Seedless apricot jam for the winter, a simple recipe. Apricot jam for the winter

29.08.2019 Salads

First cooked apricot jam. I didn’t even expect that it would turn out so delicious, because I myself have never even tried homemade apricot jam. Perhaps he does it all? I cooked using the simplest technology, which does not require stirring or adding water. Only apricots and sugar - nothing else. I was a little worried whether the jam would harden. Froze. No luck, of course, it is mobile, but thick and viscous, we have already used half a can of pancakes. Tomorrow I’m going to buy fruits on an industrial scale - I will cook apricot jam for the winter. I hope my recipe with photos will inspire you for a large volume of this wonderful workpiece. Now I don’t even want to think about the purchase.


  • Apricots - 1 kilogram,
  • Sugar - 600 grams

How to prepare apricot jam for the winter

So, the simplest apricot jam. The first is my apricots, we leave in a colander to drain excess water, remove the seeds and pour the fruit into a saucepan.

Pour sugar on top, shake lightly so that the sugar is better distributed. Leave under the lid for 2-3 hours, so that the apricots give juice.

We put the saucepan on the stove, on a very slow heat. We are waiting for it to boil. A lot of white foam will appear on the surface, do not remove it. We fasten the heating to the minimum (for example, if you have a scale of 14 divisions, then up to 5). Cover and cook for 40 minutes. Then we remove the lid and let it bubble for another 10 minutes. Apricots will become soft during this time, so that when pressed with a spoon they will immediately disintegrate, the syrup will turn yellow, and the foam will completely disappear. It looks like we have so far modestly enough. But in about five minutes there will be a magical transformation.

Take a blender. We break apricots with syrup into smooth jam. Caution, if it is still hot with you, so as not to splatter. It turns out a viscous, shiny, smelling dried apricots mass. It is not necessary to bring the jam to homogeneity. If a little apricot pulp remains unbroken, this will give the jam even some special piquancy.

Pour into banks. They must be sterilized in any way convenient for you. For example, hold for 10 minutes over steam and then allow to dry completely. Lids should also be sterile. They will need to spin the jars of jam when it has completely cooled.

I am sure you will enjoy this wonderful jam as much. I always knew that simple recipes are the best, but nevertheless, today's experience was a surprise for me.

Enjoy your meal!

Apricot jam - thick, beautiful sunny orange color, with a charming aroma that drives you crazy! It is equally good in all its manifestations: just for tea, spread on crispy toast or cookies, like a layer for cake or pastries, filling for pie and cupcakes. In the pantry, you can’t do without such a blank!

Today we will make apricot jam, which contains only fruits and sugar, without additives. To make it thick, choose not ripe for cooking, but rather, slightly greenish fruits. They contain more pectin, congealing. Much, of course, depends on the apricot variety. From one fruit all the liquid quickly evaporates, they contain a lot of natural pectin and the jam turns out to be thick, that the spoon is worth. Others boil more slowly, reaching a thick and viscous consistency, but more tender and mobile, not as dense as jam.

I will cook apricot jam for a long time, in two steps, using classical technology. The first time I soften the fruits so that it is easier to mashed them. And then I will boil until thick until natural pectin does its job. If a long cooking period does not suit you, then use other recipes, with the addition of a powder “thickener” - pectin and numerous derivatives of its type. As a rule, on the packaging the manufacturer details the cooking method.

Total time: 60 minutes / Cooking time: 50 minutes / Yield: 600 ml


  • pitted apricots - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg

How to make apricot jam

I wash and dry the apricots, the excess moisture in the jam is useless. I cut each fruit and remove the seeds. I weigh the exact weight of the fruit portion and measure the granulated sugar in a ratio of 1: 1. I pour it into a saucepan where jam will be boiled, shake and leave for 2-3 hours, so that the fruits let the juice and sugar melt.

