Gingerbread cake without baking with condensed milk. Gingerbread Cake Gourmet

29.08.2019 Egg Dishes

We are used to making a cake at home - it means half a day to mess with the dough and cakes, a couple more hours with cream and in the end try to perfectly decorate the resulting masterpiece. But in fact, everything is much simpler - there are many examples and recipes: Anthill, Sancho Panza, and many others. Today we will cook one of the most delicious and simple: gingerbread cake.

Do not be afraid that the dessert will be too sweet - the recipe stipulates that the gingerbread cookies already contain sugar. So, stock up on the necessary products - and more!

Gingerbread and Banana Cake: Collecting Ingredients

  • Gingerbread cookies that you really like - 500 g (double the portion and all subsequent ingredients if you want a big cake)
  • Bananas - 3-4 pcs.
  • Sour cream - 400 g.
  • Powdered sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons

How to cook

The cake is made from the simplest ingredients and it will turn out tasty only if you let it brew and soak for 5 hours (if time permits, it is better to leave the cake in the refrigerator overnight).

Sour cream

First, let's make a cream of sour cream and icing sugar, so that while we cut the gingerbread, the sugar dissolves in sour cream and the cream turns out to be the desired sweetness.

So 3 tbsp. l mix the icing sugar with sour cream (400 ml). I used sour cream of 20% fat, but you can replace it with sour cream of lower fat content.

I met recipes on the Internet, in which part of the sour cream was replaced with the Snezhok dairy product. That is, 250 ml was consumed per 1 kg of gingerbread. sour cream and 200 ml. "Snowball." I personally have not tried this option, if you try, please write your opinion! I think, since “Snowball” is sweet, in the cream it will be necessary to reduce the amount of powdered sugar to 2 tablespoons. Keep this in mind.

So, whip the cream with a mixer or blender with a whisk in a lush, homogeneous mass.

It will be delicious if you add zest of orange or lemon to the cream. If desired, chocolate cream can be made (for this, add 2 tbsp.spoons of cocoa powder to the cream).

Getting to the gingerbread cookies. Using a sharp knife, cut each gingerbread into halves along.

You can use gingerbread with different tastes, for example, berry, mint, etc.

It is more convenient to work with gingerbread cookies that do not have liquid fillers.

Sometimes the gingerbread cookies break during slicing, let this fact not bother you: you won’t feel it in the finished cake. The appearance of the cake in the section will also be beautiful! So, all the gingerbread cookies are chopped.

Getting started preparing bananas. Cut 3 bananas into circles.

Gingerbread Cake

Now let's take the cake mold in which we will put the gingerbread cookies. On 500 gr. Gingerbread I took a small shape in diameter (18 cm.), Thanks to this, the cake will turn out high. If you make a cake from a kilogram of gingerbread or more, you can take a shape wider in diameter.

We lay on the bottom of the form a layer of chopped gingerbread.

Spread large pieces of gingerbread first. Then, to close the bottom of the mold, take smaller pieces and place them in the spaces between the gingerbread cookies. If you still have small gaps - do not worry - the cream will fill the voids and after insisting in the refrigerator, a single cake forms.

We cover with a creamy layer a layer of gingerbread.

Ground nuts can be added to the cream.

  The next layer is banana. Rings of bananas (can be replaced with pineapples, peaches) spread on top of the cream layer.

  We cover the bananas with cream of sour cream, then you can add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of jam.

Let's build a gingerbread house, or rather, make a gingerbread cake with sour cream. The recipe surprises him with its laid-back simplicity. But the taste, softness and sophistication of such a dessert will forever remain in the hearts of gourmets. Gingerbread cakes are whip up desserts. A couple of such recipes must definitely replenish your cookbook.

It is incredible, but true: the gingerbread cookies, which not everyone loves, can play a useful role and become a delicious base for the cake. Baking is not needed, so such a treat may appear on your table with the wave of a magic wand.

But there are still a few tricks in making such a dessert, in particular:

  • you can choose absolutely any kind of gingerbread, but chocolate is best combined with cream;
  • gingerbread cookies need to be cut lengthwise, dividing them into two parts;
  • the thinner the gingerbread base, the better the cream is saturated;
  • classic cream is made from sour cream and granulated sugar;
  • the taste of sour cream can be supplemented with cream, chocolate or cottage cheese;
  • without fruit anywhere, tropical notes - this is the highlight of the dessert;
  • bananas, peaches, pineapples, raspberries, cherries - far from an exhaustive list of possible fillings;
  • decoration is the final, but important stage, do not miss it.


