Slimming Food Recipes. Beef and bell pepper salad

29.08.2019 Fish dishes

In the view of losing weight, diet food is something tasteless, but necessary to lose weight. We will try to dispel this myth and prove that dietary dishes are not only healthy and help reduce weight, but also tasty. You can even cook diet desserts for your sweet tooth without harming your figure.

  • Dietary nutrition prescribes the necessary and beneficial for the body. Fatty, smoked, refined foods, sweet juices and sparkling water are excluded from the diet.
  • The calorie content of diet is usually 1300-1500 kcal per day. The following rule is recommended: consume more calories than take them with food.
  • In the diet, preference should be given to fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • It is recommended to prepare dietary dishes by cooking, baking or steaming. These cooking methods can significantly reduce the calorie content of food.
  • Full nutrition (breakfast, lunch and dinner) allows 2-3 small snacks between main meals. Small portions and fractional nutrition avoids "hungry" attacks.
  • For a better metabolism and removal of toxins, 1.5-2 liters of pure water should be consumed.

Dietary food: recipes with photos

In the preparation of dietary food, recipes for weight loss are not difficult and do not require a lot of time. We offer some simple diet recipes to normalize weight.

Healthy Diet Orange Shake for Breakfast

Yellow or orange bell pepper, carrots, persimmons, 100 g of low-fat kefir or yogurt are mixed in a blender. Poured into glasses. A wholesome diet vitamin breakfast is ready.

Tuna salad: diet food, a simple recipe

  1. Leafy green salad is laid out on a large dish.
  2. Pieces of canned tuna and quarters of boiled eggs are laid on top.
  3. Tomatoes are cut into slices and placed evenly over the dish.
  4.   sprinkled with soy sauce, garnished with olives, chopped green onions and herbs (dill, parsley, basil).

Diet celery soup with meatballs

  1. Sliced \u200b\u200bvegetables are immersed in boiling water: stalks of petiole celery, sweet bell pepper, carrots.
  2. Meatballs are formed from turkey or chicken mincemeat and lowered into boiling vegetable broth. Salt the soup to taste and cook for 20 minutes.
  3. In the finished soup, you can add your favorite spices and finely chopped dill or other herbs.

Diet Vegetable Casserole

  1. You can use any vegetables for casserole: sweet bell pepper, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, onions, carrots, eggplant, pumpkin.
  2. Vegetables are washed, peeled and cut into large bowls in a bowl. Black pepper and other spices are added to the vegetable mixture to taste. Slightly salted and watered with a small amount of vegetable oil.
  3. The baking dish is greased with vegetable oil and filled with a vegetable mixture. The vegetables are covered with foil and placed in the oven for 30 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.
  4. Beat two eggs with milk and add salt. The mixture is poured into a form with vegetables, sprinkled with grated cheese and baked for another 10-15 minutes until fully cooked without foil.

How to lose weight with maximum results?

It often happens that a person, having decided to lose weight, rushes to extremes, considering a healthy diet or diet a forced hunger strike, supposedly this is the only way to lose hated kilograms. In fact, this is not so.

Losing weight in no case should refuse to eat, so as not to disrupt the hormonal background of the body, you need breakfast, lunch and dinner. The only thing to consider is that there should be diet food on the table, it will help with the problem of excess weight, while not harming health, but, on the contrary, strengthening it.

What you need to exclude with diet

Fats, flour and sugar-containing foods are the most high-calorie, so dietary food for weight loss excludes them from the diet of a person who decided to lose weight. This is all sweet (cakes, sweets, carbonated drinks and others, which contain sugar), bakery and flour products (pasta, rolls, biscuits), fatty (lard, sausages, cheeses, mayonnaise) and other products not related to this kind of food like diet food.

The recipes of the diet are actually diverse, that is, diet in no way means giving up goodies. It is only necessary to remove the above products from the menu, reduce salt intake, since it has the property of retaining water in the body, and this does not contribute to weight loss. And of course, you should give up alcohol - this drink is not only high-calorie, but also contains sugar, and also causes appetite.

What is related to diet food

6. Steamed vegetables, green salad of cucumbers, herbs and olives, kefir, fermented baked milk or any other unsweetened drink.

