We are preparing the culinary channel with Irina Khlebnikova. Irina Khlebnikova's recipes

Singer Marina Khlebnikova spoke about her heavy ... #showbiztube # Khlebnikova # Khlebnikova_marina Be with us: https://www.youtube.com/c/showbiztube?sub_confirmation=1 #showbiz_tube #showbiz #show_business #show business news #news_show_business

06:01 New

Bright and tasty preservation for the winter from zucchini. Try to cook! You can order my cookbook here - https://www.labirint.ru/books/705652/ or here - https://www.chitai-gorod.ru/catalog/book/1197327/ or here - https: // book24 .ru / product /

11:20 New

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Thick, aromatic and delicious jam. Try to cook! You can order my cookbook here - https://www.labirint.ru/books/705652/ or here - https://www.chitai-gorod.ru/catalog/book/1197327/ or here - https: // book24 .ru / product / sladki



This simple and delicious pie can be made with any filling - jam, cottage cheese, berries or fruits. I have it with red currants today. Try to cook! For a dough on a 24 cm pan: 500 g flour 200 g butter or margarine 200 g sugar


Curd casserole with zucchini - quick, simple and delicious. Try to cook! 400-500 g zucchini 100 g cottage cheese 30 g cheese 2-3 eggs 1-2 cloves of garlic salt pepper spices to taste All casseroles on the channel - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6


Marina Khlebnikova denied Shura's accusations of alcoholism SUBSCRIBE !!! News from the life of celebrities. My YouTube channel: https://goo.gl/ypkwdN My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/romanyou/ Group in vkontakte: https://goo.gl/G9qm06 If you like


Very soft and tasty buns with a juicy filling. Try to cook! For the dough: 450 g flour 120 ml warm milk 50 g sugar 70 g butter 100 g sour cream 5 g dry fast-acting yeast a pinch of salt 1 egg for greasing before baking For


Many people have a prejudice that one cannot cut one's own hair ... I don't believe in it, very often I cut my hair and everything is OK! My hair dyes and cosmetics. :) All recipes are on our Culinary Channel: OUR COOKING CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com


A simple and delicious dish. Try to cook! Official online store of TalleR dishes - https://posudataller.ru/ 15% discount for the promotional code "POSUDA" Pan from the video - https://goo.gl/LkZGx2 Cutting board from the video - https://goo.gl/ip3dxG Skov

Delicious puffed buns, it even tastes like a cake. Ingredients: for dough: 380 gr. flour 5 gr. - dry yeast or (15 gr. live) 75 gr. granulated sugar a pinch of salt 15 gr. - milk powder or (instant coffee cream) 40 gr. - melted butter. butter 1pc - egg 200 ml - milk for cream: 350 ml - milk 2 - yolk 2 tbsp. l - starch 4 tablespoons - sugar a bag of vanillin 40 g - soft butter Dough preparation: Add yeast, sand and a little flour to warm milk, put in a warm place. When the yeast comes to life (a cap of bubbles appears) add a beaten egg to it. Mix all dry ingredients: flour, cream (milk), salt and combine with the yeast mixture, gradually adding to the flour mixture, knead the dough. Add chilled melted butter and knead again. The dough is sticky, but do not add any more flour. Cover the dough with a towel and place in a warm place for 2 hours. prepare the cream: Dissolve the starch in warm milk, add the yolks, sugar, vanilla, and cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until the cream thickens. Cool, add butter, and beat. Knead the dough that has come up, dust the work surface with flour and divide the dough into 15 pieces. Roll out each piece with an oval 12-15 cm, step back 3 cm from the top edge and put a teaspoon of cream. Close the cream with dough and seal the edges well, cut the remaining dough into strips, roll up the bun. Put the buns on a baking sheet covered with baking paper and leave to proof for 20 minutes. Grease the bun with yolk. Bake in a preheated oven up to 180C for 15 minutes until golden brown. Cover the finished buns with a towel and let them rest for 10-15 minutes, then cover with powdered sugar. Bon Appetit!

