Meat soup soup. Saltian Classic Solid - Restaurant Dish in Home Menu

15.03.2020 Buffet table

Solyanka is an original Russian dish.

It is perfect for the first dish on any table.

Unfortunately, not everyone knows the recipe for her cooking, but we will fix it.

So, Solyanka has many varieties and recipes with their special ingredients.

But first, we will try to prepare a saltwoman.

Cook the dish correct

Ingredients number
beef - 300 grams
smoked meat - 200 grams
sausages - 200 grams
sausages - 6 pcs.
carrots - 1 PC.
pickles - 3 pcs.
onions - 1 PC.
tomato paste - 3 tablespoons
flour - 1-2 tablespoons
greens - taste
spices - taste
olives or capers - taste
lemon or sour cream - optional
Time for preparing: 120 minutes Calorie per 100 grams: 194 kcal

The Solyanka team differs from other varieties of its satiety due to the large content of meat.

Such a dish will definitely have to taste the male part of the family.

As we see, there are many ingredients, but you should not get upset immediately.

Cooking the Solyanka is not difficult and even in some places nice.

Go to the process itself.

Stages of preparation

  1. Preparing beef-based broth. We throw meat into the water and digest until the broth becomes an instrument. Together with meat, add a bay leaf, salt, black peas. When the meat is welded, get it on the plate and cut straw. Throw back.
  2. While the meat continues to fill our broth with a taste, go to pickled cucumbers. Cut them with cubes and throw in broth. If you want to dilute soyanka with something new, add some olives or capers to it.
  3. Smoked meat, sausage and sausages cut straw, pour everything on a frying pan heated and lubricated with sunflower oil. Fry a few minutes and pour everything into the broth.
  4. Next, go to the onions. Cut it with half rings and fry in a skillet, adding flour and tomato paste. Fry a mixture for a few minutes on medium heat and do not forget to stir. Pour into a saucepan with broth.
  5. Our broth gradually turns into a pretty and tasty saltwood. It remains only a few strokes to complete our masterpiece. So, if you like spices, you can experiment with them. If you are not sure in your actions - add no more than half a teaspoon of black pepper and it will be enough. For completeness of taste and in the form of decoration, add greens.
  6. After adding the seasoning, Give the Solyanka boil a couple of minutes and turn off. Ready!

There are no potato potato potatoes, but you can add it if you consider it necessary.

Several potatoes are unlikely to spoil the dish.

Salvanka with sausage - did not try tastier

Cooking with sausage is practically no different from the recipes of the Saltian team.

In this case, the main ingredient will be sausage. You can choose absolutely any sausage.

So, the recipe does not change.

Cooking broth is not needed.

Immediately boil water and throw potatoes there.

While she copes, put the chopped ingredients on the pan and fry on sunflower oil.

When the potato is already welded, all the contents of the frying pan are pouring into a saucepan.

We cook for a few minutes and ready.

This option is considered rapid and simple, since we do not have to choose meat.

Such a simple Salonka will be ready for half an hour.

Meat Salonka - everything is much easier

Meat Solyanka is also similar to the formulation with the national team, and only the lack of sausage in it is the only difference.

The main ingredient may be beef, pork, turkey or chicken meat.

You can also combine.

The larger Solyanka will come out with chicken and turkey meat, more welded - with beef and pork.

Most often used pork and beef, which give the dish a special taste.

Of course, the meat will have to tinker a little, but the men's half of the family will be delighted with this dish.

Add some fungi ...

For lovers of lean food, we offer to prepare the Mirbauna Sollyanka.

Champignons or other forest mushrooms will perfectly fit in Solyanka.

It is also cooked with sausage with sausage.

Cooking time is minimal.

As a supplement, you can add some cabbage.

But be careful with the amount not to turn the Solyanka to Borsch.

How much cooking a saltwater?

Cooking time depends on who prepares.

But on average, cooking time is no more than one hour.

The ready-made Solyanka should not boil for a long time, even though it does not contain any ingredients that could weld.

So that the Salonian gave meat taste, the broth can be boiled for several hours.

You can cook on the second dish. Homemade will be delighted. As one of the options snack - canapes on the skewers. Interesting recipes here :. On the page as many photos canapes.