  • 0.5 kg of gingerbread;
  • 0.2 kg of cottage cheese;
  • 400 ml sour cream;
  • 3 bananas;
  • 100 g of granulated sugar;
  • 100 g of walnut kernels.


  • An examiner is coming to us: we will start by preparing all the products.

  • We arm ourselves for a few minutes with a mixer or blender and turn this set of ingredients into an exquisite cream.

  • To reveal all the sophistication of the taste of nuts, we roast them lightly in a dry frying pan.

  • Now a little trick: take a mold for making a cake and cover it with a plastic bag.

  • Dip each gingerbread piece in a sour cream and spread the first layer into the mold.

  • In this order, we continue to assemble the cake, while there are enough ingredients.
  • Then gently spread our cake from the bag onto the dish.

A small note: a gingerbread cake with sour cream without baking will turn out to be incomparably delicious if you add a little creativity. For example, you can add a couple of drops of rum or liquor, mix various fruits. Spices and citrus zest also play an important role. Do not forget to insist the cake in the refrigerator before tasting. It is necessary for the impregnation of gingerbread.

Airy dessert: unravel the secret

Have you ever tried gingerbread cake and marshmallows? Cooking such a wonderful dessert does not require baking. Gingerbread cookies can be used vanilla, chocolate or honey. Peppermint is not particularly suitable. But the choice of marshmallows is unlimited for you. The marshmallow layer will give the cake extra airiness and extraordinary taste. From so many ingredients you get a huge cake that is enough to feed a large group of friends.


  • 1 kg of gingerbread;
  • 7 pcs bananas;
  • 7-8 pcs. marshmallows;
  • 500 ml of sour cream;
  • 80 ml cream;
  • 50 g of cocoa powder;
  • 125 g of granulated sugar.


  1. Let's get started. Take the gingerbread cookies and process them quickly. How? Yes, just crush with equal cubes. Troublesome, but the game is worth the candle.
  2. Similarly, cut the banana pulp. No need to grind bananas to a puree consistency.
  3. Marshmallow also cut into cubes. A couple of pieces can be eaten while no one sees. So it’s tastier.
  4. We spread cream and sour cream in a deep bowl.
  5. Buzz Turn on the mixer or blender and whisk these components. Experienced housewives can easily cope with this task with a whisk.
  6. Add cocoa powder and granulated sugar.
  7. Fans of culinary experiments can complement the taste of the cake with ground ginger, cinnamon or nutmeg.
  8. Now it's time to combine the cooked cream with a gingerbread marshmallow.
  9. Look - what a game of colors! Chocolate pieces of gingerbread in combination with pink and white marshmallows are simply mesmerizing.
  10. We take the most beautiful dish and put our cake on it.
  11. Then it’s time to connect the fantasy: form a cake, decorate it and send it to the refrigerator for several hours.

A quick gingerbread cake with bananas and sour cream. The recipe for a cake without baking from ready-made gingerbread cookies and slices of bananas, drenched in sour cream. This dessert is just a godsend for those who do not like to mess with pastries. Moreover, you can choose the taste and content of the cake yourself. For the preparation of this cake, any gingerbread cookies are suitable (chocolate, mint, zebra, etc.). Instead of bananas, you can use persimmons, nectarines and hard plums. Roasted and finely chopped nuts can also be added to it. The cake is cooled in the refrigerator for 6 to 8 hours, decorated with chocolate and served at the table.

Essential Ingredients:

  • 700 g. Of gingerbread (chocolate, mint, zebra, etc.);
  • 700 g sour cream;
  • 40-60 g of powdered sugar;
  • 2 to 3 bananas;
  • 1 bar of chocolate (any).

How to make a gingerbread cake with bananas:

Before you start assembling the cake, choose a convenient container (shape) for it. Make sure in advance that all the gingerbread cookies are included in it. Cover the selected shape with cling film or cellophane.

Mix powdered sugar with sour cream until smooth. This is most convenient and faster to do with a mixer. A little about sour cream: it can be taken of any fat content (starting from 10% and above), but if you want to get a really tasty cake, fat sour cream (village) is best. It’s better whipped with powdered sugar, it doesn’t liquefy so much when combined with sugar and is more like a cream - not a cake, but just a “fairy tale”. I have sour cream store 30%, also not bad.