Comments 2

Classes 37

MOM'S BOYS Cook several portions at once! Ingredients: ● 200 ml of a mixture of milk and water, ● 1 egg, ● 100 ml of vegetable oil, ● 3-4 tbsp. l. sugar, ● 1 tsp. dry yeast, ● about 500 g of flour, ● a pinch of salt, ● vanilla sugar - a bag. ● icing sugar - for dusting. Preparation: I saw the idea of ​​these simple, charming buns on Olga Smirnova's website, I made my own dough, ordinary, buttery. I divided the dough into 3 parts and baked 4 buns to eat them fresh for morning coffee. I put the rest of the dough in the refrigerator until the next rolls. Exit - 12-15 buns. Combine a mixture of milk and water with vegetable oil, an egg beaten with sugar, add salt, vanilla sugar and yeast, mix and let stand for 10 minutes until the yeast dissolves. Then add flour and knead the dough of medium thickness, let it come up for 1 hour, knead in the process ... Divide the finished dough into balls, the size of a small egg and roll them into thin cakes. Grease each of them with vegetable oil, sprinkle with sugar and make a notch with a sharp knife from the middle to the edge. On one side of the cake, raise the edge and roll it in a circle into a cone roll. Put the buns on a baking sheet with baking paper, let stand for 15-20 minutes (you can grease with yolk) and place in the oven, preheated to 190 degrees. Bake for about 30 minutes until tender. When baking, the buns will rise and disperse - you get beautiful curls. Sprinkle with icing sugar when serving.

Comments 4

Classes 179

Brushwood!!! 1 egg, 1 tbsp. l - sour cream, 1 tbsp. l - vodka, 200-250 g - flour. * Knead the dough, grease with olive oil and let stand for 15-30 minutes, covered with a towel. Roll out very thinly, cut into strips or diamonds, fry in well-heated oil. Sprinkle the finished brushwood with icing sugar. Bon Appetit!

Comments 3

Classes 126

Snail buns with pudding. Ingredients: - 200 ml of warm milk - 50 g of softened butter - 3 tablespoons of sugar - a pinch of salt - 1 bag of vanilla sugar - 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil - 1 teaspoon of dry yeast - 1 egg - 2.5 cups of flour - 1 bag of pudding with any taste Remove the butter and egg from the refrigerator in advance. Dissolve yeast and a teaspoon of sugar well in milk, add 2 tablespoons of flour, mix well, leave for 5 minutes. Grind the egg separately in a bowl with vegetable oil, sugar, salt and vanilla sugar. Add a glass of sifted flour to the milk-yeast mixture, mix, pour in the egg mixture. Add half the norm of butter, mix well so that the butter is evenly distributed, then add another half glass of sifted flour, stir, add the rest of the butter and flour, knead the dough well sprinkled with flour on the table, then transfer it to a pan greased with vegetable oil, cover and put in heat for 1 hour, maybe a little more, so that the dough rises well. While the dough is ready, cook the pudding as directed on the package, transfer it to a bowl, stir occasionally to prevent it from crusting. Transfer the dough that has come to the table, sprinkled with flour, divide it into 7 parts, roll each part into a layer, put a little pudding in the middle. Then roll up with tubes, slightly stretching the edges, so make all the blanks. Cover the baking sheet with parchment, grease it with butter. Now roll each tube on the baking sheet into a "snail", fold the edge down. Cover the buns with foil, leave for the final rise for 20 minutes. Turn the oven on 180 degrees, grease the buns with a beaten egg, put in a warm oven without waiting until it gets very hot, otherwise the buns may burst from the high temperature. Bake until light gold appears, then increase the temperature by 200 degrees and bake until tender. Remove the buns from the oven, sprinkle immediately with powdered sugar, you can brush with syrup. HAVE A PLEASANT TEA!

Comments 2

Classes 47

KREBEL ☑Ingredients ✔ kefir 250 ml ✔ sour cream 100 grams ✔ sugar 1 tsp ✔ salt 0.5 tsp ✔ live yeast 20 grams ✔ 2 eggs ✔ vegetable oil for frying (approximately) 0.5 liters ✔ flour 500 grams ✔ milk 3-4 tbsp. spoons ☑ Preparation: Mix yeast with sugar, pour 3-4 tablespoons of warm milk, and let stand for 5-10 minutes. Mix warm kefir, eggs, salt and sour cream with a mixer, add the yeast mixture and gradually flour. The dough turns out to be quite liquid and sticky. We cover it with foil, and leave it in a warm place for lifting, for an hour and a half. Sprinkle the table with plenty of flour and lay out the dough. You don't need to roll it out, it spreads so well, sprinkle with flour on top too. It is a little difficult to work with it, because it is semi-liquid, but you should not add a lot of flour, the krebel will become tough. We cut the dough into rectangles (or whatever happens), it is better not to cut everything at once, it can stick to the table, it is better to prepare each portion just before frying. We make an incision in the middle, turn it out and immediately fry it in well-heated oil.

