Homemade meat roll recipe. Meat rolls with filling

15.03.2020 Desserts and cakes

Meat rolls are a dish that was invented quite a long time. It is a slice of meat in which the filling is wrapped, for example, cheese, mushrooms, vegetables, greens, other meat or eggs. Often, the roll is fasten with a toothpick, a metal sintering or twine, sometimes tied up with a rope. This is important so that the product does not fit in the process of baking.

The roll is considered to be Western European, mostly Germanic, dish, although his historic homeland is the Roman Empire. The process of his cooking was easy. The workpiece was roasted in a creamy or vegetable oil, and then gripped, usually in broth or fault, depending on the recipe. Before serving, the ropes and spats are removed on the table, and the rolls itself were cut into portion pieces, they were watered with meat sauce, which suits the specific composition of the dish. Sometimes rolls baked in the oven in their own juice.

It is interesting! The name of this dish occurred from a French word, which in translated into Russian indicated "Collapse".

By the way, today the rolls are not always done with filling. Meat delicacies include rolls from a solid piece of meat, and not necessarily from the chopped. It is usually marinate and covered with spices so that it is more satisfying and fragrant. You can use all types of meat, as well as fish and seafood. The filling depends solely from the fantasy of the chef. It is noteworthy that zrazy is one of the varieties of a meat roll.

On this page we prepared a large number of simple step-by-step recipes with photos. Visual pictures will help to prepare a meat roll from meat with different fillings, as well as from more non-standard ingredients, for example, from puzanin, lupus, subchannel, make a non-fat or a calorie dish. It is only necessary to choose a suitable recipe and follow it, for example, baked the roll in the microwave in the food film, screaming in a saucepan or simply cooking in a slow cooker. On this page you will also find useful recommendations and secrets of the coating of a roll, learn how to tie it correctly.

We wish good luck in culinary experiments!

Recipes with photos of cooking meat rolls

  • Chicken roll with prunes
  • Pork rolls with filling
  • Chicken liver pancakes
  • Kuritsa Ruled
  • Khanum in Multivarka

History and Secrets Cooking

You will learn history and secrets of cooking by reading the information below. Do not everyone know that meat rolls are a dish, whose homeland is considered an ancient Rome. Already then Kushan knew and loved. This is evidenced by the finds who discovered researchers and archaeologists. They managed to find an old culinary book, which was written back in the fifth century BC. There, the researchers discovered a dish, which is almost identical to the modern meat roll. The difference lies in the fact that in the ancient Roman era, Kushany knew called "Apichius".

In the era of the Middle Ages, the Kushany took a significant place on the Royal Table. Subsequently, the existence spread over Europe, especially in its western part. It began to attribute it to German cuisine, since it was there that the cook began to cook not just meat rolls, but real masterpieces. Masters in the field of cooking invented new forms and fillings, they decided to use non-meat slices, and mince.

Severe some secrets of the preparation of the roll at home. They, like a recipe, preferably stick. Thanks to some simple recommendations, it will be possible to create an incredibly appetizing daisy. So, secrets are reduced to the following:

  1. The main rule remains the choice of quality products. They should be not only fresh (which goes without saying), namely quality. The most delicious rolls from farm meat with homemade vegetables or fruits, other ingredients from proven manufacturers.
  2. Important is the right choice of meat. You need to give preference to chilled, rather than frozen products. If you follow this simple recommendation, then the Kushan will be surprisingly juicy and appetizing. In addition, pay attention to the appearance of meat. Any meat should be light, and burgundy and brown shades indicate that the animals were old or even patients before the taste. The fat layer must have white color, not yellow or brownish.
  3. Preference should be given to chicken, veal, pork and their combinations. It is from these species of meat that the most appetizing roll is obtained.
  4. To increase the juiciness of the roll, you can make it from the minced meat, adding apples or pears into the composition chopped with cubes. The last ingredient will also give an amazing flavor.
  5. If suddenly you make a meat roll on the recipe, which involves the cooking of minced meat, and the latter turned out to be liquid, it is easy to fix. This is done by adding a small amount of bread crumbs into mince or corn flakes.
  6. To take care of the spicy taste will help the chili sauce, which will exceed the taste of both the rout from minced meat and from a solid piece of meat. An interesting refueling will be a sour-sweet sauce (it will give notes of Asian cuisine) and even simple and familiar ketchup.
  7. Remember that the main difficulty is the assembly of a roll. The quality, taste and efficiency of the finished dish depends on the correctness of this process. To roll the roulet successfully, use the polyethylene film or a paper napkin and a skip, which is pre-sprinkled or flour, or breadcrumbs.

If you indulge yourself and close to delicious meat rolls, then definitely find the same recipe that will be the best for you. And also you will understand how to cook that the dish always managed.

Types of meat rolls

Types of meat rolls are chopped and solid, and without filling. Let's look for more than what is hidden behind these concepts. So, depending on the principle of cooking and technological card, meat rolls are:

You can classify the rolls and depending on the steps used. They are incredibly much, so every hostess will easily select the one that is suitable for her. So, allocate such popular variations:

  1. Other types of meat. Such a roll is "rich", satisfying and very appetizing. As a filling, you can use chicken, pork, beef, rabbit, turkey and other birds. Sub-products (heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, navel or ventricles, tongue, fat), although such a kushan is obtained on an amateur. An extraordinary taste has a combination with smoked or salted meat, with sausage products (sausage, ham, sausages, sausages, sausages, bacon). The choice is huge.
  2. Cereals, pasta and potatoes. From the croup should look at the buckwheat porridge, rice, barley and millet cruel. These options allow you to create the most appetizing roll. Sometimes the routing fillings include the semi-roll. Potato in fried or boiled form, as well as in the form of a puree will become the perfect option for both the outside (allowing you to form an appetizing shell) and for internal (it will be soft and juicy). From potatoes with an egg, you can make even a kind of calcine, covering which one piece of meat, you can get a kind of pie or non-standard bread. But consider that it is unlikely to be called a dietary dish, as the calorie content is high. Pasta, Spaghetti and Vermicells will be an interesting addition, allowing you to take care of the kushan's son. It turns out a dish on the Italian manner.
  3. Vegetables. This is one of the traditional stuffs. Almost all vegetables are suitable: tomatoes, eggplants, zucchini, pumpkin, Bulgarian sweet pepper, spinach, cucumber, cabbage (white, broccoli, color), carrots, beets. Sometimes they are complemented by onions, garlic, sharp pepper chili, greens (dill, parsley, basil, cilantro).
  4. Fruits and dried fruits. You can use prunes, kuragu, apple, avocado, lemon, plums, raisins as an independent ingredient. Other types of fruits and berries If used, only as additional components, as it turns out a non-standard combination of sweet and salty, which is not all tasted.
  5. Milk products. Usually use cream, sour cream, cheese, cottage cheese (mixed with chicken egg and greens). In addition to cottage cheese, the remaining ingredients are auxiliary and used to enhance taste. Mozzarella, parmesan, Gaudi and any solid varieties are suitable from cheeses.
  6. Mushrooms. This is a classic filling that has to taste. You can use absolutely any edible mushrooms, such as champignons, oyster, chanterelles, white mushrooms, freight, boomes, boosities and a number of other delicious fungi, which will make the taste of the roll even better.
  7. Olives and olives. Often are used without bones. Olives and olives can be an independent addition or have a stuffing, for example, pieces of lemon, anchovies, shrimps, capers.
  8. Fish and seafood. The latter are added quite often, especially shrimp, squid, anchovies, mussels. But the fish is not used very often, since the combination is quite non-standard. But those who love culinary experiments, you can try.
  9. Eggs. Most often used chicken and quail. In an independent form, whole eggs are used: when the roll is cut, it turns out effectively. In the grinding form, the eggs are mixed with other ingredients, including with greens, cream, mushrooms, vegetables. It turns out the appetizing filling. You can even make an omelet and wrap it in meat. It turns out the "hussar" kushanye.
  10. Dough and baking. Interesting is a combination of meat with a dough. The latter can be any: yeast, fresh, sandy, puff. The difference from ordinary baking is that meat is outside, and the dough inside. It turns out very appetizing and satisfying.
  11. Other products. It all depends on your imagination. Experienced hostesses complement the dish with foods based on gelatin on the Jewish manner, use Lavash - to Azerbaijani or roll with a large number of ingredients, as in American cuisine.
  12. Mixed filling. It is used most often. Combinations can be any and depend solely from the fantasy of the chef. The most popular believes prunes and dried, cheese and champignons, prunes with cream, pineapple and olives, olives and tomatoes, greens and chicken egg. Sometimes the dish is made puff or use several mess, so that it happens as tasty as possible.

You can experiment and choose the most appropriate filling for yourself.

Remember that you can change not only the inner part of the Kushan, but also external. Stuffing can be wrapped in bacon slices or ham, in a boiled or smoked chicken, in pieces of beef or pork, into the ground or chopped minced meat.

Methods of cooking at home

Methods of cooking at home are represented by a huge variety. Meat rolls can be:

  1. Bake in the oven and multicooker in an independent form or in a bottle, package, sleeve.
  2. Cook for a couple - in a double boiler, nanovarka, a slow cooker, a mantle. Such rolls will be like in kindergarten and come for children.
  3. Fry in a frying pan on the stove, in Aerium, on the grill, on the fire on the coals.
  4. Cooking in an autoclave, an ordinary saucepan on the stove, in the microglinovka.
  5. Stew in a slow cooker, oven, on the stove.
  6. Control through hot or cold smoking. Great homemade smokehouse.

Today, there are quite a few different recipes for the preparation of an appetizing dish at home. We have collected the most interesting recipes in the table, and step-by-step recipes with the photo you can find on this page.

Name Kushanya

Features of cooking

Chicken rolls with cheese filling

The dish is prepared from chicken fillet, salt, pepper, garlic, parsley, spices suitable for chicken, vegetable oil and philadelphia cheese, which acts appetizing filling. To serve the finished rolls baked in the oven, you can fresh vegetables and greens.

Duck Terrine with Ham

This dish is essentially a cross between a roll, casserole and pate, but most importantly - it turns out incredibly tasty. At the heart - duck meat, ham, bacon strips, pistachios and spices. The extraordinary makeup allows you to prepare a hearty area and surprise them close.

Chicken roll with dried onion filling

An extraordinary dish is very spectacular. Served by sliced \u200b\u200bslices. The inner part of the roll is almost white - chicken breast with mayonnaise, and in its center - greenish-yellow decoration made of dried onions. From above, the roll is wrapped in bacon slices. Various spices are complemented by a dish, among which a significant place is removed by the ground paprika, which gives Kushan an interesting taste.

Chicken rolls with mozzarella and Bulgarian pepper

An amazing dish can be attributed to the Mediterranean cuisine. Stuffing is an interesting combination of Bulgarian pepper and mozzarella, spices and salt add to taste. Starting wrapped into pieces of chicken and wrapped with thin bacon slices. Before serving decorated with greens and complement the sauce.

Ukrainian cruisies

Cructacles are peculiar meat rolls. They are prepared from pork, onions, champignons, mozzarella cheese and spices. The highlight becomes the sputter, which must complement the dish, usually watering from above. Prepare sauce from dried white mushrooms (they are more fragrant compared to fresh), flour, sour cream and butter. The taste of the finished dishes is amazing.