Salads can be seasoned with a few drops of olive oil, low-fat sour cream, classic yogurt. Soups are best prepared without potatoes.

Diet Food: Recipes for Dinner

A proper dinner on a diet should consist of natural carbohydrates and proteins. What can I eat for dinner?

  • Steam cutlets made from turkey or lean beef.
  • Brown rice.
  • Cauliflower.
  • Stewed fish.
  • Cabbage cutlets.
  • Various smoothies made from fruits or vegetables.

Based on all of the above, it is necessary to learn that diet food can be very tasty and varied. It is not necessary to starve yourself to lose extra pounds.

And in conclusion: how not to overeat before bedtime

  • Drink a glass of liquid before dinner: it can be water, kefir or herbal tea. So your body is full and does not require a second meal before bedtime.
  • In no case do not drink sweet juices and water, they will only increase the feeling of hunger.
  • Keep only diet foods in the refrigerator so that you no longer have the urge to snack on a variety of hazards.
  • Brush your teeth after the last meal, as the final step. Let it get in your habit.
  • Do not enter the kitchen after dinner without much need.

That's all. Lose weight with style!

Losing weight does not mean eating only cabbage or chewing a boring boiled breast. There are many interesting dietary dishes that will help diversify the diet, make it tasty and healthy. The most interesting, but easy to prepare recipes for soups, drinks, salads and desserts will make weight loss interesting, not make you feel hungry. With them, losing weight will be much easier, the diet will smoothly move from trial to lifestyle.


General principles of diet food

Diet low-calorie meals for weight loss mainly consist of vegetables, dairy products, low-fat meat, poultry, fish. For cooking, gentle heat treatment methods are used: grilling, cooking, stewing, baking. A multicooker that combines several functions will be a good help in the household. Baking bags, plain foil, different tins, pans with non-stick coating will not be superfluous.

Basic principles:

  1. Minimum fat. One spoon of oil contains about 120 kcal, which is 12-15% of the average daily energy value of a losing weight woman. Fats must be added strictly through the scales.
  2. Minimum sugar. Sweets not only have a high calorie content, but also affect the fluctuation of glucose in the blood, provoke a strong and sudden hunger. As sweeteners in dietary dishes, it is better to use fresh and dried fruits, berries or natural sugar substitutes.
  3. A minimum of wheat flour, starch. In the diet for weight loss, the presence of pastries from whole grain, rye flour, bran, oatmeal is allowed. But it’s better to cook other diet foods.

It is important to abandon purchased sauces. Even low-calorie mayonnaise contains a lot of fat, ketchups are filled with sugar and starch. And the taste enhancers included in the composition wake up the feeling of hunger and reduce the benefits of diet foods. A figure watcher must unconditionally remove this from his diet.

First Diet Recipes

The first diet foods for weight loss should be present in the diet, they fill the stomach, create a feeling of satiety, but at the same time they contain few calories. There are even special diets for soups. Cold dishes refresh in the hot summer, charge with vitamins. Hot soups will help keep you warm in winter, will delight you with an assortment, and make the menu varied.

In slimming dishes, it is undesirable to combine potatoes with cereals, pasta or legumes. If the soup is with vermicelli or beans, it is better not to add starchy tuber. In recipes for vegetable cabbage soup, borscht, potatoes can be safely used.

Onion soup with cabbage

  Onion - 6 pcs.
  Cabbage - 800 g
  Pepper - 2 pcs.
Celery Stalks - 4 pcs.
  Tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  Greens, spices to taste

  Measure 2.5 liters of water, pour into a pan, bring to a boil. Dice the onions, add to the pan, boil for 5 minutes. Chop cabbage, chop pepper, celery stalks and add everything to the onion, slightly add salt to the soup. Boil for 5 minutes, add chopped tomatoes. Simmer the dish over low heat until all vegetables are ready. At the end, add pepper, fresh herbs, laurel and other spices to your taste.

Diet okroshka

  Fresh cucumbers - 3 pcs.
  Boiled eggs - 2 pcs.
  Radish - 10 pcs.
  Boiled Chicken - 200 g
  Green onion - 1 bunch
  Dill - 1 bunch
  Fat-free kefir - 600 ml
  Simple or mineral water - 400 ml
  Lemon - 0.5 pcs.