Comments 1

Classes 79

The most delicious pasties. The recipe for these pasties is a godsend for me! First, the dough is kneaded with an ordinary fork without the help of hands. Secondly, the dishes remain clean! And thirdly, pasties are fabulously tasty, crispy, bubbly and juicy inside! Highly recommend! You will need: flour - 3 glasses (capacity - 250 ml); cold water - 1 glass; creamy margarine - 125 g; minced meat - 450 g; onions - 1-2 pcs.; salt, ground black pepper - to taste; spices for minced meat - 0.5 tsp; dried dill - 0.5 tsp; vegetable oil - for frying; ice water (for minced meat) - 100-150 ml. How to cook: 1. Sift the required amount of flour into a deep bowl. Add 0.5 teaspoon of salt. Pour in water and quickly, using a fork, mix everything until lumps of dough form. 2. Melt margarine and bring to a boil. Pour hot into the dough and mix quickly with a fork. You will get a very soft, tender dough. Collect the dough in a lump, wrap it in plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator for 1.5-2 hours. 3. Divide the dough into 16-18 pieces, each of which is rolled into a ball (each ball is a future cheburek). 4. Add onion, salt and pepper - to taste, spices, dill to the minced meat. Mix well, add ice water (the amount depends on the meat from which the minced meat is prepared - it should be rare in the end). Stir again. 5. Dust the work surface with a little flour. Roll each ball of dough thinly. Put out 1 tablespoon of minced meat. Form pasties - wrap the rolled dough together with the meat filling, press the edges with a fork. 6. Pour enough vegetable oil into a saucepan. Put prepared pasties in oil, fry over medium heat for 2-4 minutes on each side (frying time depends on your taste). Put ready-made delicious pasties on a dish. Serve hot. The closest and dearest people will certainly appreciate your efforts. Bon Appetit!

Comments 7

Classes 216

Butter buns with jam Milk (250 ml) Carbonated water (250 ml) Sugar (4 tablespoons) Salt (0.5 tsp) Wheat flour (3 cups) Plum jam (100 g) Vanilla sugar (10 d.) Fast-acting yeast (10 g.) Sunflower oil (50 ml.) Egg yolk (1 pc.) How to make buns with jam - Recipe: Regular yeast dough, the simplest one without eggs and butter, but what buns are obtained! Just a delight. Airy, fluffy and aromatic. Cook and delight your loved ones with homemade, wonderful baking. Begin. I always say that the key to success in every pastry product is yeast. If they are fresh your pastries will be excellent. We heat milk with carbonated water to a warm state (not hot). We put yeast and sugar there. It will take 5-7 minutes and the yeast will come to life. Then we sift the flour to enrich it with oxygen and remove unnecessary impurities. Put vanilla sugar, salt and refined sunflower oil in milk with water, yeast and sugar. Then we combine the liquid part with flour and knead the dough. You can pour liquid into flour, you can pour liquid into flour - I don't see the difference. I do this and that. Knead soft, elastic dough and place in a warm place to rise. In an hour, it will surely increase in volume, at least twice. Cut off a piece of dough. We roll it into the layer, cut out the circles with a notch. Put a thick jam in a circle. Fill the dough in the form of a ball. Place the buns in a greased baking dish or with baking paper, seam down. Let stand at room temperature for 20-30 minutes. Lubricate with yolk and send to the oven, preheated to 175-180 degrees Celsius. We bake for 35-40 minutes. Amazing buns are ready.

Quote post by Dushka_li School of Home Confectioner Irina Khlebnikova: 26 recipes and master classes [dough, biscuits, creams, cakes, decorations ...]

1. Regular Classic Biscuit

A wonderful classic biscuit. Try to cook!

120 g flour
120 g sugar
4 medium eggs


2. Orange Biscuit

A wonderful orange sponge cake - delicate, tall and aromatic, with the addition of orange peel and orange juice.

160 g flour
4 large eggs
130 g sugar
40 g starch
1/2 orange zest
80 ml orange juice
6 g baking powder
shape 24 cm


3. Orange Cream Mousse

Wonderful orange cream mousse, delicate, airy, creamy, with an interesting play of taste. Try to cook!

350 ml orange juice
200 ml cream 33-35%
250 g of condensed milk
40 g starch
zest of 1 orange
5 g powdered gelatin


4. Orange cake is a very simple recipe

Wonderful orange cake, light airy and very orangey. Based on a recipe by renowned Brazilian confectioner Jurandyr Affonso. Try to cook!

For biscuit:

For the cream:

For decoration:
200 ml cream 35%
30 g icing sugar
50 g white chocolate
3-4 oranges
10 g powdered gelatin
70 ml water

100 ml orange juice for soaking cakes

Cake weight about 2 kg


5. Decoration Orange Roses

Wonderful Orange Roses are a decoration for cakes, pastries, pies and any of your other culinary masterpieces. Try to cook!


6. Apple Custard

Wonderful Apple Custard - Delicate, light and very apple custard, with plenty of applesauce. In my opinion, the cream is universal, but it goes especially well with honey and biscuit cakes.