I put the pan on the stove, on the smallest fire. Gradually, the fruits will warm up, put in a lot of juice, and the sugar will finally dissolve. As soon as it boils, boil for 10 minutes without a lid (you can not remove the foam). During this time, the fruits should become soft, they will be easy to chop.

I take it off the heat and let it cool slightly so that when spraying, hot spray does not fly. Then I punch with a submersible blender until smooth. The result should be a shiny and viscous mass, smelling deliciously of dried apricots. If you don’t have a kitchen assistant, then use the old proven method - wipe through a sieve with a metal grate. Although the blender option still seems to me more successful, since the crushed peel remains in the jam, it is rich in vitamins and pectin, and it gives extra density.

I return the pan to the fire. I boil to a boil, and then reduce the heat and cook until thick, stirring with a wooden spatula. Periodically remove the foam. From the moment of boiling, jam is usually boiled in 40 minutes. But here it is better to focus on the variety, volume and ripeness of the fruit, it is quite possible that it may take more time, up to 1 hour. Cook without a lid so that excess moisture goes away. It is advisable to choose a pan as wide as possible, then the area of \u200b\u200bevaporation of moisture will be larger. And do not forget to stir, otherwise it will burn.

I check for readiness - if you put it on a plate, then the jam should drain very slowly, the drop should stretch and thicken quickly.

I spread the hot apricot jam on sterilized and dry cans, roll it up with clean lids. I turn it upside down and leave it in this position until it cools completely (no need to wrap it up, otherwise excess condensation will form in the banks).

After complete cooling, the apricot jam will thicken even more, it will turn out sour-sweet, very fragrant. If it is too thick for use in baking, for example, for lubricating the roll, then it can be slightly warmed up, then it will become softer and more elastic.

Keep the workpiece in a dark and cool place. Shelf life is 1 year.

There is nothing better than starting your day with a cup of strong, fragrant tea and fresh, crispy toast covered in delicious, homemade apricot jam.

If you have not prepared a couple of cans for the winter - urgently correct this omission. How to make jam from juicy apricots, we will learn below.

The specifics of making apricot jam

Cooking jam is different from making jam, and for housewives who have never made jam before this point, the first thing you need to do is familiar with the specifics of its preparation:

  1. No liquids are used during cooking. Apricots must be cooked in their own juice.
  2. Jam is cooked for 1 approach, occasionally stopping the process to add additional ingredients or to give the apricot mass uniformity.
  3. The consistency of jam is uniform and dense. It should not spread on a plate.
  4. In the right jam, no seeds or peel from apricots should come across.

How to choose and prepare apricots

The success of any dish depends on which foods you use. Jam is no exception, and apricots must be carefully selected for its preparation. During the purchase process, you can be guided by the following rules:

  1. No rot marks on the product.
  2. Damaged fruits can be used in the cooking process, but it is better to use whole foods.

Preparation for cooking does not take much time. The selected fruits are washed with cold water and dried. After that, the bones are removed.

Note! Most recipes indicate the weight of seedless apricots. Therefore, purchase a product with a small margin.

Methods for making apricot confiture at home

  • a simple recipe for the winter;
  • in a slow cooker;
  • using a blender;
  • in a bread maker;
  • seedless;
  • with agar-agar;
  • with gelatin;
  • with almonds;
  • with lemon;
  • with an orange;
  • with vanilla and cane sugar.

The recipe for each of them will be described separately.

A simple recipe for the winter

The easiest recipe with which you should not have any problems. To prepare it, you will need:

  • sugar - 700 grams;
  • apricots - 1,000 grams.

Cooking Algorithm:

  • prepare the fruit;
  • we put it in a container for cooking. For these purposes, a copper basin is perfect;
  • pour sugar on top and let the mass stand for 2 hours. This is necessary so that the fruit let juice;
  • install the container on the stove. Cooking temperature should be low;

  • after the mass boils, keep on fire for 15 minutes;
  • do not forget to remove the foam that forms during the boil;
  • turn off the fire and let the jam cool;
  • using a blender we achieve a homogeneous consistency;
  • put the container on the stove again, boil and cook for 5 minutes.

