What can be cooked with smoked mackerel. Smoked Mackerel Salad

03.03.2020 Bakery products

Ginger is increasingly used in the process of preparing exotic and traditional dishes, added to tea, serves as the basis for making refreshing drinks.

At the same time, many housewives today do not know how to peel ginger, which is why they unconsciously deprive themselves of an impressive part of useful components and essential oils.

These substances are located in the precious pulp that is adjacent to the peel, so the right choice of tool is very important.

Some people still cannot decide whether it is necessary to completely rid the root of the skin, if it is so thin and capricious. As practice shows, the correct answer to these questions is the key to obtaining the desired taste and aroma of the dish. Do I need to peel ginger to make tea, jam, and other culinary delights?

Before peeling ginger, you need to decide what the product will be used for.

In this case, the following rules are used: Ginger for tea, refreshing drinks, sugaring and pickling does not need to be rid of the peel.

Otherwise, the product will lose the delicate taste that the cook is counting on. If there is no purpose to use the whole root in the next few hours, then we don’t peel off the skin. It is better to cut off the right amount of product and clean it. The root crop, the flesh of which will go directly to food, must be cleaned necessarily.

Without appropriate chemical exposure or prolonged heat treatment, the skin will be ordinary dirt, devoid of all useful components.


It is strictly forbidden to buy ginger root that has already been peeled in the store, even if the product is placed in a vacuum package and looks very attractive. Such products practically do not contain useful components and are absolutely useless to enhance the aroma of tea.

Effective and gentle cleaning methods for ginger root

Peeling ginger begins with preparing the root crop. It must be thoroughly washed in cool water (a warm liquid will negatively affect the condition of the product) and dried.

Next, we take a sharp knife and carefully cut off all the bumps and branches from the twisty formation. Small ones can be thrown away, large ones will also be cleaned, but it is better to use them to enhance the taste of jam, tea or lemonade.

Ginger root can be peeled in one of the following ways:

Using a spoon.

The simplest and most gentle processing option, which is effective when exposed only to a very ripe product.

During cleaning, only the skin itself is removed and the nutritional flesh is not affected.

We hold the root in one hand and a spoon in the other, with the thumb resting on the convex side of the instrument.

We begin to scrape the peel with confident movements, we act strictly in one direction. Depth of exposure should be kept to a minimum. With a knife or a razor. In this case, one must act in the same way as in the method with a spoon, but the movements must be performed as superficially as possible.

The tool should be as sharp as possible.

Do not try to peel the root of ginger according to the principle of potatoes, this way you can remove all the beneficial components.

Using a peeler.

We use the tool in the traditional way, but be sure to control the thickness of the cut skin, it should not exceed 1-2 mm.

Only high-quality new peelers or special slicers are suitable for this method. Using a metal washcloth. We take a washcloth intended for cleaning pots. It should be new, not used, from a very thin wire.

Ginger is placed in a bowl of cool water and after a minute we begin to rub the surface of the product.

First, we try to act in one direction. Only if this approach does not give the desired result, we begin to rub more intensively and change direction. The main thing is to maintain the same pressing force, otherwise you can cut the root in several places, depriving it of a significant part of aromatic oils. Using a dense brush.

We take a toothbrush of the maximum degree of hardness, put the ginger root under a stream of cool water and begin to rub the skin with active movements with a light pressure.

The approach can take a lot of time, but the final result will be the most optimal.

With such an effect, only the extra layers are removed, the pulp remains unaffected, so ginger retains the maximum amount of essential oils and useful components. These recommendations are conditional. To determine the correct approach, you can try both options for using ginger - with and without peel. Both approaches to the use of the product are absolutely safe for health and do not provoke any side effects.

Fresh ginger root is used much more often and in large volumes than dried and pickled. Not everyone knows when it is necessary to clean it, and when you can do it by ordinary washing under running water. Why cleanse the root, and when you can refrain from this?

Why peel ginger

Ginger can be of different types, its flesh differs in different colors, and the skin can be barely noticeable, resembling a thin film or present a dense and hard shell that hides the healing flesh. How to peel ginger and why should it be done?