750 g applesauce
150 g sugar (or to taste)
40 g starch
200 g butter
vanilla or cinnamon (optional)


7. Apple Roses Decoration

Wonderful Apple Roses are a decoration for cakes, pastries, pies and any of your other culinary masterpieces. Try to cook!

Sugar syrup:
1 glass of water
4 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar

Gelatin solution:
1 teaspoon of powdered gelatin
1.5 tbsp. spoons of water
a little sugar


8. Poppy Seed Biscuit

Wonderful poppy seed biscuit. Try to cook!

For a 24 cm shape:
130 g flour
130 g sugar
100 g ground dry poppy
4 large chicken eggs
6 g baking powder
40 ml hot water
30 ml vegetable oil
a pinch of salt


9. Christmas Poppy Cake with Tangerines

Wonderful Christmas poppy cake with tangerines. Try to cook!

For a 24 cm cake mold:

For filling:
200 g tangerine slices
300-400 ml cream 35%
250 ml milk
1 small egg
75 g sugar
40 g flour or starch
50 g butter
40 g icing sugar

Cake weight - 1.6 kg


10. Biscuit For Rolls

A wonderful sponge cake for rolls. Try to cook!


80 g flour
4 small chicken eggs
60 g sugar
65 g milk
50 g vegetable oil
a pinch of salt


11. Roll "Burenka" with cream on boiled condensed milk

Wonderful roll "Burenka" with cream on boiled condensed milk. Try to cook!

On a standard baking sheet 40x30 cm:

For the cream:
150 g boiled condensed milk
50 g butter
150 g 35% cream

Roll weight - 0.7 kg


12. Chocolate Biscuit "Perfect"

Wonderful chocolate biscuit "Perfect". Try to cook!

For a form 24-26 cm:
200 g flour
5 medium chicken eggs
250 g sugar
30 g cocoa powder
135 g vegetable oil
100 ml of water
0.5 teaspoon of baking soda
4 g baking powder
0.5 tsp salt


13. Ruby cake is very effective, original and tasty

Wonderful Ruby cake, a delicious combination of raspberries, chocolate and cream. Try to cook!

For a 24 cm cake mold:

For the jelly interlayer:
250 ml raspberry puree
250 ml water
5 g agar agar
50 g sugar

For jelly decoration:
150 ml raspberry juice
350 ml water
5 g agar agar
50 g sugar

For the cream:
500 ml milk
2 eggs
120 g sugar
50 g flour
50 g butter
10 g gelatin
70 ml water
250 ml cream 35%
30 g icing sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

To cover the cake:
200 ml cream 35%
icing sugar to taste

Cake weight - 2.8 kg


14. Lemon Cream on semolina

Wonderful lemon cream on semolina. Try to cook!

500 ml milk
75 g semolina
120 g sugar
200-250 g butter
1 large lemon


15. Cake "Bird's Milk" ✧ Homemade Recipe from Soviet Childhood

Wonderful cake "Bird's milk" according to a home recipe from the times of the USSR. Try to cook !!

For cake cakes 24-28 cm:
160 g flour
230 g sugar
50 g cocoa powder
130 g butter
3 medium eggs
1 / 3-1 / 2 teaspoon of baking soda

For the cream:
75 g semolina
500 ml milk
120 g sugar
200 g butter
1 large lemon

For glaze:
50 g chocolate
30 g butter

Cake weight - 1.6 kg


16. How to Make Whipping Cream at Home

Whipping cream is easy enough to make yourself at home using less heavy cream and even milk. Try it!

To make 180 g heavy whipping cream:

From milk 3.5% fat:
100 g milk 3.5% + 80 g butter 82%

From cream 10% fat:
110 g cream 10% + 70 g butter 82%

Cream 20% fat:
120 g cream 20% + 60 g butter 82%


17. Caramel Sauce - Salted Caramel

Wonderful salted caramel - classic caramel sauce. Try to cook!

300 g sugar
325 g cream 30%
65 g butter
1 teaspoon salt or to taste


18. Caramel sauce (budget option)

Wonderful caramel sauce. Very simple, versatile and budget friendly. Try to cook!

180 g kefir
115 g butter
375 g sugar
2 teaspoons of honey (I take 50 g)
1 teaspoon of baking soda (I take 5 g)
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 tbsp. a spoonful of vanilla extract


19. Cream "Charlotte"

Wonderful cream "Charlotte" - butter base cream on milk and eggs. Recipe from the book "Pastry and Cake Making" 1971 Try it!

250 g butter
220 g sugar
1 small egg
150 g milk
1 tbsp. a spoonful of brandy


20. Pastry "Potato" according to GOST

Wonderful cake "Potato" in accordance with GOST. Try to cook!