Ready, thick confiture is distributed among the banks, sterilized and rolled up.

In a slow cooker

If you have a multicooker at home, you can weld jam in it. It is done like this:

  1. We take one kilogram of apricots, which have already removed the seed, and put them in the crock-pot.
  2. Add 700 grams of sugar.
  3. We select the “Vegetables” mode and warm the apricots for 2 minutes to highlight the juice.
  4. As soon as the juice has stood out, mashed the mass and add citric acid to it.
  5. In the multicooker menu, select the item “Baking” and set the timer for 20 minutes.
  6. Remove the foam.
  7. Roll jams in jars.

Using a blender

You can make jam using a blender like this:

  1. We take 1500 grams of apricots and pierce them with a blender.
  2. We spread the resulting mashed potatoes in a cooking container and put it on the fire.
  3. Add a pound of granulated sugar.
  4. After the mass boils, cook for 5 minutes and add another half kilogram of sugar.
  5. Boil for another 5 minutes, add the last 500 grams of granulated sugar and leave the container on fire for 10 minutes.
  6. Add some citric acid.
  7. Roll up the banks.

In the bread maker

The cooking algorithm is similar to cooking in a slow cooker. The differences are as follows:

  • after the grated apricots are placed together with sugar in the bowl of the bread machine, the “Proofing test” mode is activated;
  • weight should be cooked in the “Baking buns” mode;
  • when ready, the jam is distributed among the banks and rolled up.


There are situations when you have acquired a variety of apricots that are poorly separated from the seed. In this case, you can do the following:

  1. Cook whole apricots in a water bath for 30 minutes after boiling water.
  2. Pour the separated juice into a container for cooking, and in cooled apricots, remove the seeds, which, after heat treatment, are easily separated from the pulp.
  3. Cook processed fruits according to any recipe you like.

With agar

If you want your confiture to be thick and jelly-like, add agar agar in the cooking process. It has the ability to gel products, which is why it is often used in cooking.

The cooking technology is not much different from the usual recipe, and you can use it for step-by-step cooking. The difference is that at the end of cooking you need to add agar-agar and add jam for 2-3 minutes.

Important! The cooking time with agar-agar is slightly reduced and, instead of the standard 15 minutes, we cook 10.

With gelatin

Gelatin performs a similar agar-agar function and promotes thickening of jam.

Its use has one nuance - gelatin can slightly change the taste of confiture.

This is due to the fact that it is made from the cartilage and bone tissue of animals. Keep this in mind when cooking. The rest of the recipe is similar to agar-agar, and you will also get a tasty and healthy product.

With almonds

You can make jam with almonds like this:

  1. Take 200 grams of almond and peel it.
  2. Cook one kilogram of apricots and 700 grams of sugar for 10 minutes.
  3. Add almonds and a teaspoon of cinnamon.
  4. Cook for another 10 minutes.
  5. Roll up in cans.

With lemon

  • a kilogram of apricots without stones;
  • 800 grams of sugar;
  • lemon - 1 piece.

We remove the peel from the lemon and cook together with the bulk according to the standard recipe.

With orange

You can cook according to the recipe for confiture with lemon. Optionally, at the end, you can add a little orange zest. It will give the dish a rich aroma and a more expressive taste.

Apricot jam is pleasant to feast on in the cold winter. A properly prepared product pleases with its sunny color and excellent aroma.

Gardeners are looking for ways to preserve the harvest of sun berries. Apricots are dried, frozen. But the fastest way to cook is jam. It stores vitamins. The consistency of the product allows you to spread it on the bread. Some gardeners decorate pastries with amber jam.

The advantage of goodies: the dessert prepared according to the rules is stored at room temperature. This is important for not having a cellar summer residents.