Peel the eggs, cut into cubes, pour into a pan. Dismantle the chicken or cut it too. It is advisable to clean the skin and oily chunks. Crush all vegetables and herbs, combine. Mix kefir and water, you can take a mineral water with gas, add salt, pepper, squeeze lemon juice, stir. Add the fill to the main foods of the diet dish. Serve chilled, keep in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

Green borsch "Summer"

  Chicken (fillet) - 250 g
  Potato - 2 pcs.
  Carrots - 1 pc.
  Onion - 1 pc.
  Sorrel - 2 bunches
  Dill - 0.5 bunches
  Eggs - 3 pcs.

  Rinse, cut into slices of chicken, put in a saucepan, add 1.5 liters of water, bring to a boil. Remove the resulting foam, reduce heat, boil the broth for 15 minutes. Peel onions and carrots, cut into cubes, pour into a saucepan. Add salt. Peel the potatoes, cut into slices, pour after boiling the first vegetables. Cook until soft potatoes. Rinse the sorrel and dill, cut into slices, pour into almost ready soup. Try on salt, add if necessary, season with pepper, laurel, bring to a boil, turn off. Cover the pan, insist on a diet dish for 10 minutes. When serving, add the chopped boiled egg to the plate.

Second course recipes

Dietary main dishes are not prepared from potatoes, fatty meat, pasta made from soft wheat varieties. Mostly they consist of vegetables, low-fat varieties of meat or poultry, legumes are welcome.

Chicken Diet Cutlets

  Fillet - 500 g
  Egg - 1 pc.
  Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.
  Carrots - 1 pc.
  Onion - 1 pc.
  Garlic - 2 cloves
  Salt pepper

  Remove the seeds from the pods of pepper, cut the vegetable into cubes, pour into a bowl. Twist garlic, onions, chicken fillet through a meat grinder. Add the diced carrots and one raw egg. Season the minced meat with spices, stir. Blind small round patties of 50-70 g, put in a baking dish, cook the dish in the oven for 25 minutes at 180 degrees. Or put on a pan a double boiler, cook 20-25 minutes after boiling water.

Dietary Braised Cabbage with Liver

  Liver - 300 g
  Cabbage - 800 g
  Onion - 100 g
  Carrots - 100 g
  Oil 1 tbsp. l
  Spices, herbs, garlic to taste

Pour a spoonful of oil in a large frying pan, in a cauldron or in a stew-pan, so that it slightly lubricates the surface, put on a stove. Chop onion, grate coarsely carrots, lightly fry. Flush the liver. If the product is beef, then cut into strips. If the liver is chicken, then just pieces, as it happens. Add to vegetables, fry for 1-2 minutes. Chop cabbage. You can use a special grater or knife, slightly salt and mash with your hands. Transfer the vegetable to the total mass, stir, cover and simmer in your juice until tender. Two minutes before the end, season the dish with pepper, garlic, herbs, add.

On a note:  Frying foods for diet foods is better in coconut oil. It is much more useful and emits less harmful substances when heated.

Ratatouille (recipe for oven)

  Eggplant - 250 g
  Zucchini (zucchini) - 250 g
  Onions - 170 g
  Olive oil - 10 g
  Bulgarian pepper - 100 g
  Tomatoes - 800 g
  Parsley, spices, vinegar to taste

  Dice the onion, pour into a pan with prescription oil. Lightly fry. Free bell pepper from seeds. Dice, add to the onion. Cut two tomatoes in half, grate the pulp, remove the skin. Add the tomato mass to the pan, cover and simmer the vegetables until the pepper is soft. Cut eggplant, zucchini and remaining tomatoes into circles. Add spices to the vegetables in the pan and salt. Squeeze garlic if desired, season with vinegar for spice. Put half in the baking dish, smooth the layer. Arrange the pieces of vegetables, alternating eggplant with tomatoes, zucchini, put on the edge. Top with the remaining vegetable mixture of bell pepper, smooth. Bake the dish for 35-40 minutes at 180 ° C.

Diet desserts

To add sweetness and to improve the taste of diet dessert slimming dishes, fruits, berries are used, and sugar substitutes are allowed. They are natural and synthetic. Of the natural species, the most common products based on stevia. It is important to use honey more carefully. Of course, it is healthier than white refined sugar, but also has a high calorie content.