If you take care of your health - look at this product as a naval cabbage. You can read about the benefits and harm of sea cabbage.

Then it will be very welded and fat.

Soleanka can also be boiled in a slow cooker. With the help of a slow cooker you can save yourself a bunch of time.

Video Dessert:

Simple and informative video of one of the many recipes for the preparation of a saltworn.

Preparing at home very simple.

It is possible to cook the Solyanka at home in a saucepan on the stove, in a slow cooker, in the oven in clay pots. Let's talk about the most delicious ways to prepare this soup, the classic recipe of which goes deep in centuries.

Solyanka is an original Russian national dish, welded soup with plenty of seasoning and fresh chopped greens. Rich and nutritious. Preparing on one of the three broths: meat, mushroom or fish. The main components are salted cucumbers (cucumber brine), olives, cabbage, lemon, saline (pickled) mushrooms, tomatoes.

Historical reference

The traditional name of the dish is the word "selyanka". It is mentioned by different writers in the works until the end of the XIX century. Familiar to our ear, the term "Solyanka" appeared only in the XX century.

According to classic recipes that have come down to this day, the warian team of the soup was preparing on fish broth. Meat Solyanka appeared much later.

About Capers

One of the additional ingredients in the traditional Recipes of the Solonsky team is saline capers. These are small unacceptable bumps of a barbed plant. Present dark olive balls. Collected from a caper seat, a healing shrub. In the fresh torn form give to mustard, specific taste. It is now rarely used when cooking, in the Soviet times the hostess replaced them with ordinary salted cucumbers.

Buds plants for traditional solickets are sold in large supermarkets and specialized stores with spices.

Cooking tricks

  • The welded meat broth, boiled with brine from cucumbers, is a great base for a saltworn. Unlike mushroom, fish and chicken Navarov, it is recommended to cook without vegetables.
  • Gently strain the cucumber brine before cooking.
  • It is recommended to combine low-fat beef with different types of sausages or meat products. Beautiful base for Solyanka - Gentle pork clipboards or veal. They make it welded and very nutritious.
  • Add only natural smoking meat products. Products cooked on liquid smoke will spoil taste.
  • For decoration, take the basil, parsley and dill.
  • When roasting meat products, use the minimum amount of vegetable oil. If you wish, lay out the cutting on the dry baking sheet. Send an oven for 20-25 minutes to preheated to 180 degrees. Bake without oil. Surplus fat are removed with kitchen towels.
  • After completion of the preparation, give the meat salt woman to breed 20-30 minutes. So it will be fragrant, with a rich taste.
  • Lemon slices lay strictly before serving on the table. Otherwise, Solyanka will turn out to taste.

Salted Classic Meat


  • Water - 3 l.
  • Beef on the bone - 600 g
  • Smoked rubberies - 300 g
  • Ham - 200 g
  • Olives - 100
  • Capers - 50 g.
  • Salted cucumbers - 3 pieces of medium sizes.
  • Onions - 1 head.
  • Pepper fragrant - 3 peas.
  • Tomato paste - 2 tablespoons.
  • Stamp leaf - 1 piece.
  • Creamy oil - 1 tablespoon.
  • Lemon, Parsley, Pepper, Salt - to taste.

How to cook:

  1. In the large pan pouring water. I add smoked ribs and beef with bone.
  2. Ward on slow fire 100-120 minutes. I delete foam Sokivka in a timely manner. 15 minutes before the readiness of the pepper pepper, bay leaf and salt.
  3. Gently pull out meat, catch the spices and polluate the broth.
  4. Waiting for meat cool. I cut other ingredients. Separating the pulp from the bone and cut.
  5. Cucumbers cleanse from the skin and crumble straw. I put on a frying pan. I pour 8-10 tablespoons of broth, carcass on slow fire without vegetable oil. After we shift into the broth.
  6. Cland creamy oil. Heat a frying pan. The bulb cleanse from the husk and cut by half rings. I send roasting, salt and pepper, time from time to time. After 5 minutes I put tomato paste. Tomsu together for another 4-6 minutes. Passing shifting in the decoction.
  7. Cut meat ingredients along with olives put in the broth for the Solyanka. Varry 10-15 minutes on medium fire.
  8. At the end of the preparation of putting capers, additionally pepper and salt. I cover the solicitus with a lid and a torment on a slow fire a quarter of an hour.