The specifics of making apricot jam

Before cooking, you should evaluate the cooked product. It is characterized by:

  1. Jam is a product with a dense uniform consistency. It retains its shape, does not spread. Some varieties produce marmalade-like jam.
  2. It is boiled without making syrup. Water replaces the excreted juice.
  3. Cooking is done in 1-2 doses. Take a break to add possible ingredients or puree.
  4. The peel, seeds or slices of undercooked berries in the product are not allowed.

It’s important not to digest the product: a change from amber to brown indicates a spoiled taste. It is impossible to correct the situation.

How to choose and prepare apricots

The outcome of the whole event depends on a competent choice of raw materials. Gardeners like to make jam due to the fact that overripe and even mashed berries are suitable for it. A great product comes from the pole. The only drawback is the big bone. This should be considered when calculating the amount of sugar.

The main conditions for choosing apricots:

  • the peel should remain intact;
  • the fetus must maintain marketability (rot is unacceptable).

The berries rejected during the partitioning are not thrown away, but are turned into a healthy and tasty treat. Jam is liked by adults and children.

Before cooking, the raw materials should be washed in a colander under a stream of cold water. Then lay out on a paper towel to separate excess moisture.

The bones of most varieties are easily removed by hand. But sometimes summer residents help themselves with a knife.

Most recipes are given by weight for seedless apricots. Dry product should be weighed, then removed bones. The difference is the weight of the seedless fruit.

Methods for making apricot confiture at home

Gardeners have accumulated enough recipes for a delicious dessert. They are distinguished by a set of ingredients and cooking technology. But everyone is worthy of attention. Each hostess can find a suitable one.

A simple recipe for the winter

This dessert will turn out even for inexperienced culinary specialists. And a thick product will delight the summer taste with all family members and guests. The simplicity of preparation will allow you to process a large crop of sunny fruits. It is enough to stock up on sugar and some amount of time.

It will be required:

  • pitted apricots - 1 kilogram;
  • granulated sugar - 750 grams.

How to cook:

  • put the prepared berries in a copper basin;
  • to fill with sugar;
  • leave for 2-3 hours to separate the juice;
  • put on a slow fire;
  • bring to a boil and cook for 15 minutes;
  • regularly remove the foam;
  • remove from heat and cool;
  • mashed with a blender until smooth;
  • put on fire, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes.

In the absence of a blender, the fruits can be wiped through a sieve. Pre-cool them.

Pack the finished dessert in sterile jars and roll up immediately. Flip and wrap. After cooling, store at room temperature in a dark place.

In a slow cooker

This recipe will please summer residents with a limited amount of free time. The slow cooker does not require the presence of the owner: she can cook the dessert herself. It is enough for the gardener to prepare and lay the ingredients.

What do you need:

  • 1 kilogram pitted apricots;
  • 750 grams of sugar;
  • lemon acid.

How to act:

  • to lay berries in a bowl of the multicooker;
  • to fill with sugar;
  • turn on the "Vegetables" mode for 2 minutes to highlight juice;
  • after the end, puree apricots;
  • add citric acid;
  • enable the “Baking” mode (set time - 20 minutes);
  • after finishing, carefully remove the foam.

Prepare the finished hot treat in sterile jars, roll up with sterile lids. Apricot dessert is stored on a shelf in the kitchen.

Using a blender

This kitchen appliance will always save the summer resident. It is permissible to use a submersible or a glass. The first is more convenient: you can puree apricots immediately in the basin.

What to cook for cooking:

  • apricots - 1.5 kilograms;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kilogram;
  • lemon acid.

How to act:

  • puree the fruits with a blender;
  • put in a basin;
  • put on fire and add 500 grams of sugar;
  • bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes;
  • add 500 grams of sugar and cook for another 5 minutes;
  • pour the last half a kilo and cook for 10 minutes;
  • add citric acid at the end.

Ready jam immediately pour into sterile jars and cork. A delicacy is stored in the room until the next harvest.