The root may be young and old. The thickness of the upper layer, the skin that covers the fibrous pulp of the root, depends on age. The younger and fresher the root crop, the thinner and softer the peel. In countries where ginger is grown in households and plantations, young root is not peeled in the traditional way. The peel is removed from it, slightly scraping it, proceeding by analogy with new potatoes.

It looks like a young root

Under the thin skin hides no less soft and fragrant flesh. It is almost devoid of fiber, so this ginger is most suitable for pickling, cooking jam and cooking salads. The average European is not able to buy such ginger for several reasons:

  • the skin of young ginger is easily damaged, so the flesh spoils and the root crop has an unsightly appearance;
  • the young plant is poorly transported due to rapid spoilage, which is not beneficial for sellers;
  • the bulk of the young ginger is eaten at home.

Is it necessary or not to peel young ginger? Not necessarily, it all depends on desire, sometimes on the characteristics of the recipe by which it will be prepared. Its thin skin is not bitter, like the old one, and if the root crop is washed well, it can be used together with the top layer.

Ginger with a pronounced skin, especially rough, must be peeled. It is tough, gives the root vegetable additional bitterness and can smell, absorbing extraneous odors. In addition, during transportation, plant products are often treated with chemistry to prevent spoilage and mold infection. To minimize the intake of harmful chemicals, you need to get rid of the peel.

How to Peel Ginger

At home, the fresh root can be cleaned using a thin-blade knife or a peeler. Ginger is very rich in essential oils, the main concentration of which is in the subcutaneous layer. This means that if you cut off the skin too thick, you can rid the root of one of the most valuable components. Therefore, in order to properly clean the root crop, it is necessary to cut off the skin as thin as possible. In young ginger, it is slightly scraped off.

If the root crop is not happy with its appearance, its skin is too thick and lumpy, there is an unpleasant smell and damaged areas - it is better to rinse such a root under hot running water, dry it and only then proceed with cleaning.

There is no need to remove the entire skin. If part of the root is used, only the desired volume is cleaned, otherwise the second half without the skin will quickly dry out and lose its aroma. Unused portion is stored in a refrigerator in a plastic bag.

  They are cleaned only before use to preserve the maximum of useful components.

Residents of some Asian countries, accustomed to consume many spices, burning their mouths and disinfecting absorbed food, use unrefined root. It is crushed together with the peel, poured with boiling water and drunk as a tonic spicy drink. Do not always clean the root, which is intended for drying and subsequent grinding. So the taste of the spice is more burning and rich.

Ginger bought at the supermarket is a must. This is a measure of protecting the digestive system from excess bitterness, prevention of intestinal infections and a way to protect yourself from the arrival of an extra portion of chemistry.

Against the background of the growing popularity of unusual tonic drinks among many housewives, the question arises of how to peel ginger before using it in this area. This is not surprising, because the unsuccessful separation of the upper skin from the main part leads to a decrease in the amount of useful substances and essential oils in the product. But it is precisely for them that ginger root is so appreciated in cooking. In order not to spoil the component, you should use only proven methods for processing it. They are simple, affordable, require minimal energy and time costs.

Do I need to peel ginger for tea and other drinks?

In some cases, ginger root needs to be cleaned, in others - you can do without it. To understand how to act in what situation, you need to take into account the following points:

  • The peel layer is not only a protective shell of the root, it also collects dirt. For this reason, a product that will be used directly in food is best cleaned, even if it is supposed to be heat-treated.
  • Despite the fact that many culinary experts advise using an unpeeled product for making tea, this can negatively affect the final result. If you do not want to completely remove the skin, you should at least carefully rub it with the dense side of a clean sponge for washing dishes.

Tip: When buying ginger, you need to choose whole roots without cuts, cracks or even scratches. As the product is consumed, its slice should be lubricated with a thin layer of vegetable oil and covered with cling film. This protects the component from weathering of the essential oils and prolongs its shelf life.

  • But for pickling and sugaring, ginger is not peeled. That is why the root treated in this way is the most fragrant. By the way, a candied product can be used when brewing tea.
  • There is another important rule - ginger should be cleaned only in the amount that is planned to be used at a particular point in time. Do not remove the skin in advance, without it, the product will quickly lose a significant part of the nutrients and unusual aroma.