Meat roll stuffed with cheese

The basis of the Kushana is turkey minced meat, and the mercarella cheese, parmesan, ricotta and chicken eggs are supplement. The spices consistently add, perfectly suitable olive herbs and black ground pepper. Serving such a roll of mint leaves.

Pork rolls with mushroom filling

The outer part of such rolls is a pork pulp, and the stuffing is a combination of champignons, a bunk, milk, solid cheese, thyme and other spices. The taste is surprising, and a vegetable side dish performs an unchanged supplement.

Pork Skin Roll (Skirts)

From above, the rolls will be a pork slicer with lard, which will fill the filling of carrots, garlic and spices. At first glance, the Kushan is very simple, but it will pleasantly surprise with his taste. An interesting supplement will be a red cabbage salad.

Pork roll baked in the oven

The kushan is obtained juicy and fragrant. It may be a snack, and a full-fledged second dish. The base is pork chops, and for the filling will use a mixture of champignons, carrots and onions. You can add a roll of solid cheese (grated) and cream. It turns out - your fingers are license. For a spectacular feed, lay out the dispenser on the salad leaves in the form cut into pieces and complement Cherry tomatoes.

Classic Roll with Egg

This is one of the traditional German eats, which bake in the furnace or in the oven. Appetizing snack will become the perfect addition to the festive table due to the attractive appearance and amazing taste. In the pig-beef, stuffing with spices will be laid filling from whole boiled chicken eggs. The kushan is baked in the foil in the oven. And before the feed is cut into pieces so that the filling is visible.

Roll with dried cranberries

Meat component - pork clipping. Stuffing - dried cranberries, the taste of which is supplemented with black ground pepper, rosemary, coriander and thyme. It turns out an incredibly gentle and interesting dish, where sweet, sour and salty is harmoniously intertwined. Such a dish can be decorated with a New Year or Christmas table, and you can pamper them close and on a weekday.

Festive pork roll with nuts and prunes

This is a beautiful and tasty dish, which traditionally prepare for the holidays. The base is pork, which we will wrap a stuffing from the prunes, a bunk, apples, walnuts. The filling will be cooked by the favorite spices, which will strengthen the aroma of the Kushan. When feeding, lay the roll on the leaves of salad and decorate cranberry berries, lingers or viburnum.

Pork knuckle

Such a roll is a characteristic example of a kushan from a solid meat piece. In addition to pork steering wheel, there are no other ingredients. Exception - garlic, salt, bay leaf and favorite spices that strengthen the taste of dishes.

Karlowar Roulet

This is a Czech dish, which is made from beef tenderloin, bacon (sometimes replaced with a spicent), ham, pickled cucumbers and chicken eggs. Spices and salt are also added. Such a dish is obtained by "rich" due to numerous meat ingredients, his taste is amazing.

Spicy Roll in Multicooker

Prepare it from pork peritoneum, starting with stems and roots of celery, greens, mixed with spices. The basis remains a solid piece of meat, and all other ingredients act as auxiliary and felt only slightly. Tasty and interesting.

Roulet in the onion husk

The basis is the selected pork, the filling is a young carrot with seasonings and greens, and on top - the lyrics of the husk. It is necessary to prepare for the recipe in order not to make a mistake. Kushanye has a spectacular look and interesting taste.

Roots with Kornishonami

Prepare a dish of thin sliced \u200b\u200bpork slices. They are collapsed in the tubes (rolls) and begin with prunes, roots, garlic and carrots. It turns out a beautiful dish with a bright taste. Before the feed, the kushan is usually complemented by fresh greens, such as parsley or dill.

Beef roll with prunes

Prepare it from beef and sala, starting with prunes, mixed with basil and pink pepper. Sometimes the dish is complemented by the teriyaki sauce, but it is fastened to be filled with pomegranate grains. As a result, it is possible to achieve an interesting mixing of meat, acidic and sweet tastes. Very unusual and festive.

Meat rolls are not only very tasty, but also a beautiful dish. The dish can be safely called the decoration of any table, especially the festive. The delicate taste of the dish makes the roll of a laddish even for the most demanding gourmets. Remember that cooking meat rolls and create a filling for them from any products at your discretion. Do not be afraid to experiment, but if you have more proven preparation methods, pay attention to the recipes you find on this page. The cooking process is easy, but time consuming, the cooking of a roll on average takes about one and a half or two hours, but you will not regret the spent time when we put a ready-made fragrant dish on the table. Good luck!

Modern meat rolls - invention of European cuisine, having French roots.

Although the slicer of meat, which is wrapped in the filling, is mentioned much earlier, in recipes for the cooking of ancient Rome. The dish has become so popular that it gothes in the kitchens of many owners.

It is prepared on weekdays for breakfast, dinner, lunch or treat for the guests a holiday table. Rolls are made both from chopped meat and a whole piece. For which they use turkey, pork, chicken, beef. Products of different shapes and sizes are prepared, from small rolls, roasted in a pan, up to large "bricks" baked in the oven. For filling use any products - steep eggs, mushrooms, cheese, greens, boiled carrots, pasta.

Meat Roll - Product Preparation

The roll is pretty simple. If it is made from a solid piece, a slice or meat reservoir are blank with a kitchen hammer, rub the salt and spices and turn into a sausage. To fix the shape, the roll is winding with threads and then rush.