For biscuit:
120 g flour
120 g sugar
4 medium eggs

For 1 norm of cream (for the above biscuit, 0.5 norm is needed):
220 g sugar
250 g butter
1 small egg
150 g milk
1 tbsp. a spoonful of brandy
a few drops of vanilla essence

For sprinkling:
30 g icing sugar
10 g cocoa powder

Attention! For cakes, you need to bake 1 biscuit and take 0.5 norms of cream or 2 biscuits and 1 norm of cream.


21. Yeast Dough For Sweet Baking

My favorite recipe for yeast dough for sweet baked goods. Try it!

350 g flour
50 g sugar
30 g butter
20 g vegetable oil
1 medium egg
150 ml milk
20 ml water
0.5 tsp salt
4 g dry instant / instant yeast (or 12-15 g fresh)


22. Custard buns are very soft and delicious

Wonderful yeast dough buns with custard. Try to cook!

For the test:
350 g flour
50 g sugar
150 ml milk
1 medium egg
30 g butter
20 g vegetable oil
20 ml water
0.5 tsp salt
4 g dry instant / instant yeast

For the cream:
250 ml milk
75 g sugar
1 medium egg
40 g flour or starch
50 g butter
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

For sprinkling:
125 g flour
75 g butter
70 g sugar
1 tsp vanilla sugar

1 egg for greasing buns before baking


23. Biscuit with Chocolate

Wonderful chocolate sponge cake. Try to cook!

For a form 20-24 cm:
80 g flour
4 medium eggs
120 g sugar
90 g butter
90 g dark chocolate
1 tsp vanilla sugar
a pinch of salt


24. Cake "Melody" is very beautiful and delicious

Wonderful Melody cake. Try to cook!

For one light biscuit on a 30x40 cm baking sheet:
4 small eggs
80 g flour
60 g sugar
65 g milk
50 g vegetable oil
a pinch of salt
you need 2 such biscuits

For dark crust:
4 medium eggs
80 g flour
90 g butter
120 g sugar
90 g chocolate
1 tsp vanilla sugar
a pinch of salt

For light cream:
250 ml cream 35%
85 g white chocolate

For dark cream:
250 ml cream 35%
100 g dark chocolate
70 g nutella

Almonds, chocolate, cream - for decoration

Cake weight approx. 2 kg


25. Chocolate Sponge Cake Without Flour

Wonderful chocolate sponge cake on starch, no flour. Try to cook!

For a 24 cm cake mold:
130 g potato starch
5 medium chicken eggs
200 g sugar
40 g cocoa powder
5 g baking powder


26. Cake "Dream" (Finnish) Light Delicate and without Flour

Wonderful gluten-free cake "Dream" (Finnish) according to the recipe from Ida Savi's book. Try to cook!

For a 24 cm cake mold:
5 medium eggs
200 g sugar
130 g potato starch
40 g cocoa powder
5 g baking powder

For impregnation:
100 ml strong sweet coffee

For the cream:
250 ml cream 35%
150 ml strong coffee
30 g icing sugar
7 g gelatin

For decoration:
200 ml cream 35%
grated chocolate
coffee beans

Cake weight - 1.2 kg

This is how the recipe looked in the book:
For biscuit:
5 eggs
200 g sugar
8 tbsp. tablespoons of potato starch (1 tbsp.spoon = 16 g)
3 tbsp. tablespoons of cocoa powder
1 teaspoon baking powder

For impregnation:
strong sweet coffee

For the cream:
1/4 l cream 35%
3/4 cup strong coffee
2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar
2 teaspoons of gelatin

For decoration:
1/2 cup cream 35%
coffee beans


1. Regular Classic Biscuit

A wonderful classic biscuit. Try to cook!

120 g flour
120 g sugar
4 medium eggs


2. Orange Biscuit

A wonderful orange sponge cake - delicate, tall and aromatic, with the addition of orange peel and orange juice.

160 g flour
4 large eggs
130 g sugar
40 g starch
1/2 orange zest
80 ml orange juice
6 g baking powder
shape 24 cm


3. Orange Cream Mousse

Wonderful orange cream mousse, delicate, airy, creamy, with an interesting play of taste. Try to cook!

350 ml orange juice
200 ml cream 33-35%
250 g of condensed milk
40 g starch
zest of 1 orange
5 g powdered gelatin


4. Orange cake is a very simple recipe

Wonderful orange cake, light airy and very orangey. Based on a recipe by renowned Brazilian confectioner Jurandyr Affonso. Try to cook!