Video recipe

I spill on plates. Decorating every portion of the lobule of lemon, fresh greens and sour cream.

Recipe with potatoes


  • Half-hour ham - 80 g
  • Beef fresh - 250 g
  • Smoked beef - 80 g
  • Jarny sausage - 80 g.
  • Meat roll - 80 g.
  • Salted cucumbers - 3 pieces.
  • Carrot - 1 piece.
  • Onions - 2 pieces.
  • Potatoes - 1 thing.
  • Vegetable oil - 2 large spoons.
  • Bay leaf - 1 thing.
  • Sugar - 1 teaspoon.
  • Salt, greens, lemon, olives and sour cream - to taste.


  1. Starting a saltwater with the preparation of anguard meat broth. Particles of chopped fresh beef sending into a saucepan. I pour cold water. For transparency, add a thoroughly washed crude bulb. I bring to a boil, carefully remove the foam. Salt, cook 40-50 minutes. Readiness I define with a fork. Louk throw out.
  2. I cut potatoes and grind carrots on small particles. I put in the boiling broth for 30-40 minutes.
  3. While the broth is brewed, cut other meat products. I send a mix from smoked and boiled sausage into a frying pan. Fry to light golden crust with the use of vegetable oil.
  4. Add chopped onion. I am preparing to a transparent state. We reduce the fire.
  5. The finished meat is catching out of the brave. After cooling, we cut into small pieces. We send to the prepared mass of meat products with onions. Minutes after 3-4 laying out the cut salty cucumbers.
  6. Latest in a frying pan throwing a tomato paste together with sugar. I pour 100 ml of water or cucumber brine.
  7. Roasted products and vegetables shifting into ready-made broth with potatoes and carrots. Cland the bay leaf. Boil 10 minutes.

Tip! At the final stage, you can adjust the taste of the Solyanka. If there is not enough sourness, add fresh lemon juice. To give a more acute taste, use ground pepper.

I feed on the table, putting a spoon of sour cream, a slicer of fresh lemon and a handful of chopped greenery.

Original option with sausage


  • Water - 3 l,
  • Hunting sausages - 5 pieces.
  • Boiled sausage - 150 g
  • Potatoes - 6 pieces.
  • Carrot - 1 piece.
  • Onion red - 2 heads.
  • Marinated cucumbers - 3 things.
  • Maslins - 100 g.
  • Tomato paste - 1 large spoon.
  • Lemon - 3 slices.
  • Vegetable oil - for roasting.
  • Salt, ground pepper - to taste.


  1. In a deep saucepan, put potatoes cut into cubes. I pour water and turn on the stove.
  2. I am preparing passing for a saltwater from a large-sided carrot, a breech semi-colts and chopped with straw cucumbers.
  3. Finely crumble meat ingredients. My lemon and cut on thin slices. Olives without bones cut.
  4. On a frying pan with vegetable oil prepare vegetable passing. First, fry the onion with carrots. Then I lay the cucumbers (please add brine).
  5. After 5-10 minutes of extinguishing on a slow heat, I send a tomato paste to the frying pan. I am preparing together 3-4 minutes. Shoot to potatoes.
  6. After adding saline and peep vegetable refueling. Vary 10 minutes. I put the sausage and sausages only after softening the potatoes (semi-prepared state).
  7. At the final stage, I put the lemon lobby and chopped olives.
  8. Turn off the plate. I give Solyanka half an hour.

Video cooking

Tasty Solyanka with cabbage


  • Ready meat broth - 4 liters.
  • Boiled meat - 450
  • Cabbage - 1 medium-sized kochan.
  • Tomato paste - 150 g.
  • Smoked Breast - 100 g
  • Boiled sausage - 100 g
  • Ham - 100 g
  • Salted cucumbers - 3 things.
  • Cucumber brine - 100 ml.
  • Potato - 5 pieces.
  • Onions - 1 head.
  • Carrot - 1 root.
  • Red sharp pepper - 1 thing.
  • Sugar - 2 small spoons.
  • Lemon, fresh greens, oily bones, salt - to taste.