Today in stores you can find special ginger slices for tea, compotes and soft drinks. Despite the obvious usability, it is better to refuse such a product. Even if the products are stored in a vacuum, there are almost no useful substances in them, and most likely there will be no required aroma.

Cleaning options for young ginger root

Regardless of which way to remove the peel, the root must first be thoroughly rinsed using cold water and dried. Now we take a sharp knife and cut off exactly as much as is needed to implement the idea. Many primarily cut off the peculiar growths on the product, but it is better to work from the cut. The less exposed areas there are, the longer it will last.

Now we proceed directly to cleaning the workpiece for tea or another dish:

  • With a spoon. One of the most sparing options for exposure. It will give the desired result only when working with a very fresh and ripe component. Hold the root with one hand, the spoon with the other. We work exclusively in one direction, do not move the tool back and forth. The cleaning depth should be kept to a minimum so that only the skin peels off and the flesh is not affected.

  • Metal washcloth.  We take a brand new washcloth of very thin wire for cleaning pots. Three roots to her, acting in one direction. First, use the minimum pressure, if necessary, increase the pressure. We constantly evaluate the result so as not to erase the flesh along with the skin.

  • Toothbrush or plastic brush.  This manipulation is best carried out under a stream of cool water. A tool can work not only in one direction, but at least in a circle. The main thing is to monitor the speed of thinning of the skin so as not to erase too much pulp.

The latter exposure, although it takes the most time, is considered optimal. In the process of such cleaning, everything can be controlled and it is difficult to remove something superfluous. In general, it is not necessary to even get to the pulp. It is enough to carefully work out each area, having cleaned it of dirt.

What to do if the peel on the root is very dense?

Sometimes the above methods do not help. This usually happens because the root has been harvested too early or has been improperly stored. In this case, you should try these cleaning options:

  • Straight razor. We take a very well sharpened tool and begin to remove the skin with it. In this case, it is not recommended to keep it perpendicular (like a spoon). It is necessary to pick up a thin peel for them and run parallel to the surface, removing the unnecessary element and minimally affecting the edible flesh.
  • Grater. Not the most convenient option, which should be used only as a last resort. At the same time, work is carried out on the smallest grater and movements are carried out in one direction.
  • Peeler. One of the easiest approaches, as it is possible to act here according to only one scheme. It is only necessary to try to remove the skin so that the flesh is affected to a minimum. The optimal tool in this case will be either a very new device, or a special slicer.

Purified, but unused ginger can be safely thrown away. Of course, if it still exudes some smell, it can be used to make tea, but you should not count on the presence of useful components in it.

A plant from the tropics, ginger - is actively grown in China and India. People use it in cooking, medicine, take it as a tonic.

How to choose quality ginger

In order to get the maximum benefit from eating ginger, purchase only a fresh product and be careful about the principles of its proper storage. On store shelves, 2 types of this product are most often found:

  • Indian: light, with smooth and thin skin. The flesh of this ginger is very juicy, pale yellow, has a pronounced aroma.
  • African: dark, his skin is very dense and rough to the touch. The pulp has a more saturated shade of yellow, it tastes bitter.

To purchase a fresh product, it is important to be guided by such principles when choosing it:

  • The root should not have a smell, especially unpleasant, indicating that it is already deteriorating.
  • The entire surface of the ginger should not have damage, inclusions of mold, have other signs of damage. It should be flat, smooth and even seem juicy.
  • The skin should not have scales, its shade should be light or saturated yellow.
  • The presence of sprouts on the surface indicates a long storage period, in this case there is no need to talk about freshness. The product is unlikely to contain the right amount of essential oils and nutrients. Nevertheless, you can not throw it away, but put it in a pot on the windowsill and grow it yourself.

As for ground ginger, which is obtained by drying and grinding, there are subtleties:

  • the packaging in which it is packaged must be intact and not show signs of damage;
  • it is important to look at the expiration dates and packaging of this product on time so as not to purchase deliberately expired goods;
  • it is best to choose a product that is not packaged in a bag (paper or plastic), but in a jar (glass or metal). In this case, twist it a little, make sure that the ginger is actually loose, and not caked from old age.