Add sugar powder to taste, do not forget that the gingerbread cookies are already sweet.

Cut two or three bananas into circles. If desired, you can add fried and chopped nuts, or other fruits. This cake with persimmon or nectarines is very tasty.

Now you can collect our dessert. If you have large gingerbread cookies, then it is advisable to cut them into smaller pieces. Small gingerbread cookies can be put in the whole cake. What taste will your gingerbread cookies decide for you? I have small zebra gingerbread cookies.

Collect the gingerbread cake with bananas.  Assembling can be done in various ways - lay out gingerbread cookies with bananas and water the layers with sour cream. I prefer to dip each gingerbread in sour cream and spread in a prepared form.

Do not forget, when you turn the cake on a dish, everything that was below will be on top. Carefully lay out the bottom layer of the gingerbread.

Arrange the sliced \u200b\u200bcircles of bananas. They can be laid out in an even layer or laid out randomly, filling the voids.

So collect the whole cake. Smooth the surface with a spatula, cover with cling film and let it brew at room temperature for about 30 to 40 minutes. Then put the cake mold in the refrigerator for 6 to 8 hours.

My cake stood in the fridge all night. As you can see, the gingerbread cookies absorbed most of the sour cream and swollen well.

Separate the cling film from the edges of the pan in advance and cover with a serving platter.

Turn the cake over and gently peel off the film.

Melt the pieces of chocolate in a steam bath. Transfer this mass to cellophane, cut a thin corner and decorate the cake with chocolate.

Gingerbread cake with bananas and sour cream is ready, you can serve it to the table!

This recipe has an interesting story. Once I had a dozen gingerbread cookies. A week they lie, the second one went, nobody eats, it’s a pity to throw it away. I remembered the recipe for the "Student" cake, which is made on the basis of gingerbread and sour cream. There was a pair of bananas in the fridge and a miraculously surviving half of the chocolate bar.

Cake ingredients without baking:

Gingerbread and Banana Cake with Sour Cream

Cut the gingerbread cookies into transverse halves. We cut bananas in medium circles;

Beat sour cream with sugar using a mixer or whisk until the crystals dissolve. In the cream, if desired, you can add a couple of spoons of cocoa or coconut, which is in the house. You can add half a glass of chopped walnuts or small candied fruits to the cream, it will turn out much tastier;

  We lay out halves of gingerbread and banana slices in layers, pouring each layer with sour cream filling. Pour the rest of the cream on top, sprinkle with gingerbread crumbs and grated chocolate. We put in the refrigerator for 4-6 hours for impregnation.

We get our confectionery masterpiece from the refrigerator. From this number of products, 6-8 servings of a tender cake resembling are obtained. You can make tea and call everyone to the table! And no one will guess that this

  • gingerbread cookies - 0.5 kg;
  • sour cream - 400 g;
  • icing sugar or granulated sugar - 100 g;
  • bananas - 2 pcs.;
  • confectionery beads, chocolate or something else for decoration, to your taste.

Cooking process:

For impregnation, you need to prepare a sour cream. To do this, thoroughly beat non-acidic sour cream (or natural yogurt) with sugar. With a powdered sugar, a dairy product will simply be enough to mix. The main thing is to get a homogeneous mass without grains.

If we use fruits, you should prepare them. Ripe, sweet, peeled bananas need to be cut into thin enough round slices.

Now you can start assembling the cake. To do this, cut the gingerbread along the slices. "Cakes" should not be very thin, but not too thick, because it depends on how the carrot is soaked in cream. Too thin soak and turn into porridge, too thick is poorly saturated, and the cake will be dry.

Dip the sliced \u200b\u200bgingerbread in a sour cream on both sides and put on a dish in the shape of a circle or a polygon, depending on the shape of the slices and imagination. If a fruit layer is conceived, then on top of the gingerbread spread a layer of bananas, cover with a layer of cream of sour cream.

After the hill is finished, the remnants of sour cream are poured onto the top so that it spreads beautifully on the slopes. Almost ready cake should be put in the cold so that it is saturated enough. You can decorate the dessert at will and taste, sprinkling it with pastry beads, candied fruit slices, pour over melted but cooled chocolate, or crumble on top the sweets.

After two hours, the gingerbread cake is soaked and a portion can be easily cut from it. A delicious, original home-made cake, cooked quickly, without an oven, can be served.

Enjoy your meal!