The minimum meat is made in the same way as for the kitlet - mixed with an exposed piece of bread or white bread, onion, raw eggs, salt, pepper are added. Well wash, lay a half of the minced meat in the form of a rectangle, in the center of which places boiled eggs in a row. Cover another half of the minced meat, plug edges, forming a roll. In order for the baked, he did not burst, and the steam could freely go out, they make a few punctures with a fork or a knife.

Recipe 1: minced meat roll

From chopped meat, not only bits or cutlets can be prepared, but also such a delicious and original roll with an egg. If you boil the eggs in advance and twist the meat on the minced meat, you can quickly cook it for dinner. Especially such a roll likes children.

Ingredients: 1 kg of minced meat (better pig-beef), 2 slice of white bread, 4 steep eggs, 2 bulbs, 150g cheese, salt, greens, black pepper.

Cooking method

Bread to twist in water or milk, squeeze. Bow rubbed or finely cut. Mix everything with minced meat, add salt with pepper and not only thoroughly knead, but also to beat off a couple of minutes so that the meat fibers are well closed with each other. Farm must be lifted and with a little effort to slap back to the bowl.

To the sheet bent to lay foil, on it, in the form of a rectangle, lay out all the mince. Sprinkle the surface with grated cheese and sliced \u200b\u200bgreens, and in the center of the minced meat, in a row, decompose the eggs. Rimming the edges of the foil, shape the roll and legish all the slits.

The roll is completely wrapped with foil, pour some water into the tray and bake fifty minutes (200С). Then the foil to open and bake a roll for another fifteen minutes before the appearance of a crust.

Recipe 2: Meat Roulet in the pita

Another variation on the topic of the pita. This time with a meat roll. Before the simple dish that beginner cooks can cook it. It turns out insanely tasty.

Ingredients: 800g mincedah, 4 lavasha, 200g cheese (solid or semi-solid), bulb, 1 egg, salt, pepper, pickled mushrooms (s) - 300g, for frying lean oil, fresh parsley, dill.

Cooking method

Fry a finely chopped bulb. As the goblet will become golden, add mince, salt with pepper and fry until readiness. In a little cooled mass add mushrooms. It is better for my own, they are small, they don't even cut them. Instead of mushrooms, you can put olives, salt cucumbers or do without additives.

To lavash decompose arbitrarily subtle slices of cheese, sprinkle with greens and put minced meat, not very thick, wrap in the roll. Starting all the pita, put them in shape and smear the whipped raw egg. Bake fifteen minutes (180s). Finished rolls cut into pieces.

Recipe 3: Meat Roll of Pork with Omelet and Mushrooms

This is not exactly the roll, rather rolls, because Small in size. Cutting on the parts and laid on the green to pour salad, they very much resemble forest penets.

Ingredients: 0.5 kg of pork (cutting, meat for batch), breadcrumbs, lean oil. For omelet: 5 eggs, flour, 1 bulb, greens, salt, 150g fresh mushrooms, salt, pepper.

Cooking method

Cut meat on slices, as for chops. Salt, pepper, well discourage the hammer.

Prepare omelet. Finely cut and fry mushrooms and onions until it becomes a dark golden color. Salt, cool.

Eggs beat, add salt, spoon-two flour, crushed greenery and cooled mushrooms with onions. Stir and bake mistletics. By size, about the meat chops. Their number should be equal to the number of meat slices. Here you need to fit.

Shake the meat on the slice of meat, roll out the roll, fasten to the toothpicks so that it does not turn around. Cut in breadcrumbs, to dip in a whipped egg, fry until ready in a large amount of oil. Or fry to a crust on the stove, and before readiness to bring in the oven, baking fifteen minutes (190s), closing the foil so that you are not burned.

Toothpicks to remove, roll tapes on three or four parts, lay out on the leaves of lettuce.

Recipe 4: Meat Roll in Test

This dish looks like a pie, but this is not a pie, it is a roll of meat in the dough. Which is beautiful, delicious and pretty quickly prepared. It is better to take ready-made puff pastry.

Ingredients: 700g meat minced meat, 1 bulb, 1 garlic teeth, 1 raw egg (for minced meat), small bunch of parsley, black pepper, 50g cream oil, 2 chain. lies. Mustard, salt, 3 steep eggs (for filling), 400-500g puff pastry.

Cooking method

Garlic, onions and parsley finely chop and fry on creamy oil. Cool.

Beat egg, cast a small part for lubricating the roll, the rest add to the mince. There put roasted vegetables and mustard. Pepper, sprinkle with salt, mix.

Cooked eggs clean and cut in half.

Dough roll out to get a rectangle. If in the package two pieces of dough instead of one big, make two small rolls. Stay on the middle of the formation half a portion of mince in the form of a small rectangle. In the center decompose the halves of eggs. Cover the remaining part of the minced part. There should be two rectangles: one large - from the dough, and on it, in the middle, the second small is made of minced meat.

With long sides of the rectangle from the dough cut the strips, two centimeters wide, cutting them away from the edge to the roll. This is necessary in order to make it convenient to wrap the roll, overlapping a strip on the minced melanch. Test trimming can be decorated with a roll. Lubricate it with egg and bake 40 minutes (180c). Retail to put in a preheated oven.

Recipe 5: Meat Roll of peritoneum

Excellent alternative to shop sausages. Fully natural product without e-additives, taste amplifiers and other chemistry. Handmade, exclusive. Cooking it better from the evening so that he picks up the night in the refrigerator.

Ingredients: 1.5 kg of pork peritoneum, salt, 2 chain. Adjiki, spices and spices: black pepper, burning, basil, hammer paprika, pinch of dry garlic (or to your taste).