Pickled or dried spice should be selected based on the following principles:

  • It is preferable to pack the product in a plastic vacuum bag or a glass jar, so you can see the appearance of ginger. In addition, these 2 types of packaging perfectly retain not only the smell, but also the taste of the spice.
  • It is important that the package does not contain too much marinade (if it is a pickled product). Ideal is 30%. Unscrupulous suppliers may well put very few slices, but pour the marinade from the heart.
  • Be sure to pick up the jar and look at the clearance: the liquid inside it should be transparent, not have signs of suspension or sediment (this will be evidence of its poor quality).
  • It does not hurt to consider the appearance of ginger: all pieces should be beautifully shaped, even, without dark spots. The natural color of the root can be light or saturated yellow, however, with the help of food colors, the manufacturer may well give it some other shades.

How to store different types of ginger

Bringing a freshly purchased root home, cut it to evaluate quality. Fresh product signs:

  • after the cut, a spicy aroma should appear;
  • drops of juice protrude on the pulp;
  • when breaking the root, a characteristic crunch should be heard;
  • the shade of pulp will say a lot about the youth of the plant (the lighter, the younger).

Fresh ginger

To maintain high-quality ginger unchanged, do the following:

  1. It is acceptable to keep the fresh root in the refrigerator, where it will lie perfectly for at least 2 weeks. Provided that he was acquired an appropriate degree of freshness and quality. It will be useful to put it in a bag or cloth bag (for example, from flax).
  2. Pre-wrap the cut root with a slightly damp cloth and only then put it in the refrigerator. This method will help to preserve all the vitamins and useful qualities of the spice for at least 7 days.
  3. Ginger peel should not be removed during storage, because it contains all the vitamins.
  4. It is convenient to store ginger in the refrigerator, however, for long-term savings, use the freezer. To do this, cut the product into small slices beforehand. It is important to take into account the fact that during freezing, part of the beneficial substances may be lost.
  5. You can save a fresh root this way:
  • peel a fresh specimen or soak a little dried;
  • pour root with boiling water or culinary sherry;
  • put in a jar that tightly closes;
  • keep in the refrigerator for 2 months.

As for dried ginger, its shelf life is much longer than that of fresh ginger, it can be kept at home for six months. Such a product is harvested independently, simply by drying the root in the sun. After that, put it in a paper bag or wrap it with cling film, the main thing is to choose a place where there will be no excess moisture, which can spoil the product in a short time. Before using dry ginger for cooking, soak some of it in water.

Pickled ginger

An open jar of such a product is stored only in the refrigerator, and it is advisable to use its contents for 1 month.


Ginger powder can be stored for about a year (look at the packaging of a product for more details). It is important to create suitable conditions for him:

  • tightness of the package;
  • dryness of the surrounding room;
  • lack of direct sunlight;
  • ambient temperature no higher than 35 degrees.

Where to store ginger: in the refrigerator or in the freezer

Store ginger at home is not difficult, the main thing is that the kitchen has a refrigerator with a freezer. For both types of storage, it is important to observe a number of conditions.

  1. In fridge:
  • obligatory packaging of the product in cling film or a special bag with a clasp to prevent air from accessing it;
  • before storage, remove all traces of spoilage from the root;
  • it is important not to put a wet product in the refrigerator, dry it with a paper towel;
  • the peel is not required to be removed, it is she who will keep the ginger from drying out;
  • the best place in the chamber is the compartment for vegetables;
  • subject to these conditions, you can save the product for 2-3 weeks or even longer.
  1. In the freezer:
  • if you need to store the root for more than 3 months, it is better to use a freezer;
  • this storage option is suitable if the root has been lying in the refrigerator for a long time (then there will be no pity for useful substances that disappear when the temperature drops);
  • it is best to grate the root, the main thing is to clean it first;
  • pack the grated product into containers that are previously covered with food parchment;
  • it does not need to be cleaned, in addition, you can cut the product into washers;
  • pickle ginger before freezing should not be done after defrosting;
  • properly frozen root can be stored for about 6 months.