  1. I am getting salty cucumbers from the bank. I lay out on the board and cut into cubes. My cabbage and finely finely tire. Shoot in a large saucepan. I pour out the cucumber brine (100 ml).
  2. I put cooking, adding a bay leaf, sugar and 2 small spoons of salt. Carefully interfere. For fragrance in Solyanka, add several spoons of the finished meat broth.
  3. Konfork power I install on the average level. Truck until the cabbage is ready, interfered from time to time. While vegetables are preparing, clean the potatoes and cut into cubes. I spend the potatoes. Vary.
  4. I cut boiled meat and smoked foods to pieces. I clean onions and carrots. The first vegetable cutting on the rings, the second grinding on the grater. From sharp pepper, I remove seeds. Finely cut the flesh.
  5. I am engaged in passing. I send onions to a preheated frying pan. Two minutes later I add carrots. Tool on slow fire. When the bow becomes golden, I spread finely chopped pepper. Fry until every vegetable ingredient is ready.
  6. I put smoked meat (boiled leave), tomato paste, 2-3 spoons of meat broth. Carefully interfere. Tasha together for 7 minutes.
  7. To cabbage, cucumbers and potatoes overflow meat broth. I turn on the stove. I put vegetable passion with smoked products and boiled meat pieces. Gently interfere.
  8. I bring to a boil, at the request of salts. Vary 5-10 minutes and turn off the plate. I give Solyanka to strengthen under the dense lid of 20-30 minutes.
  9. I spill on plates. Decorating the slice of lemon, chopped with greens and olives.

How to cook a saltwater in a slow cooker


  • Boiled meat - 400 g
  • Sausages and smoked sausage - 300 g
  • Onions - 1 head.
  • Maslins - 100 g.
  • Flour - 2 large spoons.
  • Tomato paste - 3 big spoons.
  • Cucumbers - 100 g
  • Potatoes - 3 pieces.
  • GREEN - 40 g.
  • Pepper and salt - to taste.


Tip! In the finished sausage-sausage sets for the Solyanka, which are sold in stores, often include cheap and inexpensive ingredients. In order not to spoil the taste, collect assorted on your own.

  1. Starting a saltwater from a bow roasting in a multicooker with vegetable oil ("frying" mode). In this recipe I do not use carrots. Add a vegetable into passion at will.
  2. While the leaf is roasted, cut salty cucumbers, sausage and sausages.
  3. I add first cut cucumbers, after - sliced \u200b\u200bsausage with cubes. Then crushed potatoes and tomato paste. Do not forget to put boiled meat.
  4. I take the olives without bones. I prefer finely chopped. Optionally, leave them integer.
  5. After immersing all the ingredients of the solicitus in the container, pour water and cucumber brine.
  6. I establish the program "Varka". Approximate cooking time - 60-90 minutes.

Video recipe

Before serving a saltwood, cut a fresh lemon. Add one sliced \u200b\u200bto the plate and season the soup with a spoon of low-fat sour cream.

Method of cooking


  • Meat broth - 2 liters.
  • Assorted meat products (ham, sausages, sausage) - 400 g.
  • Onions - 2 pieces.
  • Salted cucumbers - 2 pieces.
  • Potatoes - 2 pieces.
  • Carrot - 1 piece.
  • Pepper - 1 thing.
  • Tomato paste - 4 big spoons.
  • Olives - 5 pieces.
  • Bay leaf - 4 pieces.
  • Pepper peas, greens, sour cream, lemon - to taste.
  • Vegetable oil - for passion.


  1. I take a helmet. I pour vegetable oil. On a preheated frying pan, add finely chopped and cleaned loaf. Tasha. After putting cucumbers and peppers. Tomk in a sack of 5-10 minutes.
  2. Like onions will be demochanging, add carrots rings. I install a slow fire.
  3. Cutting sausage assorted for saltwood on straws or small cubes. I clean potatoes, cut into small parts. I send all the crushed ingredients to the scenery. I put several broth spoons. Tasha 5 minutes. I add 4 large spoons of tomato paste, spice spice. Mix thoroughly, the volume on average fire is not more than 7-10 minutes.
  4. The cooked sausage-vegetable mixture laying uniformly in the pot.
  5. Half of the container fill in a pre-boiled beef broth. From above, put on the laurel sheet, a few olives, a handful of chicken greenery.
  6. I close the lid, send it into the oven. I set the temperature of 160 degrees, the volume is 20-40 minutes.