Important!  Whatever the low-calorie fruit dessert, it is recommended to use it in the first half of the day, or at least until 16.00. Otherwise, the dish will slow down weight loss.

Baked Cinnamon Apples

  Apples - 3 pcs.
  Cinnamon - 1 tsp.
  Honey - 1.5 tsp.

Wash apples, it is advisable to choose dense fruits of the same size. With a knife, cut a stub from the back, making a funnel, but do not pierce through. Put 0.5 tsp in each apple. honey, sprinkle slices with ground cinnamon. If desired, you can make more holes, fill with cottage cheese or low-fat cream cheese. At the bottom of the mold, put a piece of foil, place apples, bake a dessert dish until soft in the oven. Temperature 200 ° C.

Berry ice cream

  Yogurt - 100 g
  Any berries - 100 g
  Honey - 1 tsp.

  Put the washed berries in a blender bowl. If they are with seeds, for example, cherry, then remove the seeds. Beat until smooth mashed. Add yogurt, honey, beat again. Put for 40 minutes in the freezer. Remove, quickly stir, put into ice cream tins, freeze.

Curd dessert with banana

  Cottage cheese - 300 g
  Banana - 2 pcs.
  Lemon juice - 10 ml
  Milk - 100 ml
  Gelatin - 8 g

  Combine milk with gelatin, stir. Leave for swelling, time is indicated on the package. There is instant gelatin, it is enough to stand in a liquid for 5-10 minutes. If the product is ordinary, then the time increases to half an hour. Peel the bananas, break the pieces, sprinkle with lemon juice so that the fruit does not darken. Knead well with a fork or beat with a blender. Combine with cottage cheese, mix thoroughly. Melt gelatin in milk to a liquid state, you can do this in a microwave or in a water bath. Combine with cottage cheese, beat well for splendor, spread the mass into small molds, glasses or bowls. Cool 2.5-3 hours until solidification.

Diet Salad Recipes

For some reason, when losing weight, it is customary to consume fresh salads in incredible quantities. Vegetables are undoubtedly useful, but it is better to combine them with protein products. Only in this way will they saturate, not stretch the stomach and completely replace the full dishes of lunch or dinner. The best supplement options are eggs, chicken, fish, dairy products.

The diet Caesar salad recipe

  Boiled Chicken or Turkey - 100 g
  Cherry - 6 pcs.
  Lettuce - 80 g
Boiled quail eggs - 4 pcs.
  Boiled yolk - 1 pc.
  Garlic - 1 pc.
  Lemon juice - 1 tsp.
  Mustard - 1 tsp.
  Natural yogurt - 30 g

Arrange the washed lettuce leaves on a flat plate. Cut chicken or turkey, put on top. Add the cherry and quail eggs, cut into quarters, and spread them out nicely. For the sauce, grind the mustard with lemon juice, chopped garlic and yolk, dilute it all with natural yogurt, add salt to taste. Add diet salad, serve immediately.

Lady Salad Recipe

  Boiled Chicken Fillet - 200 g
  Fresh cucumbers - 250 g
  Greens - 1 bunch
  Canned green peas - 150 g
  Sour cream 10% - 100 g

  Cut boiled fillet, cucumbers and greens, pour into a bowl. Add green peas, salt, season with sour cream. You can replace with natural yogurt, stir.

Chipollino Salad (a simple recipe)

  Boiled eggs - 4 pcs.
  Green onion - 1 bunch
  Sour cream - 70 g
  Salt pepper

  Chop green onions and boiled eggs, pour into a bowl, you can additionally add dill or parsley. Salt, pepper, season with sour cream, stir.

Video: Dietary salad in 15 minutes

Diet drinks

Water is one of the main components of competent weight loss. But you do not always want to use it. The way out is low-calorie, tasty and fat-burning drinks. Usually they are prepared with the addition of citruses, herbs, different types of tea or low-fat sour-milk drinks.

