Georgian Khachapuri in Adjara style: the subtleties of cooking.

29.08.2019 Bakery products

Step by step recipe with photos and videos

What could be tastier than classic khachapuri ?! Only Adjarian khachapuri (in the form of boats)! A graceful, fragile-looking boat made of rosy dough, overflowing with seething lava from viscous melted cheese - only one kind of Adjarian-style khachapuri boats is appetizing. But you should try this delicious dish, and you immediately understand that you are in love for the rest of your life. Today I suggest learning how to cook this simple and incredibly tasty dish at home. Let's start ?!

Prepare the ingredients on a list.

Dissolve salt and sugar in warm water.

Add yeast and mix until dissolved. Add vegetable oil and 100 grams of sifted wheat flour. Mix well again so that no lumps of flour remain.

Cover the container with cling film, wrap with a towel and leave in a warm corner of the kitchen for 40-50 minutes.

Grate the cheese with the smallest mesh size or grind in a food processor or meat grinder. A mixture of Imereti cheese and Suluguni cheese, in equal proportions, is traditionally used to make Khachapuri in Adjarian style. Imereti cheese can be replaced with Adyghe cheese, feta cheese or soft cottage cheese.

When the dough rises, you can begin to knead the dough. Add the sifted wheat flour to the mixture in small portions. Mix the ingredients and form a bowl of soft dough.

Knead the dough for 5-10 minutes by moving it onto a work surface dusted with flour, and if necessary, add wheat flour in small portions. You should have a slightly sticky, but smooth, firm and soft dough.

Place the dough in a greased container, cover with a towel and leave for another 10-15 minutes. This stage is necessary so that the dough becomes more elastic and does not tear.

Knead the rest of the dough for another 1 minute, and then divide into portions, depending on the desired size of khachapuri. Roll portions of the dough into small balls and cover with a towel. I like medium-sized khachapuri, so I divide the dough into 7 pieces, weighing 150 grams.

Roll out the first part of the test in the form of an oval 1-2 mm thick.

Mentally divide the dough into three parts. Put a few pinches of grated cheese on the upper and lower third of the dough.

Roll the bottom third into three turns of the dough towards the center. Then roll the upper third of the dough in the same way. Pinch the edges of the dough to form a boat. Repeat the procedure with the remaining test.

Line a baking tray with baking paper or sprinkle with a thin layer of wheat flour. Put prepared boats from the dough on a baking sheet. Fill the boats with grated cheese. To get the best result, the fillings in Adjarian khachapuri should be as much as dough or a little less.

Place the prepared khachapuri in an oven preheated to 180-200 degrees and bake for 10-12 minutes. Focus on the readiness of the dough and the consistency of the filling - the cheese should straighten and drill.

Meanwhile, prepare a few chicken eggs, according to the number of khachapuri. Separate the egg yolk from the protein. You can use the whole egg in the filling, but in this case, the taste of cheese in khachapuri will be less pronounced, since it will muffle the characteristic “egg” taste of protein.

When the khachapuri brown, grease the dough around the filling with butter. Make a small depression in the center of the filling with a spoon and pour the egg yolk into it.

Add a few slices of butter, and then place the khachapuri in the oven for another 1 minute or a little longer until the desired yolk is cooked.

Khajapuri in Ajarian ready! Enjoy your meal!

I often meditate on khachapuri in Adjarian style at home: break off the crust - dunk into the molten yolk, and my heart becomes warmer. It seems that this simple dish takes you to Georgian land with its wine aroma of ripe grapes and the smell of freshly baked bread.

So, today I will show how I make Adjarian khachapuri-boats. Recipe for Georgian cuisine requires certain national skills, but we will cook it at home, in our own way, taking Adyghe cheese or any other cheese you like as a filling.

Adjarian Khachapuri Recipe:

Ingredients for the dough:

  • Milk - 125 ml
  • Warm water - 125 ml
  • Yeast (I used dry) - 7 g (can be replaced with 15 g of raw yeast)
  • Sugar - 2 tsp
  • Salt - 1 tsp.
  • Vegetable oil - 1-2 tbsp. l
  • Chicken Egg - 1 pc.
  • Wheat flour - 400 g (navigate by the consistency of the dough)
  • Adygea cheese - 250 g
  • Suluguni - 150 g
  • Butter - 100 g
  • Eggs - 4-5 pcs.