Bon Appetit!

Dietary Salonka in Dukanu

Among the popular first dishes of Russian cuisine, this samp deserves special attention. Nutrient, thick and satisfying Solyanka will simultaneously replace the first and second dish. It is preparing necessarily on the cool broth, into which the pieces of meat (fresh or smoked), sausages, sour cucumbers, tomatoes are added in the crushed form.

Interestingly, many centuries ago, such a sour salty, spicy eats of the Slavs called the "firing" and served him the next day after a rich feast. Later, the soup began to call "Selyanka", pointing out that they used it more often rural residents and poor people.

Indeed, meat Solyanka usually appeared on the table of commoners, and to serve its aristocrats was considered a bad tone. After all, it was preparing a chowder from the collected residues of household products (hence the term "national team"). Often, the name of the soup included a completely different meaning: saying "Solyanka" meant a saltwateau sour taste of food.

Today, the meat team of Solyanka has gained enormous popularity not only in our country, but also far beyond. The soup is served, starting with student canteens and ending with elite restaurants, where this first dish competes confidently with Japanese, Caucasian and European delights.

By the way, the version of the Georgian version is very interesting when garlic add to the usual components, sharp spices, Khmeli-Sunnels.

The recipes of the soyankic meat differ in different regions of Russia - depending on the preferences of the hostess are prepared according to the classical or original express option. Also there are also quite successful variations on the theme of Solivky - with potatoes, mushrooms, fish, sauerkraut, etc.

Classic Solyanka Recipe Meat Collection

According to the rules, the classic genre implies the use of at least 3 types of meat or sausage. Suckers, sausages, smoked carbonate, ribs, chicken flesh, flesh, beef or pork, meat on a bone, ham, ham, housing, any kind of sausage, ham, ham, may be present. The basis of the delicacy is certainly strong meat broth. For the preparation of real brewing Sollyanka, you need at least 2 hours, but believe me, the result is amazing!

Ingredients for 4-5 servings:

for broth:

  • water - 2,5l
  • pork ribs - 250g
  • veal - 150 g
  • onions - 1 pc.
  • carrot - 1 pc. (small)
  • parsley root - a small piece (30g)
  • bay leaf - 1-2 pcs.
  • pepper peas - 5 pcs.
  • salt to taste

for Solivka:

  • salted cucumbers - 2 pcs. (medium size)
  • onions - 1 pc.
  • carrot - 1 pc. (small)
  • olive or sunflower oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • tomato paste - 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • smoked meat (chicken, pork ham) - 250 g
  • lemon, olives - for decoration.

How to cook

So that the Solyanka succeeds exactly what should be followed by all the rules to adhere to the recommended preparation stages.

Stage first: Cook broth

  1. The first stage of the cooking of the meat plant - broth. We pour water into the pan, put ribs and meat into it, crushed into pieces.
  2. There, we lower the purified vegetables whole - the bulb, the root of parsley and carrots. Add a bay leaf, black peas and put a saucepan on fire.
  3. When the water boils, carefully remove the scale. Meat boil until readiness, about 1 hour. 10-15 minutes before the end of cooking, the broth must be salted to taste.
  4. Perfect the finished broth from vegetables and meat.

Vegetables can either be thrown away or put into another dish. Onions, carrots and seasonings have already played their role. Giving the aroma broth, saturating it with flavors. Meat while put aside, and after cooling, we separate the ribs from the pulp.

SECOND STAGE: Making traditional sauce for meat salt

Russian Solyanka is preparing certainly with the addition of sauce, or vegetable refueling called Brez.

  1. Crude carrots clean and rub on medium grater. Peeled bow Cut as much as possible.
  2. Pour some vegetable oil into the pan, lay onions and carrots, fry until golden colors for 4-5 minutes, not forgetting regularly stirring. We take salted cucumbers, crushing cubes or straw, add to the pan. Stir all together and extinguish vegetables a few more minutes.
  3. In the end, enter the tomato paste, all the ingredients hold on the fire another slightly (3-4 minutes). Brez sauce is ready.