In the bread maker

This cooking utensil is heating up gradually. It has the option "Proofing dough." When kneading, automatic mixing occurs. Summer residents are given the opportunity to reduce the time of presence when cooking jam.

What to cook:

  • apricots - 1.5 kilograms;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kilogram.

How to cook a treat:

  • puree apricots;
  • put bread in a bowl and fill with sugar;
  • enable the option "Proofing dough";
  • enable the option “Baking buns”;
  • ready jam immediately put in the banks and roll up.

Some models of bread machines have combined modes: when you select “Baking”, “Proofing of the dough” first occurs.


In rare cases, apricot kernels are separated with a lot of pulp. Make a jam from such fruits will help a little trick:

  • put apricots in a pan and put in a water bath;
  • withstand a barely noticeable boiling water for 30 minutes;
  • cool.

Stewed apricots will easily separate from the seeds. Next, the summer resident is left to apply the recipe they like. Stand out juice should also be used in cooking.

With agar

Agar-agar is a herbal preparation of red or brown algae. This complex substance has a gelling effect. With its help in cooking, the desired consistency of products is achieved. Food technologists designate the substance with the code E406. The quality of the ingredient is easy to determine by color: white or slightly yellowish is the best.

Apricot jam with agar agar is thick. Cooking time is reduced.

What do you need:

  • 1 kilogram of apricots;
  • 1 kilogram of granulated sugar;
  • 10 grams of agar-agar;
  • water for soaking.

How to cook step by step:

  1. Cover apricots with half the amount of granulated sugar. Leave for 1 hour to separate the juice.
  2. Put on fire and boil for 1 minute.
  3. Cool and mashed.
  4. Add the second half of sugar and cook for 7 minutes. Remove from heat.
  5. Soak agar-agar in water according to instructions.
  6. Put soaked agar agar in jam. Stir until completely dissolved.
  7. Put on fire. Cook for 2 minutes. Stir constantly.

Hot dessert cork. Jam retains a light yellow color. The consistency becomes thick. Such a product can be used with cream for filling tartlets.

With gelatin

Gelatin is an analogue of agar-agar. This substance gives the jam the required density. Cooking time is reduced. But gelatin is made from animal bones and cartilage. Some sensitive summer residents note a change in the taste of apricots.

What is required:

  • 1 kilogram of apricots;
  • 1 kilogram of sugar;
  • 3 tablespoons of gelatin.

How to cook a delicious jam:

  • lay the fruits in a basin and cover with sugar;
  • leave for 3-4 hours to excrete juice;
  • drain a glass of juice (it will be required to soak gelatin);
  • puree the contents (use a submersible blender or press);
  • bring the contents to a boil;
  • warm slowly for 10 minutes;
  • dilute gelatin in juice according to the instructions on the package;
  • add gelatin to the product, stir;
  • preheat and cook for 3 minutes.

Remove the finished treat from the heat, put in dry sterile jars and roll up. Dessert is stored for six months at room temperature.

With almonds

Adding all kinds of nuts to fruit dishes is a long culinary tradition. They give an unexpected touch to your favorite treat. Some summer residents use only sweet almonds, others combine sweet and bitter in an arbitrary proportion. Who loves what!

What is required:

  • 1 kilogram of apricots;
  • 750 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon;
  • 200 grams of peeled almonds.

It should be remembered: flakes of nuts spoil the taste of the finished product.

How to cook an unusual jam:

  • pour almonds into a bowl, pour boiling water over boiling water for 10 minutes;
  • then immerse in cold water for 5 minutes;
  • pour boiling water again for 5 minutes;
  • drain water, peel almonds;
  • dry nuts and chop into desired slices;
  • pour apricots with sugar;
  • add cinnamon, nuts and cook for another 10 minutes.

Put ready jam on clean jars. The treat is stored in the cellar or on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 3-4 months.

With lemon

This recipe will appeal to gardeners who prefer a sour taste. It gives him a lemon. What is required:

  • 1 kilogram of apricots;
  • 1 kilogram of sugar;
  • 1 medium lemon.