How to cook Khachapuri

There are two features in this baking - the cake is a beautiful boat. And the filling is egg-fried eggs, which will delight the look, and the stomach is deliciously saturated.

First, prepare the yeast dough. Heated milk and water (125 ml each of both) are poured into a bowl in which we will make a dough.

Pour yeast (7 g) into the liquid base, this is half a small bag. If you use raw yeast, take twice as much - 14-15 g. Also, break them into small pieces and mix in milk. Also add 2 tsp. sugar and after mixing we put in a warm place without drafts.

In a separate bowl, break the egg, add salt (1 tsp.)

Vegetable oil (2 tbsp) is also sent to a bowl with an egg.

Pour the egg mixed with butter and salt into the coming dough. Connect them together with a spoon or whisk.

We begin to sift the flour. According to the recipe, 400 g of flour may be required, but since everyone’s flour is different in density, it is better to focus not on the weight of the flour, but on the structure of the dough, which is kneaded.

At first it will be completely “liquid”, it will stick to your hands. Add the flour in small portions, continuing to knead first in a bowl with dough, then on a cutting board or table dusted with flour.

As a result, the yeast dough for khachapuri should turn out to be soft, tender, very airy. Perhaps it will seem sticky to you in consistency, this is normal. After proofing, the dough will become more dense, as the bonds between the components will become stronger. We place the dough in a cup greased with vegetable oil, be sure to cover it with cling film or a towel so that the top layer does not become crusty. We put the cup with the dough in a warm place without drafts for about 1 hour.

After this time, the dough usually increases in size by 2-2.5 times. If it’s cold, put the dough in a tightly closed oven, which is pre-heated to 50 ° C and turn off. The heat left in the oven will be enough for the yeast dough to rise well.

Pour a small amount of vegetable oil into the palms and knead the dough on all sides.

We leave the dough for another half hour in a warm place so that it rises again.

Adjarian Khachapuri Stuffing

The filling for Khachapuri will consist of Adyghe cheese and Suluguni cheese. Adyghe (or any Georgian pickled cheese 250 g) cut into small pieces with a knife.

Suluguni grate with medium cells. It turns out large-sized cheese chips. The ratio of cheeses can be different (50/50 or in any other proportions). Use your favorite types of cheese, and those that have hardened and are left in the refrigerator will do. But strive to ensure that the filling must have a variety of soft cheese. Tasty is the filling of cottage cheese, herbs and cheese mixed (but, of course, this is not Adjarian khachapuri, but its variation). Sometimes cottage cheese is part of the test for khachapuri.

But today we are preparing delicious boats that are very close to authentic, real khachapuri.

Melt butter (100 g) on \u200b\u200ba stove or in a microwave until liquid. Pour into the filling.

All ingredients are mixed well. The filling is ready. Try it, if you want to add salt, spices or herbs to your taste, be sure to adjust it to your taste.

To prepare real khachapuri, they use the young Imereti cheese - “chkinti-kveli” for the filling. If you are not in Georgia now, it will be very difficult for you to get such cheese. And if you find it, the quality will probably be much worse than the cheese sold in Georgia. Therefore, I advise you to make a worthy replacement for this cheese.

I caution you to use pure suluguni cheese for the filling, it is very salty (as well as untreated feta cheese). Better mix some hard ordinary cheese into the filling, it will be much tastier.

We form boats

We knead the well-suited dough and begin cutting. Divide into equal parts (the size of the dough pieces will determine the size of one khachapuri. Of this amount of dough, I get 5 large pieces.

We roll each part of the dough with a rolling pin into an oval cake, 0.3-0.5 cm thick. The dough in the oven rises very well, so roll the cake thinner. On the base we apply two small grooves from the filling: top and bottom. We press the cheese chips with our fingers to keep it in shape.

You can sample different khachapuri in size to see which ones you like best. If you really like crispy dough, roll it thinly. In this case, the “boat” will turn out wide, and there will be many fillings. If more like fluffy dough, soft, in this case, roll thicker. The boat will be smaller, but there will be more tasty dough.

Real Ajarian khachapuri consists of dough and filling in a ratio of 50/50 percent.

Tuck the edges of the dough in the form of flagella inward. And we press to the base so that the flagella are well fixed. Pinch thoroughly to firmly attach the dough, but carefully so as not to tear it.