Cooking method

It is necessary to choose a good on the market, a meaty piece of subchanits, peritoneum. Wash it, dry and generously smeared with grass and spices on both sides. Do not forget to salute. If fantasy was swirling, or the soul requires additional delights, there can be slices of cheese, pickled mushrooms, salt cucumbers, greens, but without them it will be delicious. Maho roll with a roll and consolidate. If there are special devices, such as silicone clamps, then they. If not, it is wrapped in conventional threads.

To put the roll in the baking sleeve, in several places it is to pierce it to leave the steam, and send one and a half or two hours (it all depends on the weight of the piece of meat) into the heated oven (200c).

Give the roll to cool and right in the package, not unfolding, put in the refrigerator. In the morning the package and thread remove and cut into a roll with thin slices. To lay a leaf of salad, from above - a piece of a roll. And you can enjoy natural meat taste.

Meat Roulet - Useful Tips for Experienced Cooking

So that the roll does not fall apart when baking, it is stuck on the baking sheet.

- If the roll is ready to prepare from chopped meat, the minced meat is better to make him own. So that the mass is more tender and homogeneous, you should twist meat twice.

- Form the roll is convenient with a towel or food film. So it will turn out to be smooth and neat. Farm layer lay on the surface and, raising the edges of the film or towels, collect a beautiful roll.

- The roll of meat is served hot and cold.

- Instead of chicken eggs, you can use quail, only their quantity should be enlarged.

Other meat recipes

  • French meat
  • Meat in sleeve
  • Canned stewed meat
  • Meat in a frying pan
  • Meat in a slow cooker
  • Meat in the oven
  • Meat in pots
  • Potato with meat
  • Meat with vegetables
  • Meat in foil
  • Meat stuffed
  • Pepper stuffed with meat
  • Ragu with meat
  • Rice with meat
  • Grilled meat
  • Meat in sour cream
  • Meatloaf
  • Chebureks with meat
  • Belyashi Meat
  • Buckwheat with meat
  • Cooked meat
  • Meat with cheese
  • Pasta with meat
  • Meat with prunes

More interesting recipes you can find on the main page of the Cooking section

A lot of recipes for cooking a meat roll, but the basic three - from a solid piece of meat, small slices, minced meat. It can be a hot dish or a cold snack. The main rule of the preparation of a delicious roll - meat and products for the filling should be high quality. Juicy, gentle dish it turns out if using young animal cutting. The difficulty lies in the ability to correctly turn the roll, in this case you need a certain skill.

Some rolls are preparing quickly, for the preparation of others you need 2-3 days, but the appetizing, which melts in the mouth of the appetizer is worth it. If you were lucky enough to buy a double pork peritoneum, you can prepare an amazing dish from it.

Pork roll


Salo on the stomach in a pig is thin, with meat layers and a delicate skin - it is perfect for a roll.

Take a pulling width of 15-20 cm and a length of 0.6-0.8 m, soda on both sides of salt and pepper. Place the chopped garlic on the fat, seasonings to taste, wrap up, tie the twine and leave to interpret 1-2 days.

Then put it on the tray and put it in the oven at a temperature of 150 ° C, bake 3-4 hours, regularly watering the roll with a fatty fat. The skin should become golden brown. Adopt the refrigerator before serving.

Pork with figs According to the recipe of the famous culinary Tomas Keller. Watch the video!

Farsh Roll

For preparation, you can take the meat assortment, it will add to the taste of refinement.

How to cook:

    Cut the meat (900 g) manually into small pieces (1-2 cm), stick and sprinkle to taste, season with spices. Spread 1 egg to the mince, put 1 spoonful of flour or starch and knead well.

    Prepare a filling of carrots (1 pc.), Cheese (100 g), garlic - Stodita products and mix to homogeneous mass.

    Take a piece of foil, greater than the size of the baking sheet, lay out the middle of the minced meat, crumple a layer with a thickness of 1.5-2 cm.

    Put the filling on top. Wet hands Carefully turn the roll as close as possible.

    Wrap the roll rode so that it turns out a dense sausage, send it to the oven by setting the temperature of 180-200 ° C, for 30-40 minutes.

    You can serve hot with a garnish of vegetables or cold as snacks.

For a festive table, a decent dish will be pork minirs with prunes.


We need:

700 g of pork,

100 g of prunes,

100 g of solid cheese,

60 g of walnuts,

seasoning to taste


vegetable oil.

How to cook:

    Thin pork layer sweat, salt.

    Prepare the filling - sparkling prunes and nuts grind, add grated cheese there.

    A solid piece of meat, cut down on the portion thin plates, put the stuffing on them, wrap and secure wooden toothpicks.

    Eggs shake in a bowl, dry the rolls in them, cut break in ground crops and fry in hot oil until readiness.

    Before serving on the table, remove the studs, finely cut the rolls.

The meat dish will always be in demand. It is unlikely that all members of your family are vegetarians and refuse stuffed rolls. They can be supplied as not only ordinary lunch, but also festive.

Sit a bit above the stuffing, and you will definitely get something original, unusual. You can use and our options if they come to taste.

General principles of preparation

In the preparation of meat rolls, the preparation of meat is very important. It needs not only to wash, dry and clean out of fat, but also correctly cut, repel. Slices should be so so that when they are turned off, they are not revealed because of too much thickness. And the toothpicks here will not help! Next, the meat must be discarded, but so that it does not have holes after the kitchen hammer, otherwise the fragrant juice will flow out of the filling.

Home rolls from pork with pickled cucumber and lard

Time for preparing

calorie by 100 grams

An unusual combination in which everyone falls in love! Be sure to try, the taste of you will be surprised at the same time and conquer. Do not forget to treat and relatives.

How to cook:

Tip: It will be very tasty if you wake meat with a grainy mustard.