Solon sauce can be prepared without adding carrots by connecting only roasted onions and tomato juice or pasta. To obtain a saturated taste, the hostess is often added to the sauce cucumber brine, sugar, sour cream, bay leaf, grated pickled or fresh horseradish. It turns out very appetizing if you put a couple of spoons of tkemali in the roaster having a sour-sweet taste.

The final stage

  1. Grind smoked meat, slightly fry in a frying pan, adding 1 tbsp. l. Oil. Now we start cooking a meat salt woman on the finished broth, connecting all the components. Lower roasted smoked smoked smoked broth in boiling broth, cook for about 10 minutes.
  2. Add vegetable tomato sauce to the broth. Stir the ingredients, wait for the boil and continue cooking for another 8 minutes.
  3. At the end, add boiled meat into the soup, which we used in the process of making broth. Keep on fire for another 6-7 minutes. Before turning off the fire, try whether it is necessary to add some more salt or water (if a lot of water has been swapped, the dish will turn out too thick).

Appetizing Russian Kushany is ready, but will be better, if you give it half an hour. After the first plates spilled on the plates, decorate it with a piece of lemon, mugs of olives without bone.

Mistress note:

  • If your goal is to prepare saturated broth, not delicious meat, then pork ribs and veal lay in cold water, gradually bringing it to a boil. If raw meat throw in boiling water, the protein will immediately come up, "sealing" the whole taste inside the pulp.
  • Do not ignore the foam collection stage when the broth boiling, if you wish it turns out to be transparent and not muddy.
  • To enhance the aroma and taste sensations, the gourmets are put in this dish of capers.
  • Sour cucumbers in the recipe can be replaced by sauerkraut.
  • Sub-products (language, liver, heart) are added to the Solyanka.

Meat Colonant Salon with Potatoes

Salonka with potatoes is one of the variations of a popular dish. Cooking is similar to the classical method, with the difference that at the very beginning of the third stage, add potatoes crushed by cubes (approximately 3 pcs. Medium size at the rate of 4-5 portions of the first dish). Potatoes are cooking in the broth 10 minutes.

Then statenly add smoked meat, cucumbers, sauce, boiled meat. At the cooking components of each subsequent step we take as much time as recommended in a classic recipe.

Simple Cooking Recipe

Almost every family has recipes that are transmitted from generation to generation. Someone modifies them, well, someone tries to preserve the very unique identity. There are such recipes and I have - ,. They are tested not only for years, but also empty household dishes. Meat Solyanka from their number, but learned about this soup from her husband's relatives. Now the favorite recipes are several. This option is preparing faster and easier than classic.

Here I am no longer a mother with a grandmother give me master classes according to its preparation, and I treat them with an appetizing soup: an imaging, thick, fragrant, with the smell of smoked and acidic taste of saline cucumbers.

By the way about them are bastards. Many, for the first time, trying the meat Solunka and seeing satellite cucumbers in it, for some reason they compare it with a rassetin. I heard the phrase several times: "AA-A, so this is something like a brideller!" No no and one more time no. This is absolutely another independent dish, which is equivalent to some other incorrect and no need.

Recipe information

  • Kitchen: Russian
  • Dish type: first dish
  • Method of preparation: Cooking
  • Portions: 4.
  • 40 min
  • Nutritional value per 100 g:
    • Calorie: 89 kcal

Ingredients for 1.5 liters of water:

  • carrot - 1 pc.
  • onions - 1 middle head
  • salted cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  • chicken fillet - 200 g
  • brine - 150 g
  • tomato paste - 1 teaspoon
  • sunflower oil - 2 tablespoons
  • the meat component (50 g of rawless sausage, 50 g of boiled sausage, 2 sausages, 50 g of boiled breasts, 50 g refused sausage).

Cooking method

Meat is not necessary to take this, which is indicated in the recipe. Take sausages, sausages, a variety of sausages - everything that you like. First of all, we put the broth on chicken fillet.

Be sure to remove the foam in the process of cooking. I put ready-made meat on the bottom or a plate and turn off the fire. In a deep comfortable frying pan, throw a carrot and chopped onion on a large righteous firing. Passerum 3 minutes on sunflower oil on medium heat. Following the tomato paste and continue to extinguish.

At this stage, I make fire quiet, I pour some water to vegetables, covering the lid and bring everything to almost the finished soft state. Cut the sausage, sneaker with thin stripes, sausages - semicircle.