Now in an arbitrary form we wrap the edges of the khachapuri (I fasten it in a twisting motion). We form a boat, inside which an empty space forms - here we will put the cheese filling. You can push the slightly curled edges to make room for the filling.

When you eat ready-made Adjarian khachapuri in Adjarian style, you should have a full sense of satiety. But at the same time it fuels the desire to eat another \u003d). This pastry is perfect as a hearty snack, if supplemented with salad - khachapuri can replace lunch or dinner, like quiche with vegetables and chicken or meat pies.

Fill boats with cheese shavings.

Lubricate the sides of the khachapuri with a pastry brush (use the yolk + 2 tbsp. Of milk for lubrication).

Bake khachapuri in the oven, heated to 180 -200 ° C, for 10-15 minutes.

When the khachapuri is almost ready (they start to blush), you need to remove them and break an egg into each boat. In order to fit the egg, gently using a fork, spread the filling to the sides. Some khachapuri can be left without an egg: there will simply be buns with cheese filling, and it is also very tasty!

Then again return the pan to the oven for 1-2 minutes. You need to follow: as soon as the protein becomes thicker and drags on a white film, remove the khachapuri, do not let the egg boil completely to a “cool” state.

An egg, when ready, should resemble a soft-boiled egg. Grease ready-made khachapuri with butter (boat sides). It is very tasty if you put a piece of butter on top of the filling so that it melts and mixes with the contents.
  To make the khachapuri in Adjarian soft, let them rest after the oven for 5-10 minutes under a towel, and then serve immediately.

How to eat khachapuri: break off a piece of bun from the edges and dip in egg yolk.

I often meditate on khachapuri in Adjarian style at home: break off the crust - dunk into the molten yolk, and my heart becomes warmer. It seems that this simple dish takes you to Georgian land with its wine aroma of ripe grapes and the smell of freshly baked bread.

So, today I will show how I make Adjarian khachapuri-boats. Recipe for Georgian cuisine requires certain national skills, but we will cook it at home, in our own way, taking Adyghe cheese or any other cheese you like as a filling.

Adjarian Khachapuri Recipe:

Ingredients for the dough:

  • Milk - 125 ml
  • Warm water - 125 ml
  • Yeast (I used dry) - 7 g (can be replaced with 15 g of raw yeast)
  • Sugar - 2 tsp
  • Salt - 1 tsp.
  • Vegetable oil - 1-2 tbsp. l
  • Chicken Egg - 1 pc.
  • Wheat flour - 400 g (navigate by the consistency of the dough)

For filling:

  • Adygea cheese - 250 g
  • Suluguni - 150 g
  • Butter - 100 g
  • Eggs - 4-5 pcs.

How to cook Khachapuri

There are two features in this baking - the cake is a beautiful boat. And the filling is egg-fried eggs, which will delight the look, and the stomach is deliciously saturated.

First, prepare the yeast dough. Heated milk and water (125 ml each of both) are poured into a bowl in which we will make a dough.

Pour yeast (7 g) into the liquid base, this is half a small bag. If you use raw yeast, take twice as much - 14-15 g. Also, break them into small pieces and mix in milk. Also add 2 tsp. sugar and after mixing we put in a warm place without drafts.

In a separate bowl, break the egg, add salt (1 tsp.)

Vegetable oil (2 tbsp) is also sent to a bowl with an egg.

Pour the egg mixed with butter and salt into the coming dough. Connect them together with a spoon or whisk.

We begin to sift the flour. According to the recipe, 400 g of flour may be required, but since everyone’s flour is different in density, it is better to focus not on the weight of the flour, but on the structure of the dough, which is kneaded.

At first it will be completely “liquid”, it will stick to your hands. Add the flour in small portions, continuing to knead first in a bowl with dough, then on a cutting board or table dusted with flour.

As a result, the yeast dough for khachapuri should turn out to be soft, tender, very airy. Perhaps it will seem sticky to you in consistency, this is normal. After proofing, the dough will become more dense, as the bonds between the components will become stronger. We place the dough in a cup greased with vegetable oil, be sure to cover it with cling film or a towel so that the top layer does not become crusty. We put the cup with the dough in a warm place without drafts for about 1 hour.