Chicken rolls with omelet, mushrooms and cheese

It does not need any side dishes to such a dish. When meat is already stuffed with such a filling, it automatically becomes satisfied and in itself. It may even be supplied as a full-fledged dish.

sesame 30 g
yogurt without additives 60 g
mushrooms 260 g
flour 60 g
ground black pepper taste
parsley 1 beam
cheese 200 g
breadcrumbs 0.2 kg
chicken fillet 3 pcs.
eggs 4 things.
vegetable oil 50 ml
salt taste

How much time is 1 hour.

What is calorie - 374 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash chicken fillet with running water, cut off everything too much.
  2. Cut meat along to get more pieces.
  3. Each of them at least beat off a little, because so a snack will be juicy.
  4. Next, the chicken fillet is salted, sprinkle with black pepper, label the spices.
  5. Leave pieces at least ten minutes so that they absorbed the fragrance and taste of spices.
  6. During this time, three eggs are broken into a bowl, add onions to them and mix everything thoroughly to achieve a homogeneous consistency.
  7. Parsley rinse, finely chop and add to the eggs, mix.
  8. Pour oil into the pan, heat it and fry thin egg pancakes on it.
  9. The remaining egg is mixed with flour, pick up a cracker and sesame into the next bowl.
  10. Mushrooms cleaned, cut into thin straw.
  11. Share them in the pan, where pancakes roasted, and fry until half ready.
  12. Pancakes roll into the tube and cut them into their rings.
  13. Cheese grate on a grater of any size.
  14. Chicken pellets decompose and distribute omelet, mushrooms and cheese on them.
  15. Collapse in rolls, tie with threads.
  16. Next, they are cut into a mixture of eggs and flour, then in a mixture of crackers and sesame.
  17. Share in a grill, where mushrooms and omelet are fried.
  18. First, fry to rosy, and then until full readiness for a quarter of an hour.

Tip: Instead of yogurt, you can add a little fatty kefir to milk.

Simple recipe with mushrooms

Very often, the new year is baked large, juicy rolls stuffed with prunes and nuts. Today we decided to try the same thing, just replace one ingredient mushrooms.

How much time is 1 hour and 50 minutes.

What is calorie content - 192 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Meat is pre-relent, remove all fat and films from it.
  2. Cut it with layers of the same size using a sharp knife.
  3. Cut the film, knock off a bit.
  4. Season meat on both sides with black pepper, sprinkle with salt.
  5. Fold in a bowl and cover, let it brew about 40 minutes.
  6. Prunes thoroughly wash with running water, put in a bowl.
  7. Pour it with steep boiling water and leave for a quarter of an hour.
  8. When the time passes, drain water, and dry fruit dried.
  9. If they have bones, then you must remove them.
  10. Cut prunes with thin stripes.
  11. Mushrooms cleaned, choking straw.
  12. Pour a third of the oil in the pan and fry mushrooms until readiness.
  13. Mix prunes with mushrooms and give a stuffing a little cool.
  14. Scroll through the work surface grilled pieces of meat, distribute the prepared stuffing on them.
  15. Wanted all the pieces of meat in the rolls, put in the form for baking the seam down. The form by this time should already be pretty lubricated by vegetable oil.
  16. In warm water, dilute honey, pour it out to the rolls and remove them in the oven for half an hour at 200 degrees.
  17. Mayonnaise to combine with mustard and lubricate the resulting rugs in thirty minutes.
  18. Return them another quarter of an oven, then immediately serve to the table.

Tip: Together with prunes, other dried fruits can be added to the stuffing.

Cooking with cheese

This recipe can be called not only simple, but also very tasty. We will prepare pork rolls with cheese filling. It will be very appetizing!

How much time is 55 minutes.

What is calorie content - 273 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Meat thoroughly wash with running water, cut into layers.
  2. Share a pork on a cutting board and knock off every piece thicker.
  3. Mayonnaise in a small mailer Mix with mustard, add garlic, missed through a pressure, and mix thoroughly.
  4. Sprinkle a salt and black pepper on both sides.
  5. Lubricate all pieces on one side with a prepared spicy sauce.
  6. Cheese cut into small bars, lay out on a piece on pork cakes.
  7. Wrap them in rolls, grind up toothpicks.
  8. Pour vegetable oil in the pan, heat it and lay out rolls.
  9. Fry them to ruddy crust from all sides.
  10. Then shifting into the saucepan, pour 1 cm with water and close the lid.
  11. Remove on the stove and cook for twenty minutes.

Tip: To make cheese appetizing, use Mozarella or Cheddar.

Unusual recipe for meat rolls to dinner

The very case when the recipe is non-standard. The base is a turkey, and in it fragrant mushrooms and sweet, very juicy Bulgarian pepper. All this turns into neat rolls and served with a beloved side dish.

How much time is 35 minutes.

What is calorie content - 224 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Meat thoroughly wash, cut into small pieces, beat off each of them.
  2. Sprinkle slices of salt and black pepper to taste, but necessarily on both sides.
  3. Clean mushrooms, cut into thin plates.
  4. Share them on a dry frying pan and give moisture to evaporate.
  5. When the mushrooms are dried, pour the oil and fry them to the rosy.
  6. During this time, peppers thoroughly wash, clean from the core and cut into cubes.
  7. Two minutes before the mushrooms are ready, they need to be delivered to taste.
  8. Slices of meat decompose on the work surface, distribute mushrooms on them and sweet pepper.
  9. Collapse all pieces of meat in rolls, tie them with threads so as not to open.
  10. In the casserole to put the butter and lay out all the rolls.
  11. Fry them on a weak heat to ruddy color.
  12. Pour some water, close the lid and stew ten minutes.
  13. After that, you can immediately serve a meat dish to the table.