Sassi Water

  Cucumber - 1 pc.
  Water - 1.5 L
  Lemon - 0.5 pcs.
  Mint - 5-10 leaves
  Ginger - 10 g

  Rinse the cucumber and lemon, cut into slices, pour into a jar or decanter of 2 liters. Add grated fresh ginger root. Rinse mint, tear, fall asleep in a jar. Pour with cold purified or spring water, close and refrigerate for 10-12 hours. It is better to prepare Sassi water in the evening, then to drink it all day in between meals.

Ginger green tea

  Ginger - 15 g
  Lemon - 2 slices
  Green tea - 1 tsp.
  Boiling water - 500 ml

  You can brew ginger tea in a thermos, a French press (which is for coffee), or simply in a jar. Grate ginger, cut two slices of lemon with peel, put in a used container, pour boiling water over it. Cover, leave for 5 minutes. Add green tea leaves, stir. Insist another 20-30 minutes. Green tea can not be brewed with boiling water, it destroys nutrients and gives bitterness. To use cold or warm in the morning, you can add a teaspoon of honey.

Kefir Fat Burning Cocktail

  Kefir - 200 ml
  Cinnamon - 0.3 tsp.
  Ground ginger - 0.3 tsp.
  Pinch of red pepper

Combine all the ingredients of the kefir cocktail, stir, leave for 10-15 minutes, so that the spices highlight the esters and aroma. Stir again, drink instead of snacks or to quench a sudden hunger. It is useful to use a fat-burning cocktail at night.

By the way!  Not always in purchased bags of cinnamon. Often, the manufacturer is cunning and uses a cheaper analogue - cassia. It is not harmful, it also gives a pleasant aroma, but does not have a lot of useful properties and fat-burning effect, like natural cinnamon bark.

Video: Fat Burning Smoothie

Dietary sauces for different dishes

Ketchups, mayonnaises, butter are the main enemies of a slim figure. It is very important to find a worthy replacement for them. Correct dressing for salads, pasta, meat will make even the most modest dish tastier, will not increase calorie content, and prevent breakdown.

Yogurt dressing for salads, meat, poultry, fish dishes

  Natural yogurt - 100 g
  Lemon Juice - 10 ml
  Mustard - 5-10 g
  Salt, pepper, garlic to taste

  For diet sauce, it is advisable to use natural Greek yogurt. Add lemon juice and mustard to it, stir. Salt, pepper to taste, you can add greens and chopped garlic, depending on the composition of the dish to which dressing will be added.

Tomato Sauce Recipe

  Tomatoes - 400 g
  Bulgarian pepper - 100 g
  Onion - 50 g
  Apple - 100 g
  Olive oil - 1 tsp.
  Salt, pepper to taste

  Chop onion, fry in a teaspoon of olive oil. Scald tomatoes, peel, cut into slices, add to onion. Crumble the apple and pepper, pour it over to the vegetables, bring to a boil and cook in softened juice. Grind vegetables with a blender, bring to a boil again. Season with salt, add pepper for sharpness.

Low-calorie Pesto sauce for any meal

  Basil - 50 g
  Parmesan - 50 g
  Garlic - 3 cloves
  Pine nuts - 1 tbsp. l
  Olive oil - 3 tbsp. l

  In the diet pesto sauce, the amount of oil is reduced. Therefore, it is important to carefully chop the juicy greens of basil and garlic. Put all this in a blender bowl, beat until a homogeneous gruel is obtained. Add parmesan, butter and pine nuts. Beat for 10-15 seconds. Serve "Pesto" for diet dishes of cereals, meat, poultry, fish.

Many girls want to have a athletic body. You can achieve your goal if you correctly combine proper nutrition and physical activity. Diet is a great chance not only to improve the external parameters of your body, but also to improve the body. What you need to eat for weight loss, not everyone knows. There is an opinion that low-calorie foods and dishes are monotonous and tasteless. This is actually not the case.

Today, there are a huge number of recipes for every day that allow you to organize diet, tasty and healthy nutrition for adults, adolescents and children at home. To please yourself and loved ones with snacks without harm to the figure, it is enough to know the features and basic principles of PP, select the recipe, and also adhere to a number of simple rules and recommendations.