Put in the pan to vegetables, mix. While this mass is fastened on medium heat, the cucumbers are three on a large grater and also throw in the tank. While you can leave, because it goes on a torn or chopped boiled fillet.

Now everything is thoroughly mixed and keep on the stove for about 15 minutes. After that, carefully shift the contents into the broth and give soup to boil.

Pour brine. If you did not have enough sharpness or salt, add some more brine and it is them that they bring soup to an acceptable taste. At the end of the pan you can squeeze the clove of garlic. We once again bring to a boil, weganing 15 minutes on medium heat and turn off. Ready soup spill on plates, put in them necessarily sour cream and eat.

The nutritional value of this option of preparation is slightly lower than the classic - calories per 100 grams are less than 5-10%, but still do not name the dietary dish.

How to cook a saltwater in a slow cooker

You wish to save time and strength and at the same time satisfying - cook a saltwater in a slow cooker. First prepare the bulb with meat, turning on the "Ward" mode for 40 minutes-hour (depending on the type of meat). Ready broth pour into another pan (bowl) and make cooking sauce in a slow cooker.

Grinding onions, grated carrots fry in a bowl by putting the "fry" mode for 4-5 minutes. Now add tomato paste, crushed cucumbers, 100 g of cucumber brine. Take all the ingredients of 3-5 minutes using the "quenching" function or by setting a hand temperature - everything depends on the model and brand, for example, Redmond, Dex in this regard is very convenient.

In a ready-made sauce with cucumbers, located in a slow cooker, pour broth, put pieces of meat (smoked and boiled, separated from the bones). Instead of smoked meat, a half-hour or smoked sausage can be added, sliced \u200b\u200bwith straw, cubes. Turn on the "Soup" or "Cook" mode for 15-20 minutes. If at the time of adding the broth, you put potatoes, then the "soup" mode should continue about half an hour.

Feed it's favorite in our country, the Kushan after it was last 30 minutes. When the dish is filled, you can pee, sprinkle with chopped greens (usually use dill or parsley), put a spoon of sour cream. In restaurants, soup decorate olives rings and lemon plates.

Salvanka, as a rule, it turns out very thick, rather calorie and oily, with a saturated sour salt and spicy taste. The dish is universal, therefore it can often be included both in everyday and in the festive menu. The brewing soup perfectly quenches his hunger. He has only one minus - it cannot be recommended for dietary food.

I recommend trying to make a home soyanka with mushrooms, like in this video:

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Irina Kamshilina

Prepare for someone much more pleasant than for yourself))


Salvanka is a thick heartfelt soup, which is prepared on meat or fish broth, seasoned with sharp spices. Having tried this dish somewhere in a cafe or restaurant, many hostesses are wondering: how to cook a delicious saltwill at home? In fact, for soup you need accessible products, and its cooking does not take much time and will not require deep culinary knowledge. Let's start?

Secrets of Classic Solinsky Cooking: Step-by-Step Recipes With Photo

Cooking properly classic solicitus at home easily, even a young mistress will cope with this if you follow all the advice and recommendations on the recipe. The main thing is to comply with the proportions, choose high-quality products and stick to the cooking sequence. Soup should be supplied as a first dish, however, it is possible to replace them with the main one, given the calorie content and saturation of the soup. The recipe for the classic version of this dish is known for a long time.


  • Beef broth - 3 liters.
  • Meat delicacies - 5-6 varieties, 200 g.
  • 3 shopping or saline on home recipe cucumber.
  • 10 olives.
  • 10 olives.
  • 100 g capers.
  • 2 potatoes.
  • 3 tablespoons of tomato paste.
  • Greens on your choice - dill. Parsley, basil, green onions.
  • Spices - black and red ground pepper, fragrant pepper, others.
  • 0.5 lemon.


  1. Potatoes cut into cubes, put in boiling beef broth.

  1. The crushed bulb is frying on olive oil.
  2. Salted cucumbers, chopped with straw, connect with onions.

  1. Olives, olives cut rings, and meat straw.
  2. Fry meat delicacies.

  1. We refuel the meat of tomato paste.

  1. We put meat delicacies in the pan, season with spices to taste.
  2. Next to the pan put capers, stew cucumbers, bulb. Cook for about 10 minutes. We add olives, bay leaf.