Tip: To get something unusual, add sour cream and spices to the scenery. It turns out completely new, another dish is not familiar to anyone.

Meat roll with filling in the oven

Easy calf roll recipe will like everyone. The meat is not out of simple structure, so the marinency will take several hours, but waiting is worth it!

How much time is 6 hours.

What is calorie - 412 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Veal thoroughly wash with running water, clean from films and fat.
  2. Cut the meat along a sharp knife to share it as a book. As a result, you will have a large rectangular meat reservoir.
  3. Clear garlic, remove dry ends and skip slices through a pressure.
  4. Thyme rinse, finely chop and mix with garlic.
  5. Add wine vinegar and connect the ingredients well.
  6. Lubricate the resulting meat, tighten it with a film and remove into the refrigerator for four hours.
  7. Clear carrots, rinse and put in a skeleton.
  8. Pour so much water so that the root plates are completely covered.
  9. Remove on the stove, turn on the fire and let boil.
  10. Cooking until full readiness is about 20-30 minutes, depending on the size of the rooteplood.
  11. Eggs, too, omit in a saucepan with water, bring on a boiling plate.
  12. Cook from now on a quarter of an hour.
  13. When carrots are ready, drain water from it and cool the fruits, chop the bars.
  14. With eggs, water is also drained, cool them, clean and cut into quarters.
  15. Clear onions from the husks, wash it out and cut into half rings.
  16. Spinach rinse with running water, dry it.
  17. Picky meat get from the refrigerator, dry dry napkins and repel.
  18. Top posting carrots, eggs, onions and spinach.
  19. All this turns into a dense roll, if necessary, consolidate it with threads.
  20. Place in the form for baking and remove in the oven at 190 degrees.
  21. Bake ten minutes, then add broth and close the cover or tightly cover all the foil so that the steam does not go out.
  22. Prepare another hour at the same temperature.

Tip: If you do not like spinach, it can be replaced by dill, mint, parsley or any other greenery to taste.

So that the rolls are juicy, be sure to cut the meat across the fibers, and not along. You can also use breading or pre-fry rolls in a frying pan and only then send them to the oven.

Be sure to lay the meat products with seamst, so that they do not open in any case. You can also use threads or toothpicks with the same purpose.

Meat rolls like everyone without exception. It is important only to choose the right thing to choose the right thing, and then exactly all your guests will be fed and satisfied!

The recipe for stuffed rolls came to us from French cuisine, but not everyone agrees with it. Some sources argue that the roots of this dish are coming from ancient Rome. The rolls are made small, they are also called their fingers, and large, which are cut by slides on the dish.

It is used for this chicken, beef, turkey, pork as a whole large layer, and small pieces. The filling can also change: mushrooms, ham, cheese, pasta, greens, boiled vegetables, pickled cucumbers and dried fruits.

This dish is fried in a pan, and then or baked in an electrophum with sauce or in foil, or extinguished in the cast on the plate.

Cooking is one of the most simple dishes. Take a one-piece meat reservoir, chopped with a hammer, put the edge to the edge, turn the sausage and wrapped with a thread so that it does not work out.

If they are made of chopped meat or minced meat, then half the mass is decayed with a rectangle on a flat dry surface, put the stuffing and top covers the remaining minced meat, fill the edges and form a sausage.

Let's consider the most interesting recipes of meat rolls with filling.

Turkey rolls with mushrooms and sweet pepper

Turkey is dietary meat, so it prefers to use people engaged in sports or watching their diet. In itself, the poultry meat is dry, but adding mushrooms and Bulgarian pepper into filling, you can compensate this disadvantage.

My meat is mine and dried with paper kitchen towels. We are separated by the filleic knife in the pressure to be two identical rectangular fillets.

So that in the process of separating the meat did not break, you need to use a well-sharpened knife. We put the steaks in the foodstuffs, so that the juice does not splash throughout the kitchen, and beat the meat diligently. We argue, perturbate with spices and fold a stack.

Mushrooms wash and shine slices, lay out on a dry frying pan and evaporate moisture, pour vegetable oil and fry.

Peppers rinse, cut out the middle and seeds, crumpled cubes. When mushrooms are almost ready, add pepper and fridge for another five minutes.

It is uniformly distributed to the meat layer evenly, slowly from the edge we turn the roll, helping my fingers to stay inside. Tightly swept, fix the usual thread. On this principle we produce the rest of meat.

In the skeleton with a thick bottom put butter butter, then tightly put the rolls. Fry to a pleasant color, pour slightly hot water, weerly cover the lid and drive ten minutes.

We lay out on the dish, let it cool and cut without rush threads. Cool half an hour, and only after that cut.

Pork rolls with pickled cucumber and lard

This dish has a second name - meat fingers. Due to the small size and salty filling, they are soft and juicy. They are delicious as hot, only from the slab, and cooled, on the second day. As a side dish, there may be noodles or potato mashed potatoes.


  • Pork clipping - 600 g;
  • Salted cucumbers - 5 pcs.;
  • Salt, spices - to taste;
  • Salo or bacon - 200 g;
  • Vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • Water purified - 1 cup.

Time for cooking: one and a half hours.

Calorie: 550 kcal / 100 g

We separate pork cutting into small layers, having been waving and cutting off a fat film. Pieces should be no more than 10 × 15 centimeters. If some torn edges are obtained, cutting, hanging.

Trimming can be used in another dish - cutlets or mince. Disable a hammer by wrapped in the food film. You can plunge several blanks at times. We make and miss spices, fold a stack to be so impregnated.

Marinated cucumbers shine long bars, fat - small cubes. In pork chops put a piece of cucumber and several cubes of Sala.

