Quick napoleon cake made from lavash. Lazy "Napoleon" from lavash Lavash cake sweet without baking

15.03.2020 Lenten dishes

A lavash cake is for everybody's taste and, especially, for an amateur, to make some delicious dessert in a quick way. As cakes - sheets of lavash of any shape, and as a cream - ricotta or cottage cheese with condensed milk.

The number of pita bread depends on the size, orient yourself, you need to cut them or leave them whole.

You shouldn't bother with the decoration either, just pour it over with chocolate icing, sprinkle with whole or ground nuts, ground chocolate or chopped sweets. For example, "Lazy Napoleon", the recipe for which I will show later, is made out with dried and crumbled lavash. Or you can even leave the surface without decoration.

Prepare the ingredients for the lavash cake with ricotta and condensed milk (without baking) according to the list for the recipe.

For the cream, combine and stir the ricotta with the condensed milk.

The amount of condensed milk - according to personal taste: someone likes very sweet options, someone moderately sweet.

Using a knife or spatula, mark the cream into the required number of portions so that when spreading, an equal amount of it falls on each cake.

Prepare the pita bread for the cakes. I wanted a cake in the shape of a semicircle, so that it would be higher from a small amount of ingredients, and it would take up less space in the refrigerator.

The sheets of lavash are easily cut to the desired size and shape with ordinary scissors. I cut five round pita breads into two parts, and nine semicircular blanks were used.

Layer the pita bread blanks with cream.

It is convenient to apply and level the cream, for example, with a silicone spatula.

The assembled lavash cake does not look very marketable if you plan to serve it to guests or like fancy desserts ... Therefore, it is worth decorating it according to your abilities and capabilities.

My ability is not very good, so I just melted a tablespoon of butter and added about 40 g of dark chocolate to it.

It remains to mix so that the chocolate melts, and the simple chocolate icing is ready.

Apply the icing to the cake surface smoothly or randomly. Then you can sprinkle with whole pine nuts, whole or ground other nuts, or crumbs from cookies, waffles, sweets, etc. There will also be pieces of fruit or berries in the subject.

The pita cakes must be soaked, this happens very quickly, and the unbaked pita cake is ready to eat in a matter of minutes. Store in the refrigerator until serving.

Enjoy your tea!

Do you want a holiday? And the reason, it seems like, and no ?! So it doesn't matter! You can easily fix everything. To please yourself and loved ones with a delicious cake in 5 minutes, every culinary specialist, even a completely inexperienced one, can. Amazing, delicate Napoleon cake made from lavash will help you prepare a step-by-step recipe with a photo. Such yummy will be eaten in a few minutes, and no one will even leave crumbs! A stunning cake will be a real boon for those who are waiting for guests. No hassle or worries, everything is done quickly and easily. The tea party will be great!

Required products:

- lavash - 2 packs,
- condensed milk - a jar,
- butter - 150 g.

How to cook from a photo step by step

1. It is necessary to prepare pita bread. Open the package. Purchased pita bread is very soft, so it will need to be dried. Therefore, the product must be cut into pieces. The size of the pieces of pita bread must be chosen independently, it all depends on the desire for the volume of the cake.

2. Place the cut sheets of lavash in the oven for 3-5 minutes. It is necessary for the sheets to dry.

A sheet should lie on top, which will later be used for crumb, because it will become drier than the rest.

3. Pour the condensed milk into a bowl.

4. Grate butter. Send it to a cup of condensed milk.

Mix the cream well.

5. Grease the sheets of pita bread with ready-made cream.

6. In a separate bowl, crush the driest lavash leaf into crumbs. Sprinkle the resulting cake with crumbs. Leave it in the refrigerator for an hour.

7. Quick Napoleon cake made from lavash can be eaten.

Bon Appetit!
We also recommend cooking

The lavash cake is in no way inferior to the classic recipe of "Napoleon", and thanks to the thin cakes of the lavash it turns out to be well-soaked, unforgettably tasty, and most importantly, quick to prepare. Lavash for "Napoleon" can be prepared at home, or you can buy it in the store, at your discretion.