For biscuit:

For the cream:

For decoration:
200 ml cream 35%
30 g icing sugar
50 g white chocolate
3-4 oranges
10 g powdered gelatin
70 ml water

100 ml orange juice for soaking cakes

Cake weight about 2 kg


5. Decoration Orange Roses

Wonderful Orange Roses are a decoration for cakes, pastries, pies and any of your other culinary masterpieces. Try to cook!


6. Apple Custard

Wonderful Apple Custard - Delicate, light and very apple custard, with plenty of applesauce. In my opinion, the cream is universal, but it goes especially well with honey and biscuit cakes.

750 g applesauce
150 g sugar (or to taste)
40 g starch
200 g butter
vanilla or cinnamon (optional)


7. Apple Roses Decoration

Wonderful Apple Roses are a decoration for cakes, pastries, pies and any of your other culinary masterpieces. Try to cook!

Sugar syrup:
1 glass of water
4 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar

Gelatin solution:
1 teaspoon of powdered gelatin
1.5 tbsp. spoons of water
a little sugar


8. Poppy Seed Biscuit

Wonderful poppy seed biscuit. Try to cook!

For a 24 cm shape:
130 g flour
130 g sugar
100 g ground dry poppy
4 large chicken eggs
6 g baking powder
40 ml hot water
30 ml vegetable oil
a pinch of salt


9. Christmas Poppy Cake with Tangerines

Wonderful Christmas poppy cake with tangerines. Try to cook!

For a 24 cm cake mold:

For filling:
200 g tangerine slices
300-400 ml cream 35%
250 ml milk
1 small egg
75 g sugar
40 g flour or starch
50 g butter
40 g icing sugar

Cake weight - 1.6 kg


10. Biscuit For Rolls

A wonderful sponge cake for rolls. Try to cook!


80 g flour
4 small chicken eggs
60 g sugar
65 g milk
50 g vegetable oil
a pinch of salt


11. Roll "Burenka" with cream on boiled condensed milk

Wonderful roll "Burenka" with cream on boiled condensed milk. Try to cook!

On a standard baking sheet 40x30 cm:

For the cream:
150 g boiled condensed milk
50 g butter
150 g 35% cream

Roll weight - 0.7 kg


12. Chocolate Biscuit "Perfect"

Wonderful chocolate biscuit "Perfect". Try to cook!

For a form 24-26 cm:
200 g flour
5 medium chicken eggs
250 g sugar
30 g cocoa powder
135 g vegetable oil
100 ml of water
0.5 teaspoon of baking soda
4 g baking powder
0.5 tsp salt


13. Ruby cake is very effective, original and tasty

Wonderful Ruby cake, a delicious combination of raspberries, chocolate and cream. Try to cook!

For a 24 cm cake mold:

For the jelly interlayer:
250 ml raspberry puree
250 ml water
5 g agar agar
50 g sugar

For jelly decoration:
150 ml raspberry juice
350 ml water
5 g agar agar
50 g sugar

For the cream:
500 ml milk
2 eggs
120 g sugar
50 g flour
50 g butter
10 g gelatin
70 ml water
250 ml cream 35%
30 g icing sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

To cover the cake:
200 ml cream 35%
icing sugar to taste

Cake weight - 2.8 kg


14. Lemon Cream on semolina

Wonderful lemon cream on semolina. Try to cook!

500 ml milk
75 g semolina
120 g sugar
200-250 g butter
1 large lemon


15. Cake "Bird's Milk" ✧ Homemade Recipe from Soviet Childhood

Wonderful cake "Bird's milk" according to a home recipe from the times of the USSR. Try to cook !!

For cake cakes 24-28 cm:
160 g flour
230 g sugar
50 g cocoa powder
130 g butter
3 medium eggs
1 / 3-1 / 2 teaspoon of baking soda

For the cream:
75 g semolina
500 ml milk
120 g sugar
200 g butter
1 large lemon

For glaze:
50 g chocolate
30 g butter

Cake weight - 1.6 kg


16. How to Make Whipping Cream at Home

Whipping cream is easy enough to make yourself at home using less heavy cream and even milk. Try it!

To make 180 g heavy whipping cream:

From milk 3.5% fat:
100 g milk 3.5% + 80 g butter 82%

From cream 10% fat:
110 g cream 10% + 70 g butter 82%

Cream 20% fat:
120 g cream 20% + 60 g butter 82%


17. Caramel Sauce - Salted Caramel

Wonderful salted caramel - classic caramel sauce. Try to cook!

300 g sugar
325 g cream 30%
65 g butter
1 teaspoon salt or to taste


18. Caramel sauce (budget option)

Wonderful caramel sauce. Very simple, versatile and budget friendly. Try to cook!