  1. Shortly before the end of cooking put the greens, sliced \u200b\u200bby half rings of lemon. Bon Appetit!

Preparation of soyankic meat


  • 700 g beef or pork (sometimes a chicken is used).
  • 300 g of smoked ribs.
  • 200 g sausage smoked.
  • 200 g of ham.
  • 2 heads of the onion bow.
  • 3 salted cucumber of medium sizes.
  • 100 g olives.
  • 50 g capers.
  • 2 tbsp. Spoons of tomato, sunflower oil.
  • 1 tablespoon of butter.
  • Bay leaf, fragrant pepper.
  • 1 lemon.
  • Sour cream.

Process course:

  1. Cooking broth. Fill the water of ribs and meat, bring to a boil. We put into the container one purified from the upper layers of the husks of the bulb of small sizes, we prepare on a small fire about 2 hours. 15-20 minutes before removal from the fire put the spices: bay leaf, fragrant pepper, salt. The finished broth is filtering, after reaching meat from it.
  2. Cooked meat, smoked sausage, ham cut with straw.
  3. Salted cucumbers also cut straw. We lay them out in the pan, pour a few tablespoons of broth, let me stretch on slow fire about 5 minutes.
  4. Onions cut quarters of the rings, lay out on a pan with vegetable and butter. Fry to softness, refuel the tomato.
  5. Put meat, olives, smoked meat in the pan. Cook 15 minutes.
  6. We lay capers, salt, pepper and cover the lid.
  7. Before feeding, decorate the sour cream, the slice of lemon.

In Kazakh

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The meat Solyanka is a classic dish of Russian cuisine. In essence, this is the welded meat soup, which is preparing from several types of meat with the addition of salt cucumbers, olives, lemon and parsley. These are the unchanged ingredients of the classic recipe. Many are added to the Solyanka carrots, potatoes, sauer cabbage, etc. Each family has its most delicious recipes that are improved over the years and are transmitted to other generations. Here is a recipe for a real Solinka for everyone, as if did not argue cookies and connoisseurs of this delicious meat soup. Try to prepare the MEAT MEAT SOLITKA according to the classic recipe and decide what exactly you do not have enough. Perhaps the oils you will exclude at all, and for the satiety of dishes will want to add potatoes. Broth can be boiled on beef, pork or chicken, how much more likes. So it will work out the right Solinsky recipe for you. Well, the most important secret is the larger than the meat assortment, the taste of the finished dishes will be rich. Let's disassemble a step-by-step recipe, how to cook a salt-tree meat.

Required products for classic saltwood:

  • 300 g of pork on the bone;
  • 100 g of ham;
  • 100 g of sausages;
  • 100 g smoked meat;
  • 100 g boiled sausage;
  • 4 things. (200 g) salted cucumbers;
  • 1 average bulb;
  • 3 tbsp. tomato paste;
  • 200 g Maslin;
  • 100 g of butter;
  • a small bunch of parsley;
  • 1 lemon;
  • salt, pepper peas, bay leaf.

Solonki team recipe step by step with photos

1. We rinse the pork and put in a deep saucepan. Fill with water and put on the middle fire. When water in the saucepan boils, drain it and fill with clean water again. Add several black pepper peas and 2 small laurel leafs. I boil the pork until readiness, periodically remove the foam.

2. While pork broth is boiled, we will catch all kinds of meat products.

3. Finely cut onions and fry it on creamy oil until goldenness.

4. Add tomato paste to the pan to the pan, mix and fry a couple more minutes on low heat. Our Zavlyanka refuel is ready.

5. Cut with small cubes salted cucumbers.

6. When the broth is ready, take a pork from it and cool it out. Separate from the bone of meat. Cut into small slices.

7. In a saucepan with a broth, immerse all the sliced \u200b\u200bmeat and sausages, add onion refueling with tomato, salt cucumbers. Cook a solicito on slow heat for 15-20 minutes. Then add a parsley, removing the soyanka from the fire and cover the lid. Salonka must be broken for another 20 minutes.

8. Through the ready-made meat soyanka in plates and put a slice of lemon and several olives in each plate.

9. Before use, add a spoon of sour cream.

The most delicious home Solyanka is ready! Already saliva flow. Bon Appetit!