Tightly wrapping, wrapped with a thread or temper the skewers and lay out on a preheated frying pan with vegetable oil.

He fry in two sides to five minutes. Fill with a glass of hot water, covering her hermetically with a lid, carcass to the evaporation of water.

Chicken rolls with omelet, cheese and mushrooms


  • Oyshemks - 250 g;
  • Cheese - 200 g;
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • Parsley - beam;
  • Natural yogurt - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • Chicken breast - 3 pcs.;
  • Sunflower oil - 50 ml;
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.
  • Schuput - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Bread crushers - 1 package;
  • Flour - 4 tbsp. l.

Cooking time: hour.

Calorie: 370 kcal / 100

Chicken fillet is cut into rectangles, beat with a kitchen hammer, pre-placing in the package. We arise, perturbate with spices and leave for ten minutes.

We interrupt three eggs with natural yogurt in a homogeneous mass, add parsley at the end. Pour oil and fry thin oslets on the pan. We mix the remaining egg with flour. On a flat small plate, smell sesame and breadcrumbs.

Mushrooms rinse, shake water and straw straw. Fry on the oil vegetable until half-ready. Olelets turn the tube and cut strips.

We declare chops on a dry clean surface, spread out a little bit of omelet, fried mushrooms and grated cheese along the edge. Do not rush to wrap a tight roll, we are tied up with a thread, loyering in the batter, in a dry mixture, and fifteen minutes on a warm frying pan.

Meat rolls with filling in the oven

Inexperienced novice hostesses believe that the preparation of the baked meat roll is not for them. However, it is worth trying it once, and it comes to understanding that it is completely simple. But such a dish is the pride of the solemn table and an adequate substitute for shopping smoked.


  • Cutting calf - 1 kg;
  • Garlic - 4 teeth;
  • Spinach is a big beam;
  • Thyme - 1 tsp;
  • Broth any - 350 ml;
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • Wine vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Carrot - 3 pcs.;
  • Onions - 2 pcs.

Cooking time: six hours.

Calorie: 410 kcal / 100 g

Wash young veal, dried. Make an incision without reaching 1 cm to the end and deploy, then two more cuts from the middle to the edges. Must get a long and thin layer.

Mix the chopped garlic with wine vinegar and thyme. With this solution, dear the meat semi-finished products and leave to marvel for four hours. Wash and boil carrots and eggs. Onions Clean and lie half rings. Spinach Slim in the water, decompose on the towel to dry.

Meat to dry out the napkins, spread on a smooth clean surface and take off the culinary hammer so that the meat remains a solid piece.

Top to impose arbitrarily pieces of boiled carrots, semiring onion, fourths of eggs and spinach. Carefully roll the roll so that the filling does not fall out. Lock edges with thread.

Install the electrophovka temperature regulator by 190 ° C. Put the semi-finished heat-resistant dishes and bake ten minutes. Pour broth, cover hermetically foil or lid and tease one hour. If required, the broth can be periodically pouring.

How to cook ruses with meat with filling in foil

Usually this dish is made from meat minced meat, but one of the variations is a solid piece of pork, fascinated by a spicy stuffing made of dried tomatoes, garlic and a small amount of chopped meat.


  • Garlic - 1 head;
  • Pork ham - 1 kg;
  • Building crackers - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • Rosemary - 1 tsp;
  • Water purified - 100 ml;
  • Schuput - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Tomatoes dried - 200 g;
  • Parsley - 1 tsp;
  • Salt, pepper - to taste;
  • Olive oil - 50 ml;
  • Minced pork - 150 g

Cooking time: two hours.

Calorie: 280 kcal / 100 g

Meat cut into a large proportional layer. We beat off the iron hammer, covering the food film. We simulate, perturbate pepper.

Tomatoes shining straws. In a small peary mix garlic, breadcrumbs, mince and water. All thoroughly mix.

The meat layer is abundantly lubricating the resulting stuffing, to decompose tomatoes on top and put the roll tight. Include electrophum and set up 180 ° C.

Sut off a large piece of foil, put the steering wheel in the center, do not regret, sprinkle sesame, parsley and rosemary.

We form the like a foil boat and immerse the dish prepared for an hour and a half. Under the bottom, we necessarily supply the pallet with water. Remove the dish, hot water and finely chopped garlic oil sauce.

Tasty and step-by-step recommendations. What to add to the cake to taste his taste even more interesting.

Cheesecake "New York" on the classic recipe. How to cook, culinary tips. Read step-by-step.

Take a note on the ambulance hand. This version of lunch is already with calculated calories and balanced trace elements.

Ideas of stuffing for meat rolls of pork

In addition to traditional stuffs for meat rolls, there are unusual, but quite pleasant to taste:

  • From dried prunes, walnuts and solid cheese. Everything is bold with straw, the nuts are slightly crushed and evenly distributed over the surface of the meat;
  • Melted cheese, green peas, fried mushrooms. Cheese Cut into small bars, lay out on meat, sprinkled with fried mushrooms (by any) and green peas;
  • On olive oil from vegetables (onions, tomatoes, carrots and parsley). Add three spoons of mayonnaise to them, two - mustard, we all diligently, lay out on meat;
  • From crab meat, Bulgarian pepper and melted cheese. All crushed, add home mayonnaise, a bit of garlic and lubricate the surface of the semi-finished product.

So that the roll does not fall asleep in the cooking process, it is kept down. If you are preparing a dish of chopped meat, it is better to make a minced meat, swallowing it through the electrical score that the dish it happening more.

Forming the roll is convenient with the rug for sushi or ordinary towel, so it will turn out more beautiful and more careful.

Choose a roll to your taste and cook.

Pleasant Aaapetite!