180 g kefir
115 g butter
375 g sugar
2 teaspoons of honey (I take 50 g)
1 teaspoon of baking soda (I take 5 g)
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 tbsp. a spoonful of vanilla extract


19. Cream "Charlotte"

Wonderful cream "Charlotte" - butter base cream on milk and eggs. Recipe from the book "Pastry and Cake Making" 1971 Try it!

250 g butter
220 g sugar
1 small egg
150 g milk
1 tbsp. a spoonful of brandy


20. Pastry "Potato" according to GOST

Wonderful cake "Potato" in accordance with GOST. Try to cook!

For biscuit:
120 g flour
120 g sugar
4 medium eggs

For 1 norm of cream (for the above biscuit, 0.5 norm is needed):
220 g sugar
250 g butter
1 small egg
150 g milk
1 tbsp. a spoonful of brandy
a few drops of vanilla essence

For sprinkling:
30 g icing sugar
10 g cocoa powder

Attention! For cakes, you need to bake 1 biscuit and take 0.5 norms of cream or 2 biscuits and 1 norm of cream.


21. Yeast Dough For Sweet Baking

My favorite recipe for yeast dough for sweet baked goods. Try it!

350 g flour
50 g sugar
30 g butter
20 g vegetable oil
1 medium egg
150 ml milk
20 ml water
0.5 tsp salt
4 g dry instant / instant yeast (or 12-15 g fresh)


22. Custard buns are very soft and delicious

Wonderful yeast dough buns with custard. Try to cook!

For the test:
350 g flour
50 g sugar
150 ml milk
1 medium egg
30 g butter
20 g vegetable oil
20 ml water
0.5 tsp salt
4 g dry instant / instant yeast

For the cream:
250 ml milk
75 g sugar
1 medium egg
40 g flour or starch
50 g butter
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

For sprinkling:
125 g flour
75 g butter
70 g sugar
1 tsp vanilla sugar

1 egg for greasing buns before baking


23. Biscuit with Chocolate

Wonderful chocolate sponge cake. Try to cook!

For a form 20-24 cm:
80 g flour
4 medium eggs
120 g sugar
90 g butter
90 g dark chocolate
1 tsp vanilla sugar
a pinch of salt


24. Cake "Melody" is very beautiful and delicious

Wonderful Melody cake. Try to cook!

For one light biscuit on a 30x40 cm baking sheet:
4 small eggs
80 g flour
60 g sugar
65 g milk
50 g vegetable oil
a pinch of salt
you need 2 such biscuits

For dark crust:
4 medium eggs
80 g flour
90 g butter
120 g sugar
90 g chocolate
1 tsp vanilla sugar
a pinch of salt

For light cream:
250 ml cream 35%
85 g white chocolate

For dark cream:
250 ml cream 35%
100 g dark chocolate
70 g nutella

Almonds, chocolate, cream - for decoration

Cake weight approx. 2 kg


25. Chocolate Sponge Cake Without Flour

Wonderful chocolate sponge cake on starch, no flour. Try to cook!

For a 24 cm cake mold:
130 g potato starch
5 medium chicken eggs
200 g sugar
40 g cocoa powder
5 g baking powder


26. Cake "Dream" (Finnish) Light Delicate and without Flour

Wonderful gluten-free cake "Dream" (Finnish) according to the recipe from Ida Savi's book. Try to cook!

For a 24 cm cake mold:
5 medium eggs
200 g sugar
130 g potato starch
40 g cocoa powder
5 g baking powder

For impregnation:
100 ml strong sweet coffee

For the cream:
250 ml cream 35%
150 ml strong coffee
30 g icing sugar
7 g gelatin

For decoration:
200 ml cream 35%
grated chocolate
coffee beans

Cake weight - 1.2 kg

This is how the recipe looked in the book:
For biscuit:
5 eggs
200 g sugar
8 tbsp. tablespoons of potato starch (1 tbsp.spoon = 16 g)
3 tbsp. tablespoons of cocoa powder
1 teaspoon baking powder

For impregnation:
strong sweet coffee

For the cream:
1/4 l cream 35%
3/4 cup strong coffee
2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar
2 teaspoons of gelatin

For decoration:
1/2 cup cream 35%
coffee beans


Irina Khlebnikova is a culinary blogger. In her kitchen, she embodies a wide variety of recipes from the simplest to the most complex. Irina is a biotechnologist by profession, but she became famous thanks to her cooking.

Her husband, who is the main administrator of the channel, helps her in the development of the channel. Irina's main "job" today is a blog. Irina proves every day that absolutely any person can learn how to cook, if there is a desire.

Biography of Irina Khlebnikova

Irina is a native Muscovite. She is 48 years old and has lived in the capital all her life. Graduated from a regular school. Mom taught the girl to cook the first simplest dishes. Irina didn't want to be a cook, she just loved cooking as a hobby.