After this time, the dough usually increases in size by 2-2.5 times. If it’s cold, put the dough in a tightly closed oven, which is pre-heated to 50 ° C and turn off. The heat left in the oven will be enough for the yeast dough to rise well.

Pour a small amount of vegetable oil into the palms and knead the dough on all sides.

We leave the dough for another half hour in a warm place so that it rises again.

The filling for Khachapuri will consist of Adyghe cheese and Suluguni cheese. Adyghe (or any Georgian pickled cheese 250 g) cut into small pieces with a knife.

Suluguni grate with medium cells. It turns out large-sized cheese chips. The ratio of cheeses can be different (50/50 or in any other proportions). Use your favorite types of cheese, and those that have hardened and are left in the refrigerator will do. But strive to ensure that the filling must have a variety of soft cheese. Tasty is the filling of cottage cheese, herbs and cheese mixed (but, of course, this is not Adjarian khachapuri, but its variation). Sometimes cottage cheese is part of the test for khachapuri.

But today we are preparing delicious boats that are very close to authentic, real khachapuri.

Melt butter (100 g) on \u200b\u200ba stove or in a microwave until liquid. Pour into the filling.

All ingredients are mixed well. The filling is ready. Try it, if you want to add salt, spices or herbs to your taste, be sure to adjust it to your taste.

To prepare real khachapuri, they use the young Imereti cheese - “chkinti-kveli” for the filling. If you are not in Georgia now, it will be very difficult for you to get such cheese. And if you find it, the quality will probably be much worse than the cheese sold in Georgia. Therefore, I advise you to make a worthy replacement for this cheese.

  I caution you to use pure suluguni cheese for the filling, it is very salty (as well as untreated feta cheese). Better mix some hard ordinary cheese into the filling, it will be much tastier.

We form boats

We knead the well-suited dough and begin cutting. Divide into equal parts (the size of the dough pieces will determine the size of one khachapuri. Of this amount of dough, I get 5 large pieces.

We roll each part of the dough with a rolling pin into an oval cake, 0.3-0.5 cm thick. The dough in the oven rises very well, so roll the cake thinner. On the base we apply two small grooves from the filling: top and bottom. We press the cheese chips with our fingers to keep it in shape.

You can sample different khachapuri in size to see which ones you like best. If you really like crispy dough, roll it thinly. In this case, the “boat” will turn out wide, and there will be many fillings. If more like fluffy dough, soft, in this case, roll thicker. The boat will be smaller, but there will be more tasty dough.

Real Ajarian khachapuri consists of dough and filling in a ratio of 50/50 percent.

Tuck the edges of the dough in the form of flagella inward. And we press to the base so that the flagella are well fixed. Pinch thoroughly to firmly attach the dough, but carefully so as not to tear it.

Now in an arbitrary form we wrap the edges of the khachapuri (I fasten it in a twisting motion). We form a boat, inside which an empty space forms - here we will put the cheese filling. You can push the slightly curled edges to make room for the filling.

When you eat ready-made Adjarian khachapuri in Adjarian style, you should have a full sense of satiety. But at the same time it fuels the desire to eat another \u003d). This pastry is perfect as a hearty snack, if supplemented with salad - khachapuri can replace lunch or dinner, just like or.

Fill boats with cheese shavings.

Lubricate the sides of the khachapuri with a pastry brush (use the yolk + 2 tbsp. Of milk for lubrication).

Bake khachapuri in the oven, heated to 180 -200 ° C, for 10-15 minutes.

When the khachapuri is almost ready (they start to blush), you need to remove them and break an egg into each boat. In order to fit the egg, gently using a fork, spread the filling to the sides. Some khachapuri can be left without an egg: there will simply be buns with cheese filling, and it is also very tasty!

Then again return the pan to the oven for 1-2 minutes. You need to follow: as soon as the protein becomes thicker and drags on a white film, remove the khachapuri, do not let the egg boil completely to a “cool” state.

An egg, when ready, should resemble a soft-boiled egg. Grease ready-made khachapuri with butter (boat sides). It is very tasty if you put a piece of butter on top of the filling so that it melts and mixes with the contents.
  To make the khachapuri in Adjarian soft, let them rest after the oven for 5-10 minutes under a towel, and then serve immediately.

How to eat khachapuri: break off a piece of bun from the edges and dip in egg yolk.

