Passioned crackers. How to make breadcrumbs? How to make delicious crackers

15.03.2020 Buffet table

Often we use breadcrumbs for cooking all kinds of dishes: cutlets, chops and schnitzels, chicken and fish. But if you buy in the store, then as a result, we get too finely chopped bread, and the crust on the dish will not work. Also, the crackers also do not have that pleasant fragrance, which exude home.

For chops and other dishes, you can cook breadcrumbs very quickly and easily at home. It turns out fragrant crumbs that will always be at your hand. You can store them in a glass jar, and they will not lose taste. Our recipe will help you repeat cooking, and you will more than once will dry bread for breading.

Prepare home breadcrumbs, you can get rid of a worn bread, which can be used little. If you try, you can twist it and use it in the cutlets, but you agree that such a dish we cook not every day, so crushers in this plan are much more convenient. They dried up bread, grind it in a blender or a meat grinder, and this was all over. You can press a bigger portion and you will have a jar with breadcrumbs ready for use for the next month. Prepare breadcrumbs will independently be able to every hostess, the main thing is not to be lazy.

Ingredients for superstars:

  • white bread loaf - 500 grams;
  • cutting board.

How to make breadcrumbs

Cut the loaf of bread on slices, in this form with them it will easily work further. The only rule - bread should be yesterday or worn. Such bread is easily cut and there are few crumbs.

Now slices cut into medium-sized cubes. Such bread will quickly succumb to the oven.

To the smooth layer lay the bread on the baking sheet and put in the heated oven. Immediately install 180 ° so that the cubes are not very burned.

After 7 minutes we take out and cool. In this form, bread is ready for the preparation of superstars. Why better cut bread cubes? Because then you can use them for soup or for salad. Set aside the required amount of crackers in the form of cubes in the container, and then apply.

Cup of superstars twist through a meat grinder or blender to get a crumb.

Ready breadcrumbs are better stored in a glass or ceramic jar with a lid. If you like spicy dishes, you can add various ground spices and spices to the part of the crackers to pack, for example, for meat, it turned out even more delicious and fragrant.

Hospipes use breadcrumbs for cooking different dishes. Cutlets or fish, roasted in breading, look attractive and get tasty. Do not hurry to buy panicing in the store, try making breadcrumbs yourself. But it is not just grinding pieces of stalking bread. Take the cooking carefully, and you will get a product, from the quality of which will depend on the taste of the dish cooked with breadcrumbs.

Before cooking, listen to useful advice:

  • make breadcrumbs from any worn, but not moldy bread. Its variety affects the taste of crackers. Black bread crumbs are distinguished by the most saturated aroma, but the crumbs are dry. Mix different bread grades;
  • collect pieces of bread in advance. The remaining stale bread for preparing breading do not hold in the breadhead or in the package. Ready crackers can have a sharp smell. Cut bread to pieces and spread on a baking sheet. Little tray Place where it does not hurt you - in the microwave, in the oven or on the locker. Top cover clean gauze. Pieces will get dry quickly and turn them into breading;
  • store the bread pieces in the freezer. Many will gather - proceed to the preparation of breadcrumbs;
  • do not store bread for superstars for longer than three days.

How to make breadcrumbs from a baton or white bread

Prepare a loaf, any white bread or a sackcloth. Of the 500 g of Baton, approximately 300-320 g of breading. Cooking process:

  • cut the crust with bread;
  • cut the loaf on slices of medium thickness;
  • ship the baking sheet with parchment paper;
  • put on paper pieces of bread;
  • heat the oven to 160 degrees in advance and set a baking sheet there;
  • drink bread in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for 20 minutes. After 7-10 minutes, open the oven and turn each piece of bread to the other side. Make sure that the future panning is not burned, otherwise you will get a cracker with bitterness;
  • take off the baking sheet and give the crackers to cool;
  • grind crackers convenient for you method. Use a kitchenette or blender, put in the package and walk on it to a rolling pin or take a meat grinder for this purpose;
  • satch the crushed bread through the sieve, and the large pieces of grinding again. If you wish, add salt, favorite seasonings or spices to the breadbox - get fragrant breading;
  • speak the finished breading into a clean dry glass container, tightly cover the lid and use it to be destined.