It is worth noting that there are strict express diets that allow you to quickly lose extra pounds, but such programs are characterized by significant dietary restrictions. In addition, they have a number of contraindications, and are able to harm the body. Dietary nutrition is a loyal technique that allows you to gradually lose weight, and entails only benefits for women and men. The dietary principles are based on the principles of PP:

  • it is necessary to eat fractionally, 5-6 times a day;
  • serving size should not exceed 250 grams;
  • nutrition should be complete and balanced, fully satisfying the needs of the body;
  • compliance with the drinking regime is mandatory, the daily intake of liquid is 2 liters;
  • making a menu for a week, one should not be guided by the taste of the dishes, but by their energy and nutritional value;
  • learn and consider BJU products, the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates can be studied in the table below;
  • review the technology of cooking, refuse to fry, cook meat and vegetables for a couple, bake in the oven, stew in a slow cooker;
  • exclude flour confectionery (), carbonated drinks, fast food, convenience foods, and wheat flour products from the diet;
  • try not to use fat in cooking; if necessary, replace sunflower oil with olive oil.

Every day diet food includes protein foods: meat (chicken, turkey, beef, fish), salads, soups, cereals. It is important to combine products correctly, take food at a certain time, cook it according to certain rules. For weight loss, the basis of the diet should be proteins in combination with and. For a set of muscle mass that athletes are often interested in, complex carbohydrates are essential. The amount of fat in both cases should be minimized.

What to cook

It is worth noting that during the diet, breakfast is considered the main meal. The morning meal should be as satisfying as possible in order to give energy for the whole day. The best solution is cereal (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal). Lunch should be nutritious, but low-calorie, pumpkin casserole, chicken liver (steamed) are perfect. Dinner is as light as possible. Do not forget about snacks.

What can be eaten in between main meals? This question is often asked by people on a diet. It is good to satisfy hunger without harming the figure of low-fat yogurt and fruits.

Reviews indicate that losing weight is not the only task diet helps to cope with, recipes for each day with the calories listed below help saturate the body with the necessary set of useful substances, acids, vitamins and minerals.

Onion soup

The calorie content of this French cuisine dish is 32 kcal per 100 g. For cooking you will need:

  • bow 3 pcs.;
  • tomato 1 pc.;
  • carrots 1 pc.;
  • white cabbage 1 \\ 2 heads;
  • herbs and spices to taste.
  1. All vegetables must be peeled and washed, finely chopped.
  2. Put them in a pan, fill with water and put on fire.
  3. You can give the dish a golden hue and a unique aroma if you fry the chopped onion in olive oil in advance, and then put it into the broth.
  4. The soup should boil for 10 minutes, then another 30 minutes it is necessary to simmer it under a lid over low heat. If you beat the finished mass with a blender, you get a gentle soup puree.

Chicken Cutlets

The calorie content of 100 grams of the finished dish is 145 kcal. It is necessary to cook cutlets in a double boiler. The recipe can be used, sticking to protein. For cooking, you need the following ingredients:

  • 700 gr chicken breast;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 celery;
  • 100 grams of low-fat hard cheese;
  • 2 eggs;
  • spices and herbs to taste.
  1. Prepare minced meat from chicken.
  2. Add to it the grated cheese, onions and celery.
  3. We introduce eggs and spices into the minced meat, mix thoroughly.
  4. Cook in a double boiler for 30 minutes.

Baked fish

100 grams of the dish contains no more than 50 kcal. It is important to understand which fish is suitable for cooking. It is better to give preference to river (crucian carp) or lean marine varieties (pike perch, pollock). It is not difficult to make tasty and juicy fish in the oven, for this you need:

  • 500 gr of crucian carp;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 20 ml of olive oil;
  • greens and spices.
  1. We clean the fish, remove the bones, fillet.
  2. Cut the lemon in half, squeeze the juice from one half and pour the fillet over it.
  3. Salt the fish, add spices, leave to marinate for 30 minutes.
  4. Wipe the foil with olive oil, put the fish in it, insert lemon slices into the cuts on the fillet.
  5. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 1 hour.

Stuffed mushrooms

The calorie content of the dish is 45 kcal per 100 g. For cooking, you need to take the mushrooms. It is better to buy medium-sized fruits. Getting started, take:

  • 200 gr of mushrooms;
  • 1 tomato
  • garlic;
  • 50 grams of skim cheese;
  • greenery.
  1. My mushrooms, we separate the legs from the hats.
  2. Finely chop the legs, add garlic, chopped herbs and finely chopped tomato.
  3. The resulting mass is put in mushroom caps, sprinkled with grated cheese and sent to the oven for 30-40 minutes.