To make it clearer and easier for you to cook, we proceed to step-by-step cooking with a photo of "Napoleon" from pita bread without baking.

Ingredients for Napoleon cake

  • 3- packs of thin lavash
  • 1 liter of milk
  • 3 eggs
  • 250 grams of sugar
  • 1- a bag of vanilla sugar
  • 30 grams of starch
  • 60 grams of flour
  • 200 grams of butter

This cake is made from dried lavash, which makes the cake very tasty.

Step-by-step cooking recipe with photo

Step 1

We take our pita bread, and cut each sheet into three parts. It turns out 18 sheets.

Step 2

Preheat the oven to a temperature of 200 degrees, and dry each sheet of pita bread for about two minutes. The drying procedure will take you no more than twenty minutes.

Step 3

The pita sheets have been dried, and while they are cooling down, we proceed to making a custard for our cake.

You can add both butter and boiled condensed milk to the custard, this will give your custard a richer flavor.

Step 4

Pour the milk into a saucepan, add 125 grams of sugar, put it on the stove, and bring it to a very hot state, but not to a boil.

Step 5

Beat the eggs for one minute with the rest of the sugar, until a fluffy mass appears.

Step 6

Add starch with flour, vanilla sugar to the egg mass, and pour in one ladle of milk twice, stirring continuously.

Step 7

Pour the egg-flour mixture into the remaining milk, after which we put on medium heat, stirring continuously, bringing the mixture to thickening. Remove the cooked cream from the stove, and continue stirring for a few more minutes (one, two minutes)

So that the future cream does not have time to burn, try to stir as quickly as possible, especially along the bottom of the pan

Step 8

Cover the finished cream with cling film, while letting it cool completely to room temperature.

Step 9

Beat the softened butter. Hard butter can be softened in the microwave, or on the stove.

Step 10

Add the whole custard in parts to the butter, not forgetting to stir.

So that the cream is not liquid, it must be added to the oil chilled, at room temperature.

Step 11

The cream is ready. We proceed to re-grease our ready-made, pre-dried cakes. Distribute a small amount of cream evenly, lightly pressing each cake.

Do not forget to leave a couple of cakes for sprinkling the cake, chopped nuts are also suitable,

Step 12

The smeared cakes will settle a little after half an hour, but to make the cake more tall, you need to cut it in half two hours after soaking, and put it on top of each other, give some more time to soak.

Video with step-by-step preparation of the Napoleon cake from lavash

Cut out round or square cakes of the desired size from sheets of thin Armenian lavash. I had a stack of ready-made oval pita sheets, so I used them.

Cooking the custard

Like the traditional Napoleon, the lazy version of the cake also uses custard. To prepare it, add sugar, cornstarch and vanillin to two eggs. Instead of sugar, you can use a sweetener, you will need about 6 grams.

We mix the ingredients well so that there are no lumps left. Beat the mixture a little until the sugar dissolves.

Meanwhile, pour milk into a small saucepan and set it to warm over low heat.

Pour the egg mass into the warmed milk in a thin stream. At the same time, we stir intensively, otherwise the cream will curl up, from which unpleasant lumps may form.

Cook the cream until it thickens, stirring it without stopping. Once the bubbles start to appear, it's time to turn off the custard.

Assembling the cake

Let the finished cream cool a little, and then we begin to collect the cake. Put the first sheet of pita bread on a flat dish, grease it liberally with cream.

We continue these actions until all the sheets are over. We also grease the topmost sheet with cream.

To decorate the cake, dry a couple of sheets of pita bread or the remaining scraps on both sides in a pan.

Now the lavash crumbles perfectly, break it into medium pieces and sprinkle them on our lazy "Napoleon".

The cake turned out to be delicate, beautiful, and to make it even tastier, we put it in the refrigerator for several hours, or better at night. During this time, the lazy "Napoleon" will be saturated with cream, it will be a pleasure to eat it!