How to make breadcrumbs from black bread

Bread crumbs from black bread will give nuggets and sauce spicy taste. You can mix black with white bread. Cooking process:

  • warm the oven up to 150 degrees;
  • cut your crust from bread and cut into slices;
  • lay out one layer of slices of bread on a baking sheet and install in a warm oven;
  • sweep 10 minutes and turn over the second side;
  • hold in the oven for another 10 minutes;
  • crouching crumbs in a blender or with a kitchen combine.

During the grinding of bread, you can add garlic, salt, some olive oil or basil oil, which will give a sophisticated fragrance. After grinding, fry breading on a pan a couple of minutes and constantly stir.

How to make breadcrumbs in freezing

In some repairs for breading, fresh bread crumbs are needed. You can immediately grate bread and add or use such a recipe:

  • cut the bread with slices;
  • cut with slices crust;
  • put bread slices in a package for freezing and tie it;
  • put the package in the freezer;
  • take out frozen bread from the freezer and soda it on the grater. It is easy, crumbs will come to homogeneous. If frozen bread is poorly divided - divide slices with a knife. Use bread in the destination.

Do not prepare such breadcrumbs. With a debt of storage, the panning loses taste and aroma. Drink the dish in breadcrumbs immediately until the crisp crisp on it.

Breadcrumbs - Dry bread crumb, made by grinding pre-dried white or black bread (see photo). The components of this product, as a rule, are flour (wheat or rye), salt, yeast (dry or pressed) and water.

Bread crushers are three species: medium, small and large grinding. However, the first option is most often used in cooking. Such a product is used to pack products during roasting. This allows you to preserve the juiciness of the dish, as well as provide it with a crispy golden crust.

In addition to the classic breadtime mixture, there are colored crackers. Their composition usually includes natural food dyes, thanks to which today you can find not only all the familiar pale yellow crumb, but also bright orange, lemon, emerald and dark pink.

The culinary sphere is highly appreciated by Japanese breadcrumbs Panco. This mixture is characterized by a more rich and air texture. The Korean bread panning is also popular. For its preparation, the highest grade of wheat flour is used.

How to choose and store?

It is recommended that some manufacturers make them made from moldy bread and various preservatives that increase the product storage periods of them very seriously. First of all, buy breading exclusively from proven manufacturers. Also, to choose good cruck, inspect them outwardly. The mixture should be homogeneous, the same in size, without unnecessary impurities.

In the table below, we describe the technical requirements in detail, which, according to the current GOST, must be compliance with breadcrumbs..

The shelf life of genuine bread panning is usually thirty days, if it is stored in a dark and cool room.

As a container for storing a breading mixture, it is better to use a tightly closed glass jar or plastic container. Keep in mind that in a leakage container, this product is quickly spoiled. He absorbs moisture, and also due to extraneous odors deprived of his fragrance.

How to do at home?

Despite the fact that for the production of ground superstars, special grinding equipment is used, this bread mix can be done at home with a conventional blender. There are many ways to prepare this product with their own hands. It can be prepared in the microwave, multicooker, on a regular pan and in the oven. We offer to take advantage of the last option and make breading using the oven.

First of all, take the required amount of bread. In this case, you can even take a loaf. Cut it with small slices, put on a dry baking sheet and place the oven preheated to one hundred and eighty degrees. Drain the bread until it becomes completely dry and crisp. Usually it takes no more than ten minutes. After that, dry bread slices Send a blender to the bowl and grind to the reception of a homogeneous crumb. Mark bread can also be manually using a conventional rolling pin, but in this case the dried product is better to pre-put in the tissue bag. So the crumbs will not fly throughout the kitchen, but will gather into one common hand. Homemade fried crackers are recommended to immediately place in hermetic container and remove in a convenient place for further storage.

Note! A breading mixture of sugar in no case cannot be frozen. Otherwise, she will be rascis and will be unsuitable for use.

Use in cooking

In the culinary hammer, the bread mixture is usually used for panning vegetable, fish and meat ingredients. With it, it is easy to give the necessary shape of the product, as well as preserve its juiciness. When frying the dish, sprinkled with breadcrumbs, covered with a crispy crust of appetizing golden color. Thanks to such a shell, products do not burn and easily behind the frying pan.

Most often in such breads, the following dishes are panic:

  • cutlets;
  • liver;
  • fish;
  • fresh caviar;
  • baking and much more.

Some culinary breads are added directly to the cutlet stuffing instead of anterhal bread.

There are recipes in which the breading mixture is used as a sprinkle under filling, for example, in the manufacture of a quarreling or apple strit. Also, this product can be found as part of some curd desserts.