Methods for storing ginger

Fragrant root is stored not only fresh and frozen, people have come up with as many different options as possible to preserve its beneficial properties and taste.

In alcohol tincture

Very interesting exotic sauce, which is prepared in this way:

  • peel ginger root;
  • cut it into thin plates (it is not necessary to rub the root on a grater);
  • pour any chosen alcohol (vodka, white wine, moonshine, liquor);
  • leave for insisting in a place where there is no access to sunlight for 2 weeks;
  • after that, store the infusion in the refrigerator for 2 months;
  • this liquid can be used to add to dishes and as a remedy;
  • ordinary vodka best shades the taste of ginger;
  • if alcoholic drinks are not suitable, use lemon juice or rice vinegar for this product.

Ginger Records

To extend the shelf life of this valuable product, dry it as follows:

  • thoroughly wash the ginger root and dry it from water;
  • you do not need to clean it with a washcloth, just scrape off the skin;
  • now cut the product into small plates (a larger size may cause mold, which may cause ginger to disappear);
  • proper preparation of ginger involves drying it in the oven, on a baking sheet previously covered with parchment;
  • dry the plates for at least an hour, at a temperature of 50 degrees, then turn them on the other side and leave them in the oven for another hour;
  • after the slices begin to bend, complete the drying;
  • store ginger plates in glass, at room temperature, for no more than 2 years;
  • this type of storage better than others saves all the beneficial properties of the spice.

How to keep ginger with honey and lemon

To preserve the general strengthening and healing properties of ginger, this method is excellent:

  • grated ginger mix with a spoon of honey;
  • honey will preserve ginger well and will not let it disappear; it is preferable to sugar due to the presence of useful qualities;
  • the composition is stored in a glass container in the refrigerator for at least 2 months;
  • it is added to tea with lemon or consumed in 1 tsp. per day (in addition, you can brew ginger tea directly from the root).

In the soil

A very unusual way to preserve the useful properties of the product in the soil. Store ginger root like this:

  • prepare a flower pot;
  • the ground in it must be dry;
  • put the root in the ground;
  • put the pot in a dark, cool place, ideally in the basement.

Candied fruit

This storage method allows you to make the spice attractive for children:

  • in a glass of heated water, stir 50 gr. Sahara;
  • cut ginger into circles and place in syrup;
  • after it boils, cook it over low heat for half an hour;
  • now cool the syrup and take out the circles;
  • sprinkle ginger with powdered sugar and put on a baking sheet in the oven, heated to 50-60 degrees for 1 hour;
  • after cooking, cool and store in a glass jar.

How to grate ginger

Peeling fresh ginger is not too difficult, but rubbing it is not so simple. The fibers of this product sometimes clog the grater, which is why the process is very delayed. In this case, use this advice:

  • pre-harvest the root and freeze it in the freezer;
  • after that, grinding will be much easier and you will procure ginger for future use without much effort;
  • in this case, the powder turns out to be quite loose in consistency, and the fibers do not stretch and do not clog the grater.

Do you need to peel ginger before brewing

Brewing the root in tea does not at all imply the need to peel ginger. If you do this procedure, then you should not count on the appearance of a delicate aroma and unforgettable taste in the drink. In addition, a completely peeled product can deteriorate quickly enough.

The main thing is to thoroughly wash the product from external contaminants first.

Do I need to peel ginger before chopping

The need for peeling ginger depends on several factors:

  • the peel always contains particles of dirt that are difficult to wash in the usual way, even using soap;
  • if you plan to chop the whole root, for example, in order to pickle it later, peel the skin so that the product is more tender;
  • to create marinades or candied fruits, you do not need to peel ginger, so you can save a delicate aroma;
  • important point: do not clean the product in advance so that beneficial substances and smell do not disappear from it.

How to understand that ginger has gone bad

It is possible to determine that ginger has deteriorated by the following signs:

  • fresh root: it becomes soft, cracks, dents, spots or mold appear on it;
  • dry powder: cakes, ceases to be friable and volatile;
  • pickled: the brine becomes a cloudy hue, a precipitate appears at the bottom;
  • candied fruit or plates: become sticky or wet.