The calorie content of the dish does not exceed 100 kcal. This recipe is perfect not only for losing weight, but also for all family members. For cooking at hand should be such products:

  • 1-2 zucchini;
  • 1 eggplant;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 2-3 sweet bell peppers;
  • 3 carrots;
  • greenery;
  • olive oil.
  1. Cooking is easy. All vegetables must be washed, peeled and cut into circles.
  2. The baking sheet is greased with oil, then all the ingredients are laid out on it in a certain order.
  3. The workpiece is poured with olive oil, salted, herbs, spices are added and sent to the oven for 45 minutes.

These recipes are simple and affordable to prepare. All ingredients can be bought at the nearest store or in the market. Use the presented recipes when creating your own diet menu for every day. Eat right, be beautiful and healthy!

Dietary nutrition helps to lose weight and get in shape. It does not have to be monotonous and fresh - you can cook delicious and quick diet meals, and enjoy them. You do not need to eat only cottage cheese, low-fat kefir and vegetables, there are many other products that help to lose weight, but at the same time add variety to the diet.

The basic principles of nutrition

In order to lose weight, you need to eat low-fat, low-carb foods. This can be fish, chicken, turkey, veal, eggs, vegetables (except potatoes), citrus fruits, apples, berries, dairy products with a low percentage of fat content. Such a menu will not get bored, it is less likely to “break” from it.

An important aspect of dietary nutrition is fragmentation, that is, you need to eat often, but little by little.  The ideal serving size is your palm. In this case, hunger will not quickly wake up, but gravity will not appear in the stomach.

At the same time, it is better to abandon carbohydrate side dishes, forget about pasta, fried potatoes (and boiled too), heavy cereals. It is better to eat steamed or baked in the oven vegetables, buckwheat, light casseroles.

Important!  Eat carbohydrates in the morning, and in the afternoon, it is better to eat proteins - low-fat cottage cheese, chicken breast, mushrooms, vegetables.

Cooking technology

Proper nutrition involves eating healthy homemade food, but not everyone has enough time to spend several hours cooking every day. Quick diet recipes will help to eat right and not to resort to fast food or harmful snacks. Such dishes can be taken with you to work, and the ingredients for them are almost always found in any refrigerator.

Arrange the food in portions in containers for two to three days and sign them, for example, “Monday, No. 1,” “Monday, No. 2,” and so on. So you won’t get confused and you can just get portion 2 from the fridge in the afternoon snack, warm it and eat it.

Teriyaki Chicken

Photos of dishes prepared according to this simple diet recipe are presented below. One serving contains 200 calories; for 2 servings you will need:

  • 1 chicken breast;
  • 1 tablespoon of soy sauce;
  • 1 tablespoon of honey;
  • 0.5 tbsp natural tomato paste;
  • 0.5 tsp sesame seeds.

Step 1.  Rinse the breast under cold water and dry it with paper towels. Separate the fillet from the bones and skin.

Step 2  Put honey, tomato paste and soy sauce in a separate dish. Mix everything well, put in the microwave for a minute, so that the mass boils.

Step 3  Dip the chicken fillet on all sides in a cup with the resulting sauce, put the meat on a baking sheet covered with baking paper, and send it to the oven preheated to 180 degrees.

Step 4  After about half an hour, check the chicken. If everything is ready, take out the meat and sprinkle it on top with sesame seeds. This simple meal can be eaten at any time of the day.

Kefir Chicken Breast

This dish is very quick to prepare, 100 grams contains only 85 calories, but it is better to marinate the chicken in advance.

You will need:

  • 500 g of chicken;
  • 1 tbsp. kefir with a fat content of 1%;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • salt and spices.

Step 1.  Rinse the fillet, divide into medium pieces.

Step 2  Thinly chop the garlic across, lay it on the meat, rub the slices with spices and salt.

Step 3  Pour everything with kefir, mix well, send in the refrigerator to pickle for an hour and a half.

Step 4  Put the meat in the marinade in a small saucepan and place on the stove. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to minimum and simmer for about 20 minutes until the chicken is cooked.