Despite the versatility of ground supersers, with some products they are categorically not combined, for example, with a cauliflower and such a dish like Romshtex.

How to replace breadcrumbs?

Surely most owners asked the question of which ingredient can be deserved to replace delicious breadcrumbs, because there are such cases when this product is not at home, and also there is no place to buy it. There is not one alternative to ground crumbs.

  • First of all, the ideal replacement of such breading is stuck bread. Everything that needs to be done before use is good to dry and grind to the desired state. The resulting product is excellent for roasting and baking.
  • If there is no bread, we recommend using coarse grinding flour. As a panion, it is well suited for the kitlet and fish. In this case, it can be used both wheat flour and rye, oatmeal or corn.
  • For more elastic crust, it is better to take a gun. With its use, you can prepare all the dishes for which the roast is needed.

You can also bind the culinary product in any flakes, and before using them optionally grind. Such an original panning gives dishes an unusual taste and aroma. In addition, flakes are perfectly combined with baking, which means that you can even cook the apple filling with them.

As an experiment, instead of bread panning, you can take plowed nuts, chips, dry cookies, as well as crackers and cornstands.

Obviously, the experienced culinary will always find a decent alternative to ground crumbs, so do not worry if they are running right in the cooking process.

Bread crushers - very popular product in cooking, even though they have enough high calorie!

Today I will tell you how to cook breadcrumbs with your own hands. Surely many will say: "I also came up with ... still know! And in general, why do they do if you can always buy ready-made in any store? "

Well, of course, for experienced hosts, it is not even a recipe, but the most elementary one. And you can buy breadcrumbs without problems. And what to do young girls who just get acquainted with the kitchen? That's it, I want to give several delight tips.

By the way, and you, dear my hostess, often thought, from what a breadcrumbs are actually made on an industrial scale? Think specially baked bread, and then dried it and crushed? Whatever! For the production of such breading superstars, as a rule, it is very unbreakable bakery products, which in view of the expired shelf life is already unrealized.

Here's how I will imagine, in what conditions breadcrumbs are stored and the packages are fashed, a desire to use them immediately. Whether the business is homemade, fragrant, fresh, crunchy ... mmm ... from homemade bread! Persuaded? Ready breadcrumbs in the oven?


Preparation of dishes by steps:

We dry slices of bread in the oven at 180-190 degrees about 15 minutes (after 7-8 minutes to flip each piece) to a pleasant Rumyanta. Just follow the crackers not burned, otherwise they will be mischief.

We give breadcrumbs to cool. Then grind them in any convenient way - you can like me in the kitchen combine (nozzle - metal knife) or just put in the package and ride the rolling pin. And even better and more convenient (I do this lately) - crush crushes through a meat grinder (especially if you have electrical). At the same time, thanks to such a procedure, squeeze the knives in it.

After half a minute, I got here such a crumb. By the way, you can adjust the sizes of this crumb yourself - someone likes very small breadcrumbs, and someone prefers larger. If you wish, you can add salt to breadcrumbs, your favorite spices and seasonings - then a ready-made fragrant panicing will be obtained.

We spend breadcrumbs in clean dry dishes.

What would we do if neither His Majesty - the case! One day a page Ranking from Krakow, who Caharyl's husband in a cafe prepared cutlets. One of them was accidentally dropped, and the semi-finished product fell straight into the bread crumbs on the table. The order is made, the client is waiting - there was no time to make new cutlets at the pan. Then she decided to fry the one with crumbs. Whether she was worried, feeding the order to the visitor, it is not known! But I really liked this kind of roasting, which he told personally to the cook. That so was delighted, which introduced a new method of cooking meat and other meat dishes in the institution menu. So the new name has been fixed for him - panicing.

Features of preparation in breading

Perhaps this is fiction! But to panic products in front of the roasting and chefs of eminent institutions, and simple hostesses. Ruddy crust, tasty in itself, performs the function of the "blanket", and does not give the juice to be seated with meat or fish. In addition, breading opens the taste of a familiar dish in a new way. So, the cutlet fell in breadcrumbs in breadcrumbs becomes even more juicy and more fragrant than roasted simply on the oil.

Today there are several types of springs:

  • In flour;
  • In crushed or solid cereal grains: Hercules flakes, corn, wheat, in a semolina;
  • In mushroom powder;
  • In potato, carrot or zerge chips;
  • In starch;
  • In poppy;
  • In rubbing on grater of cheese;
  • In crushed nuts and seeds;
  • In coconut chips;
  • In a folded cracker.