If you have any questions about the recipe, feel free to ask them. I will be very pleased with the feedback, your photos with ready-made khachapuri. If you will upload photos on Instagram, specify the tag #pirogeevo or # pirogeevo. So I can find your photos online. Thank!

Tasty hearty pastries with cheese.

  • 400 g flour
  • 150 ml of water
  • 100 ml of milk
  • 2 tbsp. l vegetable oil
  • 2 tsp Sahara
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp dry yeast
  • egg (for lubrication)
  • 250 g suluguni
  • 250 g Adyghe cheese
  • 100 g butter
  • 4 eggs (or yolks)

Khachapuri is a dish originating from Georgia, there is no single recipe, there are round khachapuri - these are Megrelian or Imereti, and there are khachapuri in Adjarian, usually in the form of a boat, it is with the recipe for such khachapuri that I rush to you today. It is based on a rather simple yeast dough, no muffin is needed here, and such a dough is prepared very simply, no dough, etc. For the filling, they usually use young Imereti cheese, but you will not find such cheese outside of Georgia. Often it is replaced by Suluguni. But I prefer another option, namely suluguni half-and-half with Adyghe cheese. So the filling turns out to be more similar to the traditional version, and it is much tastier than with one suluguni, I think that the combination of these cheeses gives exactly that creamy-curd-cheese flavor. Well, in terms of salinity, this is a better option, since the suluguni itself is quite salty, and you can’t put a lot of it, but you need to put a lot of cheese in the filling))
I made 4 khachapuri, they are quite large.


Cooking the dough.
Put flour, sugar, salt, dry yeast in a container, mix.

Gradually pour water and milk (you can slightly warm it up, no more than when your finger is barely warm). By the way, if you do not have milk, then it can be perfectly replaced with water.
Stir actively with a spoon, start kneading.
Add oil, mix.

Put the dough on the surface (add flour if necessary). Continue to thoroughly knead the dough on the table for at least 5-7 minutes.
The dough should stop sticking to your hands, and become soft and supple.

Return the dough to a container, and put it in a warm place to rise - either in a pot with warm water or in a slightly warm oven (turn it on for a couple of minutes and immediately turn it off).

Leave the dough for 30-60 minutes or until the dough increases about 2-3 times.

Prepare the filling.
Grate cheeses.

Melt the butter.

Add cheeses, and mix well.

Divide the dough into 4 identical parts, the filling is also divided into 4 parts.

We form khachapuri.
Roll out the dough into a circle (I rolled out about 23 cm).
Put the stuffing, not reaching a centimeter to the brim.

Wrap the sides on both sides, as a result, part of the filling will be inside the sides.

Pinch the edges, you should get a boat.
I met recipes where the sides simply wrap, and then put the filling in the middle, but this is not what you need. For the sides to be tasty, there must also be a filling inside them. It is important!

Gently place the khachapuri on a baking sheet. I have 2 pieces fit on a standard pan. Lubricate the egg slightly beaten in a cup.
Put in a preheated oven to 200 degrees. Bake for about 15-25 minutes.

Then drive into each egg. It seemed to me a bit too much, and I released part of the protein into the container, and the rest was already in khachapuri. So it is advisable to use small eggs, or you can even take only the yolks.

Return to the oven for 3-5 minutes, it is necessary that the protein is barely set, and the yolk remains liquid.
Done. Serve hot!

There is khachapuri supposedly breaking off from the corners and dipping them into yolk. By the way, the next day I reheated the remaining khachapuri in the microwave to a hot state, and they were no worse than the freshly baked ones the day before.
Adjarian Khachapuri is very tasty, I highly recommend it!

Today we will tell you one of the options for cooking Adjarian khachapuri - a famous dish of Georgian cuisine. There are many types of khachapuri, Adjarian is distinguished by a boat shape and the presence of yolk in cheese filling. Khachapuri is eaten, breaking off a piece of bread and dipping it into cheese and egg filling. Of course, in the oven and with real Imereti cheese, these khachapuri are simply incredible, but at home they can be cooked no less tasty than in many authentic Georgian cafes. Give it a try!

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The author and founder of the project "site" - a culinary portal about simple and tasty food. Using the site brings together all lovers of homemade food. Together with other food bloggers, he shares delicious recipes with a detailed step-by-step description. He likes to cook and translates his culinary knowledge into recipes. Every day he tries to make this project even more convenient and interesting. Mom Ani and Cyril.