Celery soup

Hot dishes should be eaten even on a diet, they normalize the metabolism and are quickly digested by the body.

For a fast-food diet recipe you will need:

  • 250 g celery;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 3 medium tomatoes;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 200 g of white cabbage;
  • peppercorns;
  • salt and spices.

Step 1.  Peel celery and chop into cubes, do the same with onions. Grate carrots, chop cabbage, chop tomatoes.

Step 2  Pour the vegetables with cold water, put the bay leaf, a few peas of black pepper, salt and cook for about 30 minutes until cooked. Ready soup can be sprinkled with fresh herbs.


When choosing cheese for this salad, see the calorie content on the package. The lower this figure, the better.


  • 1 pack of arugula and radicio salad mix;
  • 1 tsp lemon juice;
  • 1 tsp French mustard with grains;
  • 50 g Mozzarella cheese;
  • 1 tbsp olive oil;
  • 1 tsp balsamic vinegar.

Step 1.  Wash the greens in water and dry with paper towels, tear large sheets into small pieces and place on a plate.

Step 2  Dice the cheese and spread the greens on top.

Step 3  In a separate bowl, mix mustard, vinegar, lemon juice and oil, mix well and pour in the salad. Eat right away.

Greek omelet

It is best eaten for breakfast, it will provide the body with slow carbohydrates and proteins, saturate it and allow you to not feel hungry for a long time.


  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 1 tsp olive oil;
  • feta cheese - 25 g.

Step 1.  Heat olive oil in a pan, beat eggs at this time with a whisk or fork. Dice the cheese and tomatoes.

Step 2  Pour the eggs into the pan, slightly raising the edges. Fry until the middle begins to bake.

Step 3  Put cheese and tomatoes on half the omelet, cover the filling with the other half on top. Bake until cooked.

Important! If you need to lose weight faster, separate the proteins from the yolks and take three eggs instead of two, but without the yolk.

If you want to eat a diet, include the following foods in your diet:

  1. Apples They have a lot of vitamin C, dietary fiber and antioxidants, they allow you not to experience hunger for a long time.
  2. Asparagus. It is best steamed. It has a lot of minerals and vitamins, it helps to lower cholesterol.
  3. Broccoli. There are only 34 calories per 100 grams of this product. It is good to cook it in a double boiler, in this case it reduces the risk of cancer.
  4. Chicken breast. It is best to buy it from farmers, in such products there are more healthy proteins and less chemical additives and fats.
  5. The eggs. They have a lot of protein, they are cheap, and easy to prepare.
  6. A fish. Do not fry it in oil. Cook in foil in the oven or steamed.
  7. Ginger. Improves the taste of dishes, cleanses the blood and speeds up the metabolism.
  8. Mushrooms. They have almost no fat and a lot of proteins.
  9. Nuts. They contain the right fats, nutrients, but should not be overdone. It is better to eat about 30 grams of nuts per day in the first half.
  10. Olive oil. The fats contained in it are suitable for weight loss. They regulate cholesterol and improve metabolism.
  11. Green salad. It stimulates digestion and contains very few calories.
  12. Tea. Better green.
  13. Tofu It contains plant proteins that are very beneficial for women - they regulate the release of estrogen.

  1. To lose weight and improve your health, cook fast-food diet meals for a couple.
  2. If you cook soup from vegetables, cook it no longer than 20 minutes - this will preserve all the beneficial properties.
  3. Snack low-fat cottage cheese. Sweetener and pieces of fruit will help make it tastier, for example, you can mix cottage cheese with grated apples and sweetener and eat like dessert.
  4. Always carry a pack of cereal bread with you - you can have a bite to eat if you really want to, this will save you from buying pies in the passage.
  5. Drink plenty of water - approximately 2 liters per day.
  6. Refuse fatty meat, forget about pork, goose, beef broth. Prefer turkey, chicken, rabbit, tender veal.
  7. Love the seaweed. It contains very few calories, but it contains a lot of iodine and other useful substances. She can have a bite to eat.


Dietary nutrition does not have to be boring. It does not require much effort and time. There are many quick and tasty diet recipes that allow you to cook low-calorie fast food dishes. Weight loss products are best used non-greasy, low in carbohydrates, always fresh.

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