How to act:

  • prepare lemon: wipe the zest with a special knife, peel off the films;
  • divide the lemon into slices;
  • mashed lemon and apricots;
  • put in a basin, pour sugar;
  • put on fire and boil for 5 minutes;
  • add the zest and simmer for 15 minutes.

Pack hot product in sterilized containers, cork. Dessert is stored in the refrigerator for six months.

With orange

The traditional combination is used: orange and cinnamon. Jam takes on a New Year shade.

What to get:

  • 1 kilogram of apricots;
  • 1 kilogram of sugar;
  • 1 medium orange;
  • half a teaspoon of cinnamon.

How to act:

  • remove the zest from an orange;
  • clean and remove white films;
  • puree apricots and orange;
  • put on fire and cook for 10 minutes;
  • put cinnamon and zest and cook for another 10 minutes.

Ready jam pour into sterile jars and roll up. The treat is stored at room temperature until the next harvest.

With vanilla and cane sugar

Brown sugar is used. It contains molasses, which is removed when cleaning white refined. This ingredient is less sweet, has a bitter taste. Natural vanilla adds a touch of sophistication.

What to prepare:

  • 1 kilogram of apricots;
  • 800 grams of brown sugar;
  • 2 vanilla pods.

How to act:

  • puree apricots;
  • put in a basin and cover with sugar;
  • bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes;
  • add vanilla seeds and cook for another 10 minutes.

Arrange the hot treat in clean jars. The jam is stored in the refrigerator for 5-6 months.

How to store apricot jam

The exception is jams with additives. Changing the recipe reduces the shelf life. Such desserts are kept in the refrigerator.

  Many people consider apricots to be the most delicious fruits and try not only to eat more during the season, but also roll them up for the winter to prolong their pleasure. And I'm among this number of people. In our cottage, two apricot trees grow at once: one early, the other late ripening, so my husband and I collect apricot crops almost all summer: we love them very much. I always put containers with apricots in the refrigerator in order to arrange tasty apricot days for myself during the week. In addition to being fresh, apricots can be harvested for future use. How delicious jams from apricots turn out, they are so thick that, having spread on fresh toast, you can make yourself a wonderful breakfast. In addition, I often freeze apricots by simply dividing them into halves and removing all the seeds. Frozen apricots are good for cakes and pies. Although excellent and obtained. In general, I gave you some tips, and how to cook apricots for the winter is up to you. Today I cooked a delicious, thick, seedless apricot jam for the winter, I’m sharing the recipe with you.

- 1 kg of apricots,
- 1 kg of granulated sugar,
- 1 pinch of citric acid.

Recipe with photo step by step:

  Wash and dry the apricots: just put them in a sieve, and all the water will leave. Then we divide the apricots into halves, it is good if the seeds are taken out without difficulty. If the bones are not well separated from the pulp, then do it carefully and do not rush.

  We fill the apricots with sugar and wait for them to start the juice. It is best to do this procedure in the evening, so that in the morning continue to cook jam. During the night or in 5-6 hours, the sugar will melt, the apricots will start the juice and it will be possible to cook jam.

Boil apricots over a slow fire, they should gurgle slightly. Continue to cook for 20 minutes until the apricot is soft.

  Add a little citric acid, which will give the jam a pleasant sour note, but do not overdo it so that sourness does not come out.

  When the apricots are cooked, beat them with a blender to a thick puree state. If there is no blender, then grind through a sieve, but the blender speeds up the process many times, and also saves your strength. Now boil the jam to the desired density, it is already thick, but 20 minutes of slow languishing will do him good.

  We distribute the hot thick jam into jars, we completely fill the entire container.

  We seal the cans with lids and set the jam to cool under the plaid. Ready jam is ideally stored in the winter and can be kept both in the pantry in the apartment and in the basement, where it is dark and cool.

  Bon Appetite!
  It turns out delicious and