  • Recipe author: Olesya Fisenko
  • After cooking, you will receive 3 pcs.
  • Cooking time: 1 hour 40 minutes


  • 300 gr wheat flour
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp sugar
  • 7 gr dry quick-acting yeast
  • 100 ml water
  • 100 ml milk
  • 30 ml vegetable oil
  • 3 pcs. egg yolk
  • 130 gr Mozzarella cheese
  • 130 gr Suluguni cheese
  • 40 gr Adygea cheese
  • 20 gr butter
  • 40 ml water

Cooking method

    The dough for these khachapuri can be prepared in two ways: yeast-free on the basis of yogurt and yeast (it retains taste and softness even on the second or third day). Sift the wheat flour into a large bowl, add salt, sugar and yeast, stir. Heat milk and water to a warm state (not hot! No more than 40 degrees), pour into flour and knead the dough with your hands. Knead the dough with your hands until smooth for at least 5 minutes, pour in the vegetable oil and continue kneading until the dough has absorbed all the oil.

    It is very important to knead and stretch the dough for as long as possible. Wash your hands and finally knead the dough: it will turn out soft, a little more sticky, but very plastic. Put the dough in a large bowl (it will greatly increase in volume), tighten the cling film on top and put in place without drafts for 40 minutes.

    After 40 minutes, the dough will increase in volume by 2-3 times. Now you need to do it broach. Why a broach, not a blast? When we crush the dough, we remove excess carbon dioxide from it, which prevents the dough from fermenting. A broach is a way to improve the gluten of the dough. Gently grab the dough from one edge and pull it to the opposite. And so - in a circle. The dough will eventually take the form of a ball. Turn it over, cover the bowl with cling film and leave for another 20 minutes, so that the dough doubles in volume.

    Dust the working surface with a thin layer of flour. Lay out the dough and, without crushing, with a sharp knife, cut it into 2 or 3 equal parts. Collect each part of the dough from the edge to the center, turn the resulting ball over, cover with a free film and leave for 20 minutes.

    While the dough is resting, prepare the filling. For her, Imereti cheese (chkinti-kveli) is usually used. You can replace it with the following composition: suluguni, mozzarella and Adyghe cheese. Grate cheeses on a coarse grater, add water and mash everything into a porridge-like homogeneous mass. If desired, you can add a little more water and salt. The filling should be soft and airy, keep its shape well.

    Turn on the oven to warm up to 200 degrees. Sprinkle a large baking sheet with a small amount of flour. Form a khachapuri: put one part of the dough on a dusted work surface. With your hands, gently stretch or roll it into a rectangle with a rolling pin. Gather both long edges to the center, fasten 2 opposite edges together.

    Khachapuri formation video: Stretch the middle so that the dough is thinner there and the khachapuri take the form of boats.

    Transfer khachapuri to a baking sheet, once again correct the shape. In the middle of the khachapuri put the cheese filling, tamp with your hands. The filling should turn out flush with the sides of the khachapuri in height. Another great option for molding: put the filling on the dough, stepping back from the edges by 3 cm, level with your hands. Twist both opposite long edges to the center with a roll until the filling begins. Gently twist the two edges of the boat, turning the seam down. Leave the khachapuri to proof at room temperature for 10-15 minutes.

    Remove the baking tray from the khachapuri in a preheated oven. You can cook khachapuri in the top-bottom mode, or with steam (then the crust will be denser and the dough will increase more in volume). To do this, put a small pan or baking sheet in the lower part of the oven, the oven will warm up with it. Gently pour a glass of boiling water into a saucepan, put a baking sheet with blanks and quickly close the oven. Why do I need steam? Without steam, a crust forms very quickly on the test, which will not allow the test to rise enough. Cook khachapuri for 4 minutes with steam, then remove the ladle and bake for another 7-10 minutes. In order to make the dough brown, you can turn on the “convection” mode for 2 minutes or grease the dough with a mixture of yolk and a spoonful of milk.

    Pour 3 yolks into 3 small glasses. In the middle of the cheese filling of each khachapuri, make a recess (it’s convenient to do this with the bottom of the glass), pour yolk into each recess, trying not to damage its integrity. Cook khachapuri for another 3-4 minutes.

    To get khachapuri  from the oven, put a piece of butter on the cheese filling and serve immediately.

    Enjoy your meal!