The girl entered the Faculty of Biotechnology, and studied the hepatitis virus. She worked for some time at the department after the institute, planned to do science.

But after graduation, Irina got married and became pregnant. After the birth of her daughter and a couple of years of decree, she returned to the department, but did not work there for long. The 90s came, science did not bring money, and the young woman set off on a "free voyage".

She changed several professions and gave birth to a son. All this time, cooking remained with Irina as a hobby. When the Internet appeared in the family, the woman became interested in creating websites.

Irina owns the site Cook. Ru, for a long time she independently wrote articles on him, and filmed video recipes. Short and accessible videos spread all over the internet, including uploaded by various people to YouTube.

Noticing this, Irina decided to run the channel on her own. She learned to use the Sony Vegas program, and began to shoot recipes in an already more accessible format.

Today Irina is the owner of one of the most popular channels about cooking on the Russian-language YouTube. The calm manner of presenting information, interesting and uncomplicated recipes allowed her to conquer a wide audience.

Irina is watched by men and women, people of all ages, and even teenagers. Her videos are distributed on third-party sites and sent to each other.

Irina Khlebnikova's content

Irina Khlebnikova's channel has over 700 thousand subscribers. The channel is growing every day. Recipes are very popular all over the world, and recently Irina began to post videos of recipes with subtitles. Channel navigation is very convenient.

Recipes are collected in a selection:

  • cakes and pastries;
  • meat dishes;
  • collection from the site kukharka.ru

What exactly is Irina cooking? The content is very diverse, but the blogger gravitates towards classic Russian cuisine. The usual high-calorie cakes and pies, the "Enchantress" cake and that very sponge cake with cream roses, "Stolovskiy" thin pancakes with milk, and pies with potatoes.

A whole collection is dedicated to home canning. Perhaps for those who adhere to a healthy diet, this will seem wild, but the tradition of rolling up summer harvests in jars has remained, and from Irina you can learn not only to salt cucumbers, make lecho and salad, but also to cook pickled oyster mushrooms.

A separate topic is “food as in the dining room”. Cutlets with gravy, various goulash, mashed potatoes, pea porridge. If you've missed all this food, you can walk in and cook it all up pretty quickly and without any hassle.

How much does Irina Khlebnikova earn

Irina Khlebnikova makes over $ 2,000 according to independent review sites. But in reality, the earnings are much higher. The fact is that this blogger has been in the Internet promotion topic for a very long time.

Its audience has been recruited back in the old days, when people read recipes on websites. And then it was necessary to make a huge effort to promote the site in search. As many recipes as possible for everything that a person can cook and eat. The most detailed training videos, reviews of everything in the world.

Irina is well aware of what people are looking for on culinary sites and channels. Perhaps this calm adult woman looks like a person who decided to cook something, and that's it. But in reality, there is a lot of work behind every dish and video:

  • Irina chooses a topic depending on what is popular and what the audience wants to see;
  • she always comes up with a "chip" that distinguishes her dish or recipe from others;
  • cooking takes several hours, all this time the shooting is in progress;
  • Irina does the editing of the video herself;
  • Khlebnikova's husband is in charge of unloading and administering the channel.

In general, everything that a whole team of people does for fashionable lifestyle bloggers, this family does together. The channel for the Khlebnikov family is work.

Additional earnings

Khlebnikova's website is quite popular, despite the fact that now the main focus is not on it, but on the development of the channel. Resources with such statistics can earn about 30 thousand rubles on advertising in a completely "background" mode.

Of course, the site needs to be updated, but articles with recipes can be purchased inexpensively from culinary authors, and videos from the channel can also be uploaded to your page ..

On the channel, Irina makes reviews of household appliances and dishes, these can be advertising materials, and they pay extra for them.

And also the motto of Irina's blog could be the words: "The money saved is the money earned." All content is done by the family, the blog does not require any additional investments.

How Irina Khlebnikova's blog will develop

Obviously, Irina has decided to increase her audience at the expense of fans of international recipes. Today on her blog you can find a Video about baked goods and meat dishes with subtitles. In fact, there are many lovers of Russian recipes in the world.

These are collectors of exotic things, and emigrants, and children from families with Russian roots. By increasing the audience at the expense of English-speaking citizens, Irina will receive more money from YouTube, because he pays for views with such a geolocation more expensive.

Irina has already been noticed by marketers of household appliances firms, and she made reviews of such products. Perhaps a Muscovite will end up on television, where home cooking recipes will arouse more interest than pears with prosciutto and other avocado and tuna salads so beloved by our pseudo-glamorous culinary experts.