You should not eat such products as food, not only will they not bring health benefits, they can do additional harm. Such products should be disposed of immediately. And purchased again, keep home in strict accordance with the advice and storage conditions.

Well no

Smoked mackerel salad is considered a good snack, as it is light and quite simple to prepare. Even a novice cook can make it, most importantly, know the recipe. For this case, it is recommended to take cold smoked mackerel, as it will be in harmony with other products.


  • cold smoked mackerel - 1 fish;
  • carrots - 2-3 pieces;
  • potatoes - 3 pieces of medium size;
  • green onion;
  • mayonnaise, spices.

A cold smoked fish salad recipe requires the hostess to prepare some ingredients in advance. So then it will be faster to make a dish, and instead of an hour, it will take no more than 15-20 minutes. First you need to boil the vegetables, since in raw form they are not suitable for salad. Rinse the potatoes thoroughly under cold water so that there is no land, sand or other dirt on it. After that, it can either be cleaned or left as is. It needs to be cooked, and it will take about 30 minutes. It should become soft and crumbly, that is, completely ready for use.

Carrots also need to be washed, and then check to see if it has started to deteriorate. In which case the spoiled place can be simply cut, or take another vegetable. Carrots also need to be cooked, and it will take at least 20 minutes.

While the vegetables are being prepared, you can take cold-smoked mackerel and start preparing it for the salad. First you need to clean it from the skin, which is often too strong and heavy to chew. It is also necessary to pull out all the bones so that they do not accidentally get caught by a person when eating. Only after that it can be divided by hand into small pieces and put on the bottom of the salad bowl.

If the vegetables have already been cooked, then it's time to cool them a bit and peel them (if this has not been done before). Potatoes need to be cut into small cubes, and then do the same with carrots. They must be thrown into the tank, which already contains cold smoked mackerel.

The recipe allows green onions to be used. You will need about 5 stems, which should not be saped or spoiled. They will need to be finely chopped and about half added to the salad itself, but the rest should not be touched. It is necessary to add medium-fat mayonnaise to the ingredients, and then mix everything thoroughly. After this, the salad must be refrigerated and left there for about an hour, but you can keep it longer.

Before serving, it is recommended that you decorate the cold-smoked mackerel salad with the remaining green onions. You can also put parsley or dill on top. Pepper and salt spices should be added as desired, if needed. In most cases, the salad will be tasty without them, as it has a rich taste thanks to the products in the composition.

Hot smoked mackerel is delicious in itself and is considered a delicacy. It can be used as a snack or added to other dishes to make them savory. For example, you can cook a delicious salad, which, although it is layered, it is easy to prepare. The recipe is useful for festive events when you want to surprise guests.


  • onion - half a piece;
  • smoked mackerel - 1 piece;
  • apple - half a piece;
  • eggs - 1-2 pieces;
  • walnuts - 40-60 grams;
  • hard cheese - 80 grams;
  • mayonnaise.

First, take one small onion, peel it and cut into small cubes. After that, put in a plate and pour boiling water. Allow the onion to infuse for at least 5 minutes, as the recipe requires that this ingredient not be too spicy. At this time, you can clear the smoked mackerel from the skins and bones that can ruin the salad. Be sure to pick the fish in small pieces, and then put in a separate container.

Cook the eggs (this will take 10-20 minutes), cool them in ice water and clean. After that, cut them into small pieces and put in a separate plate. Be sure to peel the apple, cut and remove the core. Cut the fruit into small pieces and sprinkle with lemon juice.

Grate hard cheese on a coarse grater so that you can use it immediately. Also chop the walnuts and set them aside in a separate bowl.

If all the ingredients are ready, then it's time to start forming a salad. Take a special container, put hot smoked mackerel on its bottom, and place onions and apples on top. This is followed by a layer of eggs, and then you need to lay the cheese. At the top should be walnuts. It is important to lubricate each layer with mayonnaise so that the salad does not turn out fresh.

The recipe requires that the dish is left in the refrigerator for at least an hour. After that, it can be served on the table, garnished with fresh herbs: parsley, dill. Guests will certainly appreciate this dish and even ask for a recipe, so that later they can cook it themselves.