But still, the favorite and popular type of breading - crackers made of dry white baton. They can be used almost for all: meat, game, fish, vegetables. The taste and fragrance of products become rich. Yes, what is there to speak, in breading chips, products can be given the original form. So, from meat or fish minced meat form "dogs", "bearish heads", "hearts".

How to make a roll of bread? Grind her into a small crumb and cut into it the product you are going to fry. With all the ease of procedure, there are a number of secrets that allow you to prepare the dish even tastier and better. For example, in order for the breading "lay down" to a piece of meat evenly and neatly, it is possible to coat it first into the egg or egg mixture with the addition of milk. The mixture is shaking, because of which it is ridiculous called the "egg bantle", and in French it sounds noble - the spine.

The egg mixture performs a "sticking" of panicing to the product, but the flan presses the presence of not only eggs and milk (or kefira), but also water and cream. Sometimes, when products for roasting and so have high humidity, "liquid" and not at all. The egg is scolding, and thanks to its "stickiness", to pieces of meat, fish or vegetable, the breading crumb is easily sticking. Products in "Shub" are prepared on a hot pan or in a fryer.

Some recipes provide a "thick" bedding layer. Then it is done double, as for nuggets - first panic meat in flour, then dipped into the "adhesive" mass, and then roll in crumbs of bread. As the roasting in breading involves the use of a large amount of oil, the cooks advise ready-made meat or fish first put it in a napkin to "get into the" bite "too much. Otherwise, you risks get extra centimeters on the waist.

How to prepare breading yourself

Those mistresses who are accustomed to breading usually do it themselves, and especially economical - do not throw dried pieces of bread, knowing that they will necessarily be useful. If there is no dry baton at home, you can dry the fresh white bread in the microwave or in the oven at 180 ° C. The bunch is cut and sent to the "drying" for 5-7 minutes to achieve the desired result. Then, with the help of a blender, pieces crushed, and breadcrumbs are ready.

You can also press the bunch, putting her pieces into a plate and putting closer to the heating radiator or the windowsill, which is actively shining the sun. If you dry it in the microwave, then you need to install a timer for 3-4 minutes so that the pieces are not completely dry, then they can be folded with their hands or crowded into the mortar.

The most appropriate way to crush the cherry pieces of bread - grate them. Suitable holes - with small teeth. Just be careful: they are easy to hurt.

If the rolls have already accumulated a lot, but there is no blender or kitchen combine, and pieces are too small to rub them on the grater, you can use the rolling pin. The bunch is put in a canvas bag, and rolling the rolling until all major pieces are chopped into the crumb. Instead of a rill you can use another convenient object. Bread crumb stored in a glass container, but not long.

You can do on the contrary: to grind the flesh of fresh baton and decompose the crumb on the contrary. It is better to use that bread where there are no large grains, beans, seeds or other ingredients. Put a baking sheet in the oven. At a temperature of 190 ° C, to withstand bread for 5 minutes before the acquisition of golden color.

Panco cruck do it yourself

In Japanese cuisine, crackers are used, having a slightly frightening name "Panko". With an exotic subculture, they have nothing in common, since the name comes from the world's most peaceful word "bread", sounding in Portuguese as Pan. The second component "Ko" is translated from Japanese as "flour".

In Japanese crackers, rolls, meat and vegetables usually panic. They have a steady structure than the "European" panition option, thanks to the use of special bread. Next, it is maintained for many hours and grind on special equipment so that the crumb is large and air. Spices or soy flour are added to the spice, because of which it acquires a golden or brownish shade.

Make Panco Sugari can be at home. To do this, buy a French baguette, cut into cubes, remove crust from them. Need exactly the balls of bread. Cubes are crushed with a blender, but it is important to get a large crumb, and not grind them into "flour". Alternatively, use frozen baguette, weathered in the freezer of hours 3-4, but first it still needs to be cut into small pieces. Next, the procedure is exactly the same as described above.

The resulting crumb is decayed on the baking sheet and sent to the oven for pear. The color of the product should not change, so you need to constantly mix. The essence of Panco Sucharikov is a special crispy crust. The dried crunches are withstanding another hour and then use to be appointed: roasting or baked meat, fish, shrimps, salad sprinkled or deposit.

Hostess Council: fried in breading products need to be served on the table immediately. In the hot state, they are the most delicious: please the gentle pulp meat and the crispy crust!