tbsp. spoons;
  • prunes, raisins, kuraga - 1 handstone;
  • walnuts - 1 handy;
  • cinnamon pod - 1 piece;
  • 15 grams of salts and black peppers;
  • 60 ml of lean oil.
  • For lubrication chicken:
  • 30 g of honey;
  • 20 ml of finished soy sauce;

Step-by-step cooking method

Well my rice croup, lay it into a metal container, fill with water, put on the stove, turn on a strong fire, wait until the water boils, we reduce the fire and cook about half an hour. After cooking, rinsed in colander.

Dried fruits are soaked in a slightly warm water for a few minutes. After soaking, we drag the water, and the dried fruits take it out on a paper towel to dry.

Walnuts are swore, mix with dried fruits and boiled rice.

The chicken is well mine, put on the metal grille to glass water.

In the carcass, chicken tightly put the stuffing from rice, nuts and dried fruits, stick cinnamon pod into filling.

Lubricate the chicken with sunflower oil, we rub the salt, pepper, put on the prepared roasting sheet and put in the hot oven for 90 minutes at moderate temperatures.

The soy sauce is poured into the clean cup, spread honey, stirred well.

Every 10-15 minutes we open the oven and lubricate the chicken with a cooked mixture.

Before serving a chicken, we shift to the portion dish, at will decorate the greens.

Thanks to the honey mixture on the chicken, a beautiful light brown crust is formed, which will be even more lining all those surrounding at the table. Bon Appetit.

If bake a chicken in the oven, then you can get a win-win dish for any meal. The rosy baked chicken is ideal for both lunch in the family circle and for receiving guests.

A more festive option will turn out if you cook the chicken stuffed with rice with raisins. Stuffed chicken turns out more juicy, fragrant and beautiful.

Chicken recipe stuffed rice and raisins

Dish: Main dish

Preparation time: 30 minutes

Time for preparing: 1 HOUR 15 Minutes

Total Time: 1 Hour 45 Minutes


  • 200 g Fig
  • 150 g raisins
  • 50 ml vegetable oil
  • 50 g Butter butter
  • 30-40 g medical
  • black pepper
  • salt
  • 1.2 - 1.5 kg chicken one carcass

Step-by-step recipe with photos

How to make a chicken stuffed with rice and raisins in the oven

1. Wash raisins. Fry it along with honey on a mixture of oils. Frozening time for five minutes.

2. Connect boiled rice and fried raisins, warm everything together 2-3 minutes.

3. Wash the chicken carcass, to dry, salt outside and inside, add pepper to taste and desire.

4. Fill the cavity inside the chicken rice with raisins.

5. The edges of the abdomen can be leather toothpick.

6. Wrap the stuffed chicken in foil.

7. Send a chicken with rice and raisins in the oven. Include heating by + 180 degrees and bake for about one hour.

8. Remove the stuffed chicken from the oven and reveal the edges of the foil. The chicken is already practically ready, but her skin is still pale.

9. For 12 - 15 minutes, send the chicken back into the oven.

10. As soon as a beautiful blush will appear on the chicken, stuffed with chicken with rice and raisins are ready.

It remains to shift it on the dish and serve on the table.

Chicken, baked entirely, has long become a central hot dish on holiday tables and family dinners. Each hostess has its tricks and tricks, with the help of which it prepares and serves this dish. But if all the tried recipes are already tired and I want to surprise your close new feeding of the usual chicken meat, then you will definitely pay attention to the baked entirely in the oven and stuffed with rice chicken.

Such a chicken combines immediately and hot, and the side dish, which significantly reduces the time of preparation for the festive feast. Thanks to pre-marinization, chicken meat is obtained very juicy and gentle, even in the area of \u200b\u200bthe breast, and acquires a pleasant appetizing crust, and the rice is soaked with flavors and meat juices, which are released when baking the dishes in the oven.


  • Chicken - 1.5 kg;
  • Rice raw - 120 gr.;
  • Onion onion - 1 pc.;
  • Apple - 1 pc.;
  • Vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • Mayonnaise - 2-3 tbsp. l.;
  • Mustache sharp - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Salt, pepper black ground to taste.

How to cook stuffed chicken in the oven with rice

The chicken must be very thoroughly washed out inside and outside, remove feathers, burn hair, wipe thoroughly with paper towels. Onions and apple Clean the peel.

The chicken is well sandwich from all sides and inside a large salt, make a mixture of mayonnaise, black ground pepper and mustard inside and outside. You can use your favorite spices for chicken, such as curry or paprika. Leave the prepared carcass in the refrigerator at least 3 hours for marinization, and better for the night.

In a pan on preheated vegetable oil, fry finely chopped onion cubes to transparency.

Add to the bow peeled from the peel and seeds and finely chopped apples. It is best to use apples of sour-sweet varieties, for example, Simirenko.

Fry onions and apples together 5 minutes before the softness of the apples. Put the pan from the plate and cool down a little.

Boil the rice in salted water to readiness. Mix apples with onions and rice, spray to taste.

Start rice with apples chicken, carefully shifting a filling in the middle of a bride chicken with a spoon. Do not stuff very tight, as we need some skin on the edges to sew a cut.

Sharky toothpicks or thread with a needle, connect the edges of the cut so that the filling when baking does not fall out of the chicken.

Place the chicken on the baking sheet with a non-stick coating or on the usual but stuck in parchment.

Put the baking sheet with the stuffed chicken rice in advance preheated to 200 degrees oven for 20 minutes. When the bird is twisted, reduce the fire up to 170 and bake for another 30 minutes. Pulse the meat with a toothpick or fork. If the juice that has been released, transparent - the meat is ready.

Remove thread and cool a little chicken before cutting.

Serve the separated chicken warm, garnishing rice from the abdomen. The fragrant, soaked chicken with chicken juice is perfectly combined with sweet-sharp poultry meat.